Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SMARTPHONE"" "subject:"[enn] SMARTPHONE""
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Hra pro mobilní telefon s využitím rozpoznání rysů tváře / Smartphone Game Using Recognition of Face FeaturesSkoták, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis focuses on smartphone game for iOS, which uses recognition of face features and other information, which can be obtained from a smartphone's camera and sensors. This work describes a few approaches for real-time face detection and then introduces and compares possibilities for such task on iOS. Moreover, the thesis contains a draft of the final game and its levels. The game showcases various technologies in its levels such as object detection, processing an image color and others. Finally, the thesis introduces the final form of the game that is released and available on the App Store.
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Aplikace pro Android smartphone a tablet na ovládání iNELS RF Control / Application for a Android Smartphone and Tablet for Control of the iNELS RF UnitŠreibr, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
The first part deals with the issue of intelligent electrical installations. It describes the types and their advantages and disadvantages. It deals in detail with the wireless system iNELS RF Control, which was developed by ELKO EP s.r.o. It describes the principles of communication and selected elements of the system. It also discusses the Android platform and its capabilities. Another part consists of requirements analysis and application design for control of the system iNELS RF Control. Application design consists of used architecture model, description of communication, database model and application logic’s model. The fourth part describes the implementation of applications, including the technology, development tools and system components. It contains a description of the final application parts. The fifth section deals with testing of the application. It contains methods, tools and techniques. The conclusion contains appreciation of the work and achievements.
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Inteligentní vyzvánění pro Symbian S60 / Intelligent Ringtones in Symbian S60Kadlas, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
Symbian OS is one of the most popular operating system for smartphones. The most favorite version of Symbian OS is the S60 platform, which is the aim of this thesis. Part of this thesis is focused on theoretical overview of Symbian OS, and a description of integraded sensors in smartphones. The second part is devoted to the implementation of sample application for inteligent ringtones. This application allows smartphone to customize phone ringing according to information obtained from sensors. Application was implemented in C++ language with Symbian-specific modifications. The development environment used was Carbide.c++ with SDK S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1.
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Android aplikace - slovník s příklady / Android Application - Dictionary with ExamplesMaňák, Libor January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with development of dictionary application for devices with Android operating system. The application provides examples in form of sentences, which can help users decide what translation variant is the right for them. This application is created as alternative for web service benimsozluk.com and there is cooperation between them. This thesis describes theoretical knowledge related to Android and development of this application. Parts of this thesis are dedicated to design as well as implementation of the application. The reader is introduced to testing conclusions. Testing was done for improving the application as well as for making an assessment of the application final state. In the final part potential future development of the application is drafted.
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"Jag har sökt på det och nu så förföljer det mig" : En studie om data mining och användares relation till sina smartmobiler / “I searched it and now it is stalking me” : A study on user behaviors and management regarding data mining and smartphonesLee Luck, Kiefer, Gyllenklev, Anna January 2019 (has links)
What lies beneath the surface of modern day interfaces? And what are the consequences of sharing our digital self with companies in exchange for free services? We report on a study of smartphone users in Sweden where behaviours and reactions are assessed from a critical viewpoint using the suggested method “Clear the palace”. Users express concerns regarding management of the digital self as well as showing awareness of the limitations within personalization as a result of data mining. Strategies to limit mobile overuse are discussed. The analysis is based on; Shklovski’s notions privacy paradox and creepiness and Pierce’s framework of undesigning technology. Clear the Palace as a methodology is assessed aswell as societal implications of data mining are problematized. / Vad pågår under ytan av moderna gränssnitt? Och vad är konsekvenserna av att vi delar våra digitala jag med företag i utbyte mot gratis tjänster? Vi redogör för en studie av mobilanvändare i Sverige där beteenden och reaktioner studeras ur ett kritiskt perspektiv med metoden “Röj palatset”. Användare uttrycker oro gällande hanteringen av det digitala jaget och uppvisar medvetenhet angående begränsningarna av personalisering som en följd av data mining. Strategier för att begränsa överanvändning av smartmobiler diskuteras. Analysen baseras på; Privacy Paradox, Leakiness/Creepiness enligt Shklovski och Pierce ramverk Undesigning Technology. Röj palatset som metod utvärderas och implikationer av data mining för samhället problematiseras.
