Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] MEETINGS"" "subject:"[enn] MEETINGS""
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Hjälte vs Skurk : ”I rymden kan ingen höra dig skrika yippee-ki-yay motherfucker”Daniel, Emil, John, Johansson January 2016 (has links)
Mötet mellan människor är något som kan vara spännande och få en att upptäcka något nytt i livet, likaså i film. Dessa möten mellan karaktärer gör att handlingen drivs framåt och skapar ett spännande interagerande mellan karaktärer. I detta kandidatarbete har vi valt att fokusera på mötet mellan hjälten och skurken, oftast två starka och viktiga karaktärer inom film. Karaktärsrollerna är hämtade från Voglers The writer’s Journey (1997). För att få en bredare bild av hur rollerna kan se ut i film har vi valt att analysera två olika filmer i olika genre, filmerna vi valt är Die Hard (1988) och Alien (1979). Vi har tagit hjälp av analysmodellen som presenteras i From Antz to Titanic - A students guide to film analysis (2000) och format modellen till vårt passande. En av delarna i analysen fokuserar på hur de tekniska aspekterna i scener kan hjälpa till att föra berättelsen vidare. Grundat i undersökningen har en kompletterande gestaltning i form av en film skapats där vi har använt oss av karaktärsrollerna som vi analyserat. / Meetings between people can be exciting and make you discover something new, also in movies. Meetings between the characters drives the plot forward, and create exciting interaction between the characters. We have chosen to focus on meetings between the hero and the villain, two strong and important character roles in the film. The character roles are taken from Vogler, The Writer's Journey (1997). To get a broader picture of how roles may appear in film, we have chosen to analyze two different films in different genres, the films we have chosen are Die Hard (1988) and Alien (1979). We have used the analytical model presented in From Antz to Titanic - A student's guide to film analysis (2000) and formed the model to our fitting. One of the parts of the analysis focuses on the technical aspects of the scenes that can help move the story forward. Based on our survey of character roles and meetings between them, we have created a movie to portray this.
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Dialogism en livsåskådning - En etnografis studie om professionella samtal inom psykiatrin / Dialogism a philosophy of life – An ethnographic study about professional conversation in psychiatryLinglander, Katarina January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera hur ett samtal om gemensamt beslutsfattande går till när en patient, Case manager och professionella träffas enskilt eller i resursgrupp och samtalar med varandra om vårdplanen. Det var en etnografisk studie där samtal inom en psykiatrisk verksamhet representerade det fält som studerats genom metoden deltagande observation. Resultatet visade att plats, form, tid, tempo, och rytm hade betydelse för samtalets kvalitet liksom att det fanns en ansvarsfördelning i samtalet som bland annat karaktäriserades av att bli bemött med förståelse för en livssituation som innebar ett lidande. Andra faktorer som påverkade kvalitén var hur de professionella ställde frågor, inväntade svar och avslutade samtalet. Men även vad som händer när samtalet brister och att inte kunna berätta och fråga under samtalet. Det fanns dock situationer där personen kunde berätta och uttrycka sig i samtalet och med stöd av samtalsmatta kunde uttrycka egna åsikter, önskningar och behov. / The purpose of the study was to establish how a collective decision can be made when the individual and the case manager meet with the technical experts, either by themselves or as part of a wider focus group, to discuss the treatment plan. It was an ethnographic study conducted by observing psychiatric conversations. The findings of the study confirmed that the location, format of the meeting and the pace at which the meeting was conducted, directly influenced the quality of the discussion. It was also important for the participants to be sympathetic towards the individual’s personal situation and understand the difficulties faced by the individual on a daily basis. The questioning technique used by the technical experts and how the discussion was concluded, was also important. Also, what happens when the conversation goes off track and when the individual is unable to give information and ask questions. There were examples of situations where the individuals could express themselves constructively, using the talking mat, and could give their view and confirm needs and desires. In order to make their voices heard, they need to be clear what they want and must be able to argue their case.
