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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv provedení zateplení administrativní budovy na výdaje spojené s jejím provozem / The impact of executing new thermal insulation on an administrative building on the expenses associated with its operation

Ptáček, Zdeněk January 2016 (has links)
This thesis evaluates the influence of a administrative building on the expenses associated with its operation. The administrative building is situated on the street Kloboucká in Brumov-Bylnice. The building has two floor and is founded on strip foundations. Roofing of the house is solved. In the first part of the thesis is a theoretical introduction in the legislature, energy prices and the possibility of insulation. In the practical part of the thesis is an assessment coefficient of heat administrative buildings, evaluation of individual variants insulation and calculated simple payback period.

Návrh vytápění rodinného domu pomocí tepelného čerpadla / Space heating of a single family home with a heat pump

Železný, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The master’s thesis contains design for heat insulation of a family house for purpose of reducing the heat loss, adding a new room and complete design of heating system. First part is introducing the house, followed by calculating the heat loss for the original building. Next step proposes the heat insulation of constructions, design for the new room and recalculating the modified heat loss including comparison with the original values. Another part is dealing with the design of the heating system, providing calculations of the power requirement and the pressure loss of underfloor heating and panel radiators. After that there was the selection of the heat pump, bivalent heat source, choice of storage tank and solution for domestic water heating. In the last part the security components were checked, drawing documentation were created and attached and the calculation of return on investment was made.

Společenská hodnota a její měření pomocí metody Social Return on Investment / Social Value and Social Return on Investment

Williams, Stacy January 2020 (has links)
Social value incorporates economic, environmental, and social impact in public policy decision- making. Social Return on Investment (SROI) has emerged as a popular way to measure social value. SROI is a tool for nonprofit organizations and social enterprises to measure their impact and express it in a common economic unit. This study employed a systematic review approach to assess the quality of SROI reports in the advocacy and human rights sector. The goal of this study was to determine whether SROI can measure the broader social effects of a program. Findings indicate that SROI has been used primarily by health and social services and significantly less often by advocacy and human rights groups. As such, the methodology has not yet been robustly applied to study very broad social effects associated with advocacy and human rights interventions. The social outcomes are usually captured qualitatively and not often quantitatively. Further, the social outcomes are rarely monetized due to a lack of financial proxies. SROI would benefit from being applied to a robust advocacy or human rights program, specifically focusing on broad social effects.

Doba návratnosti investice do energetických úprav / Return of Investment for Energetical Modifications.

Vahalová, Terezie January 2012 (has links)
This thessis determines return of investments for energetic improvements. Theoretical chapter introduces term definitions for investments, assessing and energetic improvements domains. Practical part compares several possibilities of energetic improvements applied on real estate. Comparsion that is based on amount of initial investment, effectivity and return time determines optimal solution for particular estate.

Разработка проекта строительства культового объекта в процессе редевелопмента промышленной территории : магистерская диссертация / Development of a project for the construction of a cult object in the process of redevelopment of an industrial territory

Шевелева, А. Е., Sheveleva, A. E. January 2020 (has links)
Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, список использованной литературы, приложения. В работе рассматриваются культовые объекты в качестве бренда территории, а также изучение степени влияния гражданской активности горожан на градостроительные решения. Выявлены социально – экономические проблемы развития выбранной территории, отличающиеся для города миллионника острым дефицитом свободных для строительства земельных участков и необходимости включения механизма редевелопмента. На основе анализа вариантов развития территории предложен девелоперский проект, включающий в себя храм, отличающийся грамотным расположением, что повышает комфортность проживания жителей города. Рассмотрен анализ окружения, варианты размещения. Приводится оценка эффективности проекта по строительству храма, формируется социальная нацеленность проекта, включающая в себя ряд социальных эффектов, а также затронут вопрос самоокупаемости текущей деятельности объекта как некоммерческой организации. В заключении сформулированы основные выводы и обобщены результаты исследования. / The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, bibliography, applications. The work examines cult objects as a brand of the territory, as well as the study of the degree of influence of citizens' civic engagement on urban planning decisions. The socio-economic problems of the development of the selected territory, which are distinguished for the city of a million with an acute shortage of free land plots for construction and the need to include a redevelopment mechanism. Based on the analysis of the options for the development of the territory, a development project has been proposed, which includes a temple, which is distinguished by a competent location, which increases the comfort of living for residents of the city. The analysis of the environment, placement options are considered. An assessment of the effectiveness of the project for the construction of the temple is given, the social orientation of the project is formed, which includes a number of social effects, and the question of the self-sufficiency of the current activity of the object as a non-profit organization is raised. In the conclusion, the main conclusions are formulated and the results of the study are summarized.

