Spelling suggestions: "subject:"datenmaterial managemement"" "subject:"datenmaterial managementment""
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Effektivisering av materialhantering inom hälso- och sjukvård : En fallstudie på Barnonkologen, Uppsala Akademiska sjukhus / Optimization of material handling in public healthcareForsberg, Marcus, Tådne, Lukas January 2016 (has links)
Barnonkologen vid Uppsala Akademiska sjukhus är en barnavdelning för blod- och tumörsjukdomar. Avdelningen hanterar dagligen en stor mängd förbrukningsvaror för att kunna utföra en högkvalitativ och säker vård för patienterna. Ett identifierat behov är att effektivisera det nuvarande inventerings- och beställningsförfarandet på avdelningen, samt att organisera förråden efter personalens behov. Denna studie utreder och ger förslag på hur Barnonkologen kan förbättra sin hantering av förbrukningsmaterial. Syftet är att öka personalens tid för att vårda patienter genom att minska det administrativa arbete som vårdpersonalen spenderar på materialhanteringen idag. Tillverkande företag inom den privata sektorn har arbetat kontinuerligt med att identifiera och eliminera aktiviteter som inte skapar värde för slutkunden. Genom innovativ design av processer har industriföretagens service och kvalité kunnat förbättras. Drivkraften har bland annat varit en allt hårdnande konkurrens och för att möta denna har en viktig faktor varit att öka företagens effektivitet. Ett framgångsrikt och beprövat koncept för att åstadkomma effektivitetsökningar inom industrin är Lean Production. Sjukvården är en viktig funktion i samhället och kräver mycket resurser, men den står idag inför stora utmaningar. Liknande metoder för att leverera högre kvalitet till lägre kostnader skulle vara värdefullt för hälso- och sjukvården, men det måste även utredas noggrant hur processerna i slutändan påverkar patienten och säkerheten. Patienten bör vara i fokus och bekvämlighet och tid är viktiga aspekter som kan användas vid utvärdering av nya rutiner och processer. Studien inledes med en observation av den befintliga inventerings- och beställningsprocessen på Barnonkologen för att utföra en processkartläggning av avdelningens aktiviteter. Syftet med kartläggningen var att få en överblick över verksamheten för att vidare identifiera aktiviteter som inte var värdeskapande för varken personalen eller patienterna. I syfte att studera framgångsrika koncept för materialhantering inom vården genomfördes en omvärldsanalys bestående av observationer på andra sjukhusavdelningar. Resultatet från omvärldsanalysen var att de studerade avdelningarna använder ett materialhanteringssystem som kallas kanban. Systemet härstammar från Toyota Production System, där kanban betyder signalering på japanska, vilket ska meddela beställning. Beställningen ska ske efter rätt mängd och tid till rätt plats. Med hjälp av processkartläggningen och resultatet från omvärldsanalysen kunde en ny utformning av Barnonkologens materialhantering utformas. I ett förändringsarbete är det viktigt att den nya lösningen är väl förankrad hos personalen. Det hjälper med andra ord inte hur bra den förslagna lösningen är, om den inte är genomförbar. Därför utfördes en fokusgrupp där personalen fick ge sina synpunkter på den nya utformningen, samt hur de ansåg att ett införande skulle kunna ske. Genom detta kunde utformningen av systemet inte bara anpassas ytterligare efter personalens behov, utan också skapa underlag för förändringsarbetet.Denna studie kan visa på att ett nytt materialhanteringssystem baserat på Lean för Barnonkologens fall kan vara framgångsrikt. För Barnonkologen uppskattas att över tusen arbetstimmar kan besparas per år genom en eliminering av den visuella inventeringen och ett minskat letande efter material. Studien betonar de praktiska hinder som kan uppstå vid en implementering och understryker även vikten av ett lyckat förändringsarbete. Otillräckligt förberedda initiativ kan innebära risker som till och med kan överstiga risken att misslyckas med en förändring. Riskerna med att misslyckas kan förutom slöseri med resurser, få vårdpersonal att bli förändringströtta och i framtiden motsätta sig viktiga initiativ. I granskningen av den befintliga forskningslitteraturen inom området fanns det få empiriska undersökningar om hur sjukavdelningar kan effektivisera sina materialhanteringsprocesser. Denna studie kan visa på hur materialhanteringen kan förbättras för Barnonkologen och även fungera som underlag till vidare användning, både för andra sjukhusavdelningar men även som empiriskt bidrag till forskningsområdet. / Research Questions: I: How could a material handling system that is more time-saving and convenient than the present be structured? II: How can a new material handling system be implemented under current circumstances? III: How can Lean Healthcare be used to improve material handling in public healthcare? Purpose: The scope of the project was to study the material handling in a pediatric oncology department and give suggestions how to improve efficiency regarding time and convenience. Furthermore, analyze how Lean and Change Management can bring improvements to the public healthcare. Methodology: This master thesis is an abductive case study at Uppsala University Hospital which is equivalent to 30 ECTS. Primary data was collected through observations, a focus group, interviews and internal documents as well as business intelligence from external hospital departments. Secondary data collection was made through research papers and literature from the field of Lean, logistics' and change management. Findings: The material handling process can be improved with Leanprinciples, but the implementation requires resources and training. A two-bin replenishsystem based on kanban-methodology can save both time and be more comfortable than current material handling – by eliminating non-value activities such as visual inventory. However, there are some practical barriers regarding bacterial risks and traceability of goods.
