Spelling suggestions: "subject:"part participar"" "subject:"part participaram""
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The agreement of the past participle in spoken French, as a sociolinguistic variable : production and perceptionGaucher, Damien Fabien Rémi January 2013 (has links)
This study represents a sociolinguistic contribution to the analysis of Past Participle Agreement (PPA) in [avoir+PP] constructions. In spoken French, this agreement is marked only for gender, and is subject to much variation in the production of speakers of French. The objectives of this thesis are twofold: firstly, to observe the variable in the context of production, by a quantitative study of several corpora. Variation in the production of PPA is tested against linguistic factors, such as the position of the participle in the verbal group where it appears. Social and stylistic factors are also considered, notably the socioprofessional category of the speaker. These analyses reveal that agreement is conditioned by a complex interaction of these factors. The second objective is the design of a Matched Guise Test, based on scripted conversations. This test was carried out with a view to measuring the extent to which the presence or absence of marked PPA, often considered a typical result of normative pressures, affects the stereotypical social representation of a speaker. Differences in informants' judgements were modest, and two issues are discussed with regard to this: firstly, the validity of the methodology, and secondly, the evaluation of PPA as a sociolinguistic marker. Both parts of this thesis reflect the methodological issues pertaining to the investigation of a rare variable.
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Participium v současné španělštině / Past Participle in Contemporary SpanishMrkvová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce: The topic of this dissertation is the past participle and its use in the contemporary Spanish language system. The character of the thesis is both theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part delineates the issue of the Spanish past participle in the context of non-finite verbs and explores the general matters of the past participle connected with its morphological and syntactic- semantical features. The empirical part consists of two case studies of selected past participle constructions, dar por + past participle a una vez + past participle, based on language research within the parallel corpus InterCorp and single language corpus CREA. The aim of the research is to identify the particular past participles forming the core of the above-mentioned constructions and, by way of contrastive analysis, describe the possibilities of expressing these constructions in the Czech language. The individual findings are quantified and documented by examples.
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La subordonnée participiale au participe passé en Français : de la phrase au discours / Participial subordinate clause : from sentence to discourseAbdoulhamid, Ali 10 February 2009 (has links)
L’intégration du contexte dans l’analyse de la subordonnée participiale au participe passé permet d’établir plusieurs catégories de cette construction, selon qu’elle est employée seule, qu’elle contient un marqueur temporel ou l’auxiliaire étant. Lorsqu’elle n’a pas ces éléments, la construction est toujours en relation de coréférence événementielle avec son contexte d’apparition. Elle est toujours composée de verbe résultatif, borné à gauche et à droite, et est séparée de la proposition qui l’héberge par un intervalle. Deux types de constructions participiales se dégagent de cette catégorie. La première n’apporte aucune information nouvelle dans le discours. Elle indique une Généralisation du contexte antérieur et est en relation de Consécutivité avec la proposition qui l’héberge. Elle peut être un connecteur ou un introducteur de cadre temporel. La seconde est rhématique par l’aspect de son procès. C’est une Particularisation du contexte antérieur qui est souvent en relation de Narration avec la PH. La construction qui contient un marqueur temporel se rapproche de celle qui n’en a pas dans plusieurs aspects. Mais elle diffère de celle-ci parce que le marqueur peut servir à conférer au participe le caractère résultatif s’il n’en a pas, ou une autonomie syntaxique. En ce qui concerne celle qui est composée de l’auxiliaire étant, elle se distingue des deux autres dans plusieurs angles. D’abord, si elle est contextuelle, son procès est souvent distinct de celui de son contexte d’apparition. Ensuite, théoriquement, elle peut contenir n’importe quel participe passé, avec un procès borné seulement à droite, mais pas à gauche. Enfin, elle entretient avec ce contexte et avec la proposition qui l’héberge plusieurs types de relations de discours qu’on ne peut avoir avec les autres types de subordonnées participiales. / The typology of French subordinate participial clauses studied here is grounded in their context, which is shown to partially determine their distribution (‘pure’ or naked, introduced by a temporal adverbial, or yet containing the auxiliary étant ‘being’). When naked, the clause always entertains a relationship of coreference with the events denoted in the preceding context, and its verb is resultative, yielding a temporal interval between the two eventualities. In some cases, the participial clause does not introduce any new information : it simply generalises the contents of the (not necessarily immediately) preceding sentence, indicates that the main clause is consequent upon it, and functions like a discursive connective or a pure temporal adjunct. In other cases, it is rhematic, at least in so far has it provides aspectual specifications, and thus play anundeniable narrative rôle. When a temporal expression (une fois, sitôt…) introduces the clause, the semantic value of the participle is also specified, and the clause acquires a form of syntactic autonomy it does not have otherwise. Finally, when the auxiliary étant occurs, the subordinate clause can denote a hitherto unknown eventuality, whose aspectual properties are distinct from the aforementioned cases ; in particular, reference is only made to the end point, never to the beginning of the action thus described. This third type of participial clause is also shown to entertain textual and/or discursive relations with the context that are crucially different from the other types.
