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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electron crystallography of organic pigments

Boyce, Geraldine January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Drėgmės trūkumo poveikis žirnių morfofiziologiniams rodikliams / The influence of moisture lack on pear morphofizioligical indices

Klimas, Tautvydas 16 June 2014 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe pateikiami žirnių fotosintezės pigmentų, prolino, sacharidų bei santykinės drėgmės pokytis lapuose esant drėgmės deficitui. Tyrimų objektas – `Ilgiai` veislės sėjamasis žirnis (Pisum sativum L.). Darbo metodai. Tyrimai atlikti Aleksandro Stulginskio universiteto Agrobiotechnologijos laboratorijoje 2012-2013 metais. Žirniai pasėti į 0,16 m x 0,23 m (aukštis x diametras) vegetacinius indus su substratu (pH − 6,31, P2O5 − 633,94 mg kg-1, K2O – 912 mg kg-1). Eksperimentas vykdytas 6 pakartojimais po 5 augalus inde. Augalai auginti programuojamoje auginimo kameroje esant 20/18 °C (diena/naktis) temperatūrai, 16/8 val. (diena/naktis) fotoperiodui, 50 µmol m-2 s-1 apšviestumui. Augalai auginti programuojamoje auginimo kameroje aukščiau nurodytomis sąlygomis bei esant drėgmės deficitui substrate. Sausros tyrimas pradėtas po sėjos praėjus trims savaitėms. Darbo rezultatai. Esant drėgmės deficitui, patikimai didžiausi chlorofilo a ir b bei karotenoidų kiekiai žirniuose (atitinkamai 2,501 ir 0,821, bei 1,059 mg l-1) nustatyti praėjus 8 dienoms po laistymo. Esmingai didžiausi prolino ir sacharidų kiekiai (atitinkamai 46,543 μM g-1 ir 0,155 g kg-1) žirniuose, esant drėgmės deficitui, nustatytas praėjus 12-ai dienų. Dirvožemio drėgnis (SWC) esmingai kito visą tyrimų laikotarpį. Mažiausias dirvožemio drėgnis (15,12 proc.) nustatytas paskutinę tyrimų dieną, praėjus 16-ai dienų po paskutinio laistymo. Santykinis vandens kiekis lapuose (RWC) esmingai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master’s thesis submitted to pea’s photosynthesis pigments, proline, saccharins and relative humidity change in leaves and the influence of humidity. The object of researches – ‘Ilgiai’ variety of sowing peas (Pisum sativum L.) Methods. Research carried out at Aleksandras Stulginskis University in Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology 2012–2013. Peas were sown in 0.16 m x 0.23 m (height x diameter) vegetative vessels with the substratum (pH – 6.31, P2O5 – 633.94 mg kg-1, K2O – 912 mg kg-1). The experiment was carried out in 6 replicates of 5 plants in container. Plants were cultivated at programmable climatic chamber at 20/18 °C (day/night) temperature, 16/8 hours (day/night) photoperiod, 50 µmol m-2 s-1 illumination. Plants were grown at programmable climatic chamber by conditions which are set out above and with deficit of moisture in substrate. The investigation of drought launched after three weeks of sowing. Results. In the moisture deficit, reliably the largest chlorophyll a and b and carotenoids amount in peas (respectively 2.501 and 0.821, and 1.059 mg l-1) were determined after 8 days after watering. Essentially the maximum proline and saccharins contents (by 46.543 μM g-1 and 0.155 g kg1) in peas at the moisture deficit were set after 12 days. Soil water content (SWC) was essentially varying through all period of researches. Minimum soil humidity (15.12 percent) was established at the last day of researches, passing 16 days after last watering. Relative water content in... [to full text]

Holocene environmental change in coastal Denmark : interactions between land, sea and society

