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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nätvänner : En studie om förekomsten av meningsskapande sociala relationer på nätet och hur de kan förändra relationsmönster

Johansson, Eva January 2006 (has links)
<p>Internet har gett människan helt nya möjligheter och former för att kommunicera. I början var nätet mer ett entydigt redskap, idag talar vi om virtuella gemenskaper och nätkulturer, sociala rum som inte finns fysiskt utan bara i själva kontakten människor emellan.</p><p>Denna studie undersöker om betydelsefulla och hållbara sociala relationer kan uppstå och utvecklas på nätet, utifrån en teori om att detta är möjligt, och om dessa nätrelationer leder till en förskjutning i nätanvändarens sociala umgänge. Studien bygger på en enkät som gjorts på nätet hösten 2005, besvarad av 208 respondenter i ett självselektivt urval. Enkäten är huvudsakligen kvalitativ, då det är de berättande svaren på de öppna frågorna som till största delen utgör empiri i denna studie. Resultatet är inte representativt för nätanvändare i stort utan enbart som exempel på hur nätanvändare kan använda nätet för social relationsreproduktion. Studiens syfte är ge en förståelse om fenomenet nätvänner, såväl som att ge uppslag till kommande forskning på området nätrelationer.</p><p>Resultatet visar att betydelsefulla och hållbara sociala relationer kan uppstå och utvecklas på nätet, trots brist på fysiska möten. Nätvänner kan upplevas som mycket betydelsefulla, ge starkt socialt stöd och vara en väg ut ur social isolering för dem som befinner sig i svåra livssituationer. Nätvänner kan också ses som en resurs för praktisk hjälp i vardagslivet. Svaren visar att tiden för umgänge med nätvänner främst tas från fritidsaktiviteter, men även till viss del från tidigare umgänge med familj och vänner. Ungefär en tredjedel av respondenterna har idag mer umgänge med nätvänner än med övriga vänner, jämfört med för tio år sedan. En slutsats i denna studie är att nätet har blivit ett viktigt verktyg för social interaktion.</p> / <p>Net surfers make friends online. This study, by Eva Johansson, shows that the net users who use the net for relational purpose can form meaningful and sustainable social relations with other net users whom they have never met in real life (IRL), and may never meet face to face. 208 net users have answered a survey about social relations on the net. The purpose of this study is to find out if meaningful social relations can develop on the net; and function as a feasibility study for future research in this sphere. Using the net for relational purposes is becoming a growing trend. The answers in this mainly qualitative study gives a hint of what social relations, formed and developed on the net, may mean for the individual. It can mean everything from practical help and finding those with similar interests, to strong social support in difficult life situations. A majority of the respondents are women and many of them are middle aged. They have a considerable skill and experience as net users, and do use the net for their own purposes. About a third of the respondents spend more social time with net friends than IRL-friends today, compared to ten years ago. The time used for social interaction on the net is mainly taken from leisure time but also from time spent with family members and with friends face to face.</p>

SHAP-Secure Hardware Agent Platform

Zabel, Martin, Preußer, Thomas B., Reichel, Peter, Spallek, Rainer G. 11 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This paper presents a novel implementation of an embedded Java microarchitecture for secure, realtime, and multi-threaded applications. Together with the support of modern features of object-oriented languages, such as exception handling, automatic garbage collection and interface types, a general-purpose platform is established which also fits for the agent concept. Especially, considering real-time issues, new techniques have been implemented in our Java microarchitecture, such as an integrated stack and thread management for fast context switching, concurrent garbage collection for real-time threads and autonomous control flows through preemptive round-robin scheduling.

Algorithm/architecture codesign of low power and high performance linear algebra compute fabrics

