Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] POLICY EVALUATION"" "subject:"[enn] POLICY EVALUATION""
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AvaliaÃÃo da PolÃtica Nacional de Transplantes no CearÃ: AtuaÃÃo da Central Estadual e das ComiÃÃes Intra-Hospitalares / Evaluation of the National Transplant in CearÃ: Central Role of State and Intra-Hospital CommissionsMÃnica Maria dos Santos Paiva 09 June 2011 (has links)
nÃo hà / Nas dÃcadas recentes, os transplantes tiveram um profundo impacto no cuidado dos pacientes em estÃgio final de diversos tipos de doenÃas. No Brasil, as polÃticas pÃblicas relacionadas com as pessoas que necessitam de transplante carecem de avaliaÃÃes aprofundadas para desenvolvimento e aplicaÃÃo de polÃticas pÃblicas. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a atuaÃÃo da Central de NotificaÃÃo de Transplantes do Estado do Cearà (CNCDO) e das ComissÃes Intra-Hospitalares de DoaÃÃo de ÃrgÃos e Tecidos para Transplantes (CIHDOTTs) de Fortaleza, instÃncias consideradas decisivas na operacionalizaÃÃo da PolÃtica Nacional de Transplantes no territÃrio do CearÃ. A pesquisa foi realizada utilizando dados secundÃrios e primÃrios, tanto quantitativos quanto qualitativos, sendo desenvolvida no perÃodo de julho de 2010 a fevereiro de 2011. Foi realizada entrevista com a presidente da CNCDO, aplicado um formulÃrio com 12 coordenadoras das CIHDOTTs e realizadas observaÃÃes estruturadas em trÃs CIHDOTTs. Destacam-se entre os resultados: CNCDO sobrecarregada e realizando atividades da alÃada das CIHDOTTs; CIHDOTTs com equipes reduzidas e predomÃnio de enfermeiras, atuando essencialmente na busca ativa de potenciais doadores; a recusa dos familiares sendo a grande responsÃvel pela nÃo confirmaÃÃo de significativo nÃmero de doaÃÃes; identificadas fragilidades nas aÃÃes de campanha, qualificaÃÃo e planejamento conjunto da CNCDO com as CIHDOTTs; ambas ressentem-se de maior apoio dos profissionais de saÃde e dos gestores dos hospitais e tambÃm da falta de equipamentos e espaÃo fÃsico apropriado; o grande dispÃndio de energia da CNCDO e das CIHDOTTs resulta em nÃmeros Ãnfimos de efetivas doaÃÃes; hà dificuldades no processo de identificaÃÃo de provÃvel potencial doador, demora no diagnÃstico de morte encefÃlica e em iniciar a manutenÃÃo hemodinÃmica do possÃvel doador. A indicaÃÃo de que sÃo maiores os resultados obtidos com as campanhas que privilegiam a linguagem regional confirma o pressuposto inicial de que aÃÃes educativas, por impactarem imediatamente na populaÃÃo, tÃm potencial para alavancar o processo de transplante. ConcluÃmos que fatores humanos, estruturais e tecnolÃgicos representam sÃrios entraves à execuÃÃo da PolÃtica Nacional de Transplante no Estado do CearÃ, com impacto pouco significativo na fila de espera, que à Ãnica para o PaÃs. Indicamos aÃÃes em diversas frentes: redirecionar as campanhas de divulgaÃÃo para abordagens mais identificadas com a cultura regional e mais prÃxima Ãs pessoas; cursos mais frequentes para maior sensibilizaÃÃo e qualificaÃÃo dos profissionais de saÃde; desenvolvimento de estratÃgias para maior sensibilizaÃÃo dos profissionais e gestores quanto Ãs nobres tarefas da CNCDO e das CIHDOTTs; maior nÃmero de profissionais e capacitaÃÃo mais frequente deles para que realizem a detecÃÃo e diagnÃstico de morte encefÃlica de forma precoce e mais agilmente e que assegurem a realizaÃÃo da manutenÃÃo hemodinÃmica de quantos potenciais doadores sejam identificados. / In recent decades, the transplants have had a profound impact on the care of end-stage patients with several kinds of diseases. In Brazil, public policies regarding people who need transplants require thorough assessments. This research aimed to evaluate the performance of the Organ Notification, Harvesting and Distribution Center of the State of Cearà (CNCDO) and Intra-hospital Commission on Organ and Tissue Donation for Transplant (CIHDOTTs) from Fortaleza, instances considered decisive in the operationalization of the National Transplant Policy in the State of CearÃ. The research was conducted by using secondary and primary data, both quantitative and qualitative, developed from July 2010 to February 2011. The president of CNCDO was interviewed. It was applied a form to be filled out by 12 coordinators of CIHDOTTs and structured observations were accomplished in three CIHDOTTs. The following results had been highlighted: CIHDOTTs with reduced teams and nurse predominance; CNCDO overloaded and performing activities which belong to the CIHDOTTs; CIHDOTTs working essentially in an active search for potential donors; the family members refusal is largely responsible for the non-confirmation of a significant number of donations; it was identified fragility in campaign, qualification and joint planning actions between CNCDO and CIHDOTTs; CNCDO and CIHDOTTs resent greater support from health professionals and hospital managers and also the lack of equipment and appropriate physical space; the great expenditure of energy of CNCDO and CIHDOTTs result in an insignificant number of effective donations; there are difficulties in the process