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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza výsledků vzdělávacích projektů zaměřených na hodnotové postoje žáků ve středních školách / Analysis of the results of educational projects focused on pupils' value attitudes in high schools

Kolsky, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Diploma Thesis: An analysis of the results from educational projects focused on the value attitudes of secondary school pupils that compares two concrete educational projects - Jeden svět na školách by NGO People in Need and Příběhy našich sousedů Post Bellum civic society. In the theoretical part, the thesis presents sources of civic and media education and the link between legislative and strategic documents in the Czech Republic thanks to the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) also under international comparison. In the practical part, the thesis focuses on the comparison of methodological, pedagogical, and other aspects of educational projects and solves questions regarding management and the meeting of set targets. KEYWORDS education management, educational projects, value attitudes, secondary schools, civic education, media literacy

Die Medienkompetenz Jugendlicher im Umgang mit digitalen sozialen Netzwerken

Hummel, Wolfgang January 2013 (has links)
Die Vielzahl, Vielfalt, Allgegenwart und permanente Präsenz sozialer Web 2.0-Angebote übt einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf das Aufwachsen, die Freizeitgestaltung, das schulische Lernen und die Identitätsbildung jugendlicher Nutzer aus. Der einstige Medienrezipient befindet sich nicht mehr nur in der Rolle des Lesers und passiven Konsumenten, sondern er ist gleichermaßen Akteur und Publizist [4, 22]. Der Umgang insbesondere jugendlicher Nutzer mit sozialen Netzwerken und deren Potentialen und Risiken ist daher seit einigen Jahren ein wichtiger Forschungsbereich [vgl. 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]. In diesem Zusammenhang ist die Medienkompetenz von entscheidender Bedeutung [vgl. 4, 17, 22]. In diesem Beitrag wird die Medienkompetenz Jugendlicher speziell im Hinblick auf den Umgang mit sozialen Netzwerken thematisiert. Wie wird Medienkompetenz derzeit wissenschaftlich definiert? Finden die vielen speziellen Anforderungen an die Nutzer der „social network services“ (SNS) in den bestehenden Modellen ausreichend Berücksichtigung? Welche Teilkompetenzen sind für die Nutzung der digitalen sozialen Netzwerke durch Jugendliche notwendig? (...)

Digital Identity and Performance:How Student Identity Construction can be Influenced Through Digital Social Media and Expressed Through Theatrical Performance

Nelsen, Mindy M 01 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Adolescents and teens are surrounded by a myriad of influences that affect how they see and present themselves. Contemporary communication for these young people frequently happens in an online forum through digital social media. The primary purpose of this master's thesis is to examine the affect of digital social media on adolescent and teen identity construction and perception of self and other. Further research was performed to identify how that identity can be expressed through theatrical performance. The first chapter is a review of current literature, theory and practice of those within the educational paradigm who are trying to incorporate media literacy skills into contemporary pedagogy. An action research project was formulated to create lesson plans that aid students in engaging critically with digital social media and then empowering them with the skills to access, analyze, evaluate and create that media. Students then use their findings in the creation of a devised theatre piece. Chapter Two discusses the methodology involved with the gathering of the data and the process of analysis using open coding. Chapter Three presents the findings and exhibits student work and Chapter Four analyzes the findings and presents a course for future study, research and use of the findings in the contemporary drama classroom.

Philip Morris Faces "the truth": A Rhetorical Analysis of the Persuasiveness of Two Teen-Targeted Anti-Smoking Advertising Campaigns