The Financial Success of Franchise Film Sequels: An Exploration of the Relationship of Budget, Personnel Factors, and Reviews with Sequel Return on Investment

Kposowa, Kaitor 25 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Flygfärdighet i företagsledningen? : En kvantitativ studie om ägarstrukturer i svenska börsnoterade bolag

Zuif, Maximilian, Svedberg, Theodor January 2024 (has links)
Titel: Flygfärdighet i företagsledningen? - En kvantitativ studie om ägarstrukturer i svenska börsnoterade bolag   Författare: Maximilian Zuif & Theodor Svedberg   Handledare: Urban Österlund   Bakgrund: I dagens samhälle har fenomenet pilotskolan blivit ett allt hetare samtalsämne inom aktieanalys. Teorier på ämnet menar på att en VD som innehar en betydande andel aktier i det egna bolaget kommer att ha ett större intresse av att bolaget presterar så bra som möjligt. Samtidigt kan tidigare studier anses oense om huruvida ett stort insiderägande hos VD:n har en positiv eller negativ effekt på dess prestation. Ett vanligt nyckeltal som används av investerare för att bedöma hur verksamheten presterar är EBITDA, vilket mäter ett företags vinst före räntor, skatter, ned- och avskrivningar. Under kortare perioder kan det förekomma en stor diskrepans mellan ett bolags aktiepris och hur den underliggande verksamheten presterar. Däremot brukar aktiepriset vara tätt sammanlänkat med bolagets prestation sett över längre tidsperioder.   Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finns något samband mellan VD-ägande och EBITDA-utveckling, samt huruvida det finns något samband mellan EBITDA-utveckling och aktiekurs hos svenska börsnoterade bolag.   Metod: I studien har en kvantitativ metod och en deduktiv forskningsansats använts för att samla in och bearbeta data om bolag listade på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Mid och Large Cap. Den kvantitativa forskningsmetoden bygger på data kring bolagens ägarstruktur och finansiella prestation för åren 2017 till 2023. Utifrån data har multipla regressionsmodeller skapats för att kunna besvara studiens två forskningsfrågor.   Resultat: Studiens resultat tyder på att det finns ett signifikant positivt samband mellan EBITDA-tillväxt och aktiekursutveckling. Vidare uppvisade den multipla regressionen ett signifikant negativt samband mellan omsättningstillväxt och aktiekursutveckling. Regressionsmodellen som utformades för att undersöka sambandet mellan VD-ägande och EBITDA-utveckling klarade inte Ramsey’s RESET-test, varpå modellen inte kunde anses adekvat. Således hittades i studien inget statistiskt säkerställt samband mellan VD-ägande och EBITDA-utveckling.   Nyckelord: Pilotskolan, VD-ägande, EBITDA, Avkastning, Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Mid Cap, Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Large Cap / Title: Flight skills in the business management? – A quantitative study on ownership structures in Swedish listed firms   Authors: Maximilian Zuif & Theodor Svedberg   Supervisor: Urban Österlund   Background: In today’s society, the pilot school phenomenon has become an increasingly hot topic of conversation in stock analysis. Relevant theories suggests that a CEO who holds a significant part of the shares in his own company will have a greater interest in the company performing as well as possible. At the same time, previous studies can be considered divided on whether a large insider ownership of the CEO has a positive or negative effect on its performance. A common ratio used by investors to assess how the business is performing is EBITDA, which measures a company's earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. For shorter periods, there may be a large discrepancy between a company’s share price and how the underlying business is performing. In contrast, the share price is usually closely linked to the company’s performance when looking over longer periods of time.   Aim: The aim of this study is to examine if a relationship exists between CEO stock ownership and growth in EBITDA, as well as whether any relationship exists between growth in EBITDA and development in stock price for Swedish listed firms.   Method: In the study, a quantitative method and a deductive research approach have been used to collect and process data on companies listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Mid and Large Cap. The quantitative research method is based on data about the companies’ ownership structure and financial performance for the years 2017 to 2023. Based on the data, multiple regression models have been created to be able to answer the two research questions in the study.   Results: The results of the study indicate that a significant positive relationship exists between growth in EBITDA and development in stock price. Furthermore, the multiple regression performed in the study showed a significant negative relationship between growth in revenue and stock price development. The regression model designed to examine the relationship between CEO stock ownership and development in EBITDA did not pass Ramsey’s RESET-test, whereupon the model could not be considered adequate. Thus, no statistically proven relationship was found between CEO stock ownership and development in EBITDA.   Keywords: CEO stock ownership, EBITDA, return on investment, Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Mid Cap, Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Large Cap

