Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] POLICY EVALUATION"" "subject:"[enn] POLICY EVALUATION""
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Coordination of frontline workers for improving the health of children in Rajasthan (India) : a case studySharma, Reetu January 2014 (has links)
All governments aim to ensure better health and nutrition to children. The Rajasthan state (India) has implemented a unique frontline coordination model where Accredited Health Social Activist (ASHA) Sahyoginis are expected to support two other frontline workers (FLWs) i.e. the Anganwadi Workers from the Integrated Child Development Services and the Auxiliary Nurse Midwives from the Health department to improve child health. This thesis focuses on examining the existing coordination between the three groups of FLWs in Rajasthan by exploring FLWs' participation in child immunisation and Vitamin A supplementation (two common activities), service coverage and beneficiary's' knowledge (expected outcomes), and the challenges faced and areas that need improvement for better frontline coordination. A mixed methods design was used. Sixteen villages from two blocks (tribal and non-tribal) of Udaipur district (Rajasthan) were selected using multistage purposive sampling. The formative stage included 12 FLWs' in-depth interviews (IDIs) as well as a review of FLWs' job descriptions to understand the process and government expectations on their participation in routine childhood immunisation, polio camps, routine Vitamin A supplementation and Vitamin A campaigns. The next stage included data collection from the 16 selected villages i.e. structured questionnaire survey of FLWs (46), observations of Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Day (16), review of FLWs' immunisation and Vitamin A registers (32) and a structured questionnaire survey of registered infants' mothers (321)-all to ascertain the actual participation of FLWs in these four activities and the outcomes. IDIs with FLWs (46) and FLWs' line managers (17) were conducted to understand their experience, issues and solutions for better frontline coordination. The participation of FLWs in three of the four activities (except Polio Camps) was found to be limited. The FLWs and their line managers were also dissatisfied with coordination between FLWs. Poor outcomes also indicated unsatisfactory coordination. Overall, frontline participation and outcomes were better in tribal than non-tribal villages. A variety of factors (i.e. personal, professional, organisational, and geo-socio-cultural) appeared to affect coordination between FLWs. Appropriate recruitment, training, monitoring and supervision and rewards to the FLWs along with greater political commitment for coordinated approached and addressing intra-departmental challenges are proposed to improve frontline coordination and child health in Rajasthan.
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Efetividade dos instrumentos de políticas públicas nos gastos privados de P&D no Brasil / Effectiveness of instruments of public policy in private spending on R&D in BrazilBrigante, Paulo Cesar 17 March 2016 (has links)
Esse trabalho teve como objetivo contribuir para o debate sobre a importância das políticas de incentivo à inovação no Brasil. Os resultados esperados do uso que as empresas fizeram dos diferentes tipos de instrumentos sobre os gastos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) foram avaliados pelo método de diferenças em diferenças. O método permitiu obter as diferenças de gastos entre empresas beneficiárias de instrumentos e as não-beneficiárias em três períodos consecutivos: 2005 em relação à 2003; 2008 em relação à 2005 e de 2011 em relação à 2008. Ao fazer isso, foi possível identificar se tais diferenças foram positivas e significativas, podendo ser atribuídas às influências dos instrumentos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: incentivos fiscais, Lei de Informática, financiamentos em parcerias, financiamentos sem parcerias e subvenção. E a utilização dos mesmos pelas empresas teve maior relevância no âmbito de diversos programas de apoio à inovação vigentes no país a partir da retomada das políticas industriais e tecnológicas, nos anos 2000. O estudo concluiu que os efeitos positivos e significativos são limitados à determinados grupos tecnológicos e à poucos instrumentos, em geral, de caráter fiscal. Além disso, esses efeitos positivos surgem em apenas um período, sendo que para cada grupo tecnológico foram efetuadas estimativas para três períodos. Também não houve evidências de que os instrumentos financeiros exerçam efeitos significativos sobre as decisões de gastos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento, apesar da maior ênfase dada aos mesmos no período estudado. Os resultados sugerem fraca influência dos mecanismos de apoio à P&D no Brasil sobre o aumento dos gastos privados, apesar dos avanços recentes. / This study aimed to contribute to the debate about the importance of encouraging innovation policies in Brazil. Understanding the role played by public support instruments to research and development activities in relation to private