McMurray, Marybeth 06 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines the persuasiveness of anti-smoking television advertisements aimed at teens and produced by Philip Morris's Youth Smoking Prevention Program and the American Legacy Foundation's truth campaign. The advertisements are analyzed rhetorically using Kenneth Burke's dramatistic approach, supplemented by theory related to persuasive advertising, characteristics of at-risk adolescents, persuasive attack, and persuasive defense (apologia). The analysis indicates that strong central themes present in both the Philip Morris and truth campaigns act as a means of rhetorical persuasion, but are not necessarily rhetoric designed to persuade adolescents not to smoke cigarettes. The truth campaign advertisements contain both strengths and weaknesses. The weakness of the truth ads is related to an over-reliance on allegory-type scenarios meant to communicate anti-smoking sentiments and the theme of manipulation. Truth ads that contain clearer messages conveyed by appealing central characters are a more effective means of communicating not only an anti-smoking ideology, but also the theme of adolescent empowerment. This thesis's analysis more alarmingly indicates that the Philip Morris ads are in no way an effective means of smoking prevention. The Philip Morris campaign acts as a persuasive defense with the intended purpose of image repair and may encourage adolescents to think of Philip Morris and their tobacco products in a positive light. Conclusions suggest that due to the vast impact of media the glorifies smoking and other self-injurious behaviors; infrequent appearance of pro-social media appeals; insidious coercive tactics of the tobacco industry; possible limitations in determining the effectiveness of pro-social media appeals due to adolescent self-perception (or third person effect variables); and lack of attention paid to more vulnerable or at-risk youth, the real need may not be better pro-social media campaigns, but rather media literacy campaigns. In doing so, youth may become empowered, critical thinkers able to make life choices based on personal preference and the desire for self-fulfillment, instead of being coerced into a belief system induced by the bombardment of media.

Enseigner le regard critique : une séquence d’enseignement multimodale pour l’analyse d’images et de messages médiatiques

Turmel, Clermont-Louis 12 1900 (has links)
Mémoire en recherche-création. / À la problématique de la quasi-omniprésence d’images médiatiques dans la vie des jeunes générations, s’ajoutent les grands défis de la sensibilisation des élèves aux techniques d’analyse de messages médiatiques. Où et de quelle manière apprennent-ils vraiment à faire preuve de jugement critique face aux contenus rencontrés sur le Web ? Le processus de recherche documentaire, de création et de réflexion de ce mémoire explore la façon dont une œuvre originale (un conte de forme dialogale) peut servir la conceptualisation et la conception d’une séquence d’enseignement. S’y trouve interrogée l’articulation des dimensions littéraire et didactique d’une ressource (asynchrone et à distance) destinée à l’enseignement de l’analyse d’images et de messages pour des élèves cégépien.e.s de 18-19 ans. Mobilisant les théories de la multimodalité et de la littératie médiatique, cette recherche-création s’inscrit au croisement des études en communication médiatique, en pédagogie postsecondaire et en création artistique (scénarisation). / In addition to the problem of the omnipresence of media images omnipresence for younger generations, there are several major challenges associated with teaching message analysis techniques. Where and how does a person learn to exercise critical judgment in relation to the contents of the Web? The research, creation and thinking processes of this dissertation explore how an original tale (a dialogue) can offer a basis for the conceptualization and conception of a teaching sequence. The dissertation examines the articulation between the literary and didactic dimensions of a teaching tool (asynchronous and distanced) adapted to image and message analysis teaching for CEGEP students of 18 or 19. Mobilizing multimodality and media literacy theories, this research-creation project is situated at the crossroads of media communication studies, post-secondary pedagogy and artistic creation (scriptwriting).

Arrangement of Google Search Results and Imperial Ideology: Searching for Benghazi, Libya

Stewart, Jacob 01 January 2014 (has links)
This project responds to an ongoing discussion in scholarship that identifies and analyzes the ideological functions of computer interfaces. In 1994, Cynthia Selfe and Richard Selfe claimed that interfaces are maps of cultural information and are therefore ideological (485). For Selfe and Selfe and other scholars, these interfaces carried a colonial ideology that resulted in Western dominance over other cultures. Since this early scholarship, our perspectives on interface have shifted with changing technology; interfaces can no longer be treated as having persistent and predictable characteristics like texts. I argue that interfaces are interactions among dynamic information that is constantly being updated online. One of the most prominent ways users interact with information online is through the use of search engines such as Google. Interfaces like Google assist users in navigating dynamic cultural information. How this information is arranged in a Google search event has a profound impact on what meaning we make surrounding the search term. In this project, I argue that colonial ideologies are upheld in several Google search events for the term "Benghazi, Libya." I claim that networked connection during Google search events leads to the creation and sustainment of a colonial ideology through patterns of arrangement. Finally, I offer a methodology for understanding how ideologies are created when search events occur. This methodology searches for patterns in connected information in order to understand how they create an ideological lens.