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An Advanced Construction Supply Nexus ModelSafa, Mahdi 18 April 2013 (has links)
The complex and challenging process of construction supply chain management can involve tens of thousands of engineered components, systems, and subsystems, all of which must be designed in a multi-party and collaborative environment, the complexity of which is vastly increased in the case of megaprojects. A comprehensive Advanced Construction Supply Nexus Model (ACSNM) was developed as a computational and process-oriented environment to help project managers deal efficiently and effectively with supply chain issues: fragmentation, resource shortages, design delays, and planning and scheduling deficiencies, all of which result in decreased productivity, cost and time overruns, conflicts, and time-consuming legal disputes.
To mitigate the effects of these difficulties, four new prototype systems are created: a front-end planning tool (FEPT), a construction value packaging system (CVPS), an integrated construction materials management (ICMM) system, and an ACSNM database. Because these components are closely interdependent elements of construction supply nexus management, the successfully developed model incorporates cross-functional integration. This research therefore effectively addresses process management, process integration, and document management, features not included in previous implementations of similar models for construction-related applications. This study also introduces new concepts and definitions, such as construction value packages comprised of value units that form the scope of value-added work defined by type, stage in the value chain, and other elements such as drawings and specifications.
The application of the new technologies and methods reveals that the ACSNM has the potential to improve the performance and management of the enterprise-wide supply chain. Through opportunities provided by our industry partners, Coreworx Inc. and Aecon Group Inc., the elements of the developed model have been validated with respect to implementation using data from several construction megaprojects. The model is intended to govern current supply nexus processes associated with such megaprojects but may be general enough for eventual application in other construction sectors, such as multi-unit housing and infrastructure.
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Utveckling av ett användarvänligt arbetssätt som säkerställer att rätt råvara används till rätt produkt / Development of a user-friendly approach that will ensure that right materials are used to right productPersson, Jon January 2011 (has links)
Södra Interiör har en anläggning i Kallinge där man tillverkar golv och paneler av furu. I takt med att produktionen har ökat har även lagernivåerna ökat vilket har ökat risken för att fel råvara används till fel produkt. Syftet med examensarbetet är att ta fram ett arbetssätt som minskar risken för att fel råvara används. Studien visar att något måste göras för att säkerställa att rätt råvara används till rätt produkt. Lagernivån och informationskvaliteten är andra problem som identifierats. Nyckelbegreppen för att lösa problemen är ordning och reda, information, framförhållning och utrymme. Förbättringsförslagen har olika karaktär, där vissa förbättringar kan göras omgående med små resurser medan andra tar längre tid och kräver större resurser. De viktigaste förbättringsförslagen handlar om att skapa mer utrymme i lagret, tydligare uppmärkning av virkespaketens innehåll och bättre informationskvalitet. / Södra Interiör has a plant in Kallinge which manufactures flooring and panels of pine. As production has increased, inventory levels has increased. This has increased the risk that wrong raw material is used for the wrong product. The purpose of this study is to develop an approach that reduces the risk that wrong materials are used. The study shows that something must be done that ensure that correct materials are used for the right product. Stock level and information quality are other concerns identified. Key concepts to solve problems are: well organized, information, advanced planning and space. Improvement proposals are different in nature, where some improvements could be made immediately with few resources, while others take more time and require more resources. The main suggestions for improvement is about creating more space in the warehouse, clearly mark up of the timber package contents and better information quality.