business spending has become fundamental to achieving this end. The expected results of the use that companies made of different types of instruments on spending were evaluated by the method of difference in differences. This allows you to compare, over a certain period of time, the differences in expenses between the companies that made use of any type of instrument and the companies that did not. Thus, the method yielded differences in spending between the beneficiary and nonbeneficiary firms of those instruments of three consecutive periods: 2005 compared to 2003; 2008 compared to 2005 and 2011 compared to 2008. In doing so, it was possible to identify whether these differences were positive and significant and can be attributed to the influence of the instruments. The instruments used were: tax incentives, Information Technology Law, financing partnerships, financing and grants. And their use by companies had most relevance within various programs to support innovation in force in the country from the resumption of industry and technology policy in the 2000s. The study concluded that the positive and significant effects are limited to certain technological groups and the few instruments in general tax character. In addition, these positive effects arise in one period, and for each technology group estimates were made for three periods. There was also no evidence that the financial instruments carry significant effects on spending decisions on research and development, despite the greater emphasis given to them during the study period. The results suggest weak influence of mechanisms to support R&D in Brazil on the rise in private spending, despite progress in recent years.
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Soins primaires et performance : de la variabilité des pratiques des médecins généralistes au rôle de l'organisation des soins / Primary care and performance : from medical practice variation to the role of the practice organizationMousquès, Julien 10 December 2014 (has links)
La recherche économique considère le médecin généraliste comme un agent offrant à l’échange information et services intellectuels en santé à des principaux. L’imparfaite convergence entre leurs objectifs, comme la présence d’incertitudes et d’asymétries d’information, conduisent le médecin à « fixer » les quantités, l’effort fourni et la qualité des soins et services rendus. Cette thèse vise à identifier le rôle des caractéristiques des généralistes, de leur mode d’exercice ou d’organisation, sur la performance de leur activité, en s’appuyant sur trois articles. Le premier analyse les déterminants de la variabilité de prescription d’antibiotiques pour rhinopharyngite aiguë, le second évalue l’impact du travail en équipe avec des infirmières sur la qualité et l’efficience des soins pour les patients diabétiques, et le troisième évalue l’impact de l’exercice regroupé pluriprofessionnel sur l’activité et l’efficience productive des généralistes et l’efficience des recours aux soins ambulatoires de leurs patients. Ces travaux de recherche permettent d’interroger la faiblesse relative de la régulation de l’offre de soins ambulatoire en France en matière de politique de maîtrise de l’évolution des dépenses de santé en comparaison de celle portant sur la demande. / According to economic research, the general practitioner is considered as an agent that offered information and intellectual services in health to principals. Imperfect convergence between their objectives, like the presence of uncertainties and information asymmetries, lead the physician “to fix” the quantities, the effort and the quality of the care and services delivered. Based on three articles, this thesis aims at identifying the role of the characteristics of the general practitioners and of their practice organization, on activity performance. The first articles analyzes the determinants of the antibiotic prescription for acute rhinopharyngitis variability, the second evaluates the impact of team working with nurses on the quality and the efficiency of the care for diabetic patients, and the third evaluates the impact of multi-professional group practices on the activity and the productive efficiency of GPs and on the utilization of ambulatory health care and by their patients. These researches question the relative weakness of the ambulatory health care regulation in France in terms of health care expenditure containment policies in comparison with that bearing on demand.
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An evaluation of the implementation of the Namibian language-in-education policy in the upper primary phase in Oshana regionAusiku, Justus Kashindi 02 1900 (has links)
After independence, in 1990, the government of the Republic of Namibia perceived the need to replace
the old Language-in-Education Policy (LiEP) for schools with a new one that promotes the use of the mother tongue alongside English in schools and colleges of education. Consequently, the new
Language-in-Education Policy was implemented in all 13 educational regions. The aim of this study is
to evaluate the implementation of this policy in the upper primary schools in Oshana Region.
