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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komparace náhradní péče o děti v České republice a Slovenské republice / The legal comparison of alternative care of children in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic

Fabianová, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
The legal comparison of alternative care of children in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic There is always present a group of children who cannot for various reasons grow up in their biological family. Obligation of the state in such cases is to ensure that children alternative care. The purpose of alternative care is to protect and nurture children in a safe healthy environment and provide suitable conditions for their healthy physical, intellectual, emotional and moral development. The objective of the thesis is to analyze and compare alternative care of children institute in the Czech and the Slovak Republic from the substantive and procedural point of view with intention to evaluate effectiveness of legal regulation, identify basic problems in the practical realization, outline the principles significant for the further development of alternative care and make proposals de lege ferenda. Focus is put on the analysis of differences in national regulations and their critical evaluation. The study takes into account relevant judicature with an emphasis on the reflection of the best interest of the child principle, right of the child to be heard and right to respect for private and family life in the decision-making practice of the courts. Legislation of the Czech and the Slovak Republic is...

A alienação parental como forma de abuso à criança e ao adolescente / Parental alienation as a form of child abuse

Oliveira, Mário Henrique Castanho Prado de 18 April 2012 (has links)
Com o crescente número de separações e divórcios verificados nas últimas décadas no Brasil e no mundo assistiu-se, também, a um exponencial aumento nas disputas envolvendo a guarda dos filhos menores e o direito de visitas. Essa situação de grave conflito familiar se mostra solo fértil para o acirramento de ânimos das partes, que frequentemente não são capazes de perceber que a falência do seu relacionamento conjugal em nada altera sua relação parental com os filhos comuns. Nesse cenário, em que as desavenças familiares já chegaram aos umbrais do Judiciário, não raro se verifica a tentativa, notadamente movida por sentimentos de vingança, de se afastar o genitor não-guardião dos seus filhos, através de táticas e manobras geralmente levadas a cabo pelo genitor guardião aptas a efetivar tal distanciamento. A essa conduta se deu o nome de Alienação Parental, tema abordado pelo legislador brasileiro através da Lei 12.318, de 2010, que estabelece a reprovação estatal à conduta alienadora e fornece ao julgador elementos para identificá-la e repreendê-la. O presente trabalho visa, dessa maneira, por meio da análise dos estudos já realizados acerca da Alienação Parental e da Síndrome da Alienação Parental, identificar na conduta alienadora a configuração de verdadeiro abuso moral cometido contra a criança e o adolescente, por atentar contra o seu fundamental direito à convivência familiar com ambos os genitores. / With the increasing number of separations and divorces in recent decades in Brazil and throughout the world there was also an exponential increase of disputes involving custody of the children and visitation rights. This situation of severe family conflict provides fertile ground to the intensification of hostilities between the parties, who often fail to realize that their connubial relationships failure does not change their parental relationship with the mutual children. In this scenario, in which family quarrels have already reached the threshold of the judiciary, one can often see the attempt, notably motivated by feelings of revenge, to separate the non-custodial parent from his (her) children, through tactics and maneuvers usually carried out by the custodial parent that are able to accomplish such an estrangement. This behavior was named Parental Alienation, a subject addressed by the Brazilian act n. 12.318 of 2010, which established the state disapproval of the alienating actions and allowed the judge to identify and admonish them. Therefore, the present work aims, through the analysis of existing studies about Parental Alienation and Parental Alienation Syndrome, to consider alienating behaviors as a genuine form of moral abuse against children and adolescents, by undermining its fundamental right to family with both parents.

