Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] MYSTICAL"" "subject:"[enn] MYSTICAL""
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La conception du divin et de l’être humain universel chez Ibn ‘Arabi à travers des oeuvres et études en anglais et en français / The concept of the divine and the universal human being in Ibn 'ArabiBenstein, Patricia 04 April 2016 (has links)
Le sujet de cette thèse est la conception du divin et de l’être humain parfait (insân kâmil) et du voyage spirituel dans la doctrine d’Ibn ‘Arabi à travers une présentation et une analyse de ses œuvres et études en anglais et en français. Cela implique une analyse profonde des sujets qui sont fondamentaux tout en étant dispersés dans l’œuvre du maître. Cette étude interprétative se concentre sur l’analyse et la discussion de ce que les traductions et les études offrent au chercheur occidental. La première partie présente la conception du divin chez Ibn ‘Arabi, ce qui inclut la présentation de la doctrine des différentes dimensions de la réalité divine. Le mouvement de l’unicité à travers les noms divins à la création du cosmos et de l’être humain est présenté et analysé. La deuxième partie analyse la totalité de la réalité de l’autre angle, celui de la perspective de l’être humain dans la doctrine d’Ibn ‘Arabi. Les caractéristiques de l’amour et de la lumière, que les humains et Dieu partagent, sont éclaircies. Le développement spirituel du serviteur qui cherche la proximité de Dieu et les différences entre les saints et les prophètes sont décrites dans la deuxième partie. La troisième partie précise le lien entre les deux parties précédentes. La question de l’identité du voyageur, sa motivation et sa destination sont examinées dans la perspective de l’ascension et de la redescente. Le chapitre conclusif rassemble les conceptions clés du sujet et introduit la conception de la transcendance inclusive dans l’œuvre d’Ibn ‘Arabi. / This thesis explores the concepts of the divine, the perfect human being (insan kamil) and the spiritual journey in the doctrine of Ibn ' Arabi through a presentation and analysis of his works and studies in English and French. This involves a thorough analysis of the topics that are fundamental and yet dispersed in the work of the sheikh. This interpretative study focuses on the analysis and discussion of what the translations and studies provide the Western researcher. The first part presents the concept of the divine in Ibn 'Arabi, which includes the presentation of the doctrine of the different dimensions of the divine reality. The movement of unity through the divine names in the creation of the cosmos and of human beings is presented and analysed.The second part analyses the totality of reality from another angle, that of the perspective of the human being in the doctrine of Ibn 'Arabi. The characteristics of love and light that God and humans share are elucidated. The spiritual development of the servant who seeks proximity to God and the differences between the saints and the prophets are also described. The third part of the thesis establishes the connection between the previous two parts. The question of the identity of the traveller, their motivation and final destination are discussed from the perspective of the ascent and subsequent descent. The concluding chapter brings together the key concepts of the study and introduces the concept of ‘inclusive transcendence’ in the work of Ibn 'Arabi.
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Inscrire l'inconnaissable : anomalies métaphoriques au sein de l'expérience mystiqueSbih, Miriam 09 1900 (has links)
Cette réflexion découle d’un constat simple, mais qui à la fois invoque la réévaluation en profondeur de notre lien à la pensée, au sens et au langage. L’expérience de l’inconnaissable, de tout ce qui n’est pas là, devant nous, demande de se détourner du langage conventionnel, logique et rationnel, afin de pouvoir l’exprimer. Les écrits mystiques, dans leur mise en forme langagière d’un contact direct avec Dieu, constituent un espace foisonnant et exemplaire, afin de réfléchir la pensée. Celle-ci est traversée de toutes parts d’un besoin pressant de dire l’ineffable, par l’entremise d’une inscription langagière qui déroge du sens convenu du monde, des liens communicationnels ordinaires. Cette manière particulière de dire est structurée par la métaphore, cette suspension de la pensée qui appelle à la recréer, à sortir de leur endormissement le sens et la langue cristallisée du quotidien.