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Finitní a participiální postmodifikace v mluveném akademickém diskurzu: přírodní a společenské vědy / Finite and participial postmodifiers in spoken academic discourse: natural and social sciencesŠkodová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The subject of the present study is a comparison of two postmodifying constructions in noun phrases - finite relative adnominal clauses with the subject gap and nonfinite participial clauses - in spoken academic discourse: natural and social science. The comparison is based on the fact that both constructions realize the same clause element, i.e. a postmodifier in a noun phrase. The aim of the present study is thus to present major characteristics and functions of finite relative clauses and their reduced counterparts with respect to their distribution across the two subregisters of spoken academic discourse. The study is divided into three main parts: the theoretical background (Chapter 2) which defines the major characteristics and functions of the two postmodifying constructions and their mutual relationship, as are presented in the literature; the main part (Chapters 3 and 4) which provides the analysis of finite relative clauses and participial postmodifiers; and conclusion in Chapter 5.
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Les stratégies de traduction dans trois articles d’un journal : Une étude sur la traduction des participes présents et passés du français vers le suédois / Translation Strategies in Three News Articles : A Study of the Translation of Present and Past Participle Phrases from French into SwedishKilander, Ulrika January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study was to analyze the translation of verb constructions with participles from French into Swedish of three news articles from the French magazine Le Point (2021). The articles were published in a special issue dedicated to climate change. The analysis focused on the translation of present and past participle phrases and the strategies involved in the translation process. Gerunds were excluded from the study as well as participles functioning as an adjective in order to limit the study. The present study was based on Eriksson’s model and his definitions of transpositions (Eriksson 1997), which are translation shifts taking place during the translation process. The results showed that most present and past participle phrases were being replaced by relative clauses or by main clauses in Swedish. Many participle phrases were also replaced by other types of phrases or clauses. Some transpositions were considered as being necessary. They seemed to have been imposed on the text by the inherent grammar structures of the target language, while other translation shifts appeared to be optional. In the latter case, they seemed to have been chosen rather for stylistic reasons, and/or motivated by the personal choice of the translator when several options were available.
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Traduire un article de recherche français en suédois : Les challenges du style elliptique du français / Translating a french scientific article into swedish : The challenges of the french elliptical styleJohansson, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate the translation stategies chosen by the translator when translating present and past participles in contracted sentences in a French scientific article into Swedish. Previous research shows that the French language has a predilection for an elliptical sentences structure, whereas the Swedish language prefers complete clauses. This difference could eventually cause problems during the translation process when translating the French present and past participles in contracted sentences into Swedish. The source text has been translated into Swedish. The translation of the participles has then been categorized according to the strategy chosen by the translator and then analyzed according to the theoretical models by Eriksson (1997, 2015) and Ingo (2007). Our study shows that the majority of the present and past participles in contracted sentences in the source text has been translated into complete causes in the target text. The relative clause seems to be the most common choice by the translator. However, other strategies have sometimes been chosen, often as a consequence of an already complicated sentence structure in the target text or due to stylistic choices.
