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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contrôle d'accès collaboratif : application à la rocade sud de Grenoble / Collaborative ramp metering control : application to Grenoble south ring

Pisarski, Dominik 16 September 2014 (has links)
La thèse présente les résultats de recherche sur une méthode de contrôle distribué et coordonné pour la régulation des accès autoroutiers. Le trafic autoroutier est représenté par le modèle Cell Transmission Model (CTM). L'objectif de contrôle principal est de d'obtenir une distribution uniforme de la densité des véhicules sur des portions d'autoroute. Équilibrer la densité est un nouvel objectif de trafic qui peut potentiellement réduire le nombre et l'intensité des accélérations et décélérations et peut par conséquent permettre des voyages plus sécurisés et confortables tout en diminuant la consommation de carburant et les émissions de polluants. En outre, cet objectif prend en compte les paramètres de trafic standards tels que le Temps de Trajet Total et la Distance Totale Parcourue. Une architecture modulaire distribuée est proposée pour le contrôleur. Cela permet de déterminer les décisions optimales à prendre en utilisant uniquement des informations d'état locales et en provenance des contrôleurs voisins.La contribution débute par l'analyse d'ensembles d'équilibre de CTM. L'objectif de cette étude est d'obtenir les conditions qui assurent l'existence et l'unicité des états stationnaire qui sont équilibrées. Dans l'ensemble des états stationnaire, nous sommes intéressés à la sélection du point qui maximise la Distance Totale Parcourue. Sont discutés ensuite les aspects de la mise en œuvre et les limites de la méthode proposée. Enfin, plusieurs études de cas sont présentées appuyant les résultats d'analyse et examinant l'efficacité de la méthode proposée.La majeure partie de la thèse vise à concevoir un dispositif de commande optimale pour équilibrer la densité du trafic routier. L'optimisation est réalisée de manière répartie. En utilisant les propriétés de contrôlabilité, l'ensemble des sous-systèmes devant être contrôlés par des feux aux rampes d'accès sont identifiés. Le problème d'optimisation est alors formulé comme de Nash du jeu dans un environnement non coopératif. Le jeu est résolu en le décomposant en une série de jeux à deux joueurs hiérarchiques et compétitifs. Le processus d'optimisation emploie des canaux de communication qui correspond à la structure de commutation de l'interconnexion de système. L'approche alternative pour équilibrer emploie la théorie des systèmes multi-agents. Chacun des contrôleurs est pourvu d'une structure à rétroaction assurant que les états au sein de son sous-système atteignent des valeurs communes par l'évaluation de protocoles de consensus. Dans ces structures, un problème de contrôle optimal minimisant le Temps de Trajet Total est formulé. Le contrôleur distribué fondé sur le jeu de Nash est validé grâce des simulations microscopiques Aimsun. Le scénario de test comprend des données de trafic provenant de la rocade sud de Grenoble. / The thesis presents the results of research on distributed and coordinated control method for freeway ramp metering. The freeway traffic is represented by the Cell-Transmission Model. The primary control objective is to provide a uniform distribution of vehicle densities over freeway links. Density balancing is a new traffic objective which can potentially reduce the number and intensity of acceleration and deceleration events and therefore, it can make a travel more safety and comfortable while decreasing fuel consumption and emissions. In addition, the objective takes into account standard traffic metrics like Total Travel Distance and Total Travel Spent. For the controller, a distributed modular architecture is assumed. It enables to compute the optimal decisions by using only local state information and some supplementary information arriving from the neighbouring controllers.The contributing part begins with the analysis on equilibrium sets of the Cell-Transmission Model. The goal of this study is to derive the conditions that assure the existence and the uniqueness of the balanced equilibrium states. The next step is to find a set of inputs such that the resulting equilibrium state is balanced. In the set of balanced equilibria, we are interested in the selection of the point that maximizes the Total Travel Distance. In the sequel, the implementation aspects and limitations of the proposed method are discussed. Finally, several case studies are presented to support the analysis results and to examine the effectiveness of the proposed method.The major part of the thesis aims on a design of an optimal controller for balancing the traffic density. The optimization is performed in a distributed manner. By using controllability properties, the set of subsystems to be controlled by local ramp meters are identified. The optimization problem is then formulated as a non-cooperative Nash game. The game is solved by decomposing it into a set of two-players hierarchical and competitive games. The process of optimization employs the communication channels matching the switching structure of system interconnectivity. The alternative approach of balancing employs the theory of multi-agent systems. Each of the controllers is provided with a feedback structure assuring that the states within its local subsystem achieve common values by evaluating consensus protocols. Under these structures, an optimal control problem to minimize the Total Travel Spent is formulated. The distributed controller based on the Nash game is validated via Aimsun micro-simulations. The testing scenario involves the traffic data collected from the south ring of Grenoble.

