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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El cumplido en el español de la variante peruana y en sueco. : Un estudio comparativo / Compliments in Peruvian Spanish and Swedish, : A contrastive study

Pettersson, Camilla January 2014 (has links)
El objetivo del presente estudio es comparar diferencias y similitudes entre dos culturas distintas, enconcreto la peruana y la sueca, con respecto a los cumplidos y en relación a la cortesía. Partimos de lapremisa generalizada de que los cumplidos pueden diferenciarse interculturalmente y planteamos lahipótesis, basada en esta premisa y en nuestra propia percepción como hablante de sueco y de español,de que hay una diferencia intercultural entre los peruanos y suecos en cuanto a la realización delcumplido. En concreto, pensamos que los dos grupos bajo estudio se diferencian, en primer lugar, encuanto a quién es el destinatario del cumplido, y en segundo lugar en cuanto a la persona, cosa ocomportamiento que son objeto de cumplido. Se ha elaborado una encuesta para cada grupo nacional(10 en cada uno) en su idioma materno con situaciones en donde hay alta probabilidad de queaparezcan cumplidos. Las situaciones descritas en la encuesta las elegimos porque pensamos que sonfáciles de reconocer como parte de la vida diaria para la mayoría de las personas y porque nos puedandar respuestas apropiadas para responder a las preguntas de investigación. Las encuestas se handistribuido en su mayoría de forma personal, aunque en algunos casos han sido distribuidas por mediode internet. Los resultados nos revelan que el grupo de peruanos prefiere no usar tanto el cumplidocomo el grupo de suecos cuando la distancia social es más alta, como entre empleado y jefe, yprefieren en su lugar, como una forma de marcar distancia, realizar felicitaciones. Por otro lado, elgrupo de suecos prefieren hacer cumplidos de modo más impersonal, con una preferencia por referirsea los objetos (bonito carro) en lugar de introducir su persona en el enunciado (me gusta el carro). Deesta forma, en cuanto a la primera hipótesis, observamos que los dos grupos hacen en general uso delcumplido a la mayoría de los destinatarios en todas las situaciones de la encuesta, y por lo tanto no seaprecia una variación significativa. En cambio, con respecto a la segunda hipótesis, sí observamos unavariación cultural en cuanto a la forma de enfocar el cumplido. / The aim of the present study is to compare differences and similarities between two different cultures,namely the Peruvian and the Swedish, in terms of compliments in relation to politeness. The studyparts from the generalized premise that compliments can differ interculturally. The hypothesis, basedon that premise and also in the perception of the author of this study, as a Swedish and Spanishspeaking person, is that there is an intercultural difference among Peruvians and Swedes regarding thedelivery of compliments. Specifically we believe that both groups under study differ in two ways. Atfirst they differ regarding whom is the addressee of the compliment and then they differ regarding theperson, thing or behavior that is object of the compliment. A questionnaire was elaborated for bothgroups (10 in each group) in their respective modern tongue with situations where there is a highprobability that compliments may occur. The situations in the survey were chosen because they werebelieved to be easily recognized in the everyday life of most people. They were also believed toprovide us with the answers that were needed in this study to be able to answer the research questions.The survey was foremost distributed personally and in some cases they were distributed through theinternet. The results reveal that the Peruvian group prefers to do fewer compliments than the Swedishgroup when the social distance is bigger, like between employee and chief. They prefer to enouncemore congratulations than the Swedish group as a distance marker. On the other hand the Swedesprefer to compliment in a more impersonal manner because of their preference to refer to the object(nice car) rather than to introduce their person in the enunciation (I like the car). What regards the firsthypothesis it is observed that both groups compliment the majority of the addressees in every situationof the survey, and therefore there´s no significant variation to be observed. On the other hand, thesecond hypotheses can confirm a cultural variation regarding the way to direct the compliment

Le temps d'adresse dans les interactions verbales en classe d'espagnol, langue étrangère (niveau supérieur) : enseignement et pratiques / The terms of Spanish as a foreign language address : views pragmalinguistique interactional and didactic

Gutierrez -Laffargue, Patricia 09 December 2015 (has links)
A partir du constat fait auprès des étudiants d’espagnol langue étrangère qui ont beaucoup de difficultés à maîtriser l’utilisation des termes d’adresse, ce travail tente d’en élucider les raisons et propose des réflexions pour parvenir à régler le problème. Les termes d’adresse en tant que déictiques personnels et sociaux sont les marqueurs de la relation interpersonnelle que tout locuteur construit avec son interlocuteur. En espagnol, le système de l’adresse est complexe de par ses variations diatopiques ainsi que par les spécificités de son système, notamment du pronom usted, qui tout en désignant un allocutaire a une morphologie de troisième personne. De plus, il faut tenir compte de la situation de communication, qui est variable selon les cultures et les sociétés. A partir d’un corpus de données provoquées composé d’interactions orales d’étudiants français universitaires, nous faisons une analyse interactionnelle et pragmalinguistique qui permet de dégager les difficultés majeures que pose l’apprentissage et la maîtrise en contexte des termes d’adresse, pronoms de deuxième personne et formes nominales. Il est démontré que les erreurs présentes dans les discours des étudiants ne sont pas uniquement d’origine linguistique, mais sont aussi induites par un manque d’adéquation à la situation de communication. Ainsi, les termes d’adresse sont l’un des éléments dont l’utilisation ne dépend pas uniquement du niveau d’interlangue mais aussi de la compétence socioculturelle des locuteurs. / From the observation made with the spanish foreign language students have great difficulty in mastering the use of terms of address, this work tries to elucidate the reasons which offers reflections to the problem. Terms of address as a personal and social deictic are markers of the interpersonal relationship that all speakers built with his interlocutor. In spanish, the address system is complex variations diatopiques as well as the specific features of its system, including the pronoun usted, which designated an allocutaire has a morphology of third person. Furthermore, it must take into account the situation of communication, which is variable depending on the cultures and societies. From a corpus of data consisting of oral interactions of french university students, we make an interactional and pragmalinguistic analysis which allows to identify the major difficulties posed by learning and mastery in context of the terms of address, second-person pronouns and nominal forms. It is shown that these errors in the speech of the students are not only of linguistic origin, but are also induced by a lack of fitness for the communication situation. Thus, the address terms are one of the elements whose use depends not only on the level of interlanguage, but also of socio-cultural competence of the speakers.


