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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A personalizaÃÃo em e-mails promocionais / A PersonalizaÃÃo em e-mails promocionais

Richarson Lobo de Andrade 14 August 2008 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo, tomando por base a Teoria da Polidez, desenvolvida por Brown e Levinson (1987), mostrar como certas estratÃgias de polidez podem contribuir para personalizar o leitor/cliente de e-mails promocionais. Analisam-se algumas estratÃgias de polidez positiva, utilizadas em e-mails promocionais opt-in, ou seja, aqueles enviados com consentimento do destinatÃrio, e opt-out, ou seja, aqueles enviados sem consentimento do destinatÃrio. Parte-se do pressuposto, que as estratÃgias de polidez, essenciais na interaÃÃo face-a-face, sÃo utilizadas com o objetivo de personalizaÃÃo do cliente. A metodologia empregada à de base interpretativa e qualitativa, em que o objeto de estudo à focalizado atravÃs de observaÃÃes e de anÃlises de dados. O corpus analisado constitui-se 30 e-mails promocionais (sendo 15 do tipo opt-in e 15 do tipo opt-out). Constatou-se que a maioria dos e-mails opt-in apresentou as estratÃgias de polidez, demonstrando, assim, mecanismos de personalizaÃÃo; diferentemente dos e-mails opt-out, que apresentaram poucas ou nenhuma estratÃgia de personalizaÃÃo. A pesquisa situa-se, portanto, numa perspectiva interdisciplinar entre a sociolingÃÃstica interacional e o marketing, contribuindo para uma reflexÃo sobre as vÃrias estratÃgias utilizadas na linguagem publicitÃria, fenÃmeno tÃo presente em nossa vida. / The present study has as a goal, taking as the basis the Politeness Theory, developed by Brown and Levinson (1987), to show how certain strategies of politeness can contribute to personalize the reader/client of promotional e-mails. We analyze some positive politeness strategies, used by opt-in promotional e-mails, that is, the ones sent with the addresseeâs permission, and opt-out, that is, the ones sent with no permission. From the presuppose that the politeness strategies, essential in the face-to-face interaction, are used with the objective of clientâs personalization. The methodology used is from interpretative and qualitative basis, in that the object of this study is focused through observation and data analysis. The corpus is formed of 30 promotional e-mails (15 opt-in and 15 opt-out). We observed that the major part shoed the politeness strategies, presenting that way, personalizationâs mechanisms; differently from the opt-out e-mails, which show few or no personalizationâs strategy. The research is situated, then, in a interdisciplinary perspective between Interactional Sociolinguistics and Marketing, contributing for a reflexion about the various strategies used in the publicitary language, a phenomenon so actualt in our lives

A polidez na conversa de pessoas esquizofrÃnicas figuratividade, estratÃgias e faces / Politeness in conversation people with schizophrenia figuration, strategies and faces

LetÃcia Adriana Pires Teixeira 16 March 2011 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este estudo apresenta uma anÃlise da linguagem de pessoas com esquizofrenia, em surto psicÃtico, tendo como foco o fenÃmeno da polidez linguÃstica, a partir da figuratividade. Para tanto, procuramos verificar como os participantes da conversaÃÃo interagem uns com os outros, fazendo o trabalho com as faces (E.Goffman), e como eles utilizam o fenÃmeno da linguagem figurada, mais especificamente da metÃfora, como estratÃgia de polidez linguÃstica. Para compreender a linguagem de pessoas com transtornos mentais, analisamos as conversas de pacientes do Hospital Myra Y Lopes nos anos 2009 e 2010, bem como as conversas jà transcritas por Brito (2005), Teixeira (2001) e Picardi (1999). Adotamos, como referencial teÃrico bÃsico, os postulados de Brown; Levinson (1987), Leech (1983) Goffman (1967), Lakoff (1987, 1989, 1993,), Lakoff; Johnson (1980, 1999), Volker (2001) entre outros estudiosos dessa temÃtica. Como resultado da anÃlise, constatamos que os esquizofrÃnicos usam a figuratividade como estratÃgia de polidez linguÃstica e, dependendo do nÃvel de gravidade da doenÃa, nÃo sÃo totalmente alienados aos acontecimentos e Ãs significaÃÃes ideolÃgicas, nem aos eventos sociais e culturais que envolvem o processo conversacional. Detectamos que eles sÃo polidos e que as estratÃgias e modos de polidez, usados por eles, nÃo sÃo dotados de valor absoluto, apesar de a polidez ser tida como um fenÃmeno universal.

