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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Truancy in black schools: the role of parents

Nhlapo, Rosy Vangile 29 July 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Psychology of Education) / Truancy is such a problem that there is a need to investigate it. The act of truancy has both psychological and social consequences. It affects not only the individual truant adversely but also the people in his social environment. The ultimate purpose of the research is essentially practical: to help teachers, parents and others to address issues of non-attendance. The present research focuses on the possible role of parents in the incidence of truancy, since the family is basically a community of love. The present research displays a two-pronged approach. Firstly, a literature study is carried out on truancy as a phenomenon and on the role of parents in children's development. This serves as the substructure for the second component, namely the empirical investigation. Secondly, an empirical investigation is done. The empirical investigation in Mamelodi high schools, is part of a group project that utilizes a criterion-group-comparative-group research design with a nomothetic strategy, comparing truants' data with those of non-truants.

Mainstream Success Following Placement in a Modified Type II Setting

Reeder, Richard C. 05 1900 (has links)
The topic of alternative schools is widely available in the literature; however, once a student has been labeled a "troublemaker" and has been placed in a District Alternative Education Program (DAEP), a Type II setting, there is limited information about the overall success of students upon their return to the mainstream. This study compared the success of students formerly placed in a modified disciplinary Type II setting, once they have returned to the mainstream, with their success prior to disciplinary placement. The purpose of the study was to examine if disciplinary measures that remove students from the mainstream environment negatively impact the variables that measure school success, despite legislative mandates such as No Child Left Behind, which advocates success for every student. The population for this study was 86 7th- through 11th-grade students assigned to a DAEP in Texas during the spring of 2003. A comparison of pre- and post-placement dependent variables measuring school success-attendance, passing core courses, behavioral achievement, standardized test score achievement, recidivism, and dropout rates-comprised this study. The independent variables-gender, ethnicity, grade level, socioeconomic status, and disciplinary offense-were used to compare and analyze each dependent variable. The dependent variables of attendance, passing core courses, and behavior demonstrated a decline in the measurement of school success across time. The only dependent variable that demonstrated improvement between the pre- and post-placement periods was achievement on standardized test scores. From the number of students who withdrew from the mainstream during the post-placement semesters, large recidivism and dropout rates were determined, which reflected the large percentage of students who were not successful in the district's mainstream. The comparisons of dependent variables by independent variables resulted in significance only in the analyses of attendance by grade level. This interaction was determined to be significant since p < .05. During both post-placement semesters, 11th-grade attendance increased by 20.2 points. Students in the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades maintained a slight increase in attendance between the pre-placement and first post-placement semester yet experienced an attendance decline in the second post-placement semester. This decline was seen in all three grade levels between the pre-placement and the second post-placement semesters. Attendance among tenth graders declined throughout all semesters of the study. The comparison of attendance by disciplinary offense resulted in a large effect size (eta2). The eta2 reported within 29.8% accuracy in variability when attendance was compared by disciplinary offense. Students placed for assault demonstrated a 27.7 point increase in attendance by the second post-placement semester. Despite the comparison of attendance by the grade level of students being the only significant result, and the comparison of attendance by disciplinary offense resulting in a large effect size, several specific conclusions were drawn from the analyses of the pre- and post-placement data measuring school success. All dependent variable measurements, with the exception of standardized test score achievement, resulted in an overall reduction of mean scores across time. This decline indicates that students do demonstrate a decline in school success following a removal from a mainstream setting.