Ce mémoire se propose donc de penser les modes de l’expression et de concrétisation de l’expérience de l’ineffable, en se penchant sur ce que la métaphore, dans son inscription, permet de connaître, ailleurs que dans le langage discursif.
En premier lieu, il s’agira de présenter les modalités générales de l’expérience mystique et ses différentes manières de s’inscrire au sein de l’existence. Je me pencherai plus précisément sur le propre de son inscription métaphorique dans le langage. En deuxième lieu, je voudrai réfléchir théoriquement et pratiquement la métaphore, par-delà le titre réducteur d’ornement ostentatoire que le langage logique lui fait vêtir, niant sa possibilité singulière de propulser la pensée et de créer une connaissance nouvelle. En troisième et dernier lieu, il s’agira d’exemplifier l’inscription métaphorique de l’expérience mystique, à travers deux figures mystiques singulières, soit Simone Weil (1909-1943) et Al-Hallâj (858-922), chez qui la constatation de l’absence matérielle de Dieu invite plutôt à se détacher de sa construction langagière imaginaire, et à l’aimer, dans toute son absence. Cela, en dépouillant le langage, métaphore imitant le mouvement de dépossession de soi qu’appelle leur conception unique de l’extase mystique. / This reflection comes from a simple observation, which at the same time demands that we deeply re-evaluate our relation to thought, meaning and language. In order to be expressed, the experience of the unknowable, of everything not there in front of us, requires a diversion from conventional, rational language. Mystical writings, shaping through language direct contact with God, constitute an abundant and exemplary space to reflect upon thought, which is met with a pressing need to express the ineffable through a kind of linguistic inscription capable of departing from the agreed meanings of the world, from ordinary communicational connections. This particular way of saying is structured by the metaphor, this suspension of thought asking to be recreated, so that language and meaning, crystallized in daily life, may awake from their slumber.
Thus, this thesis proposes to reflect upon the modes of expression and concretization of the experience of the ineffable, by examining what knowledge the metaphor, in its inscription, allows to be understood outside discursive language.
To begin with, the general modalities of the mystical experience, and the different ways in which it inscribes itself in existence, will be presented. I will consider more precisely its characteristic metaphorical inscription in language. I will then reflect theoretically and practically on the metaphor, beyond the reductive title of ostentatious ornament that rational language gives to it, denying its singular possibility to propel thought and create new forms knowledge. Finally, I will exemplify the metaphorical inscription of the mystical experience through two particular mystical figures: Simone Weil (1909-1943) and Al-Hallâj (858-922), for whom the observation of God’s material absence instead implies detachment from their imaginary linguistic construction and invites to love him in all his absence. This, by stripping down language, a metaphor imitating the movement of the dispossession of self, which is called for by their unique conception of mystical ecstasy.