Lewis, Jonathan P. January 2011 (has links)
In this study a multiproxy approach (including sedimentary techniques, diatoms, molluscs, foraminifera, sedimentary pigments, isotopes, pollen and plant macrofossils) has been adopted to assess environmental change over the last ~9,000 years at three Danish coastal sites (Kilen, Norsminde Fjord and Korup Sø). Particular focus has been placed on periods of intense human coastal occupation, identifiable in Denmark's rich coastal archaeological record (i.e. shell midden accumulation periods), to test critically, hypotheses that changes in the marine environment were contemporary with major cultural and societal changes over the last ~9,000 years. For example, it has been proposed that a decrease in salinity was responsible for the widespread oyster decline, apparent in the Neolithic layers of a number of Danish shell middens. This hypothesis, however, remains speculative to date, lacking any high-resolution and quantitative salinity data covering the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition. Inside the agricultural era, two more phases of shell midden accumulation occur (i.e. during the Pitted Ware/Single Grave cultural period and the Iron Age), suggesting that people must have returned to the sea at these times for increased exploitation of its resources. A diatom-based salinity transfer function (WAPLS-C3 model, r2 boot = 0.923, RMSEP= 0.36 square root salinity units) based on a trans-Baltic training set has been applied to fossil diatom datasets from each site for quantitative assessment of salinity change over the study period. The multiproxy results presented in this study demonstrate a close connection between environmental change and human exploitation of marine resources over the Holocene. This relationship, however, is complex, with the individual fjord systems often exhibiting spatially different responses (i.e. variations in the sedimentary regime, salinity, productivity and nutrient status) to changes in key forcing mechanisms such as sea level change, climate change and human impact upon the catchment (following the introduction of agriculture). Environmental hypotheses for cultural change are reviewed on the basis of the evidence presented in this study. Diatomenvironmental relationships have also been modelled (using multivariate techniques) at Korup Sø and Norsminde Fjord using proxy data as ‘predictor' variables for changes in the terrestrial and marine environment. These results suggest that a variety of marine, climatic, human and catchment related processes are important in explaining a proportion of the variation in the fossil diatom datasets, but these influences tend to vary temporally throughout the profile (e.g. human impact becomes important after ~3,900 BC).

The role of climate in determining the ontogeny trends of low Arctic lakes, south-western Greenland

Liversidge, Antonia C. January 2012 (has links)
This thesis uses palaeolimnological records to reconstruct Holocene ontogeny trends from four lakes in south western Greenland. The research addresses four hypotheses investigating how Holocene lake ontogeny trends vary under different climatic settings, how long-term changes in ontogeny relate to periods of established climatic change in the region, the similarities between proxies within the lakes and between the lakes, and the role of vegetation in lake ontogeny. The study region occupies the widest ice-free area of south western Greenland and is characterised by a climatic gradient. The area inland and nearer to the ice-margin is arid, receives less precipitation and is warmer relative to the coastal areas. A paired lake approach, using lake records from two inland lakes and two coastal lakes, was adopted to examine the role of climatic setting upon lake development trajectories. Specifically, diatoms were used to reconstruct DI-alkalinity from the lakes using a DI-alkalinity model created from existing training sets in the region (WA Cla model, r2boot = 0.76, RMSEP = 0.28 log alkalinity units), sedimentary pigments to investigate trends in production and sedimentary parameters to reconstruct organic and minerogenic accumulation rates. All four lakes experienced comparable Holocene long-term ontogeny trajectories; maximum alkalinity in the first ~ 1000 cal. year BP of deglaciation followed by maximum production during the peak of Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) warming (~7000 -6000 cal. years BP). Following the HTM, all lakes demonstrated oligotrophication and a decline in pH. Vegetation development and catchment stabilisation at the end of the HTM may be important in determining the onset of oligotrophication in vegetated catchments. However, the impact of vegetation development on lake ontogeny cannot be isolated from the changes in the lakes associated with the colder and wetter climate which occurred at the end of the peak HTM warming. The timings of the large transitions in the ontogeny trajectories are comparable with established periods of Holocene climatic variability in the region; climate forcing drives ontogeny in these lakes. However, there are short-term differences between the lakes indicating that lakes have different thresholds of ecological change and may respond differently to the same climate forcing. It is concluded that ontogeny is driven by climate but lakes may respond differently to forcing depending on catchment specific characteristics which can filter out the climate signal or cause climate to influence the lake in a more direct way.