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Effektiv intern materialförsörjning i en volym- och produktmässigt varierad tillverkning : En fallstudie på ABB IEC LV MotorsJosefsson, Johanna, Trollsfjord, Pia January 2015 (has links)
Purpose: The aim of the study is to investigate how the material flow, of a high-frequent component family, to an assembly line with volume and product mix variations, can be streamlined. In order to examine this, the aim has been divided into two defined queries. Which factors affect the efficiency of the material flow, for a high-frequent component family, to an assembly line? How can an effective material flow, for a high-frequent component family, be designed? Methodology: Both a case study and a literature study has been performed, in order to answer the queries. Literature in the areas of material and inventory control, transportation and material handling has been studied. The case study, which was carried out at a company, was based on process mapping combined with interviews and observations. Collected data from the case study have been analysed with support of literature. Findings: Different factors that are restricting the efficiency of the material flow for an assembly line has been identified. Unnecessary operations and inefficient material handling resulted in high cycle times for the material flow. Furthermore, the layout and control of the inventory resulted in long lead time and unnecessary inefficient transportations. Inadequate design and integration of the logistic subsystems has shown to be a significant cause, resulting in limited effectiveness of the studied material flow. On this basis, a new design of the material flow has been proposed, where the holistic perspective and integration are central. A new inventory design and a tugger-train transportation solution along a timed route, reduce the material handling and the number of deliveries. In addition, a pull flow system where consumption controls material replenishment, reduces both inventory levels and the number of inventory buffers. Implications: The purpose of the study has been achieved by solving the defined queries. By identifying factors that reduce the effectiveness of the material flow, a more efficient solution can be designed. The study shows that there are several possible improvement opportunities for the studied material flow. However, only one case study was performed, therefore its ability to create scientific value, can be regarded as limited. Recommendations: For further studies, it may be of interest to study several companies with similar problems to be able to draw general conclusions with scientific depth. / Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur materialflödet för en högfrekvent komponentfamilj till en volym- och produktmässigt varierad monteringslina kan effektiviseras. För att kunna besvara denna frågeställning har syftet delats in i två problemfrågor: Vilka faktorer påverkar materialflödets effektivitet för en högfrekvent komponentfamilj fram till monteringslina? Hur kan ett effektivt materialflöde för en högfrekvent komponentfamilj utformas? Metod och genomförande: För att kunna besvara studiens syfte har en fallstudie genomförts parallellt med en litteraturstudie. Litteratur inom områdena material- och lagerstyrning, transporter och materialhantering har studerats. Fallstudien, som har genomförts på ett fallföretag, baseras på en processkartläggning i kombination med intervjuer och observationer. Insamlad data från fallstudien har analyserats med stöd från studerad litteratur. Studiens resultat: Faktorer som begränsar ett materialflödes effektivitet fram till monteringslina har identifierats. En stor andel av materialflödets totala cykeltid kunde kopplas till onödiga arbetsmoment och ineffektiv materialhantering. Ytterligare bidrog lagrets utformning och styrning till långa ledtider samt onödiga och ineffektiva transporter. Bristande utformning och integration av materialflödets delar visade sig vara en betydande orsak till begränsningen av dess effektivitet. Med detta som utgångspunkt har en ny utformning föreslagits där helhetsperspektiv och integrering har varit centralt. En ny lagerutformning, i form av materialtorg, samt en transportlösning med trucktåg utefter tidsbestämd rutt, reducerar materialhantering och antalet transporter. Tillämpningen av ett dragande flöde där monteringslinornas efterfrågan styr materialpåfyllnad, reducerar lagernivåer samt antalet buffertlager i materialflödet. Implikationer: Studiens syfte har uppnåtts genom att båda problemfrågorna har besvarats. Genom att identifiera negativa påverkansfaktorer kan förutsättningar skapas för utformningen av ett effektivt materialflöde. Studien visar att det på fallföretaget finns förbättringsmöjligheter för effektivisering av materialflödet fram till monteringslina. Då enbart ett företag studerats kan resultatet av studien och dess förmåga att skapa vetenskapligt värde, ur ett större perspektiv, anses begränsad. Rekommendationer: För vidare studier kan det vara av intresse att studera flera företag med liknande problematik för att öka studiens generaliserbarhet och förmåga att kunna presentera slutsatser med vetenskapligt djup.
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An Advanced Construction Supply Nexus ModelSafa, Mahdi 18 April 2013 (has links)
The complex and challenging process of construction supply chain management can involve tens of thousands of engineered components, systems, and subsystems, all of which must be designed in a multi-party and collaborative environment, the complexity of which is vastly increased in the case of megaprojects. A comprehensive Advanced Construction Supply Nexus Model (ACSNM) was developed as a computational and process-oriented environment to help project managers deal efficiently and effectively with supply chain issues: fragmentation, resource shortages, design delays, and planning and scheduling deficiencies, all of which result in decreased productivity, cost and time overruns, conflicts, and time-consuming legal disputes.
To mitigate the effects of these difficulties, four new prototype systems are created: a front-end planning tool (FEPT), a construction value packaging system (CVPS), an integrated construction materials management (ICMM) system, and an ACSNM database. Because these components are closely interdependent elements of construction supply nexus management, the successfully developed model incorporates cross-functional integration. This research therefore effectively addresses process management, process integration, and document management, features not included in previous implementations of similar models for construction-related applications. This study also introduces new concepts and definitions, such as construction value packages comprised of value units that form the scope of value-added work defined by type, stage in the value chain, and other elements such as drawings and specifications.
The application of the new technologies and methods reveals that the ACSNM has the potential to improve the performance and management of the enterprise-wide supply chain. Through opportunities provided by our industry partners, Coreworx Inc. and Aecon Group Inc., the elements of the developed model have been validated with respect to implementation using data from several construction megaprojects. The model is intended to govern current supply nexus processes associated with such megaprojects but may be general enough for eventual application in other construction sectors, such as multi-unit housing and infrastructure.