ANA LUCIA VALES DOMINGUES MACEDO 19 February 2018 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal identificar o modelo canônico de comportamento dos falantes nativos cariocas para reagir a elogios em situações ordinárias de interação. Tendo em vista que as respostas a elogios podem ser consideradas atos de fala complexos, com normas de uso dependentes de questões culturais, consideramos que os mesmos carregam um alto potencial de risco de mal-entendidos e de constrangimentos para falantes não nativos que tentem realizá-los a partir das normas de suas próprias culturas. Visando colaborar com os estudos voltados para o ensino de português para estrangeiros, esta pesquisa se propõe a dar os primeiros passos rumo à compreensão da orientação de polidez carioca que embasa a construção do ideal de comportamento de seus falantes nativos. Para tal, buscamos para nossa fundamentação teórica conceitos da Pragmática e da Antropologia cultural. A análise de dados baseia-se num corpus criado a partir da aplicação de um questionário com algumas hipóteses de respostas a elogios de situações cotidianas, em que os informantes escolheram as mais e as menos adequadas para cada situação. Visando uma confirmação do padrão encontrado, numa segunda etapa, buscamos comparar alguns desses dados a formas usadas em situações reais, por meio de gravações de elogios provocados em interações espontâneas. Os resultados apontaram a aceitação como a forma idealizada de reação a elogios para diferentes tópicos e em diferentes contextos situacionais. / [en] This paper seeks to identity the canonic pattern of behavior of Rio de Janeiro s native speakers and their reactions when receiving compliments in ordinary day-to-day situations. Responses to compliment can be considered complex speech acts, with norms which are dependent on cultural factors. Based on that, the author considers that these situations embody a strong potential for misunderstandings and embarrassment for non-native speakers, when they fail to adapt their own cultural background to the natives standards during interactions. This research proposes to collaborate with the Portuguese as a Second Language field of study by advancing in the understanding of Rio de Janeiro s politeness norms, which are the basis for the ideal behavioral pattern of native speakers. The theoretic fundaments rest in Pragmatics and Cultural Anthropology concepts. The data analysis is based on information gathered from a questionnaire, which presented some hypothesis of responses to compliments in ordinary situations and in which the repliers chose the most and the least appropriate reactions for each situation. Seeking to confirm the pattern that was drawn from the responses, on a second phase, the study sought to compare some of the data collected to the speech patterns used in real-life situations, through the use of pre-recorded responses to compliments in spontaneous situations. The results showed that, for different subjects and situational contexts, the ideal behavior to native speakers is the acceptance of the compliments, rather than its rebuttal.

A influência da terceira parte na mudança de footing em chats educacionais / The influence of the third part in changing educational footing in chats