Pedram, Ardavan 27 September 2013 (has links)
In the past, we could rely on technology scaling and new micro-architectural techniques to improve the performance of processors. Nowadays, both of these methods are reaching their limits. The primary concern in future architectures with billions of transistors on a chip and limited power budgets is power/energy efficiency. Full-custom design of application-specific cores can yield up to two orders of magnitude better power efficiency over conventional general-purpose cores. However, a tremendous design effort is required in integrating a new accelerator for each new application. In this dissertation, we present the design of specialized compute fabrics that maintain the efficiency of full custom hardware while providing enough flexibility to execute a whole class of coarse-grain operations. The broad vision is to develop integrated and specialized hardware/software solutions that are co-optimized and co-designed across all layers ranging from the basic hardware foundations all the way to the application programming support through standard linear algebra libraries. We try to address these issues specifically in the context of dense linear algebra applications. In the process, we pursue the main questions that architects will face while designing such accelerators. How broad is this class of applications that the accelerator can support? What are the limiting factors that prevent utilization of these accelerators on the chip? What is the maximum achievable performance/efficiency? Answering these questions requires expertise and careful codesign of the algorithms and the architecture to select the best possible components, datapaths, and data movement patterns resulting in a more efficient hardware-software codesign. In some cases, codesign reduces complexities that are imposed on the algorithm side due to the initial limitations in the architectures. We design a specialized Linear Algebra Processor (LAP) architecture and discuss the details of mapping of matrix-matrix multiplication onto it. We further verify the flexibility of our design for computing a broad class of linear algebra kernels. We conclude that this architecture can perform a broad range of matrix-matrix operations as complex as matrix factorizations, and even Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs), while maintaining its ASIC level efficiency. We present a power-performance model that compares state-of-the-art CPUs and GPUs with our design. Our power-performance model reveals sources of inefficiencies in CPUs and GPUs. We demonstrate how to overcome such inefficiencies in the process of designing our LAP. As we progress through this dissertation, we introduce modifications of the original matrix-matrix multiplication engine to facilitate the mapping of more complex operations. We observe the resulting performance and efficiencies on the modified engine using our power estimation methodology. When compared to other conventional architectures for linear algebra applications and FFT, our LAP is over an order of magnitude better in terms of power efficiency. Based on our estimations, up to 55 and 25 GFLOPS/W single- and double-precision efficiencies are achievable on a single chip in standard 45nm technology. / text

Investigation into the wafer-scale integration of fine-grain parallel processing computer systems

Jones, Simon Richard January 1986 (has links)
This thesis investigates the potential of wafer-scale integration (WSI) for the implementation of low-cost fine-grain parallel processing computer systems. As WSI is a relatively new subject, there was little work on which to base investigations. Indeed, most WSI architectures existed only as untried and sometimes vague proposals. Accordingly, the research strategy approached this problem by identifying a representative WSI structure and architecture on which to base investigations. An analysis of architectural proposals identified associative memory to be general purpose parallel processing component used in a wide range of WSI architectures. Furthermore, this analysis provided a set of WSI-level design requirements to evaluate the sustainability of different architectures as research vehicles. The WSI-ASP (WASP) device, which has a large associative memory as its main component is shown to meet these requirements and hence was chosen as the research vehicle. Consequently, this thesis addresses WSI potential through an in-depth investigation into the feasibility of implementing a large associative memory for the WASP device that meets the demanding technological constraints of WSI. Overall, the thesis concludes that WSI offers significant potential for the implementation of low-cost fine-grain parallel processing computer systems. However, due to the dual constraints of thermal management and the area required for the power distribution network, power density is a major design constraint in WSI. Indeed, it is shown that WSI power densities need to be an order of magnitude lower than VLSI power densities. The thesis demonstrates that for associative memories at least, VLSI designs are unsuited to implementation in WSI. Rather, it is shown that WSI circuits must be closely matched to the operational environment to assure suitable power densities. These circuits are significantly larger than their VLSI equivalents. Nonetheless, the thesis demonstrates that by concentrating on the most power intensive circuits, it is possible to achieve acceptable power densities with only a modest increase in area overheads.