The findings of the study were analysed according to relevant literature to determine if they were in
line with the theories of language policy evaluation. At least five major findings emerged from this
study that are described in relation to relevant themes, namely; home language, language preferences,
language practices, policy awareness and government support. The study revealed that the majority of
learners in Oshana Region are Oshikwambi speakers, followed by Oshikwanyama speakers. In
addition, the majority of teachers who teach Oshindonga are also not Oshindonga speakers.
Furthermore, the study revealed that the majority of learners, teachers and principals preferred English
as LoLT to Oshiwambo. Another major finding of the study is that despite the fact that English is the
LoLT, both teachers and learners are still struggling to communicate in English. In general, successful
communication often takes place in Oshiwambo. The study revealed that the majority of teachers,
learners and parents are neither aware of the new LiEP nor were they consulted prior to its
implementation. In addition, the LiEP related materials are not available in most of the schools.
Finally, the study found that there is a serious shortage of textbooks and well qualified teachers in
African languages. This shortage of textbooks prevents teachers from giving adequate homework to
learners. Consequently, the LiEP cannot be successfully implemented.
A number of recommendations are made regarding the shortage of textbooks in Oshiwambo, the use
of the mother tongue as LoLT from Grade 1 to Grade 7 and the recognition of other Oshiwambo
dialects. Ongoing consultation and awareness should be a vital part of the review process. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M.A. (Sociolinguistics)
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The public service anti-corruption strategy : a case study for the Department of Correctional ServicesWebb, Werner Nicholaas 12 1900 (has links)
The South African Government in 2002 accepted the Public Service Anti-Corruption Strategy
(PSACS) with the objective to reduce the manifestation of malfeasance in the public service. The
PSACS identified various goals and objectives to be achieved at both the systemic and
departmental levels. At the departmental level, the PSACS set out to increase the institutional
capacity of departmental institutions, and encourage the management of risk and of discipline in
the public service. Departments are required to establish the necessary capacity to formulate
fraud prevention and anti-corruption policies, receive and manage allegations of corruption, and
investigate allegations of corruption and detected risks at a preliminary level. To manage ethics
departments should inter alia identify early signs of a lack of discipline, improve the
accountability and capacity of managers to manage discipline, and encourage managers to act
against transgressions. However, various authors have been critical of the formulation of policies
and the establishment of structures as a policy response to public service corruption. In their
view, such an approach often leads to a reduction in the efficiency and effectiveness of public
programmes, and even creates opportunities for corruption. In response to such deficiencies,
some argue that a compliance-based approach to public service malfeasance should be
supplemented by a value-based approach with an emphasis on the development of internal selfcontrol
of individuals, the promotion of trust among employees, and the promotion of a culture
of responsibility. In this context, this researcher proposes that the promotion of an ethical culture
could enhance the implementation of the PSACS. In this dissertation, this researcher set out to
evaluate, among others, the ethical culture of the Department of Correctional Services (DCS). It
was decided that a survey would be the most appropriate data collection method. A questionnaire
was administered and the data was captured, analysed and interpreted. Various statistical tests
were performed and the findings suggest inter alia that the promotion of an ethical culture
coincides with lower levels of observed malfeasance. Consequently, when greater clarity of
operational and ethics policies is obtained, an increase occurs in both the severity and frequency
of penalties for malfeasance, and officials gain greater access to resources and time to execute
their responsibilities, the level of observed malfeasance is likely to be reduced. The promotion of
an ethical culture could significantly enhance the implementation of the PSACS. / Public Administration and Management / D. Litt. et Phil. (Public Administration)
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An analysis of the implementation of the South Africa-China bilateral agreement : a case study of the South African Agricultural Technology Demonstration CentreTshetlo, Piet Thabo 03 April 2014 (has links)
This research was based on the implementation analysis of the South Africa-China bilateral agreements, specifically the case of the South African Agricultural Technology Demonstration Centre (SAATDC).
