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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


JANAINA REIS XAVIER SENNA 17 June 2003 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação avalia o impacto do nível educacional dos brasileiros, na sua remuneração, levando-se em conta o grupo da posição na ocupação por ele exercida. A análise é focalizada no universo de indivíduos ocupados com mais de 10 anos de idade, moradores na área urbana do Brasil. Isto é feito considerando como base de dados a Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios - PNAD para os anos de 1992 e 1999. Por se tratar de uma pesquisa feita por amostragem estratificada de conglomerados com múltiplos estágios de seleção, não se pode assumir as hipóteses usuais de modelagem das observações, tais como o comportamento IID (independente e identicamente distribuídos) dos dados. Por este motivo a modelagem é feita utilizando o pacote estatístico SUDAAN que é apropriado para o tratamento de dados obtidos por amostras complexas. / [en] This dissertation evaluates the impact of the educational level of the brazilian works on their income, accounting for their position in the occupation. The analysis will be focused in the universe of employed people over ten years of age that leave in the urban area of Brazil. This will be done for the data set of the Brazilian Household Sample Survey (Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios - PNAD) for the years of 1992 and 1999. As the PNAD is a stratified multistage cluster sample survey, the usual hypothesis for modeling observations such as the IID data behavior, cannot be assumed. For this reason the modeling process is performed making use of the statistical software SUDAAN, which is adequate to treat data, obtained from sample surveys.

Education and the Informal Sector : Evidence from Venezuela and Brazil / L'éducation et le Secteur Informel : Preuve en provenance du Venezuela et du Brésil

Carpio, Susana 26 September 2014 (has links)
Le principal objectif de ce travail de recherche est d'analyser de façon empirique, à l'aide d'une approche nouvelle et robuste, les déterminants de la fréquentation scolaire, le rôle du secteur informel dans l'abandon scolaire, et les liens entre le travail des jeunes et la productivité dans les petites entreprises. Premièrement, nous sommes intéressés à déterminer la magnitude des rendements privés de l'éducation au Venezuela. Pour cela, nous utilisons des données en coupe transversale répétée provenant de l'enquête des ménages. Le désavantage d'utiliser des données de pseudo-panel est la présence élevée d'erreurs de mesure. Nous abordons ce problème à travers l'utilisation de la méthode de variables instrumentales basée sur les moments empiriques d'ordre supérieur à deux. Par la suite, nous cherchons à comprendre les causes de l'abandon scolaire dans l'enseignement secondaire au Venezuela. Notre contribution à la littérature de l'abandon scolaire est double. Tout d'abord,l'inclusion de l'informalité (représentée par les parents des jeunes qui travaillent au noir) comme l'un des principaux facteurs qui influent sur la probabilité que les enfants culminent leurs études secondaires. Deuxièmement, l'utilisation de données de panel dans l'évaluation du problème des jeunes décrocheurs du secondaire, donne un aperçu nouveau et plus robuste sur les goulets d'étranglement de l'éducation du Venezuela. L'approche économétrique est basé sur l'utilisation des corrections de Mundlak afin d'éliminer le biais d'endogénéité. Pour terminer, nous analysons l'effet de jeunes travailleurs sur la productivité des petites entreprises non enregistrées au Brésil. Nous utilisons la méthode de la variable instrumentale afin de veiller à ce que nos résultats ne soient pas biaisés. / The purpose of this thesis is to empirically assess, through the use of novel and econometrically robust approaches, the drivers of school attendance, the role of informality in school dropout, and the linkages between youth work and productivity in small firms. First, we are interested in determining how important the private returns to education are in Venezuela. To this matter, we construct a pseudopanel data by means of the repeated cross-sections from the household survey. The drawback of using pseudo-panel data is the high presence of measurement errors. We address this issue through the use of consistent instrumental variables estimators based on sample moments of order higher than two. Second, we seek to understand the causes of school dropout in secondary education in Venezuela. The econometric approach consists in eliminating the endogeneity bias by using Mundlak corrections, since there is neither a good instrument nor can fixed-effects estimators be used in this estimation. Our contribution for school dropout's literature is twofold. First, the inclusion of informality (informal worker parents) as one of the main factorsffecting the likelihood of children completing high school. Second, the use of recent panel data in assessing the problem of early high school dropouts, provides new and more robust insight into Venezuela's educational bottlenecks. Finally, we analyzethe affect of the share of young workers on small unregistered firms' productivity in Brazil. We use the method of Instrumental Variable in order to ensure that our results are not biased.