Three Essays on Causal Inference for Observational Studies

Bennett, Magdalena January 2020 (has links)
The generation of robust causal evidence is of paramount importance for informing policy and assessing the effect of different interventions in the educational setting. The objective of this thesis is to design and apply new methods for causal inference, particularly in observational studies, to answer pressing educational questions and provide evidence of the effect of specific events and policies. This thesis consists of three papers that use different identification strategies, such as a natural experiment, a regression discontinuity design, and a difference-in-differences approach, in combination with matching techniques, to identify the effect that specific educational interventions and a natural disaster had on students' and schools' outcomes in Chile. In the first paper, Vielma, Zubizarreta, and I present a new way of matching in observational studies that is able to (i) balance covariates directly with multiple-valued treatments, (ii) build self-weighted matched samples that are representative of a target population, and (iii) handle matching problems in large datasets in a fast and efficient way. The key insights of this new approach to matching are balancing the treatment groups relative to a target population and positing a linear-sized mixed integer formulation of the matching problem. We illustrate this method using both a simulation study and a case study. In the observational study, we estimate the effect that different intensities of the 2010 Chilean earthquake had on senior high school students' educational outcomes. We find that while increasing levels of exposure to the earthquake had a negative impact on school attendance, it had no effect on college admission test scores. In my second paper, I tackle the issue of generalization in a regression discontinuity design. Regression discontinuity designs are a commonly used approach for causal inference in observational studies. Under mild continuity assumptions, the method provides a robust estimate of the average treatment effect for observations directly at the threshold of assignment. However, it has limited external validity for populations away from the cutoff. This paper proposes a strategy to overcome this limitation by identifying a wider interval around the cutoff for estimation using a Generalization of a Regression Discontinuity Design (GRD). In this interval, predictive covariates are used to explain away the relationship between the assignment score and the outcome of interest for the pre-intervention period. Under the partially-testable assumption of conditional time-invariance in absence of the treatment, the generalization bandwidth can be applied to the post-intervention period, allowing for the estimation of average treatment effects for populations away from the cutoff. To illustrate this method, GRD is applied in the context of free higher education in Chile to estimate effects for vulnerable students. I find evidence that students at the margin of eligibility were positively affected by the policy, increasing both application and enrollment rates to university. In terms of a generalized effect, evidence is also consistent with an increasing effect as we get away from the cutoff. Finally, the third paper in this thesis addresses the question of unintended consequences in school segregation due to the introduction of a targeted voucher scheme. I use a difference-in-difference approach, in combination with matching on time-stable covariates, to estimate the effect that the 2008 Chilean voucher policy had on both average students' household income and academic performance at the school level. Results show that even though the policy had a positive effect on schools' standardized test scores, closing the gap between schools that subscribed to the policy compared to those that did not, there was also an increase in the differences between socioeconomic characteristics at the school level, such as average household income.

Främja närvaro och förebygga frånvaro i gymnasieskolan : en studie utifrån elevernas perspektiv / Prevent school absenteeism and promote school attendance : a study from the students' perspective

Tigerberg, Karolina January 2020 (has links)
The study examines the factors that cause school absenteeism and how the high school/upper secondary can work to prevent school absenteeism and promote school attendance. The overall purpose of the study was to investigate what the high school/upper secondary school students describe as absenteeism prevention and promote attendance. The theoretical framework for the study consists of a socio-cultural perspective, a relational perspective, and the theory of KASAM. The study approach is qualitative and the study data were collected through mixed methods where semi-structured interviews were supplemented with a survey of the high school/upper secondary school students in grades 2 and 3. Based on the students' descriptions, the school's work on preventing absence and promoting attendance can be seen as complex. The students show, as in previous research, that many different factors influence the students' attendance and absence and that the causal factors can vary from student to student. The result further shows that there are a variety of factors related to the school's learning environments that can prevent absenteeism and promote attendance. The conclusion of the study highlights the importance of high school/upper secondary school working to strengthen students' motivation, participation, security, health, wellness and well-being. Highschool/upper secondary school should also work actively to ensure that the learning environment in the school is varied and that the teaching is adapted to the diversity of pupils' needs and conditions. Based on the results, it is determined that a broad repertoire of strategies and methods is needed in the school's absence prevention and attendance promotion work. The special pedagogical relevance of the study is made visible by the study showing that the school's attendance promotion and absence prevention work is strengthened by the school working to identify and map obstacles and opportunities in the school's educational, social and physical learning environments and based on the development of the school's learning environments at both individual and organizational levels.

Närvarofrämjande arbete som en del av det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet

