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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knihovna pro programování mikrokontrolérů nezávisle na jejich rodině / Family Independent Microcontroller Programming Library

Konečný, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
This project describes a concept of a library architecture that will enable to hide platform-specific behaviour of different MCUs under an united API that will enable the developers to develop portable applications. After a short summary of the current situation, the report describes the main principles of the library-to-be followed by definitions of behaviour of each module that can be controlled using the library. Then this report describes techniques used in the implementation and platform specifics. In the conclusion there is an idea of the direction in which the development could continue.

Řízení robota Trilobot zařízením FITKit / Robot Trilobot Control Using FITKit

Růžek, Michal January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this master's thesis is to design a robot Trilobot controller using a FITkit platform. It describes sensors and actuators widely used in mobile robotics. Part of the thesis is aimed to analyze in detail current Trilobot's peripherals, their conections and ways of communication. A circuit diagram of designed electronics is completed by the PCB design and description of small changes of the current Trilobot. The thesis also contains implementation of utility HW in the FPGA and a software library for a microcontroller. The finished control unit is tested by sort of demonstration applications.

Návrh řídicího software pro RC soupravu / Implementation of Software for RC Radio

Faltičko, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This document deals with the control software for professional Model-radio transmitter. The aim of the thesis is to design a functional solution that would satisfy the requirements of existing aircraft modelers (and others), thus to compete against other manufacturers of radio sets. In the following pages there is presented the design and implementation of user interface with regard to functionality and clarity, then the basic algorithms for driving aircraft models are explored. As a result of those findings the control software is implemented for an embedded device using the supplied hardware components.

Podpora ventilace u laboratorních zvířat / Ventilation Support of Laboratory Animals

Daniš, Václav January 2016 (has links)
mechanical ventilation an inseparable part of almost all surgery, where is anesthesia used. The introductory chapters of this thesis are focus on a teoretical familiarization with the complex issue with artificial lung ventilation. In additional to the history of artificial lung ventilation, chapters included familiarization with anatomy and physiology of lungs, associated with this defined volume of lungs and itself pulmonary ventilation. In the practical part I deal with design of ventilator for used it on laboratory animals.

Programovatelný generátor signálu připojitelný přes USB / Programmable signal generator connected via USB

Patočka, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is design and construction of a periodic signal generator prototype. The generator will use Atmel XMEGA128A4U microcontroller with computer control managed via USB interface. The thesis contains general solutions to the problem of generating signals with a special focus on utilization of DA converter – digital synthesis and reconstruction of the signal from DA converter output to continuous signal. The thesis further deals with implementation of the USB layer using two libraries (LUFA library on microcontroller side and LubUsbDotNet library on computer side). The final solution will include DC step-up converter for signal peak amplitude assessment and summing amplifier for adding the DC voltage to the output signal. The application will allow for generating signals of various shapes including user-defined ones. These signals will be displayed in the actual application window. There, users will be allowed to create user-defined signal in easy-to-use GUI or load it directly from a file.

Aplikace technologie MOLECUBES v robotice / MOLECUBES technology application in robotics

Vacek, Václav January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to propose and make a robot, which is made of identical modules. These modules are able to connect or disconnect themselves and thanks to this feature new structures of robot can be achieved. This problem is solved by the design proposal of a module, which is capable to rotate in two axis and has connection connectors for other modules. Communication is carried out by Wi-fi connection to the computer and angles required for reconfiguration are calculated by inverse kinematics in Matlab program. On these modules the reconfiguration test was succesfully demonstrated.

Realizace terminálu pro vzdálenou vizualizaci a ovládání obytného domu / Terminal for remote visualization and control conditions in the house

Szalay, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the modification of an existing device for controlling the heating system of the house. The original proposal builds on my bachelor thesis Terminal for visualization and control conditions in a house. Adjustments are based on the findings of the test operation and the deficiencies found in everyday operations. Here, the emphasis is on simple design, low acquisition cost and durability of the resulting device. Newly designed wireless units will replace the original wired sensors, as well as the control unit of the existing device based on the prototype system will be replaced with a new wireless central unit. The alphanumeric display with control buttons will remain as the control panel of this unit. The wireless central unit is connected via a serial communication interface to the visualization and control unit, which extends the offered options of the heating control system.

