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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Epilepsia como manifestação de tumor cerebral na infância e adolescência: características e desfechos clínicos / Epilepsy as a sign of brain tumor in the childhood and adolescence: features and outcome

Bernardino, Marília Rosa Abtibol 23 November 2015 (has links)
A epilepsia associada a tumor cerebral é uma condição debilitante, causadora de importante prejuízo sobre a qualidade de vida dos que sofrem desta condição. Relacionada à grande refratariedade ao tratamento medicamentoso, tanto a epilepsia quanto o uso de drogas antiepilépticas (DAEs) predispõem à deterioração das funções cognitivas. Em casos raros, a epilepsia secundária a tumor cerebral pode ser devastadora, aumentando os riscos de morte súbita. Buscando auxiliar a tomada de decisões e enfatizando os benefícios de uma discussão ampla entre equipes de oncologia, neurologia infantil, epilepsia e neurocirurgia, este trabalho objetiva descrever as características clínicas gerais, eletroencefalográficas, histopatológicas dos pacientes, verificar o impacto do tratamento cirúrgico sobre a epilepsia quanto ao desfecho clínico relacionado ao controle das crises, comparar os resultados da avaliação cognitiva nos períodos pré e pós-operatórios e descrever a ocorrência de complicações cirúrgicas intra-operatórias, pós-operatórias e óbitos. Trata-se de estudo observacional transversal retrospectivo, por revisão de prontuários de pacientes com idade inferior a 19 anos quando submetidos à cirurgia para tratamento de epilepsia refratária secundária a tumores cerebrais entre 1996 e 2013, pela equipe do Centro de Cirurgia de Epilepsia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto. Para análise dos desfechos quanto à incidência de crises, utilizou-se a classificação de Engel, adaptada para uso após o primeiro ano da cirurgia. Procedeu-se à análise descritiva dos dados. Foram incluídas 27 crianças, com média de 6,0 anos (3 meses a 15,8 anos) no início dos sintomas. O intervalo entre o início das crises epilépticas e o diagnóstico do tumor foi de 3,6 anos (um mês a 14,5 anos). A média da quantidade de drogas antiepilépticas (DAEs) utilizadas antes da cirurgia foi 3,6. A média da idade no diagnóstico do tumor cerebral foi 9,7 anos (10 meses a 16,8 anos). A localização do tumor foi lobo temporal em 59,2%, sendo ganglioglioma e DNET os mais frequentes, em igual proporção, 33,3%. Envolvimento de área eloquente ocorreu em 18,5%. A vídeomonitorização eletrográfica evidenciou descargas focais na área tumoral em 85,2%. O intervalo entre o diagnóstico tumoral e a realização da cirurgia foi de 1,5 anos (dias a 7 anos). A média de idade dos pacientes no momento da cirurgia foi 11,3 anos (3 a 17, 4 anos). A ressecção tumoral foi completa em 88,8% dos pacientes. Complicação pós-cirúrgica, osteomielite, ocorreu em 1 (3,7%). Um paciente (3,7%) com oligodendroglioma anaplásico foi a óbito após 2 anos da cirurgia. Os desfechos clínicos relacionados ao controle de crises dos pacientes submetidos à cirurgia foram satisfatórios, com Engel I correspondendo a 92,6% no primeiro ano pós-operatório. Apenas 14,8% apresentaram Engel III - IV durante todo o período de seguimento. A média do tempo para retirada das DAEs após a cirurgia foi de 3,2 anos (1,7 a 7 anos). Alterações neurológicas após a cirurgia ocorreram em 18,5%, sendo os déficits neurológicos focais transitórios. Evoluíram com melhora do perfil