of identifying likely potential donor, delay in the diagnosis of brain death and in the beginning of the hemodynamic maintenance of the possible donor. The indication that greater results are obtained from the campaigns which favor the regional language confirms the initial assumption that educational initiatives, due to their immediate impact on the population, has the potential to leverage the transplant process. We conclude that human, structural and technological factors pose serious obstacles to the implementation of the National Transplant Policy in the State of CearÃ, with little significant impact on the sole waiting list in the country. We suggest actions on several fronts: to redirect the dissemination campaigns towards approaches which are more culturally related to the region and closer to people; to offer more frequent courses to raise awareness and to improve the skills of health professionals; to develop strategies to raise awareness of professionals and managers regarding the noble task of CNCDO and CIHDOTTs; to employ more professionals and train them to perform the detection and diagnosis of brain death faster and to ensure the accomplishment of the hemodynamic maintenance efficiently.
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Avaliação do impacto do INFOCRIM sobre as taxas de homicídios dos municípios paulistas: uma aplicação do método de diferenças em diferenças espacialCabral, Maria Viviana de Freitas January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-09-23T13:47:58Z
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mariavivianadefreitascabral.pdf: 1518709 bytes, checksum: 45ae2add71844fef3522958570ca30c6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-26T20:30:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016 / A reversão dos índices de crime no estado de São Paulo tem despertado o interesse dos pesquisadores em verificar as possíveis causas para a redução de 67,1% nas taxas de homicídios no período de 2000 a 2010. Diversos fatores têm sido apontados para explicar esse fenômeno, porém não foi encontrado na literatura, até o momento, estudos que avaliassem o Sistema de Informações Criminais – INFOCRIM, adotado por 67 municípios paulistas até o ano de 2010. Desse modo, este trabalho tem o objetivo de testar a hipótese de que o INFOCRIM tenha contribuído para a redução das taxas de homicídios entre 2000 e 2010, controlando por diversos determinantes do crime e por outras iniciativas de segurança pública. Para isso, foi realizada uma avaliação de tratamento por meio da abordagem das diferenças-em-diferenças espacial (SDID), método pioneiro capaz de modelar a migração do crime das regiões tratadas para regiões vizinhas. O grupo de tratamento foi definido como os 67 municípios contemplados pelo INFOCRIM, ao passo que o grupo de controle foi definido como os 548 municípios paulistas remanescentes na amostra. Por meio de um painel de dados de dois períodos (2000 e 2010), o modelo de defasagem espacial (SDID-SAR) evidenciou a existência de transbordamentos espaciais (migração de crime) entre os municípios paulistas e um efeito redutor do crime devido ao INFOCRIM. Em termos de efeitos totais, o INFOCRIM reduziu a taxa de homicídios em 6,183 entre 2000 e 2010. Quanto aos efeitos diretos, o Programa reduziu a taxa de homicídios em 3,745, enquanto, em termos de efeitos indiretos, o INFOCRIM diminuiu a taxa de homicídios em 2,437 durante esse período. Isso implica que a interação espacial existente entre os agentes reforçou o efeito médio do INFOCRIM. Os resultados corroboraram a relação positiva entre crime e desemprego e a relação inversa entre crime e educação. A melhoria da equidade social contribuiu para a redução da criminalidade violenta enquanto o adensamento populacional apresentou sinal contrário ao esperado. Há um efeito dissuasor indireto sobre as taxas de homicídios decorrente da existência de guarda municipal armada. Em termos de vidas poupadas, o Estado de São Paulo foi capaz de minimizar os prejuízos sociais decorrentes da criminalidade, uma vez que a implementação do INFOCRIM evitou 2.546 homicídios de 2000 até 2010. Portanto, o INFOCRIM pode ser considerado um Programa exitoso no combate à criminalidade letal. / The reversal of the trend of crime rates in the state of São Paulo has arisen the interest of researchers to verify the possible causes for the reduction of 67.1% in homicide rate from 2000 to 2010. Several factors have been suggested to explain this phenomenon, but it was not found in the literature, so far, researches to evaluate the Criminal Information System – INFOCRIM, adopted by 67 municipalities in São Paulo until 2010. Thus this work is aimed at testing the hypothesis that INFOCRIM has contributed to the reduction in homicide rate between 2000 and 2010, controlling for determinants of crime and other public security actions. To do so, a treatment evaluation is performed using the spatial difference-in- differences (SDID) approach, a pioneering method able to model the crime migration from the treated regions to their neighboring regions. The treatment group is defined as being