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Efficient internal material flow of boxes to gain a well-organized supply of components : A case study at Scania engine assemblyCarlsson, David, Nilsson, Björn January 2017 (has links)
Within manufacturing organizations, the material flow is a promoted part of the supply chain to evaluate, since it often stands for a significant part of the costs. The evaluation refers to the analysis and optimization of the material flow that arise during manufacturing of products. It can focus on very different levels, such as the material flow in a region or within a company’s internal processes. However, the material flow is concerned with the transportations, operations and storages of materials. A well-organized material flow enables organizations to cutting costs and increase competitiveness, via increased effectiveness and efficiency of operating practices. Scania operates in the automotive industry and they are constantly striving to improve their supply chain in terms of productivity and lower costs, to meet the needs of the market and gain increased competitiveness. Today, Scania engine assembly in Södertälje has operations in two main buildings, approximately one km in-between. One building is the material warehouse, and the other building is the actual assembly. In the future, the two building will be joint together. Consequently, the project logistics department of Scania engine assembly has recognized a possibility to re-organize and improve the material flows. The upcoming merge between the two buildings enables a possibility to investigate how the current material flows could be more efficient, before they are applied in the future state. The purpose of this research is to investigate and improve a material flow, box flow, within an automotive environment. A box flow is concerned with smaller components that use plastic boxes as packaging material. The objective is to derive a more efficient process for the flow of supplying boxes to the assembly building. By efficiency, it is defined as shorter total lead time, higher capacity, lower time/cost per box delivered, and a maintained or improved ergonomics during manual handling operations within the box flow. To fulfil the purpose of this research interviews, observations and data collections have been used to gain an understanding of how the current situation is managed at Scania engine assembly. Conducted benchmarking and literature research have been used to gain an understanding of how other companies in the industry, as well as departments at Scania, are managing their box flows. The findings have been analysed, where the different flow of boxes have been compared with the theoretical frame of reference as well as against each other. The conclusions of the analysis are different key factors, for better logistics efficiency, when managing a box flow. These key factors are providing an increased theoretical understanding, when the aim is to make a material flow of boxes more efficient, in an assembly environment. In this research, they are utilized as guidelines, to derive a more efficient process for the flow of supplying boxes. That is, implementing the findings theoretically into a practical context. To derive a more efficient process, a Business Case have been conducted. Its outcome provides a concept of how the process of boxes should be organized. That is, how the different material handling operations and equipment should be utilized to achieve an overall increased efficiency. How the box flow should be organized are presented as recommendations, which works as guidelines and insights for Scania engine assembly. They are jointly fulfilling the purpose of this research, together with the other achieved research questions. / Inom tillverkningsorganisationer är materialflödet en prioriterad del av försörjningskedjan att utvärdera, eftersom den ofta står för en betydande del av kostnaderna. Utvärderingen avser analys och optimering av materialflödet som uppstår vid tillverkning av produkter. Den kan fokusera på många olika nivåer, som materialflödet i en region eller inom ett företags interna processer. Materialflödet berör emellertid transporten, operationerna och materiallager. Ett välorganiserat materialflöde gör det möjligt för organisationer att sänka kostnaderna och öka konkurrenskraften, genom ökad inre- och yttre effektivitet av utföranden inom företaget. Scania verkar inom bilindustrin och strävar ständigt efter att förbättra sin försörjningskedja när det gäller produktivitet och lägre kostnader, för att möta marknadens behov och öka konkurrenskraften. Idag har Scanias motormontering i Södertälje verksamheter i två huvudbyggnader, med ca en kilometer mellan varandra. Den ena byggnaden är materiallagret, och den andra byggnaden är den faktiska monteringen. I framtiden kommer de två byggnaderna att bli integrerade. Följaktligen har projektlogistikavdelningen vid Scanias motormontering bedömt en möjlighet att organisera och förbättra deras materialflöden. Den kommande integrationen mellan de två byggnaderna gör det möjligt att undersöka hur de aktuella materialflödena kan bli effektivare, innan de appliceras i det framtida tillståndet. Syftet med denna forskning är att undersöka och förbättra ett materialflöde, boxflöde, i en monteringsmiljö. Ett boxflöde behandlar mindre komponenter som använder plastlådor som förpackningsmaterial. Målet är att klarlägga en effektivare process för flödet av boxar till monteringsbyggnaden. Effektivitet definieras som ett flöde som har kortare total ledtid, högre kapacitet, lägre tid / kostnad per box levererad och en bibehållen eller förbättrad ergonomi under manuella hanteringar. För att uppfylla syftet med forskningen har olika typer av intervjuer, observationer och datasamlingar använts, för att skapa en djupare förståelse över den nuvarande situationen hos Scanias motormontering. Genomförd benchmarking och litteraturforskning har använts för att förstå hur andra företag inom branschen, även andra avdelningar på Scania, hanterar sina boxflöden. Den insamlade empirin har använts i en analys där de olika flödena av boxar har jämförts både med den teoretiska referensramen samt varandra. Konklusionerna från analysen är presenterade som nyckelfaktorer för att öka effektiviteten vid hantering av boxföden. Dessa nyckelfaktorer ger en ökad teoretisk förståelse, när syftet är att skapa ett effektivare materialflöde i form av boxar, i en monteringsmiljö. I denna forskning används nyckelfaktorerna som riktlinjer för att skapa en effektivare process för flödet av boxar. Det vill säga, att implementera nyckelfaktorerna teoretiskt i ett praktiskt sammanhang. För att ta fram en effektivare process har ett Business Case realiserats, som presenterar hur samtliga processer inom boxflödet borde organiseras på fallföretaget. Det vill säga, hur olika materialhanteringsoperationer och utrustningar borde användas för att uppnå en ökad effektivitet som helhet. Hur boxflödet ska organiseras presenteras som rekommendationer. Dessa bidrar med insikter och riktlinjer för hur Scanias motormontering borde organiseras, gällande deras interna materialflöde. Tillsammans med resterande forskningsfrågor uppfyller rekommendationerna syftet med forskningen.
