Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PARTICIPLE"" "subject:"[enn] PARTICIPLE""
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The syntax of the Latin principle.Geoffrion, Guillaume. January 1970 (has links)
No description available.
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The attributive suffix in Pastaza KichwaHamp, Barrett Wilson 08 June 2020 (has links)
This thesis is a corpus-based description of the attributive suffix -k in Pastaza Kichwa, a Quechuan language spoken in lowland Amazonian Ecuador. The goal of this work is, first, to describe the behaviors, characteristics, and functions of the suffix using data from the Corpus of Pastaza Kichwa (Rice 2018a), and second, to offer a typological analysis of these behaviors in order to identify the most appropriate classification for the suffix. The suffix has previously been described as a nominalizer (Nuckolls & Swanson, forthcoming), and the equivalent suffix in other Quechuan varieties has been described as an agentive nominal relativizer (Weber 1983; Weber 1989; Cole 1985; Lefebvre & Muysken 1988) or a participle (Markham 1864; Weber 1989; Guardia Mayorga 1973; Catta Quelen 1985; Debenbach-Salazar Saenz 1993, Muysken 1994). This work claims that the function of the -k suffix in Pastaza Kichwa more closely conforms to crosslinguistic descriptions of active participial functions. After introducing Pastaza Kichwa and the -k suffix, I use numerous examples to describe the behavior of the suffix. The data is taken from the Corpus of Pastaza Kichwa, which is composed of 40 narrative texts and contains 32,127 tokens. 846 examples of the -k suffix are found in the corpus. Following the presentation of the data, I offer an analysis based on previous descriptions of nominalizations and participles in Quechuan languages, as well as typological descriptions of nominalizations and participles crosslinguistically. I rely chiefly on the typological description of participles found in Shagal (2017) to conclude that verb + -k forms function as active (or nominative) participles in Pastaza Kichwa.
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The syntax of the Latin principle.Geoffrion, Guillaume January 1970 (has links)
No description available.
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Le proposizioni subordinate implicite in italiano a confronto con il francese (Vedlejší implicitní věty v italštině ve srovnání s francouzštinou) / Subordinate implicite clauses in Italian in comparison with FrenchDAŇKOVÁ, Klára January 2016 (has links)
The first aim of this work is to describe the subordinate implicit clauses in Italian and in French and to compare the structures of these clauses in both languages. The second aim is to examine the use of the subordinate clauses formed with gerund in Italian and in French in a corpus of journalistic texts. The work is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. At the beginning, the theoretical part includes an explanation of some notions and a short description of the morphology and syntax of the non-finite verb forms in Italian and in French. A larger part of the work is then dedicated to the description of the subordinate implicit clauses in Italian and in French. The practical part contains an analysis of the subordinate gerund clauses in both languages. The corpus analysis is conducted using the corpus InterCorp and its aim is to examine the frequency, the semantics and the function of gerund in Italian and in French in journalistic texts.
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Finns konverb i svenska? : En korpusstudie av s-participenHidmark, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att analysera frekvensen av den svenska s-participen i skönlitteraturgenren och att jämföra dess användningar med en lista på kriterier för ”konverbskap”. Definitionen av konverb är baserad på källor som Haspelmath 1995 och Nedjalkov 1990. S-participen studeras för att undersöka hur den har använts de senaste 180 åren, och skönlitteraturgenren valdes då den förväntas ha många s-participer. Eftersom konverb är vanligare i skriftspråk, eller åtminstone används mer varierat där, studeras inte talspråket. En korpusstudie har gjorts som täcker in fem subkorpora av Språkbankens Korp. Resultet filtrerades med hjälp av konverbkriterierna. Efter filtreringen räknades andelen s-participer ut för varje subkorpora och utifrån det drogs slutsatser. Resultatet visar att s-participen tycks ha varit mer vanlig i äldre litteratur, men andelen är ungefär densamma i ”Strindberg”, som täcker åren 1869-1912 och ”Bonnierromaner 1980-81”. Resultaten slogs ihop så att ”Strindberg” hamnade i den äldre tidsperioden och de tre efterkommande subkorpora i den yngre. För övrigt var skillnaden mellan de båda tidsperiodernas antal av s-participen statistiskt signifikant, men antalet funna s-participer behöver inte tyda på en historisk nedgång. / The aim of the study is to analyze the frequency tables of the Swedish s-participle in the literature genre and to compare its uses with a list of criteria of converbhood. The definition of a converb is based on sources such as Haspelmath 1995 and Nedjalkov 1990. The s-participle is studied in order to discover how it has been used throughout the last 180 years, and the literature genre is chosen since it is expected to have a lot of s-participles. The method was as follows: five subcorpora were searched through in Språkbanken’s Korp. The results were filtered using the converb criteria. When the filtering had been done, the ratio of s-participles was to be calculated for each subcorpora and from that, conclusions were to be drawn. The results show that the s-participle seems to have been more common in earlier literature, but the ratio is about the same in ”the August Strindberg” corpus covering the years 1869-1912 and ”Bonnier Novels 1980-81”. Moreover, the difference between the number of s-participles betweens the two periods were statistically significant, but the numbers do not need to amount to a historical decline in s-participles.
