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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Relative Impact of the GED on Labor Market Outcomes for the Formerly Incarcerated

Vandenberg, Sally 01 January 2017 (has links)
This paper shows that while incarceration is associated with economic losses, the economic benefits associated with a GED may be nearly twice as large for high school dropouts that have been incarcerated than for dropouts who have not been incarcerated. My results, though imprecisely estimated, suggest that this relationship may be one of correlation, rather than causality. I find that among the formerly incarcerated the GED is associated with other positive outcomes, particularly lower rates of drug use.

Jak bývalí uživatelé drog vnímají období své závislosti / How a drogue ex-user see a period of his addiction

Hronková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
Subject: How a drogue ex-user see a period of his addiction. Abstract: The work focus on the actual situation of ex-users. These people were fighting with an addiction and now they are a part of the majority society. The qualitative research, inspired by a grounded theory, try to approach their point of view. What they think about their past and how do they see their relations with a family, friends and a vicinage. Not just in that period but nowadays as well. Relationships with home-folks are stigmatized by a degree of drug addiction. The smaller addiction the smaller losses. Once a drug user is falling down into the drug trap, the losses depend on how deep he will fall. On the bottom there are no friends, no family, just nothing. Some of the drug users do not fall to the bottom, they do their decision earlier. We call that decision a break point ( a moment when they decide to abstain). A break point comes individually and it is connected to an "interior border" of each person. Anyway, it is a moment, when an individual concerned decide to live a different way. It is a very intense moment and very fundamental for a abstinence success. We have used an interview to study not just this phenomenon. During the interview we tried to find out how a life looks with and without an addiction. Key words: addiction,...

The risk for cardiovascular disease following traumatic spinal cord injuries in the Cape Metropolitan in South Africa

Naidoo, Marc Anton January 2018 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Given the devastating and debilitating impact of spinal cord injuries (SCI) globally and the effects on any population, its impact extends far beyond just the victim to people and institutions surrounding them and supporting them post-injury. Of growing concern is the increased risk that individuals with SCI have been seen to have a three-fold greater risk of developing cardio-vascular disease (CVD) than their able-bodied counterparts. Prevention strategies to curtail the onset of CVD in the SCI population is limited, and often developed for individuals from developed countries. The overall aim of this study was to assess and explore the need to implement CVD prevention programmes in a regional South African population with individuals after sustaining a traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI). The study employed a mixed methods approach and was conducted in four (4) phases. Permission and ethics clearance were obtained from the Research Ethics Committee at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) and the Western Cape Department of Health. Phase One of the study utilized a questionnaire to collect TSCI incidence data of which 108 of the eligible 132 cases consented to take part in the study. The demographic findings of this study indicated that a person sustaining a TSCI in the Cape Metropolitan area in South Africa is most likely to be a male, young (20 to 29 years of age), from a Black African or Coloured race group and living in the Cape Flats suburbs. The male to female ratio was 6.2:1. The main cause of TSCI was assault at 58.33% (n=63) with males accounting for the majority of cases (88.89%, n=65). According to the AIS classification, ASIA A and D were the most common classification seen in 38.89% (n=42) and 39.81% (n=43) of the cohort respectively. Phase Two utilized a questionnaire and looked at CVD risk factors of the original cohort. A large portion of the cohort was engaged in high-risk behaviours, i.e. smoking and alcohol consumption. A low number of individuals reported a baseline history of hypertension diagnosis prior to their TSCI (5.56%, n=6). Phase Three of the study emplored semi-structured interviews and a focus group discussion to explore the experiences of persons with a TSCI regarding their ability to be physically active once reintegrated back into the community. Despite understanding the associated benefits of physical activity, several barriers to being physically active were reported; factors within their homes, access within their community, and transportation. The present study’s findings illustrated a growing concern among the SCI population for increased risk for developing CVD due to decreased physical activity. Phase Four of the study utilised a scoping review to identify CVD prevention programmes for individuals with a TSCI. Physical activity has been shown to have numerous health benefits of which reducing the risk of CVD is one. Engaging in physical activity, whether it be structured, unstructred or through a sporting activity can play a major role in combating the onset of CVD. Other tools used in reducing the onset of CVD were seen to be self-management strategies of which contrayer views were seen both for and against their use. Conclusion: Better education during the rehabilitation phase might be a key component to individuals with TSCI injury making more informed decisions about prioritising physical activity as they attempt to reintegrate back into their respective communities. The removal of socio-environmental barriers could allow motivated TSCI individuals better access to choosing how to increase their physical activity levels.

