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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Ferreira, Alexandre Rodrigues 03 September 2008 (has links)
The purpose aims identify the needs of customers in the furniture sector, of providing subsidies of theoretical order and practical for the aggregation of value on the using design in production in order to break paradigms business. In addition to presenting the design management and quality as a competitive differential for small and medium enterprises in this sector. The design has not been properly stimulated in most of these companies, by the fact that its benefits are not being properly evaluated. The absence of design professionals from these companies is a great challenge, because it involves changes in the paradigms that in turn relates to the acceptance of design as a differentiator factor. Was described the furniture industry for the theoretical foundation study, emphasizing its main characteristics, as well as the origin and evolution of the management of design and quality. How methodology used the qualitative and quantitative research. The field search was conducted through of the semi-structured interviews with the managers of MEP's. Was selected three companies that are part of the Santa Maria furniture core (NUMOV/SM). It was used questionnaire to seek the views of consumers on the importance of the use of design as differential factor. For consumers, the research was conducted through the questionnaire applied in the four districts with the greatest significance of purchases, according to the opinion of managers. The total population of these districts is 66,113 people. On this population was used a stratified sample valid of 385 questionnaires applied, representing a significance level of 5%.The small and medium enterprises in Santa Maria furniture sector recognize the importance of using the design as a competitive factor, however, encounter themselves on the paradigm that design increases production costs. The data presented in this study reinforce the need for companies using the design management and quality. Thus, the strategy of design in this sector, generates innovation and consequently the credibility of the company on the market. / Este estudo tem por objetivo identificar as necessidades dos clientes do setor moveleiro, com a finalidade de fornecer subsídios de ordem teórica e prática para agregar valor mediante o uso do design na produção, com o intuito de quebrar paradigmas empresariais. Além de apresentar a gestão de design e da qualidade como diferencial competitivo para micro e pequenas empresas (MPE s) nesse setor. O design não tem sido devidamente estimulado na maioria dessas empresas, pelo fato de que seus benefícios ainda não estão sendo corretamente avaliados. A carência de profissionais do design nessas empresas é um grande desafio, pois envolve mudanças de paradigmas que a priori, diz respeito à aceitação do design como fator diferenciador. Para o embasamento teórico do estudo contextualizou-se a indústria moveleira, enfatizando suas principais características, assim como também, a origem e evolução da gestão de design e qualidade. Como metodologia utilizou-se a pesquisa quali-quantitativa.O trabalho de campo foi realizado por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os gestores das MPE s. Foram selecionadas três empresas que fazem parte do Núcleo Moveleiro de Santa Maria (NUMOV/SM). Utilizou-se na pesquisa um questionário para buscar a opinião do consumidor a respeito da importância do uso do design como fator diferencial. Para os consumidores, a pesquisa foi realizada através de um questionário aplicado nos quatro bairros com maior significância de compras, conforme a opinião dos gestores. A população total dos referidos bairros é de 66.113 pessoas. Desta população utilizou-se uma amostra estratificada válida de 385 questionários aplicados, representando um nível de significância de 5%. As MPE s do setor moveleiro de Santa Maria/RS reconhecem a importância da utilização o design como fator competitivo, porém, esbarram no paradigma de que o design onera os custos de produção. Os dados apresentados nesta pesquisa reforçam a necessidade das empresas utilizarem à gestão de design e da qualidade. Assim, a estratégia de design, nesse setor, gera inovação e consequentemente a credibilidade da empresa perante o mercado.

”The  Dog Whisperer”

Pettersson, Beatrice January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte har varit att se på hur Cesar Millan, ”The Dog Whisperer”, i programmet ”Mannen som talar med hundar” skapar förtroende hos TV-tittarna. Undersökningen har studerat den talade retoriken i avsnitt ett av första säsongen av programserien. Analysen har gjorts utifrån den klassiska retorikens övertygandemedel, entechnoi pisteis där uppsatsen därefter valt att lyfta fram det övertygandemedel av ethos, pathos och logos som varit mest framträdande. Resultatet av analysen visar att Millans användning av pathos framträder tydligast. Millan kan även uppfattas visa eunoia gentemot TV-publiken när han ställer frågar till hundägarna i programmet, då en känsla av visat intresse för TV-tittarnas nyfikenhet uppstår. Samtidigt använder sig Millan av en stilnivå liksom ordval som är anpassade efter TV-tittarna och kan anses vara till hans fördel i hans syfte att övertyga. Slutligen är Millans argumentation varierande och utgår från både enthymem och paradigm, vilket kan anses fördelaktigt om man vill skapa förtroende.