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Le participe latin au VIème siècle après Jésus-Christ : morpho-synthaxe et sémantique. Les constructions absolues chez l’Anonyme de Valois, Grégoire de Tours et Frédégaire / The Latin participle in the 6th century A.D. : morpho-syntax and semanticsGayno, Maryse 01 December 2012 (has links)
Au VIème siècle après J.-Ch., les structures de la langue latine ne correspondent plus tout à fait aux normes de la langue classique, aussi bien du point de vue morphologique et sémantique que syntaxique. A travers l’étude comparative des constructions absolues entre un corpus d’auteurs classiques et un corpus d’auteurs tardifs, nous montrons l’émergence de nouvelles valeurs du participe, particulièrement le participe passé actif de verbes non déponents, en latin tardif, ou plus exactement une fréquence accrue de valeurs parfois attestées en latin classique et archaïque. / In the 6th century A.D., the structures of the Latin language no longer entirelycorrespond to the norms of Classical Latin, from a morphological and semantic perspective aswell as a syntactical one.By means of a comparative study of absolute constructions in a corpus of classicalauthors and a corpus of later authors, we show the emergence of new participle values, inparticular the active passive participle of non-deponent verbs in Late Latin, or more precisely,a greater frequency of values sometimes attested in Classical and Archaic Latin.
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Holá minulá příčestí v pre- a postpozici / Bare -ed participles as modifersMarek, Jiří January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the modification of nouns by bare past participles in the pre- and post- head positions and uses authentic examples from the written component of The British National Corpus. The aim is to describe the possibility of corpus excerption of this construction and to qualitatively compare participles in both positions using examples with context. In the first step, a simple search query was entered to retrieve bare past participles in the postnominal position with the result of 21,437 concordance lines which were then manually filtered. The resulting 14,529 lines were used to obtain a random sample of 400 lines which was again manually filtered. The resulting Sample 1 of 247 lines was described quantitatively in terms of the left and right context of the noun phrase and in terms of the head nouns. Sample 1 contained 118 unique participles, from which 10 were randomly selected for a qualitative description (Sample 2; 70 concordance lines per position, 140 lines in total). Sample 2 was then described in terms of the presence or absence of determiners, in terms of the types of definiteness, reference and restrictivity. An interesting feature is the presence of quantifiers, and the generally implied quantificational meaning of the construction. Semantics and the possibility to occur...
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La traduction du français en suédois d’un texte sur le vin : Une étude sur la phrase participiale, le complément circonstanciel et le contexte culturel / A French text about wine translated into Swedish : A study of participles, adverbs and cultural contextBergqvist, Maria January 2021 (has links)
The present study deals with the use of participle constructions, adverbs as well as the formal style of a French text about winemaking. The study aims to discuss my translation choices as well as studying participle constructions and adverbs while taking the cultural context in consideration. The results show that the use of present participle, gerund and past participle without auxiliary verbs as well as the use of adverbs in the beginning of a sentence, have a formal effect of the French text. However, the use of past participles with auxiliary verbs do not have such an effect. The cultural context is shown in the formal style due to grammatical choices and is also shown in the variety of the French wine vocabulary, much richer than the Swedish. To be adequate for the Swedish reader, the target text had to be less formal, to correspond to the Swedish tradition of writing clearly.
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Développement d’un dispositif d’évaluation diagnostique pour cibler les erreurs d’accord du verbe et des participes passés à la fin du 1er cycle du secondaireChampoux-Chouinard, Ménaïc 12 1900 (has links)
La maitrise de l’écrit est importante et nous savons que celle-ci est loin d’être assurée par l’ensemble des scripteurs du français, au Québec comme ailleurs. À titre d’exemple, les performances des élèves du secondaire québécois en écriture (Ministère de l’Éducation et de l'Enseignement supérieur, 2019), et plus particulièrement en orthographe grammaticale, se conforment peu aux attentes sociales. Pour soutenir l’apprentissage des élèves dans ce domaine, dans une perspective de différenciation pédagogique, l’établissement d’un diagnostic initial permettant de cibler les forces et les faiblesses des apprenants s’avère une étape primordiale. Pour ce faire, les enseignants doivent disposer d’outils d’évaluation diagnostique adéquats qui permettent de brosser le portrait des difficultés rencontrées par leurs élèves.