Reinserção escolar de jovens em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa : a visão dos educadores /

Campos, Débora Cardoso de. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Débora Cristina Fonseca / Resumo: O presente encontra-se vinculado à linha de pesquisa Políticas, Gestão e o Sujeito Contemporâneo, do Programa, junto ao programa de Pós Graduação em Educação, UNESP de Rio Claro. Nesse sentido, nosso objetivo principal apreender qual é a concepção dos professores sobre o adolescente autor de ato infracional no ambiente escolar. Dessa forma, entramos em contato com professores da EJA (Educação de Jovens e Adultos) de duas escolas de uma cidade do interior de São Paulo que costumam receber adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa em meio aberto. Para alcançarmos os resultados, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, empírica, utilizando-se como instrumentos de coleta de dados o Grupo Focal e a entrevista semi-estruturada. Para a análise dos dados, recorremos à metodologia Análise de Conteúdo. Verificamos, ao longo do trabalho, que a maioria dos professores apresenta uma visão naturalizante de adolescência, tendo dificuldade em reconhecer o peso do social na construção das identidades. Também pudemos verificar um desconhecimento da legislação, principalmente no que se refere ao Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, o que contribui para que os professores reproduzam discursos que culpabilizam os estudantes pelo fracasso escolar. Além disso, as poucas práticas pedagógicas que buscam a reinserção escolar do adolescente em conflito com a lei se mostram muito pontuais, não havendo um trabalho coletivo entre todos os atores da escola. / Abstract: The present is linked to the line of research Politics, Administration and the Contemporary Subject, of the Program, close to Pós Graduation's program in Education, UNESP of Clear Rio. In that sense, our main objective to apprehend which is the teachers' conception on the adolescent author of action infracional in the school atmosphere. In that way, we got in touch with teachers of EJA (Education of Youths and Adults) of two schools of a city of the interior of São Paulo that receive adolescents in execution of measure socioeducativa in half open. For us to reach the results, a research qualitative, empiric was accomplished, being used as instruments of collection of data the Focal Group and the semi-structured interview. For the analysis of the data, we fell back upon the methodology Analysis of Content. We verified, along the work, that most of the teachers presents a vision adolescence naturalizante, tends difficulty in recognizing the weight of the social in the construction of the identities. We could also verify an ignorance of the legislation, mainly in what he/she refers to the Child's Statute and of the Adolescent, what contributes to the teachers to reproduce speeches that culpabilizam the students for the school failure. Besides, the few pedagogic practices that look for the adolescent's school reinserção in conflict with the law are shown very punctual, not having a collective work among all of the actors of the school. / Mestre

Att arbeta med ungdomar som har ett brottsligt beteende : En kvalitativ studie om SiS-personalens upplevelser och erfarenheter av återanpassning och smittoeffekter / Working with young people who have a criminal behavior : A qualitative study on the institutional staff's experiences of reintegration and negativ impact