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Effektivisering av materialhantering / Streamlining of material managementLundén, Erik, Eidensten, Erik January 2022 (has links)
Detta arbete är ett examensarbete inom maskinteknik som utförts i samarbete med Westermo. Westermo är ett växande företag som tillverkar produkter inom industriell datakommunikation. För att behålla sin marknadsposition och konkurrenskraft arbetar de med ständiga förbättringar och utveckling av sin produktion och dess effektivitet. Vårt uppdrag på Westermo var att se över effektiviteten i slutmonteringen då montörerna inte hinner med att producera i den takt som krävs på grund av den höga efterfrågan. Att montörerna inte hinner med tror företaget beror på att montörerna själva måste förbereda sitt material till varje tillverkningsorder. I den här rapporten kommer ni att hitta förbättringsförslag på hur Westermo kan jämna ut flödet och effektivisera materialhanteringen i slutmonteringen. För att göra detta kommer framför allt teorier och verktyg inom Lean att användas. De förbättringsförslag som arbetet tagit fram är uppdelat i två kategorier. Den första handlar om att en ny arbetsroll ska införas som ska ansvara för materialhanteringen. Den andra handlar om en implementering av ett två-binge system vid monteringsstationen. Båda lösningsförslagen bidrar till en flödesutjämning och minskar stopp i produktionen. / This work is a degree project in mechanical engineering carried out in collaboration with Westermo. Westermo is a growing company that manufactures products in industrial data communication. In order to maintain their market position and competitiveness, they work with continuous improvements and development of their production and its efficiency. Due to the increased demand the operators do not have time to manufacture all products on time. The company believes this is due to the fact that the operators themselves must prepare all material for each order. This work is about developing improvement solutions that even out the flow and streamline the material management. To be able to do this, tools within Lean will be used. The improvement solutions that the work has developed are divided into two categories. The first is about an introduction of a new work role that will be responsible for all material management. The second one is about an implementation of a “två-binge” system. Both solutions contribute to a flow equalization and reduce stop in the production.
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A Framework For A Decision Support Model For Supply Chain Management In The Construction IndustryPerdomo-Rivera, Jose Luis 08 December 2004 (has links)
Materials are one of the areas that require special attention while creating a project's master plan as well as during the daily construction progress. The absence of materials when needed is one of the main causes of loss of productivity at a jobsite. Inefficient materials management can lead to an increase of 50% in work hours. As a result, a detailed plan for the materials management of each construction project is necessary.
The critical role of materials management in the success of a construction project motivates the development of a new framework for the process of materials management for the construction industry, specifically the electrical construction industry. Materials management problems have a great impact on general contractors, but are more critical for specialty contractors such as electrical contractors. Based on the co-authors' experience, the construction industry has moved toward specialty contractors in the last decade to the point where at least 80% of the work performed on a typical construction contract is done by specialty contractors. General contractors have become, for the most part, project managers.
Currently, materials management functions in the construction industry are often performed on a fragmented basis with minimal communication and no clearly established responsibilities among the parties involved. In addition, the collaboration required among departments has not been considered and implemented. This fragmentation creates gaps in information flow, which leads to delays in material ordering and receiving, expediting costs, excessive inventories of some items and project delays. However, model-based, computerized solutions to materials management problems are proliferating. Unfortunately, the typical electrical contractor may be overwhelmed by the technology required by these solutions and the challenges of implementing them into their business practices. A way out of this dilemma is presented by designing an industry-specific framework for the development of computerized decision support systems for the supply chains of the electrical contracting industry. Decision models are ever-present in the materials management processes of industries other than construction and have proven their worth in improving productivity and profitability. Knowledge-management concepts were applied to design an integrated, effective system of decision-support tools for materials-management decisions of an electrical contractor during the construction phase of a project.
