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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Barrera Santiago, Claudia María, Blas Ríos, Jade Selene, Landa de la Cruz, Maribel Viviana, Sánchez Vilchez, Liduvina Stephanie 17 July 2018 (has links)
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo prevenir y curar las enfermedades estomacales de las personas que lo padecen, el cual será a través del consumo de la mazamorra de Tocosh, conocida como la Penicilina natural del Perú. Nuestro producto no daña el estómago como sí lo hacen las pastillas y se diferencia del resto, porque es elaborado sin preservantes y con ingredientes como la famosa semilla de chía conocida por los múltiples beneficios que otorga a la salud y por contener dos sabores como la naranja y el membrillo. Ofrecemos la mazamorra de Tocosh, porque existe un público que sufre frecuentemente de ardor estomacal y buscan curarse de manera natural y otros que buscan simplemente prevenir cualquier malestar del estómago. Este público se encuentra en los distritos del cono norte y son mayores de 31 años de edad y son de un nivel socioeconómico medio. Hemos elegido este mercado, porque las personas conocen de los beneficios del Tocosh y de acuerdo a los estudios realizados están dispuestos a aceptar nuestra nueva presentación y también a pagar el precio ofrecido, a pesar de ser mayor al mercado informal. En nuestra estructura de financiamiento demostramos que tenemos un respaldo patrimonial de 63.61% y un préstamo bancario de 36.69%. Además, la empresa está realizando una reserva legal como un ahorro patrimonial para cualquier eventualidad. Nuestro proyecto genera una rentabilidad de S/ 0.42 por cada sol invertido y consideramos para el inicio de las operaciones una inversión de S/ 27,476.88. Palabras clave: alimentación saludable, mazamorra tradicional y medicinal, prevención de enfermedades estomacales, calidad de vida. This study has as main objectives to prevent and cure stomach diseases of people carrying these disorders, throughout the comsumption of “mazamorra de Tocosh” (Tocosh porridge), also known as the peruvian natural penicillin. Our product does not cause any damage to the stomach as a side effect as certain pills do, and differs from others because it is elaborated without preservatives and has important additional ingredients like the famous Chia seeds, well known by its multiple beneficial effects on health, and because it comes in two different flavors: orange and quince. We offer Tocosh porridge because our population suffers frequently of stomach burns and they are looking for natural ways to treat it and others simply because they want to prevent any gastric problems. This population is found in the northern districts and mostly are older than 31 of age and they belong to a medium socioeconomic class. We choose this market because people know the benefits of Tocosh and according to prior studies, they are prone to accept our new presentation and to pay for the suggested price even though it is the main informal market. In our financing structure we demonstrate that we have a patrimonial support of 63.61% and a bank loan of 36.69%. In addition, the enterprise is preparing a legal reserve as patrimonial savings in case of any unexpected situation. Our Project will generate a profit of S/ 0.42 for each invested sol and we consider to initially invest S/ 27,476.88 to be operational. / Trabajo de investigación

Similarity Reasoning over Semantic Context-Graphs

Boteanu, Adrian 26 August 2015 (has links)
"Similarity is a central cognitive mechanism for humans which enables a broad range of perceptual and abstraction processes, including recognizing and categorizing objects, drawing parallelism, and predicting outcomes. It has been studied computationally through models designed to replicate human judgment. The work presented in this dissertation leverages general purpose semantic networks to derive similarity measures in a problem-independent manner. We model both general and relational similarity using connectivity between concepts within semantic networks. Our first contribution is to model general similarity using concept connectivity, which we use to partition vocabularies into topics without the need of document corpora. We apply this model to derive topics from unstructured dialog, specifically enabling an early literacy primer application to support parents in having better conversations with their young children, as they are using the primer together. Second, we model relational similarity in proportional analogies. To do so, we derive relational parallelism by searching in semantic networks for similar path pairs that connect either side of this analogy statement. We then derive human readable explanations from the resulting similar path pair. We show that our model can answer broad-vocabulary analogy questions designed for human test takers with high confidence. The third contribution is to enable symbolic plan repair in robot planning through object substitution. When a failure occurs due to unforeseen changes in the environment, such as missing objects, we enable the planning domain to be extended with a number of alternative objects such that the plan can be repaired and execution to continue. To evaluate this type of similarity, we use both general and relational similarity. We demonstrate that the task context is essential in establishing which objects are interchangeable."