Paiva, Geórgia Maria Feitosa e January 2013 (has links)
PAIVA, Geórgia Maria Feitosa e. A influência da terceira parte na mudança de footing em chats educacionais. 2013. 304f. – Tese (Doutorado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Letras Vernáculas, Programa de Pós-graduação em Linguística, Fortaleza (CE), 2013. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-06-09T11:29:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_tese_gmfpaiva.pdf: 2433837 bytes, checksum: 0cf11c0135edeb23f847ac9aeb70618b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-06-09T14:45:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_tese_gmfpaiva.pdf: 2433837 bytes, checksum: 0cf11c0135edeb23f847ac9aeb70618b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-09T14:45:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_tese_gmfpaiva.pdf: 2433837 bytes, checksum: 0cf11c0135edeb23f847ac9aeb70618b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / This research aims at analyzing what extent and under what circumstances the presence of third part influences or interferes with the educational virtual chats through changes in participants’ footing in these chats and linguistic politeness that they invest in turning points.Our work in this dissertation seeks to achieve this relationship which, in our view, seems inseparable for understanding social relations. Therefore, as the basis of our studies we take Goffman (1967, 1981), Brown; Levinson (1987, 1978), Leech (1983, 2005), and more recently, investigations by Paiva; Rodrigues-Junior (2008), Paiva (2004) and Pereira (2009). To achieve the research’s aims, we had the collaboration of students and teachers from Sociolinguistics, Linguistics and Textual Reading and Production of Academic Texts disciplines, offered in the Portuguese Literature course at the Federal University of Ceará. The participants answered a questionnaire that aimed to understand their habits and affinities with educational virtual chat tools. After crossing and tabling the information provided in the questionnaires and analyzing fifteen chats, we found that the figure of the content teacher does not only act as a third part or zone of influence, but also he/she interferes in some instances to the changing in participants of the interaction’s footing. The most significant type of footing change is in the format of production, in which tutors and students demonstrate that in the presence of the third part, they seek to be more impeller than sponsors or authors. Also, in the presence of the third part, students avoid inserting frames of long duration. Regarding the change of footing for participation structure, the presence of the third part seems to have conditioned the momentary exclusion of the tutor interaction during its presence, which in turn, excluded students, even in this moment of interaction. These results demonstrate that the internal motion to social interactions (footing) held in virtual educational chats is very sensitive to the presence of higher-ranking member, and it can even extend during its absence. With this investigation, we can conclude that the choice of certain politeness strategies, such as use group and identity markers, include listener and speaker in the same activity, nominalize, hold off yourself from the author and add formality, hold off yourself from pronouns such as I and you assist in establishing and changing footings by the participants because they demonstrate the level of engagement undertaken, signaling to which moments the observer interferes with the projection of their faces. / Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar até que ponto e sob quais circunstâncias a presença da terceira parte influencia ou interfere nos chats educacionais virtuais por meio das mudanças de footing dos participantes desses chats e da polidez linguística que eles investem em momentos de mudança. Para tanto, tomamos como base os estudos de Goffman (1967; 1981), Brown; Levinson (1978; 1987), Leech (1983; 2005), e as investigações de Paiva (2004), Paiva; Rodrigues-Junior (2008) e Pereira (2009). Para a realização da pesquisa, contamos com a colaboração dos alunos e dos professores das disciplinas Sociolinguística, Linguística Textual e Leitura e Produção de Textos Acadêmicos, ofertadas no curso de graduação Letras-Português da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Cada participante respondeu a um questionário com questões que visaram compreender seus hábitos e afinidades com a ferramenta chat educacional virtual. Depois de tabular e cruzar as informações presentes nos questionários, e de analisar quinze chats, verificamos que a figura do professor conteudista não somente atua como terceira parte ou zona de influência como também chega a interferir na mudança de footing dos participantes da interação. O tipo de mudança de footing mais significativo é o de formato de produção, no qual foi possível observar que na presença da terceira parte tutores e alunos procuram ser mais animadores do que responsáveis ou autores. Também na presença da terceira parte, os alunos evitaram inserir frames de longa duração. Com relação à mudança de footing por estrutura de participação, a presença da terceira parte parece ter condicionado a exclusão momentânea do tutor na interação durante a sua presença, que, por sua vez, excluiu alunos, neste mesmo momento interacional. Estes resultados demonstram que o movimento interno às interações sociais (footing) realizadas em chats educacionais virtuais é bastante sensível à presença de membro hierarquicamente superior, podendo inclusive se prolongar na sua ausência. Com esta investigação, concluímos que a escolha de determinadas estratégias de polidez como use marcadores de identidade e grupo, inclua ouvinte e falante na mesma atividade, nominalize, distancie-se do ator e adicione formalidade; distancie-se dos pronomes eu e você auxiliam no estabelecimento e na mudança de footings pelos participantes, pois demonstram o nível de engajamento empreendido, sinalizando em quais momentos o observador interfere na projeção de suas faces.

A influÃncia da terceira parte na mudanÃa de footing em chats educacionais / The influence of the third part in changing educational footing in chats