the 67 municipalities with INFOCRIM whereas the control group is defined as being 548 municipalities remaining in the sample. Using two-period panel data (2000 and 2010), the spatial lag model (SDID-SAR) indicated the existence of spatial spillovers (crime migration) among municipalities in the São Paulo state and a crime reducing effect of INFOCRIM. As to total effects, INFOCRIM reduced homicide rate by 6.183 over the period 2000-2010. In terms of direct terms, the program decreased homicide rate by 3.745, while, in terms of indirect effects, INFOCRIM reduced homicide rate by 2.437 during this period. . This implies that the spatial interaction between agents enhanced the average effect of INFOCRIM. These findings confirmed the positive relation between crime and unemployment and the inverse relation between crime and education. The improvement of social equity contributed to the reduction of violent crime while the population density showed a sign contrary to theoretically expected. There is an indirect effect on homicide rate due to the existence of municipal guard. In terms of lives saved, the Government of the State of São Paulo was able to minimize the social loss from offenses, since the implementation of INFOCRIM has avoided 2,546 homicides over the period 2000-2010. Therefore, the INFOCRIM can be considered successful in fighting lethal crime.
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As políticas de avaliação do rendimento escolar e as interfaces na esfera nacional e estadual = análise do SARESP como política de aval iação no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil / Policies for assessing school performance and interfaces at the national and state level policy : analysis of SARESP as evaluation policy for the State of São Paulo, BrazilCamba, Mariangela 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Luis Enrique Aguilar / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação. / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T13:18:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Camba_Mariangela_D.pdf: 2064394 bytes, checksum: 2bbfc9895e5d782b6b3354c2f690a675 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: A pesquisa analisa a trajetória da elaboração e implementação da política de avaliação no Brasil com foco no Sistema Estadual de Avaliação do Rendimento Escolar -SARESP- no Estado de São Paulo. O itinerário desta investigação percorre o Processo da Política, contextualiza a temporalidade da "onda" das políticas de avaliação, localiza a introdução na Agenda dos governos nacional e estadual descrevendo e analisando três gestões que, no período de 1995 a 2010, elaboraram e implementaram a política de avaliação. Esta periodização nos permite reconhecer os momentos de iniciação, desenvolvimento e consolidação e simultaneamente, em que medida cada uma das gestões, foram imprimindo ajustes e criando dispositivos de (re) orientação e/ou fortalecimento de seus propósitos vinculados a criar uma cultura de avaliação e a fornecer subsídios para discutir a melhoria da qualidade da educação. Como contrapartida analítica, percorre o conteúdo da produção acadêmica sobre o SARESP nos bancos de teses e dissertações das principais instituições de pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo como recurso para distinguir e identificar distintas perspectivas analíticas sobre o objeto de estudo. As conclusões desta pesquisa pretendem disponibilizar um leque de vetores como (re) orientadores dos rumos da política apontando especificidades do processo de implementação de uma política. / Abstract: This study investigates the trajectory of development and implementation of assessment policy in Brazil with focus on the State System of Evaluation of Educational Achievement-SARESP in the State of São Paulo. The itinerary of this investigation covers the policy process, contextualizes the temporality of the "wave" of policy evaluation, finds the introduction of National and state governments Agenda, describing and analyzing three initiatives that, during the 1995 to 2010 period, developed and implemented the policy evaluation. This timeline allows us to recognize the moments of initiation, development and consolidation and, simultaneously, to what extent each of the administrations were printing settings and creating devices for (re) orientation and / or strengthening their purposes linked to create a culture of evaluation and provide subsidies to discuss improving the quality of education. As analytical counterpart, travels the academic content about SARESP on the main banks of theses and dissertations from major research institutions in the State of São Paulo, as a means to distinguish and identify different analytical perspectives on the object of study. The findings of this research intend to provide an array of vectors for (re) guiding the direction of policy, pointing out specific details to the process of implementing a policy. / Doutorado / Politicas de Educação e Sistemas Educativos / Doutor em Educação