In this regard, the researcher was of the view that, with implementation analysis, it is possible to identify the particular circumstances that could affect implementation of a particular policy, both in advance of a policy’s adoption or after it is implemented.
This research tracked the implementation of the SAATDC bilateral agreement to examine whether this bilateral agreement was effectively implemented or not. There is a need to translate political commitment into a practical programme for successful implementation. Implementation is one of the major problems confronting developing nations, of which South Africa is one.
Furthermore the researcher investigated whether the SAATDC bilateral agreement meets necessary pre-conditions of policy implementation, necessary for successful policy implementation, and examines whether these pre-conditions are adequately addressed in the bilateral policy document.Previous research has shown that once these preconditions are met, the potential for successful implementation of a policy increases.
There is a need in South Africa to fully exploit opportunities provided through similar Chinese aid projects for the benefit of local workers such as artisans, engineers and project managers by ensuring that bilateral agreements adequately address factors that could undermine South Africa’s ASGISA and JIPSA objectives regarding skills and technology transfer. It is important to investigate whether the bilateral agreement here makes sufficient provision for adequate involvement of South African engineers, artisans and South African companies in the implementation of such Chinese aid programmes or projects. There is a need to enhance the sophistication of local artisans and engineers as required by the ASGISA and JIPSA strategy and objectives. / Public Administration and Management / M. Admin. (Public Administration)
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Avaliação da Política Nacional de Atenção Cardiovascular de Alta Complexidade com Foco na Cirurgia Cardiovascular Pediátrica / Evaluation of a National Policy for High Complexity Cardiovascular Attention Focused on Pediatric Cardiovascular SurgeryPINTO JÚNIOR, Valdester Cavalcante January 2010 (has links)
PINTO JUNIOR, Valdester Cavalcante. Avaliação da Política Nacional de Atenção Cardiovascular de Alta Complexidade com foco na cirurgia cardiovascular pediátrica - 2010. 122f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Avaliação de Políticas Públicas) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Pró - Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Avaliação de Políticas Públicas, Fortaleza-CE, 2010. / Submitted by Ana Paula Paula (mappufce@gmail.com) on 2012-06-28T17:17:16Z
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Previous issue date: 2010 / The National Cardiovascular Care High Complexity Policy, focusing on Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery, formalized on June 15, 2004, through Ordinance Nº. 1169/GM Nº and 210 SAS / MS is fomented by the intervention from the SBCCV and DCCVPed together with the Ministry Health and aims to meet the demand in pediatric cardiovascular surgery. At the time of the formulation the deficits in surgeries were expressive, being more critical in the North and Northeast. The research aims to evaluate the policy on its design, implementation and results. We used quantitative methods for analysis of primary data from questionnaires administered to surgeons and secondary collected from the MS / DATASUS and IBGE. The time frame was 1999 to 2008 for procedures in congenital heart disease and from 2001 to 2008 for the valve procedures. The qualitative analyses were used for the entrances and speeches by corporate directors and managers of MS. Analyses were buoyed on the premises of the National Health System, as fairness, integrity and regionalization in the light of some authors. The results have proved to be a landmark policy by recognizing the characteristics and particular needs in the area. However, there is lack of measures to improve the frequency of the procedures, still with significant deficits, 62% for Brazil and 91%, 76%, 55%, 36% and 47% for the north, northeast, southeast, south and central west respectively, and resolve regional inequities. Politics is, according to the the analysis employed, ineffective and inefficient. As strategies to support governance actions met: realign payment amounts per procedure; implement database in partnership with DCCVPed; tables reconcile the diagnostic procedures with the orthesis and prosthesis, identify centers of excellence in complex heart and set them as reference regional centers to sponsor professional training value fees, subsidize the restructuring of the institutions empowered and structuring those who enter the system, establish policy for regional equity, create Program Prevention and Control of Rheumatic Fever. In sum, it means the policy as a trigger of a process of structuring and continuous evaluation that will provide input and be a tool to persuade the powers that be. / A Política Nacional de Atenção Cardiovascular