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Probabilistic and multivariate modelling in Latin grammar : the participle-auxiliary alternation as a case studyBrookes, James William Rowe January 2014 (has links)
Recent research has shown that language is sensitive to probabilities and a whole host of multivariate conditioning factors. However, most of the research in this arena centres on the grammar of English, and, as yet, there is no statistical modelling on the grammar of Latin, studies of which have to date been largely philological. The rise in advanced statistical methodologies allows us to capture the underlying structure of the rich datasets which this corpus only language can potentially offer. This thesis intends to remedy this deficit by applying probabilistic and multivariate models to a specific case study, namely the alternation of word order in Latin participle auxiliary clusters (pacs), which alternate between participle-auxiliary order, as in mortuus est ‘dead is’ and est mortuus ‘is dead’. The broad research questions to be explored in this thesis are the following: (i) To what extent are probabilistic models useful and reflective of Latin syntax variation phenomena?, (ii) What are the most useful statistical models to use?, (iii) What types of linguistic variables influence variation, (iv) What theoretical implications and explanations do the statistical models suggest?Against this backdrop, a dataset of 2409 pac observations are extracted from Late Re- publican texts of the first century bc. The dataset is annotated for an “information space” of thirty-three predictor variables from various levels of linguistics: text and lemma-based variability, prosody and phonology, grammar, semantics and pragmatics, and usage-based features such as frequency. The study exploits such statistical tools as generalized linear models and multilevel generalized linear models for the regression modelling of the binary categorical outcome. However, because of the potential collinearity, and the many predictor terms, amongst other issues, the use of these models to assess the joint effect of all predictors is particularly problematic. As such, the new statistical toolkit of random forests is utilized for evaluating the relative contribution of each predictor. Overall, it is found that Latin is indeed probabilistic in its grammar, and the condition- ing factors that govern it are spread widely throughout the language space. It is also noted that probabilistic models, such as the ones used in this study, have practical applications in traditional areas of philology, including textual criticism and literary stylistics.
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Dalyvių, pusdalyvių ir padalyvių vartojimas „Respublikos“ ir „Lietuvos ryto“ dienraščiuose / Participles and adjectivial forms in “Lietuvos rytas“ and “Respublika“ daily newspapersKlemiato, Beata 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šis darbas skirtas didžiausių Lietuvos dienraščių – „Lietuvos ryto“ ir „Respublikos“ – dalyvių, pusdalyvių ir padalyvių vartojimo analizei. Norėta išsiaiškinti, ar dalyviai iki šiol yra dažnai tebevartojami, koks jų santykis minėtuose dienraščiuose. Dalyvių vartojimo polinkiai publicistikoje anksčiau beveik nebuvo tirti, tad darbas galėtų būti tolimesnių bei išsamesnių tyrimų pradžia.
Pagrindinis darbo tikslas buvo nustatyti visų minėtų dalyvinių formų dažnumą, aptarti rašytinės kalbos dalyvinių konstrukcijų vartojimo ypatumus minėtuose dienraščiuose ir palyginti abiejų laikraščių kalbą. Analizuojant tiriamąją medžiagą buvo keliami šie uždaviniai: 1) apžvelgti lingvistinę literatūrą, susijusią su nagrinėjimo objektu; 2) išrinkti iš minėtų dienraščių analizuojamųjų straipsnių dalyvius, pusdalyvius ir padalyvius, sugrupuoti juos; 3) nustatyti ir aptarti dalyvių vartojimo dėsningumus (ypatumus); 4) palyginti dalyvių, pusdalyvių ir padalyvių vartojimą, t. y. nustatyti jų vartojimo santykį dviejuose populiariausiuose Lietuvos dienraščiuose; 5) statistiškai pateikti gautus rezultatus, analizuoti, apibendrinti.
