Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SHIFTS"" "subject:"[enn] SHIFTS""
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Assessing Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa) Suitable Habitat throughout Arizona in Response to Future Climate ModelsJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: The species distribution model DISTRIB was used to model and map potential suitable habitat of ponderosa pine throughout Arizona under current and six future climate scenarios. Importance Values for each climate scenario were estimated from 24 predictor variables consisting of climate, elevation, soil, and vegetation data within a 4 km grid cell. Two emission scenarios, (A2 (high concentration) and B1 (low concentration)) and three climate models (the Parallel Climate Model, the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, and the HadleyCM3) were used to capture the potential variability among future climates and provide a range of responses from ponderosa pine. Summary tables for federal and state managed lands show the potential change in suitable habitat under the different climate scenarios; while an analysis of three elevational regions explores the potential shift of habitat upslope. According to the climate scenarios, mean annual temperature in Arizona could increase by 3.5% while annual precipitation could decrease by 36% over this century. Results of the DISTRIB model indicate that in response to the projected changes in climate, suitable habitat for ponderosa pine could increase by 13% throughout the state under the HadleyCM3 high scenario or lose 1.1% under the average of the three low scenarios. However, the spatial variability of climate changes will result in gains and losses among the ecoregions and federally and state managed lands. Therefore, alternative practices may need to be considered to limit the loss of suitable habitat in areas identified by the models. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Applied Biological Sciences 2011
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Deslocamentos em Z² : equação cohomológica e operadores de transferênciaArtuso, Everton January 2016 (has links)
Nosso objetivo nesse trabalho é estudar o comportamento dos operadores de transferência em f0, 1gN2 , um associado ao deslocamento horizontal (se1 ) e outro associado ao deslocamento vertical (se2 ). Construímos uma equação cohomológica para fins de ampliar a gama de funções às quais os operadores de transferência se aplicam. Estudamos também o comportamento do operador de transferência obtido pela composição dos dois operadores citados e, em condições de comutatividade, encontramos um autovalor e uma autofunção associada, ambos estritamente positivos, e uma automedida para o operador dual, associada ao mesmo autovalor. Tal automedida é um estado de equilíbrio. Além disso, estudamos algumas propriedades ergódicas de transformações de blocos. / In this work we study the behavior of the transfer operators in f0, 1gN2 , one associated with horizontal shift (se1 ) and other associated with vertical shift (se2 ). We build a cohomological equation for the purpose of expanding the range of functions to which the transfer operators apply. We also study the behavior of the transfer operator obtained by the composition of the two cited operators and, in the conditions of commutativity, we find an eigenvalue and an associated eigenfunction, both strictly positive, and an eigen measuse for the dual operator, associated with the same eigenvalue. This eigen measure is an equilibrium state. Furthermore, we study some ergodic properties of block transformations.
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An investigation into the management implications of double-shift schooling in the Khomas Region in NamibiaKatjaita, Maria Uendjiundja January 2012 (has links)
This study seeks to help fill the gap that exists in our knowledge of double‐shift schooling. The goal of this study is to critically investigate the experiences and perceptions of headmasters who are managing and leading double‐shift schools. The focus is on how double‐shift schooling is perceived as a management phenomenon by the principals of two schools in Namibia. This research is a case study of two schools, working in the interpretive paradigm. I used semistructured interviews and focus groups to explore participants’ perceptions of the management of double‐shift schooling. Findings suggest that managing double‐shift schools is more complex than managing single shift schools. For example, decision‐making in the double‐shift system is more complex due to the delay in decision‐making that is caused by the two separate sessions. The division of the school day into two sessions also results in less teaching time for the implementation of the official curriculum. This furthermore impacts negatively on the teacherlearner interaction time. These challenges are also experienced in all the other management tasks such as facilities, communication, planning, control and monitoring, human resource management as well as resource management and allocation. The findings of the study will hopefully inform policy‐makers in general but more specifically in Namibia so that they are in a better position when considering the educational and social factors when choosing double‐shift schools as an alternative intervention. The study may assist leaders in double‐shift schools to work against the negativity that surrounds double‐shift schooling.