intelectual 31,3%, inalterado 50% e piora 18,7%. A cirurgia para tratamento da epilepsia secundária a tumor cerebral evidenciou-se uma modalidade terapêutica potencialmente curativa e segura, portanto, o diagnóstico tumoral não pode ser postergado / Tumor-associated epilepsy is a debilitating condition causing injury to the quality of life of those who suffer from a brain tumor. It has been shown to have a greater refractivity to antiepileptic drug therapy. Both epilepsy and the use of antiepileptic drugs have a predisposition to the deterioration of cognitive functions. In rare cases tumor-associated epilepsy can be devastating, increasing the risk of sudden death. Seeking help with decisionmaking and emphasizing the benefits of a broad discussion among oncology teams, child neurology, epilepsy and neurosurgery, this paper describes the general, clinical, electroencephalographic, and histopathological patient characteristics, verifies the impact of surgical treatment of epilepsy as the clinical outcome related to the control of seizures, compares the result of cognitive assessment in the pre to the postoperative and describes the occurrence of intraoperative surgical complications and postoperative deaths. It is a retrospective cross-sectional observational study, by review of medical records of patients under the age of 19 who underwent surgery to treat tumor-associated epilepsy between 1996 and 2013, by the Epilepsy Surgery Center of the Hospital of School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo University. For analysis of outcomes in the incidence of crises, the Engel classification was used and adapted for use after the first year of surgery. It was used with the descriptive analysis of the data. Twenty seven children were included, with a mean of 6.0 years (3 months to 15.8 years) at the beginning of symptoms. The interval between the onset of seizures and the diagnosis of the tumor was 3.6 years (1 month to 14.5 years). The average number of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) used before surgery was 3.6. The average age at diagnosis of brain tumor was 9.7 years (10 months to 16.8 years). The tumor site was the temporal lobe in 59.2% of patients and ganglioglioma and DNET were the most common, in equal proportion, 33.3%. Eloquent area of involvement occurred in 18.5%. The electrographic video monitoring showed focal discharges at the tumor site in 85.2% of patients. The interval between tumor diagnosis and the surgery was 1.5 years (days to 7 years). The average patient age at surgery was 11.3 years (3-17, 4 years). Tumor resection was complete in 88.8% of patients. Post-surgical complication, osteomyelitis, occurred in 1 (3.7%) of patients. Only one patient (3,7%) had anaplastic oligodendroglioma and dead two years after surgery. Clinical outcomes related to the control of seizures in patients undergoing surgery were satisfactory, with Engel I corresponding to 92,6% in the first year of follow up. Only 14.8% had Engel III - IV during the follow-up period. The average time for withdrawal of AEDs after surgery was 3.2 years (1.7 to 7 years). Neurological changes after surgery occurred in 18.5%, and were transient focal neurological deficits. The improvement of the intellectual profile occurred in 31.3%, unchanged in 50% and 18.7% worsened. Surgery to treat tumor-associated epilepsy showed up a potentially curative and safe therapeutic modality, therefore, tumor diagnosis cannot be postponed