Karakterizacija kolorimetrijskih vrednosti otisaka štampanih goniohromatskim pigmentima / Colorimetric Characterization of Prints Enhanced with Goniochromatic Pigments

Tomić Ivana 25 November 2016 (has links)
<p>U okviru disertacije predloženo je rešenje za određivanje kolorimetrijskih<br />vrednosti otisaka štampanih goniohromatskim pigmentima na osnovu odziva<br />digitalne kamere. Predmet rada predstavljao je razvoj modela karakterizacije<br />kamere prilagođenog za fitovanje više-ugaonih podataka, kao i ispitivanje<br />uticaja parametara predložene metodologije na tačnost procene vrednosti<br />boja kamerom. Razvijeni model, baziran na veštačkim neuronskim mrežama,<br />omogućio je postizanje zadovoljavajuće preciznosti merenja boja, procenu<br />vrednosti boja svih testiranih mernih geometrija na osnovu snimaka u jednom<br />mernom uglu, a pokazao je i visok stepen adaptivnosti na promenu osvetljenja<br />koje se prilikom merenja koristi. Model je optimizovan primenom genetskog<br />algoritma, čime je njegova efikasnost znatno unapređena.</p> / <p>The thesis proposes а solution for colorimetric characterization of prints enhanced<br />with goniochromatic pigments by means of a digital camera. The subject of the<br />research was the development of a camera characterization model adapted to fit<br />multi-angular data and the assessment of the proposed framework parameters<br />impact on the accuracy of camera-based color measurement. The developed<br />model, based on artificial neural networks, enabled accurate color measurement<br />with a satisfactory level of accuracy, estimation of color values of all analyzed<br />measurement geometries on the basis of images obtained in one detection angle,<br />and was proved to be very adaptive to the change of the illuminant used during the<br />measurement. The model was optimized by means of a genetic algorithm, which<br />led to the significant improvement of its efficiency.</p>

Chemické experimenty pro SŠ - chromatografie s přírodními látkami. / Chemical experiments for high school - chromatography with natural substances.

Polívková, Michala January 2010 (has links)
This thesis concerns experiments with natural compounds and vitamins. In the first part I described these substances, which I proved by chromatography or I made other experiments with them in the second part. I created four worksheets with instruction for laboratory practise. There are thein solutions in the supplement. I verified these four experiments at Grammar School in Prague 9.

Ramanova spektrometrie pigmentů sinic, řas a lišejníků v astrobiologickém kontextu / Raman spectrometry of pigments of cyanobacteria, algae and lichens in the astrobiology context

Kovács, Michal January 2016 (has links)
This work deals with the possibility of Raman spectroscopical identification of selected biomarkers of extremophile species. It focuses mainly on selected cyanobacteria, algae and lichens with an emphasis on the ability to detect carotenoids. These pigments exhibit three characteristic bands of Raman spectra which represent stretching vibrations C=C; C-C and bending vibration C-CH3 in molecules of carotenoids. Raman spectra were measured not only by laboratory microspectrometers (λ - 514 nm and 532 nm), but also by portable and handheld spectrometers (λ - 532 nm, 785 nm and 700 - 1100 nm). In the case of cyanobacteria, the spectroscopical analysis was performed also on the fractions obtained by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This work critically evaluates the possibilities of Raman spectroscopy to identify the carotenoids of cyanobacteria, algae and lichens. Besides the signal of carotenoids, interpretation of other bands in the Raman spectra corresponding to the presence of other biomarkers is given here for selected samples. The obtained Raman spectra of carotenoids should be interpreted with great caution, because of the ifluence of several factors, which potentially cause unsystematic shifts in the positions of Raman bands (carotenoids bond in biological tissue, interactions with...

L-DOPA extradiol dioxigenase de amanita muscaria: revisão da sequência codificadora, expressão heteróloga, caracterização funcional e contextualização filogenética / Amanita muscaria L-DOPA extradiol dioxygenase: coding sequence review, heterologous expression, functional characterization, and phylogenetic context