Modelagem de processos para a gestão inteligente das informações no controle centralizado do tráfego

Freitas, Julia Lopes de Oliveira January 2014 (has links)
O controle centralizado do tráfego tem como objetivo integrar e gerenciar informações, auxiliando na tomada de decisão em tempo real. Devido ao aumento da complexidade da malha viária, principalmente em grandes cidades, muitos estudos têm focado em sistemas de controle de tráfego, incluindo desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias e ferramentas. Para gerenciar essa complexidade, é necessário que as organizações públicas, onde estão inseridos os Centros de Controle de Tráfego (CCT), conheçam e melhorem seus processos, alinhando e integrando-os aos seus sistemas de informação, de maneira a possibilitar o atendimento das demandas de forma eficiente. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa baseia-se nos conceitos e práticas do Business Process Management (BPM) com objetivo de propor um modelo de estruturação dos processos para a gestão inteligente das informações no controle centralizado do tráfego. O trabalho, portanto, se desenvolve ao longo das fases e etapas do ciclo do BPM, contemplando desde o planejamento até a modelagem de processos e apresentando como resultado final uma proposta para um plano de otimização de processos. Assim, para atender ao objetivo principal da pesquisa, o trabalho foi desmembrado em três artigos com níveis crescentes de glanuralidade: (i) Inicialmente foi apresentada, baseada em estudo de caso, uma aplicação abrangente da metodologia, percorrendo da primeira à terceira fase do ciclo de BPM em que a empresa está apta para executar os processos e seguir para a quarta fase, Controle e Análise de Dados. (ii) O segundo artigo apresenta o detalhamento da segunda fase do ciclo de BPM, que consiste na modelagem e otimização dos processos. Os processos As Is foram, então, modelados e analisados para que pudesse ser proposta a melhoria na forma de um macroprocesso To Be. (iii) Para embasar a proposição do macroprocesso To Be, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática de literatura, na qual foram compiladas as melhores práticas no tema e verificadas para a realidade brasileira através de entrevista com especialistas. O resultado foi o Mapeamento de Melhores Práticas associado a um Modelo Referência para o Processo de Controle de Tráfego. Em complemento, foram determinadas diretrizes a serem seguidas para a gestão inteligente das informações no controle centralizado do tráfego. Esses resultados definem, portanto, um modelo de referência To Be dos processos de trabalho em CCTs. A principal contribuição teórica desta pesquisa é, então, a consolidação de melhores práticas associadas a um Modelo de Referência do Processo de Controle do Tráfego, ajustado para a realidade dos CCTs brasileiros. Do ponto de vista prático, a metodologia e os resultados apresentados incentivam a implantação de BPM não só em CCTs, mas em qualquer setor de uma organização pública. / The centralization of traffic control aims to integrate and manage information, aiding decision making in real time. Due to the increasing complexity of the road network, especially in large cities, many studies have focused on traffic control systems, including development of new technologies and tools. To manage this complexity, it is necessary that public organizations, where the Traffic Control Centers (TCC) are inserted, understand and improve their processes, aligning and integrating them into their information systems in order to enable the fulfillment of demands efficiently. In this sense, this research is based on the concepts and practices of Business Process Management (BPM) in order to propose a structuring model of processes for the intelligent management of information in centralized traffic control. The work, therefore, is developed through the phases and stages of the BPM cycle, covering from planning to process modeling and presenting as the final result a proposal for a process optimization plan. Thus, to meet the main goal of the research, the work was divided into three articles with increasing levels of detail: (i) initially it was presented, based on case study, a comprehensive application of the methodology, that cover from the first to the third phase of the BPM cycle in which the company is able to run the process and move on to the fourth phase, Control and Data Analysis. (ii) The second article presents the details of the application of second phase of the BPM cycle, which consists of modeling and optimization of processes. The processes "As Is" were modeled and analyzed in order to propose improvements trough a Macro process "To Be". (iii) To support the proposition of macroprocess “To Be”, a systematic review of the literature was applied in order to compile best practices on the subject that were checked for the Brazilian reality through interviews with experts. The result was a Map of Best Practices in association with a Reference Model for Traffic Control Process. In addition to the map, the paper presents guidelines to be followed for the intelligent management of information in centralized traffic control. These results define a reference model "To Be" of work processes in TCCs. From a practical standpoint, the methodology and results presented encourage the deployment of BPM not only in TCCs, but also in any department of a public organization.