The framework developed is valuable in two fundamental ways. First, the framework identifies and describes all phases of materials management for an integrated, holistic view of all factors that affect the total cost of materials and material shortages. The research created detailed mappings of the essential decisions, decision models and data that are required to support supply-chain activities of construction contractors throughout a project life cycle.
Second, the framework differentiates those steps in the materials management process that are straightforward applications of methods from those steps that are decisions. For these decisions, that are critical to the performance of the materials management process, we introduce the concept of a decision model and describe how such models can be incorporated into an advanced materials management system. This phase of the research developed a structured systems design of distributed, integrated decision support systems for materials management of the electrical contractor. The research derives the optimal integration of people, decision processes, decision support systems and data that are required to support efficient and effective systems for acquisition, procurement, transport, storage and allocation of material in the construction industry. / Ph. D.
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Análise das notificações em tecnovigilância em instituições hospitalares: diagnóstico de situação / Analysis of notifications in technovigilance in hospital institutions: situation diagnosisSanti, Diana Costa de 16 March 2018 (has links)
Na área da saúde, principalmente a partir da década de 1970, verifica-se um desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico acelerado, com um aumento do consumo de diferentes tecnologias em todos os níveis de atendimento e consequente aumento dos custos. Muitas inquietações passaram a fazer parte do cotidiano das organizações de saúde diante dessa nova realidade, uma vez que o impasse de incorporar novas tecnologias à prática clínica conflita com a administração de recursos necessários. Em razão da grande diversidade tecnológica e de itens necessários para uma instituição de saúde de grande porte, evidências indicam a premência de mudanças importantes para um efetivo gerenciamento, com controles mais efetivos, exigindo dos gestores um desempenho pautado em eficiência e eficácia. Na atualidade, tem se constituído um desafio para as instituições implementar ações de monitoramento capazes de identificar precocemente possíveis problemas, pois, independentemente do tipo de produto médico-hospitalar utilizado, não há como garantir a ausência de riscos em sua utilização. Diante desta problemática, é de extrema relevância a implantação e o uso de sistemas de registros sistemáticos de avaliações de materiais, enquanto subsídio para uma gestão eficiente no que concerne à maximização de recursos econômicos. Nessa perspectiva, aliada ao interesse em oferecer ao paciente uma assistência isenta de danos e segura na atuação dos profissionais de enfermagem e da equipe multiprofissional é que se justifica a presente pesquisa, que teve como objetivo analisar as não conformidades relativas aos materiais médico-hospitalares notificados ao Gerenciamento de Risco das instituições hospitalares de Ribeirão Preto. Esse foi um estudo descritivo, retrospectivo, documental, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado na cidade de Ribeirão Preto nos serviços de saúde constantes do Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde (CNES) categorizados como hospitais públicos, privados ou filantrópicos, gerais ou especializados, nos anos de 2014, 2015 e 2016 e que tivessem serviço de gerenciamento de risco. Os dados foram obtidos do Serviço de Gerenciamento de Risco das instituições participantes. Foi construído um instrumento contendo as seguintes variáveis: produto (nome técnico); grupo de material (médico-hospitalar; higiene pessoal; esterilização); queixa técnica; categoria do problema (embalagem, estrutura e aspecto alterado); setor (unidade que registrou o problema). Foi utilizada estatística descritiva para análise dos dados, utilizando o software SPSS versão 24. Das oito Instituições de Saúde elegíveis para o estudo, cinco (62,5%) autorizaram a realização da pesquisa. A instituição 1 apresentou o maior número de notificações 950 (94%), representando quase a totalidade. Em relação ao ano, foram identificadas 357 (35%) em 2014, 283 (28%) em 2015 e 369 (37%) em 2016. Quanto ao grupo de materiais notificados, identificamos um predomínio dos materiais médico-hospitalares, em todos os anos da pesquisa, com um total de 991 (98,2%) notificações. Em relação ao tipo de material, houve variação dos principais itens durante os anos de estudo, porém, no total geral, identificamos que a seringa foi o principal tipo de material, com 172 (17,1%) notificações. O segundo material foram as luvas de procedimento, com um total de 79 (7,83%) eventos, seguidas dos equipos macrogotas, com 70 (6,94) notificações. Quanto à categorização das queixas que envolviam esses materiais em todos os anos, a principal queixa foi referente à rachadura ou quebra do produto ou de parte dele, com um total de 591 (58,6%) eventos. Os resultados desse estudo demonstraram a importância do monitoramento dos produtos utilizados na assistência à saúde na etapa de pós-comercialização, por meio das queixas técnicas. Identificamos um total de 1.009 notificações, sendo a maioria referente a produtos médico-hospitalares, como seringas e equipos, sendo a principal queixa referente a rachadura ou quebra do produto ou de parte dele. Ressalta-se que estes materiais têm contato direto com o paciente, o que pode ocasionar riscos à sua segurança / In the health area, especially since the 1970s, there has been an accelerated scientific and technological development, with an increase in the consumption of different technologies at all levels of care and consequent increase in costs. Many concerns started to be part of the daily life of health organizations in front of