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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Empirical correlation between undrained shear strength and preconsolidation pressure in Swedish soft clays

Persson, Erik January 2017 (has links)
The undrained shear strength and preconsolidation pressure are key parameters in describing the characteristics of soft clays. The two parameters both reflect the clay’s structure and state of stress, and hence empirical correlations for undrained shear strength normalized with respect to preconsolidation pressure are widely used to assess soil behavior. The empirical correlations given in the literature are typically dependent on liquid limit, or plasticity index, but some studies have questioned the dependency and proposed correlations constant for consistency limits. Data from geotechnical projects often display a considerable scatter and deviate from established empirical correlations. In this thesis, statistical analyses are performed and evaluated qualitatively on direct simple shear, constant rate of strain and fall cone test data from 146 sampling points with a total of 596 soil samples from Stockholm, Gothenburg and Uppsala. The aim is to investigate the correlation between shear strength and the preconsolidation pressure. The thesis evaluates the normalized shear strength’s dependency on liquid limit, how the data corresponds to Hansbo’s (1957) and Swedish Geotechnical Institute’s (2007) linear empirical correlations, and the correction factor applied to shear strength measured by the fall cone test. The results of the study show that the correction factor typically reduces the shear strength from fall cone tests too much with respect to shear strength from direct simple shear tests. The normalized shear strength’s dependency on liquid limit may be rejected for the fall cone test data. The results for direct simple shear test data however, indicates a correlation with liquid limit. The data scatter is considerable, especially for fall cone test data, and the relevance of describing the normalized shear strength from fall cone test with a linear empirical correlation to liquid limit may conclusively be questioned. / Skjuvhållfasthet och förkonsolideringstryck är två viktiga jordparametrar för lösa leror. Båda parametrar reflekterar lerans struktur och spänningstillstånd, och empiriska korrelationer för odränerad skjuvhållfasthet, normaliserad mot förkonsolideringstrycket, används därför ofta för att bedöma en leras egenskaper. De empiriska korrelationerna är vanligen kopplade till flytgräns eller plasticitetsindex. Dessa korrelationer har däremot ifrågasatts av studier som i vissa fall istället föreslagit ett konstant förhållande mellan normaliserad odränerad skjuvhållfasthet och plasticitetsgränser. Mätvärden från geotekniska projekt i Sverige visar allmänt stor spridning avseende dessa parametrar och data avviker ofta från etablerade empiriska korrelationer. I examensarbetet har data från direkta skjuvförsök, ödometerförsök och fallkonförsök utvärderats statistiskt och kvalitativt. Totalt omfattar studien 596 jordprover från 146 provtagningspunkter från Stockholm, Göteborg och Uppsala. Syftet med studien är att undersöka korrelationen mellan odränerad skjuvhållfasthet och förkonsolideringstryck. Studien behandlar den normaliserade skjuvhållfashetens flytgränsberoende, Hansbos (1957) och Statens Geotekniska Instituts (2007) empiriska korrelationer, samt den korrektionsfaktor som ska tillämpas på skjuvhållfastheter från fallkonförsök. Resultatet visar att korrektionsfaktorn reducerar skjuvhållfastheten för mycket och att korrigerade skjuvhållfastheter är i sämre samstämmighet med skjuvhållfastheter från direkta skjuvförsök än okorrigerade. Data från fallkonförsök uppvisar inget tydligt flytgränsberoende, medan resultaten från direkta skjuvförsök indikerar ett beroende. Spridningen i data är dock påfallande, särskilt för fallkonförsöket. Relevansen i att tillämpa en linjär empirisk korrelation för odränerad normaliserad från fallkonförsök mot förkonsolideringstryck beroende av flytgräns bör ifrågasättas.