Entering new markets : A qualitative case study on the effective forms of Key Account Management in emerging markets

Schröder, Philip, Palusaar, Rachel January 2024 (has links)
During the past decades, since the phenomenal event of globalization, more businesses have expanded abroad as they continue to grow as an MNE. Which has led to them growing larger and with more people and relationships to manage, bringing us to the founding of the KAM system. A system with the purpose of guiding companies in how to manage both its internal and external relationships, though mainly those who are key accounts. As the system grows more popular amongst companies it has been found that the structure of it does differentiate between them. This has been in terms of how formalized it is. This brings the question of whether or not the level of formalization has an affect on how effective the system is in fulfilling its purpose in the company. Thus, that is what this research paper aims to examine in a few MNEs. By studying what level of formalization their system has, how it impacts their KA relationship management, and how effective the system is perceived to be by them in achieving this. By combining these three aspects a logical conclusion could be drawn. To achieve this, the study has been designed with an abductive and qualitative research approach, more specifically with case studies to allow for a more in-depth investigation on the topic. This would allow for a deeper understanding for how the system has functioned for and in the company, whilst considering its purpose. Thereafter, the findings are discussed in relation to relevant theories, concepts and framework. While the concepts have provided themes to the analysis, the findings have been used to validate or challenge the theories and frameworks. The discussion finally concludes that the level of formalization in a KAM system does have an impact on its effectiveness in fulfilling its purpose at the company.

Development aid - a perspective on the World Bank performance: Calculating the social return on investment for the least developed countries