Modelo para determinação de resiliência em sistemas de transportes: uma aplicação no sistema de tráfego aéreo. / Model for determining resilience in transport systems: an application in the air traffic system.

Wesley José Nogueira Medeiros 21 March 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe um modelo de análise quantitativa baseado em simulação de eventos discretos para a determinação do nível de resiliência em sistemas de transporte. O nível de resiliência é avaliado considerando as funções de desempenho relacionadas a capacidade, ao nível de serviço e ao tempo de recuperação do sistema de transporte frente a um evento de ruptura. O modelo é validado através de estudo de caso aplicado ao sistema de tráfego aéreo brasileiro, considerando um espaço aéreo composto por 12 setores de uma região de informação de voo (FIR), suas demandas diárias de aeronaves, sua malha de rotas aéreas e sua rede de aeródromos instalada. O evento de ruptura é oriundo de condições meteorológicas adversas que afetam simultaneamente as operações de pouso e decolagem no aeroporto do Rio de Janeiro - Santos Dumont (SBRJ) e no aeroporto de São Paulo - Congonhas (SBSP). Conclui-se que o modelo de análise permite a plena determinação do nível de resiliência em sistemas de transportes, mesmo em situações de rupturas operacionais simultâneas. / This work proposes a quantitative analysis model based on discrete event simulation (DES) to determine the resilience level of transport systems. The resilience level is evaluated considering the performance functions related to capacity, service level and recovery time of the transport system in a presence of disruptive events. The model is validated through a case study applied to the Brazilian air traffic system, considering an airspace with 12 sectors of a flight information region (FIR), its daily aircraft demands, its air route network and its aerodromes network installed. The disruptive event comes from adverse weather conditions that simultaneously affect the landing and takeoff operations at Rio de Janeiro - Santos Dumont (SBRJ) and São Paulo - Congonhas (SBSP) airports. It is concluded that the analysis model allows the full determination of the resilience level in transport systems, even in situations of simultaneous operational disruptions.

Análise ergonômica do trabalho do controle de aproximação aérea (APP) em situação real

Vargas, Cleyton Vieira de January 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisou o trabalho dos controladores de tráfego aéreo em diferentes cenários reais, no controle de Aproximação (APP) de tráfego aéreo de Porto Alegre (APP PA). Com base em entrevistas, questionário e filmagens de cenas reais, foram analisadas as percepções de 14 controladores quanto às demandas da profissão; quanto aos fatores cognitivos (conhecimento, estratégia, dinâmica atencional) utilizados para o desempenho da atividade; e quanto à carga de trabalho com base no questionário adaptado do NASA TLX. Os resultados mostram que, entre outras variáveis, a complexidade da tarefa depende das condições meteorológicas, do número e tipo de aeronovaves em observação, sendo que os controladores percebem as cenas de forma semelhante, independente do tempo de profissão e de controle no APP PA. Os controladores tomam as decisões de forma coordenada, sendo que a condução de um tráfego aéreo seguro depende da coordenação bem executada. / This research analyzed the job of the air traffic controllers in different real scenes, at the Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) of the air traffic in Porto Alegre (TRACON PA). Based on interviews, a questionnaire and shootings of real scenes, the perception of 14 controllers were analysed in relation to the demands of their job, in relation to the cognitive factors (knowledge, strategy, attencional dynamic) used for the performance of the activity; and related to the workload based on the adapted questionnaire of NASA TLX. The results show that, among other varieties, the complexity of the task depends on the meteorological conditions and on the number and type of aircrafts observed. The controllers understand the scenes in a similar way, not related on how much time they have working on the job nor working controlling time at TRACON PA. The controllers take the decisions in a coordinated way, because the conduction of the safe air traffic depends on a well done coordination.