GeÃrgia Maria Feitosa e Paiva 30 April 2013 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / nÃo hà / Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar atà que ponto e sob quais circunstÃncias a presenÃa da terceira parte influencia ou interfere nos chats educacionais virtuais por meio das mudanÃas de footing dos participantes desses chats e da polidez linguÃstica que eles investem em momentos de mudanÃa. Para tanto, tomamos como base os estudos de Goffman (1967; 1981), Brown; Levinson (1978; 1987), Leech (1983; 2005), e as investigaÃÃes de Paiva (2004), Paiva; Rodrigues-Junior (2008) e Pereira (2009). Para a realizaÃÃo da pesquisa, contamos com a colaboraÃÃo dos alunos e dos professores das disciplinas SociolinguÃstica, LinguÃstica Textual e Leitura e ProduÃÃo de Textos AcadÃmicos, ofertadas no curso de graduaÃÃo Letras-PortuguÃs da Universidade Federal do CearÃ. Cada participante respondeu a um questionÃrio com questÃes que visaram compreender seus hÃbitos e afinidades com a ferramenta chat educacional virtual. Depois de tabular e cruzar as informaÃÃes presentes nos questionÃrios, e de analisar quinze chats, verificamos que a figura do professor conteudista nÃo somente atua como terceira parte ou zona de influÃncia como tambÃm chega a interferir na mudanÃa de footing dos participantes da interaÃÃo. O tipo de mudanÃa de footing mais significativo à o de formato de produÃÃo, no qual foi possÃvel observar que na presenÃa da terceira parte tutores e alunos procuram ser mais animadores do que responsÃveis ou autores. TambÃm na presenÃa da terceira parte, os alunos evitaram inserir frames de longa duraÃÃo. Com relaÃÃo à mudanÃa de footing por estrutura de participaÃÃo, a presenÃa da terceira parte parece ter condicionado a exclusÃo momentÃnea do tutor na interaÃÃo durante a sua presenÃa, que, por sua vez, excluiu alunos, neste mesmo momento interacional. Estes resultados demonstram que o movimento interno Ãs interaÃÃes sociais (footing) realizadas em chats educacionais virtuais à bastante sensÃvel à presenÃa de membro hierarquicamente superior, podendo inclusive se prolongar na sua ausÃncia. Com esta investigaÃÃo, concluÃmos que a escolha de determinadas estratÃgias de polidez como use marcadores de identidade e grupo, inclua ouvinte e falante na mesma atividade, nominalize, distancie-se do ator e adicione formalidade; distancie-se dos pronomes eu e vocà auxiliam no estabelecimento e na mudanÃa de footings pelos participantes, pois demonstram o nÃvel de engajamento empreendido, sinalizando em quais momentos o observador interfere na projeÃÃo de suas faces. / This research aims at analyzing what extent and under what circumstances the presence of third part influences or interferes with the educational virtual chats through changes in participantsâ footing in these chats and linguistic politeness that they invest in turning points.Our work in this dissertation seeks to achieve this relationship which, in our view, seems inseparable for understanding social relations. Therefore, as the basis of our studies we take Goffman (1967, 1981), Brown; Levinson (1987, 1978), Leech (1983, 2005), and more recently, investigations by Paiva; Rodrigues-Junior (2008), Paiva (2004) and Pereira (2009). To achieve the researchâs aims, we had the collaboration of students and teachers from Sociolinguistics, Linguistics and Textual Reading and Production of Academic Texts disciplines, offered in the Portuguese Literature course at the Federal University of CearÃ. The participants answered a questionnaire that aimed to understand their habits and affinities with educational virtual chat tools. After crossing and tabling the information provided in the questionnaires and analyzing fifteen chats, we found that the figure of the content teacher does not only act as a third part or zone of influence, but also he/she interferes in some instances to the changing in participants of the interactionâs footing. The most significant type of footing change is in the format of production, in which tutors and students demonstrate that in the presence of the third part, they seek to be more impeller than sponsors or authors. Also, in the presence of the third part, students avoid inserting frames of long duration. Regarding the change of footing for participation structure, the presence of the third part seems to have conditioned the momentary exclusion of the tutor interaction during its presence, which in turn, excluded students, even in this moment of interaction. These results demonstrate that the internal motion to social interactions (footing) held in virtual educational chats is very sensitive to the presence of higher-ranking member, and it can even extend during its absence. With this investigation, we can conclude that the choice of certain politeness strategies, such as use group and identity markers, include listener and speaker in the same activity, nominalize, hold off yourself from the author and add formality, hold off yourself from pronouns such as I and you assist in establishing and changing footings by the participants because they demonstrate the level of engagement undertaken, signaling to which moments the observer interferes with the projection of their faces.

A cortesia em grupos de estudo: as diferentes estratégias utilizadas por brasileiros e chilenos no contexto acadêmico / Politeness in study groups: different strategies used by Brazilians and Chileans in an academic context