Danefors, Lina, Carlsson, Sofie January 2020 (has links)
Problematisk frånvaro har de senaste åren lyfts fram och aktualiserats både i media och i olika rapporter och utredningar. Det finns mycket kunskap både nationellt och internationellt om riskfaktorer för problematisk frånvaro men relativt lite om hur man kan främja närvaro och förebygga frånvaro. Skolverket (2010) belyser exempelvis hög frånvaro och stora brister i skolors arbete med att förebygga och åtgärda problematisk frånvaro. Detta bekräftas av Skolinspektionen (2016a; 2016b). Med utgångspunkt i ovanstående blev vi intresserade av att undersöka hur skolor kan arbeta för att främja närvaro och förebygga frånvaro och hur detta arbete kan göras till en del av det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet.Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur tre gymnasieskolor som säger sig arbeta närvarofrämjande har lagt upp och systematiserat sitt arbete. Syftet besvaras genom följande frågeställningar:• Hur arbetar skolorna för att utreda orsaker till elevernas frånvaro?• Hur arbetar skolorna för att främja elevernas närvaro?• Vilka möjligheter och hinder med det närvarofrämjande arbetet uttrycker skolorna?• Hur ser det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet kring närvaro ut på skolorna?Vi valde att rikta vår undersökning mot gymnasieskolan då den mesta forskningen vi har hittat är riktad mot grundskolan. På så sätt kunde vår studie ge ett kunskapsbidrag inom området och därmed ha ett vetenskapligt värde.Studien omfattade tre mindre gymnasieskolor och är kvalitativ utifrån ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv. Studien utgår från ett relationellt perspektiv där utgångspunkten är att elevers svårigheter uppstår i mötet med lärmiljön och ett salutogent förhållningssätt där känsla av sammanhang och meningsfullhet utgör grunden. Vi har använt oss av semistrukturerade intervjuer med skolornas rektorer.Studiens resultat visade att rektorernas uppfattningar är att orsakerna till elevers frånvaro är flera, varierande och komplexa, vilket även bekräftas av Gren Landell (2018), och då behöver även lösningarna vara det. Resultatet visade också att rektorernas uppfattningar är att genom att göra det närvarofrämjande arbetet till en del av det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet ökar möjligheterna att nå högre närvaro för alla elever. Vårt resultat bekräftas av Skolverket (2012) och innebär för skolorna en tydlig förskjutning från att arbeta åtgärdande för några få elever till att arbeta främjande och förebyggande för alla elever, vilket är specialpedagogens och elevhälsoteamets huvudsakliga uppdrag enligt Skollagen (SFS 2010:800 2 kap. 25§). Resultatet visade även att närvarofrämjande arbete till stor del handlar om att arbeta med och utveckla organisation, pedagogik, lärmiljöer och relationer för att kunna möta alla elevers behov.En slutsats vi drar utifrån vår studie är att specialpedagogens uppdrag i så stor utsträckning som möjligt bör inriktas mot förebyggande och hälsofrämjande arbete. Specialpedagogen har här ett viktigt uppdrag i att leda och systematisera det närvarofrämjande arbetet som en del av det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet och har i detta arbete stor nytta av sin breda kompetens.

Impact of Schools' Social Bonding on Chronic Truancy: Perceptions of Middle School Principals

Gentle-Genitty, Carolyn Sherlet 18 March 2009 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / No longer is the family the only unit of care for children and their education; schools are now the primary unit of education and are responsible for at least 6-8 hours of student connectedness. Yet, one in every 100 US students is truant. Among students ages 14-17, the number of truants is one in 10. In one township in Indiana, one in every three students is a chronic truant. Understanding why children disengage from school before reaching the compulsory attendance age of 16 is essential. This study explored the relationship of schools’ social bonding opportunities and principals’ perceptions of students’ social bond on rates of chronic truancy in middle schools. Chronic truancy was defined as 10 or more absences reported to the Indiana Department of Education during the 2006-2007 school year. Methods. A cross-sectional online survey consisting of 81 items was administered using Survey Monkey™. The list of participants was generated from the Indiana Department of Education’s online database of middle and junior high schools in Indiana. Of the 429 principals invited to participate, 144 responded. The final sample consisted of 99 public schools. Secondary data was used to compare school demographic characteristics. Results. Using multiple regression analyses, the results showed that schools’ social bonding opportunities and principals’ perceptions of students’ social bonding in middle school were positively but not significantly related to rates of chronic truancy. The variables in the model of best fit accounted for 16% of the change in rates of chronic truancy. Principals reported doing well at creating opportunities for students to attach and be involved in school but that they needed to improve on building relationships to effectively increase social bonding in their middle schools. Conclusions. Student success is dependent on not only what the student brings to the school environment but what the school environment provides to the student. Creating an environment for students to thrive and succeed relies on the opportunities for social bonding in the middle school. Truancy prevention and school engagement is a shared responsibility.

“En positiv loop” : Framgångsrika insatser för en återgång till skolan ur elevers och vårdnadshavares perspektiv

