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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Approche par la simulation pour la gestion de ressources / Simulation approach for resource management

Poquet, Millian 19 December 2017 (has links)
Les plateformes de calcul se multiplient, grandissent en taille et gagnent encomplexité.De nombreux défis restent à relever pour construire les prochaines générationsde plateformes, mais exploiter cesdites plateformes est également un défi en soi.Des contraintes comme la consommation énergétique, les mouvement de donnéesou la résilience risquent de devenir prépondérantes et de s'ajouter à lacomplexité actuelle de la gestion des plateformes.Les méthodes de gestion de ressources peuvent également évoluer avec laconvergence des différents types de plateformes distribuées.Les gestionnaires de ressources sont des systèmes critiques au cœur desplateformes qui permettent aux utilisateurs d'exploiter les ressources.Les faire évoluer est nécessaire pour exploiter au mieux lesressources en prenant en compte ces nouvelles contraintes.Ce processus d'évolution est risqué et nécessite de nombreuses itérationsqu'il semble peu raisonnable de réaliser in vivo tant les coûts impliquéssont importants.La simulation, beaucoup moins coûteuse, est généralement préférée pourfaire ce type d'études mais pose des questions quant au réalisme des résultatsainsi obtenus.La première contribution de cette thèse est de proposer une méthode desimulation modulaire pour étudier les gestionnaires de ressources et leurévolution --- ainsi que le simulateur résultant nommé Batsim.L'idée principale est de séparer fortement la simulation et les algorithmes deprise de décision.Cela permet une séparation des préoccupations puisque les algorithmes,quels qu'ils soient, peuvent bénéficier d'une simulation validée proposantdifférents niveaux de réalisme.Cette méthode simplifie la mise en production de nouvelles politiquespuisque des codes issus à la fois de gestionnaires de ressources de productionet de prototypes académiques peuvent être étudiés dans le même contexte.La méthode de simulation proposée est illustrée dans la seconde partie de cettethèse, qui s'intéresse à des problèmes de gestion de ressourcesnon clairvoyants mêlant optimisation des performances et de laconsommation énergétique.Différents algorithmes sont d'abord proposés et étudiés afin de respecter unbudget d'énergie pendant une période de temps donnée.Nous étudions ensuite plus généralement les différents compromis réalisablesentre performances et énergie grâce à différentes politiques d'extinction denœuds de calcul. / Computing platforms increasingly grow in power and complexity.Numerous challenges remain to build next generations of platforms,but exploiting the platforms is a challenge per se.Constraints such as energy consumption, data movements and resiliencerisk to initiate breaking points in the way that the platforms aremanaged --- especially with the convergence of the different types ofdistributed platforms.Resource and Jobs Management Systems (RJMSs) are critical middlewaresthat allow users to exploit the resources of such platforms.They must evolve to make the best use of the computing platforms whilecomplying with these new constraints.Each evolution ideally require many iterations, but conducting them in vivois not reasonable due to huge overhead.Simulation is an efficient way to tackle the subsequent problems,but particular caution must be taken when drawing results from simulationas using ill-suited models may lead to invalid results.The first contribution of this thesis is the proposition of a modularsimulation methodology to study RJMSs and their evolution realistically --- andthe related simulator Batsim.The main idea is to strongly separate the simulation from the decision-makingalgorithms.This allows separation of concerns as any algorithm can benefit from a validatedsimulation with multiple levels of realism (features, accuracy of the models).This methodology improves the production launch of new policies since bothacademic prototypes and production RJMSs can be studied in the same context.Batsim is used in the second part of this thesis,which focuses on online and non-clairvoyant resource management policies tosave energy.Several algorithms are first proposed and analyzed to maximize performancesunder an energy budget for a given time period.This thesis then explores more generally possible energy and performancestrade-offs that can be obtained with node shutdown techniques.

A Journey Through the Land of Model-View-* Design Patterns

Syromiatnikov, Artem January 2014 (has links)
Every software program that interacts with a user requires a user interface. Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a common design pattern to integrate a user interface with the application domain logic. MVC separates the representation of the application domain (Model) from the display of the application's state (View) and user interaction control (Controller). However, studying the literature reveals that a variety of other related patterns exists, which we denote with Model-View-* (MV*) design patterns. This thesis discusses existing MV* patterns classified in three main families: Model-View-Controller (MVC), Model-View-View Model (MVVM), and Model-View-Presenter (MVP). We take a practitioners' point of view and emphasize the essentials of each family as well as the differences. The study shows that the selection of patterns should take into account the use cases and quality requirements at hand, and chosen technology. We illustrate the selection of a pattern with an example of our practice. The study results aim to bring more clarity in the variety of MV* design patterns and help practitioners to make better grounded decisions when selecting patterns.