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Digitaliseringen skapar nya möjligheter : distansmöten som arbetsform / Digitalization provides new opportunities : distance meetings as a form of workingSmailagic, Iris, Nimark, Nathalie January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på vilka effekter införandet utav distansmöten har haft på vårdcentralerna inom primärvården ur ett organisations– och personalperspektiv. Syftet har också varit att redogöra för vilka för- och nackdelar det finns med detta införande. I denna uppsats har bland annat miljöperspektiv, tidseffektivitet samt det ekonomiska perspektivet behandlats. Vi har valt att undersöka Munkedals vårdcentral samt vårdcentralen i Tanumshede. Detta beror på att vi ville få åsikter om införandet från en vårdcentral som var relativt nya och även ifrån en där de har mer erfarenheter kring området, då vi anser att hur införandet uppfattas kan skiljas åt ifall om det är ett nytt införande eller inte. I studien använde vi oss utav en kvalitativ inriktning, då vi ansåg att detta var passande för att uppnå vårt syfte var att hålla i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Då vi använde oss utav intervjuer som vi sedan tolkade för att samla in vår empiri hade vi ett hermeneutiskt synsätt. Vi höll interjuver med sex stycken respondenter två chefer samt fyra medarbetare varav en chef och två medarbetare på varje vårdcentral för att få ett så pass sanningsenligt resultat som möjligt. Som analysmetod valde vi att använda oss utav en tematisk metod för att kunna analysera den teori och empiri vi tagit fram med varandra. Vårt resultat och slutsats av studien visar att införa distansmöten är något positivt för primärvården. De sparar bland annat tid i och med att mötena tar kortare tid, då resetiden sparas in och de får på så sätt tid till annat arbete. Det bidrar också till kostnadsbesparingar för organisationerna då reseutgifter samt hotellvistelser försvinner och det bidrar inte till växthuseffekten. Detta införande har också skapat möjligheten för Munkedals vårdcentral som tidigare inte hade tid att åka iväg på vårdplaneringsmöten, att de nu kan vara med och delta. Trots att införandet är av positiv bemärkning finns det en del saker som bör utvecklas och detta är bland annat att de behöver skapa en bättre struktur när vid planering utav mötena. Vi anser också att organisationerna kan utveckla detta mötesverktyg och använda det inom fler områden. / The purpose of this study was to discover which effects the implementation of distance meetings have had on care centers within primary care from an organizational and employee/personnel perspective. The purpose was also to present the advantages and disadvantages to this implementation/introduction. This paper processed/addressed an environmental and economical perspective as well as time efficiency. We chose to examine two care-centers. This is because we wanted opinions of the implementation from a relatively new care center and one with more experience within the field, as we believe the perception of the implementation may differ if it is a new implementation or not. To fulfill the purpose of the study we saw it fit to hold semi-structured interviews and therefore chose to have qualitative focus. When interpreting the interview for the collection of empirical data we had/used a hermeneutic approach. Six interviews were held with two managers and four employees where respective care center included one manager and two employees, of the aim to receive truthful responses. As a method of analysis a thematic approach was chosen to be able to analyze developed theory and empirical data together. Our results and conclusion show that the implementation of distance meeting have a positive effect within primary care. Time is saved by the fact that meetings are shorter and travel-time is minimized, which leads to the possibility for other work to be done. Moreover it contributes to saving in cost for the organization as travel and hotel expenses are eliminated and it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect. Additionally, the implementation has made it possible for one of the care centers to attend to care planning meeting, as they did not have the time before. Although the implementation is notably positive there are aspects that can be improved and includes developing the structure of planning future meetings. We also believe that this meeting tool can be further developed and be used in other areas of the organizations.
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Reflexão crítica na atividade reunião pedagógicaGonçalves, Eduardo de Andrade 28 June 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-06-28 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This work aims at investigating five pedagogical meetings in a language institution, in order to understand, based upon the ocial-historical-cultural perspective (Vygotsky, 1934/1993), their organization as an activity for analyzing, reflecting and discussing to co-construct actions for the classroom pedagogical problems. Inserted in Applied Linguistics field and based upon Activity Theory (AT) (Leont´ev, 1977/2003), upon Language Utterance Theory (Bakhtin, 1929/1995) and upon Critical Refection (Freire, 1970; Smyth, 1992; Schön, 1992, 2000;
Kemmis, 1987), this research analyses the organization of this activity, emphasizing the role of the language as mediator of the relations carried out by the subjects considering the pedagogical meeting as the place for teacher s
development. This study is a critical-action research of collaborative characteristic
(Magalhães, 1998, 2002, 2004; Liberali, 1999, 2002, 2004) in which as participant, as pedagogical-coordinator and researcher, I intended to observe, analyze, understand and collaborate for the educational practices transformation of the institution in focus. The data were ategorized and analysed starting from the language action situations, thematic content, and rototypic sequences (Bronckart, 2003); the turn-taking to discuss the verbal interaction characteristics that took place during the process (Kerbrat-Orecchioni, 1992, 1998). The data analysis shows that the meetings didn t constitute themselves as places for collaborativecritical-