A alienação parental como forma de abuso à criança e ao adolescente / Parental alienation as a form of child abuse

Mário Henrique Castanho Prado de Oliveira 18 April 2012 (has links)
Com o crescente número de separações e divórcios verificados nas últimas décadas no Brasil e no mundo assistiu-se, também, a um exponencial aumento nas disputas envolvendo a guarda dos filhos menores e o direito de visitas. Essa situação de grave conflito familiar se mostra solo fértil para o acirramento de ânimos das partes, que frequentemente não são capazes de perceber que a falência do seu relacionamento conjugal em nada altera sua relação parental com os filhos comuns. Nesse cenário, em que as desavenças familiares já chegaram aos umbrais do Judiciário, não raro se verifica a tentativa, notadamente movida por sentimentos de vingança, de se afastar o genitor não-guardião dos seus filhos, através de táticas e manobras geralmente levadas a cabo pelo genitor guardião aptas a efetivar tal distanciamento. A essa conduta se deu o nome de Alienação Parental, tema abordado pelo legislador brasileiro através da Lei 12.318, de 2010, que estabelece a reprovação estatal à conduta alienadora e fornece ao julgador elementos para identificá-la e repreendê-la. O presente trabalho visa, dessa maneira, por meio da análise dos estudos já realizados acerca da Alienação Parental e da Síndrome da Alienação Parental, identificar na conduta alienadora a configuração de verdadeiro abuso moral cometido contra a criança e o adolescente, por atentar contra o seu fundamental direito à convivência familiar com ambos os genitores. / With the increasing number of separations and divorces in recent decades in Brazil and throughout the world there was also an exponential increase of disputes involving custody of the children and visitation rights. This situation of severe family conflict provides fertile ground to the intensification of hostilities between the parties, who often fail to realize that their connubial relationships failure does not change their parental relationship with the mutual children. In this scenario, in which family quarrels have already reached the threshold of the judiciary, one can often see the attempt, notably motivated by feelings of revenge, to separate the non-custodial parent from his (her) children, through tactics and maneuvers usually carried out by the custodial parent that are able to accomplish such an estrangement. This behavior was named Parental Alienation, a subject addressed by the Brazilian act n. 12.318 of 2010, which established the state disapproval of the alienating actions and allowed the judge to identify and admonish them. Therefore, the present work aims, through the analysis of existing studies about Parental Alienation and Parental Alienation Syndrome, to consider alienating behaviors as a genuine form of moral abuse against children and adolescents, by undermining its fundamental right to family with both parents.

Children in need of care and protection and their right to family life

Nonyana-Mokabane, Maria January 2013 (has links)
This study was influenced by the circumstances of children in need of care and protection. I conducted the study through a lens that takes the perspectives of “family life” seriously. Section 28(1)(b) of South Africa’s Constitution provides for the right to family care, parental care, or appropriate alternative care to a child who is removed from family life. This provision prioritises the nurturing and development of children in families. South Africa has a diversity of family models which provide family or parental care to children. Children also face various challenges and difficulties in the family environment, such as abuse, neglect, poverty, exploitation, and other traumatic experiences which make them more vulnerable and in need of care and protection. These circumstances are identified as grounds for mandatory intervention and often influence the decision by the children’s court to remove children. The study demonstrates how family care, parental care, or appropriate alternative care are provided in South Africa’s Children’s Act, enforced by the judiciary, and have evolved in practice. Unfortunately, the Children’s Act does not explicitly provide for families, family care and the responsibility of the state to assist families to enable them to function optimally. Government and stakeholders therefore lack guidance in their engagement with the family to address the plight of children in families or raise the quality of life of the family on a continuous basis. The social worker who conducts investigations into the circumstances of the child who is in need of care and protection, must facilitate the provision of prevention and early intervention services with a view to strengthening the family. Unfortunately, social workers sometimes abuse their powers by removing children without prioritising the support needed to keep them in families. Furthermore, the state’s assistance in supporting families may be challenging due to resource constraints, underspending on the state budget, and delay in the delivery of services. Before the children’s court decides to remove the child into alternative care it must, upon identifying a specific ground for mandatory alternative care intervention, conduct an investigation and hold an inquiry regarding the circumstances of the child. The parent and the child must have access to information and participate in the decision-making process. Once the decision to remove the child is reached, the children’s court can opt for different alternative care options. It is crucial to decide on alternative care of a nature and quality that resembles family life. Such care must enable the child and the parent to mutually enjoy each other’s company, as this is an essential element of family life. Thus, the state must put measures in place to ensure that the child establishes contact and has a continuous relationship with family members in view of possible reunification with the family. Alternative care must also provide permanency planning which must explore the option of reuniting the child with his or her family after removal, or adoption if reunification efforts fail. Although adoption is preferred upon failure of reunification efforts, it is challenged by policy and practice which, if not carefully considered, may impact on the right of the child to family life. South Africa has ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and is bound to develop its policies in line with the CRC. It is an issue of concern as to whether the implementation of the Children’s Act goes far enough in meeting CRC standards or complying with the Constitution. Thus, the study is means of comparative research, which includes international standards and foreign jurisdictions, with the view of suggesting improvements for South African child legislation. Recommendations for the best possible options towards refining the Children’s Act are made. The proposed provisions could advance the reform of child and family services and thus make a difference in the lives of children in families. / Thesis (LLD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / gm2013 / Private Law / unrestricted


