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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


DANIELA CALDEIRA BRUNO 10 March 2011 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese de doutorado investiga o processo de construção de identidades de oficiais pára-quedistas do Exército Brasileiro em narrativas de história de vida. O corpus de dados foi gerado mediante entrevistas conduzidas pela pesquisadora com 10 oficiais pára-quedistas lotados no 26º Batalhão de Infantaria Pára-quedista, além de outra entrevista conduzida com um oficial que já havia servido naquele batalhão. A partir de uma visão de discurso como uma forma de ação social; de identidade como fenômeno socioconstruído, relacional, dinâmico, situado, fluido, contextual e processual; de narrativa como construções situadas da experiência, guiadas pelos filtros afetivos do narrador, através das quais ele organiza sua experiência individual inscrita na ordem social buscou-se investigar os processos de construção de identidades de indivíduos que praticam, vivenciam e compartilham um código de valores em um contexto particular: a comunidade pára-quedista do Exército Brasileiro. Buscou-se também entender como os pára-quedistas servem-se de tais valores para elaborarem partes de suas autobiografias levando-se em consideração a cena contemporânea em que suas existências se dão. O foco das análises recai sobre a dinâmica entre o contexto social e a agência individual buscando-se o diálogo entre socioconstrucionismo e subjetividade. Na análise foi dada especial atenção à construção do ponto de tais narrativas, às avaliações e às resoluções instanciadas. Por sua vez, são essas narrativas que constroem o ideário pára-quedista, ao repetidamente reafirmar e sustentar crenças e valores compartilhados na comunidade estudada. Discutiu-se acerca das forças coercitivas do grupo na construção das identidades coletivas de seus membros e de como tais forças cobram performances identitárias ao mesmo tempo em que brindam os integrantes do grupo com um sentimento de pertença e a segurança de se acreditar saber quem se é. Percebeu-se que em meio às forças coercitivas atuantes na comunidade pára-quedista, marcadas principalmente pela evidência de atributos físicos, emocionais e morais valorizados naquela ecologia, surge, no ato de narrar e recapitular experiências e feitos passados, uma noção de self expressa vividamente pelos narradores durante as histórias que contam. Os pára-quedistas constroem-se como personagens principais e heróicos em suas próprias narrativas. Esta noção de self socioconstruído foi entendida como um efeito dramático decorrente da ação narrativa. Na performance sociointeracional, isto é, na encenação narrativa vívida e pulsante, os pára-quedistas evidenciam sensações ontológicas e sentimentos existenciais, entendendo-se como profissionais movidos pelos ideais pára-quedistas cujos atributos de superioridade, segundo eles, destinam-se ao seu bem maior, este último entendido pelos pára-quedistas como a disposição incondicional para a defesa e manutenção da integridade nacionais. / [en] This thesis investigates the process of identity construction of paratrooper officers serving the Brazilian Army with special attention to narratives of life history. The corpus of data was generated through interviews carried out by the researcher with 10 paratrooper officers stationed in the 26th Parachute Infantry Battalion , besides another interview with an officer who had served in the battalion. Taking a vision of speech as a form of social action; identity as a socioconstructed, relational, dynamic, situated, fluid, contextual and procedural phenomenon; narrative as a situated construction of the experience, guided by the narrator s affective filters through which he/she organizes his personal experience inscribed in the social order, the investigation focused at the processes of identities construction of individuals who practice, experience and share a code of values in a particular context: the paratrooper community of the Brazilian Army. Also, the researched aimed at understanding how the paratroopers make use of such values to develop parts of their autobiographies taking into account the contemporary scene in which their lives occur. The focus of the analysis rests on the dynamics between social and individual agency, enabling the dialogue between the social context and subjectivity. In the analysis, special attention was given to the construction of the point of such narratives, as well as the instantiation of evaluations and resolutions. In turn, these narratives are responsible for building the paratrooper set of beliefs, once they repeatedly reaffirm and sustain the values shared among the community studied. The researcher discussed the coercive forces of the group in the construction of collective identities of its members and how these forces require performances of identity at the same time that they provide group members with both a sense of belonging and the security of believing knowing who they are. It was noticed that among the coercive forces active in the paratrooper community, marked mainly by the evidence of the physical, emotional and moral attributes valued in that ecology, that the act of narrating and summing up past experiences and achievements rises a sense of self, expressed vividly by the narrators in the stories they tell. The paratroopers are built as main and heroic characters in their own narratives. This notion of socioconstructed self was understood as a dramatic effect arising from the narrative action. It is during the sociointeractional performance, that is, the vivid and pulsating narrative scene, that the paratroopers show ontological sensations and existential feelings, understanding themselves as professionals driven by the paratroopers’ ideals whose attributes of superiority, they say, are intended to their most precious possession, the latter understood by paratroopers as the unconditional willingness to defend and maintain national integrity.