Proposta e simulação de uma estrutura de roteamento para chaves ATM / Proposal and simulation of a structure of routing for Switching ATM

Angelo Cesar Colombini 15 October 1999 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda o problema decorrente da necessidade de realizar tráfego multicast em redes ATM. Para isto, foi proposta uma arquitetura para a estrutura de célula da chave, mais especificamente a estrutura de roteamento de células no interior da chave ATM. Como o ATM se propõe a atender a todas as exigências do B-ISDN, a necessidade essencial da chave ATM, é que o transporte de células entre suas portas de entrada e saída se faça o mais rápido possível. Para se conseguir isso, a arquitetura proposta não utiliza buffer nos seus elementos de roteamento. O trabalho não implementa no todo a chave ATM, deixando em aberto o problema da perda de seqüência de células no interior da estrutura de roteamento, que seria uma responsabilidade do módulo de saída da chave. A arquitetura proposta foi modelada e um simulador foi construído para a realização dos testes. Para as simulações foram levados em conta os tráfegos de células unicast e multicast. Como as células unicast e as cópias das células multicast disputavam por um mesmo link de saída, foi proposta uma estratégia para separar estas células. Isto resultou no projeto de posicionar a rede de cópia de células no segundo estágio da estrutura de roteamento, deixando o primeiro estágio para o roteamento das células unicast. O resultado disso foi um segundo estágio agora destinado para as cópias de células multicast absolutamente descongestionado, reduzindo \'drasticamente a possibilidade de disputa por um link de saída. Além disso, a estrutura incorpora os conceitos de TBSF (Tandem Banyan Switch Fabric), e duplicidade de rota, que tornam a estrutura extremamente modular e flexível. Para atender a preocupação em separar o tráfego, foi introduzido entre um estágio e outro da rede Banyan, uma saída de fuga, permitindo que células que tenham atingido a porta de saída desejada possam deixar a estrutura. São apresentados os resultados da simulação, objetivando a validação do trabalho proposto. / This thesis addresses the problem of accomplishing multicast traffic in ATM networks. An architecture is proposed for the cell structure of the switch, more specifically the routing of cells inside an ATM switch. Because ATM tries to satisfy all the demands of the B-ISDN model, an ATM switch must transport cells between its input and output ports as fast as possible. To achieve that, the proposed architecture does not use buffers in its commutation elements. This work does not implement a complete ATM switch, leaving the problem of the loss of sequence of cells inside the routing structure open. This problem must be solved by the output module of the switch. The proposed architecture was modeled and a simulator was built for testing purposes. For the simulations, both the unicast and the multicast traffic were taken into account. As the unicast cells and the copies of the multicast cells disputed for the same output link, a strategy was proposed to separate these cells. This resulted in the positioning of the cell copy network in the second stage of the routing structure, leaving the first stage for the routing of unicast cells. The result was a very free second stage used for copying multicast cells. This new stage reduced the contention for an exit link. The structure incorporates the concepts of TBSF, and route duplicity, which make it extremely modular and flexible. To separate the traffic, it was introduced between the two stages of the Banyan Network an escape exit, allowing cells that have reached the correct output port to leave the structure.

Avaliação dos danos causados pelo inadvertido tráfego de veículos sobre as soqueiras de cana-de-açúcar / Evaluation of damages caused by inadvertent traffic of vehicles over sugar cane ratoon