Analysis and Design of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Shear Key for PrecastPrestressed Concrete Adjacent Box Girder Bridges

Hussein, Husam H. 19 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Comportement d'une discontinuité dans un géomatériau sous sollicitation chemo-mécanique : expérimentations et modélisations

Nouailletas, Olivier January 2014 (has links)
Résumé : Ces travaux de thèse s'intéressent à l'étude du comportement d'une discontinuité dans un géomatériau sous sollicitations chemo-mécaniques à l'échelle du laboratoire. Des essais de traction-compression cyclique étudient la refermeture d'une fissure. Ils indiquent que les déformations inélastiques seraient gouvernées en partie par les frottements générés lors du ré-emboîtement des lèvres de la discontinuité, non correspondantes du fait des contraintes internes. Des joints rocheux altérés chimiquement sous sollicitation tangentielle sont étudiés au travers d'essais de cisaillement direct : le comportement des joints dégradés est profondément modifié du fait de la diminution des propriétés mécaniques du matériau de part et d'autre de la discontinuité et de l'accentuation de la non-correspondance des profils rugueux. Le comportement d'une discontinuité est modélisée par le couplage d'un modèle élasto-plastique endommageable continu avec une résolution discrète du problème de contact/frottement (code calcul aux éléments finis Cast3M). Les résultats numériques confirment les phénomènes constatés expérimentalement.//Abstract: To probate the technology of CO[indice inférieur 2] geological storage, the integrity of the site must be assure over time. This industruial problematic involves the study of the mechanical properties alteration of geomaterials in the presence of CO[indice inférieur 2]. The scenario at the origin of this thesis illustrates the possibility of a CO[indice inférieur 2] leakage on a fault located in the caprock. This geological problem is complicated by the many parameters to consider: in situ temperature and pressure, scale effect, heterogeneities of the geomaterial, geofluide composition, chemical reactions ... These works focus on the behavior of a discontinuity in a geomaterial solicited chemomechanically at the laboratory scale. They were realised in cotutelle between SIAME laboratory at the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour (France) and the laboratory of rock mechanics and engineering geology from the University of Sherbrooke (Quebec, Canada). The first part of the experimental program was defined to characterize the reclosing of a crack under cyclic uniaxial stress. The second experimental campaign has studied the shear behavior of a rock joint chemically degraded. The data obtained were used to model the behavior of a discontinuity by the finite element method. The mechanical behavior of a crack under normal stress is assessed with cyclic tension-compression tests. Stress curve showed hysteresis during opening and closing cycles of a discontinuity in concrete, it indicated inelastic deformations The analysis of displacement field by image correlation indicated that theses deformations were partially governed by the friction generated during the closing of the discontinuity lips. Frictional phenomena are due to asperities mismatching induced by the internal stresses in the concrete. The shear behavior of a rock joint chemically damaged was studied through direct shear tests. Rough surfaces were immersed in acid solution during 6 hours at constant pH. Digitalization of these surfaces befor and after immesion, with a lase profilometer, indicates little modifications of the geometry induced by dissolution of material. Results of tests pointed out significant modifications for altered joints illustred by a of the peak shear strength and an increased of contractancy. They are induced by: 1) the mismatch enhancement of the rough profiles of the discontinuity and, 2) the degradation of the mechanical properties of the material on both sides of the discontinuity due to the chemical attack. Numerical contribution of the thesis lies in modeling the behavior of a discontinuity by the coupling of an continuous elastic-plastic damaged model with a discrete resolution of the contact/friction problem. The model is developed with the finite element code Cast3M. Geometries lips discontinuities are modeled directly from the roughness profiles from experimental scans. The numerical results correctly represent the friction phenomena observed experimentally. Finally, a model of the shear test altered joints is performed by coupling the mechanical model with chemical damage model.

Contribution à la compréhension de la fonctionnalisation mécanique de surface des composites à matrice thermoplastique (PEEK) destinés à l'assemblage par collage