La détermination de la peine dans les cas de filicide

Lemire Moreau, Jessy 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of our study is to understand the process of sentencing in cases of filicide from an analysis of criminal and legal criteria on which judges base themselves as well as from an analysis of penal functions aimed by the sentences issued for this type of homicide. The sample studied in this paper consists of fourteen sentencing judgments rendered by the judges at the sentencing. These judgments were all issued in Quebec between 1996 and 2008 inclusive. It is clear from our analysis that the guilty plea recorded by the accused, the lawyers' sentence suggestions, the method of filicide, repetition of misconduct or not in the parent, the number of victims, the age of the accused, the presence or absence of criminal history of the accused as well as the professional occupation of the latter may influence judges' decision concerning the sentence. These elements, however, do not necessarily carry the iv same weight in the process of sentencing from one judge to another. Nevertheless, we observe that the discretionary power the judges have does not seem to be used in a biased or inadequate manner. In fact, every sentence is clearly justified according to reasonable arguments and none is far from other sentences that have made jurisprudence. / L'objet de notre étude consiste à comprendre le processus de détermination de la peine dans les cas de filicide à partir d’une analyse des critères légaux et pénaux sur lesquels les juges se basent ainsi qu’à partir d’une analyse des fonctions pénales visées par les sentences émises pour ce type d’homicide. L'échantillon étudié dans ce mémoire est formé de quatorze jugements sur sentence rendus par les juges lors du prononcé de la peine. Ces jugements ont tous été émis au Québec entre 1996 et 2008 inclusivement. Il ressort de notre analyse que le plaidoyer de culpabilité enregistré par l'accusé, les suggestions de peine des avocats, la méthode d'exécution du filicide, la répétition ou non du comportement fautif chez le parent, le nombre de victimes, l'âge de l'accusé, la présence ou non d'antécédents criminels chez l'accusé ainsi que l'occupation professionnelle de celui-ci peuvent influencer le choix des juges quant à la sentence. Toutefois, d'un juge à l'autre, ces éléments n'ont pas le même poids dans le processus de détermination de la peine. Néanmoins, nous observons que ce pouvoir discrétionnaire dont les juges disposent ne semble pas utilisé d'une manière partiale, voire inadéquate. En effet, chaque sentence est justifiée selon des arguments fondés et aucune d'entre elle ne s'éloigne des sentences ayant fait jurisprudence.

Vergleichende Analyse des DaF-Unterrichts an Sprachschulen Deutschlands und Litauens in den Jahren 2000-2005 / Comparative analysis of lessons of German language as foreign language in Germany and Lithuania 2000-2005

Narkevičiūtė, Evelina 31 May 2006 (has links)
Learning of foreign languages becomes more and more important in our days. German language is second popular language, after English in Lithuanian language learning schools, that is why the theme Comparative analysis of lessons of German language as foreign language in Germany and Lithuania 2000-2005 is actual. The purpose of this work is to show differences and similianties, that egzisted in 2000-2005 and still egzists till now, teaching German language in language learning schools in Germany and Lithuania.

Teisinio švietimo prielaidos šiuolaikinėje žiniasklaidoje / Assumption of Legal Education in Modern Media

Bliūmaitė, Vaida 18 February 2011 (has links)
Darbo tema: Teisinio švietimo prielaidos šiuolaikinėje žiniasklaidoje. Teisinis švietimas aktuali šių diena problema. Kuriami įvairūs projektai, kurie leistų kelti visuomenės teisinių žinių lygį. Ypač didelis dėmesys skiriamas teisiniam švietimui mokymosi įstaigose. Tačiau iškyla klausimas, kaip teisinio švietimo informaciją perduoti asmenims, kurie jau yra tokio amžiaus, kai jų gyvenime ugdymo institucijoms vietos nebėra. Jie dirbantys, auginantys šeimas ir nelinkę domėtis švietimu. Viena iš tokių teisinio švietimo informacijos perteikimo priemonių yra šiuolaikinė žiniasklaida. Darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti teisinio švietimo galimybes panaudojant šiuolaikinės žiniasklaidos formą – socialinę reklamą, įvertinant pritaikymo aspektą. Šiam tikslui pasiekti išsikelti uždaviniai: aptarti teisinio švietimo sampratą; atskleisti šiuolaikinės žiniasklaidos socialinį funkcionalumą; sukurti tyrimo metodiką, padėsiančią nustatyti teisinio švietimo galimybes per socialines reklamas; išsiaiškinti teisinio švietimo informacijos teikiamos socialinėse reklamos pritaikymą praktikoje. Teorinėje dalyje analizuojamos teisės ir švietimo sąvokos. Aiškinant, kad teisė, tai visiems visuomenėms nariams taikomos elgesio taisyklės, o švietimas – procesas, kurio pagalba visuomenė lavina savo gebėjimus ir gilina žinias. Teisė ir švietimas susieti, remiantis tuo, kad abu būtini visuomenei tinkamai funkcionuot, sujungus šiuos du procesus, visuomenei suteikiam žinių, kurias jie gali pritaikyti praktiniame... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Thesis: The assumption of legal education in modern media. Legal education is an actual problem nowadays. Various projects which could enlarge the legal knowledge of the society are established and especially at schools. But it is still a question, in which way it is possible to represent this kind of information to that part of society, which is older and is out of the process of education. This element is often working people, taking care of their families and not tends to be interested in education. One of ways to introduce this group with newest information is media. The purpose of this paper is to ascertain possibilities of legal education through one of modern media types – social advertising. To achieve this objective, following tasks are dispensed: discussing the conception of legal education; revealing the social functionality of modern media; creating methodology of research, which helps to identify possibilities of legal education through social advertising; finding out the practical appliance of the information of legal education obtained from social advertisements. In the abstract part concepts of law and education are being analysed. Explanation given, that law is the set of rules of behaviour, common to all the members of society, and education is a process, in which society develops its abilities and exacerbates knowledge. Law and education are related, with reference to the fact, that both are essential for the proper functioning of society. While... [to full text]