Incidência de infecção de sítio cirúrgico em neurocirurgia / Incidence of surgical site infection in neurosurgery

Bellusse, Gislaine Cristhina 06 September 2013 (has links)
A infecção de sítio cirúrgico (ISC) é uma complicação frequente que pode acometer o paciente submetido ao procedimento anestésico cirúrgico. A importância dessa problemática está no aumento da morbidade, mortalidade e dos custos hospitalares, e ainda, em relação ao paciente, pelo sofrimento emocional e físico, bem como o prolongamento do período de afastamento de suas atividades profissionais e do convívio social. A presente investigação teve como objetivo geral analisar a incidência de infecção de sítio cirúrgico em pacientes submetidos à neurocirurgia eletiva e limpa em hospital privado filantrópico, nível terciário, do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Para tal, realizou-se estudo com delineamento de pesquisa não experimental, tipo descritivo e prospectivo. A amostra foi composta por 85 sujeitos submetidos a neurocirurgias eletivas e limpas. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se instrumento validado por estudioso da temática, esse procedimento ocorreu durante o acompanhamento do paciente no perioperatório (pré, intra e pós-operatório) e, após a alta, no trigésimo dia após o procedimento cirúrgico, sendo agendado o retorno do paciente na sala de curativos do hospital onde a pesquisa foi conduzida. A coleta de dados teve a duração de onze meses (junho de 2012 a abril de 2013). A indicência de ISC foi de 9,4%, resultado superior ao preconizado na literatura para o tipo de procedimento cirúrgico estudado (cirurgia limpa). As variáveis estudadas relacionadas ao paciente foram idade, classificação ASA, Índice de Massa Coporal e presença de doenças crônicas. As variáveis investigadas relacionadas ao procedimento anestésico cirúrgico foram duração da anestesia, duração da cirurgia, uso de antibioticoprofilaxia e tempo total de internação. Em relação ao momento do diagnóstico, dos oito pacientes com ISC, cinco (62,5%) tiveram o diagnóstico durante o período em que permaneceram internados; dois (25%) após a alta por ocasião de reinternação devido ISC e um (12,5%) no retorno agendado na sala de curativos. O estudo fornece subsídios para a reflexão dos profissionais de saúde sobre a incidência e os fatores predisponentes de ISC em neurocirurgia, os quais podem auxiliar na implementação de medidas de prevenção e controle para a problemática em razão dos efeitos deletérios acarretados no tocante aos custos e as repercussões familiares, sociais e financeiras ao paciente cirúrgico / The surgical site infection (SSI) is a common complication that can occur in patients undergoing the surgical anesthetic procedure. The importance of this problem is the increasing of morbidity, mortality and hospital costs, and also in relation to patients, the emotional and physical distress, as well as the extension of the period of absence from their professional and social life. This study aimed to analyze the incidence of surgical site infection in patients undergoing clean elective neurosurgery in a private philanthropic hospital, tertiary level, in the state of São Paulo. For this, a descriptive and prospective study with non-experimental research design was performed. The sample consisted of 85 subjects undergoing clean elective neurosurgery. For data collection, an instrument validated by an expert was used; this procedure occurred during the follow up of the patient in the perioperative period (pre, intra and post- operative) and, after discharge, in the thirtieth day after the surgical procedure. The patient\'s return was scheduled in the dressing room of the hospital where the research was conducted. Data collection lasted eleven months (from June 2012 to April 2013). The incidence of SSI was of 9.4%, and this result was higher than that recommended in the literature for the type of surgical procedure studied (clean surgery). The studied variables related to the patient were age, ASA score, body mass index and chronic diseases. The studied variables related to surgical anesthesia were duration of anesthesia, duration of surgery, use of antibiotic and total hospitalization time. Regarding the time of diagnosis, from the eight patients with SSI, five (62.5%) were diagnosed during the period in which they were hospitalized, two (25%) after discharge at the time of readmission due to SSI, and one (12, 5%) in the return scheduled at the wound dressing. The study provides support for reflection of health professionals on the incidence and predisposing factors for SSI in neurosurgery, which can assist in the implementation of prevention and control measures for the problem because of the deleterious effects due to costs and social, financial and family repercussions to the surgical patient

Edema peritumoral em meningiomas benignos: correlação com fatores clínicos, radiológicos, cirúrgicos e com recorrência tumoral / Peritumoral brain edema in benign meningiomas: Correlation with clinical, radiological and surgical factors and role on recurrence