Siljendal, Caroline, Stenvall, Josefin January 2019 (has links)
Det vetenskapliga problemet som föreligger handlar om att institutionsvård inte visar de goda resultat det avser att göra. Ungdomar lär sig istället mer om kriminalitet under placeringstiden. Syftet med uppsatsarbetet är att beskriva och försöka förstå personalens upplevelser och erfarenheter av att arbeta med ungdomar för att återanpassa dem till ett liv utan kriminalitet, i institutionsmiljö där ungdomarna kan ha en negativ påverkan på varandra. Frågeställningarna fokuserar på respondenternas beskrivning av deras arbete för att ge förutsättningar för ungdomarna att återanpassas till ett liv utan kriminalitet samt hur de förhåller sig till risken för ungdomarnas negativa påverkan på varandra. Frågeställningarna har studerats genom en kvalitativ ansats och vi har genom semistrukturerade intervjuer inhämtat vårt empiriska material. Vi har intervjuat elva personer som arbetar på SiS-ungdomshem. Våra resultat har analyserats utifrån Goffmans teori om totala institutioner. Förutom denna teori har vi också tidigare forskning om smittoeffekt i institutionsmiljö, personalens arbete samt institutionsvård. Resultatet visar att personalen upplever att de har förutsättningar att återanpassa ungdomarna till ett liv utan kriminalitet. Resultatet visar vidare att de har olika metoder för att arbeta med detta samt att det skiljer sig mellan institutionerna och avdelningarna. Resultatet visar även att personalen upplever en risk med att placera ungdomar med likartad problematik på samma ställe och att ungdomarna då kan ha en smittoeffekt på varandra. Slutligen visar resultatet att vistelsetiden inte har betydelse för smittoeffekten mellan ungdomarna, det är personalens strategier och närvaro som är avgörande. / The scientific problem that exists in this study is that the institutional care does not show the good results they intend to do. Instead young people learning about crime during the stay at the institution. The aim of this essay was to investigate the experiences of the institution staff working with young people to adapt them to a life without crime, in an environment where the youth could have a negative impact on each other. The questions focuses on respondents' work in order to give young people a chance to adapt to a life without crime and how they relate to the risk of young people's negative impact on each other. The questions have been studied through a qualitative approach and we have through semi-structured interviews collected our empirical material. We have interviewed eleven people working at SiS-institutions. Our results have been analyzed based on Goffman's theory of asylums. In addition to this theory, we also have previous research on negative impact in institutional environment, the staff’s work and institutional care. The result shows that the staff has the potential to adapt the youth to a life without crime. The result also shows that they have different methods of working with this and that it differs between the institutions and departments. The institution stay should be so long that the youth can handle a care in open forms. The results also show that the staff see a risk of placing young people with similar problems at the same place and that young people may have a negative impact on each other. Finally, the result shows that the youth’s time at the institution does not have a bearing on the negative impact, it is the staff's strategies and presence that are crucial.

O método APAC para o cumprimento de penas privativas de liberdade à luz das finalidades da sansão penal: ressocialização ou reintegração social? / The APAC method from the perspective of purposes of criminal punishment: resocialization or social reintegration?

Furtado, Barbara Siqueira 14 November 2018 (has links)
Pelo prisma das finalidades da sanção penal, nomeadamente, da ressocialização e da reintegração social, o presente trabalho se lançou a analisar o método empreendido pela Associação de Proteção e Assistência aos Condenados (APAC) na administração das penas privativas de liberdade. A APAC é uma entidade civil sem fins lucrativos, parceira do poder público e atuante na execução penal. Dispõe de método próprio, com base religiosa, que preza por iniciativas de valorização humana e satisfação dos direitos elementares da população prisional. Tal metodologia foi sistematizada em torno de 12 elementos, que buscam nortear o cumprimento da pena, tendo em vista o fim de recuperação do indivíduo encarcerado. Assim, para que fosse possível compreender a orientação desses elementos, foi desenvolvida pesquisa de caráter empírico qualitativo, com uso das ferramentas de observação participante e aplicação de entrevistas, na unidade masculina da APAC de Itaúna, Minas Gerais. O corpus linguístico obtido foi analisado com as técnicas de análise de conteúdo. Da intepretação dos resultados obtidos, foi possível franquear a aproximação da experiência apaqueana dos referenciais teóricos escolhidos na delimitação dos sentidos de ressocialização e reintegração social, desembocando em reflexões acerca do local em que se situa a APAC com relação aos paradigmas das finalidades da sanção penal. / From the perspective of the purposes of criminal punishment, namely, resocialization and social reintegration, the present work sought to analyze the method used by the Association for the Protection and Assistance to Convicted (APAC) in the administration of custodial sentences. APAC is a non-profit civil entity, a partner of the public power and an institution active in criminal execution. It has its own method, based on religion, initiatives for human valorization and satisfaction of the elementary rights of the prison population. This methodology was systematized in 12 elements, who seek to guide the penalty management, in order to provide the recovery of the incarcerated individuals. To understand the orientation of these elements, a qualitative empirical research was developed, using the tools of observation and interviewing, at the APAC male unit in Itaúna, Minas Gerais. From the analysis of the results obtained it was possible to approximate the APAC experience of the chosen theoretical frameworks.

