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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Communicative Identity : A qualitative study of an organisation's creation and communication of their identity / A Communicative Identity : A qualitative study of an organisation´s creation and communication of their identity

Tollstoy, Johanna, Thornsäter, Zara January 2012 (has links)
Both as leader and employee you need a perception of the organisational identity. The purpose of this thesis is to identify leaders’ perception of using communication to develop and implement the organisational identity with the employees and also to identify how the internal work with the organisational identity can contribute in making the employees good ambassadors for the organisation. Data has been gathered through qualitative interviews with four leaders at a future large organisation. By connecting and analysing the empirical findings with relevant theories we came to the conclusion that the leaders’ percept the communication as vital and that they consider creating the foundation of the organisational identity as their responsibility. They value co-creation and an open communication with the employees. We make the conclusion that ongoing communication is essential for including employees in the development of the organisational identity and in making these good ambassadors.

Varumärkeskommunikation : En analys av Borkas och BayIcons kommunikativa arbete i relation till WJOS

Larsson, Johan January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Title: Brand communication – An analyze of Borka and BayIcons communicative labor in relations with WJOS. (Varumärkeskommunikation – En analys av Borka och BayIcons kommunikativa arbete i relation till WJOS) Number of pages: 53 (55 including enclosures) Author: Johan Larsson Tutor: Göran Svensson Course: Media and Communications Studies C Period: Second term / autumn 2007 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/aim: The purpose of this essay is to study how two small Swedish clothing companies, Borka and BayIcon, manage their brand communication. Brand communication includes work with target groups, brands, media and finally communication in a bigger perspective. The clothing companies are compared and analyzed thru a perspective of an advertising agency. Material/method: This essay uses two case studies with qualitative research interviews as methods. The material is combined by three interviews, one with Borka, one with BayIcon and one with WJOS. Main result: Borka uses newspaper adverts, fairs and sponsoring as their mixture of mediums. BayIcon uses web pages, events and sponsoring. The events, fairs and sponsoring are arranged under the definition arrangements and it is the richest form of communication because it gives the opportunity of a dialog. The dialog is a good way to get in touch with the customers. Both Borka and BayIcon use a strategic way of working with communication, which emphasizes that communication is created in a dialog between the customer and the company. The biggest difference between WJOS and Borka and BayIcon is that the clothing companies work more with what they think is right and less with strategies. Keywords: brand, communication, target groups, events, strategic communication, dialog, advertising.

Formulera-Kommunicera-Utvärdera / Formulate-Communicate-Evaluate

Mattsson, Kristin January 2014 (has links)
The Swedish governments goal for the public health is to operate for a society with good conditions to be healthy. Many people today are very conscious about their health, at the same time alcohol is a recurring element in many day-to-day situations. IOGT-NTO is an organization that is working towards making sobriety to be the rule rather than the exception. This work is linked together by the organizations communication, which is a vital part to be able to present a unified view outward. In order to do that, it is particularly important that there are common goals and strategies to work towards. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to investigate IOGT-NTOs approach to policy documents and the role they play in their everyday work with communications, and also how they carry out evaluation of their work.   The case study’s theoretical background consists of Strategic Communication, which for structure's sake is divided into sub-categories, Public Relations and Organizational Communication, Internal Communication, External Communication and Evaluation. The study has an abductive approach and uses qualitative methods. The study was conducted using focus interviews and text analysis, which together constituted a triangulation of methods.   The result of the study shows a consistent picture of the steering documents function, they are seen as guidelines that the communicative work is based on. Because of a widespread informal communication documents are not used on an everyday basis, but is instead something that ensures that the work follows the strategy the organization has taken. Evaluation is conducted largely through informal communication between colleagues and is rarely documented as it has a lower priority than other tasks. Therefore, there is potential for development, but in order to spend time on it, a clear goal of how evaluations in this case can be used is required. The study thus contributes to research by highlighting the importance of formulating clear policy documents and implement them when communicating, and that evaluation is a tool which can be used to develop the way that organizations work with communication. / Den svenska regeringens mål för folkhälsan är att verka för ett samhälle med goda förutsättningar för hälsa. Många människor är idag väldigt hälsomedvetna, samtidigt är alkoholen ett återkommande inslag i många vardagssituationer. IOGT-NTO är en organisation som jobbar för att nykterhet ska vara regel hellre än undantag i sådana situationer. Arbetet med detta knyts ihop av organisationens kommunikation som är en viktig del för att kunna uppvisa en enhetlig bild utåt. För att kunna göra det är det bland annat viktigt att det finns gemensamma mål och riktlinjer att arbeta efter. Därför är studiens syfte att undersöka IOGT-NTOs syn på styrdokument och vilken roll de har i det vardagliga arbetet med kommunikation, samt hur de jobbar med utvärdering av sitt arbete.   Fallstudiens teoretiska bakgrund består av Strategisk kommunikation som för en djupare förståelse och för strukturens skull är indelad i underkategorier, Public Relations och Organisationskommunikation, Intern kommunikation, Extern kommunikation och Utvärdering. Studien har en abduktiv ansats och ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt och den har genomförts med hjälp av metoderna fokusintervjuer och textanalys, som tillsammans utgjort en metodtriangulering.   Resultatet visar en samstämmig bild av styrdokumentens funktion, de ses som riktlinjer som det kommunikativa arbetet utgår från. På grund av en utbredd informell kommunikation är dokumenten ingenting som används på en vardaglig basis utan är istället något som säkerställer att arbetet följer den tagna strategin. Även utvärdering sker till stor del genom informell kommunikation kollegor emellan och dokumenteras sällan då den har lägre prioritet än andra uppgifter. Det finns potential att utveckla detta, men för att lägga tid på det krävs ett tydligt mål för hur utvärderingarna i så fall kan användas. Studiens bidrar således till forskningen genom att den belyser vikten av att formulera tydliga styrdokument och implementera dem i arbetet när man kommunicerar, samt att ett sätt att utveckla kommunikationsarbetet är att utvärdera.

