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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Testing the interclausal relations hierarchy : modal and aspectual constructions in Sardinian

Casti, Francesco January 2013 (has links)
This thesis tests the Interclausal Relations Hierarchy (VV: 209) vis-à-vis first hand data on eight complex verbal constructions of Sardinian, namely: 1. Campidanese ai / Logudorese-Nuorese àere a + infinitive, lit. 'to have to' + infinitive (hereafter also inf.), expressing future time reference; 2. Campidanese dèppi(ri) / Logudorese-Nuorese dèppere/dèvere + inf., lit. 'must' + inf., expressing both deontic modality and future time reference; 3. Campidanese fai / Logudorese-Nuorese fàghere a + inf., lit. 'to do to' + inf., in the sense of 'to be possible/allowed to do something'; 4. Campidanese fai / Logudorese-Nuorese fàghere + inf., lit. 'to do to' + inf., meaning 'make someone do'; 5. Campidanese lassai / Logudorese-Nuorese lassare/ (dassare) + inf. meaning 'let someone do'; 6. Campidanese torrai a, (po) / Logudorese-Nuorese torrare a + inf., lit. 'to return to', meaning both 'go back to + inf.' and 'do something again‟; 7. Campidanese andai / Logudorese-Nuorese andare a + inf., meaning 'to go to'; 8. Campidanese (am)megai / Logudorese-Nuorese (am)megai de/a + inf., lit. originally meaning perhaps 'pretend' or 'threaten' or 'have an aim', but nowadays meaning 'to be doing', 'to have the intention to'. The hierarchy ranks complex verbal constructions from the most cohesive to the least cohesive, both syntactically and from a semantic point of view. There is a a meaningful prediction of the hierarchy, i.e., the tightest syntactic linkage realizing a particular semantic relation should be tighter than the tightest syntactic linkage realizing looser semantic relations (VVLP: 483). Almost all the constructions respect this prediction, with the exception of megai de + infinitive. In this case it is possible that its syntax crystallised whilst its semantics developed further. In addition, our data display diatopic, i.e., geolinguistic variation. We use Virdis' (1988: 805) phonetic map to analyse our morphosyntactic data. We obtain a number of maps which show that morphosyntactic phenomena are in general more widespread than phonetic isoglosses, that is, they are common to the three main varieties of Sardinian: Campidanese, Logudorese and Nuorese.

Self-Knowledge and Self-Referential Processing in Memory Disorders: Implications for Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

Marquine, Maria January 2008 (has links)
Damage to the brain can affect the core of the individual, i.e. the self. Results from a small number of studies with amnesic individuals indicate that patients' ability to show preserved knowledge of self may vary. The present study explored self-knowledge in patients with memory impairment as a result of confabulation, mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease and acquired brain damage. We found that different memory disorders differentially affected patients' self-knowledge. At least some patients showed a preserved sense of self, and were able to acquire information about another person that they had met postmorbidly. Frontal function and stability of cognitive impairments over time appear to be two variables important in determining whether patients can have a consistent and updated sense of self. We also explored the extent to which self-referential and other-referential processing might enhance memory in individuals with memory-impairment. The self-reference effect (SRE) and other-reference effect (ORE) have been consistently found in normal adults. Results indicated that patients showed a normal SRE and ORE. The SRE and ORE appeared to be at least partly dependent on degree of knowledge of the person being referenced, and were also related to general memory and frontal function. Only the SRE, however, was also related to patients' ability to improve memory as a result of emotional processing. These findings may have important implications for caregivers and healthcare professionals working with memory-impaired patients, and may pave the way to novel memory rehabilitation methods.