Vanderson Rabelo de Paula 20 September 2010 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar os possíveis danos causados pelo tráfego acidental de veículos agrícolas sobre as soqueiras de cana-de-açúcar no momento da colheita mecanizada. Isto foi feito através da aplicação de diferentes cargas em soqueiras recém colhidas, sob condição controlada, tendo como referência as cargas típicas aplicadas ao solo por um conjunto trator-transbordo, identificando seus efeitos no solo e na planta. Foram conduzidos experimentos em duas áreas com características homogêneas, porém com diferentes texturas de solo, sendo uma área mais argilosa e outra mais arenosa. Foi utilizado um trator para reprodução das cargas de tráfego sobre a soqueira e foram definidos cinco tratamentos, sendo três deles simulando possíveis condições de tráfego sobre as soqueiras, um tratamento que simulou uma condição de perfeito controle de tráfego e a testemunha, sem tráfego. Após as simulações de tráfego foram avaliadas características de solo (compactação e densidade), da planta (falhas de brotação, perfilhamento, biometria e produtividade) além da análise tecnológica da matéria-prima. Os resultados indicaram forte influência do tráfego acidental sobre as soqueiras em relação ao aumento da compactação do solo. Na área experimental com maior teor de argila houve significativa redução da produtividade nos tratamentos onde houve tráfego sobre as soqueiras e na área experimental de textura arenosa as diferenças não foram significativas. Não houve influência dos tratamentos na qualidade da matéria-prima nem nas falhas de brotação e perfilhamento. Para as características biométricas, o tráfego sobre as soqueiras causou redução do comprimento dos colmos na área mais argilosa. O experimento permitiu concluir que o tráfego acidental sobre as soqueiras promoveu alterações no solo, que foram mais intensas no solo argiloso, gerando reflexos negativos nas plantas e que o controle de tráfego permitiu alta intensidade de tráfego de rodados sem nenhuma influência na dinâmica da cultura da cana-de-açúcar. / This work aimed to evaluate possible damages caused by accidental traffic of agricultural vehicles to sugar cane ratoon at the moment of mechanized harvest. The evaluation was carried out by applying different loads on recently harvested sugar cane roots, under controlled conditions, using, as reference, typical loads applied to the soil by a sugar cane transport system composed by a tractor and infield wagons and identifying their effects on the soil and plant. The experiments were performed in two areas with similar characteristics, however with distinct soil textures - clay and sandy. A tractor was used to apply the loads and five treatments were defined, in which three of them simulated possible situation of accidental traffic on sugar cane roots, one treatment simulated the perfect condition of controlled traffic and the control (no traffic). After simulations of traffic, characteristics of soil (cone index and density) and the plant (sprout failure, sprouting number, biometrics characteristics, yield and raw material quality) were evaluated. Results show strong influence of accidental traffic on the sugar cane ratoon due to the increase of soil compaction. In the clay soil, there was significant yield reduction in the treatments where there was traffic on the sugar cane ratoon and in the sandy soil, differences were not significant. There was no difference of the treatments on the raw material quality, sprout failure and sprouting number. For the biometrical characteristics, traffic on the sugar cane ratoon caused reduction of the stem length on the clay soil. The experiments allowed to conclude that accidental traffic on the sugar cane ratoon promotes modifications in the soil, that was more intense on the clay soil, bringing negative effects on the plant and that controlling traffic permits high intensity of wheeled vehicles without affecting the dynamics of the sugar cane crop.


ADENILSON RANIERY SARGES PONTES 10 October 2005 (has links)
[pt] Recentemente, a presença de dependência temporal em diferentes tipos de conexões motivou novas pesquisas na área de tráfego. Nessa dissertação, analisamos a importância de dependência temporal no controle de admissão de conxões de vídeo com diferentes graus de dependência ou parâmetros de Hurst. Para a estimação de Hurst, desenvolvemos um pacote de software denominado HEP (Hurst estimator package) a ser disponibilizado publicamente. O pacote HEP contém atualmente os estimadores R/S, Higuchi, AV e variância. Nossa análise examinou duas abordagens para o controle de admissão de conexões com dependência temporal. Estas abordagens exploram o critério de banda efetiva e compõem- se de um mecanismo baseado em descritores de tráfego (DBCAC) e de um mecanismo baseado em medidas obtidas na rede (MBCAC). Para o mecanismo DBCAC, consideramos um cálculo de banda efetiva que utiliza o parâmetro de Hurst como um dos descritores de tráfego. Obtivemos regiões de admissão de conexões por meio de aproximações analíticas e simulações. Um resulatdo importante desta análise mostrou que fontes com dependência de longo alcance, curto alcance e anti- persistência apresentaram regiões de admissão similares. Verificamos portanto, um impacto reduzido da dependência nas regiões de admissão. No mecanismo MBCAC, propusemos uma estrutura de medição composta de um filtro de Kalman, um estimador de Hurst e um algoritmo de determinação de banda efetiva. Nesta proposta, o grau de dependência é incorporado ao processo de medidas possibilitando a estimação do parâmetrode Hurst em tempo real. As estimativas de média, variância e Hurst são utilizadas para obter a banda efetiva das conexões de vídeo. O mecanismo MBCAC mostrou-se adaptável às condições da rede e melhorou a estimativa da banda efetiva das conexões. Além disso, o mecanismo mostrou-se robusto a erros de declarações permitindo determinar regiões de admissão mais preciosas. Novamente, a dependência temporal gerou impacto reduzido nas regiões de admissão, confirmando os resultados obtidos com o mecanismo DBCAC. / [en] The presence of time dependence on different types of connections has motivated new traffic engineering research. In this dissertation, we examined the impact of this time dependence on the video connections admission regions. We considered several video sequences with different dependence degrees or Hurst parameters. For Hurst estimation, we developed a software package named HEP (Hurst estiamtor package). The HEP package contains the R/S, Higuchi, AV (wavelet) and variance estimators. In our analysis, we studied two different call admission approched: a descriptor-based machanism (DBCAC) and a measurement-based mechanism (MBCAC). Both approaches are based on effective bandwidth criteria. For the DBCAC mechanism, we considered an effective bandwidth formulation using the Hurst parameter of the video connections. We obtained the admission regions based on analytical and simulation analysis. An important result showed that the admission regions were similar for the sources presenting long-range dependence on the admission regions. For the MBCAC mechanism, we proposed a new measurement scheme composed by a Kalman filter, a Hurst estimator and a effective bandwidth algorithm. In this proposal, the dependence degree was included in the measurement process o allow on-line Hurst parameter estimation. The mean, variance and Hurst estimatives were used to evaluate to the network condition and improved the effective bandwidth estimation. Moreover, the MBCAC mechanism was robust to the declaration errorsn resulting in moe accurate admission regions. The MBCAC results also confirmed the results obtained with the DBCAC mechanism, i.e; that time dependence had a small impact on admission regions.