Séparation des préoccupations en épidémiologie / Separation of concerns in epidemiology

Bui, Thi-Mai-Anh 09 December 2016 (has links)
La modélisation mathématique est largement utilisée pour effectuer des recherches sur la modélisation des maladies infectieuses. Combler le fossé entre les modèles conceptuels et leurs simulations est l'un des problèmes de la modélisation. Les langages métiers sont souvent utilisés pour addresser ces problèmes en séparant deux aspects de la modélisation : la spécification (modèles conceptuels) et la simulation (modèles informatiques). Dans cette perspective, nous développons un langage métier, appelé KENDRICK, dédié à la modélisation épidémiologique, couplé avec une plate-forme de simulation. Un autre problème de la modélisation en épidémiologie est le mélange des aspects de domaine qui doivent être séparés. Afin de faciliter l'écriture et l'évolution des modèles, il est crucial de pouvoir définir une préoccupation avec aussi peu de dépendances avec d'autres que possible et de pouvoir les combiner aussi librement que possible. Nous abordons ces défis en proposant un méta-modèle mathématique commun qui peut représenter les modèles ainsi que les préoccupations. Nous définissons ensuite les opérateurs qui permettent de combiner des préoccupations ainsi que de les appliquer dans un modèle. Le langage KENDRICK simplifie donc la programmation des simulations épidémiologiques en décomposant un modèle monolithique hautement-couplé en préoccupations modulaires. Cela rend alors plus facile la construction des modèles complexes de l'épidémiologie où plusieurs préoccupations sont considérées en même temps. / Mathematical and computational models have become widely used and demanded tools for examining mechanisms of transmission, exploring characteristics of epidemics, predicting future courses of an outbreak and evaluating strategies to find a best control-program. One of the problems of modelling is bridging the gap between conceptual models (i.e compartmental models of epidemiology) and their computer simulation (through deterministic, stochastic or agent-based implementation). Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) are often used to address such difficulties by separating two concerns of modelling, specification (conceptual model) and implementation (computational model). In this perspective, we develop a DSL called KENDRICK targeted to the epidemiological modelling and coupled with a simulation platform that allows the study of such models. The other important issue needs to be addressed in the context of epidemiological modelling is the heterogeneities introduced by separate concerns. In order to facilitate the specification of models and their evolution, it is crucial to be able to define concerns with as few dependencies with each other as possible and to combine them as freely as possible. We address such challenges by proposing a common mathematical meta-model that supports both concerns and models and enabling their compositions by some operators. We then implement our proposal language KENDRICK based on this meta-model. The language simplifies the construction of complex epidemiological models by decomposing them into modular concerns, by which common concerns can be reused across models and can be easily changed.

Uma camada de adaptação para transmissão de mídias digitais. / An adaptation layer for multimedia transmission.

Kulesza, Raoni 21 July 2006 (has links)
A convergência da Internet com outras redes (telefonia móvel e televisão digital), o surgimento da computação ubíqua e crescente demanda pela computação autônoma, tem favorecido a existência de um ambiente constantemente modificado e altamente dinâmico, caracterizado pelo tratamento e transporte de conteúdo multimídia, heterogeneidade nos recursos, tecnologias de redes e dispositivos de acesso. Este cenário tem exigido a existência de sistemas adaptativos, ou seja, que tenham a capacidade de se adaptar dinamicamente em resposta a mudanças no contexto em que estão inseridos. O projeto de software de sistemas adaptativos que visem atender de forma satisfatória evolução e mudança neste novo ambiente heterogêneo da Internet tem particular relevância e complexidade. Um dos principais desafios é realizar a implementação de comportamentos adaptativos sem entrelaçamento com outras funcionalidades da aplicação, que podem levar a dificuldade de legibilidade e prejudicar a manutenção do código. Este trabalho procura abordar este tema empregando programação orientada a aspectos na especificação e implementação de uma camada de adaptação que atua sobre aplicações multimídia em rede utilizando abordagens de adaptação baseados em servidor. Em particular, através do uso da linguagem AspectJ, é mostrado como promovemos a separação do interesse de adaptabilidade de forma modular para permitir que a camada de adaptação realize configuração estática e dinâmica de processos de transmissão de fluxos multimídia a partir de mecanismos de monitoração do seu ambiente de operação. / The convergence of the Internet with other networks (e.g. Mobile Telecom and Digital Television Networks), the ubiquitous computing raising and the increasing demand on the autonomic computing has favored the existence of a constantly modified and highly dynamic environment. It is characterized by the treatment and transport of multimedia content and resources, network technologies and access devices heterogeneity. This scenario has demanded the existence of adaptive systems, which has the capacity to dynamically adapt based on the context where they are inserted. The software design for adaptive systems, which aim to deal on a satisfactory way the evolution and changes in this new heterogeneous Internet environment, has particular relevance and complexity. One of the main challenges is performing the development of adaptive behaviors without tangled and scattered code along other application functionalities, which could result in code legibly problems, affecting its maintenance. The main purpose of this work is the specification and development of an adaptation layer working in multimedia networked application and using server based adaptation approach, making use of aspect oriented programming. Specifically, through the adoption of the AspectJ language it was showed how the adaptability concern was well modularized by enabling the adaptation layer to perform static and dynamic configuration of the multimedia chains through the monitoring of its operational environment.


