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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation and forecasting drift component of a gas sensor

Chowdhury Tondra, Farhana January 2021 (has links)
Chemical sensor based systems that are used for detection, identification, or quantification of various gases are very complex in nature. Sensor response data collected as a multivariate time series signals encounters gradual change of the sensor characteristics(known as sensor drift) due to several reasons. In this thesis, drift component of a silicon carbide Field-Effect Transistor (SiC-FET) sensor data was analyzed using time series. The data was collected from an experiment measuring output response of the sensor with respect to gases emitted by certain experimental object at different temperatures. Augmented Dickey Fuller Test (ADF) was carried out to analyze the sensor drift which revealed that stochastic trend along with deterministic trend characterized the drift components of the sensor. The drift started to rise in daily measurements which contributed to the total drift. / Traditional Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and deep learning based Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) algorithm were carried out to forecast the sensor drift in reduced set of data. However, reduction of the data size degraded the forecasting accuracy and imposed loss of information. Therefore, careful selection of data using only one temperature from the temperature cycle was chosen instead of all time points. This chosen data from sensor array outperformed forecasting of sensor drift than reduced dataset using both traditional and deep learning methods.

Биоклиматска слика Западне Србије у функцији туризма / Bioklimatska slika Zapadne Srbije u funkciji turizma / Bioclimatic pictures of Western Serbia in the function of tourism

Stojićević Goran 23 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Главну&nbsp; тему&nbsp; рада представља анализа биоклиматских фактора на локалитетима<br />Златибора и Бање Ковиљаче уз помоћ два биоклиматска топлотна индекса PET&nbsp; -Физиолошки еквивалентне температуре и Универзалног топлотног климатског<br />индекса&nbsp; -UTCI. Анализирани су биоклиматски услови Златибора и Бање Ковиљаче<br />и приказани су коришћењем вредности на бази&nbsp; PET&nbsp; и UTCI, у десетодневним<br />интервалима током године. Осим Златибора и Бање Ковиљаче прикупљани су<br />подаци на још 47 тачака у Западној Србији.&nbsp; Прикупљени су сви неопходни<br />климатски подаци за израчунавање&nbsp; UTCI-a&nbsp; и&nbsp; PET-a. Добијени резултати су<br />упоређени са сличним истраживањима која су рађена у свету. Резултати мерења<br />UTCI&nbsp; и&nbsp; PET&nbsp; треба да имају већи значај у развоју туризма&nbsp; на Златибору и у Бањи<br />Ковиљачи односно генерално у Србији,&nbsp; као информација за туристе, али и за<br />туристичке раднике као показатељ у ком правцу треба развијати туристичке<br />дестинације и туристичку приведу.</p> / <p>Glavnu&nbsp; temu&nbsp; rada predstavlja analiza bioklimatskih faktora na lokalitetima<br />Zlatibora i Banje Koviljače uz pomoć dva bioklimatska toplotna indeksa PET&nbsp; -Fiziološki ekvivalentne temperature i Univerzalnog toplotnog klimatskog<br />indeksa&nbsp; -UTCI. Analizirani su bioklimatski uslovi Zlatibora i Banje Koviljače<br />i prikazani su korišćenjem vrednosti na bazi&nbsp; PET&nbsp; i UTCI, u desetodnevnim<br />intervalima tokom godine. Osim Zlatibora i Banje Koviljače prikupljani su<br />podaci na još 47 tačaka u Zapadnoj Srbiji.&nbsp; Prikupljeni su svi neophodni<br />klimatski podaci za izračunavanje&nbsp; UTCI-a&nbsp; i&nbsp; PET-a. Dobijeni rezultati su<br />upoređeni sa sličnim istraživanjima koja su rađena u svetu. Rezultati merenja<br />UTCI&nbsp; i&nbsp; PET&nbsp; treba da imaju veći značaj u razvoju turizma&nbsp; na Zlatiboru i u Banji<br />Koviljači odnosno generalno u Srbiji,&nbsp; kao informacija za turiste, ali i za<br />turističke radnike kao pokazatelj u kom pravcu treba razvijati turističke<br />destinacije i turističku privedu.</p> / <p>he&nbsp; main topic&nbsp; of the paper is the analysis of&nbsp; bioclimatological conditions&nbsp; on&nbsp; Zlatibor Mountain and in Banja Koviljaca with the help of two&nbsp; bioclimatological&nbsp; thermal indexes&nbsp; PET&nbsp; -Physiologically&nbsp; Equivalent&nbsp; Temperature&nbsp; and&nbsp; UTCI&nbsp; -&nbsp;&nbsp; Universal&nbsp; Thermal&nbsp; Climate Index. Bioclimatological conditions of&nbsp; Zlatibor and Banja Koviljaca&nbsp; were analyzed and they were presented by means of values based on PET and UTCI, in ten-day periods during the year. Apart from Zlatibor and Banja Koviljaca, the data were gathered on 47 points in West Serbia. All the climatological data&nbsp; necessary&nbsp; to calculate UTCI and PET were obtained. The results were compared with the similar research conducted around the world. The results of measuring UTCI and PET should have greater significance for the development of tourism on Zlatibor and in Banja Koviljaca, that is to say in Serbia in general, as information for tourists, but also for tourist workers as an indicator of the direction in which tourist destinations and tourist industry should develop.</p>

