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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study of coliform bacteria in Canadian pulp and paper mill water systems : their ecology and utility as health hazard indicators

Gauthier, Francis. January 2000 (has links)
Coliform bacteria have long been used to indicate fecal contamination of food, water, and solid surfaces, and thus the presence of a health hazard. In this study, the in-mill water and external effluent treatment systems of seven typical Canadian pulp and paper mills were shown to support the growth of numerous coliforms, especially Klebsiella spp, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter spp., and Citrobacter spp . Mill coliforms were shown to be not just simple transients from feedwater or furnish (wood), but to be continuously growing, especially in the primary clarifiers. Therefore, coliforms and fecal coliforms cannot be used as fecal contamination indicators in pulp and paper mill water and effluent treatment systems. / N2-fixing coliform populations were detected in mill water systems and were analyzed using N2-fixation assays and nitrogenase gene (nifH) probing. Both active in situ populations and cultured microbial isolates were tested. Active N2-fixation was demonstrated in six primary clarifiers. Measurement of the numbers and composition of the total culturable bacterial community in a primary clarifier revealed that approximately 50% of all aerobic cells contained nifH , of which >90% were Klebsiella. Coliforms growing on MacConkey agar plates from the primary clarifier were all identified as Klebsiella and 100% of these Klebsiella contained the nifH gene. Preliminary estimates indicate that the amount of N2 fixed per day is substantial in some clarifiers.

Analys av massapumps- och mixerarbete vid Metsä Board Sverige AB, Husums Fabriker : Energibesparingsåtgärder vid blekeri 4 & 5 med jämförelse mot ny utrustning

Agrell, Elias January 2014 (has links)
Husums plant has a selection of different pulp pumps at bleaching plant 4 and 5. The displacement- (HC-pump, Sund Defibrator PTD-60) and centrifugalpumps (MC-pump, MCA 42-200, MCP 30/20) are of interest in this report. The centrifugal pumps are controlled by throttle valves, which result in an energy loss. Chemical mixers are used to mix ClO2 into the pulp before proceeding into a holding tower where the bleaching process occurs. The energy demand of the different positions has been measured or calculated to be used in comparisons against new equipment. Quotations were requested and delivered from Valmet and Sulzer. The quotations were made with a production increase of 10 ADMt/h and plant compared to current equipment. Therefore energy need of the equipment in the quotation had to be recalculated to the same production output as when measurements were conducted to be comparable. Quotation of the pumps assumes the use of frequency inverters. A deeper investigation was made for 441PU255 which is located at bleaching plant 4. The drop leg level of the pump is controlled via a throttle valve. A frequency inverter is installed but not utilized to maintain constant pulp level in the drop leg. This was due to physical changes in the process not being compensated for in the control system. This caused the drop leg level to oscillate when automatic control was used. As a workaround the drive had been set at a constant speed. To investigate the potential savings, an attempt was made in which the speed was lowered from 1520 rpm to 1100 rpm, resulting in a power reduction of 82 kW or 342,081 Sek per year at a production of 36 ADMT/h. The experiment was done with slightly lower production output than desirable; because of this, savings will decrease slightly at higher outputs. Comparisons showed that considerable amounts of energy could be saved at all positions. However the investment cost is high and therefore favorable payback times can only be seen for some of the positions. The MC-pumps are oversized and in need of constant throttling therefore the majority of the energy savings is made through the installation of frequency inverters and not the pump upgrade. / Metsä Board Husum har idag ett flertal olika modeller av massapumpar vid blekeri 4 och 5. Dessa är av deplacerande typ (HC-pump, Sunds Defibrator PTD-60) samt centrifugalmodell (MC-pump, MCA 42-200, MCP 30/20), centrifugalmodellen regleras med strypventiler vilket innebär en extra förlust, speciellt märkbar är denna då produktionen tas ned. Vid blekeriet finns även kemikaliemixrar för att mixa in ClO2 innan pappersmassan pumpas till ett uppehållstorn där blekprocessen sker. Anläggningens nuläge genomgick en mindre kartläggning där specifikationer och mätdata samlades in för att ge en bakgrund till det energibehov som finns idag. Tillgänglighet för reservdelar har varit av intresse för de äldre HC-pumparna. Tillsammans med Sulzer har uppfordringshöjd beräknats för positioner utrustade med PTD -60 då uppgifter för denna saknades. Sulzer och Valmet har offererat ny utrustning för dessa positioner som jämförs mot uppmätta värden för att beräkna återbetalningstid. Inkomna offerter förutsätter frekvensomriktare och baseras på en önskad produktionsökning till 50 ADMt/h för blekeri 4 och 60 ADMt/h för blekeri 5. Detta är en ökning på 10 ADMt/h och blekeri. Erforderlig effekt för drifter i inkomna offerter och uppmätt effekt är ej angiven vid samma driftpunkt. De offererade pumparnas driftpunkt har därför räknats om för att motsvara driftpunkt vid tillfället för insamling av data. Detta för att enkelt kunna jämföra offerter mot nuläge. På blekeri 4 återfinns en MC-pump av modell MCA 42-200 med posnummer 441PU255. Vid denna position gjordes en djupare undersökning då nivåregleringen ej fungerar som tänkt. Nivåhållning sker via reglerventil och varvtalsreglering med frekvensomriktare. För att kunna köra driften har frekvensomriktaren manuellt ställts i ett fast varvtal och reglerventilen lagts i automatik. Ventilen styr därmed nivå i fallröret och har vid normal drift en öppningsgrad på 40-50 %. Vid genomgången upptäcktes att parametrar i styrsystem gällande de varvtal motorn skall arbeta vid inte korrigerats efter en ombyggnation. Detta har medfört att nivån inte gått att reglera i automatik utan att systemet börjat självsvänga. För att undersöka skillnad mellan varvtalsstyrning och strypreglering gjordes ett försök där varvtalet sänktes från 1520 rpm till 1100 rpm vilket resulterade i en effektminskning på 82 kW eller 342 081 kr per år jämfört med strypreglering; detta var vid en produktion av 36 ADMt/h. Försöket gjordes med något lägre produktion än önskvärt; på grund av detta kommer besparingen minska något vid högre produktion. Samtliga positioner uppvisar minskat energibehov med ny utrustning. Dock gör hög investeringskostnad och krav på kort återbetalningstid att endast några få positioner är lämpliga kandidater för ombyggnad i dagsläget. För MC-pumparna kan däremot majoriteten av besparingen uppnås genom att bygga om dagens strypreglering till varvtalsreglering. Detta sker till en betydligt lägre kostnad än vid uppgradering av pump. Arbetet visar att det finns stor potential att minska energikonsumtion vid blekning av pappersmassa, detta gäller speciellt för de befintliga MC-pumparna som är kraftigt överdimensionerade och regleras med strypventil. De gamla kemikaliemixrarna använder stora mängder energi för att mixa in ClO2, nya mixrar använder mindre än hälften av energin och ger överskådliga återbetalningstider.