Simis, André 27 November 2007 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O edema peritumoral (EP) está presente em aproximadamente 60% dos meningiomas. Os fatores responsáveis pela formação do edema e sua importância clínica permanecem como foco de discussão. OBJETIVOS: Analisar a correlação entre a presença de edema com características clínicas, cirúrgicas, radiológicas e recorrência tumoral. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 61 pacientes portadores de meningiomas benignos submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico pelo Grupo de Tumores Encefálicos e Metástases do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram incluídos no estudo os portadores de meningiomas benignos submetidos a ressecção tumoral completa (Simpson 1 e 2). Foram excluídos pacientes portadores de meningiomas malignos ou atípicos e aqueles localizados em tubérculo selar, seio cavernoso, forame magno, intraventriculares e região petroclival. RESULTADOS: Encontramos correlação entre as maiores medidas de edema peritumoral e recorrência tumoral (p = 0,042) e tumores com margens irregulares (p < 0,011) na análise bivariada. Além disso, os pacientes que apresentaram maiores volumes tumorais apresentaram maiores medidas de edema (p = 0,035) e nos pacientes com menores medidas de edema a localização tentorial foi mais freqüente (p = 0,032). Verificamos que ao estudo de regressão logística, o EP apresenta correlação com tumores maiores que 40 cm3 (Odds ratio=15,977), crises convulsivas (Odds ratio=3,469) e para cada cm3 acrescida ao tamanho tumoral o risco de edema cresce 1,082 vez (Odds ratio). CONCLUSÕES: Considerando os resultados obtidos, o EP esteve associado a maior recorrência tumoral, tumores multilobulados, grandes e a presença de crises convulsivas. A localização tentorial mostrou-se como um fator protetor ao EP. O EP pode estar associado a um potencial invasivo aumentado em meningiomas. Desta forma, o seu estudo aprofundado poderá trazer dados adicionais para o esclarecimento dos mecanismos de formação dos meningiomas e de seu comportamento biológico levando ao melhor manejo clínico dos pacientes. / INTRODUCTION: Approximately 60% of meningiomas are associated with peritumoral edema.Various causative factors have been discussed in the literature. PURPOSES: Investigate the correlation of peritumoral edema with clinical, radiological and surgical aspects, and recurrence rate of meningiomas. METHODS: Sixty one benign meningiomas submitted to surgical treatment by the Group of Brain Tumors and Metastasis of the Division of Neurosurgery of the Hospital das Clínicas of São Paulo Medical School of São Paulo University. All patients underwent complete surgical ressection (Simpson 1 and 2) and were excluded the atypical and malignant hystopathological grades. The tumors located in the cavernous sinus, tuberculum sellae region, foramen magnum region, ventricular space and petroclival region were excluded. RESULTS: Edema extention had a positive correlation with the higher recurrence rates (p = 0,042) and with the presence of irregular margins (p < 0,011) on bivariate analysis. Meningiomas with greater edema sizes also showed correlation with large meningiomas (p = 0,035) and the ones with smaller edema sizes correlated with the tentorial location (p=0,032). Multivariate analysis showed an association between peritumoral brain edema and the presence of seizures (Odds ratio=3,469), large meningiomas (Odds ratio=15,977), and for each cubic centimeter added to its size, the risk of edema increased 1,082 times (Odds ratio). CONCLUSION: Peritumoral brain edema correlated with recurrence, irregular margins, seizures and larger tumors. The tentorial location demonstrated smaller edema sizes. Peritumoral brain edema may be related to meningioma\'s invading potentiality and may play a role in the recurrence pontential of the tumor. As a consequence, it\'s reasonable to consider edema\'s presence as an additional factor to be taken into account when arranging layout of strategies for meningiomas treatment.

Towards Closed-loop, Robot Assisted Percutaneous Interventions under MRI Guidance