Ourahmoune, Reda El Hak 20 December 2012 (has links)
L’assemblage des matériaux composites thermoplastiques tel que le PEEK est l’une des problématiques majeure de l’industrie aéronautique. Actuellement, différentes techniques sont développées pour assurer l’assemblage structural de ces matériaux, tels que : le soudage, le rivetage, le boulonnage et le collage. Les enjeux industriels majeurs sont principalement, à l’heure actuelle, la conception des structures simplifiées au maximum afin de réduire les coûts de production et la réduction des consommations énergétiques. A cet effet, l’industrie aéronautique fait fréquemment appel à l’assemblage par collage en raison de nombreux avantages qu’il offre (gain de poids, distribution régulière des contraintes, absence de trous) par rapport aux autres techniques existantes. Le PEEK (PolyEtherEtherKetone), est un matériau polymère semi-cristallin thermoplastique, à hautes performances. Ce matériau est souvent utilise dans l’industrie aéronautique principalement renforce par des fibres de carbone ou de verre. Cependant, du fait du niveau élevé de sa résistance chimique l’assemblage par collage du PEEK et de ses composites nécessitent des traitements de surfaces appropries et optimises. Or, afin d’obtenir un system collé à haute performance, la problématique scientifique et technique doit être concentrée sur la jonction entre les éléments à assembler. En effet, la qualité de cette jonction est de la plus haute importance car elle doit permettre un transfert optimal des contraintes thermomécaniques lorsque l’assemblage est soumis a ses conditions d'usage. Cette étude concerne donc, l’amélioration des propriétés mécaniques (monotones et cycliques) de l’assemblage par collage PEEK/PEEK. Dans cette optique, un traitement de surface simple de mise en œuvre est proposé. Ce traitement est le sablage, qui permet la modification topographique (morphologique) de surface. La compréhension des différents phénomènes d’interaction aux interfaces intervenant dans l’amélioration du comportement mécanique du joint de colle et qui s’inscrit dans la triptyque : « Rhéologie, Physico-chimie et topographie », est l’enjeu scientifique majeur dans cette thèse. Dans un premier temps, l’influence des paramètres du traitement tels que le temps de projection, la taille des particules, sur la morphologie de surface de différents matériaux à base de PEEK a été analysée, permettant ainsi d’établir la corrélation entre les paramètres morphologiques et les mécanismes de modification topographique de surface intervenant pendant le traitement de surface. L’un des facteurs clefs pour la compréhension des mécanismes d’interaction entre l’adhésif liquide et le substrat solide est la mouillabilité. L’analyse du comportement au mouillage en fonction des différents paramètres du traitement a été réalisée. La mouillabilité des surfaces traitées est fortement affectée par la rugosité de surface créée après ce traitement. La relation entre les paramètres morphologiques et la mouillabilité a été discutée. Enfin, l’influence des paramètres du traitement par sablage sur le comportement mécanique monotone et à long terme (essais de fatigue) sur la résistance du joint colle a été étudié à l’aide d’essais de cisaillement sur éprouvettes à simple recouvrement. Ceci a conduit, à la proposition de paramètres morphologiques surfaciques spécifiques pour l’optimisation du comportement mécanique du joint de colle des matériaux composites à matrice PEEK. / One of most problematic in the aeronautical industries is the structural joining of the high performance thermoplastic composites like PEEK composites. Actually, a lot of technologies are used for joining thermoplastic composites like welding, bolting, riveting, fastening and adhesive bonding. Due to the various advantages that characterize the adhesive bonding method, such an uniform stress distribution along the joint, weight‐light and cost reduction, makes this technique more desirable to join thermoplastic composites materials compared to the other joining techniques. PEEK (PolyEtherEtherKetone) is a semi‐crystalline thermoplastic material with high performance. This material is wildly used in aeronautical industries, principally, reinforced with carbon of glass fibres. However, its high chemical resistance makes the adhesive bonding of PEEK and its composites difficult and therefore an appropriate and optimised surface treatment is necessary. In the aim to obtain a bonded system with high performance, scientific and technical problematic should be focussed on the junction between adherents. Indeed, the quality of this junction is of utmost importance because it must allow optimum transfer of thermomechanical stresses when the assembly is subject to its terms of use. Though, at this time it is well known that thermoplastic composite materials are difficult to bond with‐out surface treatment. This study, therefore, relates to the improvement of mechanical properties (monotonic and cyclic) of the adhesive bonding system PEEK / PEEK. In this context, a surface treatment, easy to implement, is proposed. This surface treatment is sandblasting, which enables surface topographic (morphological) modifications. Understanding of various phenomena of interfaces interaction involved in the improvement of the mechanical behavior of the adhesive joint and is part of the triptych "Rheology, Physico‐chemistry and topography" is the major scientific challenge in this thesis. Initially, the influence of processing parameters such as the projection time, the particle size on surface morphology of various materials based on PEEK was analysed, thus allowing establishing the correlation between morphological parameters and modification mechanisms involved during surface treatment surface. One of the key factors for understanding the mechanisms of interaction between the liquid adhesive and the solid substrate is wettability. The analysis of the wetting behavior as a function of various parameters of the treatment was performed. The wettability of treated surfaces is strongly affected by surface roughness created after this treatment. The relationship between morphological parameters and wettability was discussed. Finally, the influence of sandblasting processing parameters on the mechanical behavior in monotoning and long‐term (fatigue tests) of the adhesive joint strength was studied, using single lap shear tests specimens. This has led to the proposal of specific surface morphological parameters for the optimization of the mechanical behavior of the adhesive joint of PEEK and its composites.