Byte från lokalt referenssystem till SWEREF 99 : fallstudie Gävle

Edvardson, Kristoffer, Karlsson, Martin January 2007 (has links)
Den 1 februari 2007 bytte Lantmäteriet referenssystem till SWEREF 99. Anledningen till att kommuner, myndigheter och andra användare också bör byta till SWEREF 99 är att ett gemensamt referenssystem ger ett flertal fördelar, bland annat kommer informationsutbyte att underlättas inom Sverige och användare av GNSS mottagare (Global Navigation Satellite System) kommer inte att behöva bekymra sig över olika koordinatsystem. Syftet med denna C-uppsats på 10 poäng är att underlätta för kommuner och organisationer som skall byta referenssystem. En handledning för hur kommuner skall lägga upp arbetet med referenssystembytet samt vad kommunen bör ta hänsyn till under inmätningar av kompletteringspunkter som ligger till grund för kommunens transformation presenteras. Geografisk bunden information finns på ett stort antal förvaltningar och bolag inom kommuner och för att inte missa någon organisation vid ett referenssystembyte har vi gjort en undersökning av vilken data som bör transformeras. Kontroll av två transformationsfunktioner som finns i ArcMap jämförs med en transformation i programmet GTRANS och inmätta koordinater med GNSS teknik för att undersöka avvikelserna vid ett framtida byte av referenssystem. För att räta upp kommunens nuvarande referenssystem görs inmätningar med GNSS teknik. Detta för att punktkoordinater ska fås i såväl SWEREF 99 som frånsystemet. Dessa punkter skall hålla en hög noggrannhet i det kommunala nätet. Resultatet från transformationerna i ArcMap och i GTRANS minimerar de spänningar och deformationer som kan finnas i det kommunala stomnätet. Antalet kända punkter i transformationssambandet är fler i ArcMap än i GTRANS och vid en jämförelse inom ett mindre område visar ArcMaps två metoder det bästa resultatet. / On February 1st 2007 the National land survey of Sweden changed reference system to the Swedish realisation of European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 (ETRS 89), SWEREF 99. The reason why municipalities, authorities and other users should use SWEREF 99 instead of other reference systems is because the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The change of reference system should be implemented in order to facilitate the exchange of information inside Sweden and so that the users of GNSS receivers (Global Navigation Satellite System) can refer to the municipality coordinate system easier. The aim with this 10 point thesis, on C-level, is to suggest solutions for municipalities and organizations that are changing reference system. The study results in a supervision for municipalities’ work procedures at a change of reference system, and show what they should consider during measuring of complement points to underlie their transformation. Geographic information is accessible in a large number of administrations and companies in the municipality. To avoid missing any organization at a change of reference system, an investigation of which data should be transformed has been made. A surveillance of two transformation functions in ArcMap and one in GTRANS are compared with GNSS technique measured coordinates for comparison divergence between the transformations in a future change of reference system. Measurements with GNSS technique are made to improve the present reference system in the municipality. The measurements are made because coordinates shall be present in SWEREF 99 as well as the from-system. These points shall keep a high accuracy with respect to equipment, method of measuring etc. The result from the transformations in ArcMap and GTRANS minimize the tensions and deformations in the municipal horizontal geodetic control network in different ways in relation to the coordinates. The numbers of known points in relationship for transformations are larger in ArcMap than GTRANS, a comparison in a small area in central Gävle shows that ArcMaps results are better than GTRANS.

Archivists’ outlook on service to genealogists in selected Canadian provincial archives

Edwards, Rhianna Helen 05 1900 (has links)
A long-standing antipathy towards genealogists on the part of archivists is suggested by a study of the archival literature. However, there is evidence in the literature of the past decade to indicate that many archivists are reassessing their position vis a vis genealogists. There appears to be several causes. Social historians and other professionals also acknowledge that genealogical endeavours are helpful to their own purposes. Genealogists themselves recognize that their qualifications and standards must be improved in order for them to command respect. Archivists now recognize the lobbying power that can be exercised by this large user constituency. The literature suggests that all these influences are leading archivists to accept the principle that genealogy and genealogists should receive service and respect that is equal to that afforded academic and other researchers. Interviews with seven archivists at three Canadian provincial archives were conducted. They suggest that different archivists hold different attitudes towards genealogists. One interviewee was clearly antipathetic, but three were impartial and three were frustrated and discouraged, not with genealogists per se, but with the problems inherent in putting the principle of equality into practice. Regardless of the attitude held, each interviewee believed that an improvement in methods of accommodating genealogists would not only aid the genealogist, but would also provide some relief from the pressures of serving this large and varied user constituency. But does such accommodation through adjustments in the functions of appraisal and acquisition, arrangement and description, reference and access, and public programming undermine archival theory? In general, it was found that sound appraisal practices are compromised by an approach driven by the needs of the user; however, genealogical research required no adjustment of arrangement and description practices following the principles of provenance and original order. It was also found that the functions of reference and access, and public programming could meet the needs and approaches of genealogists without jeopardizing the physical and intellectual aspects of the records.

Trends in the use of statins in Lithuania on 2005 – 2007 years / Statinų suvartojimo tendencijų analizė Lietuvoje 2005 – 2007 metais