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The Mariology of Saint Manuel Gonzalez Garcia (1877 - 1940)Jiron, Keith Isaac Akira 25 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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The Mariology of Saint Manuel Gonzalez Garcia (1877 – 1940)Jiron, Keith I.A. 27 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] A tese doutoral que tens sob teus olhos nasceu de uma caminhada. Ela é parte integrante de nossa ventura, na lida da vida, como discípulo do Mestre de Nazaré: vinculada a uma genuína vocação pastoral e teológica. O tema aqui tratado está inextricavelmente ligado a uma intensa vivência como humano, cristão e professor de teologia: fruto de uma transfiguradora experiência de Deus; de um encontro com o Sentido da vida: uma caminhada feita de afastamentos, descaminhos, dúvidas, incertezas, de noites escuras. Ao longo desta caminhada, uma questão fustiga-nos o coração, desde os primeiros passos no mundo da teologia, a saber: uma (pre)ocupação em relação ao conhecimento de Deus; sobre a chamada gnosiologia teológica. Esta questão têm nos acompanhado (e inquietado) desde os primeiros passos no labor teológico. Pois, se Deus desvelou Seu Rosto, conforme afirma a fé cristã, como se dá o conhecimento de Deus? Esta é uma pergunta que nos remete à gnosiologia teológica (e, lato sensu, aponta diretamente para a epistemologia teológica). Esta (pre)ocupação fundamental têm norteado e impulsionado nosso caminho na pesquisa acadêmica em teologia, fustigado nosso coração, pondo-nos a pensar. Questão para a qual buscamos uma resposta/proposta ao longo desta tese. Tendo em vista que o conhecimento de Deus sempre se dá entre homens e mulheres situados, inseridos numa determinada conjuntura histórico-cultural, sócio-política, sócio-econômica, etc., que nos condiciona e limita, mas simultaneamente nos possibilita e desafia a elaborar outras concepções teológicas, agora no horizonte pós-moderno. Neste sentido, propomos outra racionalidade teológica que tenha como ponto de partida a constatação da crise e declínio da Razão - a civilização da Razão entrou em colapso (seu logocentrismo, presente na gênese da teo-logia). Sendo assim, garimpamos outras fontes de sabedoria e racionalidade: outras fontes de inspiração. A primeira encontrada foi a rica concepção de racionalidade presente no pensamento pós-moderno, chamada doravante de razão sensível. A segunda fonte, é oriunda do século XVII (do racionalismo cartesiano): a razão sensível (cordial) conforme propunha o francês Blaise Pascal; na qual a mística encontra-se em primeiro plano: uma mística centrada no coração. A terceira e última fonte provém do húmus fértil da fé cristã, pela qual somos interpelados acerca de nossa real condição: finitude, indicando não só uma radical transitoriedade, mas desvelando com absoluta crueza nossa precariedade ontológica e profunda interdependência. Daí, a humildade não ser apenas mais uma virtude, em última análise, mas resultado de uma mínima tomada de lucidez. Neste Espírito de humildade, que é espaço vital (útero/húmus): somos gerados e regenerados, e podemos crescer. Trata-se do Espírito que ao lado do Pai e do Filho forma uma Comunidade de Amor humilde (em kénosis) e dançarina (em pericóresis). Modelo de Relação no qual o Terceiro está incluído: o Espírito. Somos filhos e filhas dessa Relação-Comunhão, e para Ela estamos vocacionados, que implica a possibilidade de desenvolver uma intercorporeidade trinitária. Abrindo espaço para a inclusão de dimensões antes marginalizadas no decorrer da história do pensamento ocidental: tecendo com outros fios, oriundos de novelos diversos, uma teopo(ética) trinitária. / [en] The doctoral thesis you have under your eyes born of a walk. It is an integral part of our venture, the read of life, as a disciple of the Master of Nazareth: linked to a genuine pastoral and theological vocation. The hereof theme is inextricably linked to an intense experience as a human, Christian and professor of theology: the result of a transfiguring experience of God; a meeting with the sense of life: a walk made of leaves, waywardness, doubt, uncertainty, dark nights. Throughout this walk, a matter harasses our hearts (since first steps in the world of theology), namely one (pre)occupation against the knowledge of God; on the call theological epistemology. This question has accompanied us (and troubled) from the first steps in theological work. But if God unveiled His face, as stated in the Christian faith, how is the knowledge of God? This is a question that takes us to theological epistemology (and lato sensu, points directly to the theological epistemology). This (pre)fundamental occupation have guided and pushed our way in academic research in theology, battered heart, putting us to think. Question to which we seek an answer/proposed along this thesis. Given that the knowledge of God always is between situated men and women, entered in the historical-cultural context, socio-political, socio-economic, etc., conditions and limits us, but at the same time enables us and challenges to develop others theological concepts, now in the postmodern horizon. In this sense, we propose another theological rationality that has as its starting point the finding of crisis and decline of Reason - Reason civilization collapsed (its logocentrism, the genesis of this theo-logy). So we have searched other sources of wisdom and rationality: other sources of inspiration. The first was found a rich conception of rationality in this postmodern thought, hereinafter called sensible reason. The second source comes from the seventeenth century (the cartesian rationalism): a
sensible reason (friendly) as proposed to the French Blaise Pascal; in which the mystic is in the foreground: a mystical heart-centered. The third and final source comes from the fertile humus of the Christian faith, for which we are questioned about our real condition: finitude, indicating not only a radical transience, but unveiling with absolute rawness our ontological insecurity and deep interdependence. Hence, the humility not being just a virtue, ultimately, but the result of a minimum making lucidity. In this Spirit of humility, who is living space (uterus/humus): we are generated and regenerated, and we can grow. It is the Spirit that beside the Father and the Son form a humble Love Community (kenosis) and dancer (in perichoresis). Relationship model in which the Third is included: the Spirit. We are sons and daughters of this ratio Communion, and She are oriented, which implies the possibility of developing a trinitarian intercorporeality. Making room for the inclusion of previously marginalized dimensions throughout the history of Western thought: weaving with other wires, from various skeins, a trinitarian teopo(ethics).