A vontuurgerigte spanbou in 'n eietydse samelewing : 'n menslike bewegingskundige perspektief

Heunis, Christo Du Plessis January 1997 (has links)
After ten years of experience as team building consultant, a literature study, an overseas study tour and the attendance of several national and international seminars on the topic, pointed out that adventure as educational tool is founded in Human Movement Science. This emerging phenomenon draws on knowledge from several disciplines. This interdisciplinary character causes confusion and uncertainty amongst practitioners. Team building is relevant especially when people have to manage the consequences of a changing environment. Contemporary science calls for a different approach to practice which coincides with the demands of a changing business environment. Adventure experiences can be optimised to the level of an educational tool. The educational value of adventure is not a recent phenomenon but can be traced back as far as ancient Greek philosophers like Plato (427 B.c.) and Aristotle (384 B.c.). This was rediscovered by a German philosopher and educator Kurt Hahn (1886-1974) who founded Outward Bound. In 1970 Outward Bound principles were integrated within a high school Physical Education curriculum. The success of Project Adventure made adventure experiences accessible to other disciplines including organisational development through team building. Whenever adventure experiences are optimised to a learning experience it is referred to as adventure related experiential learning. This process consists of a macro and micro phase. This study argues that adventure related experiential learning has it's roots in Physical Education and therefore holds the potential to act as interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary bridge in Human Movement Science. The aim of this study is to revitalise the image of a discipline that became fragmented. / Na tien jaar praktykverwante ervaring as spanboukonsultant, 'n oorsese studiereis, literatuurstudie en die bywoning van internasionale en nasionale kongresse oor die onderhawige onderwerp, wys daarop dat avontuurgerigte spanbou binne die menslike bewegingskundige vakterrein gefundeer is. Hierdie ontluikende belangstellingsveld toon 'n sterk interdissiplinere karakter en dit veroorsaak verwarring en onsekerheid by operateurs. Veranderingsbestuur is 'n gemeenskaplike doelwit van spanbouprogramme. Die eise van 'n ontluikende wetenskapsfilosofie stem ooreen met die eise van 'n veranderende besigheidsmilieu. Avontuurbelewing kan as opvoedkundige hulpmiddel aangewend word. Die gebruik van avontuurbelewing vir opvoedkundige doeleindes kan teruggevoer word tot anti eke Griekse filosofiese sienswyses (Plato 427 v.C. en Aristoteles 384 v.C. ). Die opvoedkundige waarde van avontuurbelewing is deur 'n Duitse filosoof en opvoedkundige Kurt Hahn ( 1886-197 4) herontdek. Hahn se opvoedkundige idees is praktykgerig gelmplementeer onder die vaandel van Outward Bound. Die Outward Bound-beginsels is in 1970 met 'n liggaamlike opvoedingkurrikulum by 'n hoerskool in 1970 gelntegreer. Dit het as Project Adventure bekend gestaan. Die sukses van hierdie program het vinnig uitgebrei na ander dissiplines, onder andere korporatiewe spanbou. Wanneer avontuurbelewing tot leerervaring geoptimaliseer word, word daarna verwys as avontuurgerigte ervaringsleer. Hierdie gebeure-georienteerde proses bestaan uit 'n makro- en mikrofase. In hierdie studie word geargumenteer dat die oorsprong van avontuurgerigte ervaringsleer tot Liggaamlike Opvoeding teruggevoer kan word. Daarom kan avontuurgerigte ervaringsleer interdissipliner en intradissipliner brue slaan vanuit die Menslike Bewegingskunde. Die doel van hierdie studie is om opnuut impetus te gee aan 'n vakterrein wat gefragmenteer is. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1997. / Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences / MA / Unrestricted