Paulauskaitė, Inga 16 June 2008 (has links)
Objective: To compare statins according to the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics within the drug class and to perform the comprehensive analysis of statins consumption in Lithuania between 2005 and 2007 years. Methods: MEDLINE database was searched to identify and evaluate all literature relating to pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic chareacteristics of statins. The statins sales data on units and wholesale prices in all Lithuanian regions over three years (2005 – 2007) were obtained from SoftDent, JSC database. Drugs were classified according to the Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical system and use was quantified in terms of defined daily doses. The consumption of statins was calculated by DDD methodology and expressed as DDD per 1.000 inhabitants per day. Expenditures were calculated using retail drug costs noted in basic price catalogue for reimbursement medicines, for each year separately. Pharmacoeconomic calculations were done according to cost minimization and reference price methodologies. Results: According to meta-analysis, Nice (2006 years) recommendations and clinical trials data statins are therapeutically equivalent medicines. The total consumption of these drugs increased from 3.9 DDD/1000 inhabitants/day in 2005 and reached the value 8.4 DDD/1000 inhabitants/day in 2007 in Lithuania, so the total consumption of statins increased by 53.6% over three years (2005 – 2007) period. Comparing with statins consumption in other countries, this meaning... [to full text] / Tikslai: Šio darbo tikslas yra palyginti statinus tarpusavyje pagal farmakokinetines ir farmakodinamines savybes bei atlikti statinų suvartojimo Lietuvoje analizę 2005 – 2007 metais. Metodai: Duomenys apie statinų farmakokinetines ir farmakodinamines savybes buvo surinkti iš MEDLINE elektroninių duomenų šaltinių. Duomenys apie statinų pardavimus vienetais ir didmeninėmis kainomis Lietuvoje per 2005 – 2007 metus gauti iš UAB SoftDent duomenų bazės. Vaistai buvo suklasifikuoti pagal anatominę terapinę cheminę (ATC) klasifikaciją. Statinų suvartojimas buvo vertinamas pagal apibrėžtos dienos dozės (DDD – daily defined dose) metodiką, o duomenys įvertinti pagal DDD skaičių, tenkantį 1000 gyventojų per vieną dieną. Išlaidos statinams buvo suskaičiuotos mažmeninėmis kainomis, remiantis kiekvienų metų kompensuojamųjų vaistų bazinių kainų kainynu. Statinų farmakoekonominei analizei atlikti buvo taikytas kainų mažinimo bei referentinės kainos nustatymo principas. Rezultatai: Remiantis metaanalizių, Nice (2006 metų) rekomendacijų ir klinikinių tyrimų duomenimis galima teigti, kad statinai prilygsta vienas kitam klinikiniu poveikiu. Bendras statinų suvartojimas padidėjo nuo 3,9 DDD/tūkstančiui gyventojų/dieną 2005 metais iki 8,4 DDD/tūkstančiui gyventojų/dieną 2007metais, taigi, per trejus metus bendras šių vaistų suvartojimas išaugo 53,6%. Palyginus su kitų šalių duomenimis, statinų suvartojimas 2007 metais Lietuvoje buvo apie 20 kartų mažesnis. Išlaidos statinams per trejus metus ( 2... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

RF Transceiver for Code-Shifted Reference Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wideband (CSR IR-UWB) System

Lowe, Jet'aime 02 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Intermédialité photographie/texte dans Rimbaud le fils de Pierre Michon.

Söderholm, Matillda January 2015 (has links)
The novel Rimbaud le fils written by Pierre Michon is analysed in this study, using the theoretical model of modalities and modes of media elaborated by Lars Elleström (2010), the typology of intermediality defined by Werner Wolf (2002) and Irina Rajewsky’s (2010) metatheoretical reflections upon the concept of borders. The novel by Michon relates to some famous photos that have become important in creating the understandings of Arthur Rimbaud as a poet and a myth. The guiding question of the analysis has been: How can the intermedial relations to the photos create meaning in the novel?   The theoretical model of Elleström has been applied in order to define the modalities and modes involved in the photography and in the written text of the novel. Thereby the significant differences and similarities between the different media have become distinguishable. The categorization proposed by Wolf and the remarks made by Rajewsky on the concepts of borders, have helped to link together the observations of modalities and modes with the hermeneutic reading of the text. Using the intermedial references has shown to be a possible way to express or to reinforce the literary expression of for instance: the heaviness of the literary legacy and mythology, the absent, the genius, the departure, the silence, the religious language, the unknown, the literary sham, the survival and the protective power of an expressive richness that relates to or implies several semiotic systems.

Acidification and Climate Warming: Understanding the Impact of Multiple Anthropogenic Stressors on Adirondack (NY, USA) Lakes

