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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Actitudes hacia el murciano : Un estudio comparativo de actitudes que presentan nativosmurcianos e hispanohablantes no peninsulares.

Gallego Hernández, Antonio January 2015 (has links)
Murciano is a non-standard variety that is spoken in Murcia, a region in the southeast of Spain.This study aims to investigate which are the attitudes toward the variety from the dimensions ofsolidarity and status.We will use two groups of informants. One integrated by 20 natives from Murcia who use thevariety, and the other by 16 non-spanish-natives that have never been in contact with murciano.The intention with the study is to investigate which attitudes both groups show towardmurciano and analyse the differences and similarities between them. We expect the natives toshow positive attitudes in the dimension of solidarity, and negatives in the dimension of status.We expect the non-natives to show the same kind of attidudes toward both varieties (thestandard-spanish and murciano) while they have never been in contact with the non-standardand therefore should not have the sociocultural background that help people to create negativeattitudes toward non-standard varieties.The chosen method is an indirect one, and the used technique is the matched-guise. Theinformants listen to two different voices talking two times each: one in standard-spanish andone in murciano. After they have listened to one voice in one variety they answer 10 differentquestions to measure their attitudes in the both dimensions we aim to investigate. The resultsare analysed from the gender and the education variables.The results show that the natives attitudes toward murciano are positives from the solidaritydimension but negatives from the status one, results that confirm the first hypothesis. However,the study shows that the non-natives also have negative attitudes toward the variety in the statusdimension but positive toward the standard-spanish, which means that the second hypothesiswas wrong, something that could have been caused by the fact that all non-natives had a higheducational-level. Other studies show that education is a factor that can have a bearing onhaving negative attitudes toward non-standard varieties.


Prass, Raquel Marcele da Silva 26 January 2012 (has links)
The global economic scenario has undergone significant changes in recent years, due mainly to factors such as globalization, competitiveness and technological advances. Therefore, this research aims to identify the profile of social economy enterprises in the case study of the 18th State Fair of Cooperatives (FEICOOP) held annually in Santa Maria. This scenario involves economic aspects and the political, organizational, informational, commercial, cultural and social, among others, that relate in a dynamic way. From there, the knowledge is with the emergence of concepts fundamental to the determination of a new opportunity for social economy. In this sense, it highlights the social and scientific relevance of this work, as determining the profile of entrepreneurs to economic solidarity of the participants of the 18th FEICOOP is possible to ensure continuous improvement of processes involving the development and growth of economic enterprises in solidarity. By identifying this profile facilitates the development of actions necessary for the growth of these enterprises. Also, the definition of the profile directly assists workers and family members who survive this alternative to generating employment and income. The case study was developed through exploratory, descriptive and explanatory, and data collection was performed during days 8, 9 and 10 July 2011, in 18th FEICOOP. The results showed that women predominated, involvement of family consisting of entrepreneurs, especially in the craft as a major promoter of the solidarity economy, with little access to government resources and NGOs This view is necessary because some aspects passing irrelevant into account the regional analysis specific than are needed for growth and development of social economy. The exhibitors of the fair participants are from different Brazilian regions, specifying the overview of the economic solidarity of the organization before the fair. Still, showed that each development, with different cultures, we adopt a local development plan differentiated, depending on family income and number of unemployed in need of new economic activities. / O cenário econômico mundial vem sofrendo significativas transformações nos últimos anos, decorrentes, sobretudo de fatores como a globalização, a competitividade e os avanços tecnológicos. Portanto, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar o perfil dos empreendimentos de economia solidária com estudo do caso da 18ª Feira Estadual do Cooperativismo (FEICOOP) realizada anualmente em Santa Maria. Este cenário econômico envolve aspectos e dimensões políticas, organizacionais, informacionais, comerciais, culturais e sociais, entre outras, que se relacionam de maneira dinâmica. A partir daí, o conhecimento se dá com o surgimento de conceitos fundamentais para a deliberação de uma nova oportunidade social de economia. Neste sentido, se destaca à relevância social e científica deste trabalho, pois com a determinação do perfil dos empreendedores de economia solidária dos participantes da 18ª FEICOOP é possível assegurar a melhoria contínua dos processos que envolvem o desenvolvimento e crescimento dos empreendimentos econômicos solidários. Através da identificação deste perfil facilita o desenvolvimento de ações necessárias para o crescimento desses empreendimentos. Também, a definição do perfil auxilia diretamente, trabalhadores e familiares que sobrevivem desta alternativa para geração de trabalho e renda. O estudo de caso foi desenvolvido através de pesquisa exploratória, descritiva e explicativa, e a coleta de dados foi realizada durante os dias 8, 9 e 10 de julho de 2011, na 18ª FEICOOP. Os resultados mostraram que predominou as mulheres, participação de empreendedores constituídos de família, com destaque no artesanato como grande promovedor da economia solidária, com pouco acesso a recursos governamentais e ONGs. Essa visão é necessária, devido alguns aspectos passarem irrelevantes em consideração à análise regional específica que são necessários para o crescimento e desenvolvimento da economia solidária. Os expositores da feira são participantes de diferentes regiões brasileiras, especificando a visão geral da econômica solidária diante da organização da feira. Ainda, evidenciou que cada empreendimento, com diferentes culturas, adota um plano de desenvolvimento local diferenciados, dependendo da renda per capita e quantidade de desempregados que necessitam de novas atividades econômicas.