Weather-Related Disasters, Rural Livelihoods and Off-Farm Self-Employment / Three essays in Development Microeconomics

Lehmann-Uschner, Anna Katharina 24 February 2021 (has links)
Der Klimawandel ist eine globale Herausforderung, aber seine Auswirkungen sind besonders stark in Entwicklungsländern zu spüren. So erleiden arme Menschen deutlich höhere Verluste, weil sie Extremereignissen stärker ausgesetzt sind und weniger Ressourcen für Anpassung und Schockbewältigung haben. Trotz der weitreichenden Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Haushalte in Entwicklungsländern ist die aktuelle Forschung zum Zusammenhang zwischen Klimawandel, Armut und Entwicklung begrenzt. Insbesondere die langfristigen Folgen von Wetterextremen für betroffene Haushalte sind wenig erforscht. Diese Arbeit soll dazu beitragen, die komplexen Zusammenhänge zwischen veränderten klimatischen Bedingungen und Entwicklung auf Haushaltsebene besser zu verstehen. Kapitel 2 befasst sich mit den unmittelbaren Folgen eines extremen Wetterereignisses für die Ernährungssicherheit, wobei Nahrungsmenge und -qualität untersucht werden. Es analysiert, inwieweit die Selbstversorgung mit Nahrungsmitteln die Einkommenselastizität für Ernährung verringern kann und zeigt die negativen Folgen eines Wetterschocks auf die Ernährungsqualität auf. Kapitel 3 befasst sich mit der Schockpersistenz. Basierend auf einem theoretischen Modell zeigt es negative Wachstumseffekte eines einmaligen extremen Wetterereignisses, zusätzlich zu den unmittelbaren Verlusten. Es zeigt auch, dass die Folgen von extremen Wetterereignissen stärker sind als die von anderen Schocks auf Haushaltsebene. Kapitel 4 analysiert das Einkommenspotenzial in der nicht-landwirtschaftlichen Kleinstselbstständigkeit. Selbst in diesem Kontext unvollständiger Märkte existieren robuste Bildungsrenditen. Das Kapitel zeigt außerdem verschiedene Übertragungskanäle auf. Zusammengenommen fordern diese Ergebnisse politische Maßnahmen, die den Nexus Klimawandel - Entwicklung auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen adressieren: Unmittelbare Katastrophenhilfe sowie längerfristige Anpassungsunterstützungen. / Anthropogenic climate change is a global challenge, but its effects are felt disproportionally in developing countries. As such, poor people incur significantly higher disaster-induced losses due to higher shock exposure and vulnerability as well as fewer resources for adaptation and recovery. Despite the far-reaching impacts of climate change on households in developing countries and the predicted aggravation of climate change outcomes, there is still little research focusing on the link between them. In particular, the long-term consequences of weather-related disasters on the livelihood of poor households are not well understood. This thesis aims to help our understanding of the complex links between changing climatic conditions and development for affected households. It sheds light on three different stages of the climate-change – development nexus. Chapter 2 is concerned with the immediate consequences of an extreme weather event for food security, focusing on dietary quantity and quality. It analyses to what extent food self-provisioning can help reduce the income elasticity of consumption and shows the negative effects of a weather-related disaster on dietary quality. Chapter 3 looks at shock persistence. Based on a theoretical model, it provides robust evidence for negative growth effects of a one-off extreme weather event, in addition to the immediate losses caused. It also demonstrates that the effects of extreme weather events are stronger than those of other household-level shocks. Chapter 4 analyses the income-earning potential in non-agricultural micro self-employment. It provides robust evidence for the existence of returns to education even in a context of petty self-employment, highlighting different transmission channels. Put together, these results call for policy action addressing all stages of the climate change – development nexus: Immediate disaster relief as well as longer-term mitigation and adaptation efforts.

Essays on child labour, its relation with competitiveness of labour intensive exports, its determinants and education in India

Subbaraman, Subhashini 12 February 2010 (has links)
Diese Dissertation ist eine Sammlung von Artikeln, die sich auf Kinderarbeit beziehen. In mehreren Ländern wurde eine Analyse durchgeführt, welche die Leistungsfähigkeit von arbeitsintensiven Exportgeschäften beurteilte. Das Ergebnis enthüllte, dass Kinderarbeit arbeitsintensive Exporttätigkeiten negativ beeinflusste gemessen am Bruttosozialprodukt. Die Faktoren zur Kinderarbeit wurden genauer untersucht, indem Datenmaterial von nationalen Stichprobenerhebungen Indiens benützt wurden. Man fand heraus, dass familiäre Eigenschaften, insbesondere der Bildungsgrad, ein bedeutsames Verhältnis zu den täglichen Tätigkeiten eines Kindes aufweist. Mit der gleichen Datengrundlage wurden die finanziellen Auswirkungen von Ausbildung im „informellen und formellen“ Arbeitsmarkt für die Städte und die ländlichen Regionen Indiens untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die finanziellen Auswirkungen im „informellen Arbeitsmarkt“ sowie in ländlichen Regionen und im primären Wirtschaftssektor geringer ausfielen. Eine Kostennutzenanalyse wurde durchgeführt, um den tatsächlichen Nutzen von Ausbildungskosten für alle Kinder ohne jegliche Schulausbildung zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Durchführung solcher Projekte für die indische Regierung sogar von großem Nutzen wäre. / This Dissertation is a collection of articles all related to child labour. A multi country analysis estimating performance of labour intensive exports was performed and the results revealed that child labour negatively influenced the labour intensive exports share to GDP. Using National Sample Survey data from India, determinants of child labour were studied. It was found that family characteristics, especially literacy levels had a significant relationship with the daily activity status of the child. With the same data set, returns to education in the informal and formal labour markets were studied for rural and urban India. Results showed that returns were lower in the informal market, rural regions and in the primary sector. A Cost Benefit Analysis was performed to examine the net benefits of educating all out of school children and the results showed that such a project would be within the reach of Indian Government.