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Le principe du Féminin chez Ibn ʿArabī (1165-1240) et Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) : une analyse comparativeBelgaid, Farid 06 1900 (has links)
Principe spirituel pour Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ʿArabī (1165-1240) et archétype universel pour Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), le Féminin est au centre de cette recherche où il sera étudié sous l’angle de l’expérience mystique dont il est un médian incontournable. L’accent sera mis surtout sur le rapport entre le Féminin comme principe ou archétype et l’expérience mystique tel qu’ils s’articulent chez nos deux penseurs tant dans leur vécu personnel que sur le plan de leurs élaborations théoriques. Elle consiste, pour éviter tout anachronisme, davantage en un dialogue d’idées qu’une comparaison de la pensée du maitre soufi andalou avec celle du psychanalyste moderne suisse.
C’est à ce premier niveau d’analyse, où le Féminin et le Masculin forment une androgynie primordiale, que leurs pensées se rejoignent de manière significative. Les deux penseurs reconnaissant au Féminin en particulier une fonction transcendantale qui s’accomplit à travers une prédisposition à l’établissement d’une relation avec le monde subtil de l’Esprit qui s’enracine soit dans une tradition religieuse donnée, l’islam dans le cas d’Ibn ʿArabī, ou d’une analyse thérapeutique aux allures néanmoins mystiques dans le cas de Jung. L’expérience du Féminin chez nos deux penseurs révèle un rapport différencié quant à la nature et à la forme de l’expérience spirituelle qui est son support d’expression.
Leurs conceptions se distinguent aussi sur la question de Dieu (transcendant ou immanent) dont la rencontre est perçue comme la finalité vers laquelle tend la dynamique transformatrice de la personnalité qu’implique ce cheminement initiatique qu’induit la rencontre du Féminin spirituel. Avant de réaliser cette ultime et unificatrice rencontre, il faut d’abord rencontrer et entrer en relation avec ce Féminin comme figure d’une altérité intérieure et extérieure en vue de dépasser le dualisme primaire où les humains sont embourbés tant individuellement que collectivement. C’est sur ce point en particulier que l’étude montre des convergences signifiantes, qui révèlent, d’un côté, le lien transversal qu’il y a entre le soufisme et la psychologie analytique et de l’autre les aspects implicites d‘une psychologie des profondeurs nichant en arrière-plan de la mystique akbarienne.