Išanalizavus didžiausių Lietuvos dienraščių „Respublika“ ir „Lietuvos rytas“ 50 straipsnių ir ištyrus juose rastus dalyvius, pusdalyvius bei padalyvius, buvo prieita tam tikrų išvadų. Tyrimas parodė, kad dažniausiai „Respublikos“ ir „Lietuvos ryto“ dienraščiuose vartojami būtojo kartinio laiko veikiamieji ir neveikiamieji dalyviai. Būtojo kartinio laiko neveikiamasis dalyvis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This work is aimed at the analysis of usage of participles, half-participles, verbal adverbs in “Lietuvos rytas“ and “Respublika“ newspapers. The purpose was to find out if participles are still often used and what is the frequency of this usage in the magazines. The usage of participles has not been examined yet that is why this work could be the beginning of the further examinations.
The main purpose of the work was to assume the frequency of the participles and their forms, discuss the peculiarities of their spelling in the above-mentioned magazines and compare their language. While analyzing the newspapers I set the main goals: 1) examine linguistic literature related to the object of analysis; 2) choose the participles, half-participles and verbal adverbs from the above mentioned newspapers and group them; 3) ascertain and discuss the rules (peculiarities) of the usage of participles; 4) compare the usage of participles, half-participles and verbal adverbs and ascertain the frequency of their usage in the above mentioned magazines; 5) establish the statistics of the results, discuss them and sum up. The results have been made after the analysis and examination of participles, half-participles and verbal adverbs found in 50 articles in the daily newspapers “Respublika“ ir “Lietuvos rytas“. The examination showed that the most frequently used participles are past participles and passive participles. Past passive participles are a little more frequently used in... [to full text]
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Finitní a participiální postmodifikace v mluveném akademickém diskurzu: přírodní a společenské vědy / Finite and participial postmodifiers in spoken academic discourse: natural and social sciencesŠkodová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The subject of the present study is a comparison of two postmodifying constructions in noun phrases - finite relative adnominal clauses with the subject gap and nonfinite participial clauses - in spoken academic discourse: natural and social science. The comparison is based on the fact that both constructions realize the same clause element, i.e. a postmodifier in a noun phrase. The aim of the present study is thus to present major characteristics and functions of finite relative clauses and their reduced counterparts with respect to their distribution across the two subregisters of spoken academic discourse. The study is divided into three main parts: the theoretical background (Chapter 2) which defines the major characteristics and functions of the two postmodifying constructions and their mutual relationship, as are presented in the literature; the main part (Chapters 3 and 4) which provides the analysis of finite relative clauses and participial postmodifiers; and conclusion in Chapter 5.
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Suffixet som kom smygandes tillbaka : En kvantitativ korpusundersökning av s-particip i svenskaReillo, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Les stratégies de traduction dans trois articles d’un journal : Une étude sur la traduction des participes présents et passés du français vers le suédois / Translation Strategies in Three News Articles : A Study of the Translation of Present and Past Participle Phrases from French into SwedishKilander, Ulrika January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study was to analyze the translation of verb constructions with participles from French into Swedish of three news articles from the French magazine Le Point (2021). The articles were published in a special issue dedicated to climate change. The analysis focused on the translation of present and past participle phrases and the strategies involved in the translation process. Gerunds were excluded from the study as well as participles functioning as an adjective in order to limit the study. The present study was based on Eriksson’s model and his definitions of transpositions (Eriksson 1997), which are translation shifts taking place during the translation process. The results showed that most present and past participle phrases were being replaced by relative clauses or by main clauses in Swedish. Many participle phrases were also replaced by other types of phrases or clauses. Some transpositions were considered as being necessary. They seemed to have been imposed on the text by the inherent grammar structures of the target language, while other translation shifts appeared to be optional. In the latter case, they seemed to have been chosen rather for stylistic reasons, and/or motivated by the personal choice of the translator when several options were available.
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