Conflito e cortesia: oportunidades para a prática do discurso argumentativo, na interação professor-aluno / Conflict and courtesy: opportunities for the practice of argumentative discourse in teacher-student interaction

Rosana Ribeiro Ramos 18 June 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo averiguar a existência (ou não) de um espaço favorável à prática da argumentação, na interação professoraluno. Sendo a interação mediada pela linguagem, interessa investigar como os sentidos, constituídos por meio da linguagem, influenciam os sujeitos envolvidos, colaborando ou não para suas ações em direção à prática do discurso argumentativo. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de observações de aulas em um Centro Integrado de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (CIEJA). Ao longo das observações, constatamos que o uso de estratégias de polidez sempre amenizaram conflitos; por sua vez, a inibição de conflitos gerou a inibição da prática de estratégias de argumentação. Esta tese é continuação da pesquisa desenvolvida no âmbito do mestrado, da qual aproveitamos os dados de uma das escolas de ensino médio observadas. Diferentemente do observado no CIEJA, no ensino médio foi possível constatar a existência de conflitos com alto grau de explicitude, os quais geraram desrespeitos e insatisfação entre professores e alunos; assim, não houve fluidez nos discursos do ensino médio, e aquela interação também não colaborou para a prática do discurso argumentativo. Diante da realidade observada, tanto no período do mestrado como agora no doutorado (a primeira, com um alto grau de explicitude de conflitos; a segunda, com inibição de conflitos), passamos a defender que conflitos não devem ser amenizados de maneira a inibir a prática da argumentação, mas, sim, instigados e aproveitados como oportunidade para a exposição e defesa das opiniões. Para tanto, defendemos também a necessidade de o professor praticar, para além da polidez, o estilo cortês. Com base em parte da teoria desenvolvida por Muro (2005), entendemos que o estilo cortês traz em si a ação, por parte daquele que detém o poder na interação o professor , de abrir mão de seu lugar de poder, legitimado socialmente. Essa ação consciente tem a função de levar o aluno a desenvolver-se na arte de argumentar, mesmo em meio aos conflitos. A análise dos dados das duas instituições foi permeada pela análise do filme francês Entre os muros da escola, de Laurent Cantet, sempre que houve necessidade de comparação com uma maneira diferente de agir. Como embasamento teórico, lançamos mão de teorias da Análise da Conversação (AC), da Pragmática e da Análise do Discurso (AD). Os resultados de análise nos permitiram confirmar as nossas hipóteses de pesquisa, quais sejam: a) o uso de estratégias de polidez pode colaborar para a fluidez do discurso, bem como pode inibir ofensas e desrespeitos; b) apenas estratégias de polidez não garantem a prática da argumentação, pois podem inibir conflitos naturais e necessários para a produção do conhecimento; e c) a prática do estilo cortês, aliado à polidez, pode ser mais eficaz para a constituição de um ambiente propício à prática da argumentação / The purpose of this study is to investigate whether or not there is favorable opportunity to argumentation practice in the teacherstudent interaction. Because this interaction is mediated by language, it is our interest to investigate how language-built meanings influence the participants involved, collaborating (or not) for participants actions towards the argumentative speech practice. The research was carried out through class observations at a Center for Young Adults Education (CIEJA). Throughout observations, we were able to perceive that the use of politeness strategies always lessened conflicts; on the other hand, the conflict inhibition generated the inhibition of the argumentation strategies practices. This thesis is the continuation of the Masters Degree research, from which resulting data from one of the observed schools was considered. Differently than observed in the CIEJA environment, it was possible to identify, in the High School classrooms, the existence of extremely explicit conflicts, which led to disrespect and dissatisfaction among teachers and students. Therefore, there was not any speech fluidity in the High School groups and that kind of interaction did not promote the argumentation speech practice. From the observed data, during the Masters Degree phase, as well as nowadays in the Doctoral Degree (the first one, characterized by overt expression of conflicts; the second one by inhibition of conflicts), we have come to consider that conflicts shouldnt be minimized so as to inhibit the argumentation practices, but instigated and taken into consideration for the exposition and defense of opinions. For that matter, we also believe there is the need for the teacher to practice the courteous style, further beyond the politeness practices. Partially based on the theory developed by Muro (2005), we understand that the courteous style in itself contains the stepping aside from the one who is the socially legitimated as the power holder - the teacher. This conscious act is meant to lead the student to develop himself in the art of argumentation practice. The data analysis of both institutions were intertwined by the analysis of Laurent Cantets movie Entre Les Murs, whenever there was a need to compare with a diverse way of acting. As theoretical foundations, we based our study in Conversational Analysis (AC), in Pragmatics and in Speech Analysis (AD) theories.The results analysis have allowed us to confirm our research hypothesis, that are: a) the use of politeness strategies may collaborate for the speech fluidity, and may inhibit offense and disrespect; b) the exclusive use of politeness strategies do not guarantee the practice of argumentation, for they might inhibit the conflicts that are natural and necessary for the production of knowledge ; and c) the courteous style practice, along with politeness, might be more efficient to promoting an argumentation practice environment