Cette ébauche de dialogue, opérée dans une approche interdisciplinaire, révèle certes des postures épistémologiques très différentes, mais aussi une convergence de vue tacite jusque-là et que la méthode de la phénoménologie herméneutique retenue pour ce travail de maitrise a éclairé d’un nouveau jour. C’est dans cet esprit qu’elle peut ouvrir de nouvelles pistes de réflexion à nos sociétés contemporaines prises avec une crise de sens et de perte de repères identitaires inquiétante. Le sous-bassement de cette crise est une vision dualiste de la femme et de l’homme, et corollairement d’une division binaire entre nature et culture, au lieu de saisir leur nécessaire et paradoxale complémentarité qui doit se réaliser en premier lieu en chaque être humain. / A spiritual principle for Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ʿArabī (1165-1240) and a universal archetype for Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), the Feminine is at the center of this research, where it will be studied from the perspective of the mystical experience of which it is an inescapable mediator. The emphasis will be on the relationship between the Feminine as a principle or archetype and the mystical experience as articulated by our two thinkers in their personal experience as well as in their theoretical elaborations. It consists, to avoid any anachronism, more of a dialogue of ideas than a comparison of the thought of the Andalusian Sufi master with that of the modern Swiss psychoanalyst.
It is at this first level of analysis, where the Feminine and the Masculine form a primordial androgyny that their thoughts meet in a significant way. Both thinkers in fact recognize in the Feminine a transcendental function that is fulfilled through a predisposition to establish a relationship with the subtle world of Spirit that is rooted either in a given religious tradition-Islam in the case of Ibn ʿArabī or of a therapeutic analysis with nonetheless mystical overtones in the case of Jung. The experience of the Feminine in our two thinkers reveals a differentiated relationship as to the nature and form of the spiritual experience that is its medium of expression.
Their conceptions also differ on the question of God (transcendent or immanent) whose meeting is perceived as the finality towards which tends the transforming dynamics of the personality that implies this initiatory path that induces the meeting of the spiritual Feminine. Before realizing this ultimate and unifying encounter, one must first meet and relate to this Feminine figure of inner and outer otherness in order to overcome the primary dualism in which humans are mired both individually and collectively. It is on this point in particular that the study shows significant convergences, which reveal, on the one hand, the link between Sufism and analytical psychology; and on the other hand, the "deep psychological" aspects of Akbarian mysticism.
This draft dialogue, carried out in an interdisciplinary approach, certainly reveals very different epistemological postures, but also a convergence of views implicit until then and which the method of hermeneutic phenomenology chosen for this master's thesis has shed new light on. It is in this spirit that it can open up new avenues of reflection for our contemporary societies caught up in a disturbing crisis of meaning and loss of identity markers. The underpinning of this crisis is a dualistic vision of woman and man, and consequently of a binary division between nature and culture, instead of grasping their necessary and paradoxical complementarity which must be realized first and foremost in each human being.
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A promise kept: the mystical reach through lossCollins, Jody 04 October 2019 (has links)
The meaning of loss is love. I know this through attention to experience. Whether loss or love is experienced in abundance or in absence, the meaning is mystical with an opening of body, mind, heart and soul to spirit. And so, in the style of a memoir, in the way of contemplative prayer, I contemplate and share my soul as a promise kept in the mystical reach through loss. With the first, initiating loss, the loss of my nine-year-old nephew, Caleb, I experience an epiphany that gives me spiritual instructions that will not be ignored. I experience loss as an abundance of meaning that comes to me as gnosis, as “knowledge of the heart” according to Elaine Pagels or divine revelation in what Evelyn Underhill calls mystical illumination in the experience of “losing-to-find” in union with the divine. Then, with gnostic import, in leaving the ordinary for the extraordinary, I enter the empty room in the painful yet liberating experience of the loss of my self. In the embrace of emptiness, I proceed to the first wall, the second wall, the third wall, the dark corner of denial, the return to centre, and, finally, to breaking the fourth wall in the empty room so as to keep my promise