Modotemporální funkce paradigmatu hablaba v současné španělštině / Modal/temporal functions of paradigm hablaba in contemporary Spanish

Vinarčíková, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to introduce modotemporal functions of paradigm hablaba in Spanish. In the theoretical part, we define basic concepts related to this theme and the basic functions of paradigm hablaba. Then we describe functions that are less typical for the given paradigm. We designate these functions as modal meanings and we pay most attention to them. We describe them mainly from the semantic point of view and we also introduce different kinds of theories, which try to explain these meanings. In the practical part, using parallel corpus InterCorp, we analyze the meanings of the paradigm hablaba in the selected occurrences and we introduce the examples of some sentences proving the statements from the theoretical part of the thesis. Key words: verbal paradigm, imperfect tense, modal meanings, Spanish, corpus, InterCorp

Sustainable Public Pension System for Florida Local Governments: Financial Solvency, Paradigm Switch, and Interperiod Equity

Cong, Yongqing 12 May 2014 (has links)
The issue of increasing unfunded pension liabilities of state and local governments has drawn increasing attentions in the last few years, especially after the 2008 stock market downturn. To maintain sustainability many state and local governments have put public pension reform at the top of their priority list. Previous research and practices provide two strategies to reform the current pension systems: Incremental changes to amend the existing defined benefit plans (DB plans), and the pension model switch from the DB model to defined contribution plans (DC plans). This study aims to uncover reform strategies to cope for public pension systems. It first examined the appropriateness of the incremental reform strategies by identifying the determinants of the financial solvency of DB plans, utilizing the existing panel data of 151 local DB plans in Florida municipalities. Second, it gathered the primary data through the surveys and interviews with the Finance and HR directors in Florida local governments to analyze their perceptions of public pension reform and reveal their readiness to conduct the public pension paradigm switch. These approaches revealed the critical interperiod equity issue along with the impact of the two-tier benefit structure during the recent pension reform. The results suggest that incremental reform strategies that reduce benefits and increase contributions are not effective in improving the financial solvency of public DB plans. The alternative reform approach—the DB-to-DC transition—is attractive to local governments because it will relieve the employer of the pension cost burden and transfer the investment risk to employees themselves. The transition is also politically palatable because the taxpayer sentiment is not supportive of what are perceived to be generous retirement benefit of public employees. Meanwhile, local governments are hesitant to implement the paradigm switch due to prohibitive transition costs, political pressure, and perhaps more importantly, the potential negative impacts to public recruitment and retention. Local officials do not perceive a reduction of morale with the two-tier benefit structure at the present time; they believe this issue will solve itself along the retirement of senior employees.

Phonological, Semantic and Root Activation in Spoken Word Recognition in Arabic: Evidence from Eye Movements.

Alamri, Abdurrahman January 2017 (has links)
Three eye-tracking experiments were conducted to explore the effects of phonological, semantic and root activation in spoken word recognition (SWR) in Saudi Arabian Arabic. Arabic roots involve both phonological and semantic information, therefore, a series of three studies were conducted to isolate the effect of the root independently from phonological and semantic effects. Each experiment consisted of a series of trials. On each trial, participants were presented with a display with four images: a target, a competitor, and two unrelated images. Participants were asked to click on the target image. Participants' proportional fixations to the four areas of interest and their reaction times (RT) were automatically recorded and analyzed. The assumption is that eye movements to the different types of images and RTs reflect degrees of lexical activation. Experiment 1 served as a foundation study to explore the nature of phonological, semantic and root activation. Experiment 2A and 2B aimed to explore the effect of the Arabic root as a function of semantic transparency and phonological onset similarity. Growth Curve Analyses (Mirman, 2014, GCA;) were used to analyze differences in target and competitor fixations across conditions. Results of these experiments highlight the importance of phonological, semantic and root effects in SWR in Arabic. Fixations to competitors were graded and corresponded to the different amounts of phonological, semantic and morphological overlap between targets and competitors. The results of this work highlight the importance of the Arabic consonantal root as an independent processing unit in lexical access in SWR in Arabic that is separable from phonological and semantic units of processing. Finally, the results of this work provided support to models of SWR that feature both whole-word processing as well as morphological decomposition (e.g. Baayen, Dijkstra, & Schreuder, 1997; Giraudo & Grainger, 2000; Schreuder & Baayen, 1997). They also provide support to the morpheme-based theory of Arabic morphology (McCarthy, 1979, 1981).