Camera, Sinara 19 December 2008 (has links)
By the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century the late and insufficient acts of the United Nations in its mission to keep peace and international security as well as the respect to human rights, seal and demonstrate its inability to give quick answers to extreme situations. The present study aims to investigate the possible reformulations occurred in the Humanitarian Intervention model throughout the investigated period, in order to disclose the factors (facts, theories, practices) that clarify these changes as well as to discuss the possible ways for the construction of new spaces, dialogic, collaborative and solidary, throughout a humanitarian intervention, in this re-structuring process. This period also shows strong disagreement amongst the defenders of the intervention for humanity reasons and the sponsors of the sovereignty as intangible principle. There is not a consensus about the existence of a right or duty of humanitarian interference, for whom it must be done and the moment to accomplish it. On the other hand, there is a consensus regarding the inefficacy of the logic used to implement an intervention for humanitarian reasons. The unsuitability of the actions seen so far, and the selectivity criteria (or lack of them), show the farness between the means and ends of the humanitarian intervention as well as the need of creating clear rules for its practice. So, the protection responsibility theory arises, whose purpose is to regulate the international collective acting in the armed interventions. However, considering the purely technical aspects, it seems that the operational principles brought by the new theory are the biggest differential in relation to the classical humanitarian intervention. The modus operandi of these interventions has always been strongly criticized, that is, the excesses committed by troops during occupation, the lack of parameters for the action of multinational troops (with formation and distinct orientations), the disproportion in the use of power, promote debates about the farness between the means and ends in humanitarian interventions. It is important to mention that the human element needs to be present during all military action (preparatory, successive and posterior). Finally, only when this element is, in fact, considered, will the means and ends converge towards a common point, which is the protection of every person s human rights in the State territory under intervention. The people who compose the States government make the difference, heating the cold reason of the State, giving opportunity to solidary actions and, therefore, working with distinct proposal possibilities by traditional mechanisms of conflict resolution. With the logic of power that rules international relations, the will of many men and women still resists within the governments, the academy, and civil society, which have put a great deal of effort on a new world order, showing new ways and new solidarity spaces in intervention situations. / No final do Século XX e início do Século XXI, as atuações tardias e insuficientes das Nações Unidas, na sua missão de garantir a paz e a segurança internacionais bem como o respeito aos direitos humanos, marcam e demonstram a sua inabilidade para dar respostas rápidas a situações extremas. O presente estudo tem como principal objetivo perquirir as possíveis reformulações ocorridas no modelo da Intervenção Humanitária no período referido, com vistas a desvelar os fatores (fatos, teorias, práticas) que evidenciam essas mudanças, bem como discutir os caminhos possíveis para a construção de novos espaços, dialógicos, colaborativos e solidários, em meio a uma intervenção humanitária, nesse processo de reestruturação. Esse período tem ainda, como marca, forte desacordo entre os defensores da intervenção por razões de humanidade e os patrocinadores da soberania como princípio intangível. Não se firma um consenso sobre a existência de um direito ou dever de ingerência humanitária, por quem ele deve ser exercido e qual o momento de efetivá-lo. Por outro lado, há consenso quanto à ineficácia da lógica utilizada para a implementação de uma intervenção por razões de humanidade. A intempestividade das ações até então presenciadas, os critérios de seletividade (ou a falta deles), evidenciam o distanciamento entre meios e fins da intervenção humanitária bem como a necessidade de criação de regras claras para a sua prática. Surge a teoria da responsabilidade de proteger cujo propósito abarca regular a atuação do coletivo internacional nas intervenções armadas. Entretanto, considerando-se os aspectos puramente teóricos, parece que os princípios operacionais trazidos pela nova teoria são o grande diferencial em relação à clássica intervenção humanitária. O modus operandi dessas intervenções sempre foi alvo de fortes críticas: os excessos cometidos pelas tropas durante a ocupação, a falta de parâmetros para a ação das tropas multinacionais (com formação e orientação distintas), a desproporção do uso da força, fomentam debates sobre o distanciamento entre meios e fins em intervenções humanitárias. Ressalta-se que o elemento humano precisa estar presente em todos os momentos (preparatório, consecutório e posterior) da atuação militar. Afinal, somente quando esse elemento for de fato considerado haverá a convergência de meios e fins para um ponto comum: a proteção dos direitos humanos de cada um dos indivíduos que está no território do Estado que sofre a intervenção. Os homens que compõem os governos dos Estados fazem a diferença, aquecendo a razão fria do Estado, oportunizando ações solidárias e, dessa forma, viabilizando possibilidades distintas das propostas pelos mecanismos tradicionais de solução de conflitos. Frente à lógica do poder que rege as relações internacionais, resiste a vontade de muitos homens e mulheres, dentro dos governos, da academia, da sociedade civil, os quais empenham esforços para uma nova ordem mundial, apontando novos caminhos, novos espaços de solidariedade em meio a cenários de intervenção.