de Alta Complexidade com foco na Cirurgia Cardiovascular Pediátrica, formalizada em 15 de junho de 2004, por meio das Portarias Nº1169/GM e Nº 210 SAS/MS, é gestada por intervenção da SBCCV e DCCVPed junto ao Ministério da Saúde e se propõe atender a demanda em cirurgia cardiovascular pediátrica. À época da formulação, os deficits em cirurgias eram expressivos, sendo mais críticos nas regiões Norte e Nordeste. A pesquisa objetiva avaliar a política quanto ao desenho, implementação e resultados. Foram empregados métodos quantitativos para análise de dados primários dos questionários, aplicados aos cirurgiões e secundários coletados no MS/DATASUS e IBGE. O recorte temporal foi de 1999 a 2008 para os procedimentos em cardiopatias congênitas e de 2001 a 2008 para os valvares. Os qualitativos foram empregados para análise das portarias e discursos de diretores de sociedades e gestores do MS. As análises foram balizadas nas premissas do Sistema Único de Saúde, equidade, integralidade e regionalização, à luz de alguns autores. Os resultados demonstram ser a política um marco, pelo fato de reconhecer características e necessidades particulares na área. Carece porém, de medidas que visem otimizar a frequência de procedimentos ainda com deficits significativos - 62% para o Brasil e 91%, 76%, 55%, 36% e 47% para as regiões Norte, Nordeste, Sudeste, Sul e Centro-Oeste, respectivamente, e resolver iniquidades regionais. A política é, à análise empregada, ineficaz e ineficiente. Como estratégias que visam a subsidiar ações de governança, encontraram-se: realinhar valores de pagamento por procedimento; implementar banco de dados em parceria com o DCCVPed; compatibilizar tabelas de diagnóstico, procedimentos e órteses e próteses; identificar centros de excelência em cardiopatias complexas e defini-los como de referência regional; patrocinar centros para treinamento profissional; valorizar honorários; subsidiar reestruturação das instituições habilitadas e estruturação daquelas que entrarem no sistema; estabelecer política de equidade regional; criar Programa de Prevenção e Controle da Febre Reumática. Em suma, entende-se a política como desencadeadora de um processo de estruturação e que a avaliação continuada poderá trazer subsídios fundamentados e ser ferramenta de persuasão junto ao poder constituído.
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Efetividade dos instrumentos de políticas públicas nos gastos privados de P&D no Brasil / Effectiveness of instruments of public policy in private spending on R&D in BrazilPaulo Cesar Brigante 17 March 2016 (has links)
Esse trabalho teve como objetivo contribuir para o debate sobre a importância das políticas de incentivo à inovação no Brasil. Os resultados esperados do uso que as empresas fizeram dos diferentes tipos de instrumentos sobre os gastos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) foram avaliados pelo método de diferenças em diferenças. O método permitiu obter as diferenças de gastos entre empresas beneficiárias de instrumentos e as não-beneficiárias em três períodos consecutivos: 2005 em relação à 2003; 2008 em relação à 2005 e de 2011 em relação à 2008. Ao fazer isso, foi possível identificar se tais diferenças foram positivas e significativas, podendo ser atribuídas às influências dos instrumentos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: incentivos fiscais, Lei de Informática, financiamentos em parcerias, financiamentos sem parcerias e subvenção. E a utilização dos mesmos pelas empresas teve maior relevância no âmbito de diversos programas de apoio à inovação vigentes no país a partir da retomada das políticas industriais e tecnológicas, nos anos 2000. O estudo concluiu que os efeitos positivos e significativos são limitados à determinados grupos tecnológicos e à poucos instrumentos, em geral, de caráter fiscal. Além disso, esses efeitos positivos surgem em apenas um período, sendo que para cada grupo tecnológico foram efetuadas estimativas para três períodos. Também não houve evidências de que os instrumentos financeiros exerçam efeitos significativos sobre as decisões de gastos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento, apesar da maior ênfase dada aos mesmos no período estudado. Os resultados sugerem fraca influência dos mecanismos de apoio à P&D no Brasil sobre o aumento dos gastos privados, apesar dos avanços recentes. / This study aimed to contribute to the debate about the importance of encouraging innovation policies in Brazil. Understanding the role played by public support instruments to research and development activities in relation to private business spending has become fundamental to achieving this end. The expected results of the use that companies made of different types of instruments on spending were evaluated by the method of difference in differences. This allows you to compare, over a certain period of time, the differences in expenses between the companies that made use of any type of instrument and the companies that did not. Thus, the method yielded differences in spending between the beneficiary and nonbeneficiary firms of those