this new reality, since the impasse of incorporating new technologies into clinical practice conflicts with the administration of necessary resources. Due to the great technological diversity and the necessary items for a large health institution, evidences indicate the urgency of important changes for an effective management, with more effective controls, requiring from managers a perform based on efficiency and effectiveness. At present, it has become a challenge for institutions to implement monitoring actions capable of identifying possible problems early, since, regardless of the type of medical-hospital product used, there is no way to guarantee the absence of risks in their use. Faced with this problem, it is extremely important to implement and use systems of systematic records of material evaluations, as a subsidy for an efficient management in what concerns the maximization of economic resources. In this perspective, allied to the interest in offering the patient a harmless and safe assistance in the work of the nursing professionals and the multiprofessional team is that this research is justified, whose objective was to analyze the nonconformities related to the notified medical-hospital materials to Risk Management of the hospital institutions of Ribeirão Preto. This was a descriptive, retrospective, documental study, with a quantitative approach, carried out in the city of Ribeirão Preto in the health services included in the National Register of Health Establishments (CNES) categorized as public, private or philanthropic hospitals, general or specialized, in the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 and that had a risk management service. Data were obtained from the Risk Management Service of the participating institutions. An instrument was constructed containing the following variables: product (technical name); group of material (medical-hospital, personal hygiene, sterilization); technical complaint; category of the problem (packaging, structure and altered appearance); sector (the unit that registered the problem). Descriptive statistic was used for data analysis, using SPSS software version 24. Of the eight Health Institutions eligible for the study, five (62.5%) authorized the research. Institution 1 had the highest number of notifications 950 (94%), representing almost all of them. In relation to the year, 357 (35%) were identified in 2014, 283 (28%) in 2015 and 369 (37%) in 2016. Regarding the group of materials reported, we identified a predominance of medical and hospital materials in all years of the survey, with a total of 991 (98.2%) notifications. Regarding the type of material, there were variations of the main items during the study years, however, in the overall total, we identified that the syringe was the main type of material, with 172 (17.1%) notifications. The second material was the procedure gloves, with a total of 79 (7.83%) events, followed by macrogotes, with 70 (6.94) notifications. Regarding the categorization of complaints involving these materials in all years, the main complaint was about the cracking or breaking of the product or part of it, with a total of 591 (58.6%) events. The results of this study demonstrated the importance of the monitoring of products used in health care in the post-marketing stage, through technical complaints. We identified a total of 1,009 notifications, the majority of which refer to medical and hospital products, such as syringes and equipment, the main complaint being the cracking or breaking of the product or part of it. It is emphasized that these materials have direct contact with the patient, which can cause risks to their safety
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Análise das notificações em tecnovigilância em instituições hospitalares: diagnóstico de situação / Analysis of notifications in technovigilance in hospital institutions: situation diagnosisDiana Costa de Santi 16 March 2018 (has links)
Na área da saúde, principalmente a partir da década de 1970, verifica-se um desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico acelerado, com um aumento do consumo de diferentes tecnologias em todos os níveis de atendimento e consequente aumento dos custos. Muitas inquietações passaram a fazer parte do cotidiano das organizações de saúde diante dessa nova realidade, uma vez que o impasse de incorporar novas tecnologias à prática clínica conflita com a administração de recursos necessários. Em razão da grande diversidade tecnológica e de itens necessários para uma instituição de saúde de grande porte, evidências indicam a premência de mudanças importantes para um efetivo gerenciamento, com controles mais efetivos, exigindo dos gestores um desempenho pautado em eficiência e eficácia. Na atualidade, tem se constituído um desafio para as instituições implementar ações de monitoramento capazes de identificar precocemente possíveis problemas, pois, independentemente do tipo de produto médico-hospitalar utilizado, não há como garantir a ausência de riscos em sua utilização. Diante desta problemática, é de extrema relevância a implantação e o uso de sistemas de registros sistemáticos de avaliações de materiais, enquanto subsídio para uma gestão eficiente no que concerne à maximização de recursos econômicos. Nessa perspectiva, aliada ao interesse em oferecer ao paciente uma assistência isenta de danos e segura na atuação dos profissionais de enfermagem e da equipe multiprofissional é que se justifica a presente pesquisa, que teve como objetivo analisar as não conformidades relativas aos materiais médico-hospitalares notificados ao Gerenciamento de Risco das instituições hospitalares de Ribeirão Preto. Esse foi um estudo descritivo, retrospectivo, documental, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado na cidade de Ribeirão Preto nos serviços de saúde constantes do Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde (CNES) categorizados como hospitais públicos, privados ou filantrópicos, gerais ou especializados, nos anos de 2014, 2015 e 2016 e que tivessem serviço de gerenciamento