Comportement d'une discontinuité dans un géomatériau sous sollicitations chemo-mécanique - expérimentations et modélisations / Chemo-mechanical behavior of a geomaterial joint : experimental and numerical studies

Nouailletas, Olivier 12 December 2013 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse s'intéressent à l'étude du comportement d'une discontinuité dans un géomatériau sous sollicitations chemo-mécaniques à l'échelle du laboratoire. Des essais de traction-compression cyclique étudient la refermeture d'une fissure. Ils indiquent que les déformations inélastiques seraient gouvernées en partie par les frottements générés lors du ré-emboîtement des lèvres de la discontinuité, non correspondantes du fait des contraintes internes. Des joints rocheux altérés chimiquement sous sollicitation tangentielle sont étudiés au travers d'essais de cisaillement direct : le comportement des joints dégradés est profondément modifié du fait de la diminution des propriétés mécaniques du matériau de part et d'autre de la discontinuité et de l'accentuation de la non-correspondance des profils rugueux. Le comportement d'une discontinuité est modélisée par le couplage d'un modèle élasto-plastique endommageable continu avec une résolution discrète du problème de contact/frottement (code calcul aux éléments finis Cast3M). Les résultats numériques confirment les phénomènes constatés expérimentalement. / This PhD dissertation presents a study aiming at a better understanding of cracks behavior in a geomaterial. The study focuses on the behavior of discontinuities under chemo-mechanical solicitations at the laboratory scale. The mechanical behavior under normal stress is assessed with cyclic tension-compression tests. Experimental data indicate that the inelastic deformations could be partially governed by the friction generated during the closing of the discontinuity lips, and the asperities mismatch is related to the internal stresses. The shear behavior of a rock joint chemically degraded was studied through direct shear tests. Results pointed out significant modifications for altered joints induced by: 1) the mismatch enhancement of the rough profiles of the discontinuity and, 2) the degradation of the mechanical properties of the material on both sides of the discontinuity due to the chemical attack. These experimental results have been used as input data to model the behavior of a discontinuity by the coupling of a continuous elastic-plastic damaged model with a discrete solving of the contact/friction problem. The simulations performed under Cast3M correctly represent the phenomena observed during the experimental testing program.

Comportement d'une discontinuit?? dans un g??omat??riau sous sollicitation chemo-m??canique : exp??rimentations et mod??lisations