Towards Communicating Simple Sentence using Pictorial Representations

Leong, Chee Wee 05 1900 (has links)
Language can sometimes be an impediment in communication. Whether we are talking about people who speak different languages, students who are learning a new language, or people with language disorders, the understanding of linguistic representations in a given language requires a certain amount of knowledge that not everybody has. In this thesis, we propose "translation through pictures" as a means for conveying simple pieces of information across language barriers, and describe a system that can automatically generate pictorial representations for simple sentences. Comparative experiments conducted on visual and linguistic representations of information show that a considerable amount of understanding can be achieved through pictorial descriptions, with results within a comparable range of those obtained with current machine translation techniques. Moreover, a user study conducted around the pictorial translation system reveals that users found the system to generally produce correct word/image associations, and rate the system as interactive and intelligent.

Time flies when you’re having fun : investigating the influence of positive emotions and cognitive load on time perception in the retrospective paradigm

Nieuwoudt, Minnette January 2015 (has links)
The literature predicts a paradoxical effect on time perception under the influence of positive emotion and high cognitive load in the retrospective paradigm. High cognitive load is expected to increase time perception, whereas positive emotion is expected to decrease time perception. A quasi-experimental within-subjects design was devised that manipulated emotion on two levels (positive and neutral) as well as cognitive load on two levels (high and low) to investigate the effect on time perception. The findings of the study prove disappointing with no main effects witnessed along any of the four experimental conditions. Participants overestimated all the durations, but under the high cognitive load, positive emotion condition, the mean time perception scores where the closest to the chronological time. / Mini-dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2015. / Psychology / Unrestricted

Incompatibilidade entre o paradigma atual da construção e princípios de sustentabilidade : proposição de novo paradigma / Incompatibility between the present building construction paradigm and sustainability principles : proposition of a new paradigm