Regional assessment of trends in vegetation change dynamics using principal component analysis

Osunmadewa, Babatunde A., Csaplovics, E., R. A., Majdaldin, Aralova, D., Adeofun, C. O. 30 August 2019 (has links)
Vegetation forms the basis for the existence of animal and human. Due to changes in climate and human perturbation, most of the natural vegetation of the world has undergone some form of transformation both in composition and structure. Increased anthropogenic activities over the last decades had pose serious threat on the natural vegetation in Nigeria, many vegetated areas are either transformed to other land use such as deforestation for agricultural purpose or completely lost due to indiscriminate removal of trees for charcoal, fuelwood and timber production. This study therefore aims at examining the rate of change in vegetation cover, the degree of change and the application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in the dry sub-humid region of Nigeria using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data spanning from 1983-2011. The method used for the analysis is the T-mode orientation approach also known as standardized PCA, while trends are examined using ordinary least square, median trend (Theil-Sen) and monotonic trend. The result of the trend analysis shows both positive and negative trend in vegetation change dynamics over the 29 years period examined. Five components were used for the Principal Component Analysis. The results of the first component explains about 98 % of the total variance of the vegetation (NDVI) while components 2-5 have lower variance percentage (< 1%). Two ancillary land use land cover data of 2000 and 2009 from European Space Agency (ESA) were used to further explain changes observed in the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. The result of the land use data shows changes in land use pattern which can be attributed to anthropogenic activities such as cutting of trees for charcoal production, fuelwood and agricultural practices. The result of this study shows the ability of remote sensing data for monitoring vegetation change in the dry-sub humid region of Nigeria.

Devising a Trend-break-detection Algorithm of stored Key Performance Indicators for Telecom Equipment / Utformning av trendbrytningsalgoritm av lagrade nyckelindikatorer för telekomutrustning

Hededal Klincov, Lazar, Symeri, Ali January 2017 (has links)
A problem that is prevalent for testers at Ericsson is that performance test results are continuously generated but not analyzed. The time between occurrence of problems and information about the occurrence is long and variable. This is due to the manual analysis of log files that is time consuming and tedious. The requested solution is automation with an algorithm that analyzes the performance and notifies when problems occur. A binary classifier algorithm, based on statistical methods, was developed and evaluated as a solution to the stated problem. The algorithm was evaluated with simulated data and produced an accuracy of 97.54 %, to detect trend breaks. Furthermore, correlation analysis was carried out between performance and hardware to gain insights in how hardware configurations affect test runs. / Ett allmänt förekommande problem för testare på Ericsson är att resultat från flera prestandatester genereras kontinuerligt men inte analyseras. Tiden mellan förekommande fel och informationen av dessa är hög och varierande. Detta på grund av manuell analys av loggfiler som är tidsödande och ledsamt. Den efterfrågade lösningen är automatisering med en algoritm, baserad på statistisk metodik, som analyserar data om prestanda och meddelar när problem förekommer. En algoritm för binär klassifikation utvecklades och utvärderades som lösning till det fastställda problemet. Algoritmen utvärderades med simulerad data och alstrade en noggrannhet på 97,54%, för att detektera trendbrott. Dessutom utfördes korrelationsanalys mellan prestandan och hårdvaran för att få insikt i hur hårdvarukonfigurationen påverkar testkörningar.