Intrahousehold Allocation of Time and Consumption during Hard Times / Allocation Intrafamiliale des Ressources en Situation de Crise

Martinoty, Laurine 08 October 2015 (has links)
Les conséquences des chocs économiques négatifs sur les ménages ont été documentés extensivement, mais on en sait beaucoup moins sur la manière dont ces chocs sont transmis aux individus à travers la médiation du ménage. Le ménage contribue-il à modérer l'effet des chocs négatifs ? Dans quelle mesure le choc économique pèse-t-il dans la négociation familiale ? À partir de données sur la crise économique argentine de 2001, je montre d'abord que les femmes en couple ont une plus grande probabilité de devenir actives si leur mari a fait l'expérience d'un choc de revenu. Ensuite, je montre que le cycle économique importe dans les décisions d'investissement en capital humain. Sur le long terme, les profils de salaire et d'employabilité des hommes argentins sont affectés de manière persistante par les conditions économiques initiales au moment de l'obtention du diplôme. Enfin, je considère la dimension “man-cession” de la crise économique de 2009 en Espagne et montre que la part des ressources du ménage reçues par les femmes pour leur consommation privée augmente avec la diminution de l'écart des taux de chômage hommes-femmes, confortant l'hypothèse que les chocs négatifs modifient le pouvoir de négociation des individus au sein du ménage. / The consequences of adverse aggregate shocks on households have been repeatedly documented, but far less has been said on the way they are passed over to individuals through the mediation of the household. Does the household contribute in mitigating the effects? Or does the economic shock rather invite itself at the family negociating table? Using the Argentine 2001 economic crisis as a natural experiment, I first show that married women are more likely to enter the labor market if their husband experienced a loss in income, giving credit to the insurance mechanism. Then, I show that the business cycle matters for investments in education, and that long run labor outcomes of Argentine men are persistently affected by the initial conditions upon graduation. Finally, I consider the “Mancession” dimension of the Great Recession in Spain and demonstrate that the resource share accruing to wives for own consumption increases together with the decreasing unemployment gap, which comes in support to the bargaining hypothesis.

Education, labor markets, and natural disasters

Heidelk, Tillmann 24 April 2020 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis explores the entire cycle of education, from initial access to schooling, over degree completion, to returns to education. Despite recent gains in increasing access, an tens of millions of children worldwide are still out of school. Abolishing school fees has increased enrollment rates in several countries where enrollments were low and fees were high. However, such policies may be less effective, or even have negative consequences, when supply-side responses are weak. The first part of the thesis evaluates the impacts of a tuition waiver program in Haiti, which provided public financing to nonpublic schools conditional on not charging tuition. The chapter concludes that school's participation in the program results in more students enrolled, more staff, and slightly higher student-teacher ratios. The program also reduces grade repetition and the share of overage students. While the increase in students does not directly equate to a reduction in the number of children out of school, it does demonstrate strong demand from families for the program and a correspondingly strong supply response from the nonpublic sector.Pertaining degree completion, it is well established that natural disasters can have a negative effect on human capital accumulation. However, a comparison of the differential impacts of distinct disaster classes is missing. Using census data and information from DesInventar and EMDAT, two large disaster databases, the second part of the thesis assesses how geological disasters and climatic shocks affect the upper secondary degree attainment of adolescents. The chapter focuses on Mexico, given its diverse disaster landscape and lack of obligatory upper secondary education over the observed time period. While all disaster types are found to impede attainment, climatic disasters that are not infrastructure-destructive (e.g. droughts) have the strongest negative effect, decreasing educational expansion by over 40%. The effects seem largely driven by demand-side changes such as increases in school dropouts and fertility, especially for young women. The results may also be influenced by deteriorated parental labor market outcomes. Supply-side effects appear to be solely driven by infrastructure-destructive climatic shocks (e.g. floods). These findings thus call for differential public measures according to specific disaster types and an enhanced attention to climatic events given their potentially stronger impact on younger generations.It is also widely appreciated that natural disasters can have negative impacts on local labor market outcomes. However, the study of differential types of negative capital shocks, the underlying labor market mechanisms, and the context of the poorest countries have been neglected. Following testable predictions of economic theory, the third part of the thesis exploits the exogenous variation of destruction of human and physical capital caused by the 2010 Haiti earthquake to disentangle the differential impact on local individual monetary returns to education. Employing individual-level survey data from before and after the earthquake the chapter finds that the returns decreased on average by 37%, especially in equipment-capital intensive industry. Higher educated individuals adjust into low-paying self-employment or agriculture. The returns are particularly shock-sensitive for urban residents, migrants, males, and people over age 25. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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