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Avaliação da política pública "Programa Mais Educação" em escolas de ensino fundamental da rede estadual de ensino do Rio Grande do Sul / Evaluation of the public policy “Programa Mais Educação” (More Education Program) in elementary public schools, in Rio Grande do Sul state : the effects on the quality of education and on elementary school fundingMosna, Rosa Maria Pinheiro January 2014 (has links)
Esta tese se insere no campo da avaliação de política pública e com esse escopo faz a avaliação da implementação da política do governo federal denominada “Programa Mais Educação” que se propõe a ser um indutor da ampliação da jornada escolar na perspectiva da educação integral. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo que teve como objetivo geral avaliar processos de implementação e impactos do Programa na qualidade da educação e no financiamento do ensino fundamental em escolas da rede estadual de ensino do Rio Grande do Sul. Nos aspectos teóricos, o estudo apresenta um breve histórico da política pública enquanto campo de conhecimento e aspectos legais e conceituais de política pública e de avaliação de política. Como referencial metodológico foi utilizado o modelo analítico do ciclo de política de Stephen Ball e Richard Bowe, por ser uma abordagem que propicia a investigação das políticas como um processo contínuo, bem como pela sua preocupação com os efeitos das políticas. Quanto ao viés avaliativo, foram utilizadas, em especial, as orientações metodológicas de textos de Sonia Draibe e de Marta Arretche, em análises que contemplaram quatro dimensões e suas inter-relações: gestão; relação escola/comunidade; cognitiva/pedagógica; financeira. Como o Programa teve seu início em 2008, nas regiões metropolitanas, esse foi o critério de seleção das escolas para a realização da pesquisa empírica. Foram 49 escolas estaduais contempladas em 2008, localizadas nos municípios de Porto Alegre, Canoas, Gravataí e Viamão. Dessas 49 escolas foram selecionadas onze escolas como amostra para estudo mais aprofundado. No desenvolvimento da tese foi realizado um resgate sucinto das diferentes matrizes filosóficas, ideológicas e políticas do conceito de educação integral, especialmente nas vertentes libertária e liberal, que deram suporte à maioria das experiências de tempo integral que também são apresentadas. Também são caracterizados o Programa Mais Educação – seus objetivos, finalidades, marco teórico – e a política de financiamento da educação, cuja ênfase foi a insuficiência de recursos para cobrir as demandas educativas contemporâneas num contexto de garantia de direitos e o financiamento do Programa na sua relação com os demais recursos recebidos pelas escolas. Além do crescimento expressivo e acelerado do Programa, os achados do estudo indicam um alto grau de satisfação dos beneficiários e dos implementadores, que permite dizer que o Programa tem efetividade social e, de certa maneira, também, tem efetividade institucional, embora, para atingir os objetivos, num grau maior, precise de ajustes, pois ainda não ocorreram as mudanças curriculares que o Programa propõe. A implementação não vem seguindo as orientações dos documentos oficiais, mas alguns documentos apresentam falta de clareza. Os desencontros de finalidades e objetivos identificados se devem à ausência um currículo integral e integrado; à resistência dos docentes em relação aos oficineiros; ao viés reducionista atribuído ao Programa; à falta de regularidade do oferecimento das oficinas; à infrequência e à ausência de acompanhamento sistemático pela mantenedora e de proposta de formação continuada na perspectiva da educação integral para as escolas. / This thesis is in the field of public policies evaluation and, based on that, it evaluates the implementation of the federal government program called “More Education Program” (Programa Mais Educação), which intends to lead to an extension of the school day, on the integral education perspective. It is a qualitative research which has had, as its general goal, to evaluate the program implementation processes and its impact on the quality of education and on the funding of Elementary School, in public schools in Rio Grande do Sul. As for theoretical aspects, the study presents a brief background of the public policy, as a knowledge area and legal and conceptual issues of public policy and policy evaluation. The methodological reference was Stephen Ball and Richard Bowe´s Policy Cycle analytical model. The choice is justified for it is an approach that allows the investigation of policies as a continuous process, as well as its concerns about policies effects. Regarding the evaluative perspective, methodological orientations texts by Sonia Draibe and Marta Arretche have been used in analysis which covered four dimensions and their inter-relations: management; school/community relations; cognitive/pedagogical; financial. Once the Program started in 2008, in the metropolitan regions, those were the criteria for selecting the schools for the empirical research. Forty nine state schools in Porto Alegre, Canoas and Gravataí were accessed. Eleven, out of the forty nine schools, were selected as a sample for