Breeding of advanced generation of Eucalyptus macarthurii-growth parameters and development of a near infrared (NIR) calibration model to predict whole tree pulp yield using non destructive cores.

Ndlovu, Zama Thandekile Laureen. January 2008 (has links)
Eucalyptus macarthurii is one of the cold tolerant eucalypt species grown in South Africa for pulp and paper. However, little research has been done on this species’ growth performance. A study was therefore initiated to: i) analyse growth characteristics of Eucalyptus macarthurii at two sites and to calculate genetic parameters (genetic and phenotypic correlations, heritabilities and genetic gains), ii) develop a non-destructive near infrared calibration model to predict whole tree pulp yield of Eucalyptus macarthurii, and iii) screen a second generation Eucalyptus macarthurii breeding population, using the developed near infrared calibration model on core samples, to predict screened pulp yield and to rank and identify families with superior pulping properties. Eucalyptus macarthurii population growth data (diameter under bark, diameter over bark, bark thickness, bark stripping, height, basic wood density and stem form) were measured at Pinewoods and Vlakkloof sites and their respective genetic parameters calculated. Genotype by environment interaction was found in this population, indicating that different populations should perhaps be developed independently of each other for the two sites. Genetic and phenotypic correlations between diameter over bark and diameter under bark were, 0.96 and 0.98 for Pinewoods and 0.98 and 0.99 for Vlakkloof, respectively. These correlations indicated that selection of diameter over bark would lead to a positive indirect selection for diameter under bark. The heritability estimates also ranged from 0.03 to 0.23 at both sites, which indicated a reasonable response to selection. The predicted gains for all traits found at Pinewoods were higher than those at Vlakkloof for progeny trials E76/P1, except height for progeny trial E76/P2, which was 2.09m at Pinewoods site and 3.52m at Vlakkloof site which showed that, selection for taller trees will be more effective at Vlakkloof site. A preliminary study was undertaken from eleven second generation trees (2007 tree collection) to investigate if the radial strip core taken at breast height predicts the whole tree wood properties. Correlations found between laboratory Kraft pulping of whole tree wood discs and whole tree NIR spectra with that of the radial strip core NIR spectra were 0.9472 and 0.9506, respectively. These results confirmed that NIR spectra of the radial strip core at breast height predict the whole tree wood properties. A non-destructive near infrared calibration model using wood samples was obtained from Eucalyptus macarthurii felled trees. The wood samples were chipped into wood chips, pulped using Kraft pulping (reference method) and a sub-sample of wood chips of the same trees were ground into sawdust samples and analysed through near infrared spectroscopy for screened pulp yield. The screened pulp yield values obtained from both processes had a narrow screened pulp yield range of 40 to 48%. The Eucalyptus macarthurii screened pulp yield values obtained from both processes, as well as from values obtained from other eucalypt species, were subjected to Vision® Software for calibration and validation of the near infrared calibration model. The results indicated a strong calibration correlation coefficient of 94%, between Kraft pulping and near infrared spectroscopy with a validation coefficient of 89%. The strong correlation and validation coefficient indicated that a reliable non-destructive near infrared model to predict screened pulp yield was successfully developed. The successful development of the valid calibration model required a wider range of other eucalypts species, which improved the development of the model. The developed calibration model was applied to the second generation breeding population planted in KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga provinces, using wood core samples obtained from standing trees for the prediction of screened pulp yield. The highest screened pulp yield achieved was 48%, which compared well to that found for Kraft pulping, which confirmed the success of the development of the calibration model. There was a wide scope of growth variation found amongst traits, which will be useful in selecting superior trees for the next generation. The development of the nondestructive near infrared calibration model was a success due to the strong correlation coefficients found between the screened pulp yields obtained from Kraft pulping and near infrared spectroscopy processes, which was achieved by the inclusion of other eucalypt species in the dataset. The calibration model can be used to select the top performing individual and family trees for the next generation based on screened pulp yield. Tree improvement trials can now be conserved for further breeding, without felling the trees for determination of pulping properties. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008.