Nouailletas, Olivier January 2014 (has links)
R??sum?? : Ces travaux de th??se s'int??ressent ?? l'??tude du comportement d'une discontinuit?? dans un g??omat??riau sous sollicitations chemo-m??caniques ?? l'??chelle du laboratoire. Des essais de traction-compression cyclique ??tudient la refermeture d'une fissure. Ils indiquent que les d??formations in??lastiques seraient gouvern??es en partie par les frottements g??n??r??s lors du r??-embo??tement des l??vres de la discontinuit??, non correspondantes du fait des contraintes internes. Des joints rocheux alt??r??s chimiquement sous sollicitation tangentielle sont ??tudi??s au travers d'essais de cisaillement direct : le comportement des joints d??grad??s est profond??ment modifi?? du fait de la diminution des propri??t??s m??caniques du mat??riau de part et d'autre de la discontinuit?? et de l'accentuation de la non-correspondance des profils rugueux. Le comportement d'une discontinuit?? est mod??lis??e par le couplage d'un mod??le ??lasto-plastique endommageable continu avec une r??solution discr??te du probl??me de contact/frottement (code calcul aux ??l??ments finis Cast3M). Les r??sultats num??riques confirment les ph??nom??nes constat??s exp??rimentalement.//Abstract: To probate the technology of CO[indice inf??rieur 2] geological storage, the integrity of the site must be assure over time. This industruial problematic involves the study of the mechanical properties alteration of geomaterials in the presence of CO[indice inf??rieur 2]. The scenario at the origin of this thesis illustrates the possibility of a CO[indice inf??rieur 2] leakage on a fault located in the caprock. This geological problem is complicated by the many parameters to consider: in situ temperature and pressure, scale effect, heterogeneities of the geomaterial, geofluide composition, chemical reactions ... These works focus on the behavior of a discontinuity in a geomaterial solicited chemomechanically at the laboratory scale. They were realised in cotutelle between SIAME laboratory at the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour (France) and the laboratory of rock mechanics and engineering geology from the University of Sherbrooke (Quebec, Canada). The first part of the experimental program was defined to characterize the reclosing of a crack under cyclic uniaxial stress. The second experimental campaign has studied the shear behavior of a rock joint chemically degraded. The data obtained were used to model the behavior of a discontinuity by the finite element method. The mechanical behavior of a crack under normal stress is assessed with cyclic tension-compression tests. Stress curve showed hysteresis during opening and closing cycles of a discontinuity in concrete, it indicated inelastic deformations The analysis of displacement field by image correlation indicated that theses deformations were partially governed by the friction generated during the closing of the discontinuity lips. Frictional phenomena are due to asperities mismatching induced by the internal stresses in the concrete. The shear behavior of a rock joint chemically damaged was studied through direct shear tests. Rough surfaces were immersed in acid solution during 6 hours at constant pH. Digitalization of these surfaces befor and after immesion, with a lase profilometer, indicates little modifications of the geometry induced by dissolution of material. Results of tests pointed out significant modifications for altered joints illustred by a of the peak shear strength and an increased of contractancy. They are induced by: 1) the mismatch enhancement of the rough profiles of the discontinuity and, 2) the degradation of the mechanical properties of the material on both sides of the discontinuity due to the chemical attack. Numerical contribution of the thesis lies in modeling the behavior of a discontinuity by the coupling of an continuous elastic-plastic damaged model with a discrete resolution of the contact/friction problem. The model is developed with the finite element code Cast3M. Geometries lips discontinuities are modeled directly from the roughness profiles from experimental scans. The numerical results correctly represent the friction phenomena observed experimentally. Finally, a model of the shear test altered joints is performed by coupling the mechanical model with chemical damage model.

Contribution à l’étude des assemblages et connexions nécessaires à la réalisation d’un module de puissance haute température à base de jfet en carbure de silicium (SiC)

Sabbah, Wissam 25 June 2013 (has links)
Le développement de composants de puissance à base de carbure de silicium (SiC) permet la réalisation d’interrupteurs pouvant fonctionner au-delà de 200°C. Le silicium présente plus de limitations au niveau physique du matériau qu’au niveau des technologies d’assemblages. Le SiC est un matériau semi-conducteur grand gap ce qui permet d’obtenir des courants de fuite inverse qui restent faibles à haute température ; d’où un fort intérêt pour des applications haute température. Mise à part son utilisation à des températures pouvant dépasser les 300°C, c’est un matériau qui permet aussi d’augmenter les fréquences de commutation ainsi que la densité de puissance par rapport à des composants à technologie silicium. Ceci en fait un candidat idéal pour des applications forte puissance dans le domaine de la traction, des protections de réseaux électriques ou de la transmission et de la distribution d’énergie. L’utilisation du SiC pour une application haute température pose le problème de son packaging, des choix de matériaux et de sa configuration. Cette thèse a pour but d’effectuer une étude de fiabilité et de durée de vie des briques technologiques d’assemblage et de connexions nécessaires à la réalisation d’un cœur de puissance haute température à base de JFET SiC. Une étude des différentes technologies d’assemblages de convertisseurs de puissance haute température est effectuée afin de définir différentes briques technologiques constitutives de ces systèmes. Cette première étude nous permet de procéder à une sélection de certaines technologies d’assemblages comme le frittage de pâtes d’argent pour la technologie de report de puces. Ces briques technologiques feront l’objet d’études plus approfondies allant de la réalisation de véhicules tests jusqu’à la mise au point des essais de cyclages associés aux techniques d’analyse nécessaires à l’étude de leur défaillance.Les études expérimentales concernent des essais de cyclage passif et de stockage thermique, l’apparition de délaminages en cours de cyclage thermique (scan acoustique, RX), le report par frittage de pâtes d’argent nano et microscopiques et la caractérisation électrique et thermique (Rth, I[V]). / The development of power components based on silicon carbide (SiC) allows for the design of power converter operating at high temperature (above 200 or 300°C). SiC is a semiconductor material with a large band gap that not only can operate in temperatures exceeding 300°C but also offers fast switching speed, high voltage blocking capability and higher thermal conductivity compared to silicon technology components. The classical die attach technology uses high temperature solder alloys which melt at around 300°C. However, even a soldered die attach with such high melting point can only operate up to a much lower temperature. Alternative die attach solutions have recently been proposed: Transient Liquid Phase Bonding, soldering with higher melting point alloys such as ZnSn, or silver sintering.Silver sintering is a very interesting technology, as silver offers very good thermal conductivity (429W/m.K, better than copper), relatively inexpensive (compared to alternative solutions which often use gold), and has a very high melting point (961°C).The implementation of two silver-sintering processes is made: one based on micrometer-scale silver particles, and one on nano-meter-scale particles. Two substrate technologies are investigated: Al2O3 DBC and Si3N4 AMB. After the process optimization, tests vehicles are assembled using nano and micro silver particles paste and a more classical high-temperature die attach technology: AuGe soldering. Multiple analyses are performed, such as thermal resistance measurement, shear tests and micro-sections to follow the evolution of the joint during thermal cycling and high-temperature storage ageing.