instruments of three consecutive periods: 2005 compared to 2003; 2008 compared to 2005 and 2011 compared to 2008. In doing so, it was possible to identify whether these differences were positive and significant and can be attributed to the influence of the instruments. The instruments used were: tax incentives, Information Technology Law, financing partnerships, financing and grants. And their use by companies had most relevance within various programs to support innovation in force in the country from the resumption of industry and technology policy in the 2000s. The study concluded that the positive and significant effects are limited to certain technological groups and the few instruments in general tax character. In addition, these positive effects arise in one period, and for each technology group estimates were made for three periods. There was also no evidence that the financial instruments carry significant effects on spending decisions on research and development, despite the greater emphasis given to them during the study period. The results suggest weak influence of mechanisms to support R&D in Brazil on the rise in private spending, despite progress in recent years.
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A SAÚDE DA PESSOA IDOSA NA ATENÇÃO BÁSICA: processos, limites e possibilidades no caso do município de Teresina-Piauí / A SAÚDE DA PESSOA IDOSA NA ATENÇÃO BÁSICA: processos, limites e possibilidades no caso do município de Teresina-Piauí / THE HEALTH OF THE ELDERLY IN PRIMARY CARE: processes, limits and possibilities in case the city of Teresina, Piauí / THE HEALTH OF THE ELDERLY IN PRIMARY CARE: processes, limits and possibilities in case the city of Teresina, PiauíAlencar, Maria do Socorro Silva 31 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-18T18:54:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
TESE MARIA DO SOCORRO SILVA ALENCAR.pdf: 5105998 bytes, checksum: 2b29687b4269a6a6b193f38fd5c05623 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-03-31 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This thesis aims to understanding and analyzing the actions and primary care services developed by the Family Health Strategy with the elder in the city of Teresina, Piauí, and as this process these actions are being shaped in attitudes of protection active and healthy aging and social guarantees to the elderly population. Methodology: The issue is linked with the dimensions: health practices offered in the basic units (health promotion, prevention and health education, group activities), political-institutional organization of care, the process of multiprofessional teamwork and training of professionals to handle the demands of the elderly and aging. Authors of the field evaluation of social policies, public health and social gerontology anchored the discussion. The object of study is located in the subject area Social Policy and Policy Evaluation and Social Programs, with emphasis on evaluation procedures for the establishment and implementation of National Health Policy for the Elderly (PNSPI) and the actions of HIPERDIA. The context and the research subjects were the network of health-care services of the Municipal Health Service and the territorial structure of the Regional Health - CRS north-central and seventeen (17) professionals, of which fourteen (14) of ten (10) teams from the Basic Health Units, and technician manager of the Management of Primary Care and technician of CRS north central: doctors, nurses, dentists, nutritionists, public health expert, practical nurses and community health workers. Qualitative research using case study in having the procedure for field research: direct observation, quantitative survey of indicators to classify the elderly by age, chronic disease and bedridden, interviews, and document analysis. The description and interpretation of the themes by triangulation of information anchored in the content analysis technique. Results and Discussion: Based on the perceptions of social actors involved in the Family Health on the limits and possibilities for health care for the elderly found that the implementation process and implementation of actions arising from PNSPI was still planning for the fledgling promotion actions active aging, healthy and self-employed with health practices fragmented and discontinuous; regarding the actions of HIPERDIA although a more consistent strategy in the care of elderly, some obstacles mentioned by the subjects also demonstrated a fragile process and to the teamwork and lack of professional training in health and aging. The health care of the elderly follows the biomedical model of individual care based on medical and nursing, with its rules introjected by these professionals, as opposed to those who observe the social determinants of contexts in which they are generated. These elements in themselves demonstrate the complexity of health care for the elderly in family health, moreover if we consider that the skills required for this care are not yet part of the formation processes of different subjects that are now part of the