deeper studies. During the thesis development there was a brief recovery of the different philosophical, ideological and political matrices of integral education concept, especially in the libertarian and liberal aspects, which supported most of full time experiences, also presented. The Programa Mais Educação – its objectives, purposes, theoretical background is described, as well as the education funding policy, whose emphasis was the resources constraint to afford the contemporary educational demands in a way in which rights are guaranteed, and the Program funding towards other resources received by the schools. Besides the Program´s meaningful and fast growth, findings show a high degree of satisfaction among beneficiaries and implementers. This demonstrates the Program has social effectiveness and, in a way, institutional effectiveness, although, in order to achieve the goals, in a higher degree, it needs some adjustments, once the curricular changes proposed by the Program haven´t happened, yet. The implementation hasn´t been following official documents orientations but some of the documents are not clear enough. The discrepancy between the purposes and the identified goals are due to the lack of a full and integrated curriculum; the educational staff resistance to the workshops instructors; the reductionist characteristic attributed to the Program; the lack of regularity in the workshop offers; the infrequency and lack of systematic follow-up by the government and a proposal of continued education on schools integral education perspective.
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Three Essays in Applied EconometricsPallarés, Nina 23 March 2021 (has links)
La tesis engloba tres capítulos: el primero sobre fertilidad y "calidad" infantil, el segundo sobre planificación familiar y salud infantil, y el tercero sobre la estimación de un indicador de la actividad económica agregada regional. Concretamente, el primer capítulo examina empíricamente usando un modelo de diferencia-en-diferencias con efectos fijos, cómo un aumento inesperado de riqueza (proveniente de una transferencia intergeneracional) afecta a la fertilidad y la inversión de los padres en la calidad de los hijos. Se encuentra un efecto negativo en la cantidad de hijos junto a un efecto positivo en la calidad de los hijos demandados por los hogares. Estos efectos ocurren en diferentes momentos del tiempo para la muestra completa. En el corto plazo se observa una reducción de la fertilidad mientras que en el largo plazo se observa un aumento de la inversión en calidad infantil. También se encuentra un efecto positivo en la inversión en calidad infantil a corto plazo para las parejas que ya tenían hijos. En el segundo capítulo se evalúa una política, estudiando el impacto de haber sido expuesto a un programa de planificación familiar que promovió la anticoncepción quirúrgica/esterilización por primera vez en Perú (Programa de Salud Reproductiva y Planificación Familiar o PNSRPF, 1996- 2000). Los resultados muestran un mayor uso de métodos anticonceptivos temporales y permanentes entre las mujeres expuestas al programa y un menor riesgo de mortalidad infantil entre sus hijos. Este efecto es, en parte, debido a la prolongación de la lactancia materna. Finalmente, en el tercer capítulo se estima un indicador resumen de la actividad económica agregada, en frecuencia mensual, para las regiones españolas. Se utiliza un Modelo de Factores Dinámico dada la escasez de datos a nivel regional. Los indicadores estimados muestran la heterogeneidad del sistema productivo entre regiones a través de la inclusión de diferentes variables con el fin de reflejar con mayor precisión la evolución económica regional. Los indicadores obtenidos son especialmente útiles para estimar el impacto económico del reciente brote de COVID 19 a nivel regional en España. / Esta tesis ha sido elaborada con la financiación concedida por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (ECO2014-58434-P).
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Les effets de la reconfiguration des politiques publiques de l’emploi des travailleurs âgés du Québec et du Canada : une évaluation de la stratégie québécoise et canadienne d’incitation financière au travailTircher, Pierre 04 1900 (has links)
Dans un contexte de vieillissement démographique où l’on peut, entre autres, craindre une montée des pénuries de main-d’œuvre, des interventions gouvernementales ont été envisagées afin de s’en prémunir. Parmi les solutions envisageables, celle d’inciter les personnes âgées à demeurer plus longtemps ou à revenir sur le marché du travail a été empruntée par les gouvernements du Canada et, à plus forte raison, du Québec qui est la seule province à s’être doté d’une politique basée sur le concept de vieillissement actif encadrant ces réformes. Notre travail a permis de recenser la mise en place d’incitatifs financiers dont l’objectif était l’incitation à l’emploi des personnes âgées, ce qui nous mène à faire le constat d’une reconfiguration de la logique institutionnelle des politiques publiques destinées aux personnes âgées.