Ferreira, Jonathan Mendes 15 March 2011 (has links)
Fairs of solidarity economics stand out, increasingly, in world s economy. However, the great challenge is to offer quality in products and services to consumers, who become more and more demanding and critical. This research aims to identify whether the products that the Fair of Solidarity Economic in Santa Maria-RS offers fulfil consumers requirements. This research was divided into two phases. At the first, were developed and applied two questionnaires: one directed to the coordinators of groups of enterprises, in order to identify the satisfaction of entrepreneurs, and another one to the consumers, in order to identify their level of satisfaction, respecting to the quality of the Fair products. At the second, were crossed the data obtained by comparing the satisfaction levels of both groups surveyed, identifying the similarities and the differences on the quality of the products sold. The questionnaires were developed according to the SERVQUAL model, so it was possible measure the various dimensions of quality by a pre-established range. For data analysis, we used the Wilcoxon Test and Spearman Correlation. The data were processed using software Statistica 7.0. The results demonstrated the Fair of Solidary Economy of Saint Maria - RS to present satisfactory results, both in perception of the producers as consumers. It was concluded that the relationship contractor / consumers is extremely important for the competitiveness and dissemination of the principles of Solidarity Economics. / As feiras de economia solidária destacam-se, cada vez mais, no setor econômico mundial. Contudo, o grande desafio é oferecer produtos e serviços com qualidade, aos consumidores, que se tornam, a cada dia, mais e mais exigentes e críticos. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar se os produtos que a Feira de Economia Solidária comercializa satisfazem às exigências dos consumidores. A pesquisa dividiu-se em dois momentos. No primeiro momento, foram elaborados e aplicados dois questionários: um voltado aos coordenadores de grupos dos empreendimentos, para buscar o nível de satisfação dos empreendedores, e outro aos consumidores, para identificar o nível de satisfação, destes, quanto à qualidade dos produtos comercializados. No segundo momento, cruzou-se os dados obtidos, comparandose os níveis de satisfação de ambos os grupos pesquisados, identificando-se os pontos convergentes e divergentes, sobre a qualidade do produto comercializado. Para a elaboração dos questionários, tomou-se por base o modelo SERVQUAL, a fim de que se pudesse mensurar as diversas dimensões de qualidade através de uma escala pré-estabelecida. Para análise dos dados, utilizou-se os Testes de Wilcoxon e Correlação de Spearman. Os dados foram tratados através do software Statistica 7.0. Os resultados demonstraram a Feira de Economia Solidária de Santa Maria - RS apresentar resultados satisfatórios quer na percepção dos produtores quer na dos consumidores. Conclui-se a relação consumidor/produtor ser de suma importância para a competitividade e disseminação dos princípios de Economia Solidária.