Building Planning Evaluations for Emergency Evacuation

Shen, Tzu-Sheng 03 May 2003 (has links)
This study proposed a concept and a method for building egress analysis. The works of this research include: develop procedures to analyze the egress system of a plan, propose methods and a program to identify target spaces in evacuation, present a dynamic blocking viewpoint of an egress system, dedicate a way to identify the threatening room of fire origin, and create an occupant evacuation model (ESM), whose functions are: to simulate the occupant evacuation in a building in the static and the dynamic blocking situations, to record the people changes at every compartment during evacuation, and to review the clearing times of different compartments.

ABY Interactive: A Business Plan for an Interactive Media Company

Ben Yahia, Abdelaziz 26 April 2018 (has links)
Abstract Interactive Media and Game development are experiencing an incredible growth the recent year. Digital devices are in constant evolution, and the developers/artist are glad to unleash their full potential by creating innovative content that take advantage of those capacities. Although creation and innovation is not what is limiting this field, the business side to this industry is the biggest challenge to this kind of content. Making a good product needs a team effort, and these employees will obviously need good money for their expertise, which, means the product needs to be funded to make it happen. In this context I find myself in the perfect position for this kind of adventure as I both love games and I like to play the role of the entrepreneur/problem solver. As a Fulbright scholar I feel my self-obligated to help my country back with all the knowledge and the opportunities I got offered by coming here and learning from U.S professionals in the industry This brings us to the core of this thesis, by doing a Co-op job in Petricore, shadowing its CEO and surrounding myself by a huge community of professionals from the industry, researching the best way to start my own startup €œABY€� in the same industry in Tunisia. I will also using auto ethnography and interviews to collect relevant data in an ultimate goal of building a lightweight business plan to guide me in starting this adventure in my home country.

Compresas Caliente “Relief” / Relief Hot Pad

Canchari Guevara, Ivonne Lucia, Loayza Rodríguez, Carlos Alberto, Talancha Abe, Lizbeth Kaori, Zapata Chavez, Eliseo Basilio 10 December 2018 (has links)
El propósito de este trabajo de investigación es identificar la necesidad de una solución para las dolencias musculares y la aceptación de las compresas calientes como alternativa de solución. Estas compresas sirven para rehabilitar, aliviar y prevenir los dolores musculares. El público objetivo son personas entre 25 y 70 años que trabajan, estudian o realizan alguna actividad física regular y que a causa de ello tengan o puedan tener alguna dolencia muscular, que pertenezcan al nivel socioeconómico A y B y que vivan en los distritos de Miraflores, Surco, San Borja, Lince, San Isidro y La Molina. Las compresas Relief serán comercializadas vía online. De igual manera, se contará con un equipo conformado por 4 accionistas, quienes apoyarán con sus habilidades, capacidades, experiencias para maximizar los recursos y la rentabilidad para la empresa. Con el fin de alcanzar dicho objetivo, se realizó una serie de estudios tales como investigación de mercado, planeamiento estratégico, plan de marketing, plan de operaciones y plan económico. Este último facilitará la viabilidad de la idea de negocio dentro de los primeros 5 años, para lo cual se analizarán tres posibles escenarios, optimista, pesimista y moderado. Para la puesta en marcha del proyecto se necesitarán 27 días hábiles para cumplir con los requerimiento de ley, acondicionamiento del local y creación de una red digital. Asimismo, se requerirá una inversión inicial de S/160,000, el cual será 60% aporte de los socios y 40% financiamiento bancario e inversionistas. / The purpose of this study is to identify the need for a solution for muscular ailments and the acceptance of hotpads as an alternative solution. These compresses are used to rehabilitate, relieve and prevent muscle aches. The target audience is people between 25 and 70 years old who work, study or perform some regular physical activity and as a result they have or may have some muscular ailment. They must belong to the socioeconomic level A and B and live in the districts of Miraflores, Surco, San Borja, Lince, San Isidro and La Molina. Relief compresses will be sold. Likewise, the Company will be stablished by 4 partners, who will support with their skills, abilities, and experiences to maximize resources and profitability for the company. In order to achieve this goal, a series of studies were carried out, such as market research, strategic planning, marketing plan, operations plan and economic plan. The last one will facilitate the viability of the business idea within the first 5 years, for which three possible scenarios, optimistic, pessimistic and moderate, will be analyzed. To start-up the project 27 working days will be needed in order to complete the requirements according the law, equip the warehouse and create a digital network. Additionaly, an initial investment of S / 160,000 will be required. 60% will be the partners’ contribution and 40% funded by the bank and investors. / Trabajo de investigación

Servicios de Coaching & Asesorías para jóvenes desempleados / Coaching Services & Advice for Young people unemployed, Empléate Ya!