Povrchové a mechanické vlastnosti a-CSi:H a a-CSiO:H vrstev / Surface and mechanical properties of a-CSi:H and a-CSiO:H films

Plichta, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with the preparation and characterisation of a-CSi:H and a CSiO:H thin films prepared using the process of plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD). Tetravinylsilane (TVS) and its mixtures with argon and oxygen were used to deposit films on both planar substrates and fibre bundles. Main characterisation techniques were employed to study the topography of films, namely atomic force microscopy (AFM). Their mechanical properties were studied through nanoindentation; the nanoscratch test was used to assess the film adhesion to the substrate. Other analysed properties were internal stress and friction coefficient. The particular attention was paid to the work of adhesion and its determination. This knowledge was further applied to the preparation of surface treatments of glass fibres and, subsequently, polymer composites. Those were tested using the push-out test and the short beam shear test. Based on the results, the effects of deposition conditions and the relationships between the studied properties and quantities were determined.

Analýza metodiky pro navrhování pražcového podloží / Analysis of the procedure for design of trackbed

Svobodová, Nikola Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on analysing the current Railway Infrastructure Administration methodology for designing the sleeper substructure concerning the construction's deformation resistance, its comparison with the multi-layered method, which is used in the road engineering and finite element method. It deals with various methodologies of determining the deformation resistance of the track substructure.

Joining Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride and Tungsten Carbide by Partial Transient Liquid Phase Bonding

Cook, Grant O., III 16 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Friction stir welding (FSW) of steel is often performed with an insert made of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN). Specifically, MS80 is a grade of PCBN made by Smith MegaDiamond that has been optimized for the FSW process. The PCBN insert is attached to a tungsten carbide (WC) shank by a compression fitting. However, FSW tools manufactured by this method inevitably fail by fracture in the PCBN. Permanently bonding PCBN to WC would likely solve the fracturing problem and increase the life of PCBN FSW tools to be economically viable. Partial transient liquid phase (PTLP) bonding, a process used to join ceramics with thin metallic interlayers, was proposed as a method to permanently bond PCBN to WC. PTLP bonding is often performed using three layers of pure elements. On heating, the two thin outer interlayers melt and bond to the ceramics. Concurrently, these liquid layers diffuse into the thicker refractory core until solidification has occurred isothermally. A procedure was developed to reduce the number of possible three-layer PTLP bonding setups to a small set of ideal setups using logical filters. Steps in this filtering method include a database of all existing binary systems, sessile drop testing of 20 elements, and a routine that calculates maximum interlayer thicknesses. Results of sessile drop testing showed that the PCBN grade required for this research could only be bonded with an alloy of Ti, Cu, Mg, and Sb. Two PTLP bond setups were tested using this special coating on the PCBN, but a successful bond could not be achieved. However, a PTLP bond of WC to WC was successful and proved the usefulness of the filtering procedure for determining PTLP bond setups. This filtering procedure is then set forth in generalized terms that can be used to PTLP bond any material. Also, recommendations for future research to bond this grade of PCBN, or some other grade, to WC are presented.

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