Soares, Douglas Moraes Mendel 07 March 2019 (has links)
Extradiol dioxigenases são enzimas que catalisam a clivagem oxidativa de ligações C-C entre grupos hidroxila fenólicos adjacentes utilizando catecóis como substratos. Esta classe de enzimas é bem caracterizada em bactérias, onde catalisam a degradação de compostos aromáticos. Na maioria das plantas Caryophyllales, como a beterraba, primavera e a maravilha, L-3,4-diidroxifenilalanina (L-DOPA) extradiol dioxigenases (DODAs) catalisam a clivagem oxidativa de L-DOPA na posição 4,5 gerando o ácido betalâmico, aldeído precursor das betalaínas, uma classe de pigmentos naturais que substitui as antocianinas na pigmentação dessas espécies. Alguns fungos basidiomicetos também produzem betalaínas, como o agário-das-moscas (Amanita muscaria). Nesse organismo, DODA é capaz de catalisar uma clivagem adicional na posição 2,3 da L-DOPA, formando muscaflavina, um isômero do ácido betalâmico que dá origem a uma outra classe de pigmentos naturais: as higroaurinas. Desde a caracterização do gene dodA, o qual codifica para a DODA de A. muscaria (AMAMU), não existem relatos na literatura que explorem a promiscuidade catalítica desta enzima, sua relação com outras linhagens de DODAs e a síntese quimioenzimática de betalaínas a partir desta enzima. Dessa forma, buscamos contextualizar as relações filogenéticas e funcionais entre AMAMU e diferentes linhagens de DODAs, bem como estabelecer um método que viabilize a clonagem, expressão heteróloga e caracterização funcional destaenzima. As análises filogenéticas revelaram que AMAMU possui uma evolução convergente com DODAs de plantas e bactérias e que, apesar de AMAMU ser funcionalmente homóloga à DODA da bactéria Escherichia coli, esta última apresenta homologia com DODAs de plantas. Logo, não há uma relação direta entre a sequência primária de DODAs e sua função. Nós também demonstramos que não há uma relação entre a expressão de transcritos de BvDODA1, e de seu parálogo BvDODA2, e a diferença de pigmentação entre variedades de beterrabas amarelas e vermelhas. A clonagem da sequência codificadora (CDS) publicada para o gene dodA de A. muscaria resultou na retenção do primeiro íntron, o que impedia a sua expressão. Então, uma nova CDS de 558 nucleotídeos foi proposta para este gene, a qual inclui um códon de início da tradução que se mantém na fase de leitura e codifica para uma proteína de 185 resíduos, 43 a menos que AMAMU. A expressão desta CDS resultou na proteína recombinante AmDODA, capaz de catalisar a síntese de ácido betalâmico e muscaflavina a partir de L-DOPA e D-DOPA. AmDODA possui um tamanho aproximado de 22 kDa, com um pH ótimo de atividade de 8,5 e uma constante de Michaelis (KM) de 3,7 &#177; 0,9 mmol L-1 e de velocidade máxima (Vmax) de 3,3 &#177; 0,4 &#181; mol min-1 mg-1. Sua utilização foi demonstrada na síntese quimioenzimática de betalaínas-modelo com potencial aplicação como sondas para microscopia confocal de fluorescência de dois fótons. Neste contexto, esta Tese explora os aspectos moleculares, bioquímicos e biológicos da DODA do fungo A. muscaria e traz importantes contribuições acerca da pigmentação por betalaínas na natureza. / Extradiol dioxigenases are enzymes that catalyze the oxidative cleavage of C-C bonds between adjacent phenolic hydroxyl groups using catechols as substrates. This class of enzymes is well characterized in bacteria, where they catalyze the degradation of aromatic compounds. In most plants of the Order Caryophyllales, such as beet, paperflower and four o\'clock flower, L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) extradiol dioxygenases (DODAs) catalyze the oxidative 4,5-cleavage of L-DOPA generating the betalamic acid, an aldehyde precursor of the betalains, a class of natural pigments that replaces anthocyanins in the pigmentation of these species. Some basidiomycete fungi also produce betalains, such as the fly agaric (Amanita muscaria). In this organism, DODA is able to catalyze an additional 2,3-cleavage of L-DOPA, yielding muscaflavine, an isomer of betalamic acid that gives rise to another class of natural pigments: the hygroaurins. Since the characterization of the dodA gene, which encodes the A. muscaria DODA (AMAMU), there are no reports in the literature that explore the catalytic promiscuity of this enzyme, its relation to other DODAs and the chemoenzymatic synthesis of betalains from this enzyme. Thus, we seek to contextualize the phylogenetic and functional relationships between AMAMU and different DODA lineages, as well as to establish a method that enable the cloning, heterologous expression and functional characterization of this enzyme. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that AMAMU has a convergent evolutionwith plant and bacterial DODAs and that although AMAMU is functionally homologous to the DODA of the Escherichia coli bacteria, this latter is homologous to the plant DODAs. Therefore, there is no direct relationship between the primary sequence of DODAs and their function. We have also shown that there is no relationship between the expression of BvDODA1 transcripts, and its BvDODA2 paralogue, and the pigment difference between yellow and red beet varieties. Cloning of the published coding sequence (CDS) for the dodA gene of A. muscaria resulted in the retention of the first intron, which prevented its expression. Then, a new CDS of 558 nucleotides was proposed for this gene, which includes a translation start codon that remains in the open reading frame and encodes for a protein 185 residues long, 43 less than AMAMU. Expression of this CDS resulted in the recombinant AmDODA protein, able to catalyze the synthesis of betalamic acid and muscaflavine from L-DOPA and D-DOPA. AmDODA has an approximate size of 22 kDa, with an optimum activity pH of 8.5 and a Michaelis constant (KM) of 3.7 &#177; 0.9 mmol L-1 and a maximum velocity (Vmax) of 3.3 &#177; 0.4 &#181;mol min-1 mg-1. Its use was demonstrated in the chemoenzymatic synthesis of betalains-model with potential application as probes for confocal microscopy of two-photon fluorescence. In this context, this thesis explores the molecular, biochemical and biological aspects of the DODA of the fungus A. muscaria and brings important contributions about the pigmentation by betalains in nature.