to you. Who are “you”? You are God. You are Caleb. You are spirit. You are my higher soul or self. And, you are the reader. You are my dear companion in silence. And then, through a series of broken promises and more loss, within what John of the Cross calls, “the dark night of the soul,” I am stopped by the ineffability of the dark corner of denial, the horror of separation and the absence of meaning, which is depicted as the grueling gap between the spiritual abyss and the breakthrough. What does it mean to keep going through a solemn succession of losses? I don’t know. In going into the empty room, I simply put pain to work in order to reach you. Through loss, though there are infinite manifestations, there is only one way: keep going. And so, in a triumph of the spirit, I keep going so as to be: a promise kept in the mystical reach through loss. As for you, through my illumined and dark experiences of loss, what is my promise to you? I keep going to reach the unreachable you. In the loss of self, with embodied emptiness, in going into the dark corner of denial, with a return to the divine centre of my emptied self, in an invitation to you, I give my soul to you in union with you. / Graduate / 2020-06-25
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Seeking the Face of God : a study on Augustine's reception in the mystical thought of Bernard of Clairvaux and William of St. ThierryCvetković, Carmen Angela January 2010 (has links)
The present thesis examines the way in which two twelfth century authors, the Cistercian monks, Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153) and William of St. Thierry (c. 1080-1148), used Augustine (354-430) in the articulation of their mystical thought. The approach to this subject takes into account the fact that in the works of all these medieval authors the “mystical” element is inescapably entangled with their theological discourse and that an accurate understanding of their views on the soul’s direct encounter with God cannot be achieved without a discussion of their theology. This thesis posits that the cohesion of Bernard’s and William’s mystical thought lies in their appropriation of the guiding principle of Augustine’s mystical theology: “You made us for yourself and our heart is restless until it rests in you” (conf. 1.1.1), reflected in the subtle interplay of three main themes, namely (1) the creation of humanity in the image and likeness of God, which provides the grounds for the understanding of the soul’s search for direct contact with God; (2) love as a longing innate in every human being, which explores the means to attain immediacy with God; and (3) the soul’s direct encounter with God, which discusses the nature of the soul’s immediate experience of the divine presence that can only be achieved in lasting fullness at the end of time. This examination of Bernard’s and William’s use of Augustine is structured on the basis of these three core themes which form the scaffolding of their mystical thought. Investigating the specific methods of their reception of Augustine will highlight the originality and uniqueness of each of the two Cistercian authors, who while drawing on the same patristic source use it nevertheless in various ways, by focussing on different aspects of Augustine’s immense oeuvre and by arriving at distinct mystical programmes.
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Imaginaire mystique contemporain et réseaux numériques / Imaginário místico contemporâneo e redes digitais / Contemporary mystical imaginary and digital networksAguiar, Carlos Eduardo Souza 26 November 2015 (has links)
En tant que phénomène social, le sacré se manifeste à partir d'un médium, de sorte que la sacralité est conditionnée par les matérialités. L'émergence d'un nouveau médium signifie ainsi l'apparition de nouveaux imaginaires mystiques. Ce travail de recherche s'interroge donc sur les aspects mystiques de l'imaginaire contemporain dévoilés par les médias et les réseaux numériques. Notre stratégie de recherche consiste, dans un premier temps, à engager une approche archéologique des médias, examinant trois différents objets en tant qu'artefacts mystiques : l'écriture, la relique et l'électricité. Cette approche, en s'intéressant à la façon dont chaque médium engendre une fantasmagorie différente, illumine la compréhension de l'imaginaire mystique découlant d'un habitat stratifié en multiples couches. Ensuite, nous examinons certains aspects de la mystique numérique à partir de l'opposition de deux régimes d'imaginaire provoqués par deux écologies matérielles. Premièrement, à l'époque du PC et des interfaces informatiques, il y a l'émergence d'un imaginaire mystique transcendant, cristallisé dans l'image du cyberespace et caractérisé par un nouvel angélisme. Deuxièmement, avec l'introduction des réseaux sans fil et des dispositifs mobiles, l'image d'un environnement réticulaire animiste caractérisé par un retour du paganisme se renforce. Une des