Étude et modélisation des perturbations produites au sein des microcontrôleurs STM32 soumis à des stress en impulsion / Study and modelling of the disturbances produced within the STM32 microcontrollers under pulsed stresses

Bacher, Yann 27 April 2017 (has links)
La fiabilité des microcontrôleurs est cruciale compte tenu de leur utilisation massive dans de nombreux domaines, surtout dans des environnements sévères. De ce fait, la robustesse aux perturbations électromagnétiques, en particulier à propos des alimentations, est un axe de développement majeur, que ce soit pour acquérir un avantage comparatif sur le marché, ou simplement pour assurer la sécurité des biens et des personnes. En ce sens, nous avons étudié le test de ces circuits soumis à des agressions transitoires rapides en salve définies par la norme IEC 61000-4-4. Les mécanismes spécifiques de propagation de la perturbation en mode commun sont mis en évidence, ainsi que leur conversion en mode différentiel. Plusieurs méthodes de mesure, dont certaines originales, ont été développées pour valider cette conversion, ainsi que les modes de propagation. Sur cette base, le réseau de distribution des alimentations a été particulièrement étudié et son influence sur la robustesse du circuit a été mise en évidence. Enfin, cette thèse ouvre de nouvelles perspectives d’amélioration de la robustesse des microcontrôleurs, pour ce type d’agression, et donc de leur fiabilité. / The reliability of the microcontrollers is crucial considering their massive use in numerous domains, especially in severe environments. Therefore, the robustness in the electromagnetic disturbances, in particular for the power supply network, is a major development, whether it is to acquire a comparative advantage on the market, or simply to assure the goods and people safety. Therefore, we studied the Fast Transient Burst test of integrated circuits, as defined by the IEC 61000-4-4 standard. The specific propagation mechanisms of the disturbance in common mode are highlighted, as well as their conversion in differential mode. Several measurements methods, among which certain novel, were developed to validate this conversion, as well as the propagation modes. Based on this, the power distribution network was particularly studied and its influence on the robustness of the circuit was highlighted. Finally, this work opens new perspectives of improvement of the microcontrollers’ robustness, for this kind of aggression, and thus their reliability.

A Smart Surveillance System Using Edge-Devices for Wildlife Preservation in Animal Sanctuaries

Linder, Johan, Olsson, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
The Internet of Things is a constantly developing field. With advancements of algorithms for object detection and classification for images and videos, the possibilities of what can be made with small and cost efficient edge-devices are increasing. This work presents how camera traps and deep learning can be utilized for surveillance in remote environments, such as animal sanctuaries in the African Savannah. The camera traps connect to a smart surveillance network where images and sensor-data are analysed. The analysis can then be used to produce valuable information, such as the location of endangered animals or unauthorized humans, to park rangers working to protect the wildlife in these animal sanctuaries. Different motion detection algorithms are tested and evaluated based on related research within the subject. The work made in this thesis builds upon two previous theses made within Project Ngulia. The implemented surveillance system in this project consists of camera sensors, a database, a REST API, a classification service, a FTP-server and a web-dashboard for displaying sensor data and resulting images. A contribution of this work is an end-to-end smart surveillance system that can use different camera sources to produce valuable information to stakeholders. The camera software developed in this work is targeting the ESP32 based M5Stack Timer Camera and runs a motion detection algorithm based on Self-Organizing Maps. This improves the selection of data that is fed to the image classifier on the server. This thesis also contributes with an algorithm for doing iterative image classifications that handles the issues of objects taking up small parts of an image, making them harder to classify correctly.