Patel, Niravkumar Amrutlal 19 April 2017 (has links)
Image guided therapy procedures under MRI guidance has been a focused research area over past decade. Also, over the last decade, various MRI guided robotic devices have been developed and used clinically for percutaneous interventions, such as prostate biopsy, brachytherapy, and tissue ablation. Though MRI provides better soft tissue contrast compared to Computed Tomography and Ultrasound, it poses various challenges like constrained space, less ergonomic patient access and limited material choices due to its high magnetic field. Even after, advancements in MRI compatible actuation methods and robotic devices using them, most MRI guided interventions are still open-loop in nature and relies on preoperative or intraoperative images. In this thesis, an intraoperative MRI guided robotic system for prostate biopsy comprising of an MRI compatible 4-DOF robotic manipulator, robot controller and control application with Clinical User Interface (CUI) and surgical planning applications (3DSlicer and RadVision) is presented. This system utilizes intraoperative images acquired after each full or partial needle insertion for needle tip localization. Presented system was approved by Institutional Review Board at Brigham and Women's Hospital(BWH) and has been used in 30 patient trials. Successful translation of such a system utilizing intraoperative MR images motivated towards the development of a system architecture for close-loop, real-time MRI guided percutaneous interventions. Robot assisted, close-loop intervention could help in accurate positioning and localization of the therapy delivery instrument, improve physician and patient comfort and allow real-time therapy monitoring. Also, utilizing real-time MR images could allow correction of surgical instrument trajectory and controlled therapy delivery. Two of the applications validating the presented architecture; closed-loop needle steering and MRI guided brain tumor ablation are demonstrated under real-time MRI guidance.

Corpectomia vertebral cervical como uma técnica de descompressão medular em cães: estudo em cadáveres após o descongelamento

Gonzalez, Paula Cristina Sieczkowski January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar as implicações da técnica cirúrgica de corpectomia vertebral cervical no diâmetro do canal medular de cadáveres caninos anteriormente congelados através da avaliação mielográfica. Para a padronização da técnica de mielografia cervical foram utilizados 30 cadáveres de cães. Os espécimes foram submetidos a quatro posicionamentos radiográficos para avaliação conjunta: laterolateral neutro, laterolateral em hiperextensão, laterolateral em hiperflexão e ventrodorsal. A opacificação do espaço subaracnóide, a confecção de duas linhas de contraste e a formação de artefatos foram mensurados qualitativamente e depois seu grau de concordância foi avaliado. Na segunda etapa 20 cadáveres foram divididos em dois grupos: o primeiro grupo foi submetido à corpectomia da terceira vértebra cervical, enquanto o segundo grupo à corpectomia da quinta vértebra cervical. Previamente ao procedimento cirúrgico, os cadáveres foram submetidos a um exame mielográfico. Posteriormente foram realizados exames radiográficos seriados após o procedimento de corpectomia cervical e de estabilização vertebral. As projeções radiográficas utilizadas foram as mesmas supracitadas. O diâmetro da medula espinhal foi medido ao longo do canal medular e correlacionado com o comprimento do assoalho vertebral. A corpectomia e a estabilização vertebral alteraram significativamente o diâmetro do canal medular apenas em posições de estresse, permitindo supor que a corpectomia vertebral cervical é um método viável de descompressão medular para a região cervical em cães, proporcionando um acesso adequado ao canal medular do corpo vertebral com mínima manipulação do tecido nervoso. / The aim of this paper is to report the implication of the cervical vertebral corpectomy in the myelography medullary diameter in canine cadavers. In order to standardize the myelograph technique thirty canine bodies were used. The subaracnoid space opacification, the visualization of contrast columns and artifact formation were evaluated in four radiographic projections: laterolateral in neutral position, laterolateral in hyperflexion, laterolateral in hyperextension and ventrodorsal in neutral position. The agreeing ratio was measured. Thereafter, twenty specimens were divided in two groups according to the cervical vertebra in which the procedure would be performed. In the first group the corpectomy was performed in the third cervical vertebrae and in the second group in the fifth vertebrae. Before the surgical procedure, a myelogram was performed. Radiograph exams were done after the corpectomy and after the instrumentation of the cervical spine. The same projections previously described were used. The medullary diameter was measured through the spinal canal. Afterwards, it was correlated to the length of the vertebral floor. The corpectomy and cervical instrumentation changed the medullar diameter solely in stress positions. In addition, it granted proper vertebral channel access with minimal spinal cord manipulation. Therefore, we concluded that the cervical vertebral corpectomy is a viable decompressive surgical technique.