Adriana Marcelle de Andrade Andrade 30 March 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa se fundamenta na pragmática sociocultural, com o propósito de descrever, dentro do próprio sistema sociocultural a que pertencem os falantes do estudo, a produção e a interpretação das mensagens transmitidas (Bravo, 2010). Pretende-se ir, por um lado, para além da análise da transcrição de um corpus específico (Charaudeau, 2012) e, por outro, abrir novos horizontes para os estudos interdisciplinares, contrastivos e holísticos, cujo objeto seja o uso da linguagem. Assim, como objetivo, esta pesquisa procura descrever e contrastar estratégias pragmáticas, com foco na manifestação da cortesia, em português e em espanhol, em comunidades de fala de São Paulo e Santiago do Chile, indagando quais recursos os interlocutores, universitários em grupos de estudos, utilizam no trabalho de imagem em atos assertivos e exortativos. Para isso, apresentamos uma proposta metodológica que visa a delinear aspectos das construções discursivas, a revelar a complexidade dos fenômenos da interação oral e a variedade de componentes envolvidos em uma situação comunicativa. Nesse sentido, definimos quatro etapas: o enfoque interdisciplinar, a análise do corpus oral, os testes de hábitos sociais (Hernandez Flores, 2002; Contreras, 2004 e Bernal, 2007) e o contraste cross-cultural. O corpus é composto por vinte e cinco horas de gravações em vídeo de reuniões em grupo de estudantes universitários, no Chile e no Brasil, e quarenta testes de hábitos sociais de cada comunidade de fala também. Em uma análise sincrônica, identificamos no contexto brasileiro, a tendência de o indivíduo projetar a imagem de cordialidade, cooperação e semelhança na gestão da autoimagem. Entre os interlocutores chilenos, a imagem de ordem e a de hierarquia foram as que se evidenciaram. Na gestão interrelacional, destacamos contrastes, além de semelhanças, entre algumas estratégias pragmáticas: o fenômeno da atenuação assertiva, nas intervenções brasileiras, em maior número se associa a posturas afiliativas, na gestão da alo- e autoimagem; no material de análise chileno, a atenuação, muitas vezes é construída como uma estratégia autocêntrica; em ambas as comunidades de fala encontramos mecanismos de autorrepetição e intensificação, vinculados à força argumentativa e fenômenos de heterorrepetição que promovem o contato social; no entanto, no contexto chileno, a heterorrepetição ocorre na expressão do desacordo com mais frequência do que no contexto brasileiro; realizados de maneira direta, encontramos atos exortativos, como a petição, em interações brasileiras e chilenas, mas nas primeiras, geralmente, ocorrem atos de justificação, a expressão da diminuição do custo para os ouvintes e, em maior grau, mecanismos de atenuação. Os resultados, que encontraram eco em estudos de outras ciências do comportamento humano, na análise do corpus e nas respostas dos informantes dos testes hábitos sociais, podem sinalizar a projeção de experiências específicas de um corpus a um estilo de cortesia que se estenda a outras situações de comunicação sem prescindir da enorme diversidade do uso da linguagem (Bravo, 2004). / This research is based upon sociocultural pragmatics and aims at describing within the very sociocultural system to which the speakers participating in this study belong how transmitted messages are produced and interpreted (Bravo, 2010). On the one hand, this research aims at going beyond analyzing the transcription from a certain corpus (Charaudeau, 2012); on the other, opening up new horizons for interdisciplinary, contrastive and holistic studies on the use of language. Thus, this research aims at describing and contrasting pragmatic strategies focused on how politeness is shown both in Portuguese and Spanish within speaking communities from São Paulo, Brazil, and Santiago, Chile while investigating which features are used by interlocutors (undergraduates in study groups) in their face-work during assertive and persuasive acts. In order to do so, our proposed methodology is aimed at outlining the core of discursive constructions, unveiling the complexity of verbal interaction phenomena and the variety of components involved in a communication situation. To that end, four stages have been defined: interdisciplinary focus, speech corpus analysis, social behavior tests (Hernandez Flores, 2002; Contreras, 2004 and Bernal, 2007) and cross-cultural contrast. The corpus consists of about five hours of videotaped undergraduate study group meetings in Chile and Brazil and 40 social behavior tests from each speaking community. In a synchronous analysis, we found that Brazilian individuals tend to convey an image of kindness, cooperation and similarity in managing their self-image. An image of order and hierarchy stood out among Chilean interlocutors. As to inter-relationship management, contrasts and similarities were noted between a few pragmatic strategies: in Brazilian interventions, the assertive attenuation is mostly connected with affiliative postures in allo-image and self-image management; in the Chilean material, attenuation is often constructed as an self-centric strategy. Self-repetition and intensification mechanisms (linked to argument strength) and hetero-repetition fostering social contact were found in both speaking communities. Nevertheless, hetero-repetition occurs more often when expressing disagreement in Chilean context than in the Brazilian context; it is performed directly and with exhortative acts (such as petition) in Brazilian and Chilean interactions, but the former usually present justification acts, expression of effort reduction for listeners and in a higher degree attenuation mechanisms. The results which were supported by studies from other behavioral sciences, corpus analysis and answers from informants of social behavior tests can indicate the projection of experiences that are specific to a corpus to a politeness style comprising other communication situations without forgoing the immense diversity of the use of language (Bravo, 2004).

Cortesia e marcadores discursivos: contrastes entre discursos orais chilenos e espanhóis e as percepções de brasileiros / Politeness and discourse markers: contrasts between the chilean and spanish oral discourses and perceptions of brazilians

Adriana Marcelle de Andrade 04 August 2010 (has links)
Este estudo evidencia o modo como se organizam as estratégias de cortesia que se manifestam na ocorrência dos marcadores discursivos pues, ya e claro em intervenções orais de adolescentes de duas capitais, Madri e Santiago do Chile, presentes no Corpus de Lenguaje Adolescente (COLA). Considerando a diversidade sociocultural (Bravo, 2004) e que os marcadores discursivos sinalizam a direção em que se deve buscar a relevância dos enunciados (Escandell-Vidal, 1998), esta pesquisa também analisa se adolescentes brasileiros, estudantes de língua espanhola, da região de São Paulo, constroem uma interpretação adequada quanto à presença ou ausência da cortesia, ao entrar em contato com as conversações do material de análise. Como resultado, foram descritos os contrastes entre as amostras das variedades - a santiaguina e a madrilena - de língua espanhola quanto ao uso das partículas pues, ya e claro. Observou-se que essas diferenças se relacionam ao contexto de enunciação e ao processamento discursivo, semântico e pragmático desses marcadores, comprovando que a cortesia apresenta particularidades e possui um valor relativo de acordo com a interação verbal, os traços culturais e o tipo de relação social entre os interlocutores. Através da escuta de alguns diálogos extraídos do corpus e guiados por um questionário, a maioria dos estudantes brasileiros construiu interpretações equivocadas das formações discursivas. Verificou-se que estas construções de sentido concerniram ao desconhecimento da forma ou do uso dos marcadores, que impediu que estes orientassem o processo de interpretação, e à desconsideração das diferenças interculturais e dos modelos de cortesia em diferentes interações verbais. / This study shows how strategies of politeness occurring when discourse markers are used in oral interventions of teenagers from the two capital cities of Madrid and Santiago de Chile contained in the Corpus de Lenguaje Adolescente (COLA) are organized. Considering the socio-cultural diversity (Bravo, 2004) and discourse markers indicate in which direction we should look for the relevance of utterances (Escandell-Vidal, 1998), this research also analyzes if Brazilian teenagers, students of Spanish language in São Paulo region, have a proper interpretation regarding the presence or the absence of politeness when they are exposed to the conversations of the material analyzed. As a result, the differences between samples of Spanish language varieties from Santiago and from Madrid regarding the use of the particles pues, ya and claro were described. Such differences were seen to be related to the context of enunciation and the discursive, semantic, and pragmatic processing of the markers, which confirms that the politeness shows particularities and has a relative value according to the verbal interaction, cultural traits, and the type of social relationship between interlocutors. By hearing some of the dialogs extracted from the corpus and guided by a questionnaire, most Brazilian students had wrong interpretations of discursive formations. Such constructions of meaning were seen to be related to the lack of knowledge of the markers form or usage, which prevented the markers to guide the interpretation process, and the disregard of intercultural differences and models of politeness in various verbal interactions.