Försvarsmakten wants you? – en fallstudie av Försvarsmaktens arbete inom employer branding / The Swedish Armed Forces wants you? –  a case study on the Swedish Armed Forces’ work in employer branding

Wallin, Simon, Ekberg, Linéah January 2022 (has links)
I en tid då Sverige står inför en alltmer osäker omvärld och en förändrad säkerhetspolitik så behöver Försvarsmakten växa, och därmed rekrytera med bibehållen kvalité på sin personal. Behovet av ett effektivt employer branding arbete har därmed aldrig varit så stort inom Försvarsmakten. Employer branding är fortfarande relativt outforskat och ser olika ut för varje organisation eftersom arbetet är unikt utifrån varje organisations förutsättningar. Det är även ett arbete i ständig utveckling, på grund av att en föränderlig omvärld skapar nya förutsättningar och behov. Denna studie har som syfte att försöka förstå och förklara den svenska Försvarsmaktens arbete med employer branding. Utifrån deras unika förutsättningar, vad väljer de att prioritera, vad ser de för utmaningar och kommer employer branding arbetet förändras som en effekt av en mer osäker framtid? Studien finner att Försvarsmaktens viktigaste verktyg för att både attrahera och behålla, såväl militär som civil personal, är att kommunicera myndighetens arbete och relevans. Genom detta skapar och kommunicerar man ett förtroende för verksamheten och en vilja att vara en del av något större än sig själv - ett högre syfte. Försvarsmakten har idag ett fokus på att fortsätta attrahera, engagera och inkludera minoritetsgrupper, något som är väsentligt för att kunna vidhålla expansion med bibehållen kvalité. Historiskt så har det funnits många strukturella hinder som man kommit långt med att arbeta bort, även om behovet av ett fortsatt arbete kvarstår. En utmärkande aspekt för Försvarsmaktens organisationskultur är en stark gemenskap och en förbandsanda med starkt individuell identitet för landets förband. Det är inte ett arbete utan utmaningar, men med möjligheter till utveckling. / At a time when Sweden is facing an increasingly insecure world around them, and a changed security politics, the Swedish Armed Forces needs to grow, and thus recruit while maintaining a high quality of its personnel. The need for effective employer branding has thus never been so great within the Swedish Armed Forces. Employer branding is still relatively unexplored and looks different for each organization because the work is unique based on each organization’s conditions. It is also a work in constant development since a changing world creates new conditions and needs. The purpose of this study is to try to understand and explain the Swedish Armed Forces’ work with employer branding. Based on their unique conditions, what do they choose to prioritize, what do they see as challenges, and will employer branding change as an effect of a more uncertain future? The study finds that the Swedish Armed Forces’ most important tool for attracting and retaining both military and civilian personnel is to communicate the agency’s work and relevance. Through this, they create and communicate a trust in the organization and a desire to be part of something bigger than yourself – a higher purpose. The Swedish Armed Forces today has a focus on continuing to attract, engage and include minority groups, something that is essential in order to be able to maintain expansion while maintaining high quality. Historically, there have been many structural obstacles that they have come a long way to undermine, even though the need for continued work remains. A distinctive aspect of the Swedish Armed Forces’ organizational culture is a strong community and a spirit of unity with a strong individual identity for the country’s regiments. It is not a work without difficulties, but also with potential for improvement.