Factors predicting incremental administration of antihypertensive boluses during deep brain stimulator placement for Parkinson’s disease

Rajan, Shobana, Deogaonkar, Milind, Kaw, Roop, Nada, Eman MS, Hernández, Adrian V., Ebrahim, Zeyd, Avitsian, Rafi 28 November 2014 (has links)
avitsir@ccf.org / Hypertension is common in deep brain stimulator (DBS) placement predisposing to intracranial hemorrhage. This retrospective review evaluates factors predicting incremental antihypertensive use intraoperatively. Medical records of Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients undergoing DBS procedure between 2008–2011 were reviewed after Institutional Review Board approval. Anesthesia medication, preoperative levodopa dose, age, preoperative use of antihypertensive medications, diabetes mellitus, anxiety, motor part of the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale score and PD duration were collected. Univariate and multivariate analysis was done between each patient characteristic and the number of antihypertensive boluses. From the 136 patients included 60 were hypertensive, of whom 32 were on angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB), told to hold on the morning of surgery. Antihypertensive medications were given to 130 patients intraoperatively. Age (relative risk [RR] 1.01; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.00–1.02; p = 0.005), high Joint National Committee (JNC) class (p < 0.0001), diabetes mellitus (RR 1.4; 95%CI 1.2–17; p < 0.0001) and duration of PD >10 years (RR 1.2; 95%CI 1.1–1.3; p = 0.001) were independent predictors for antihypertensive use. No difference was noted in the mean dose of levodopa (p = 0.1) and levodopa equivalent dose (p = 0.4) between the low (I/II) and high severity (III/IV) JNC groups. Addition of dexmedetomidine to propofol did not influence antihypertensive boluses required (p = 0.38). Intraoperative hypertension during DBS surgery is associated with higher age group, hypertensive, diabetic patients and longer duration of PD. Withholding ACEI or ARB is an independent predictor of hypertension requiring more aggressive therapy. Levodopa withdrawal and choice of anesthetic agent is not associated with higher intraoperative antihypertensive medications. / Revisión por pares

Young adults with spina bifida transitioned to a medical home: a survey of medical care in Jacksonville, Florida

Aguilera, Antonio M., Wood, David L., Keeley, Cortney, James, Hector E., Aldana, Philipp R. 01 February 2016 (has links)
OBJECTIVE The transition of the young adult with spina bifida (YASB) from pediatric to adult health care is considered a priority by organized pediatrics. There is a paucity of transition programs and related studies. Jacksonville Health and Transition Services (JaxHATS) is one such transition program in Jacksonville, Florida. This study’s purpose was to evaluate the health care access, utilization, and quality of life (QOL) of a group of YASBs who have transitioned from pediatric care. METHODS A survey tool addressing access to health care and quality of health and life was developed based on an established survey. Records of the Spinal Defects Clinic held at Wolfson Children’s Hospital and JaxHATS Clinic were reviewed and YASBs (> 18 and < 30 years old) were identified. RESULTS Ten of the 12 invited YASBs in the Jacksonville area completed the surveys. The mean age of respondents was 25.1 years. All reported regular medical home visits, 8 with JaxHATS and 2 with other family care groups. All reported easy access to medical care and routine visits to spina bifida (SB) specialists; none reported difficulty or delays in obtaining health care. Only 2 patients required emergent care in the last year for an SB-related medical problem. Seven respondents reported very good to excellent QOL. Family, lifestyle, and environmental factors were also examined. CONCLUSIONS In this small group of YASBs with a medical home, easy access to care for medical conditions was the norm, with few individuals having recent emergency visits and almost all reporting at least a good overall QOL. Larger studies of YASBs are needed to evaluate the positive effects of medical homes on health and QOL in this population.