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Avaliação da percepção da sensação térmica em uma sala de controleGrandi, Mariele Stefani January 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda a avaliação da percepção do conforto térmico em uma sala de controle, tendo como objetivo identificar quais os fatores que influenciam na sensação térmica dos operadores e se esta sensação difere estatisticamente entre os quatro turnos de trabalho. Foram medidas as variáveis ambientais (temperatura do ar, temperatura média radiante, umidade do ar e velocidade do ar), levantadas as variáveis pessoais (vestimenta e taxa metabólica) e aplicados questionários para coletar as sensações térmicas dos operadores a cada 1 hora. A taxa metabólica foi estimada em função da atividade, conforme os valores tabelados pela ASHRAE (2001), mas tal estimação pode apresentar imprecisões devido às diferenças individuais e às condições fisiológicas do ser humano, que são influenciadas pelo ritmo circadiano. O isolamento térmico médio das vestimentas foi de 0,5 a 0,8clo, sendo que os valores mais elevados ocorreram no turno da madrugada. Devido ao controle ambiental térmico da sala, a temperatura média do ar ao longo do dia permaneceu dentro de limites muito próximos. A sensação térmica predominantemente relatada pelos operadores, foi neutra, isto é, nem frio nem calor. Apenas em alguns períodos, principalmente no turno da madrugada, foi relatado desconforto devido ao frio. Não houve diferença significativa entre os resultados de conforto para os diferentes turnos de trabalho, mas o assunto merece estudos mais aprofundados. Os valores de PMV apresentaram baixa correlação estatística com as sensações relatadas pelos operadores, provavelmente em função dos valores da taxa metabólica e do isolamento térmico das vestimentas serem tabelados e não se ajustarem ao ambiente de trabalho. Devido a esta baixa correlação, a Anova não paramétrica de Kruskal-Wallis foi utilizada permitindo identificar que a temperatura do ar, a temperatura média radiante, a umidade do ar e a vestimenta utilizada influenciaram a sensação térmica dos operadores. Tendo em vista que o PMV não predisse a sensação térmica dos usuários, conclui-se que ele não é um bom parâmetro para uso em projetos de ambiente construído. / This present work approachs the evaluation of thermal comfort perception inside a control room, having the specific goal to identify which factors are important to the worker’s thermal sensation and if this sensation differs statistically among the four shifts work. Each environmental parameter (air temperature, mean radiant temperature, relative humidity and air velocity) were measured. The personal variables (clothing insulation and metabolic rate) were evaluated and questionnaires were applied to collect worker’s thermal sensation each hour. The metabolic rate was estimated through the activity, according to the ASHRAE table (2001). This estimative might not be precise due to individual differences and to physiological conditions of the human being, which are influenced by the circadian rhythm. The clothing insulation was 0,5 to 0,8 clo, and the highest values occurred in the early hours of the morning. Owing to the environmental control of the room, the mean air temperature through the day did not have significant changes. The thermal sensation predominantly reported by the workers was neutral, that is, neither cold nor warm. Only in a few periods, especially in the early hours of the morning, was related discomfort because of the cold. There is not a significative difference among the comfort results for the different shifts work, but the topic deserves deeper studies. The PMV values no small statistic correlation with the sensations related by the workers, probably due to the values of the metabolic rate and to the clothing insulation be tabled and were not to adjustable to the work environment. As a result of this weak correlation, the Kruskal-Wallis non parametric Anova was used to identify that air temperature, mean radiant temperature, air relative humidity and clothing insulation influenced the worker’s thermal sensation. Considering that the PMV did not predict the worker’s thermal sensation, the data suggest that the PMV is not a good parameter to be used in projects of buildings.