When Colours Matter : A Case Study of Perceived Usability and Perceived Easiness of Adaptation among Air Traffic Controllers Being Presented to a New Colour Scheme in their ATM System

Nylin, Magnus January 2017 (has links)
Colours play an important role in our everyday life. Yet, it is something that we might not pay too much attention to, it is just there, even if we may have our favourite colours and likewise. However, sometimes the colours have a very specific meaning and is a medium of communication. One example of this is air traffic control systems as the one used in Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Ireland, and Croatia. However, despite using the same system, all but Denmark and Sweden use different colour schemes in the human computer interface of the radar screens. A decision was taken within the common organisation, COOPANS, to change this and harmonize the colour scheme, but how will that be received by the users, the air traffic controllers? This thesis aimed at investigating how usable the controllers in the different countries, except Croatia, found the new colour scheme and how easy they thought it would be to adapt to. The question was how this was affected by the fact they are using different colour schemes today? Data was collected with questionnaires during simulations in high fidelity simulator platforms at the air traffic control centres in Malmö, Copenhagen, Vienna, and Shannon. It was found that there were some differences between the sites which could not be explained by the controlled for factors, age, gender, and experience. Among the differences found, one was that the perceived usability differed between controllers in Malmö and Copenhagen respectively. Hence, since they are using the same colours today, the differences seem to be a result of expectations and opinions about the current colour schemes rather than exactly which colour scheme that are currently used. There was also a trend that the opinions from the first impression seemed to be reinforced within the group during the simulation. The major differences however were found to be on individual level.

Work and Safety in Small to Medium-Sized Air Traffic Control Towers : A Study of Distributed Cognition and Resilience

Linger, Oscar January 2016 (has links)
Air Traffic Control (ATC) is a safety-critical system which places high demands on air traffic controllers’ (ATCO) multitasking abilities. Having the requisite information for well-informed decision making is central, and as new technologies such as remote towers demand an increase in capacity, efficiency, and safety there is a need for research that informs system development. Adopting a systems perspective, Distributed Cognition is an approach for investigating system functioning, and Resilience Engineering is a way of observing safety factors in everyday work. The purpose of this study is to understand how air traffic controllers work from a distributed cognition perspective, and manage safety in everyday tasks from a resilience perspective. Six observations and six interviews were conducted in a Swedish control tower. The data was analyzed using Distributed Cognition for Teamwork (DiCoT) and Resilience markers (REM), which both focus on the transformation and propagation of information. The results of DiCoT show how cognitive processes in ATCO work are supported in models of physical layout, artefacts, information flow, social organization, and evolutionary design. The results of REM show potential for resilience enhancing behavior in several episodes of ATCO work. Moreover, the results suggest that methods such as DiCoT and REM may work well in the ATC domain, as well as complementary to each other. The results may be used for informing system development, and enable a before-and-after study as the control tower of study will be transformed into a remote tower.

Modelling Traffic Scenarios for Realistic Air Traffic Control Environment Testing

Axholt, Magnus, Peterson, Stephen January 2004 (has links)
As air traffic is forecasted to increase, air traffic control software subsequently needs to be more sophisticated. To efficiently push development forward, testing is important in order to determine usability. The tests need to be adapted to fit a particular purpose and carried out with methods that preserve the validity of the results. This thesis describes an implementation project carried out at the EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre, Bretigny-sur-Orge, France. The purpose of the project is to create an application that enables a user to create datasets of air traffic to be used for these tests. The application allows for manual work or bulk imports from external data sources. Furthermore it compiles scenarios as output datasets intended for prototype air traffic control software developed at Linköping University. The application design rationale and development process is described. Some time is spent on demonstrating the flexibility of the application and how its usage fits in a bigger picture.

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