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M-commerce jako nový fenomén nakupování / M-commerce as a new purchasing phenomenonDlouhá, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
(in English): Thesis deals with the phenomenon of m-commerce. History section briefly describes the evolution and significant moments for further development of this segment and its subsequent adaptation. It also discusses the types of transactions that are carried out through mobile devices and also about technologies that allow for a gradual transformation of these devices into multifunctional objects. The fourth chapter deals with the evaluation of practical research, which was carried out by me. The research was focused on the typology of purchases that are realized by Czech users through their mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) in relation to mobile smartphone platform, which they own.
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Designing a Wireless Charger for Smartphones / Trådlös laddare för smartphones.Kureekkal, Tony Sabu January 2019 (has links)
The wireless charging market has seen exponential growth in recent years and wireless charging is quickly becoming the standard in consumer electronic devices to eliminate inconveniences of wired chargers. The adoption of wireless charging technology is most visible in the smartphone industry. This thesis report elicits the process involved in designing a Wireless charger that complies with the Qi- Wireless Standards set by the Wireless Power Consortium. The drawbacks of current product offerings and user needs are identified, and conceptual solutions that could strengthen the wireless charging experience are explored. The most promising solution is developed upon which results in a full-scale functional prototype.
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Matchmaking i mobilen : En studie om Tinder som dejtingapplikation / Matchmaking in the mobile phone : a study of Tinder as dating appRichiello, Isabella, Zwahlen, Stina January 2015 (has links)
Smarttelefoner med applikationer har öppnat upp för nya kommunikationsmöjligheter. Denna studie undersöker den kontaktskapande applikationen Tinder, utifrån användarnas upplevelse av applikationen. Tinder är en positionsbaserad kontaktskapande realtidsapplikation som har flera miljoner användare världen över. Varje användare måste koppla upp sin profil mot Facebook, varifrån profilbilder, namn, ålder och gemensamma vänner hämtas. I studien undersöktes hur unga vuxna i åldern 18-30år, bosatta i Stockholm förhåller sig till hur Tinders funktioner och gränssnitt bidragit till applikationens genomslag. Studien baseras på Normans sex designprinciper, enkätsvar från 120 personer samt intervjuer med användare inom målgruppen. Resultatet visade att anledningen till Tinders framgång är en kombination av tre faktorer. Den första är att applikationen förhåller sig till Normans designprinciper. Den andra är att det skapas en trygghetskänsla hos användarna genom att i Tinders fall koppla varje användare till dennes Facebook-konto, samt att marknadsföra applikationen på rätt sätt. Tinder lyckades med det sistnämnda genom att marknadsföra och utforma applikationen som en kontaktskapande applikation snarare än en dejtingapplikation, vilket lockar en något annorlunda målgrupp. / Smartphones with applications have created new communication opportunities. This study explores the application Tinder by examining the user experience. Tinder is a location-based application which has millions of users worldwide. Each user has to connect their profile to Facebook, from which Tinder gets the users' profile pictures, names, age and mutual friends. In the thesis, we examine how young adults of age 18 to 30, living in Stockholm, relate to how Tinder's functions and interface have contributed to the success of the application. The study is based on the six design principles created by Norman, a survey with 120 respondants that has used the application and interviews. The results show that the reason for Tinder's success is a combination of three factors. The first is that the application relates to Norman's six design principles. The second reason is that a sense of security created for the users of the profile's connection to Facebook. The third is that Tinder has been marketing their application not as a datingapplication, but as a way for people to meet others, which attracts a slightly different target group.