Bien que ces mesures aient été adoptées depuis plusieurs années, nous ignorions l’efficacité de celles-ci et remarquons que peu d’évaluations avaient été entreprises sur les mesures d’incitation financière destinées aux personnes âgées au Canada. Nous notons que les changements entrepris étaient diversifiés dans leur nature, ce qui représente une opportunité particulièrement féconde en matière de recherche en politiques publiques de comparer ces instruments au sein d’une même population sur une courte période de temps. Notre travail de recherche a ainsi pour principale question d’évaluer les effets de ces incitatifs financiers sur la participation des personnes âgées au marché du travail, sur le type d’emploi occupé et sur l’intensité de celui-ci. Notre cadre théorique combinant des théories issues des sciences économiques classiques et des courants institutionnalistes nous permet de générer différentes hypothèses sur les marges extensives et intensives de travail, sur le type d’emploi occupé ainsi que sur les effets hétérogènes selon le profil sociodémographique.
À partir des microdonnées de l’Enquête sur la population active et d’un modèle économétrique basé sur la méthode des différences dans les différences, nous avons évalué au sein d’un même modèle l’efficacité de quatre types de mesures différentes : la possibilité de cumuler des revenus d’emploi et des rentes de retraite, un crédit d’impôt sur l’offre de travail, un crédit d’impôt sur la demande de travail et un mécanisme de bonus-malus sur les rentes de retraite. Trois types de régressions ont été entreprises : premièrement, une régression binomiale sur le fait de participer au marché du travail; deuxièmement, une régression linéaire sur le nombre d’heures travaillées; et, troisièmement, une régression multinomiale sur le type d’emploi.
Nos résultats sur les marges extensives de travail montrent que toutes les variables incitatives ont exercé une influence à la hausse sur l’activité des personnes âgées. Bien que des effets hétérogènes soient observés selon la mesure, l’incitatif le plus efficace apparaît être la possibilité de cumuler des revenus d’emploi et des rentes de retraite alors que le crédit sur l’offre de travail et le mécanisme de bonus-malus n’exercent une influence importante que sur des sous-groupes précis de la population, généralement aisés. Ce sont les personnes moyennement scolarisées, les hommes et les personnes âgées de 60 à 64 ans qui ont vu une plus forte hausse de leur activité en réaction aux incitatifs. Au contraire, les personnes les moins scolarisées présentent la plus faible réaction, bien qu’ils soient expressément ciblés par plusieurs mesures. Il nous semble par conséquent que des obstacles institutionnels peuvent interagir avec les incitatifs financiers et limiter leur efficacité.
Au niveau des marges intensives et du type d’emploi, les mesures incitatives ont, de manière agrégée, peu influencé l’intensité du travail, ce qui s’explique par des effets opposés selon les mesures mises en place. Alors que certaines mesures encouragent théoriquement à travailler plus intensément, d’autres mènent plutôt les personnes à réduire l’intensité de leur travail ou à travailler à temps partiel. En règle générale, ce sont les personnes les plus scolarisées et les hommes qui semblent avoir davantage la marge de manœuvre pour ajuster l’intensité de leur travail ou de choisir un emploi à temps partiel afin d’optimiser leurs préférences. / In a context of demographic ageing, where there are fears of growing labour shortages, measures had to be considered to mitigate its negative effects. Among the possible solutions, that of encouraging older people to stay longer or return to the workforce has been taken up by governments in Canada and, even more so, in Quebec, the only province to have adopted a policy of active aging to frame these reforms. Our work has enabled us to make a detailed inventory of financial incentives aimed at encouraging the employment of older people, which we analyze as a major reconfiguration of the institutional logic of public policies aimed at the elderly.
While many measures had been taken, we are unaware of their effectiveness, and noted that few evaluations had been undertaken in Canada. We note that those changes were diversified in nature, which represents a particularly fruitful opportunity for public policy research, since it enables us to compare their effect within the same population over a short period of time. The main aim of our research was to assess the effects of these incentives on older people's participation in the labour market, and on the type and intensity of their employment. Our theoretical framework, composed of orthodox and heterodox economic theories, enables us to generate various hypotheses on extensive and intensive work margins, as well as on heterogeneous effects according to socio-demographic profile.