Link prediction and link detection in sequences of large social networks using temporal and local metrics

Cooke, Richard J. E. 01 November 2006 (has links)
This dissertation builds upon the ideas introduced by Liben-Nowell and Kleinberg in The Link Prediction Problem for Social Networks [42]. Link prediction is the problem of predicting between which unconnected nodes in a graph a link will form next, based on the current structure of the graph. The following research contributions are made: • Highlighting the difference between the link prediction and link detection problems, which have been implicitly regarded as identical in current research. Despite hidden links and forming links having very highly significant differing metric values, they could not be distinguished from each other by a machine learning system using traditional metrics in an initial experiment. However, they could be distinguished from each other in a "simple" network (one where traditional metrics can be used for prediction successfully) using a combination of new graph analysis approaches. • Defining temporal metric statistics by combining traditional statistical measures with measures commonly employed in financial analysis and traditional social network analysis. These metrics are calculated over time for a sequence of sociograms. It is shown that some of the temporal extensions of traditional metrics increase the accuracy of link prediction. • Defining traditional metrics using different radii to those at which they are normally calculated. It is shown that this approach can increase the individual prediction accuracy of certain metrics, marginally increase the accuracy of a group of metrics, and greatly increase metric computation speed without sacrificing information content by computing metrics using smaller radii. It also solves the “distance-three task” (that common neighbour metrics cannot predict links between nodes at a distance greater than three). • Showing that the combination of local and temporal approaches to link prediction can lead to very high prediction accuracies. Furthermore in “complex” networks (ones where traditional metrics cannot be used for prediction successfully) local and temporal metrics become even more useful.

FPGA prototyping of custom GPGPUs

Nigania, Nimit 08 January 2014 (has links)
Prototyping new systems on hardware is a time-consuming task with limited scope for architectural exploration. The aim of this work was to perform fast prototyping of general-purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs) on field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) using a novel tool chain. This hardware flow combined with the higher level simulation flow using the same source code allowed us to create a whole tool chain to study and build future architectures using new technologies. It also gave us enough flexibility at different granularities to make architectural decisions. We will also discuss some example systems that were built using this tool chain along with some results.

Capturing Information and Communication Technologies as a General Purpose Technology

Le hir, Boris 20 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to study Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as a General Purpose Technology (GPT) and their role in the labor productivity evolution in the United States and Europe during recent decades. This thesis is organized in three parts corresponding to the fundamental GPT features: the wide possibilities for development, the ubiquity of the technology and the ability to create large technological opportunities. The first part depicts, at first, the innovation in ICT, beginning with a short historical review of ICT inventions followed by the analysis of current data on innovation in this field. In particular, it shows how the US was better than the European countries in inventing ICT until now. Second, this first part makes an inventory of measurement difficulties due to the rate and the nature of the change created by such technologies. The second part of the thesis deals with the ubiquitous nature of ICT. It first describes the ICT diffusion across countries and industries and reviews the economic literature on the direct contribution of ICT on labor productivity growth in the US and Europe. The next chapter studies the factor demand's behaviour in sectors that are either ICT producers or ICT intensive users. The third part focuses on the ICT ability to create opportunities for complementarity innovations. Firstly, it identifies the nature of ICT complementary innovations and the corresponding efforts. It shows, then, that national accounts must be improved in order to take these efforts into account as investments. Secondly, this part shows that, among the eleven European countries studied, the problem is highly concentrated in a few countries that invest less both in ICT and in innovative assets and that these two types of effort are complementary.

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