PRISCILA REGINA ALVES DE SOUZA 12 August 2024 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação analisa como a conjunção de direitos à maternidade e à convivência familiar com filhas(os) se manifesta no cotidiano de famílias de mulheres-mães que tiveram a experiência da privação de liberdade e a vivência de forma alternativa ao encarceramento. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa, a partir de entrevistas narrativas com duas mães que tiveram as experiências supracitadas. A análise das narrativas sobre as vivências dessas mulheres possibilitou ricas reflexões sobre um tema ainda pouco pesquisado.Dentre os resultados alcançados, constatou-se um forte sentimento de culpa por parte das mães pela impossibilidade de cuidarem de seus filhos. As angústias das mães, privadas de liberdade, são potencializadas pela ausência de notícias sobre osfilhos, onde estão, com quem estão e para onde vão. Além disso, observou-se que as medidas alternativas ao encarceramento foram muito benéficas às famílias das participantes, pois os cuidados e os vínculos familiares com seus filhos foram mantidos, evitando, novamente, serem presas e o rompimento do convívio. A pesquisa revelou que, diante do encarceramento de mães, a conjunção do direito à maternidade e à convivência familiar tem sido um grande desafio para a efetivação de direitos humanos e para as políticas públicas. Conclui-se, assim, ser necessário um maior investimento na articulação entre as instituições que compõem o Sistema de Justiça Criminal e o de Garantia de Direitos de Crianças e Adolescentes, com a finalidade de promover, efetivamente, a convivência familiar e comunitária, assim como o fortalecimento da função protetiva das famílias. / [en] This dissertation analyzes how the conjunction of rights to motherhood and Family life with children manifests itself in the daily lives of families of women-mothers who have had the experience of derivation of liberty and living in na alternative way to incarceration. This is research with qualitative approach, based on narrative interviews with mothers who had the afore mentioned experiences. The analysis of the narratives about the experiences of these women enabled rich reflections on a topic that is still little researched. Among the results achieved, there was a strong feeling of guilt on the part of mothers due to the inability to care fortheir children. The anxieties of mothers, deprived of their freedom, are heightenedby the lack of news about their children, where they are, who they are with andwhere they are going. Furthermore, it was observed that the alternative measures toincarceration were very beneficial to the participants` families, as care and familyties with their children were maintained, again avoiding being arrested and breakingup their relationship. The research revealed that, given the incarceration of mothers,the conjunction of the right to motherhood and family life has been a major challenge for the implementation of human rights and public policies. It is concluded, therefore, that greater investiment is necessary in the coordination between the institutions that make up the Criminal Justice System and the Guarantee of Rights of Children and Adolescents, with the purpose of effectively promoting family and community coexistente, as well as strengthening of protective function of families.

EKMR och klimatprocesser mot stater : Vad har stater för bedömningsmarginal i att tillförsäkra minskade klimatutsläpp

Eriksson, Malin January 2023 (has links)
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