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Efeito de diurético e de dieta hipossódica em pacientes com apneia obstrutiva do sono grave : um ensaio clínico randomizadoMartinez, Cintia Zappe Fiori January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A patogênese da apneia obstrutiva do sono envolve estreitamento da faringe causado por deslocamento de líquido das pernas para o pescoço durante a noite. Objetivo: Determinar o efeito de intervenções que depletem líquido corporal na gravidade da apneia obstrutiva do sono. Métodos: Em ensaio randomizado controlado com placebo, homens diagnosticados com apneia obstrutiva do sono grave, segundo os critérios da Academia Americana de Medicina do Sono, foram aleatoriamente designados para receber diariamente diurético Lasilactona (espironolactona 100 mg + furosemida 20 mg) ou pílula placebo ou aconselhamento nutricional para dieta com restrição de sódio mais pílula placebo. O período de intervenção foi de uma semana. Todos os participantes realizaram a polissonografia portátil tipo III no início e no final do estudo. A mudança no índice de apneia hipopneia (IAH) foi o desfecho primário. Resultados: O estudo incluiu 54 participantes com média de idade (±DP) de 45±8,8 anos, IMC de 29,9±2,9 kg/m2 e IAH de 49±19 eventos/h. A mudança no IAH foi -11 eventos/h de sono (intervalo de confiança de 95% [IC], -15,59 para -5,74) no grupo de dieta, -7,33 (IC 95%, -13,75 para -0,91) no grupo diurético e 0,33 (IC 95%, -2,51 para 3,17) no grupo placebo (P=0,001 para interação tempo × grupo). A redução de água corporal total foi 2,2±2,2 L no grupo diurético (P<0,001) e 1,0±1,6 L no grupo dieta (P=0,002). Os sintomas de sonolência e a circunferência do pescoço reduziram significativamente somente no grupo dieta (P=0,007 e P<0,001 para interação, respectivamente). O uso de diurético aumentou a concentração de aldosterona e a atividade da renina plasmática (P<0,001 para interação). Conclusões: Em homens com apneia obstrutiva do sono grave, intervenções dietéticas e farmacológicas que depletam líquido corporal diminuem o IAH. Esse estudo fornece evidências de que a retenção de líquido corporal desempenha papel na patogênese da apneia do sono. / Rationale: The pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnea involves pharyngeal narrowing caused by overnight fluid displacement from the legs to the neck. Objective: To determine the effect of interventions that reduced the body fluid content on obstructive sleep apnea severity. Methods: In this placebo-controlled study, men diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea according American Academy of Sleep Medicine clinical criteria were randomized to receive daily diuretic lasilactone (spironolactone 100 mg + furosemide 20 mg) or placebo pill or nutritional counseling to sodium-restricted diet plus placebo pill. The intervention period was one week. All participants underwent out-of-center polysomnographies at baseline and follow-up. The change in apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) was the main outcome. Results: The study included 54 participants with mean age (±SD) of 45±8.8 years, body mass index of 29.9±2.9 kg/m2, and AHI of 49±19 events/h. From baseline to follow-up, the AHI delta value was −11 (95% confidence interval [CI], −15.59 to −5.74) in the diet group, −7.33 (95% CI, −13.75 to −0.91) in the diuretic group, and 0.33 (95% CI, −2.51 to 3.17) in the placebo group (P=0.001 for time × group interaction). The reduction in the total body water was 2.2±2.2 L in the diuretic group (P<0.001) and 1.0±1.6 L in the diet group (P=0.002). Sleepiness and neck circumference reduced only in the diet group (P=0.007 and P<0.001 for the interaction, respectively). The diuretic use augmented aldosterone concentration and plasma renin activity (P<0.001 for the interaction). Conclusions: Among men with severe OSA, dietary and pharmacological interventions that decrease bodily fluid content reduce the AHI. This trial provides a finding that fluid retention plays a role in apnea pathogenesis.