La présente recherche doctorale vise à répondre à ce besoin en développant un dispositif d’évaluation diagnostique qui cible, par l’analyse des erreurs commises et selon une approche cognitive, les difficultés rencontrées par les élèves de la fin du 1er cycle du secondaire avec l’accord du verbe et des participes passés. Les objectifs spécifiques de cette recherche consistent en la conception, la réalisation, la mise à l’essai et la finalisation de ce dispositif en suivant le cadre méthodologique général de Harvey et Loiselle (2009). La validation du dispositif et de la démarche employée pour l’élaborer se réalise de diverses façons : par l’emploi d’une approche « fondée sur des preuves » (Mislevy, Steinberg, et Almond, 2003) pour la conception du dispositif, par le recours à des experts de contenu pour valider les bases conceptuelles du dispositif, par un questionnaire aux enseignants (n= 4) et deux entrevues semi-dirigées menées avec eux à la suite des mises à l’essai empiriques (auprès de 360 élèves de 2e secondaire) pour vérifier la convivialité du dispositif et son adéquation aux besoins dégagés et, finalement, par l’analyse psychométrique des items des deux tests composant le dispositif créé. Des critères de scientificité sont aussi établis et respectés pour s’assurer que la recherche-développement réalisée comporte les caractéristiques attendues d’un tel type de recherche.
L’objet résultant de cette recherche-développement, le dispositif nommé DIAgramm, est un outil d’évaluation diagnostique informatisé et accessible en ligne, composé de deux tests visant des niveaux de diagnostic différents (niveaux constat et recherche des causes, voir B. Rey, 2016) et générant des rapports de résultats complets et précis pour les enseignants. Le niveau constat de DIAgramm vise à cerner les configurations syntaxiques qui posent problème aux élèves alors que le niveau recherche des causes vise à identifier la cause des erreurs commises.
Les résultats de cette recherche-développement nous laissent penser que DIAgramm répond tout à fait aux besoins éprouvés par les enseignants, tant en ce qui concerne la qualité des portraits diagnostiques brossés que la convivialité de l’instrument lui-même (administration facile, clarté des rapports de résultats fournis, etc.). / Proficiency in writing is important and we know that this skill is far from being mastered by all French writers, in Quebec as elsewhere. Indeed, the writing abilities of Quebec high school students, and more specifically in grammatical spelling, does not meet social expectations (Ministère de l'Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur, 2019). To support students' learning in this area, it is crucial to conduct an initial diagnosis of learners' strengths and weaknesses. To do this, teachers must have adequate diagnostic assessment tools that allow them to draw a picture of students’ writing difficulties.
This doctoral research aims to address this need by developing a diagnostic assessment device that targets, through the analysis of errors made and according to a cognitive approach, the difficulties pertaining to the agreement of verbs and past participles encountered by students at the end of the first cycle of secondary school.
The specific objectives of this research and development project are to design, implement, test, and finalize this device following Harvey and Loiselle’s (2009) methodological framework. The device and the method used to create it were validated in various ways: by adopting an evidence-based approach (Mislevy, Steinberg, et al., 2003) for the design of the device, by enlisting content experts to validate the conceptual foundations of the device, by surveying teachers and conducting two semi-structured interviews with them after the empirical trials (involving 360 secondary 2 students) to verify the device's usability and its relevance to the identified needs, and finally by psychometrically analyzing the items of the two tests comprising the created device. Scientific criteria were also established and adhered to in order to ensure that the carried out research and development has the expected characteristics for this type of research.
The resulting product from this research and development is DIAgramm, an online, computerized diagnostic assessment tool consisting of two tests aiming at different levels of diagnosis (the observation (constat) level and the cause-finding (recherche des causes) level, see B. Rey, 2016). The diagnostic devide further generates complete and accurate results reports for the teachers. The observation level of DIAgramm aims to identify syntactic configurations that are problematic for students, while the cause-finding level aims to identify the cause of the errors made.
The results of this research and development suggest that DIAgramm meets the needs of teachers, both in terms of the quality of the diagnostic portraits provided and the user-friendliness of the instrument itself (easy administration, clarity of the results reports provided, etc.).
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