Les degrés de politesse et les choix de la forme d'adresse dans les interactions en polonais et en français / Degrees of politeness and the choice of the form of address in verbal interactions in Polish and in French

Bernat, Justyna 15 October 2016 (has links)
La présente thèse s’inscrit dans le champ d’études sur la politesse verbale et se concentre en particulier sur l’emploi des termes d’adresse en polonais et en français. Inspirée par les études sur l’ethos communicatif (Béal, 1993, Kerbrat-Orecchioni, 1992), elle se donne comme objectif d’étudier les besoins des locuteurs natifs concernant l’expression de la relation interpersonnelle et de la politesse verbalisées par les termes d’adresse. Selon l’hypothèse de départ, en polonais l’expression de la relation est plus détaillée et, par conséquent plus précise, qu’en français. Malgré les similarités systémiques (le choix de formes est globalement comparable), la façon dont les termes d’adresse sont employés dans les deux langues n’est pas identique. L’étude prouve que les locuteurs français emploient les termes d’adresse de façon plutôt pragmatique, comme une nécessité communicationnelle, tandis que les locuteurs polonais y trouvent une réelle expression des relations sociales et des attitudes. Cette étude entreprend une approche empirique basée sur l’exploration du corpus. L’analyse des emplois en contexte doit permettre une meilleure compréhension de la valeur réelle de chaque terme d’adresse. Elle propose une évaluation des facteurs contextuels le plus influant sur le choix de la forme ainsi qu’une estimation du degré de politesse ou de familiarité exprimé par chaque terme d’adresse. L’objectif étant d’aider les locuteurs non-natifs à comprendre le fonctionnement des termes d’adresse dans une langue dont ils n’ont pas l’intuition, cette étude propose, comme résultat des analyses, les équivalents « prêt-à-parler » des formules d’adresse dans les deux langues. / This dissertation presents research based on studies in the field of verbal politeness and inspired by the studies on communicative ethos (Béal, 1993; Kerbrat-Orecchioni, 1992). It investigates the use of terms of address in Polish and French. The aim was to analyze the needs of native speakers in terms of expression of interpersonal relation and politeness, as they are verbalized through terms of address. The hypothesis was that in Polish the expression of politeness is more detailed, and thus more precise, than in French. Despite systemic similarities (the choice of forms is similar on the whole), the way of using terms of address in conversation is not the same. This study demonstrates that French speakers use terms of address in a more pragmatic way, as a communicational obligation, whilst Polish speakers tend to use them to express a whole range of different types of social relations and attitudes. The study uses a corpus-based approach. Analyzing uses in context should lead to a better understanding of the real value of each term of address. This dissertation presents an analysis of the contextual factors that influence the choice of the proper form, as well as an estimation of the degree to which each term of address expresses either politeness or familiarity. The main objective being to help non-native speakers to understand how terms of address function in a language for which they have little or no intuition, this study offers, as a result of analysis, “ready-to-speak” equivalent formulas for address exchanges in both languages.