Using microdata from the Labour Force Survey and an econometric model based on the difference-in-difference method, we evaluated the effectiveness of four different types of measures within the same model: the possibility of combining employment income and retirement pensions, a tax credit on labour supply, a tax credit on labour demand, and a bonus-malus mechanism on retirement pensions. Three types of regressions were undertaken: first, a binomial regression on participation in the labour market; secondly, a linear regression on the number of hours worked; and, thirdly, a multinomial regression on job type.
Our results on participation in the labour market showed that all incentive variables had an positive influence on the activity of the elderly. Although heterogeneous effects were observed, the most effective incentive was the possibility of combining employment income and retirement pensions, whereas the labor supply credit and the bonus-malus mechanism only exerted a significant influence on specific sub-groups of the population, generally the wealthier.
People with a medium level of education (secondary and partial post-secondary), men and people aged 60 to 64 saw the greatest increase in their activity. In contrast, the least educated (0 to 8 years of schooling) showed the weakest response to incentives. While the latter could be targeted by incentives, institutional barriers may interact with the latter and limit their effectiveness.
At the level of intensive margins, incentives had little influence on work intensity in aggregate terms, which can be explained by opposite effects depending on the measures implemented. Indeed, while some measures theoretically encourage people to work more intensively, others tend to lead them to reduce the intensity of their work or to work part-time. Generally, it is the better-educated and men who seem to be more capable to adjust their work intensity or choose part-time employment to optimize their preferences.
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An evaluation of the implementation of the Namibian language-in-education policy in the upper primary phase in Oshana regionAusiku, Justus Kashindi 02 1900 (has links)
After independence, in 1990, the government of the Republic of Namibia perceived the need to replace
the old Language-in-Education Policy (LiEP) for schools with a new one that promotes the use of the mother tongue alongside English in schools and colleges of education. Consequently, the new
Language-in-Education Policy was implemented in all 13 educational regions. The aim of this study is
to evaluate the implementation of this policy in the upper primary schools in Oshana Region.
The findings of the study were analysed according to relevant literature to determine if they were in
line with the theories of language policy evaluation. At least five major findings emerged from this
study that are described in relation to relevant themes, namely; home language, language preferences,
language practices, policy awareness and government support. The study revealed that the majority of
learners in Oshana Region are Oshikwambi speakers, followed by Oshikwanyama speakers. In
addition, the majority of teachers who teach Oshindonga are also not Oshindonga speakers.
Furthermore, the study revealed that the majority of learners, teachers and principals preferred English
as LoLT to Oshiwambo. Another major finding of the study is that despite the fact that English is the
LoLT, both teachers and learners are still struggling to communicate in English. In general, successful
communication often takes place in Oshiwambo. The study revealed that the majority of teachers,
learners and parents are neither aware of the new LiEP nor were they consulted prior to its
implementation. In addition, the LiEP related materials are not available in most of the schools.
Finally, the study found that there is a serious shortage of textbooks and well qualified teachers in
African languages. This shortage of textbooks prevents teachers from giving adequate homework to
learners. Consequently, the LiEP cannot be successfully implemented.