Espíritu Meza, Kevinn Mizael, Mendivil Palomino, Graciela Magali, Quispe Chique, Mercedes Karolina, Saravia Hermoza, Josselyn Lisseth 16 December 2018 (has links)
En el Perú la metodología de educación está acostumbrada a potenciar el desarrollo de habilidades académicas, hoy en día esto ya no es suficiente. “Servicios de Coaching & Asesorías - ¡Empléate Ya!”, surge con motivo de análisis a la problemática sobre la inserción laboral de jóvenes, buscando que desarrollen sus habilidades de marketing personal, inteligencia emocional, entre otras habilidades que sean necesarias. El segmento escogido son los jóvenes de 18 a 24 años del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho que se encuentran en institutos puesto que son los más afectados con esta problemática, además que nosotros como equipo de trabajo hemos pasado por situaciones similares. Se plantea una estrategia de diferenciación a través del enfoque hacia el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional para estos jóvenes, la cual será exclusiva para cada tipo de personalidad, es por ello que se contará con personal especializado y capacitado para poder brindar los talleres, conferencias, charlas, etcétera. Contaremos con una Página Web y redes sociales, para que los jóvenes puedan interactuar con nosotros. Hemos buscado que la página sea interactiva para que los jóvenes puedan sentirse en comodidad al momento de navegar en la misma. Para la puesta en marcha de ¡Empléate Ya!, se necesitará una inversión inicial de S/. 73,543.00, financiado en un 41% con un préstamo bancario y un 59% con aporte de los accionistas. Se estima recuperar la inversión al segundo año, además el proyecto muestra una rentabilidad creciente a lo largo de la proyección. / In Peru, the education methodology is used to promote the development of academic skills, nowadays this is no longer enough. "Coaching Services & Advising - Get involved now! Arises on the occasion of analysis to the problem about the labor insertion of young people, looking for them to develop their skills of personal marketing, emotional intelligence, among other skills that are necessary. The chosen segment is young people from 18 to 24 years of age in the district of San Juan de Lurigancho who are in high schools since they are the most affected with this problem, and we as a work team have gone through similar situations. A strategy of differentiation is proposed through the approach towards the development of emotional intelligence for these young people, which will be exclusive for each type of personality, that is why it will have specialized and trained personnel to be able to offer the workshops, conferences, talks, etcetera. We will have a website and social networks, so that young people can interact with us. We have searched for the page to be interactive so that young people can feel comfortable when navigating in it. For the start-up of Get involved now!, an initial investment of S/. 73,543.00, financed by 41% with a bank loan and 59% with contribution from the shareholders. It is estimated to recover the investment to the second year, in addition the project shows an increasing profitability throughout the projection. / Trabajo de investigación

Turismo Gastronómico Vivencial Tradición&Cultura / Experiential gastronomic tourism «Tradition&Culture»

Avalos Huamani, Patricia Jimena, Hernandez Apaza, Ruth Nathally, Leon Ponce, Jimmy Jean Pool, Valencia Ataucusi, Samanta Madeleine 13 December 2018 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad proponer un modelo de negocio viable, basado en un enfoque innovador y competitivo para cubrir aquellas necesidades desatendidas en el mercado actual. La investigación de este proyecto se realizó por el interés de ofrecer una experiencia única a través de la realización de full days dirigidos a turistas que buscan nuevas aventuras culturales y gastronómicas en la ciudad de Lima. Esto permitió identificar rutas conocidas pero no experimentadas bajo un enfoque vivencial, permitiendo al turista participar en la preparación de platos típicos. Este concepto se enfocará en la población millennial en Lima metropolitana que se encuentren entre las edades de 25 a 39 años y con un nivel socioeconómico B, los cuales suman un mercado disponible de 5143 personas aproximadamente. Se necesitarán S/109,623 para financiar el proyecto y disponer de fondos suficientes para las actividades de los primeros 2 años que serán la etapa de introducción al mercado, este monto será cubierto por los emprendedores en un 55% ofreciéndoles un costo de oportunidad de capital del 16.03% y el dinero restante obtenido de capitales externos ofreciéndoles una tasa del 12% por su inversión a 4 años. Se tiene la certeza de la viabilidad del proyecto debido a que fue sometido a diferentes pruebas de sensibilidad donde resultó con una rentabilidad positiva incluso en un escenario pesimista. / The purpose of this work is to propose a viable business model, based on an innovative and competitive approach to cover unmet needs in the current market. The investigation of this project has been carried out through the completion of full days aimed at tourists seeking new cultural and gastronomic adventures in the city of Lima. This allowed us to identify well-known routes that have not been experienced under an experiential approach, granting the tourists to participate in the preparation of typical dishes. This concept will focus on the millennial population in Metropolitan Lima who are between the ages of 25 to 39 years old and with a socioeconomic B level, making a total of 5143 people approximately of available market. S / 109,623 will be needed to finance the project and to have enough funds for the activities of the first 2 years for the installation of the introduction in the market, this amount will be covered by the entrepreneurs with a 55% of the total, offering them an opportunity cost of capital of 16.03% and the remaining money obtained from external capitals offering a rate of 12% for their investment to 4 years. The feasibility of the project is certain due to the fact that it underwent different sensitivity tests where it resulted in a positive return even in a pessimistic scenario. / Trabajo de investigación