The Mechanics of Indirectness: A Case Study of Directive Speech Acts

Ruytenbeek, Nicolas 02 March 2017 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the comprehension of indirect requests (IRs). Focusing on English and French, it proposes that IRs such as Can you + verbal phrase (for short, Can you VP?) achieve an optimal communicative efficiency because, while they entail extra processing costs, they match the expected level of politeness in many contexts. The approach taken combines Talmy’s force dynamic semantics with a traditional perspective in philosophy of language drawing on speech act theory. First, I sketch a theoretically viable and empirically plausible definition of directive speech acts, and provide a naturalistic explanation of why directives result in obligations for addressees. According to this definition, a directive speech act consists in a force exerted by a speaker towards an addressee’s performance of some action, with a prima facie obligation created for the addressee as a result. Consistently with this definition, I propose that imperative sentences are a convenient means to perform directives insofar as they encode a force dynamic pattern that is compatible with, but distinct from, the force exertion pattern that characterizes directives. I develop a similar analysis for You should/must VP declarative sentences. By contrast, I argue that, if interrogative sentences can be used in the performance of directives such as questioning, they do so by virtue of their incompleteness.To satisfactorily account for the variety of utterances that can be used as directives, I propose a typology based on the formal criterion of (in)directness and on the processing criterion of primariness/secondariness. Three factors are furthermore predicted to influence the processing of IRs: conventionality of means, degree of standardization, and degree of illocutionary force salience. This typology underpins an exhaustive review of experimental work on the comprehension of directives, in which I conclude that further investigation into the processing of IRs is necessary. In particular, the influence of these three factors on the processing, and, in particular, on the primariness/secondariness of IRs is left unexplored.In three eye-tracking experiments with native speakers of French, I put to the test four hypotheses. First, I hypothesize that the more an expression is standardized for the performance of IRs, the more likely it will be understood as an IR, and the more likely the IR will be primary rather than secondary. Second, because expressions such as Can you VP? used as IRs also have a direct interpretation, they should entail extra processing costs relative to their imperative and interrogative direct counterparts. Third, assuming they are direct, You must VP requests should be understood like imperatives requests, and they should not activate the assertive force. Fourth, the high degree of directive illocutionary force salience contributed by the adverb please should increase the likelihood of an IR interpretation and the likelihood that the IR will be primary. In Experiment 1, I show that IR interpretations tend to be more frequent for highly standardized IRs relative to their less standardized counterparts. I also demonstrate that interpreting the highly standardized Can you VP? and the less standardized Is it possible to VP? as IRs does not activate their “ability question” illocutionary meaning. The same finding holds, in Experiment 2, for the declaratives You can VP and It is possible to VP. The data of Experiment 2 indicate that, like imperative sentences, You must VP does not activate the assertive illocutionary force. Another finding of Experiment 1 is that Can you VP? and Is it possible to VP? can be understood as primary IRs, but these expressions nonetheless impose extra processing costs when they are interpreted as direct questions. In Experiment 3, I find that the high degree of directive force salience contributed by please increases the likelihood of an IR interpretation regardless of the degree of standardization of the expression. However, the presence of please has no significant influence on the processing of IRs.Turning to the production of directives, I address the issue of why speakers use IRs despite the extra processing costs entailed by these expressions. In a production task experiment where addressee status is manipulated, I test the hypothesis that Can you VP? IRs are used to trigger extra politeness effects absent in imperatives. A second hypothesis is that speakers should avoid imperatives and obligation declaratives such as You should/must VP because these request forms are directly compatible with force exertion at the pragmatic level. Rather, they should prefer indirect request forms such as ability interrogatives. Third, Can you VP? it should be more frequent than Is it possible to VP? in the data. A first important finding is that higher addressee status does not increase the frequency of Can you VP? interrogatives relative to other request forms. Instead of using Can you VP? more often when they address higher status people, speakers use specific politeness markers, which disconfirms the hypothesis that Can you VP? is used to convey extra politeness effects. The second hypothesis is confirmed, insofar as the data collected with this production task contain a vast majority of ability interrogatives, and imperatives and obligation declaratives are absent. Third, in line with the standardization hypothesis, Can you VP? occur much more often in the data than Is it possible to VP?. / Doctorat en Langues, lettres et traductologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Los verbos modales en las introducciones y en las conclusiones de los artículos científicos de turismo