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Německé binomiály a možnosti jejich překladu do češtiny / German binomials and their possible translations into CzechNovotná, Jana January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with special phraseological units called binomials. The aim of this thesis is to analyse Czech translation options of German binomials. The thesis is divided into two parts: a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part of the thesis consists of the comparison of Czech and German approaches to phraseology and idiomatics based on the work of František Čermák and Harald Burger. Definitions of binomials in both approaches are compared and the topic of equivalence and the concept of translation procedures as drafted by Pavel Krejčí is introduced further in this part as well as the model of translation shifts by Anton Popovič. In the empirical part of the thesis, we concentrate on 100 units from the list of binomials put together by Wernfried Hofmeister in the Czech InterCorp corpus and examine the Czech translation options of these German binomials. Further, we analyse the translation variants primarily in terms of equivalence, translation shifts and procedures. In the conclusion of the thesis, the results are evaluated and possible areas of further research are recommended. Key words: binomials, phraseology, corpus, equivalence, translation procedures, translation shifts
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Can Species Distribution Models Predict Colonizations and Extinctions?Venne, Simon 23 November 2018 (has links)
MaxEnt, a very popular species distribution modelling technique, has been used extensively to relate species’ geographic distributions to environmental variables and to predict changes in species’ distributions in response to environmental change. Here, we test its predictive ability through time (rather than through space, as is commonly done) by modeling colonizations and extinctions.
Continental U.S. and southern Canada.
Time period
Major taxa studied
Twenty-one species of passerine birds.
We used MaxEnt to relate species’ geographic distributions to the variation in environmental conditions across North America. We then modelled site-specific colonizations and extinctions between 1979 and 2009 as functions of MaxEnt-estimated previous habitat suitability and inter- annual change in habitat suitability and neighborhood occupancy. We evaluated whether the effects were in the expected direction, we partitioned model’s explained deviance, and we compared colonization and extinction model’s accuracy to MaxEnt’s AUC.
Colonization and extinction probabilities both varied as functions of previous habitat suitability, change in habitat suitability, and neighborhood occupancy, in the expected direction. Change in habitat suitability explained very little deviance compared to other predictors. Neighborhood occupancy accounted for more explained deviance in colonization models than in extinction models. MaxEnt AUC correlates with extinction models’ predictive ability, but not with that of colonization models.
Main conclusions
MaxEnt appears to sometime capture a real effect of the environment on species’ distributions since a statistical effect of habitat suitability is detected through both time and space. However, change in habitat suitability (which is much smaller through time than through space) is a poor predictor of change in occupancy. Over short time scales, proximity of sites occupied by conspecifics predicts changes in occupancy just as well as MaxEnt. The ability of MaxEnt models to predict spatial variation in occupancy (as measured by AUC) gives little indication of transferability through time. Thus, the predictive value of species distribution models may be overestimated when evaluated through space only. Future prediction of species’ responses to climate change should make a distinction between colonization and extinction, recognizing that the two processes are not equally well predicted by SDMs.
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Deslocamentos em Z² : equação cohomológica e operadores de transferênciaArtuso, Everton January 2016 (has links)
Nosso objetivo nesse trabalho é estudar o comportamento dos operadores de transferência em f0, 1gN2 , um associado ao deslocamento horizontal (se1 ) e outro associado ao deslocamento vertical (se2 ). Construímos uma equação cohomológica para fins de ampliar a gama de funções às quais os operadores de transferência se aplicam. Estudamos também o comportamento do operador de transferência obtido pela composição dos dois operadores citados e, em condições de comutatividade, encontramos um autovalor e uma autofunção associada, ambos estritamente positivos, e uma automedida para o operador dual, associada ao mesmo autovalor. Tal automedida é um estado de equilíbrio. Além disso, estudamos algumas propriedades ergódicas de transformações de blocos. / In this work we study the behavior of the transfer operators in f0, 1gN2 , one associated with horizontal shift (se1 ) and other associated with vertical shift (se2 ). We build a cohomological equation for the purpose of expanding the range of functions to which the transfer operators apply. We also study the behavior of the transfer operator obtained by the composition of the two cited operators and, in the conditions of commutativity, we find an eigenvalue and an associated eigenfunction, both strictly positive, and an eigen measuse for the dual operator, associated with the same eigenvalue. This eigen measure is an equilibrium state. Furthermore, we study some ergodic properties of block transformations.