Interação e conflito: uma abordagem investigativa de aspectos de trabalho da face e argumentação na peça Leben des Galilei de Bertold Brecht / Interaction and conflict: an investigative approach to aspects of face-work and argumentation in the play Leben des Galilei by Bertold Brecht

Emerson Santana 23 April 2010 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo o estudo das estratégias de polidez empregadas em situações conflituosas no texto teatral Leben des Galilei de Bertolt Brecht. O conceito de conflito foi definido como uma situação de discordância a partir de choque de interesses e/ou opiniões a respeito de um tema abordado. A partir deste conceito, foram extraídos seis fragmentos da referida peça nas quais se observavam tal situação e a eles foram aplicadas as bases teóricas elencadas para o trabalho. Para atingirmos nosso objetivo, consideramos as teorias de trabalho da face elaboradas por Goffman, as estratégias de polidez postuladas por Brown & Levinson. Ao longo da pesquisa, a argumentação mostrou-se importante para a análise e, portanto, recorremos aos pressupostos da teoria da argumentação segundo estudos de Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca. Com as análises, foi possível identificar, respectivamente, um grande número de estratégias de polidez positiva, relativamente pouca freqüência de polidez negativa, ocorrência de estratégias off record utilizadas principalmente no uso agressivo do trabalho da face e ocorrências bald on record dentro do esperado. Quanto à argumentação, constata-se presença maciça de razões e exemplos e grande uso de perguntas retóricas e argumento de autoridade. / This study aims to investigate politeness strategies used in conflict situations in the play Leben des Galilei by Bertolt Brecht. Conflict was defined as a situation of discordance arising from a clash of interests or opinions about a given theme. Six fragments of the play presenting such a situation were selected and analyzed according to the theories of face-work by Goffman and politeness strategies by Brown and Levinson. Due to the importance it assumed during the research, fundamentals of argumentation by Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca were also brought into the theoretical basis. The analysis has identified a high frequency of strategies for positive politeness, relatively few strategies for negative politeness, off-record strategies used mainly for aggressive face-work purposes and bald on record occurrences within the expected range. Regarding argumentation, reasons and examples are abundantly provided and rhetorical questions and authority arguments largely used.