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From Theory to Design : Developing a smartphone behavioral intervention to promote physical activityMosesson, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Physical inactivity is a growing public health problem in the 21st century. A large proportion of the adult and adolescent population is not achieving recommended levels of physical activity which has significant consequences for both the individual and our society. With no evidence that the levels of physical inactivity will improve in the future, traditional methods of addressing this problem have evidently proven ineffective. A relatively new and promising approach to this problem that has become increasingly important in recent years is smartphone-based behavioral interventions to promote physical activity and other health-related behaviors. While several studies have shown many positive and promising results with this approach, other studies have also shown that the method is not completely understood. For instance, research shows that many of the health and fitness applications available today do not adequately adhere to behavior change strategies or health-related research, suggesting that these applications are not reaching their fullest potential. The goal of this study was to develop and evaluate an application to promote physical activity that was aligned with such research. A high-fidelity prototype based on the Behaviour Change Wheel was developed in Adobe XD and later evaluated by four participants. The outcome of the evaluation indicated that the developed prototype was well received overall, and participants believed it would trigger the desired behavior change of an increase in physical activity. However, due to the study limitations of unrepresentative participants and evaluation environment, time frame and application levels, nothing was truly proven in this regard. Further improvement of the prototype and future studies are needed to evaluate the prototype more accurately. / Fysisk inaktivitet är ett växande hälsoproblem för vårt samhälle under 2000-talet. En stor andel av vuxna och ungdomar uppnår inte rekommenderade hälsonivåer för fysiska aktivitet vilket har påtagliga konsekvenser för både individ och samhälle. Utan några forskningsbevis på att nivåerna för fysisk inaktivitet kommer att förbättras i framtiden har traditionella metoder för att motverka detta problem skenbarligen visats sig vara ineffektiva. Ett relativt nytt och lovande tillvägagångssätt för problemet som blivit alltmer relevant under de senaste åren är smartphonebaserade beteendeinterventioner för att främja fysisk aktivitet och andra hälsorelaterade beteenden. Medan ett flertal studier visat många positiva påföljder och lovande resultat med detta tillvägagångssätt, har andra studier samtidigt visat att metoden inte är helt förstådd och otillräckligt efterforskad. Bland annat visar forskning att många av dagens tillgängliga hälso- och träningsapplikationer inte optimalt följer riktlinjer för vare sig beteendeförändringsstrategier eller hälsorelaterad forskning, vilket antyder att dessa applikationer inte uppnår sin fulla potential. Målet med denna studie var att utveckla och utvärdera en applikation för att främja fysisk aktivitet som var baserad på sådan forskning. En prototyp av hög funktionsnivå baserad på The Behaviour Change Wheel utvecklades i Adobe XD och utvärderades av fyra deltagare. Resultatet från utvärderingen pekade mot att den utvecklade prototypen var väl uppskattad av deltagarna som även ansåg att prototypen skulle framkalla den önskade beteendeförändringen för ökad fysisk aktivitet. Emellertid, på grund av studiebegränsningarna med bland annat icke-representativa deltagare och utvärderingsförhållanden, tidsram samt applikationens funktionsnivå, kunde inte något absolut bevis framläggas i detta avseende. Ytterligare förbättringar av prototypen och framtida studier är nödvändiga för att utvärdera prototypen mer exakt.
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The Influence of e-WOM through SNS on Brand Perception and Consumer Purchase Intention: Study on Bangladeshi consumers.Podder, Pronab Swarup, Tanjee, Kaniz Sawda January 2021 (has links)
Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate the influence e-WOM through social network sites has on consumers focusing on brand perception and purchase intention. Methodology: A qualitative study was applied with the semi-structured online interview conducted with nine respondents across Bangladesh. The collected primary data were transcribed and thematically analyzed with the reviewed literature. Findings and Conclusion: We conclude that e-WOM through SNS helps consumers to select smartphones and gadgets. Due to paid reviews and negative influencers, trustworthiness is vital on SNS reviews. Also, the recommendation from known sources or personal research increases brand perception. Rather than relying on single reviews on SNS, it is highly recommended to justify the reviews for purchase intention of smartphones or gadgets. Contribution of the Thesis: This study suggests that e-WOM through SNS influences consumers' purchase of smartphones or gadget brands. It is recommended for the managers to determine reviewers on SNS regarding smartphone or gadget brands. Besides, this study exposes the importance of trustworthiness in SNS reviews. Suggestion for the Future Research: We suggest future research on a similar topic using a larger sample size. We also propose a comparative study with two or more countries on similar products to determine differences and results relatively. Besides, this study only focused on smartphones or gadget items; focusing on different products with larger audiences might be done for future research. Furthermore, future research could be done
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