Aproveitamento do Hidrolisado da casca de mandioca como substrato para a produção de carotenoides por leveduras isoladas da Região Amazônica / Utilization of the cassava peel hydrolyzate as a substrate for the production of carotenoids by yeasts isolated from the Amazon Region

Torres, Daiana Rodrigues 29 March 2019 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o aproveitamento do hidrolisado de cascas de mandioca para produção de pigmentos carotenoides. Para isso, foi realizado o isolamento de leveduras provenientes da Região Amazônica, caracterização das cascas de mandioca e obtenção dos hidrolisados por via ácida (HA) e enzimática (HE). Por fim, foram avaliados o efeito da relação C:N e da luminosidade sobre a produção de carotenoides pelas leveduras previamente selecionadas nos hidrolisados. Os extratos carotenogênicos foram caracterizados quanto ao potencial anti-oxidante e antimicrobiano, sendo ainda avaliado o uso da biomassa seca como agente pigmentante em um material polimérico. Foram isoladas sete colônias pigmentadas (4 do solo, 2 de água e 1 de fruto), as quais foram identificadas como pertencentes ao gênero Rhodotorula. Com relação as cascas de mandioca, o principal componente em % m/m foi o amido (71,0), seguido da lignina (13,0), glucana (4,6), xilana (2,4), cinzas (2,6) e extrativos (4,6). Na melhor condição de hidrólise ácida (1% H2SO4, 10% sólidos, 120 min), foi obtido 48 g/L de glicose, o que correspondeu a uma eficiência de 67%. Já para a hidrólise enzimática (3000 U Termamyl 2X, 240 U AMG XXL, 14% sólidos, 65 min) obtevese 80,8 g/L de glicose, correspondendo a uma eficiência de 79,5%. Nas condições de cultivo empregando HA ou HE contendo cerca de 50,0 g/L de glicose sem qualquer suplementação (pH inicial 6,0, temperatura de 30ºC, agitação de 200rpm e na presença de luminosidade) foi possível selecionar a cepa Rh S2 no HA e a Rh RNA no HE, as quais apresentaram, respectivamente (12,7 g/L e 7,6 mg/L) e (22,8 g/L e 11,2 mg/L) de biomassa e carotenoides totais. O maior potencial antioxidante foi obtido com a cepa Rh S2 que apresentou cerca de 30% de redução do radical DPPH sendo que ambos extratos apresentaram ação anti-microbiana frente à Escherichia coli e Aspergillus fumigatus. Quanto as propriedades mecânicas do compósito formulado com a biomassa seca da cepa Rh S2, ficou demonstrada a possibilidade do uso desta biomassa como agente pigmentante em resinas poliméricas. Estes resultados revelam o grande potencial das leveduras selecionadas para a produção de carotenoides a partir de um subproduto da agroindústria, ressaltando ainda suas importantes propriedades biológicas e de pigmentação, as quais poderão ser exploradas em diferentes aplicações. / The present work had as objective the utilization of the hydrolyzate of cassava peels for the production of carotenoid pigments. For this, the yeast from the Amazon region was isolated, characterizing the cassava peels and acid hydrolysates (HA) and enzymatic (HE). Finally, the effect of the C: N ratio and the luminosity on carotenoid production by the selected yeasts in the hydrolysates were evaluated. Carotenogens extracts are characterized as antioxidant and antimicrobial potential, and the use of dry biomass as a pigment agent in a polymeric material is also evaluated. Seven pigmented colonies (4 soil, 2 water and 1 fruit) were isolated, as were the communities as individuals belonging to the genus Rhodotorula. Compared with cassava peels, the main component in% by weight of starch (71.0), followed by lignin (13.0), glucan (4.6), xylan (2.4), ashes (26) and extractives (4.6). The acid hydrolysis condition (1% H2 SO4, 10% solids, 120 min) was 48 g/L glucose, corresponding to an efficiency of 67%. Already for an enzymatic hydration (3000 U Termamyl 2X, 240 U AMG XXL, 14% solids, 65 min), 80.8 g/L of glucose was obtained, corresponding to an efficiency of 79.5%. In the ingestion conditions using HA or HE of about 50.0 g/L of glucose without any supplement (initial pH 6.0, temperature of 30 ° C, agitation of the presence light) it was possible to select the strain Rh S2 in HA and Rh RNA is not HE, as it is today (12.7 g/L and 7.6 mg/L) and (22.8 g/L and 11.2 mg/L) biomass and total carotenoids. The highest antioxidante potential was obtained with the Rh S2 protein which had about 30% reduction of the DPPH radical, with both extracts being moved against the microbiota against Escherichia coli and Aspergillus fumigatus. Regarding the mechanical properties of the compound formulated with a dry biomass of the strain Rh S2, the possibility of the use of this biomass as pigment agent in polymer resins has been demonstrated. This research was useful to increase the potential of selected yeasts for the production of carotenoids from a by-product of agroindustry, highlighting their historical and pigmentation characteristics, such as the ports explored in different applications.