NIRCILEY IVENS DE PAULA 21 December 2006 (has links)
[pt] A partir do arcabouço conceitual produzido pelas teorias relativas aos trabalhos de face e ao desempenho de equipes, especialmente, Goffman (1967 e 1985) e Brown e Levinson (1987), objetiva-se explicar lingüisticamente as críticas identificadas como Fogo amigo durante o Governo Lula. O corpus se constitui dos principais episódios de fogo amigo envolvendo os ministros do governo Lula, figuras expoentes do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) e de partidos da base aliada, divulgados pela mídia impressa entre janeiro de 2003 e abril de 2006. Os resultados sugerem que o fogo amigo é um tipo de ato de ameaça à face apresentando especificidades que o distinguem de outros atos de desaprovação, como críticas e discordâncias. Sugerem também que uma nova variável - a lealdade à equipe - deve ser considerada para explicar as opções de estratégias para realização desse tipo de ato. / [en] Take as my initial point the conceptual group of theories produced according to the face works and the performance of teams, especially, by Goffman (1967 e1985) and Brown and Levinson (1987), with the object of explaining linguistically the criticism identified as Friendly Fire during the Lula´s government. The corpus consists of the principal episodes of friendly fire involving the ministers of Lula´s government and and outstanding personalities of the Labour Party (PT) and parties allied to it, divulged in the press between January 2003 and April 2006. The results suggest that fire friendly-fire is a type of threatening act to the face presenting specific characteristics which distinguish it from the others acts of disapproval, such as criticism or disagreements. It also suggests that a new variable - loyalty to the team - should be considered to explain the strategic options for the realisation of this type of atc.


Kawai, Maho January 2013 (has links)
In Japan, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) revised the Course of Study in English education twice in the last decade (in 2002 and in 2011), and the drastic changes have been made especially in the section of communicative skills: introduction of English study in elementary school, teaching English in English in high school, requirement of the subject ‘Oral Communication I’ in high school, etc. The aim of the revisions is to produce international individuals, who have high English proficiency not only in input-skills but also in output-skills, especially in speaking (MEXT 2004: 90, MEXT 2011). Despite the revisions of the Course of Study, Japan is still ranked low in English proficiency not only among the developed countries but also among the Asian countries (Sakamoto 2012: 409; Sullivan and Schatz 2009: 586; Educational Testing Service 2012). Inputs on different cultures and languages take an important role in language learning especially in the modern society where students have high chances to encounter cross-cultural communication. The politeness strategy is one of those factors that the social actors must learn for the sound relationships with others. Each culture has its own politeness strategy; therefore, miscommunication is observed more often in intercultural conversations due to the various conceptualization of politeness in different cultures (Sifianou 1992: 216). That is, comprehending the diversity in politeness strategy seems to be a clue of smooth communication and better apprehension of different cultures in cross-culture conversations. The Course of Study for foreign languages and English language also refers to the significance of comprehending various cultures and languages (MEXT 2009); however, as previous studies represent the Japanese students studying abroad or the Japanese businessman in intercultural communications seem to lack the understanding of the western politeness strategy (cf. Fujio 2004, Nakane 2006). Besides, it is vague what ‘different cultures’ refers to in the Course of Study for English. Based on the attitudes of the Japanese students towards cross-cultural communication and ambiguous explanation on ‘cultural learning’ by the Course of the Study, I assume that one of the reasons why Japan cannot achieve the communication-focused curriculum might be attributed to the lack of politeness theory perspective in English learning. Taking differences in politeness strategies between the western societies and the Japanese ones into consideration, it seems to be unfeasible and insufficient to only increase the number of communicative lessons and compel students into speaking English. The differences in politeness strategy should be applied into English learning in order to boost the English proficiency of Japanese students and produce globalized students. The present paper focuses on the following two aspects of English learning in Japan in order to test the hypothesis: The Course of Study in English learning in Japan does not specify what is ‘cultural learning’, which triggers the lack of politeness perspective The lack of politeness learning obstruct Japanese students to successful crosscultural communication In the present paper, in order to observe the application of the politeness theory in English learning, firstly English textbooks used in Japan are analyzed in terms of the politeness theory by focusing on the following four aspects: silence, speech style, ambiguity, and hierarchical relationship. Previous studies have shown that extinctive differences between the western politeness and the Japanese politeness in communication are obviously revealed in those four points (cf. Fujio 2004; Kameda  2001; Nakane 2006). In addition to the analysis of the English textbooks, an interview on the correlation between English learning and politeness theory is conducted on international Japanese in order to observe how they acquire the western politeness strategy, how English learning at school functioned to learn the western politeness strategy, etc. (cf. see 3. for details). To contextualize this paper, the politeness theory and the previous studies on the relation between the Japanese politeness and crossculture communication will be presented first, and a brief overview of English education in Japan and tendencies in Japanese schooling will follow.