Vad händer med åsikterna? : Järvadialogen som kommunikationsinsats

Ågren, Sofie, Garay, Alejandra January 2015 (has links)
The area of Järvafältet in the northern parts of Stockholm is one of the many large-scale investments into Swedish residency executed in the 60’s and 70’s, and which got the name Miljonprogrammet. Not until today these buildings have been restored, and frustration has been brewing in these areas for some time. Järvadialogen is the name of a communication program connected to the housing restoration in the area of Husby, which is a part of Järvafältet, and functions as a promotional and informational dialogue between residents in the area and those responsible for the communication program. The cultural diversity in the area of Husby is significant, and with theories on intercultural communication, change communication and power we study the performed communicative process and the manner in which it is received. How is the communication program Järvadialogen shaped and performed, and how are the messages sent received and interpreted? This following study looks at how the communication program Järvadialogen is designed and carried out, as well as how the communication is received. It questions what happens to the opinions? and by performing an extensive text analysis complemented by personal interviews along with group interviews the study explores both sender and receiver perspectives. Methods and theories bring to light the importance of building a relationship among sender and receiver, power relations and change communication. Cultural aspects are evaluated and criticized in regards to communication performance, and more specifically this study shows that the existing frustration in connection to the communication program in Husby is not a result of miscommunication, but of a sense of exclusion, which originates in socio- and economic differences. / Dagens Sverige präglas av en ökad mångfald där samhällsdebatten allt oftare behandlar frågor om integration, segregation och utanförskap. I samband med upprustningen av miljonprogrammen, Järvalyftet, Vision Järva 2030, har Järvadialogen uppkommit som kommunikationsinsats. Kritik har dock riktats mot kommunikationsarbetet relaterat till upprustningen av Järvaområdet. Vi vill därför analysera hur förändringen kommunicerats till de boende på Järva i relation till upprustningsprojektet Järvalyftet. Vår studies frågeställning är: Hur har Järvadialogens kommunikationsgenomförande sett ut och mottagits bland boende i Husby? Med hjälp av teorier inom interkulturell kommunikation och strategisk kommunikation analyserar vi textmaterial som distribuerats i olika forum med koppling till dialogen, samt analyserar genomförda intervjuer med boende och ansvariga för Järvadialogen. Resultatet av detta har blivit en studie i hur ett dialogarbete i en förändringsprocess sett ut och upplevts, samt hur man arbetat med det i detta mångkulturella Husby. Slutligen ser vi att den kritik som riktats mot Järvadialogen som kommunikationsinsats inte har sin grund i bristande kommunikationsarbete, ett aktivt relationsarbete har skett med fokus på lokalförankring i området. Vi ser snarare att det bristande kommunikationsarbete kommer från ansvariga politiker då många boende idag vänder sig till Svenska Bostäder för att få svar på exempelvis frågor gällande skolan och brottslighet i området. Återkoppling från politikerhåll avseende samhällsfrågor och hur de åtgärdas har varit bristfällig och därför bidragande faktor till den kritik Järvadialogen fått.