Schäfer, Dominik 02 March 2016 (has links)
This doctoral thesis focuses on the evaluation of the World Bank (WB) performance in delivering development aid to the Least Developed Countries (LDCs). For this purpose, an extensive research was performed to analyze a set of 790 Implementation Completion and Results reports for key economic and financial indicators. Results of this research provide various insights for the appraisal and the results stage of project delivery of the LDCs in different continents. In the final part of the economic and financial analysis the minimum Social Return on Investment (SROI) of the LDCs including all project costs was calculated. This SROI ratio outcome of 1 and 1.06 in the weighted and 1.3 and 1.72 in the unweighted case indicate that projects delivered by the WB have a positive effect on the poor countries. In the second part of this research project the data set of the ICR reports was qualitatively researched for negative ratings according to 3 core assessment categories for the overall project performance: Sustainability, bank performance and borrower performance. As a result the most critical categories respectively risks were outlined. In conclusion, the research analyses and findings support the general demand to provide even more development assistance to poor countries.:Table of Tables and Figures List of Equations List of Abbreviations 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction to the Topic 1.2 Assessing Poverty Problems and Achieving Economic Growth 1.3 Millennium Development Goals 1.4 Development Aid 2 Research Approach 2.1 Objective 2.2 Structure 2.3 Least Developed Countries 2.4 World Bank 2.5 Data Access and Relevance 2.5.1 Data Basis 2.5.2 Implementation Completion and Results Reports 2.5.3 Project Types 2.6 Term “Performance” 2.7 Study and Research Questions 2.8 Challenges of this Doctoral Thesis 2.9 Contribution of this Thesis 3 Economic and Financial Analysis 3.1 SROI Concept 3.1.1 SROI Definition 3.1.2 SROI Process and Impact Map 3.1.3 Cost-Benefit-Analysis 3.1.4 SROI Calculation 3.2 SROI of World Bank Projects 3.2.1 Purpose of the Cost-Benefit-Analysis 3.2.2 Indicators of the SROI Calculation Net Present Value Capital and Recurring Costs Project Dates and Duration NPV-horizon Discount Rate 3.2.3 Types of NPV-Cost-Ratios Pro-Rata-Capital-Costs Ratio Total-Capital-Costs Ratio Pro-Rata-Capital plus Recurring-Costs Ratio Total-Capital plus Recurring-Costs Ratio 3.2.4 Calculation of the proper SROI Ratio 3.2.5 Portfolio Analysis 3.2.6 Sensitivity Analysis 3.3 Additional Economic and Financial Indicators 3.3.1 Economic Rate of Return 3.3.2 Benefit-Cost-Ratio 3.3.3 Net Benefit 3.3.4 Financial Net Present Value 3.3.5 Financial Rate of Return 4 Results of the Economic and Financial Analysis 4.1 Analysis Approach and Setup 4.2 NPV Outcomes at the Appraisal Stage 4.2.1 Appraisal NPVs of the LDCs 4.2.2 Appraisal NPV Continent Comparison 4.3 NPV Outcomes of the Result Stage 4.3.1 Result NPVs of the LDCs 4.3.2 Result NPV Continent Comparison 4.4 Appraisal vs. Result NPVs 4.4.1 Results of the LDCs 4.4.2 Continent Comparison 4.5 Economic Rate of Return Result Values 4.5.1 Results of the LDCs 4.5.2 Continent Comparison 4.6 Additional Economic and Financial Indicator Result Values 4.6.1 Benefit-Cost-Ratio and Net Benefit 4.6.2 Financial Net Present Value and Financial Rate of Return 4.7 Overall Project Performance 4.7.1 Definition 4.7.2 Overall Project Performance Ratings 4.7.3 Outcome Calculation for Non-Financial Indicator Projects 4.7.4 Verification of Outcomes and Conclusion 4.8 NPV-Cost-Ratios and SROI Calculation 4.8.1 NPV-Cost-Ratios of the ICR Reports Overall Results Continent Comparison 4.8.2 Standardized NPV-Cost-Ratios Overall Results Continent Comparison 4.8.3 Calculating the Minimum SROI Ratio Overall Results of the Capital SROI Ratio Continental Comparison of the Capital SROI Ratio Overall Results of the Minimum SROI Ratio Continental Comparison of the Minimum SROI Ratio 4.8.4 Making Meaning of the Results 4.9 Summary and Conclusion 5 Qualitative Data Analysis 5.1 Content Analysis 5.2 Sustainability 5.2.1 Sustainability Rating Definition 5.2.2 Sustainability Rating Categories 5.3 Bank Performance 5.3.1 Bank Performance Definition 5.3.2 Bank Performance Categories 5.4 Borrower Performance 5.4.1 Borrower Performance Definition 5.4.2 Borrower Performance Categories 6 Results of the Qualitative Data Analysis 6.1 Sustainability 6.1.1 Quantitative Assessment of Sustainability Ratings 6.1.2 Outcome of the Content Analysis Types of Reasons Overall Results Results in Haiti Continent Comparison 6.1.3 Excursus: Positive NPV Projects 6.1.4 Summary and Conclusion 6.2 Bank Performance 6.2.1 Quantitative Assessment of Bank Performance Ratings 6.2.2 Outcome of the Content Analysis Types of Reasons Overall Results Results in Haiti Continent Comparison 6.2.3 Summary and Conclusion 6.3 Borrower Performance 6.3.1 Quantitative Assessment of Borrower Performance Ratings 6.3.2 Outcome of the Content Analysis Types of Reasons Overall Results Results in Haiti Continent Comparison 6.3.3 Summary and Conclusion 7 Overall Summary and Conclusion 8 Critical Acclaim and Recommendations 9 Outlook and Future Research List of Appendices Appendix References

An evaluation of learning programmes in the South African Police Service

Van Eeden, Paulus Dirk 02 1900 (has links)
In this study, the transfer of learning criteria that can be implemented before, during and after a learning programme was investigated. The transfer of learning criteria was identified, after which the Station Management Learning Programme was evaluated to see whether transfer of learning criteria was used during the facilitation of the programme. The study population for the research was comprised of facilitators and station commanders, who facilitated and attended the Station Management Learning Programme in Gauteng as part of their development as Station Commanders. The study methodology involved qualitative and quantitative approaches to data collection, with questionnaires and one-on-one interviews. Descriptive statistics were produced and literature, questionnaires and interviews were examined to establish whether transfer of learning took place. The findings of the study reflect that various learning transfer strategies exist and that these can be used to transfer learning from the classroom to the work environment. The study concludes that a significant number of transfer of learning strategies are already implemented in the South African Police Service, in the presentation of the Station Management Learning Programme. / Adult Basic Education (ABET) / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

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