La politesse dans l’interaction verbale.

Matthis, Rosa January 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’étudier le rôle de la politesse dans l’interaction verbale. Ce document répondra à la question de savoir si un dialogue peut rester pacifique et sans friction en absence de politesse. Une description brève de la théorie de la politesse est suivie par une analyse. L’analyse montrera toutefois qu’on ne peut pas parler d’absence complète de politesse durant toute l’entièreté d’un échange mais uniquement lors de moments très brefs de celui-ci. Ces fragments d’échange non-polis mais pacifiques se manifesteront lors de dialogues où il existe déjà une relation de confiance entre les locuteurs. / The objective of this paper is to study the role of politeness in verbal interaction. The document will answer the question whether a dialogue can remain peaceful and frictionless also when politeness is absent. A brief description of the Politeness Theory is followed by an analysis. The analysis will however show that we cannot speak of complete lack of politeness but only during a very short time, without risking the threat of conflict. These non-polite but peaceful moments will occur in dialogues where there is already a relationship of trust between users.

Politeness Strategies in English Adjacency Pairs : A Gender Differentiated Study on Greetings, Compliments and Directives

Xia, Yan January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Int' är ni väl du med doktorn? Tilltal och artighetsstrategier i sverige- och finlandssvenska läkare-patientsamtal / Don’t you say du to the doctor? Address and politeness in Sweden Swedish and Finland Swedish doctor-patient communication

Henriksson, Anneli January 2013 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen analyserar jag tilltal och artighetsstrategier i tolv läkare-patientsamtal från Sverige och Svenskfinland. Jag utgår från Brown & Levinsons politeness theory och gör en empirisk prövning av materialet utifrån begreppen solidaritets- och respektstrategier, direkt och indirekt stil. Syftet är att se vilket samband som finns mellan artighetsstrategier och tilltal, och om dessa skiljer sig mellan de olika språkvarieteterna. Det finns också en institutionell aspekt av mitt material som skiljer den från tidigare jämförande studier mellan sverigesvenska och finlandssvenska tilltal och artighetsstrategier. Materialet visar att varieteterna har en jämn fördelning av samtal som är huvudsakligen direkta eller huvudsakligen indirekta, men däremot att de finlandssvenska samtalen präglas av en högre grad av indirekthet än vad de sverigesvenska gör. Det bekräftar också ett samband mellan ni-tilltal och indirekt samtalsstil, om än inte ett lika tydligt mellan du-tilltal och direkt samtalsstil. Slutligen visar uppsatsen att den institutionella kontexten är relevant för att förstå valet av artighetsstrategier och hur dessa hänger ihop med tilltal, både för att den styr vilka möjliga språkhandlingar som finns för samtalsdeltagarna, och för att den skapar roller de måste förhålla sig till i sin interaktion med varandra.

A sociolinguistic study of euphemisms on HIV and aids by Manenberg’s youth and adults

Brandt, Tauhieda January 2014 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / This thesis is a sociolinguistic exploration of the research that was conducted on the Manenberg community. It focuses on the community’s socio-economic vices such as gangsterism, drug trafficking, drug addiction, prostitution, lack of education, poverty, unemployment, domestic violence and so forth (c.f. Salo, 2004; Willenberg & September, 2008). Taking these factors into account, the research explores discourses surrounding HIVand AIDS messages and investigates whether such euphemisms are dependent on age and gender. This study also evaluates the politeness strategies employed by the youths and adults as means to de-taboo taboo talk related to HIV and AIDS

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