La construction d’un futur sur quatre roues : Une ethnographie du handicap locomoteur dans Mitchell’s Plain (Afrique du Sud) / Building a future on four wheels : An ethnography of locomotive disability in Mitchell's Plain (South Africa)

Schnitzler, Marie 11 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se concentre sur les subjectivités particulières que produit la déficience locomotrice dans la ville postapartheid au moyen d’une ethnographie de la vie ordinaire. À cet effet, la déficience locomotrice désigne toute limitation des déplacements due à une infirmité des membres inférieurs. Celle-ci est dès lors conçue comme une épreuve, c’est-à-dire un évènement qui rompt avec le quotidien et met sous tension les responsabilités des différents acteurs impliqués — personnes en situation de handicap, familles, État, etc. En outre, ces tensions s’articulent sur différents niveaux dont trois sont particulièrement discutés ici : le champ politique qui détermine un certain type de citoyenneté, les réseaux sociaux qui constituent la personne et enfin le rapport des acteurs en situation de handicap à leur histoire personnelle. Ces trois niveaux se combinent pour façonner des subjectivités particulières, qui sont analysées dans un cadre foucaldien en tant que rapports à soi, mais également aux autres et au monde qui nous entoure. Le chapitre 1 introduit la discussion en proposant un aperçu général de la problématisation politique du handicap en Afrique du Sud. J’y interroge la manière dont l’histoire nationale a pu influencer les discours et les mesures prises dans ce domaine. Au-delà de ces considérations générales, je cherche surtout à saisir les effets réels des mesures adoptées sur l’expérience de la déficience locomotrice dans l’Afrique du Sud contemporaine. Le chapitre 2 s’intéresse alors plus spécifiquement aux politiques de sécurité sociale et d’aide à l’emploi. Cette étape de l’analyse permet d’intégrer une dimension économique dans la suite de la discussion sur les relations sociales des personnes rencontrées. Le chapitre 3 interroge l’existence d’autrui significatif dans le choix d’un logement. Le chapitre 4 se concentre quant à lui sur les rapports de genre et leurs reconfigurations contemporaines, tels qu’ils sont vécus par les personnes atteintes d’une déficience. Un troisième registre de sociabilité plus large et plus diffus fait l’objet du chapitre 5, qui documente les lieux de sociabilité dans le township de Mitchell’s Plain et la manière dont les personnes en situation de handicap s’y intègrent. Finalement, le chapitre 6 rassemble les différents éléments discutés dans les sections qui le précèdent pour saisir les récits de soi que ces dynamiques sociales produisent. C’est alors la place donnée à la déficience par l’individu dans son rapport à lui-même et aux autres qui est mise en évidence. De manière générale, cette réflexion souhaite contribuer à la compréhension des conséquences pratiques des politiques établies et de leur appropriation par les acteurs et participe dès lors aux débats autour de la prise en charge de personnes vues comme ‘dépendantes’. Une approche par le handicap dans une nation conçue tour à tour comme développée et en voie de développement, ni tout à fait sociale ni strictement libérale, cherche à enrichir la réflexion sur ces sujets dans nos sociétés contemporaines. Qui plus est, l’angle de la déficience en Afrique du Sud permet de revenir sur les politiques d’apartheid, dans leur dimension corporelle et sociale, en s’intéressant à la restructuration de la ville postapartheid. Dans ce cadre, interroger la citadinité sud-africaine permet de se départir d’une rhétorique raciale, qui monopolise souvent la réflexion sur cette société, pour comprendre comment, au-delà de ces différences, l’espace urbain est réapproprié. À