Domínguez Morales, María Elena 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las perífrasis modales, sus significados y la existencia de variación en las secciones mencionadas del artículo científico en un corpus de las secciones denominadas "introducción" y "conclusión" del artículo de investigación en la disciplina de turismo. Estos textos se han extraído de revistas en el campo y con un índice de impacto notorio en la especialidad. Las perífrasis modales reflejan el punto de vista del hablante. Como parte de la metodología, se usan herramientas de lingüística de corpus que permiten la gestión de los textos y su consulta, además de la extracción de ejemplos concretos que ilustren las formas, las categorías semánticas y las funciones que se encuentren en los textos estudiados. Sin embargo, dado que el contexto es fundamental para poder identificar los significados modales, parte del análisis de los textos requiere de un reconocimiento visual directo de cada caso, pues una misma perífrasis modal puede indicar diferentes significados. El análisis y discusión de los datos se nutre de estudios en lingüística funcional que permitan dar cuenta de los usos y funciones. Las conclusiones indican que, en efecto, existe variación no solo en cuanto a las formas usadas en cada una de las introducciones y en las conclusiones, sino también con respecto al significado. En este sentido, se constata que la modalidad dinámica es más frecuente en las introducciones, según frecuencias relativas, y la modalidad epistémica es más frecuente en las conclusiones. Igualmente, se han detectado varias funciones estrechamente relacionadas con los significados modales. Así, la función de mitigación y cortesía lingüística se relaciona en mayor medida con la modalidad epistémica y lo mismo ocurre con la formulación del significado inferencial, que refiere a la necesidad epistémica. La expresión de la factualidad y de la imposibilidad se nutren de la modalidad dinámica, mientras que la predicción, la organización de los contenidos, la autoridad y la recomendación se manifiestan con el uso de la modalidad deóntica. / [CA] L'article d'investigació en el camp dels estudis de turisme no ha sigut prou estudiat, malgrat ser una disciplina que representa un sector de desenvolupament econòmic per a nombrosos països. Altres gèneres textuals relacionats amb el registre turístic com el resum, els fullets i les pàgines webs en el registre turístic, els últims amb gran rellevància pel seu clar impacte social i econòmic dels estudis turístics, han rebut major atenció. La investigació científica en turisme, no obstant això, proveeix a les organitzacions, ja siguen públiques o privades, d'informació rellevant per a la millora de l'activitat que es tradueixen en recomanacions que, amb freqüència, s'aporten en les conclusions d'aquests treballs. S'entén, per tant, que existeix una relació directa entre el progrés del sector i la investigació empírica, la qual cosa, al seu torn, indica l'interés per la publicació acadèmica periòdica. Per aquest motiu, en aquest treball, s'inclou una caracterització formal del gènere en una estructura de seccions. Aquest estudi es complementa amb una anàlisi de les estructures lèxic-gramaticals recurrents en cadascuna de les seccions de l'article científic i les variables lèxiques i sintàctiques que caracteritzen al text dins del registre científic, tant per la complexitat com pel nivell d'elaboració que exhibeix la llengua usada en aquests treballs. Aquestes estructures persegueixen indicar la perspectiva dels autors, entre altres aspectes. Dit això, l'objectiu d'aquest treball és analitzar les perífrasis modals, els seus significats i l'existència de variació en les seccions denominades "introducció" i "conclusió" de l'article d'investigació en la disciplina de turisme. Aquests textos s'han extret de revistes en el camp i amb un índex d'impacte notori en l'especialitat. Les perífrasis modals reflecteixen el punt de vista del parlant. Com a part de la metodologia, s'usen eines de lingüística de corpus que permeten la gestió dels textos i la seua consulta, a més de l'extracció d'exemples concrets que il·lustren les formes, les categories semàntiques i les funcions que es troben en els textos estudiats. No obstant això, atés que el context és fonamental per a poder identificar els significats modals, part de l'anàlisi dels textos requereix d'un reconeixement visual directe de cada cas, perquè una mateixa perífrasi modal pot indicar diferents significats. L'anàlisi i discussió de les dades es nodreix d'estudis en lingüística funcional que permeten donar compte dels usos i funcions Les conclusions indiquen que, en efecte, existeix variació no sols quant a les formes usades en cadascuna de les introduccions i en les conclusions, sinó també respecte al significat. En aquest sentit, es constata que la modalitat dinàmica és més freqüent en les introduccions, segons freqüències relatives, i la modalitat epistémica és més freqüent en les conclusions. Igualment, s'han detectat diverses funcions estretament relacionades amb els significats modals. Així, la funció de mitigació i cortesia lingüística es relaciona en major mesura amb la modalitat epistémica i el mateix ocorre amb la formulació del significat inferencial, que es refereix a la necessitat epistémica. L'expressió de la factualidad i de la impossibilitat es nodreixen de la modalitat dinàmica, mentre que la predicció, l'organització dels continguts, l'autoritat i la recomanació es manifesten amb l'ús de la modalitat dóntica. / [EN] The research article in the field of tourism studies has not been sufficiently studied, despite being a discipline strongly connected with a sector of economic growth for many countries. Other textual genres related to the tourism register such as the summary, brochures and web pages in the tourism register, the latter with great relevance for their clear social and economic impact of tourism studies, have enjoyed more scholarly attention. Scientific research in tourism, however, provides organisations, whether public or private, with relevant information for the improvement of the activity, which translates into recommendations that are often included in the conclusions of these studies. It is held, therefore, that there is a direct relationship between the development of the sector and empirical research, which, in turn, shows the interest in academic publications in leading journal. For this reason, this paper includes a formal characterisation of the genre into sections. This study is supplemented with a description of the recurrent lexicalgrammatical structures in each of the sections of the scientific article and the lexical and syntactic variables that characterise the text within the scientific register, both in terms of the complexity and the level of elaboration exhibited in the language used in these works. These structures are intended to signal the authors' perspective, among other aspects. That said, the aim of this paper is to analyse modal verbs, their meanings and the existence of variation in the "introduction" and "conclusion" sections of the research article in the discipline of tourism. These texts have been taken from leading journals in the field and with a clear impact index in the discipline. Modal verbs reflect the speaker's point of view. As part of the methodology, corpus linguistics tools are used to allow the management of the texts and their consultation, as well as the excerption of concrete examples illustrating the forms, the semantic categories and the functions found in the texts studied. However, given that context is fundamental to the identification of modal meanings, part of the analysis of the texts requires direct visual recognition in each occurrence, as the same modal verb may entail several meanings. The analysis and discussion of the data is informed by studies in functional linguistics which allow us to count on the uses and functions of the different modal forms. The conclusions indicate that there is indeed variation not only in terms of the forms used in each of the introductions and conclusions, but also in terms of meaning. In this sense, it is found that dynamic modality is more frequent in the introductions, according to their relative frequencies, and epistemic modality is more frequent in the conclusions. Likewise, several functions closely related to modal meanings have been detected. Thus, the function of mitigation and linguistic politeness is most closely related to epistemic modality, as is the formulation of inferential meaning, which refers to epistemic necessity. The expression of factuality and impossibility are nourished by the dynamic modality, while prediction, content while prediction, content organisation, authority and recommendation are manifested using deontic modality. The thesis is structured in five chapters, and bibliographical references are included finally in this dissertation. / Domínguez Morales, ME. (2021). Los verbos modales en las introducciones y en las conclusiones de los artículos científicos de turismo [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172247 / TESIS

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