Utveckling av sensorbaserat system för personräkning i inomhusmiljö / Development of sensor-based system for indoor people counting

Sandström, Joakim January 2021 (has links)
I det här arbetet presenteras ett system som utvecklats i syfte att kunna räkna personer. Systemet är tänkt att användas i mötesrum för upp till tio personer och använder sig av infraröd teknik i form av thermopile arrayer. I arbetet har tre olika sensorer använts för utvärdering. Sensorerna som använts är Panasonic Grid-EYE med pixelupplösningen 8×8 och detekteringsvinkeln 60°×60° samt två stycken Heimann 32x32d, båda med upplösningen 32×32 pixlar, men med detekteringsvinkeln 90°×90° respektive 105°×105°. Systemet är programmerat med hjälp av utvecklingskortet STM32L476RG och är skrivet i språket C. I systemet används två metoder för att beräkna antalet personer. Den ena metoden jämför temperaturförändringen i ett rum i förhållande till då rummet är tomt och den andra metoden använder sig av bildbehandlingsmetoder som interpolering, filtrering och beräkning av area. Sensorerna utvärderas även individuellt utifrån egenskaper som noggrannhet, strömförbrukning och implementationskostnad. Script har även skapats i MATLAB som, i kombination med mikrokontrollern, används för att grafiskt presentera temperaturvärdena från sensorerna. Den sensor som visade sig vara bäst lämpad för att räkna personer är Heimann 32×32d med detekteringsvinkeln 105°×105°. Detta tack vare den större detekteringsvinkeln som resulterar i en större detekterbar yta samt upplösningen på totalt 1024 pixlar som sammantaget ger en högre noggrannhet för personräkning. Denna sensor kräver dock mer komplexa och tidskrävande beräkningar för behandling av data än Grid-EYE. Dessa skillnader är ändå marginella, där noggrannheten och den större detekterbara arean väger upp nackdelarna. De experimentella resultaten visar att Heimann 32×32d med 105°×105° ger en noggrannhet på c:a 98.3 % vid mätning på höjden 2.45 m. Detta motsvarar en yta på c:a 39.1 m2 och systemet kan räkna upp till minst 4 personer. För Grid-EYE och samma höjd har ej noggrannheten fastställts, men har endast en detekterbar yta på c:a 7.7 m2 där maximalt 4 personer bedöms kunna räknas. / In this work, a system is being developed with the purpose of counting people. The system is intended for use in meeting rooms for up to ten persons and utilizes infrared technique using thermopile arrays. For this work, three different sensor have been used for evaluation. A Panasonic Grid-EYE with a resolution of 8×8 and a Field of View (FoV) of 60°×60°, and two Heimann 32×32d sensors, both having a resolution of 32×32, but with the FoV 90°×90° and 105°×105° respectively. The system has been programmed using the microcontroller STM32L476RG, and with the programming language C. In this system, two methods for people counting has been implemented. The first method compares the total change in temperature of a room in relation to when the room is empty and the other method uses image processing methods, such as interpolation, filtering and area calculations. The sensors are also being evaluated individually, based on characteristics such as accuracy, current consumption and implementation cost. To graphically display the temperature values of the sensors, scripts has been made for MATLAB that uses information sent by the microcontroller. The sensor which seem to be best suited for counting people is the Heimann 32×32d with the FoV 105°×105°. The main advantage of this sensor is its wider FoV, covering a larger area, and its higher resolution, which overall yields a higher accuracy when counting people. However, this sensor requires more complex and time-consuming calculations when processing data than the Grid-EYE. Still, these differences are marginal where the accuracy and the larger detectable area for the HTPA outweighs its disadvantages. The experimental results shows that the Heimann sensor with 105°×105° FoV can achieve an accuracy of ≈98.3 % measuring at a height of 2.45 m. At this height, the detectable area for the sensor is ≈39.1 m2 and is being able to count up to at least 4 persons. As for the Grid-EYE and with the same scenario, the accuracy has not been determined, but has a detectable area of ≈7.7 m2 and is estimated being able to count up to a maximum of 4 persons.

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