travers ces dynamiques, c’est aussi la mémoire d’un passé troublé, au statut incertain, qui se joue. Enfin, interroger la déficience locomotrice en Afrique du Sud permet de revenir sur un lien supposé entre ce type de handicap et la violence endémique des anciens townships. / This thesis explores subjectivities shaped by locomotive disability in the post-apartheid city through an ethnography of ordinary life. Locomotive disability encompasses every limitation of mobility due to an infirmity of the lower limbs. In my discussion, it is conceived as a ‘test’ (épreuve), namely an event that interrupts everyday routines and creates tensions between the responsibilities of different actors’ – people with disabilities, families, the state, etc. These tensions are articulated on various levels. In my discussion, I focus on three of them: the political field that determines a certain type of citizenship, the social networks that constitute the person, and finally the understanding people with disabilities have of their personal history. These levels combine to shape people’s subjectivity, and are analysed in a Foucauldian perspective not just as individuals’ relations with themselves, but also with others and the wider world. Chapter 1 introduces the discussion by providing an overview of the political problematisation of disability in South Africa. I question how national history has influenced discourses and legislation in the field of disability. More specifically, I explore the effects of these programs on the experience of locomotive disability in contemporary South Africa. Chapter 2 then presents in detail South African social security and job creation policies. This section of the thesis introduces an economic dimension to the discussion of the social relationships of people with disabilities which is taken up in the following chapters. Chapter 3 questions significant others’ identity in the process of finding a house. Chapter 4 focuses on gender relationships and their current reconfigurations, as lived by people with disabilities. A third register of sociability is introduced in chapter 5, which documents the existence and the nature of social places in Mitchell’s Plain township and the ways people with disabilities participate in those spaces. Finally, chapter 6 brings together the conclusions from each chapter to explain the self-narrations (récit de soi) produced by different social dynamics. Through my analysis, I thus explore the place people give to disability in their relationships with the self and with others. More generally, this thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of the consequences that policies have for people’s lives and the way these policies are appropriated by the actors on the field. In so doing, the thesis participates in the debate around the management of people who are often perceived as ‘dependants’. To look at disability in a nation that is both conceived as developed and still developing, neither completely social nor totally liberal, is a way to extend our knowledge on these topics in contemporary societies. Moreover, the topic of disability in South Africa allows me to analyse apartheid policies and their bodily and spatial dimensions, by focusing on how the city is nowadays (re)appropriated by its inhabitants. In this context, questioning South African citiness allows me to depart from a racial discourse that still often monopolises analysis of this society, in order to comprehend how, beyond these differences, the urban space is restructured. Through this dynamic, the memory of a troubled past with an uncertain status is at play. Finally, a discussion on locomotive disability in South Africa challenges the supposed link between this type of disability and the endemic violence of the townships.