Image processing methods for 3D intraoperative ultrasound

Hellier, Pierre 30 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ce document constitue une synth`ese de travaux de recherche en vue de l'obten- tion du diplˆome d'habilitation `a diriger les recherches. A la suite ce cette in- troduction r ́edig ́ee en franc ̧ais, le reste de ce document sera en anglais. Je suis actuellement charg ́e de recherches INRIA au centre de Rennes Bretagne Atlantique. J'ai rejoint en Septembre 2001 l' ́equipe Vista dirig ́ee par Patrick Bouthemy, puis l' ́equipe Visages dirig ́ee par Christian Barillot en Janvier 2004. Depuis Janvier 2010, je travaille dans l' ́equipe-projet Serpico dirig ́ee par Charles Kervrann dont l'objet est l'imagerie et la mod ́elisation de la dynamique intra- cellulaire. Parmi mes activit ́es pass ́ees, ce document va se concentrer uniquement sur les activit ́es portant sur la neurochirurgie guid ́ee par l'image. En parti- culier, les travaux effectu ́es sur le recalage non-rigide ne seront pas pr ́esent ́es ici. Concernant le recalage, ces travaux ont commenc ́e pendant ma th`ese avec le d ́eveloppement d'une m ́ethode de recalage 3D bas ́e sur le flot optique [72], l'incorporation de contraintes locales dans ce processus de recalage [74] et la validation de m ́ethodes de recalage inter-sujets [71]. J'ai poursuivi ces travaux apr`es mon recrutement avec Anne Cuzol et Etienne M ́emin sur la mod ́elisation fluide du recalage [44], avec Nicolas Courty sur l'acc ́el ́eration temps-r ́eel de m ́ethode de recalage [42], et sur l' ́evaluation des m ́ethodes de recalage dans deux contextes : celui de l'implantation d' ́electrodes profondes [29] et le re- calage inter-sujets [92]. L'utilisation de syst`emes dits de neuronavigation est maintenant courante dans les services de neurochirurgie. Les b ́en ́efices, attendus ou report ́es dans la litt ́erature, sont une r ́eduction de la mortalit ́e et de la morbidit ́e, une am ́elio- ration de la pr ́ecision, une r ́eduction de la dur ́ee d'intervention, des couˆts d'hospitalisation. Tous ces b ́en ́efices ne sont pas `a l'heure actuelle d ́emontr ́es `a ma connaissance, mais cette question d ́epasse largement le cadre de ce doc- ument. Ces syst`emes de neuronavigation permettent l'utilisation du planning chirurgical pendant l'intervention, dans la mesure ou` le patient est mis en cor- respondance g ́eom ́etrique avec les images pr ́eop ́eratoires `a partir desquelles est pr ́epar ́ee l'intervention. Ces informations multimodales sont maintenant couramment utilis ́ees, com- prenant des informations anatomiques, vasculaires, fonctionnelles. La fusion de ces informations permet de pr ́eparer le geste chirurgical : ou` est la cible, quelle est la voie d'abord, quelles zones ́eviter. Ces informations peuvent main- tenant ˆetre utilis ́ees en salle d'op ́eration et visualis ́ees dans les oculaires du mi- croscope chirurgical grˆace au syst`eme de neuronavigation. Malheureusement, cela suppose qu'il existe une transformation rigide entre le patient et les im- ages pr ́eop ́eratoires. Alors que cela peut ˆetre consid ́er ́e comme exact avant l'intervention, cette hypoth`ese tombe rapidement sous l'effet de la d ́eformation des tissus mous. Ces d ́eformations, qui doivent ˆetre consid ́er ́ees comme un ph ́enom`ene spatio-temporel, interviennent sous l'effet de plusieurs facteurs, dont la gravit ́e, la perte de liquide c ́ephalo-rachidien, l'administration de pro- duits anesth ́esiants ou diur ́etiques, etc. Ces d ́eformations sont tr`es difficiles `a mod ́eliser et pr ́edire. De plus, il s'agit d'un ph ́enom`ene spatio-temporel, dont l'amplitude peut varier consid ́era- blement en fonction de plusieurs facteurs. Pour corriger ces d ́eformations, l'imagerie intra-op ́eratoire apparait comme la seule piste possible.