Arseneau, Kristina 05 May 2014 (has links)
Lakes in the Adirondack Park (NY, USA) are undergoing chemical recovery from acidification. There is now a pressing research need to define recovery targets for acid-impacted sites. Researchers attempting to designate such targets are hampered by two issues: 1) a lack of long-term monitoring data, and 2) the influence of multiple stressors on recovering lakes. This thesis addresses both difficulties by applying paleolimnological techniques within a regional reference lake framework. Using a set of stringent selection criteria, 31 lakes protected from acidification, eutrophication, road salt seepage, and piscivore introductions were identified from 1,469 Adirondack lakes. Ordination techniques showed that the lakes are representative of 24-36% of the chemical/morphological variation of Adirondack lakes. Qualitative and quantitative historic analyses found that many of the lakes experienced early watershed and/or fisheries disturbance, highlighting the danger of assuming that a lake’s condition remains static over time. A top-bottom paleolimnological study revealed that the reference lakes have undergone a ‘shifting baseline’ in species assemblages, with increases in colonial and/or warm-water chrysophyte taxa from pre-1900 to present, changes most likely due to regional warming and/or oligotrophication. A subset of three reference lakes were then paired with two Adirondack lakes that acidified and are undergoing chemical recovery from acidification. The acidified lakes underwent a significant shift in species composition since the 1995 implementation of the US Acid Rain Program, indicating biological recovery from acidification. However, both reference and acidified lakes showed increases in colonial chrysophytes since ca. 1970-1980, a trend correlated with mean annual air temperature and ice-cover measures in the two reference lakes. Long-term species changes in acidified/reference lakes suggest that the recovering lakes will not return to their pre-disturbance state but will instead move to a state characterized by an increased abundance of colonial taxa/warm-water species. Overall, this thesis demonstrates the utility of pairing paleolimnological techniques with a regional reference site dataset for tracking shifting baselines and defining recovery targets, a method that could be applied to examine other stressors in other regions, thereby addressing a critical management need. / Thesis (Ph.D, Biology) -- Queen's University, 2014-05-03 13:17:09.613

Changes in Diatom Assemblages in Adirondack (NY, USA) Reference Lakes Since Pre-Industrial Times

Cummings, Cassandra 30 May 2014 (has links)
The vast majority of Adirondack lakes have been impacted since pre-industrial time through either regional (e.g. acidification) or local (e.g. fish stocking, liming, seepage of road salt, cultural eutrophication) environmental disturbances. Inferring changes related to climate are difficult due to the possible complexities associated with multiple stressors. Thirty minimally-disturbed ‘reference’ lakes were identified from a database of 1469 lakes using the following selection criteria: <5% shoreline development; a circumneutral pH; and no records of introduction of non-native piscivores (protecting against eutrophication, chronic lake acidification and modifications of trophic structure, respectively). As such, these ‘reference’ lakes may be useful for isolating the effects of regional changes, including climate warming, from other anthropogenic influences. A ‘top-bottom’ paleolimnological analysis of diatom assemblages was undertaken to identify changes since pre-industrial times. The uppermost sediment layer was used to represent present-day diatom assemblages, and a sediment sample from a depth of 20cm was used to represent pre-industrial conditions. Discostella stelligera, a planktonic diatom taxon, is presently the dominant species in 50% of the lakes, and showed the greatest change. D. stelligera increased by >10% in 11 of the 30 study lakes. The measured present-day chemical and physical limnological variables in the study lakes could not predict changes in the abundance of D. stelligera, suggesting that unmeasured variables, such as decreased ice cover, and changes in mixing and stratification patterns, are likely driving the observed changes in diatom assemblages. Heavily silicified tychoplanktonic Aulacoseira species declined by an average of 8.3% across the dataset. In three of the relatively deep lakes with higher concentrations of phosphorus, another planktonic diatom, A. formosa, was found to increase in abundance. Additionally, some lakes that were dominated by a high proportion of benthic taxa experienced increases in the relative abundance of benthic taxa over time. Observed changes in the relative abundances since pre-industrial times are significantly higher than the variation between replicate cores, and between two ‘pre-industrial’ sediment intervals. Further studies on the timing of changes in diatom assemblages are necessary to confirm that such changes are consistent with recent changes in climate in the Adirondacks. / Thesis (Master, Biology) -- Queen's University, 2014-05-29 21:33:42.24

Direct reference, cognitive significance and Fregean sense

Branquinho, João Miguel Biscaia Valadas January 1992 (has links)
This essay deals with certain problems in the theory of singular reference. The following question is taken as central: What role is to be assigned to nonempty and syntactically simple singular terms in fixing the semantic contents of utterances of declarative sentences in which they may occur? I focus on those aspects of the current dispute between Millian and neo-Fregean approaches to singular reference which are related to issues about the cognitive significance of language use; the following two issues are singled out as crucial: the issue about (alleged) potential differences in informativeness between sentences constructed out of co-referential singular terms; and the issue about (alleged) failures of substitutivity salva veritate of co-referential singular terms in propositional-attitude contexts. The general direction of my arguments is as follows. On the one hand, I argue that "notational variance" claims recently advanced on both sides of the dispute should be deemed unsound; and hence that one is really confronted with separate accounts of singular content. On the other, I argue that Milllanism does not provide us with a satisfactory solution to the problems about cognitive significance; and hence that a framework of singular senses is Indispensable to deal with such problems in an adequate way. I also discuss the problem of Cognitive Dynamics, i.e. the issue of attitude-retention and persistence of mental content, in connection with the individuation of indexical thought. I argue that the standard Intuitive Criterion of Difference for thoughts might be reasonably extended to the diachronic case, allowing thus the possibility of discriminating between thoughts entertained by a thinker at different times.

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