teams. Conclusion: The "new" paradigm of health care for the elderly that seeks to evaluate them from multidimensional functional abilities has not is a strategy, in this city, which is capable of transforming the technical care model of primary healthcare in a wider and more complex model, which can interfere with their quality of life and reaffirm the commitment to individual care and public health. Therefore, if there was progress in the proposed universal access and comprehensiveness of health care on the basis of SUS by the legal and institutional bias, this same progress has not been accompanied by effective action in family health. For the deadlocks persist in this strategy, because there is the implementation of actions to promote and protect the health of the elderly and aging active, healthy and independent in the current situation of Brazilian society, marked by social inequities. / Objetivo: Esta tese objetiva compreender e analisar as ações e serviços de atenção básica desenvolvidos pela Estratégia Saúde da Família com a pessoa idosa, no município de Teresina-Piauí, e como nesse processo estas atuações estão se configurando em atitudes de proteção ao envelhecimento ativo e saudável e em garantias sociais ao público idoso. Metodologia: A questão se articula com as dimensões: práticas de saúde ofertadas nas unidades básicas (ações de promoção, de prevenção e de educação em saúde; atividades em grupo); político-institucional da organização da atenção; do processo de trabalho em equipe multiprofissional e da capacitação dos profissionais para lidar com as demandas da pessoa idosa e do envelhecimento. Autores do campo de avaliação de políticas sociais, saúde coletiva e gerontologia social ancoraram a discussão. O objeto de estudo está situado na área temática Políticas Sociais e Avaliação de Políticas e Programas Sociais, com ênfase na avaliação dos processos de implantação e implementação da Política Nacional de Saúde da Pessoa Idosa (PNSPI) e das ações do HIPERDIA. O contexto e sujeitos da pesquisa foram a rede de serviços assistenciais de saúde da Fundação Municipal de Saúde e a estrutura territorial da Coordenadoria Regional de Saúde - CRS centro-norte e dezessete (17) profissionais, dos quais quatorze (14) de dez (10) equipes das Unidades Básicas de Saúde, gerente e técnico da Gerência de Atenção Básica e técnico da CRS centro-norte: médicos, enfermeiros, dentistas, nutricionista, especialista em saúde pública, técnicos de enfermagem e agentes comunitários de saúde. Pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, tendo no estudo de caso o procedimento para a pesquisa de campo: observação direta, levantamento quantitativo de indicadores que classificam os idosos por idade, doença crônica e acamados; entrevistas, além da análise documental. A descrição e interpretação das categorias temáticas por triangulação das informações ancorou-se na técnica análise de conteúdo. Resultados e Discussão: Com base nas percepções dos agentes sociais envolvidos na Saúde da Família sobre os limites e possibilidades para a atenção à saúde da pessoa idosa, observamos que o processo de implantação e implementação das ações da PNSPI ainda era decorrente de planejamento incipiente para as ações de promoção ao envelhecimento ativo, saudável e autônomo, com práticas de saúde fragmentadas e descontínuas; quanto às ações do HIPERDIA, embora seja a estratégia mais consistente na atenção aos idosos, alguns obstáculos apontados pelos sujeitos demonstraram, também, frágil processo para e no trabalho em equipe e falta de capacitação dos profissionais em saúde e envelhecimento. A atenção à saúde da pessoa idosa segue o modelo biomédico de assistência individual, baseado em consultas médicas e de enfermagem, com suas regras introjetadas pelos referidos profissionais, em contraposição àquelas que observam os determinantes sociais dos contextos em que elas são geradas. Esses elementos, por si sós, demonstram a complexidade da atenção à saúde da pessoa idosa na saúde da família, mormente se considerarmos que as competências exigidas para esse cuidado ainda não fazem parte dos processos de formação dos distintos sujeitos que hoje integram as equipes. Conclusão: O novo paradigma de saúde para a atenção às pessoas idosas que busque avaliá-las multidimensionalmente a partir de suas capacidades funcionais ainda não se constitui em estratégia, neste município, que seja capaz de transformar o modelo tecnoassistencial da rede básica de saúde em um modelo mais amplo e complexo, que possa interferir na qualidade de vida delas e reafirmar o compromisso com o cuidado individual e a saúde coletiva. Portanto, se houve avanço na proposta de universalização do acesso e integralidade do cuidado em saúde na base do SUS pelo viés jurídico-institucional, esse mesmo avanço não se fez acompanhar de ações efetivas na saúde da família, pois, os impasses persistem nessa Estratégia, para que haja a implementação de ações de promoção e proteção à saúde da pessoa idosa e ao envelhecimento ativo, saudável e autônomo, na atual conjuntura da sociedade brasileira, marcada pelas iniquidades sociais.