Les principes de solidarité et d'autonomie à l'aune de la dépendance des personnes âgées / The principles of autonomy and solidarity in the light of the dependence of the elderly

Aymard, Stephane 29 May 2015 (has links)
Est-il possible d’empêcher par un mécanisme solidaire que la dépendance médicale, soit le fait d’avoir besoin d’une aide pour effectuer les actes de la vie quotidienne, ne se transforme en dépendance sociale? Est-il possible que dans le même temps l’on parvienne à préserver l’idéal d’autonomie pour les personnes âgées dépendantes? Dans le contexte actuel, l’autonomie des personnes âgées dépendantes apparaît comme un véritable enjeu puisque celui-ci porte avec lui la possibilité pour ces personnes de rester maîtres de leur vie, aptes à prendre des décisions. Cette thèse examine la question de l’autonomie tant sous un angle théorique que pratique et montre sous quelles conditions son effectivité est possible. Plus particulièrement, cette thèse met en évidence (i) les conditions de réalisation de l’autonomie décisionnelle: disponibilité des aidants et aménagement de l’espace architectural, (ii) les enjeux notionnels autour du concept de dépendance: différenciation du concept d’autonomie, rapprochement avec celui de handicap, mise en avant de situations de dépendance (iii) les caractéristiques de la relation aidant-aidé qui oscille entre relation asymétrique et relation réciproque, (iv) l’importance du rôle joué par les acteurs individuels et institutionnels dans la réalisation de l’autonomie, (v) l’analyse des situations qui mettent à mal la liberté comme non-domination: consentement à l’entrée en institution, refus de soins, contention, attitude paternaliste, (vi) une éthique de la solidarité. Pour prémunir les personnes âgées contre des situations de domination sociale, il nous semble important d’appréhender celles-ci avant tout comme des personnes. / Is it possible to avoid, through a solidarity mechanism, that medical dependence (needing help to perform daily activities) be converted into social dependence? Is it possible to do so in such a way that we preserve the ideal of autonomy for the dependent elderly? In the present context, the autonomy of the dependent elderly appears as a real challenge because it conveys the notion of an opportunity for these people to remain in control of their lives, able to make decisions. This thesis examines the question of autonomy both in theoretical and practical terms, and shows the conditions under which its effectiveness is possible. Specifically, this thesis highlights (i) the conditions of implementation for decision-making autonomy: the presence of caregivers and developments in architectural space, (ii) the notional issues surrounding the concept of dependency: differentiation of the concept of autonomy , connections with disability and, especially, situations of dependence (iii) the characteristics of the caregiver-relationship that oscillates between asymmetrical and reciprocal relationship, (iv) the important role played by individual and institutional actors in the achievement of independence, (v) the analysis of situations that undermine freedom as non-domination such as consent-giving (in connection with nursing homes), denial of care, coercive restraint, paternalism, (vi) the ethics of solidarity. In order to protect the elderly against social domination situations, it seems that our apprehension of them as individuals first is crucial.

Analyse comparée des "fonds citoyens" en France : comment gérer la pluralité des logiques institutionnelles ? / Analysis compared by the " public-spirited funds " in France : How to manage the plurality of the institutional logics?

Costanzo, Elsa 05 January 2016 (has links)
Parmi les organisations de finances solidaires en France, les fonds dits "citoyens" revêtent la particularité de collecter des fonds, sous forme d'actions ou de parts sociales, auprès du grand public afin de les investir dans des projets à vocation sociale et/ou politique. Ils allient une nécessaire attention à leur pérennité économique et financière à un volontarisme politique de transformation sociale. Ce travail de thèse a pour objet de qualifier avec précision les logiques, parfois antagonistes, en présence et d'interroger leur capacité à coexister. La typologie des ressources et des modèles économiques de ces fonds, l'analyse des stratégies de légitimation mises en place au regard des discours mobilisés et l'étude du rapport aux pouvoirs publics nous ont permis de distinguer quatre logiques institutionnelles : alternative, de mimétisme marchand, de service public et de mouvement. / The so called “citizen” funds are the organizations of social finance that collect funds, in the form of shares from physical persons in order to finance projects addressing social and/or political issues. They combine the necessary attention on the economic and financial sustainability with a political vill of social change. This work aims to precisely characterize the operating logics and to question their ability to coexist. The typology of the resources and the economic model of the citizen funds, the analysis of the legitating strategies through the speech as well as the relationship with the public authorities reveal u four institutional logics: alternative, profit-oriented, public-oriented and logic of movement.

Narrative (sub)Versions: How Queer Palestinian Womyn 'Queer' Palestinian Identity

Moussa, Ghaida January 2011 (has links)
In asking ‘How do queer Palestinian womyn ‘queer’ Palestinian identity”, the present research focuses on the various forms of traditional, narrative, and creative resistance practices of Palestinian womyn who challenge the following three narratives: 1) the national narrative which tags ‘queer’ as ‘Other’ and which posits the national movement at the top of the hierarchy of struggles; 2) the colonial narrative which is sustained by the Israeli public relations campaigns aiming to portray Israel as a modern, progressive, safe gay haven for queers, in opposition to a Palestine and Arab World which are said to be integrally homophobic, barbaric, regressive, etc. in an attempt to ‘pinkwash’ the occupation; and 3) the neocolonial narrative in which Western and Israeli Jewish queer movements reproduce colonial dynamics in their attempt to ‘save’ Palestinian queers who are deemed to be powerless, voiceless victims in need of saving.