Azambuja, Jose Alberto January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: O macrossetor da construção de edificações causa um significativo impacto sobre o ambiente natural. Tal impacto é gerado em três momentos: produção, uso e descarte das edificações. Embora exista uma crescente consciência na indústria de edificações sobre a necessidade de redução desse impacto, os esforços atuais nesse sentido são limitados devido à incompatibilidade entre o paradigma atual, no qual estão baseadas as práticas da indústria, e os princípios de sustentabilidade a serem incorporados àquela prática. Para que a indústria possa avançar, tornando suas práticas ambientalmente mais sustentáveis, um novo paradigma deve ser formulado para servir de referencia à indústria de edificações. Objetivos: O objetivo principal desta tese é demonstrar as incompatibilidades entre o paradigma atual que inspira as práticas da indústria de edificações e os princípios de sustentabilidade. Os objetivos secundários são: definir com clareza os conceitos básicos da construção de edificações; formular uma estrutura conceitual que possa incorporar os conceitos básicos de maneira consistente e integrada; compreender o paradigma atual da construção, bem como os princípios que o regem; formular e propor princípios de sustentabilidade que possam ser utilizados no desenvolvimento de soluções tecnológicas para as edificações; elaborar as características essenciais de um novo paradigma, compatível com os princípios de sustentabilidade propostos; definir quais as condições necessárias para que ocorra a transição entre o paradigma atual e o novo paradigma. Método: A estratégia de pesquisa adotada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica, combinada com a utilização do método socrático. Essa estratégia foi desdobrada em seis etapas para a condução da pesquisa: 1) Formulação de uma estrutura geral da construção, onde foram explicitados conceitos básicos relacionados ao produto e processo; 2) Descrição do macrossetor da construção segundo o paradigma atual, apresentado como um caso particular do caso geral descrito na primeira etapa; 3) Definição dos princípios de sustentabilidade, estruturados segundo três grandes eixos: integração, perpetuação e otimização; 4) Análise de compatibilidade entre os princípios de sustentabilidade e o paradigma atual; 5) Formulação de novo paradigma compatível com os princípios de sustentabilidade formulados na terceira etapa; 6) Identificação das condições necessárias para que ocorra a transição entre o paradigma atual e o novo paradigma. Resultados: O trabalho demonstrou que existem diversas incompatibilidades entre o paradigma atual da construção de edificações e os princípios de sustentabilidade. O estudo também permitiu a formulação de uma estrutura geral da construção de edificações, tanto para o produto, quanto para o processo. Permitiu ainda a caracterização do paradigma atual, bem como a formulação de princípios de sustentabilidade, que poderão orientar as práticas da indústria de edificações, adotadas a partir da formulação do novo paradigma para essa indústria. Finalmente, o trabalho identificou quais as condições necessárias para que ocorra uma transição entre o paradigma atual e o novo paradigma. / Introduction: The construction macro sector, and, more specifically, building construction, causes a relevant impact on the natural environment. Such impact is generated in three different moments: during production, use and discharge of buildings. Although there is a growing consciousness in the building industry about the need to reduce this impact, present day efforts are limited due to the incompatibility between the present paradigm, on which is based the industry activity, and the sustainability principles to be incorporated in that activity. A new paradigm has to be formulated, to serve as reference to the building industry. Objectives: The main objective of the thesis is to demonstrate the incompatibilities between the present paradigm, that structures the activities of the building industry and the sustainability principles. The secondary principles were formulated in order to make viable the main objective. They are: to clearly define the basic concepts of building construction; to formulate a conceptual structure that can incorporate the basic concepts of building construction, in an consistent and integrated way; to understand the present construction paradigm, as well as the principles that underpin it; to formulate and put forward principles of sustainability that can be used in the development of technological solutions, in the construction of buildings; to define the essential characteristics of a new paradigm, compatible with the sustainability principles proposed; to define which are the necessary conditions for the transition from the present paradigm to the new one; to suggest and evaluate methodologies and technologies, new and existing in other areas of engineering, as to their capacity to incorporate the sustainability principles proposed. Method: The research strategy adopted was the bibliographic research, combined with the use of the Socratic Method. This strategy unfolded into six steps for the development of the research: 1) Formulation of a general construction structure, where basic concepts were expressed, related to the product and the process of construction; 2) Description of the macro sector of construction according to the present paradigm, presented as a particular case of the more general case described in the first step; 3) Definition of the sustainability principles, structured according to three main lines: integration, perpetuation, and optimization; 4) Analysis of compatibility between the principles of sustainability and the present paradigm; 5) Formulation of the new paradigm, compatible with the principles of sustainability, formulated in the third step; 6) Identification of the necessary conditions for the transition between the present paradigm and the new one. Results: This work has demonstrated that there are several incompatibilities between the present paradigm and the principles of sustainability. Such incompatibilities emerge along the three main lines of organization of those principles. Furthermore, this study also produced the formulation of a general theoretical structure for the construction of buildings, for the product as well as for the process. It also presented the characterization of the present paradigm, as well as a formulation of sustainability principles, which can be used to modify the building industry practices, adopted having the underpinning of a new paradigm for this industry. Finally, the work identified which are the necessary conditions for the transition between the present paradigm and the new one.