Collier, Brian Whitney, Jr. 09 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Making the Invisible Visible: Interrogating social spaces through photovoice

Hom, John S. 01 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

An Exploration of Documentary Use in Global Education

Rye, Nora 02 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.


JOANA SOBRAL MILLIET 15 March 2022 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa que fundamenta esta tese teve como objetivo analisar possíveis relações entre letramentos midiáticos de professores e suas práticas pedagógicas no ensino remoto emergencial (ERE) na pandemia de Covid-19. Na ausência de consenso em torno de um modelo conceitual para os letramentos midiáticos, foi construída uma proposta de matriz conceitual para os letramentos midiáticos em diálogo com autores do campo da mídia-educação e dos estudos críticos sobre tecnologia e educação, adotada como lente analítica dos dados produzidos nesta pesquisa. O trabalho de campo contou com duas etapas: a) aplicação de questionário junto a professores de diferentes regiões do país; b) realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores que responderam ao questionário e se dispuseram a participar também dessa etapa. As 259 respostas válidas nos questionários foram submetidas à análise descritiva e de associação através do teste qui-quadrado. As entrevistas realizadas com 32 professores buscaram compreender como eles concebiam os letramentos midiáticos; que habilidades consideravam possuir nessa área e se havia relações entre os letramentos midiáticos e as práticas pedagógicas empregadas no ensino remoto emergencial (ERE). Nas respostas ao questionário, a maioria dos professores que estavam realizando o ERE afirmou ser bastante habilidoso no que diz respeito ao uso de mídias no ensino. Nas entrevistas, os participantes relataram que a experiência do ERE propiciou um maior conhecimento sobre o uso pedagógico das mídias, o que possivelmente favoreceu o sentimento de mais competência nessa área. A análise das entrevistas indicou que a maioria concebe os letramentos midiáticos como uso de mídias com fins instrumentais (como habilidade técnica) e didáticos (para ensino do conteúdo curricular). Foram identificadas preocupações relacionadas à vigilância e controle do trabalho docente e apreensão com a privacidade e com a exposição. As entrevistas indicaram, ainda, que o conhecimento sobre aplicações pedagógicas das mídias foi construído principalmente na troca entre pares. Considerando a experiência com o ERE, propõe-se que políticas de formação voltadas para ampliação dos letramentos midiáticos de professores incluam entendimento crítico sobre o funcionamento dos sistemas midiáticos e seus aspectos sociais, econômicos, culturais, políticos e históricos e sejam estruturadas a partir de redes de professores, com base na troca de saberes. / [en] The research underpin this thesis aimed to analyze possible links between media literacy of teachers and their pedagogical practices in emergency remote education (ERE) during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the absence of consensus around a conceptual model for media literacies, a proposal was built in dialogue with authors in the field of media education and critical studies on technology and education, adopted as an analytical lens of the data produced in this research. The field work consisted of two stages: a) application of a questionnaire with teachers from different regions of the country; b) conducting semi-structured interviews with teachers who answered the questionnaire and agreed to participate in this stage as well. The 259 valid responses were submitted to descriptive and association analysis using the chi-square test. The interviews carried out with 32 teachers sought to understand how they conceived media literacy; what skills they considered to have in this area and whether there were links between media literacy and the pedagogical practices employed in emergency remote education (ERE). In the responses to the questionnaire, most teachers who were taking the ERE stated that they were quite skilled with regard to the use of media in teaching. In the interviews, the participants reported that the ERE experience provided them with greater knowledge about the pedagogical use of the media, which possibly favored the feeling of more competence in this area. The analysis of the interviews indicated that most of them conceive media literacy as the use of media for instrumental purposes (such as technical skills) and didactic purposes (for teaching curriculum content). Concerns related to surveillance and control of teaching work and concerns about privacy and public exposure were identified. The interviews also indicated that knowledge about pedagogical applications of the media was mainly built on exchanges between peers. Considering the experience with the ERE, it is proposed that training policies aimed at expanding the media literacy of teachers include a critical understanding of the functioning of media systems and their social, economic, cultural, political and historical aspects. This action shall be structured out of teachers networks, based on the exchange of knowledge.

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