Flor de Canela Restobus

Gonzales Cherres, Narda Cecilia, Neyra Hinostroza, Rubí Julia, Matos Echevarría, Fiorella Patricia, Mendoza Araujo, Mercedes Rosalin 13 December 2018 (has links)
El Perú ha venido creciendo de manera sostenida en los últimos años, esto ha permitido que las empresas extranjeras miren al Perú como un destino atractivo para inversiones, lo que ha generado una gran afluencia de Ejecutivos hacia el país. Por otro lado, el turismo gastronómico en el Perú es un sector que está en constante desarrollo aportando al crecimiento sostenido de la economía, esto ha incentivado el crecimiento y diversificación de este tipo servicios. El reconocimiento internacional del Perú como un centro gastronómico mundial, ha despertado el interés de los visitantes por nuestra oferta culinaria; conllevando a la necesidad de conocer un poco más de la historia peruana, cada visitante que aterriza a tierras peruanas no solo desea degustar de las diversos y variados platos que le ofrece el país, si no también nace el interés de explorar su tierra El limitado tiempo con que cuentan estos visitantes usualmente no les permite conocer los atractivos que puede ofrecer la ciudad de Lima y muchas veces pese haber venido en varias ocasiones no conocen lugares, solo visitan los restaurantes para disfrutar la gastronomía. Estas necesidades presentan una excelente oportunidad para la creación de un modelo de negocio, innovador y completamente nuevo para el país; es así que en el desarrollo del presente documento se han planteado estrategias que conllevan a aprovechar y desarrollar las capacidades que cuenta este sector. / Peru has been growing steadily in recent years, this has allowed foreign companies to look to Peru as an attractive destination for investments, which has generated visit of business executives into the country. The gastronomic tourism in Peru is a sector that is constantly developing contributing to the sustained growth of the economy. This is how the diversification of this type of services was generated. The international recognition of Peru as a world gastronomic center, has aroused the interest of visitors for our culinary offer; Concerning the need to know a little more about Peruvian history, each visitor who lands in Peruvian lands not only wants to taste the diverse and varied dishes that the country offers, but also the interest to explore their land. The limited time these visitors have usually does not allow them to know the attractions that the city of Lima can offer and many times despite having come on several occasions they do not know places, they only visit the restaurants to enjoy the gastronomy. These needs present an excellent opportunity for the creation of a business model, innovative and completely new for the country. In the development of this document, strategies have been proposed that lead to take advantage of and develop the capacities that this sector has. / Trabajo de investigación

Study on wedding photography and Strategic business plan for wedding photography Studi

JIASHEN, HAN, NING, JING January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is aiming to reveal different characters of wedding photographic market in Sweden, China and Pakistan and give an overview, including history and trends on the three distinctive markets. Through the comprehensive comparison, an entire business plan is presented to enter into the Swedish market by mixing with unique Asian visual characters. / Program: Magisterutbildning i fashion management med inriktning modemarknadsföring

AllWorkIt.se- en affärsplan om unika arbetskläder på internet / AllWorkIt.se- a business plan on unique working wear online