JOAO ALFREDO PINTO DE MAGALHAES 18 June 2003 (has links)
[pt] Vivemos na era da informação, onde o conhecimento é criado numa velocidade nunca antes vista. Esse aumento de velocidade teve como principalrazão a Internet, que alterou os paradigmas até então existentes de troca de informações entre as pessoas. Através da rede, trabalhos inteiros podem ser publicados, atingindo um público alvo impossível de ser alcançado através dos meios existentes anteriormente. Porém, o excesso de informação também pode agir no sentido contrário: muita informação pode ser igual a nenhuma informação. Nosso trabalho foi o de produzir um sistema multi-agentes para busca e classificação de documentos textuais de um domínio específico. Foi construída uma infra-estrutura que separa as questões referentes à busca e seleção dos documentos (plataforma) das referentes ao algoritmo de classificação utilizado (uma aplicação do conceito de separation of concerns). Dessa forma, é possível não só acoplar algoritmos já existentes, mas também gerar novos algoritmos levando em consideração características específicas do domínio de documentos abordado. Foram geradas quatro instâncias a partir do framework, uma aplicação de webclipping, um componente para auxílio a knowledge management, um motor de busca para websites e uma aplicação para a web semântica. / [en] We are living in the information age, where knowledge is constantly being created in a rate that was never seen before. This is mainly due to Internet, that changed all the information exchange paradigms between people. Through the net, it is possible to publish or exchange whole works, reaching an audience impossible to be reached through other means. However, excess of information can be harmful: having too much information can be equal to having no information at all. Our work was to build a multi-agent framework for search and flexibilization of textual document classification algorithms of a specific domain. We have built an infra-structure that separates the concerns of document search and selection (platform) from the concerns of document classification (an application of the separation of concerns concept). It is possible not only to use existing algorithms, but also to generate new ones that consider domain-specific characteristics of documents. We generated four instances of the framework, a webclipping application, a knowledge management component, a search engine for websites and an application for the semantic web.

Uma camada de adaptação para transmissão de mídias digitais. / An adaptation layer for multimedia transmission.

Raoni Kulesza 21 July 2006 (has links)
A convergência da Internet com outras redes (telefonia móvel e televisão digital), o surgimento da computação ubíqua e crescente demanda pela computação autônoma, tem favorecido a existência de um ambiente constantemente modificado e altamente dinâmico, caracterizado pelo tratamento e transporte de conteúdo multimídia, heterogeneidade nos recursos, tecnologias de redes e dispositivos de acesso. Este cenário tem exigido a existência de sistemas adaptativos, ou seja, que tenham a capacidade de se adaptar dinamicamente em resposta a mudanças no contexto em que estão inseridos. O projeto de software de sistemas adaptativos que visem atender de forma satisfatória evolução e mudança neste novo ambiente heterogêneo da Internet tem particular relevância e complexidade. Um dos principais desafios é realizar a implementação de comportamentos adaptativos sem entrelaçamento com outras funcionalidades da aplicação, que podem levar a dificuldade de legibilidade e prejudicar a manutenção do código. Este trabalho procura abordar este tema empregando programação orientada a aspectos na especificação e implementação de uma camada de adaptação que atua sobre aplicações multimídia em rede utilizando abordagens de adaptação baseados em servidor. Em particular, através do uso da linguagem AspectJ, é mostrado como promovemos a separação do interesse de adaptabilidade de forma modular para permitir que a camada de adaptação realize configuração estática e dinâmica de processos de transmissão de fluxos multimídia a partir de mecanismos de monitoração do seu ambiente de operação. / The convergence of the Internet with other networks (e.g. Mobile Telecom and Digital Television Networks), the ubiquitous computing raising and the increasing demand on the autonomic computing has favored the existence of a constantly modified and highly dynamic environment. It is characterized by the treatment and transport of multimedia content and resources, network technologies and access devices heterogeneity. This scenario has demanded the existence of adaptive systems, which has the capacity to dynamically adapt based on the context where they are inserted. The software design for adaptive systems, which aim to deal on a satisfactory way the evolution and changes in this new heterogeneous Internet environment, has particular relevance and complexity. One of the main challenges is performing the development of adaptive behaviors without tangled and scattered code along other application functionalities, which could result in code legibly problems, affecting its maintenance. The main purpose of this work is the specification and development of an adaptation layer working in multimedia networked application and using server based adaptation approach, making use of aspect oriented programming. Specifically, through the adoption of the AspectJ language it was showed how the adaptability concern was well modularized by enabling the adaptation layer to perform static and dynamic configuration of the multimedia chains through the monitoring of its operational environment.