Game Changer: Mental Health Strategic Communication Plan for Varsity Football Players

DeLenardo, Samantha 25 July 2013 (has links)
In the past two years, six National Football League players have died by suicide. Investigations into most of the deaths revealed that the players suffered from brain damage likely caused by repeated concussions. As is the case with many health issues, tragedy often precedes action; the suicides of these high profile football stars have catalyzed action on concussion policy and practice, as well as opened up the conversation about the overall mental health of athletes. This thesis joins the conversation around mental health and athletes, specifically Canadian varsity football players. Mental health problems and illnesses are presented as especially common, affecting about 1 in 5 Canadians. That is not to underestimate the severity of mental illnesses, which can deteriorate an individual’s quality of life, significantly impact friends and family and, in the most severe cases, also lead to death by suicide. That said, this thesis adopts a theoretical perspective that focuses on the promotion and protection of good mental health. This thesis is primarily concerned with investigating the social, political, and external factors that negatively impact how football players conceptualize mental health and mental illness, and also the recommended behaviour to seek professional help if needed. The growing body of research concerning the negative impact of mental illness stigma is compelling and leaves no doubt that stigma is a significant barrier to recovery. This thesis explores the stigma process as well as its social function in groups. Next, it investigates how the already powerful stigma around mental illness is further exacerbated by gender and more specifically, how traditional masculine ideology (i.e. men should be strong and powerful) conflicts with stereotypical beliefs about mentally ill people (i.e. weak and/or incompetent). Gender and health are further linked in terms of behaviour. In other words, rejecting health behaviours becomes a strategy some men utilize to project their masculinity, paradoxically contributing to the creation or worsening of many health problems. A health behaviour that is explored in detail is psychological help-seeking, and the psychosocial processes of help-seeking, which are also mainly regulated by masculinity. An overview of the most common mental health problems and illnesses found in male varsity athletes is provided. All of the above components are then applied to the unique context of varsity football players. The thesis draws on the literature as well as qualitative interview data that explores the experiences of 8 varsity football players at the University of Ottawa. Regarding mental health promotion, the findings show that football players may require adapted communication approaches. To that end, the thesis transitions into an early-stage health communication plan supported by the literature and the primary data. The plan proposes overall outcomes, short term/intermediate objectives, a communication strategy, and a tactical approach. Next, a web-based health resource is suggested as a primary communication vehicle and is outlined in detail. The plan then suggests potential partnerships for extending the strategic communication plan’s reach and credibility. This is followed by suggestions for evaluating both the short term/intermediate objectives as well as the strategic communication plan’s overall impact. This thesis concludes with a chapter exploring the contributions lifted from the eight qualitative interviews, as well as suggested directions for research, policy and practice.

Against modern football or a part of it? : A study of how Swedish football clubs work with their media channels and how it affects the professional role of sport´s journalists

Annetorp, Emil January 2018 (has links)
Previous studies have shown that football is getting more commercial and together with increased digital possibilities football clubs can bypass traditional media and attract audience via their own media channels. With strategic communication and agenda setting as a theoretic background I wanted to investigate how Swedish top football clubs used their own media channels, what affected the media strategy of the big clubs in Sweden and how sports journalists perceived the football club’s communicative development. I choose AIK as a case and I observed them and sports journalists before, during and after the local derby against Djurgården. Furthermore, I analyzed AIK´s content in their own media channels and media’s coverage of AIK-Djurgården. Finally, I conducted qualitative interviews with representatives from AIK and three sport journalists at three Swedish newspapers. My study revealed that the AIK significantly planned and applied strategic content and messaging across their media channels, consistent with the techniques used by more mature and traditional media organizations. When it comes to access to the club and players there are tendencies and signs of less accessibility, but in general Swedish sport journalists see the Swedish Allsvenskan as open and not as commercial and controlled as the major European football leagues. In the end journalists believe that the material which is produced by AIK and the other big Stockholm clubs (Djurgården and Hammarby) can be seen as a compliment, but also a competitor to the material that media produce.