reflection development, prevailing the pragmatic reflection and opinions based upon the common sense. In the same manner, the rules and labour division were established asymmetrically and the object construction was based upon the teacher s social needs and, therefore, apart from the aims idealized by the coordinator for the activity. It also suggests that the researcher-coordinator didn t make use of inquiries that could help the group with the development of new meanings established by the critical reflection process / Este trabalho objetiva investigar cinco reuniões pedagógicas em uma escola de idiomas, visando compreender, dentro da perspectiva sócio-histórico-cultural (Vygotsky, 1934/1993), a constituição desse espaço como momento de análise,
reflexão e discussão, a fim de co-construir ações para os problemas pedagógicos da sala de aula. Inserida na Lingüística Aplicada e fundamentada na Teoria da
Atividade (Leont´ev, 1977), na Teoria Enunciativa da linguagem (Bakhtin, 1929/1995) e na Reflexão Crítica (Freire, 1970; Smyth, 1992; Schön, 1992, 2000;
Kemmis, 1987), a pesquisa analisa a organização dessa atividade, com ênfase no papel da linguagem como mediadora das relações estabelecidas pelos sujeitos e considerando a reunião pedagógica como lócus para a formação docente. Trata-se de uma pesquisa-ação crítica de cunho colaborativo (Magalhães, 1998, 2002, 2004; Liberali, 1999, 2002, 2004) em que como participante, no papel de
coordenador pedagógico e pesquisador, intencionei observar, analisar, compreender e colaborar para as transformações das práticas educativas da
instituição focal. Os dados foram categorizados e analisados a partir de situações de ação de linguagem, conteúdo temático e seqüências prototípicas (Bronckart, 2003); os turnos de fala, para discutir a natureza das interações verbais ocorridas durante o processo (Kerbrat-Orecchioni, 1992, 1998). A análise dos dados evidencia que as reuniões não se onstituíram como espaços para formação crítico-reflexiva colaborativa, predominando as reflexões pragmáticas e as opiniões fundamentadas pelo senso comum. Do mesmo modo, as regras e a
divisão de trabalho foram estabelecidas assimetricamente, a construção do objeto teve como base as necessidades sociais dos professores e, portanto, distante das metas idealizadas pelo coordenador para a atividade. Também sugere que o
coordenador-pesquisador não fez uso de questionamentos capazes de auxiliar o grupo na formação de novos significados estabelecidos pelo processo de reflexão crítica
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Poéticas da proximidade : arte participativa de caráter dialógico na construção de situações de encontro no espaço públicoBraga, Márcia Machado January 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa envolve a análise de trabalhos que realizei entre 2012-2018 relacionados às questões da cidade contemporânea e à perda gradual de sua capacidade de promover encontros. Discuto como, na sociedade urbana contemporânea, espaços propícios ao encontro e à troca entre alteridades, tais como calçadas, praças e parques foram sendo substituídos por experiências individualizadas, praticadas em ambientes assépticos e dirigidos ao consumo massivo. A partir dessas inquietações, investigo de que forma processos artísticos participativos e de caráter dialógico possibilitam a ocorrência de situações de encontro no espaço público, examinando a ocorrência de tais processos como microacontecimentos cotidianos. Meu interesse parte do entendimento de que os projetos, ações e inserções desenvolvidos se constituem como modos de subjetivação capazes de encaminhar a construção daquilo que entendo como poéticas da proximidade. / The present research involves the analysis of works that I performed between 2012-2018 related to contemporary city issues and the gradual loss of their capacity to promote meetings. I discuss how, in contemporary urban society, spaces conducive to meeting and exchanging between alterities, such as sidewalks, squares and parks were replaced by individualized experiences practiced in aseptic environments and directed to mass consumption. From these concerns, I investigate how participatory artistic processes and dialogical character enable the occurrence of situations of encounter in the public sphere, examining the occurrence of such processes as everyday micro events. My interest is based on the understanding that the projects, actions and insertions developed are forms of subjectivation capable of directing the construction of what I understand as poetics of proximity.
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Converting rituals: the worship of nineteenth-century camp meetings and the growth of the Methodist Episcopal Church in New EnglandMount Elewononi, Sarah Jean 08 April 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the practice of the camp meeting as a significant factor in the growth of the Methodist Episcopal Church in nineteenth-century New England. Such a comprehensive investigation into camp meetings in New England has never been done before. Also, with the exception of one book and one other recent dissertation, the general history of Methodism in New England is a topic that was overlooked for nearly a century. This research helps to fill those gaps.
Many scholars give credit to camp meetings for fostering conversion, though the focus has generally been on camps held in the American South and the western frontier. After briefly recounting the rise of Methodism and camp meetings in the United States, the thesis turns to a more specific focus on the rise of Methodism and camp meetings in New England prior to 1823. Zion's Herald newspaper provides a steady and previously untapped source of primary information about camp meetings in New England from its first appearance in 1823 to well into the twentieth century.