Norman, Marie, Tano, Yvonne, Andersson-Junkka, Marie January 2023 (has links)
Idag rapporterar media om att den problematiska skolfrånvaron ökar. Enligt skollagen har alla elever rätt till en utbildning och den svenska närvaroplikten innebär att varje skola behöver kunna främja skolnärvaro. En fullständigt genomförd grundskola med godkända betyg är en skyddsfaktor mot utanförskap i samhället och psykisk ohälsa. Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om skolans insatser för att stödja elever med problematisk skolfrånvaro i att kunna återgå till skolan. Forskningsfrågorna sökte svar på framgångsrika insatser som eleverna och deras vårdnadshavare beskriver för återgång till skolan, sett ur ett flernivåperspektiv. Studiens teoretiska ramverk var Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologiska systemteori. Undersökningen hade en kvalitativ forskningsansats, inspirerad av fallstudiedesign. För att samla in data användes semistrukturerade intervjuer. En pilotstudie genomfördes för att förbättra våra intervjufrågor. Urvalet till studien baserades på ett målstyrt urval. Våra respondenter var fyra elever och deras vårdnadshavare. Eleverna hade tidigare haft problematisk skolfrånvaro men återvänt till skolan. Tidigare forskning har visat att framgångsfaktorer som ökar skolnärvaro innefattar undervisning, delaktighet, inflytande, trygghet och studiero, tillitsfulla relationer och kommunikation mellan hem och skola. Studiens resultat överensstämmer med tidigare forskning. I vårt resultat framkom även betydelsen av att minska kraven på eleverna i skolsituationen för en positiv återgång till skolan. Ytterligare framkom ur ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv att faktorer på samtliga nivåer inom teorin har en inverkan på skolnärvaron. En liten förändring på någon nivå kan påverka elevens förutsättningar att närvara i skolan. Vi tänker oss att vår studie kan bidra med kunskap och vara ett stöd i skolors närvarofrämjande arbete. / Today, Media reports that the problematic school absence is increasing. According to Skollagen, all students have the right to an education, and the Swedish compulsory attendance means that each school needs to encourage school attendance. A completed schooling with passed grades is a protection factor in society and against mental illness. The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge about the schools’ measures to aid students with problematic school attendance in returning to school. The research questions sought to find successful measures that students and their guardians describe were important in the students’ returning to school, seen from a multilevel perspective. The theoretical framework of the study was Bronfenbrenner’s educational system theory. The study had a qualitative research method, inspired by case study design. To collect data, semi structured interviews were used. A pilot study was carried out to perfect our questions. The selection of participants was based on goal-oriented factors. Our respondents were four students and their guardians. The students had previously had problematic school absence but then returned to school. Previous research has shown that success factors that increase the students’ attendance in school are teaching, participation, influence, security, a peaceful study situation, trusting relations and communication between home and school. The results from the study coincide with previous research. In our result, the importance of lowering the demands on the students in order to reach a successful return to school, emerged. Furthermore, from a theoretical system perspective, all theoretical factors influenced school attendance. A small alteration at some level can affect the students’ prerequisite for school attendance. Our study can contribute with knowledge about, and be supportive in, schools’ work with encouraging school attendance.

”Bara att torka tårarna och köra vidare” : Balansen mellan arbets- och familjeliv hos mödrar till barn med problematisk skolfrånvaro

Åkerlund, Ebba January 2024 (has links)
Problematisk skolfrånvaro bland svenska elever är ett växande problem där ett stort ansvar läggs på barnets vårdnadshavare. Syftet med föreliggandestudie var att undersöka hur mödrar till barn som lider av problematisk skolfrånvaro upplever balansen mellan arbets- och familjeliv med hjälp av kvalitativ metod. Nio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes för att sedan tematiseras. Tematiseringen identifierade sex teman som berör aspekter som hindrar och främjar intervjudeltagarnas upplevelse av balans i vardagenutifrån studiens två frågeställningar. Resultat från studien visade på en obalans där familjelivet påverkar arbetslivet genom upplevd otillräcklighet, mental och fysisk frånvaro i arbetslivet samt brister i stödsystemet kring barnen. Därtill visade resultatet att arbetet som fristad och energigivare, stöd från kollegor och chef samt flexibla arbetsformer främjar balansen. Slutsatser från studien är att mödrarna är i en ohållbar situation där det råder en obalans mellan arbets- och familjelivet, där brister i stödsystemet kring barnen och oförutsägbarheten hindrar balansen.

To Determine the Factors Influencing the Attendance of the Latin-American Children in Wichita Falls Public Schools

Jolly, Charles A. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is three-fold: (1) to make a study of the attendance records of Latin American children in the Wichita Falls Public Schools to determine the extent of non-attendance and withdrawals; (2) to study factors causing this non-attendance and withdrawals; and (3) to plan some remedial measures to improve the educational opportunities and improve the attendance of these children.

The Incidence of Non-Promotion in the Intermediate Grades of the Elementary School and some of its Relationships

Morgan, Blanche Petty 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation is to determine the incidence of retardation or non-promotion and the relationship of various characteristics of the retarded children in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades of Sunset School.

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