A number of recommendations are made regarding the shortage of textbooks in Oshiwambo, the use
of the mother tongue as LoLT from Grade 1 to Grade 7 and the recognition of other Oshiwambo
dialects. Ongoing consultation and awareness should be a vital part of the review process. / Linguistics / M.A. (Sociolinguistics)
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The public service anti-corruption strategy : a case study for the Department of Correctional ServicesWebb, Werner Nicholaas 12 1900 (has links)
The South African Government in 2002 accepted the Public Service Anti-Corruption Strategy
(PSACS) with the objective to reduce the manifestation of malfeasance in the public service. The
PSACS identified various goals and objectives to be achieved at both the systemic and
departmental levels. At the departmental level, the PSACS set out to increase the institutional
capacity of departmental institutions, and encourage the management of risk and of discipline in
the public service. Departments are required to establish the necessary capacity to formulate
fraud prevention and anti-corruption policies, receive and manage allegations of corruption, and
investigate allegations of corruption and detected risks at a preliminary level. To manage ethics
departments should inter alia identify early signs of a lack of discipline, improve the
accountability and capacity of managers to manage discipline, and encourage managers to act
against transgressions. However, various authors have been critical of the formulation of policies
and the establishment of structures as a policy response to public service corruption. In their
view, such an approach often leads to a reduction in the efficiency and effectiveness of public
programmes, and even creates opportunities for corruption. In response to such deficiencies,
some argue that a compliance-based approach to public service malfeasance should be
supplemented by a value-based approach with an emphasis on the development of internal selfcontrol
of individuals, the promotion of trust among employees, and the promotion of a culture
of responsibility. In this context, this researcher proposes that the promotion of an ethical culture
could enhance the implementation of the PSACS. In this dissertation, this researcher set out to
evaluate, among others, the ethical culture of the Department of Correctional Services (DCS). It
was decided that a survey would be the most appropriate data collection method. A questionnaire
was administered and the data was captured, analysed and interpreted. Various statistical tests
were performed and the findings suggest inter alia that the promotion of an ethical culture
coincides with lower levels of observed malfeasance. Consequently, when greater clarity of
operational and ethics policies is obtained, an increase occurs in both the severity and frequency
of penalties for malfeasance, and officials gain greater access to resources and time to execute
their responsibilities, the level of observed malfeasance is likely to be reduced. The promotion of
an ethical culture could significantly enhance the implementation of the PSACS. / Public Administration / D. Litt. et Phil. (Public Administration)
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An analysis of the implementation of the South Africa-China bilateral agreement : a case study of the South African Agricultural Technology Demonstration CentreTshetlo, Piet Thabo 03 April 2014 (has links)
This research was based on the implementation analysis of the South Africa-China bilateral agreements, specifically the case of the South African Agricultural Technology Demonstration Centre (SAATDC).
In this regard, the researcher was of the view that, with implementation analysis, it is possible to identify the particular circumstances that could affect implementation of a particular policy, both in advance of a policy’s adoption or after it is implemented.
This research tracked the implementation of the SAATDC bilateral agreement to examine whether this bilateral agreement was effectively implemented or not. There is a need to translate political commitment into a practical programme for successful implementation. Implementation is one of the major problems confronting developing nations, of which South Africa is one.
Furthermore the researcher investigated whether the SAATDC bilateral agreement meets necessary pre-conditions of policy implementation, necessary for successful policy implementation, and examines whether these pre-conditions are adequately addressed in the bilateral policy document.Previous research has shown that once these preconditions are met, the potential for successful implementation of a policy increases.
There is a need in South Africa to fully exploit opportunities provided through similar Chinese aid projects for the benefit of local workers such as artisans, engineers and project managers by ensuring that bilateral agreements adequately address factors that could undermine South Africa’s ASGISA and JIPSA objectives regarding skills and technology transfer. It is important to investigate whether the bilateral agreement here makes sufficient provision for adequate involvement of South African engineers, artisans and South African companies in the implementation of such Chinese aid programmes or projects. There is a need to enhance the sophistication of local artisans and engineers as required by the ASGISA and JIPSA strategy and objectives. / Public Administration & Management / M. Admin. (Public Administration)
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Accounting for sustainability in Bengal : examining arsenic mitigation technologies using Process Analysis MethodEtmannski, Tamara R. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis shows how the Process Analysis Method (PAM) can be applied to assess technologies used to mitigate arsenic from drinking water in rural India, using a set of sustainability indicators. Stakeholder perspectives, gathered from a fieldwork survey of 933 households in West Bengal in 2012, played a significant role in this assessment. This research found that the ‘Most Important’ issues as specified by the technology users are cost, trust, distance from their home to the clean water source (an indicator of convenience), and understanding the health effects of arsenic. It was also found that none of the ten technologies evaluated are economically viable, as many do not charge user-fees, which creates reliance upon donations to meet recurring costs. Utilisation of a technology is strongly related to sociocultural capital, but in many cases, features that contribute to sociocultural value, like regular testing of the treated water, are not included in the financial budget. It is suggested that increased awareness might change attitudes to arsenic-rich waste and its disposal protocols. This waste is often currently discarded in an uncontrolled manner in the local environment, giving rise to the possibility of point-source recontamination. All technologies proved to have difficulties in dealing with waste, except the Tipot and Dug wells which produce no waste. Of the methods considered, the BESU technology scored highest, but still only with 47-62% of the maximum scores achievable within each domain. This explains the widespread failure of mitigation projects across the region. The indicators and metrics show where improvements can be made. A model scheme based on these findings is outlined which could be applied with the objective of increasing utilisation and improving sustainability. It can be concluded that a product stewardship approach should be taken in regard to design, implementation and operation of the technologies, including the creation of a regulated toxic waste collection and disposal industry.
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