Implementing Gender : A case study of the gender aspect of the implementation of the reintegration process of FARC-EP in Colombia

Karlmats, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Reintegração social: discursos e práticas na prisão: um estudo comparado / Social reintegration: discourses and practices in prison: a comparative study

Braga, Ana Gabriela Mendes 25 April 2012 (has links)
A presente tese tem como objeto a análise das intervenções da sociedade civil no cárcere à luz do conceito de reintegração social. A partir de um estudo de campo, apresento e comparo alguns projetos de intervenção em estabelecimentos prisionais de São Paulo e da Catalunha. Busquei sistematizar algumas experiências de reintegração social, buscando compreender as formas e impactos de diversos projetos que propõem reaproximação sociedade civil-cárcere. O objetivo foi conhecer algumas das formas que a sociedade civil tem se relacionado com o cárcere, de forma a compreender quais estratégias, discursos e práticas são mobilizadas na intervenção da sociedade nesse espaço. E ainda se, a partir dessas ações, pode-se afirmar que o cárcere está se abrindo à sociedade e vice-versa. / This thesis has as object the analysis of civil society interventions in prison in the light of the concept of social reintegration. From a field study, I present and compare some intervention projects in prisons in Sao Paulo and Catalonia. I tried to systematize some experiences of social reintegration, seeking to understand the forms and impacts of various projects that propose rapprochement civil society-jail. The aim was to study some of the ways that civil society has been involved in the prison, in order to understand what strategies, speeches and practices are mobilized in the intervention of society in that space. And still, from these actions, it can be said that the prison is opening up to society and the society is opening to prison and vice versa.

Classroom Reintegration : Education as a tool for Social Reintegration Post-Conflict Societies

Jarvis, Lukas January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Serviço Social e o uso de drogas: um estudo sobre a reinserção social de pessoas em situação de dependência de álcool e outras drogas

Silva, Denis Barreto da 16 September 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:16:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Denis Barreto da Silva.pdf: 2962209 bytes, checksum: 9b679017ca245a43c3633333f07013df (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-16 / This work aimed to investigate the intervention of Social Work in process of social reintegration of persons in situation of abusive use and / or drug addiction. The field research was conducted in a therapeutic community in the municipality of Itapecerica da Serra São Paulo, Brazil, in an institution for abusive wearers and drug addicts in the city of Grenoble, France. The field research in France took place from our participation in the double degree program signed by PUC-SP and UPMF-Grenoble / France. The starting point for this analysis consisted in a qualitative study using three methods in coordination. They were: participant observation, case study and actionresearch. The instruments used were: group discussion, in-depth interviews and home visits applied to the research. As a result of this process, some empirical categories emerged, such as drug; the relationship with the family and the community; the look of the subjects on Social Work; the relationship between the exclusion and drug addiction, among others. The study revealed that although there is a need for coordination between the different services and approaches in the sphere of drugs care, which prevails in Brazil is a dynamic competitiveness between the various approaches. The survey also showed that within an interdisciplinary dynamic, the intervention of Social Work emerges with relevance, assessed on a perspective that considers the role of the subject in the reintegration process / O presente trabalho teve como proposta investigar a intervenção do Serviço Social no processo de reinserção social de pessoas em situação de uso abusivo e/ou dependente de drogas. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em uma Comunidade Terapêutica no município de Itapecerica da Serra-SP, em uma instituição destinada ao atendimento de usuários abusivos e dependentes de drogas na cidade de Grenoble, na França. A pesquisa de campo em território francês realizou-se a partir de nossa participação no programa de dupla titulação firmado entre a PUC-SP e a UPMF-Grenoble/França. O ponto de partida para essa análise consistiu-se em uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo, utilizando três métodos de forma articulada. Foram eles: a observação participante, o estudo de caso e a pesquisa-ação. Sendo que os instrumentos empregados foram: grupo de discussão, entrevista em profundidade e visitas domiciliares aplicadas a pesquisa. Como resultado deste processo, algumas categorias empíricas emergiram, tais como: a droga; a relação com a família e com a comunidade; o olhar dos sujeitos sobre o Serviço Social; a relação entre a exclusão e a dependência de drogas, dentre outras. O estudo revelou que apesar de haver a necessidade de articulação entre os diferentes serviços e abordagens na esfera da atenção as drogas, o que prevalece no Brasil é uma dinâmica de concorrencialismo entre as diversas abordagens. A pesquisa demonstrou ainda que dentro de uma dinâmica interdisciplinar, a intervenção do Serviço Social desponta com relevância, apreciada numa perspectiva que considera o protagonismo do sujeito no processo de reinserção

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