Alinhamento estratégico de projetos estudo de caso em projetos na ibm Brasil

Boto, Elizeu Fonseca January 2009 (has links)
p. 1 - 146 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-01-16T18:24:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 bbbb.pdf: 2239906 bytes, checksum: af23645c603dc9381fa90c100d84922d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-01-16T18:24:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 bbbb.pdf: 2239906 bytes, checksum: af23645c603dc9381fa90c100d84922d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Este trabalho de pesquisa aborda o estudo do alinhamento estratégico de projetos executados na IBM Brasil na área de Global Delivery. Entre os diversos fatores que contribuem para que os projetos se tornem um reflexo das estratégias corporativas, este estudo volta suas atenções para quatro componentes fundamentais: a efetividade da comunicação da estratégia, a eficiência das práticas de gerenciamento de projetos, a seleção e priorização de projetos no portfólio e o comprometimento dos gerentes com a organização. O principal objetivo estabelecido é a análise da relevância da contribuição destes fatores para o alinhamento estratégico dos projetos. Utilizou-se como referencial teórico principal para as análises as obras de: Mintzberg (2006) e Andrews (1980) referentes a estratégias corporativas; Shenhar (2007) e Kerzner (2001) relacionadas à problemática do alinhamento estratégico dos projetos; Meyer e Allen (1991) e Meyer, Allen e Smith (1993) sobre comprometimento organizacional; e os trabalhos de Thayer (1979) e Deetz (2008) sobre comunicação estratégica. Realizado a partir de pesquisa de campo descritiva, neste estudo foram aplicados questionários de coleta com retorno de 105 profissionais atuantes na gestão dos variados projetos da organização. Estes dados nos serviram de base para a aplicação de métodos quantitativos para teste das hipóteses desenvolvidas. A análise dos dados permitiu concluir que, dentro da unidade de negócio estudada, existe uma forte contribuição das percepções da efetividade da comunicação e das práticas de gerenciamento de portfólio para o alinhamento estratégico dos projetos. Este trabalho apresenta, além das principais conclusões extraídas a partir dos dados obtidos, recomendações de melhores práticas para alinhamento de projetos e sugestões de abordagens para futuras pesquisas na área. / Salvador

Estratégias de comunicação organizacional e gestão de crise de imagem em instituição pública de ensino

Sandri, Catia Simone Pinto January 2017 (has links)
A Comunicação Organizacional é um instrumento precioso e imprescindível tanto como ferramenta auxiliar no planejamento estratégico integrado quanto na prevenção ou resolução de uma crise de imagem, sendo esta definida como uma entidade externa e uma construção mental que inclui ideias, sentimentos, atitudes, conceitos mentais e expectativas, e que pode afetar diretamente a relação da organização com o seu público (STERN; ZINKHAN; JAJU, 2001). As estratégias de Comunicação Organizacional interferem diretamente ainda na recuperação da credibilidade e na reconstrução da imagem corporativa após um incidente de crise. Este estudo apresenta estratégias de Comunicação Organizacional e de Gestão de Crise de Imagem adotadas pela Assessoria de Comunicação do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul – Campus Caxias do Sul. Dois anos depois de ter sido instituído, em 2010, o IFRS Campus Caxias do Sul enfrentou uma crise ocasionada pelo atraso na conclusão da obra da sede definitiva, fato que ocasionou protestos dos alunos, pais e servidores da instituição e que foi amplamente divulgado pela imprensa O início do trabalho de Comunicação Organizacional se deu em 2013, a partir de um planejamento de comunicação estratégica. Inicialmente, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa exploratória com os stakeholders (alunos, servidores, pais ou responsáveis e profissionais da imprensa), a fim de ampliar os conhecimentos sobre o contexto da crise. Após o diagnóstico da situação, foi realizado um Planejamento de Comunicação Organizacional e um Plano de Gestão de Crise de Imagem, com base no modelo de Timothy Coombs, elaborados para que a instituição pudesse recuperar a imagem abalada e a credibilidade do seu público de interesse. A implantação das estratégias de comunicação e do Plano de Gestão de Crise de Imagem foi planejada e executada em conjunto pela assessoria de comunicação e os gestores responsáveis pela instituição e resultaram em maior proximidade com o público e maior transparência nas relações, despertando o sentimento de pertencimento dos stakeholders em relação à instituição. / Organizational Communication is a precious and indispensable instrument as an auxiliary tool in integrated strategic planning and in the prevention or resolution of an image crisis, defined as an external entity and a mental construct that includes ideas, feelings, attitudes, mental concepts and Expectations, and that can directly affect the organization's relationship with its public (STERN; ZINKHAN; JAJU, 2001). The Organizational Communication strategies directly interfere in the recovery of credibility and in the reconstruction of the corporate image after an incident of crisis. This study presents strategies of Organizational Communication and Image Crisis Management adopted by the Communication Department of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul - Caxias do Sul Campus. Two years after it was instituted in 2010, The IFRS Campus Caxias do Sul faced an image crisis caused by the delay in the completion of the definitive headquarters work, a fact that provoked protests from students, parents and employees of the institution and was widely publicized in the press. The beginning of the work of Organizational Communication occurred in 2013, from a strategic communication planning. Initially, a qualitative exploratory research was carried out with the stakeholders (students, servants, parents or leaders and the press) in order to increase knowledge about the context of the crisis After the situation was diagnosed, an Organizational Communication Plan and an Image Crisis Management Plan, based on the Timothy Coombs model, were prepared so that the institution could recover the shaken image and the credibility of its target audience. The implementation of the communication strategies and the Image Crisis Management Plan was planned and carried out jointly by the communication advisor and the managers responsible for the institution, and resulted in greater proximity to the public and greater transparency in the relations, arousing the feeling of the stakeholders in relation to the institution.