Light intensity influences on algal pigments, proteins and carbohydrates: implications for pigment-based chemotaxonomy

Unknown Date (has links)
Phytoplankton Chlorophyll a (CHLa), total protein, colloidal carbohydrates, storage carbohydrates and taxonomic pigment relationships were studied in two cyanophytes (Microcystis aeruginosa and Synnechococcus elongatus), two chlorophytes (Dunaliella tertiolecta and Scenedesmus quadricauda), one cryptophyte (Rhodomonas salina), two diatoms (Cyclotella meneghiniana and Thalassiosira weissflogii) and one dinophyte (Amphidinium carterae) to assess if algal biomass could be expressed in other indices than just chlorophyll a alone. Protein and carbohydrates are more useful currencies for expressing algal biomass, with respect to energy flow amongst trophic levels. These phytoplankton were grown at low light (LL = 37 (So(Bmol photons m-2 s-1), medium light (ML = 70-75 (So(Bmol photons m-2 s-1), and high light (HL= 200 (So(Bmol photons m-2 s-1). / Even though pigment per cell increased with increasing light intensity, statistically light had very little effect on the CHL a : taxonomic marker pigment ratios, as they covaried in the same way. Protein, colloidal carbohydrates and storage carbohydrates per cell all increased with increasing light intensity, but they did not covary with CHLa. Statistical data showed that light intensity had a more noticeable effect on protein: CHL a, colloidal carbohydrate: CHLa, storage CHO: CHLa, therefore a general mathematical expression for these relationships cannot be generated. This study showed that light intensity does have an influence on these biomass indices, therefore, seasonal and latitudinal formulas may be required for meaningful algal biomass estimation. However, more studies are needed if that goal is to be realized. / While studying the effects of light intensity on algal pigment content and concentration, a new pigment was isolated from a cyanophyte (Scytonema hofmanii) growing between 300-1800 (So(Bmol photons¨m-2¨s-1 and from samples collected in areas of the Florida Everglades. This pigment was characterized and structurally determined to possess indolic and phenolic subunits that are characteristic of scytonemin and its derivatives. In addition, the pigment has a ketamine functionality which gives it its unique polarity and spectral properties. Based on the ultra violet/visible absorbance data, this pigment was postulated to be protecting the chlorophyll a and cytochrome Soret bands as well as a and (Sb (Bbands of the cytochromes (e.g. cytc-562) in the photosynthetic unit. / by Cidya Grant. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2011. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

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