After discussion of some key developments of New England Methodism relevant to camp meetings between 1823 and 1871, a thick description of one camp meeting in 1823 is presented to show how the many parts worked together. This is followed by an account of aspects of the camp meetings that might be classified broadly as ritual, how these changed over time, and the impact they had on the process of identity formation at the camps.
The spotlight is then directed toward the liturgical aspects of camp meetings as practiced in New England. These include components of worship practices common to Methodist congregations of the period as they gathered for prayer meetings, Sunday worship and quarterly conferences, such as preaching, praying, singing, and love feasts, and also those acts of worship developed specifically for camp meetings such as dedicating the grounds, and the closing ritual procession and "parting hand." As with the ritual practices, attention is again given both to how these worship practices influenced worshippers, and how they changed over time.
Finally the interpretive framework of "poetic discourse" offered by Stephen Cooley is used to analyze the most potent ritual elements involved in the process of conversion and church growth in conversation with contemporary scholars in the fields of sociology and ritual studies.
In the end this study shows not only the factors that fostered conversions and church growth, but also how the camp meetings gradually lost their potency as they changed over time. / 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z
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Situace v Praze během táborů lidu 1868-72 / Situation in Prague during organizing of political mass public meetings 1868-72Kubíček, Lubomír January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the events that occurred in Prague in the years 1868-1872 with closer focus on the year 1868 during the Camp Movement. It introduces the most important events which affected public affairs in the observed period. The thesis deals mostly with protests against Austro-Hungarian Compromise, the celebration of the laying of the foundation stone of the National Theatre, visit of the emperor in the year 1868, announcement of a state of emergency in Prague, Labor Question, legal cases for newspaper editors, political negotiations about Austro-Hungarian Compromise and Fiddle elections. The thesis also deals with previous events which had influence on the observed period. Key words The laying of the foundation stones of the National Theatre Austro-Hungarian Compromise People's Camps Prague Fundamental Articles Labor Question 19. century Fiddle elections
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Board characteristics and firm performance: evidence from New ZealandBathula, Hanoku January 2008 (has links)
Due to various corporate scandals and failures, there has been a renewed interest on the role of boards in the performance of firms. This thesis examines the relationship between the key board characteristics and firm performance. Unlike most studies on boards which predominantly use only financial variables affecting governance, I take a different approach by combining them with non-financial variables. This combined set of variables is used for theoretical and empirical modelling. Based on the extant literature, I develop a conceptual framework and a set of hypotheses to examine the relationship between board characteristics and firm performance. Board characteristics considered in this research include board size, director ownership, CEO duality, gender diversity, educational qualification of board members and number of board meetings. Additionally, I use board size as a moderating variable to examine how the effect of other board characteristics is contingent on board size. Firm performance is measured by return on assets. I test my hypotheses on a longitudinal sample of 156 firms over a four year period from 2004 to 2007. My sample includes all firms listed on New Zealand stock exchange as on November 2007. Empirical analysis is undertaken using Generalised Least Squares analyses. The findings of the study show that board characteristics such as board size, CEO duality and gender diversity were positively related with firm performance, where as director ownership, board meetings and the number of board members with PhD level education was found to be negatively related. Board size was found to be moderating some of these relationships, indicating the critical role being played by board size in the design and role of corporate boards. The findings also provide partial evidence to different governance theories, further indicating the need for theoretical pluralism to gain insights into boards’ functioning. The study contributes to the understanding of board-performance link by examining both the traditional variables such as board size, CEO duality, and number of board meetings as well as other organisational attributes such as gender diversity and competence variables represented by women and PhD holders, respectively. The theoretical framework and the findings of my thesis are expected to stimulate scholars for further research to identify the contingency conditions upon which the board characteristics and firm performance may be dependent.
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Workplace meetings and the silencing of women : an investigation of women and men's different communication styles and how these influence perceptions of leadership capability within Australian organisationsByrne, Margaret Mary, University of Western Sydney January 2004 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the distribution and function of talk in workplace meetings contributes to differential outcomes for women and men in Australian organisations. This study explores how patterns of male advantage and female disadvantage are reproduced in workplace meetings through the different communication styles which tend to be employed by men and women, and through the way that these different performances are judged. Workplace meetings emerge as a critical site where leadership potential is identified yet, it is argued, men and women do not meet as equals when they meet at work. The thesis includes an evaluation of the current literature on women's and men's communication styles, and the findings of the present study are discussed in terms of the extent to which they correlate with or diverge from existing views. The implications for social change are explored and recommendations provided for the consideration of organisations seeking to broaden the pool of talent from which future leaders are drawn. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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A holistic tent ministry with American volunteers to assist new churches in urban contextsBledsoe, David Allen. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 145-152).
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