de risco. Os dados foram obtidos do Serviço de Gerenciamento de Risco das instituições participantes. Foi construído um instrumento contendo as seguintes variáveis: produto (nome técnico); grupo de material (médico-hospitalar; higiene pessoal; esterilização); queixa técnica; categoria do problema (embalagem, estrutura e aspecto alterado); setor (unidade que registrou o problema). Foi utilizada estatística descritiva para análise dos dados, utilizando o software SPSS versão 24. Das oito Instituições de Saúde elegíveis para o estudo, cinco (62,5%) autorizaram a realização da pesquisa. A instituição 1 apresentou o maior número de notificações 950 (94%), representando quase a totalidade. Em relação ao ano, foram identificadas 357 (35%) em 2014, 283 (28%) em 2015 e 369 (37%) em 2016. Quanto ao grupo de materiais notificados, identificamos um predomínio dos materiais médico-hospitalares, em todos os anos da pesquisa, com um total de 991 (98,2%) notificações. Em relação ao tipo de material, houve variação dos principais itens durante os anos de estudo, porém, no total geral, identificamos que a seringa foi o principal tipo de material, com 172 (17,1%) notificações. O segundo material foram as luvas de procedimento, com um total de 79 (7,83%) eventos, seguidas dos equipos macrogotas, com 70 (6,94) notificações. Quanto à categorização das queixas que envolviam esses materiais em todos os anos, a principal queixa foi referente à rachadura ou quebra do produto ou de parte dele, com um total de 591 (58,6%) eventos. Os resultados desse estudo demonstraram a importância do monitoramento dos produtos utilizados na assistência à saúde na etapa de pós-comercialização, por meio das queixas técnicas. Identificamos um total de 1.009 notificações, sendo a maioria referente a produtos médico-hospitalares, como seringas e equipos, sendo a principal queixa referente a rachadura ou quebra do produto ou de parte dele. Ressalta-se que estes materiais têm contato direto com o paciente, o que pode ocasionar riscos à sua segurança / In the health area, especially since the 1970s, there has been an accelerated scientific and technological development, with an increase in the consumption of different technologies at all levels of care and consequent increase in costs. Many concerns started to be part of the daily life of health organizations in front of this new reality, since the impasse of incorporating new technologies into clinical practice conflicts with the administration of necessary resources. Due to the great technological diversity and the necessary items for a large health institution, evidences indicate the urgency of important changes for an effective management, with more effective controls, requiring from managers a perform based on efficiency and effectiveness. At present, it has become a challenge for institutions to implement monitoring actions capable of identifying possible problems early, since, regardless of the type of medical-hospital product used, there is no way to guarantee the absence of risks in their use. Faced with this problem, it is extremely important to implement and use systems of systematic records of material evaluations, as a subsidy for an efficient management in what concerns the maximization of economic resources. In this perspective, allied to the interest in offering the patient a harmless and safe assistance in the work of the nursing professionals and the multiprofessional team is that this research is justified, whose objective was to analyze the nonconformities related to the notified medical-hospital materials to Risk Management of the hospital institutions of Ribeirão Preto. This was a descriptive, retrospective, documental study, with a quantitative approach, carried out in the city of Ribeirão Preto in the health services included in the National Register of Health Establishments (CNES) categorized as public, private or philanthropic hospitals, general or specialized, in the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 and that had a risk management service. Data were obtained from the Risk Management Service of the participating institutions. An instrument was constructed containing the following variables: product (technical name); group of material (medical-hospital, personal hygiene, sterilization); technical complaint; category of the problem (packaging, structure and altered appearance); sector (the unit that registered the problem). Descriptive statistic was used for data analysis, using SPSS software version 24. Of the eight Health Institutions eligible for the study, five (62.5%) authorized the research. Institution 1 had the highest number of notifications 950 (94%), representing almost all of them. In relation to the year, 357 (35%) were identified in 2014, 283 (28%) in 2015 and 369 (37%) in 2016. Regarding the group of materials reported, we identified a predominance of medical and hospital materials in all years of the survey, with a total of 991 (98.2%) notifications. Regarding the type of material, there were variations of the main items during the study years, however, in the overall total, we identified that the syringe was the main type of material, with 172 (17.1%) notifications. The second material was the procedure gloves, with a total of 79 (7.83%) events, followed by macrogotes, with 70 (6.94) notifications. Regarding the categorization of complaints involving these materials in all years, the main complaint was about the cracking or breaking of the product or part of it, with a total of 591 (58.6%) events. The results of this study demonstrated the importance of the monitoring of products used in health care in the post-marketing stage, through technical complaints. We identified a total of 1,009 notifications, the majority of which refer to medical and hospital products, such as syringes and equipment, the main complaint being the cracking or breaking of the product or part of it. It is emphasized that these materials have direct contact with the patient, which can cause risks to their safety
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