Towards a Taxonomy of Aspect-Oriented Programming.

Hankerson, Mario Bernard 13 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
As programs continue to increase in size, it has become increasingly difficult to separate concerns into well localized modules, which leads to code tangling- crosscutting code spread throughout several modules. Thus, Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) offers a solution to creating modules with little or no crosscutting concerns. AOP presents the notion of aspects, and demonstrates how crosscutting concerns can be taken out of modules and placed into a centralized location. In this paper, a taxonomy of aspect-oriented programming, as well as a basic overview and introduction of AOP, will be presented in order to assist future researchers in getting started on additional research on the topic. To form the taxonomy, over four-hundred research articles were organized into fifteen different primary categories coupled with sub-categories, which shows where some of the past research has been focused. In addition, trends of the research were evaluated and paths for future exploration are suggested.

Construção de middleware específico de domínio: unificando abordagem dirigida por modelos e separação de interesses / Specific domain middleware building: unified model driven approach and separation of interests

Barbosa, Weider Alves 30 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Franciele Moreira (francielemoreyra@gmail.com) on 2018-02-01T11:58:08Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Weider Alves Barbosa - 2017.pdf: 3232518 bytes, checksum: 2a1f899f2cf8bf0f76707049183a9888 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-02-02T09:42:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Weider Alves Barbosa - 2017.pdf: 3232518 bytes, checksum: 2a1f899f2cf8bf0f76707049183a9888 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-02T09:42:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Weider Alves Barbosa - 2017.pdf: 3232518 bytes, checksum: 2a1f899f2cf8bf0f76707049183a9888 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This thesis presents an approach to construct model execution machines based on the concept of Domain Specific Virtual Machines (DSVMs), focusing on the control middleware layer that is responsible for the control of model execution. In order to build this layer, we used techniques derived from model-driven engineering (MDE), in order to take advantage of the fact that DSVMs can both interpret models directly and be constructed using models. Another concept used in the proposed approach is the Separation of Concerns, separating the execution model from the knowledge of the application domain. In this sense, the main objective of this work is to propose an approach that unifies the MDE techniques and separation of concerns for the construction of DSVMs, thus allowing to express both the structure and operational semantics of the middleware. As a result, an instance of the control layer of a DSVM for the user-centric communication domain is displayed. We also present the results of a performance evaluation that was carried out to analyze the impact of proposed approach on the execution time. / Esta dissertação apresenta uma abordagem para construção de máquinas de execução de modelos baseadas no conceito de Domain Specific Virtual Machines (DSVMs), com foco na camada de middleware de controle, que é responsável pelo controle de execução de modelos. Para construir essa camada, foram utilizadas técnicas provenientes da engenharia dirigida por modelos (MDE), visando aproveitar o fato de que DSVMs podem tanto interpretar modelos diretamente, quanto ser construída por meio de modelos. Outro conceito utilizado na abordagem proposta é a separação de interesses (Separation of Concerns), separando o modelo de execução do conhecimento de domínio de aplicação. Neste sentido, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é propor uma abordagem que faça a união das técnicas MDE e separação de interesses para construção de DSVMs, permitindo assim expressar tanto a estrutura quanto a semântica operacional do middleware. Como resultado, é apresentada uma instância da camada de controle de uma DSVM para o domínio de comunicação centrada no usuário. Também são apresentados os resultados de uma avaliação de desempenho realizada para analisar a abordagem proposta sobre o tempo de execução.

Do Widget Libraries Need Mutable Data?