DANIELA CALDEIRA BRUNO 10 October 2005 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho desenvolve uma visão sobre a construção de identidades no contexto de práticas discursivas vivenciadas na formação de oficiais combatentes do Exército Brasileiro. Tais práticas evidenciam a representação dos sistemas simbólicos que dão forma a esta ecologia e às identidades suscitadas em seus participantes. As principais fontes de análise utilizadas foram textos interpretados como a materialização de um discurso de ordem social superior - o discurso pedagógico, produzidos durante exercícios de adestramento de tropas combatentes para o cumprimento de sua missão constitucional. Considerando-se que a língua carrega o potencial de produzir as ordens de significado que o dispositivo pedagógico está tentando controlar e distribuir, uma análise da organização funcional das práticas pedagógico-discursivas selecionadas, baseada no ferramental da Gramática Sistêmico-Funcional de Halliday (1985), principalmente no que tange à metafunção ideacional da linguagem e à transitividade, evidenciou que as escolhas lexicogramaticais, semânticas, fonológicas e entoacionais instanciadas constituem-se de sistemas semióticos não arbitrários de construção e representação do mundo. Essas escolhas funcionam produzindo significados particulares no âmbito da formação militar combatente, ideologicamente compartilhados e apropriados pela comunidade de prática estudada, facilitando processos de formação e representações sociais. As análises trouxeram à tona a crença de que o imaginário, o simbólico e o mítico marcham na mesma cadência que a racionalidade pretendida pelo discurso pedagógico enquanto veiculador de uma verdade e fator de construção de identidades no cotidiano das práticas discursivas que emergem nesta academia militar. / [en] This dissertation focuses on discourse, understood as an ideological practice of meaning and as a practice evocative of social identities at an institution of undergraduate military education. A particular view is developed on the identity construction process in the context of discursive practice enunciations taking place along the education of combatant officers of the Brazilian Army. Such practices reflect the representation of the symbolic systems which contribute to the shaping of this ecology and of the identities evoked from its members. The main source for analysis comprises texts interpreted as the materialization of a superior social order discourse - pedagogic discourse, produced during military maneuvers aiming at skilling combatant troops to accomplish their constitutional mission. Considering that language carries the potential of producing the orders of meaning which pedagogic discourse tries to control and distribute, the functional organization of the pedagogic-discursive practices was analyzed. Based on Halliday´s (1985) Systemic-Functional Grammar, with special focus on the ideational metafunction and transitivity, these analyses support that choices of lexicogramatical, semantic, phonological and intonation patterns build nonarbitrary semiotic systems of construction and representation of the world. These choices function producing particular meanings in the military combatant educational scope, besides being ideologically shared and appropriated by the studied community of practice, enabling social formation and representation processes. The analysis has risen the belief that the imaginary, the symbolic and the mythical march in the same cadence as that intended by the pedagogic discourse, medium which materializes the truth and factor of identity construction during the daily discursive practices that flourish at this military academy.

Militär kreativitet : en militär konstform?

Blomberg, Björn January 2021 (has links)
Kreativitet är en förmåga som Försvarsmakten önskar att militär personal behärskar och använder. Samtidigt saknas en tydlig beskrivning av vad militär kreativitet är, hur det ska tolkas och om det påverkas av yttre påverkansfaktorer. Trots vikten av att officerare ska kunna behärska kreativitet i en militär kontext, återfinns det inte en entydig sammanhållen definition av begreppet att förhålla sig till. Syftet med denna studie var att bidra till en djupare förståelse för militär kreativitet och de drivkrafter som påverkar kreativiteten i en militär kontext. De två frågeställningar som ligger till grund för studien var: Hur tolkas kreativitet i en militär kontext av yrkesofficerare i Försvarsmakten? Vilka drivkrafter hämmar alternativt stimulerar kreativitet i en militär kontext hos den enskilde yrkesofficeren? Frågeställningarna undersöktes genom intervjuer med yrkesofficerare i Försvarsmakten och analyserades i enlighet med en Grounded Theory-ansats. Studiens resultat visar att det finns en militär kreativitet som uppstår då militär personal befinner sig i en militär kontext och ständigt tänker nytt. Mer specifikt kan denna militära kreativitet definieras som: när militär personal på ett nytt och nyttigt eller generativt sätt skapar progression i en militär kontext. Denna studie bidrar således med att belysa progression som en viktig utgångspunkt för förståelsen av militär kreativitet. Studien visar också att den organisatoriska miljön har en central betydelse för den militära kreativiteten eftersom den stimulerar eller hämmar den militära personalen i sitt utövande. Studiens resultat pekar särskilt på att förekomsten av negativ korrigering, eller bestraffning, inom Försvarsmakten har en påtagligt hämmande effekt på militär kreativitet. / Creativity is an ability that the Swedish Armed Forces want their military personnel to master and use. At the same time, there is no clear description of what military creativity is, how it should be interpreted and whether it is influenced by external influencing factors. Despite the importance of officers being able to master creativity in a military context, there is no unambiguously coherent definition of the term to relate to. The purpose of this study was to contribute to a better understanding of military creativity and the driving forces that influence creativity in a military context. The two questions that form the basis of the study were: How is creativity interpreted in a military context by professional officers in the Armed Forces? What driving forces inhibit or stimulate creativity in a military context of the individual professional officer? The issues were examined through interviews with professional officers in the Swedish Armed Forces and analyzed in accordance with a Grounded Theory approach. The results of the study show that there is a military creativity that arises when military personnel are in a military context and constantly think new. More specifically, this military creativity can be defined as: when military personnel in a new and useful or generative way create progression in a military context. This study thus helps to shed light on progression as an important starting point for the understanding of military creativity. The study also shows that the organizational environment is central to military creativity because it stimulates or inhibits military personnel in their practice. The results of the study indicate in particular that the presence of negative correction, or punishment, within the Swedish Armed Forces has a significant inhibiting effect on military creativity.

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