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Essays on Applied MicroeconomicsValente, Marica 27 January 2021 (has links)
In der ökonomischen Forschung wird eine Vielzahl von Strategien verwendet, um zu versuchen kausale Schlussfolgerungen aus Beobachtungsdaten zu ziehen. Neue Strömungen in der Literatur zu kausaler Inferenz konzentrieren sich auf die Kombination von Methoden zur Vorhersage und kausalen Fragestellungen. Diese neuen Methoden ermöglichen es neue Forschungsfragen zu beantworten und bieten die Möglichkeit bestehende Forschungsfragen in der Literatur neu zu adressieren. Diese Dissertation umfasst empirische Arbeiten in den Bereichen (i) Umweltökonomie: Ich evaluiere die Preispolitik für Abfälle mithilfe der “synthetic control” Methode und Methoden des maschinellen Lernens; (ii) Arbeits- und Migrationsökonomie: Ich identifiziere und quantifiziere nicht gemeldete landwirtschaftliche Arbeitsleistung, die durch einen plötzlichen Migrationszustrom verursacht wird; (iii) Konfliktökonomie: Ich analysiere die wirtschaftlichen Kosten eines hybriden Krieges, des Donbass-Krieges in der Ukraine. Der Beitrag dieser Dissertation zur bestehenden Literatur ist dreifach. Erstens kombiniere ich neuartige Datenquellen und stelle neue Datensätze bereit. Zweitens verwende ich moderne Evaluierungsmethoden und passe sie an, um politisch relevante kausale Parameter in verschiedenen Bereichen der ökonomischen Forschung abzuschätzen. Drittens vergleiche ich neuere mit traditionellen ökonometrischen Ansätzen, die zuvor in der Literatur verwendet wurden. Meine Dissertation zeigt, dass moderne ökonometrische Techniken vielversprechend sind, um die Genauigkeit und Glaubwürdigkeit von kausalen Schlussfolgerungen und die Evaluierung von Politikmassnahmen zu verbessern. / In economics, researchers use a wide variety of strategies for attempting to draw causal inference from observational data. New developments in the causal inference literature focus on the combination of predictive methods and causal questions. These methods allow researchers to answer new research questions as well as provide new opportunities to address older research question in the literature. This dissertation entails empirical work in the fields of (i) environmental economics: I evaluate waste pricing policies using synthetic controls and machine learning methods; (ii) labor and migration economics: I identify and quantify unreported farm labor induced by a sudden migrant inflow; (iii) conflict economics: I evaluate the economic costs of an hybrid war, namely, the Donbass war in Ukraine. The contribution of this dissertation is threefold. First, I combine novel data sources and provide unique datasets. Second, I apply and tailor modern evaluation methods to the estimation of policy-relevant causal parameters in various fields of economics. Third, I compare recent versus traditional econometric approaches previously employed by the literature. My dissertation shows that modern econometric techniques hold great promise for improving the accuracy and credibility of causal inference and policy evaluation.
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