Arumugasamy, Akshay Kumar 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines trends in the academic and professional literature around immutable data and its relationship with declarative User Interfaces (UIs). Immutable data types are preferred by academic authors due to their increased safety, and commercial languages are increasing their support for them over time. More recently, declarative UIs are an exploding topic in industry, and these are related, although not as closely as one would expect. Declarative programming tries to focus on highlevel requirements, not low-level details. It is easier to do this if functions have no side effects, and immutable data is a guaranteed way of achieving this. To highlight this property, the declarative UI framework Flutter advertises “stateless widgets”, but their existence puts in highlights the lack of this property in most widgets. Consequently, we ask whether it is feasible to build a Graphical User Interface (GUI) toolkit using purely immutable data structures. To accomplish this objective, a purely immutable GUI toolkit is sketched and partially developed using Elm, a purely functional language in which all data structures are immutable. To understand the requirements of a GUI toolkit, we categorize and put in historical context, different design paradigms for UIs and relate them to core software-design principles. Leading toolkits allow developers to visualize and manage multiple views of their interfaces, including the view hierarchy, layout, interface to business logic, and focus management. By creating a concrete example, the research aims to provide insight into the limitations of utilizing purely immutable data within a GUI framework and suggests future work to mitigate these. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Desenvolvimento de software orientado a temas: um estudo de caso / Theme-oriented software development: a case study

Rodrigues, Antonielly Garcia 05 May 2006 (has links)
O Paradigma Orientado a Objetos tem sido atualmente a abordagem dominante de desenvolvimento de software. Contudo, ela sofre da Tirania da Decomposição Dominante, pois não permite uma modularização adequada da implementação relativa a interesses estruturais. Como consequência, a implementação relativa a cada interesse estrutural fica espalhada pelos módulos do programa e entrelaçada com a implementação relativa a outros interesses estruturais. Outras abordagens de desenvolvimento de software, como o Desenvolvimento de Software Orientado a Aspectos com AspectJ e a Separação Multidimensional de Interesses em Hiperespaços com Hyper/J e CME, atingem sucesso moderado em oferecer mecanismos que permitem superar as deficiências do Paradigma Orientado a Objetos. No entanto, tais abordagens também possuem deficiências e omissões que devem ser reparadas para que elas possam se tornar utilizáveis em contextos típicos de desenvolvimento de software complexo. Este trabalho especifica uma nova abordagem, denominada Desenvolvimento de Software Orientado a Temas (DSOT), que tem como objetivo superar algumas deficiências das abordagens anteriores por meio de mecanismos que permitem a manipulação da implementação de cada interesse estrutural de forma separada e a manipulação da implementação de cada tipo de dado de forma separada. Além disso, DSOT possui operadores que são ortogonais, isto é, podem ser utilizados de forma combinada ou separada, para efetuar a composição de módulos do programa. Mostra-se o modelo conceitual do DSOT e descrevese um estudo de caso que consiste no desenvolvimento de um programa para demonstrar mais concretamente como o DSOT funciona na prática. Não se demonstra a superioridade do DSOT para o caso geral, mas os resultados alcançados evidenciam que o DSOT é uma abordagem promissora que merece ser investigada mais aprofundadamente em pesquisas futuras / The Object-Oriented Paradigm has currently been the dominant approach for developing software. However, it suffers from the Tyranny of the Dominant Decomposition, as it does not support a suitable modularization to the implementation relative to structural concerns. As a consequence, the implementation relative to each structural concern is scattered throughout the program modules and tangled with the implementation relative to other structural concerns. Some software development approaches, such as Aspect-Oriented Software Development with Aspect and Multidimensional Separation of Concerns in Hyperspaces with Hyper/J and CME, achieve moderate success in offering mechanisms that make it possible to overcome the deficiencies of the Object-Oriented Paradigm. However, such approaches also possess deficiencies and ommissions that must be corrected in order for them to get usable in typical complex software development contexts. This work specifies a new approach, named Theme- Oriented Software Development (TOSD), which aims at overcoming some deficiencies from previous approaches through mechanisms that support the handling of implementation for every structural concern separately and the handling of implementation for every data type separately. Moreover, TOSD contains operators which are orthogonal, that is, they can be used separately or as a combination, in order to perform composition of the program modules. We show the conceptual model of TOSD and describe a case study which consists in the development of a program to demonstrate more concretely how TOSD works in practice. We do not demonstrate the superiority of TOSD for the general case, but the results we have obtained suggest that TOSD is a promissing approach which deserves a deeper investigation in future research

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