Energy Balance out of Balance after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

Krakau, Karolina January 2010 (has links)
The overall aim of the research presented here was to expand the knowledge on metabolic course and nutritional outcome in patients with severe traumatic brain injury and to analyze the use and accuracy of different methods of assessment. Study I, a systematic review of 30 articles demonstrated consistent data on increased metabolic rate, of catabolism and of upper gastrointestinal intolerance in the majority of the patients during early post injury period. Data also indicated a tendency of less morbidity and mortality in early fed patients. Study II, a retrospective survey, based on medical records of 64 patients from three regions in Sweden, showed that the majority of patients regained their independence in eating within six months post injury. However, energy intake was set at a low level and 68 % of the patients developed malnutrition with 10 to 29 % loss of initial body mass during the first and second month post injury. Study III, a questionnaire based study addressed to 74 care units caring for patients with severe traumatic brain injury showed that resources in terms of qualified staff members were reportedly good, but nutritional guidelines were adopted in less than half of the units, screening for malnutrition at admission was rarely performed and surveillance of energy intake declined when oral intake began. Moreover, assessment of energy requirements relied on calculations and the profession in charge to estimate energy requirement varied depending on nutritional route and unit speciality. At transferral between units nutritional information was lost. Study IV and V, a prospective descriptive study on metabolic course, energy balance and methods of assessment in six patients showed that patients were in negative energy balance from 3rd week post injury and lost 8-19 % of their initial body weight. Concurrent nutritional problems were difficulties in retaining enteral and/or parenteral nutrition delivery routes until oral feeding was considered satisfactory. The majority of methods for predicting energy expenditure agreed poorly with measured energy expenditure.  The Penn-State equation from 1998 was the only valid predictive method during mechanical ventilation. This thesis concludes that patients with moderate or severe traumatic brain injury exhibit a wide range of increased metabolic rate, catabolism and upper gastrointestinal intolerance during the early post-injury period. Most patients regain independence in eating, but develop malnutrition. Suggested explanations, other than the systemic disturbances early post injury, could be the use of inaccurate predictions of energy expenditure, deficient nutritional routines and difficulties in securing alternative nutritional routes until oral feeding is satisfactory. The impact of timing, content and ways of administration of nutritional support on neurological outcome after a severe traumatic brain injury remains to be demonstrated.

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in the Elderly

Ryttlefors, Mats January 2009 (has links)
Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a disease with high risk of mortality and morbidity. Elderly patients have an even higher risk of poor outcome. The incidence of SAH increases with age and the elderly constitute a substantial and increasing proportion of the population. Thus, the management of elderly SAH patients is an imminent clinical challenge. Time trends in clinical management and outcome were investigated in 281 SAH patients aged ≥65 years admitted over an 18-year period. The volume of elderly patients, especially patients ≥70 years and patients in worse clinical condition increased over time. The proportion of patients with favorable outcome increased over time, without an increase in severely disabled patients. Technical results and clinical outcome of endovascular aneurysm treatment (EVT) was investigated in 62 elderly SAH patients. EVT can be performed in elderly SAH patients with high technical success, acceptable aneurysm occlusion degree, acceptable procedural complication rate, and fair outcome results. EVT was compared to neurosurgical clipping (NST) in 278 elderly SAH patients in the International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial. In good grade elderly SAH patients, EVT should probably be the favored treatment for internal carotid and posterior communicating artery aneurysms, while elderly patients with middle cerebral artery aneurysms appear to benefit from NST. Occurrence of secondary insults and their impact on clinical deterioration were studied in 99 patients with severe SAH. High intracranial pressure increased and high cerebral perfusion pressure decreased the risk of clinical deterioration. Elderly patients had less intracranial hypertension insults and more hypertensive, hypotensive and hypoxemic insults. Good outcome was achieved in 24% of elderly patients with severe SAH, and the proportion of severe disability was similar to that of younger patients. Patient age was not a significant predictor for vasospasm in 413 SAH patients when admission and treatment variables were adjusted for with multiple logistic regression.

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