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Avaliação da percepção da sensação térmica em uma sala de controleGrandi, Mariele Stefani January 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda a avaliação da percepção do conforto térmico em uma sala de controle, tendo como objetivo identificar quais os fatores que influenciam na sensação térmica dos operadores e se esta sensação difere estatisticamente entre os quatro turnos de trabalho. Foram medidas as variáveis ambientais (temperatura do ar, temperatura média radiante, umidade do ar e velocidade do ar), levantadas as variáveis pessoais (vestimenta e taxa metabólica) e aplicados questionários para coletar as sensações térmicas dos operadores a cada 1 hora. A taxa metabólica foi estimada em função da atividade, conforme os valores tabelados pela ASHRAE (2001), mas tal estimação pode apresentar imprecisões devido às diferenças individuais e às condições fisiológicas do ser humano, que são influenciadas pelo ritmo circadiano. O isolamento térmico médio das vestimentas foi de 0,5 a 0,8clo, sendo que os valores mais elevados ocorreram no turno da madrugada. Devido ao controle ambiental térmico da sala, a temperatura média do ar ao longo do dia permaneceu dentro de limites muito próximos. A sensação térmica predominantemente relatada pelos operadores, foi neutra, isto é, nem frio nem calor. Apenas em alguns períodos, principalmente no turno da madrugada, foi relatado desconforto devido ao frio. Não houve diferença significativa entre os resultados de conforto para os diferentes turnos de trabalho, mas o assunto merece estudos mais aprofundados. Os valores de PMV apresentaram baixa correlação estatística com as sensações relatadas pelos operadores, provavelmente em função dos valores da taxa metabólica e do isolamento térmico das vestimentas serem tabelados e não se ajustarem ao ambiente de trabalho. Devido a esta baixa correlação, a Anova não paramétrica de Kruskal-Wallis foi utilizada permitindo identificar que a temperatura do ar, a temperatura média radiante, a umidade do ar e a vestimenta utilizada influenciaram a sensação térmica dos operadores. Tendo em vista que o PMV não predisse a sensação térmica dos usuários, conclui-se que ele não é um bom parâmetro para uso em projetos de ambiente construído. / This present work approachs the evaluation of thermal comfort perception inside a control room, having the specific goal to identify which factors are important to the worker’s thermal sensation and if this sensation differs statistically among the four shifts work. Each environmental parameter (air temperature, mean radiant temperature, relative humidity and air velocity) were measured. The personal variables (clothing insulation and metabolic rate) were evaluated and questionnaires were applied to collect worker’s thermal sensation each hour. The metabolic rate was estimated through the activity, according to the ASHRAE table (2001). This estimative might not be precise due to individual differences and to physiological conditions of the human being, which are influenced by the circadian rhythm. The clothing insulation was 0,5 to 0,8 clo, and the highest values occurred in the early hours of the morning. Owing to the environmental control of the room, the mean air temperature through the day did not have significant changes. The thermal sensation predominantly reported by the workers was neutral, that is, neither cold nor warm. Only in a few periods, especially in the early hours of the morning, was related discomfort because of the cold. There is not a significative difference among the comfort results for the different shifts work, but the topic deserves deeper studies. The PMV values no small statistic correlation with the sensations related by the workers, probably due to the values of the metabolic rate and to the clothing insulation be tabled and were not to adjustable to the work environment. As a result of this weak correlation, the Kruskal-Wallis non parametric Anova was used to identify that air temperature, mean radiant temperature, air relative humidity and clothing insulation influenced the worker’s thermal sensation. Considering that the PMV did not predict the worker’s thermal sensation, the data suggest that the PMV is not a good parameter to be used in projects of buildings.