Syftet med vårt arbete var att utforma en affärsplan, där idén är att sälja arbetskläder till privatpersoner via e-handel. Bakgrunden är att vi ser ett ökat intresse för fritidsaktiviteter hos privatpersoner som kräver någon form av arbetskläder. Exempelvis har vi noterat de populära tv-programmen om matlagning, bakning, heminredning och trädgårdsarbete. Vi har även observerat att den moderna människan gärna pysslar om sitt hem och vi vill att de skall kunna göra det i stil. Vi tycker att kombinationen funktionalitet och design är en intressant infallsvinkel för denna typ av kläder. Att sälja via e-handel tycker vi är ett modernt och demokratiskt val av försäljningskanal. E-handel är tillgängligt för en mycket bred målgrupp och ökar kontinuerligt i användarantal. Vi har valt att fokusera mycket på att tillfredsställa kundens behov och har därför valt att inrikta vår affärsidé på att effektivisera kundservice, kundnytta och leverans. Vi har sett att våra konkurrenter brister på detta område. Några av dem har exempelvis endast webb-baserad kundsupport och långa leveranstider. Vi kommer inte i inledningsskedet att kunna konkurrera med det stora sortiment som flera av de andra aktörerna på marknaden har. Det är också en av anledningarna till att vi valt att nischa oss mot en genomgripande kundservice. Med anledning av att arbetet i huvudsak skall handla om detaljhandel så har vi avgränsat arbetet till att endast se till privatpersoner och lämnat företagskunder därhän. Vår målgrupp är då en mycket hobbyintresserad kvinna eller man som vill bruka arbetskläder med stil och hög kvalitet. Men det kan även vara en kvinna eller man som har högre krav på sina yrkeskläder vad gällande modegrad och hållfasthet än vad arbetsgivaren kan erbjuda. Vi har intervjuat systemutvecklaren och e-handelsexperten Ralf Lindberg på 3bits Consulting AB. Han har hjälpt oss med ett flertal frågor kring det praktiska arbetet kring en webb-butik. Vi har även tagit hjälp av ett flertal medarbetare på Segers Fabriker AB för hjälp kring detaljerade frågor kring sortiment, logistik och inköpspriser. Den referenslitteratur vi har använt oss av har varit aktuell och relevant. Vi har försökt att vara källkritiska i vårt val av elektroniska källor och har i största mån undvikit internetlexikon så som Wikipedia där ursprunget är osäkert. De konklusioner vi gjort i arbetet är att vår affärsplan och affärsidé är genomförbar men med den konkurrens och de förutsättningar som finns på marknaden gör det till ett tufft uppdrag att erövra marknadsandelar. / <p>The aim of our report was to develop a business-plan, where the idea is to sell work wear to consumers through e-commerce. The background is that we are seeing an increased interest in free time activities that require some form of working clothes. For example, we have taken notice to the many TV-programs about cooking, baking, home decorating and gardening and that they are very popular. We have also observed that modern people like to fix their homes and we want them to be able do it in style. We think that the combination of design and functionality is an interesting approach for this type of clothing and we think that selling by e-commerce is both modern and democratic. E-commerce is available to a very broad audience and is steadily growing in number of users. We have chosen to concentrate our attention on the satisfaction of our customer and have therefore chosen to focus our work at customer service, customer satisfaction and delivery. We have seen that our competitors fail to compete in this area. Some, for example, do only have Web-based customer support and long delivery time. We will not initially be able to compete with the large range of products that several of our competitors have. It is also one of the reasons for our choice to position ourselves on the market with an advanced customer service. We have defined this report to concern the topic of consumers only, leaving our corporate customers behind. This since our restrictions from the beginning was that the report had to involve retailing. We have decided our target group to be a woman or man with a big interest for her/his hobby and with a need for stylish working clothes with high quality. But it could also be a woman or man with higher standards for her/his working clothes regarding fashion and quality, then what is offered by their employer. We have interviewed system developer and e-business expert Ralf Lindberg from 3bits Consulting AB. He has helped us with answering several questions about the practical work around a web-shop. We have also taken the help of several employees at Segers Fabriker AB for help on specific issues regarding assortment, logistics and purchasing prices. The reference books we have used have been updated and relevant. We have tried to be critical in our choice of sources and have tried to avoid online dictionaries such as Wikipedia, where the origin is uncertain. The conclusions we made in our report is that our business plan and business concept is viable. However, the competition and the market conditions makes it hard to succeed.</p><p>Program: Butikschefsutbildningen</p>

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