Characterization of Dental Pulp Stem Cells from Impacted Third Molars Cultured in Low Serum-Containing Medium

Karbanová, Jana, Soukup, Tomáš, Suchánek, Jakub, Pytlík, Robert, Corbeil, Denis, Mokrý, Jaroslav 04 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
We isolated and expanded stem cells from dental pulp from extracted third molars using an innovative culture method consisting of low serum-containing medium supplemented with epidermal growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor BB. We evaluated the differentiation potential of these cells when they were growing either adherently or as micromass/spheroid cultures in various media. Undifferentiated and differentiated cells were analyzed by flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry and immunoblotting. The flow cytometry results showed that the dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) were positive for mesenchymal stromal cell markers, but negative for hematopoietic markers. Immunocytochemical and/or immunoblotting analyses revealed the expression of numerous stem cell markers, including nanog, Sox2, nestin, Musashi-1 and nucleostemin, whereas they were negative for markers associated with differentiated neural, vascular and hepatic cells. Surprisingly, the cells were only slightly positive for α-smooth muscle actin, and a heterogeneous expression of CD146 was observed. When cultured in osteogenic media, they expressed osteonectin, osteopontin and procollagen I, and in micromass cultures, they produced collagen I. DPSCs cultured in TGF-β1/3-supplemented media produced extracellular matrix typical of cartilaginous tissue. The addition of vascular endothelial growth factor to serum-free media resulted in the expression of endothelial markers. Interestingly, when cultured in neurogenic media, DPSCs exhibited de novo or upregulated markers of undifferentiated and differentiated neural cells. Collectively, our data show that DPSCs are self-renewing and able to express markers of bone, cartilage, vascular and neural tissues, suggesting their multipotential capacity. Their easy accessibility makes these cells a suitable source of somatic stem cells for tissue engineering. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Laccase in organic synthesis and its applications

Witayakran, Suteera 27 October 2008 (has links)
Laccase (benzenediol:oxygen oxidoreductase, EC, a multi-copper-containing oxidoreductase enzyme, is able to catalyze the oxidation of various low-molecular weight compounds, specifically, phenols and anilines. Due to their high stability, selectivity for phenolic substructures, and mild reaction conditions, laccases are attractive for fine chemical synthesis. In this study, new green domino syntheses were developed by conducting the reaction in an aqueous medium, an environmentally-friendly solvent, and using laccase as a biocatalyst. The first study presents a work on the synthesis of naphthoquinones in the aqueous medium. Herein, laccase was used to oxidize o- and p-benzenediols to generate o- and p-benzoquinones in situ. These quinones then underwent Diels-Alder and oxidation reactions to finally generate napthoquinone products. This reaction system can yield naphthoquinones in up to 80% yield. The next part of this thesis reports the cascade synthesis of benzofuran derivatives from the reaction of catechols and 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds via oxidation-Michael addition in the presence of laccase and Sc(OTf)3/SDS in an aqueous medium. Depending on the substrates, one-pot yields of benzofurans averaged 50-79%. From an environmental concern, this system still produced a hazardous waste from the transition metal catalyst. Therefore, the development of alternative methodologies to replace the lanthanide metal catalyst in this synthesis is a high priority to enhance the overall green chemistry aspect. As a consequence, lipase was used as a catalyst to replace Sc(OTf)3 for the synthesis of benzofuran derivatives. In addition, this catalytic system was also used to catalyze the reaction of anilines and catechol. In the last part of this thesis, laccase was applied to the modification of high-lignin softwood kraft pulp. This modification demonstrates the potential of laccase-facilitated grafting of amino acids to high lignin content pulps to improve their physical properties in paper products which resulted from the increase of carboxylic acid group of the fibers. In this study, a variety of amino acids were examined. Laccase-histidine treatment provided the best yield of acid groups on pulp fiber and was used in the preparation of handsheets for physical strength testing. Laccase-histidine-treated pulp showed an increase in the strength properties of the resulting paper.