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Efeito de diurético e de dieta hipossódica em pacientes com apneia obstrutiva do sono grave : um ensaio clínico randomizadoMartinez, Cintia Zappe Fiori January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A patogênese da apneia obstrutiva do sono envolve estreitamento da faringe causado por deslocamento de líquido das pernas para o pescoço durante a noite. Objetivo: Determinar o efeito de intervenções que depletem líquido corporal na gravidade da apneia obstrutiva do sono. Métodos: Em ensaio randomizado controlado com placebo, homens diagnosticados com apneia obstrutiva do sono grave, segundo os critérios da Academia Americana de Medicina do Sono, foram aleatoriamente designados para receber diariamente diurético Lasilactona (espironolactona 100 mg + furosemida 20 mg) ou pílula placebo ou aconselhamento nutricional para dieta com restrição de sódio mais pílula placebo. O período de intervenção foi de uma semana. Todos os participantes realizaram a polissonografia portátil tipo III no início e no final do estudo. A mudança no índice de apneia hipopneia (IAH) foi o desfecho primário. Resultados: O estudo incluiu 54 participantes com média de idade (±DP) de 45±8,8 anos, IMC de 29,9±2,9 kg/m2 e IAH de 49±19 eventos/h. A mudança no IAH foi -11 eventos/h de sono (intervalo de confiança de 95% [IC], -15,59 para -5,74) no grupo de dieta, -7,33 (IC 95%, -13,75 para -0,91) no grupo diurético e 0,33 (IC 95%, -2,51 para 3,17) no grupo placebo (P=0,001 para interação tempo × grupo). A redução de água corporal total foi 2,2±2,2 L no grupo diurético (P<0,001) e 1,0±1,6 L no grupo dieta (P=0,002). Os sintomas de sonolência e a circunferência do pescoço reduziram significativamente somente no grupo dieta (P=0,007 e P<0,001 para interação, respectivamente). O uso de diurético aumentou a concentração de aldosterona e a atividade da renina plasmática (P<0,001 para interação). Conclusões: Em homens com apneia obstrutiva do sono grave, intervenções dietéticas e farmacológicas que depletam líquido corporal diminuem o IAH. Esse estudo fornece evidências de que a retenção de líquido corporal desempenha papel na patogênese da apneia do sono. / Rationale: The pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnea involves pharyngeal narrowing caused by overnight fluid displacement from the legs to the neck. Objective: To determine the effect of interventions that reduced the body fluid content on obstructive sleep apnea severity. Methods: In this placebo-controlled study, men diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea according American Academy of Sleep Medicine clinical criteria were randomized to receive daily diuretic lasilactone (spironolactone 100 mg + furosemide 20 mg) or placebo pill or nutritional counseling to sodium-restricted diet plus placebo pill. The intervention period was one week. All participants underwent out-of-center polysomnographies at baseline and follow-up. The change in apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) was the main outcome. Results: The study included 54 participants with mean age (±SD) of 45±8.8 years, body mass index of 29.9±2.9 kg/m2, and AHI of 49±19 events/h. From baseline to follow-up, the AHI delta value was −11 (95% confidence interval [CI], −15.59 to −5.74) in the diet group, −7.33 (95% CI, −13.75 to −0.91) in the diuretic group, and 0.33 (95% CI, −2.51 to 3.17) in the placebo group (P=0.001 for time × group interaction). The reduction in the total body water was 2.2±2.2 L in the diuretic group (P<0.001) and 1.0±1.6 L in the diet group (P=0.002). Sleepiness and neck circumference reduced only in the diet group (P=0.007 and P<0.001 for the interaction, respectively). The diuretic use augmented aldosterone concentration and plasma renin activity (P<0.001 for the interaction). Conclusions: Among men with severe OSA, dietary and pharmacological interventions that decrease bodily fluid content reduce the AHI. This trial provides a finding that fluid retention plays a role in apnea pathogenesis.
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