Uma analise de procedimentos de leitura baseada no paradigma indiciario

Duarte, Cristiane 05 August 1998 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Bernadete Marques Abaurre / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-23T22:46:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Duarte_Cristiane_M.pdf: 25844891 bytes, checksum: 4db661434ad51b609c996c28c872bdc9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1998 / Resumo: A leitura é um processo discursivo de produção de sentido que envolve, a partir do texto, questões de ordem cognitiva (conhecimentos de mundo e enciclopédico), bem como fatores resultantes da interação social dos interlocutores em questão (autor e leitor), e sua constituição como sujeitos de linguagem, inseridos num contexto sócio-cultural e político. Assim, o texto é o resultado da interação social entre os interlocutores, na medida em que é constituído dialogicamente. Considerando as condições de produção inerentes à realização da prova de redação do Vestibular UNICAMP, em que a leitura de uma coletânea de textos faz parte da proposta de produção das redações, essas redações constituem um material interessante para análise de procedimentos de leitura, pois trazem marcas de intertextualidade reveladoras de diferentes procedimentos de leitura. A partir dos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos referentes a um paradigma de análise desenvolvido no âmbito das ciências humanas que permite análises de tipo qualitativo (o chamado Paradigma lndiciário), foram efetuadas hipóteses sobre a "caminhada interpretativa" realizada pelos candidatos do momento em que lêem a coletânea da proposta de redação até a produção de seus textos. A partir de pistas (ou indícios) deixadas nas redações, puderam-se depreender os procedimentos de leitura desses candidatos. Os resultados da análise revelam, pelo menos, quatro tipos d~ procedimentos de leitura: há candidatos que se prendem demasiadamente aos textos da coletânea; há outros que, a partir da leitura, articulam criativamente as informações lidas; há aqueles que acabam por se desviar do tema, em função de uma preocupação em escrever sobre os fatos da realidade política da época; por último, há candidatos que realizam uma leitura orientada ideologicamente, o que acaba produzindo efeitos de sentido aparentemente "estranhos". Tendo em vista os resultados das análises, pôde-se concluir que os diferentes tipos de procedimentos de leitura são conseqüência da própria história de constituição desses candidatos como sujeitos de linguagem e de seus projetos de dizer. Foi possível concluir, por hipótese, qual tenha sido a formação escolar desses sujeitos, mais especificamente, que tipo de "dicas" eles tenham recebido nas aulas de redação e/ou língua portuguesa. A imagem do que venha a ser uma redação para o Vestibular, reproduzida por esses quatro tipos de texto, é, na verdade, indício de todo um processo de constituição histórico-social e até político-cultural caracterizador dos sujeitos autores das redações analisadas. A utilização do Paradigma Indiciário, nesse sentido, foi extremamente pertinente pelo fato de permitir a formulação de hipóteses explicativas mais amplas que também parecem estar relacionadas às questões de linguagem / Abstract: Reading is a discursive process of meaning production which involves issues originated in the text such as cognition (world as well as encyclopaedia knowledge); resulting from social interaction between the interlocutors considered (author and reader), and their constitution as subjects of language, within a socio-cultural and political context. Therefore, the text is the result of the social interaction between the interlocutors, inasmuch as it is dialogically constituted. Regarding the conditions of production inherent to the Unicamp Entrance Exam, in which the reading of a set of texts is part of the proposal for the production of texts, these téxts make up interesting materials to be analyzed, since they bring clues of intertextuality that reveal different reading procedures. By starting with the theoretical and methodological assumptions of an analytical paradigm developed within the human sciences that allows of qualitative analysis (commonly known as Clue Paradigm), hypotheses had been made on the interpretative path followed by the students from the moment they read the collection of texts in the proposal of the exam to the production of their texts. From the clues left in the writers'texts, it was possible to understand their reading procedures. The results of the analysis reveal at least four types of reading procedures: there are students who stick to a much to the collection of texts; others. From their reading of the collection of texts, creatively articulate the information read; there are others still who, concerned with writing about current political issues get to a far away from the topic proposed; finally, there are students who perform an ideologically oriented reading, producing meaning effects which are apparently strange. From the results of analyses, it was possible to conclude that these different types of reading procedures are a consequence of the history constitution of each writer as a subject of language and of their speech projects. We may conclude, by means of a hypothesis, what the educational background of these subjects had been, and still, more specifically, what kind of guidelines they had received in their Portuguese and/or text production classes. The image of the typical text for an entrance exam to the students, reproduced in the four types of procedure mentioned previously, actually give clues as to all the socio-historical and political-cultural constitution processes that characterizes these subjects. The use of Clue Paradigm, in this sense, was extreme1y pertinent inasmuch as it allowed the formulation of more comprehensive explanatory hypotheses which also seem to be related to the linguistic issues / Mestrado / Mestre em Linguística

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