formes de cet imaginaire mystique immanent est le technochamanisme, notre terrain de réflexion pour comprendre l'actuel réenchantement du monde marqué par la synergie entre la technique et l'archaïque. / The sacred, as a social phenomenon, manifests from a medium, so the sacredness is conditioned by materialities. The emergence of a new medium means, consequently, the emergence of new mystical imaginaries. This research examines the mystical aspects of the contemporary imaginary unveiled by the media and the digital networks. Our research strategy consists, at first, of engaging a media archaeological approach, examining three different objects as mystical artifacts: the writing, the relic and the electricity. This approach, by focusing on how each medium engenders a different phantasmagoria illuminates the understanding of mystical imaginary arising from a habitat constituted of multiple strata. Then we examine some aspects of digital mysticism from the opposition of two regimes of imaginary caused by two material ecologies. Initially, in the era of PC and computer interfaces, there is the emergence of a transcendent mystical imaginary crystallized in cyberspace image and characterized by a new otherworldliness. Afterwards, with the introduction of wireless networks and mobile devices, the image of a reticular animist environment characterized by a return of paganism is strengthened. One form of this immanent mystical imaginary is the technoshamanism, our field of reflection to understand the current re-enchantment of the world marked by the synergy between technology and archaic. / Enquanto fenômeno social, o sagrado manifesta-se à partir de um medium, de modo que a sacralidade é condicionada pelas materialidades. A emergência de um novo medium significa, assim, o surgimento de novos imaginários místicos. Este estudo interroga-se, portanto, acerca dos aspectos místicos do imaginário contemporâneo desvelados pelos media e redes digitais. Nossa estratégia de pesquisa consiste, em um primeiro momento, em mobilizar uma perspectiva arqueológica dos media, examinando três diferentes objetos como artefatos místicos: a escrita, a relíquia e a eletricidade. Essa abordagem, interessando-se à maneira pela qual cada medium engendra uma fantasmagoria diferente, ilumina a compreensão do imaginário místico resultante de um habitat estratificado em diferentes camadas. Em seguida, examinamos certos aspectos da mística digital a partir da contraposição de dois regimes do imaginário provocados por duas ecologias materiais. Inicialmente, na época do PC e das interfaces informáticas, há a emergência de um imaginário místico transcendental, cristalizado na imagem do ciberespaço e caracterizado por um angelismo renovado. Posteriormente, com a introdução das redes sem fio e dos dispositivos móveis, a imagem de um ambiente reticular animista caracterizado por um retorno do paganismo se reforça. Uma das formas deste imaginário místico imanente é o tecnoxamanismo, nosso campo de reflexão para compreendermos o atual reencantamento do mundo caracterizado pela sinergia entre a técnica e o arcaico.
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Iconología del Monte de Perfección. Para una teoría de la imagen en San Juan de la CruzSerra Zamora, Anna 14 December 2010 (has links)
Este trabajo pretende establecer una teoría de la imagen en San Juan de la Cruz a partir de los textos del autor y de la interpretación del dibujo del Monte de perfección o Monte Carmelo (ca.1580). Nuestro estudio parte de la comprensión de los hechos vitales fundamentales que llevaron a este religioso a la creación literaria y de ésta, a la creación plástica. Se analizarán las características de dicha imagen, como diagrama espiritual vinculado a técnicas de memorización, como ejemplo de poesía visual, como plasmación del mundo interior e invisible y como icono que responde a lo que podríamos llamar una estética de la negatividad, antiidolátrica, abstracta. El estudio se basa en una recopilación iconográfica que muestra la evolución de la imagen original a través de distintas ediciones de las obras de San Juan. / This dissertation aims to establish a theory of image in Saint John of the Cross through his texts and an interpretation of the drawing of the Mount of Perfection or Mount Carmel (ca. 1580). Our investigation starts with an explanation of the facts that brought this religious man to the literary creation, and from it, up to the graphical creation. We carry out an analysis of the features of this image, understood as a spiritual diagram related to mnemonic techniques, as an example of visual poetry, as an expression of the inner and invisible world and as an icon in response to what we could call aesthetics of negativity, antiidolatry and abstraction. This work is based on an iconographical recopilation that shows the evolution of the primitive image through different editions of Saint John's works.
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