Maintenance management of complex industrial systems : a methodology for renewal strategies

Wärja, Mathias January 2005 (has links)
For complex technical systems in the electricity and pulp and paper industries, maintenance management addresses how to exploit physical assets in the most profitably way. This is a difficult task that requires taking into consideration parameters of totally different natures – e.g. reliability data, operating costs, condition of technical systems, the environment and rules and regulation. An incorrect estimate of a residual lifetime can result in a premature renewal with accompanying high capital costs. If, however, renewal is delayed, a breakdown may occur which can cause major damage to technical equipment and a loss of income due to outages. Because of the complexity of many technical systems, it can be hard to select adequate data to use when making decisions about renewal strategies. To cope with this, one approach is to use less detailed models that are operated by skilled analysts. This work demonstrates the advantage of such an approach by proposing two methods applied in a joint methodology that has its origins in RCM. The methodology consists of Dynamic Lifetime Model (DLA) and the Condition Based Index (CBI). The DLA method copes with the financial risk associated with the point in time for when a renewal is carried out and the CBI method uses critical parameters to estimate the condition of a technical system. The two methods together create a quantitative connection between reliability, maintenance and financial risk. A case study based validation of the methodology was carried out at SCA Ortvikens paper mill on a refiner system and Forsmark nuclear power plant. Lessons learned from the case study showed that the methodology could be used to identify which components could cause costly breakdown. By using the methodology a manager gets a decision support tool for estimating short-term and long-term consequences of decisions regarding maintenance management in order to maximize utility of the system concerned / QC 20111216

Cellulose-fiber-based thermal insulation materials with fungal resistance, improved water resistance and reaction-to-fire properties

Zheng, Chao January 2017 (has links)
Thermal insulation materials made from natural fibrous materials, such as cellulose fibers, have advantages over others from a sustainability point of view. However, cellulosic materials are generally prone to mold and absorb moisture, and these have negative effects on the insulation properties, the durability of insulation materials, and interior air quality. In this thesis, cellulose-fiber-based insulation foams were prepared from bleached chemithermomechanical softwood pulp, and these foams showed promising thermal insulation properties and fungal resistance. Hydrophobic extractives were isolated from birch (Betula verrucosa) outer bark and used to improve the water resistance of the foams, which were impregnated in solutions of extractives and then dried. The modified foams showed greater water resistance, and the modification had no negative effects on the thermal insulation, fungal resistance, and compressive strength of the foams. Another potential problem with low density cellulosic thermal insulation materials is their poor reaction-to-fire properties. Cellulose-fiber-based insulation foams were prepared from formulations containing bleached chemithermomechanical softwood pulp and commercial fire retardants to improve the reaction of the foams to fire. Single-flame source test results showed that the foams containing 20% expandable graphite (20% EG) or 25% synergetic (25% SY) fire retardant had significantly improved reaction-to-fire properties and passed class E, which reflected that they can resist a small flame attack without substantial flame spreading for a short period according to EN 13501-1. Compared with the reference without any fire retardant, the peak heat release rate (Peak-HRR) of the 20% EG and 25% SY decreased by 62% and 39% respectively when the samples were subjected to a radiance heat flow of 25 kW m-2 in a Cone Calorimeter. The thesis demonstrates that it is possible to produce cellulose-fiber-based insulation materials with improved properties in terms of fungal, improved water resistance and reaction-to-fire properties. / <p>QC 20170428</p> / Energy-efficient cellulosic insulation products/panels for green building solutions

Stand and wood properties of boreal Norway spruce growing under birch shelter /

Bergqvist, Göran, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

From wood to waste and waste to wood : aspects on recycling waste products from the pulp mill to the forest soil /

Rothpfeffer, Caroline, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

A model combining fluorescent microscopy and culture inhibition to evaluate bacterial activity of calcium hydroxide medicaments

Connor, Catherine Erwin. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--West Virginia University, 2000. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains vii, 82 p. : ill. (some col.). Vita. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 47-52).

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