“And the middle of that is reproductive justice”: A qualitative exploration into the practicality of intersectionality for sexual health professionals

Del Rosso, Teri 21 November 2016 (has links)
This study explores how the complicated and nuanced identity theory, intersectionality, can be implemented as a communication strategy for sexual health professionals. From interviews with sexual health professionals in Oregon, this research indicates that through the adaptation of a reproductive justice lens professionals can practice intersectionality in their day-to-day work. Strategic communication has longed focused on the “cash value” of theory and suggested that theory is best when it can be applied in real world instances. This research identifies three strategies for application: the use of explicit language, the building of transformative coalitions, and the centering of marginalized voices, stories, and lived experience. This, in combination with an exploration into how sexual health professionals see their own professional and personal identities, indicates that there are very real world applications of intersectional theory that benefit practice.

A COMUNICAÇÃO ORGANIZACIONAL NA JUSTIÇA DO TRABALHO BRASILEIRA: da rotina operacional à gestão estratégica / Organizational communication in brazilian labor courts: operational routine for strategic management

Rossi, Aline Maria de Castro Silva 02 September 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:30:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ALINEROSSI.pdf: 3571280 bytes, checksum: b1065e7ea62afe868d3bc311a91abe8d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-02 / This dissertation is about how the organizational communication is carried out under the Labor Court of Brazil and aimed to see how they perform their main activities in this area in regional labor courts, relating them to the strategic performance of the institutions. To achieve this goal, we made use of literature search, highlighting aspects of the judiciary in our country and also the main theories of strategic business communication. We also performed the analysis of documents that helped get historical data on communication in this branch of justice. Finally, we proceed to the questionnaires and conducting interviews, through which we can obtain an overview of the current situation of communication departments in the TRTs. The analysis performed showed the evolution experienced by the areas of communication of the courts in recent years. We found that most departments develop strategic plans and executes the actions planned, providing relevant services to the organization and also to society as a whole. However, we found that such planning is not conducted on the basis of diagnosis and that the courts have not yet consolidated a culture of research neither a culture of communication. We seek, therefore, to point out ways that communication can be performed in these institutions increasingly strategic and integrated way to manage activities and projects. / Esta dissertação trata da comunicação organizacional realizada no âmbito da Justiça do Trabalho do Brasil e teve como objetivo verificar como se realizam as principais atividades dessa área em tribunais regionais do trabalho, relacionando-as à atuação estratégica das instituições. Para atingir tal objetivo, fizemos uso de pesquisa bibliográfica, evidenciando aspectos do Poder Judiciário em nosso país e também das principais teorias acerca da comunicação empresarial estratégica. Também realizamos a análise de documentos que ajudaram a obter dados históricos sobre a comunicação neste ramo da Justiça. Por fim, procedemos à aplicação de questionários e à realização de entrevistas em profundidade, por meio das quais pudemos obter um panorama da atual situação dos departamentos de comunicação nos TRTs.A análise efetuada evidenciou a evolução vivenciada pelas áreas de comunicação dos tribunais nos últimos anos. Apuramos que a maior parte dos departamentos desenvolve planos estratégicos e executa as ações previstas, prestando relevantes serviços ao órgão e também à sociedade como um todo. No entanto, identificamos que tal planejamento não é realizado com base em diagnósticos e que os tribunais ainda não consolidaram uma cultura de pesquisa e tampouco uma cultura de comunicação. Buscamos apontar, assim, caminhos para que a comunicação nessas instituições possa ser realizada de forma cada vez mais estratégica e integrada.

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