Solidarita a ekvivalence v systému sociálního pojištění / Solidarity and equivalence in social insurance system

Běloch, Petr January 2007 (has links)
Solidarity and equivalence are basic principles on which is built not only social policy, but also the underlying structure of society as a whole. If the people's look at these principles doesn't correspond to their integration in social security systems, people find it as unjust and the social policy as illegitimate. It will be a task for new government elected in 2010 to solve long lasting problems derived from negative impacts of aging society together with more legitimate setting of solidarity and equivalence. This work analyzes income inequality in Czech Republic compared with other countries, follows the development of replacement rate of retirement pay to wage in time and in comparison with the level of previous income. The work compares the observed data with people's views on the pension system which are presented in the public opinion research. Next part compares two different approaches to solve the "pension crisis" -- the Swedish system of virtual accounts and the Chilean fully funded scheme -- and outlines a new pension system, which doesn't create explicit costs during transition from the current system, increases the involvement of merit principle, supresses excessive redistribution and thus constitutes a long-term sustainable system solution.

Les outils de gestion, transporteurs et régulateurs des logiques institutionnelles : cas de deux organisations de capital-risque solidaire / Management artifacts, carriers and regulators of institutional logics : two case studies of venture capital funds solidarity oriented

Château Terrisse, Pascale 14 November 2013 (has links)
La théorie néo institutionnelle permet de penser les outils de gestion dans la société et dans l'interaction avec les acteurs des organisations. Ce travail montre la complexité des instruments de gestion et les envisage tour à tour comme : des éléments symboliques neutres à l'activité de l'organisation adoptés par souci de légitimité et diffusés par des mécanismes isomorphiques, des objets rhétoriques porteurs de langage et de catégorisations et transformés par les acteurs organisationnels, des artefacts transportant des logiques institutionnelles multiples naissant dans le champ organisationnel. Cette thèse pose l'existence d'un nouveau rôle pour les outils de gestion, celui de régulateur des contradictions entre logiques institutionnelles. Sur le plan empirique, avec une méthodologie qualitative mêlant approches longitudinales multi niveaux et recherche intervention, les logiques institutionnelles du champ de la finance solidaire en France et de deux organisations de capital-risque solidaire sont analysées. Les outils de gestion de ces deux organisations sont étudiés. Les outils créés avec le chercheur, les pactes d'actionnaires et les chartes, véhiculent les logiques institutionnelles des fonds. Le changement des pactes d'actionnaire et les comités d'investissement permettent de révéler que les outils de gestion gèrent les tensions entre logiques institutionnelle en les éliminant, les compartimentant ou les intégrant. Les résultats de cette étude permettent de discuter le degré d'incompatibilité entre les logiques en fonction de leur perméabilité, des métiers représentés dans les organisations et des pratiques considérées. Ils autorisent également une formalisation des liens entre outils de gestion et logiques institutionnelles ainsi qu'entre logiques institutionnelles présentes dans l'organisation et rôle des outils de gestion. Enfin, un process socio technique d'hybridation de logiques institutionnelles est proposé. / Institutional theory describes management artifacts as embedded in the society and in interactions with organizational actors. This work is aiming to grasp the complexity of management apparatus and analyzes it as: first, symbolical element neutral for the organizational activity, adopted for legitimacy and diffused by isomorphic mechanisms; then, rhetorical objects generating languages and categorizations, transformed by actors; finally, as artifacts carrying multiple institutional logics. This thesis postulates that management artifacts can also regulate contradictions between institutional logics. A qualitative methodology combining longitudinal multi-level approaches and research action, is revealing the institutional logics of the organizational field of interdependent finance and of two interdependent venture capital funds. The management apparatus of these funds is studied. New management tools created during the research action, charters and shareholders' agreements are carrying venture organizations' institutional logics. A change in a shareholders' agreement and the management system of the investment decision-making process in a venture fund, named investment committees, divulge that management apparatus handle tensions between institutional logics by eliminating one of them, compartmenting or integrating them. The results of this study acknowledge different degrees in the contradictions between institutional logics related to their permeability, the professions represented in the organization, the practices looked at. They contribute also to formalize links between management artifacts and institutional logics. We lastly propose a model combining two processes that explicate how multiple logics can blend and how tensions can be handled.

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