Epidemiology of asthma in primary school children : the Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden (OLIN) studies thesis VIII

Bjerg Bäcklund, Anders January 2008 (has links)
Background: Childhood asthma has increased worldwide, although recent studies report a prevalence plateau in some western countries. Aims: To investigate the prevalence of asthma and the associated risk factor patterns from ages 7-8 to 11-12 with special emphasis on the hereditary component, and further to study prevalence trends at age 7-8 from 1996 to 2006 and the possible determinants of these trends. Methods: The studies involved two cohorts from Kiruna, Luleå and Piteå: one previously identified cohort of 3430 children age 7-8 followed by yearly questionnaires until age 11-12 with 97% yearly participation. Skin-prick tests for allergic sensitisation were performed at ages 7-8 and 11-12 in subsets of 2148 and 2155 children respectively (88% of invited). In 2006 a new cohort of 7-8-year-olds was identified and examined identically. 2585 (96% of invited) and 1700 (90% of invited) participated in the questionnaire and skin-prick tests, respectively. The questionnaire included questions about symptoms of asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema, and possible risk factors. Results: In the 1996 cohort, from age 7-8 to 11-12 the prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma increased (5.7%-7.7%, P&lt;0.01) while current wheeze decreased (11.7%-9.4%, P&lt;0.01), and 34.7% reported ever wheee at ≥one occasion. Remission was 10% of which half relapsed during the study. Remission was significantly lower among sensitised children. The strongest risk factors for current asthma at ages 7-8 and 11-12 were allergic sensitisation (OR 5) and family history of asthma (OR 3). Several other significant risk factors, e.g. respiratory infections, damp house and low birth weight, had lost importance at age 11-12. At age 7-8, parental asthma was a stronger risk factor (OR 3-4) than parental rhinitis or eczema (OR 1.5-2). Sibling asthma had no independent effect. Biparental asthma had a multiplicative effect (OR 10). Maternal and paternal asthma was equally important, regardless of the child’s sex and sensitisation status. From 1996 to 2006 the prevalence of current wheeze and asthma at age 7-8 did not increase (P=0.13, P=0.18), while lifetime prevalence of ever wheeze and physician-diagnosed asthma increased (P&lt;0.01, P=0.01). Symptoms of rhinitis and eczema were unchanged, despite 45% increase (P&lt;0.01) in allergic sensitisation. For current asthma the adjusted population attributable fractions of sensitisation and parental asthma increased (35%-41%, 27%-45%). This was however balanced by decreased exposure to infections, maternal smoking and home dampness, resulting in stable asthma prevalence. Stratification by sex revealed that current wheeze increased in boys (P&lt;0.01) but tended to decrease in girls (P=0.37), seemingly due to symptom persistence in males. Several asthma indices followed this pattern. The boy-to-girl ratio in exposure to all studied risk factors increased, which may explain the sex-specific prevalence trends in wheeze. Conclusions: The prevalence of current asthma and wheeze did not increase statistically significantly. However, the risk factor pattern has changed considerably since 1996, which will presumably affect the clinical features of childhood wheeze in this region. Sex-specific trends in wheeze can be explained by changes in exposure, and trends in risk factors should be explored parallel to prevalence trends.

Investigating the surfacing and diving behaviour and availability of long-finned pilot whales and quantifying the effects of anthropogenic sound on density and strandings of cetaceans in the northeast Atlantic

Jewell, Rebecca January 2014 (has links)
The size and trend of a population is fundamental to the assessment of its conservation status, yet cetacean abundance data are often biased and lack statistical power to detect trends. As a result, the conservation status of many species is unknown and the population-level effects of conservation pressures such as anthropogenic sound cannot be quantified. Failing to account for cetaceans that are unavailable for detection at the surface during abundance surveys will negatively bias estimates of abundance. Analysis of time-depth data revealed that pilot whale dive and surface interval durations, and availability for detection, varied with time of day, but this bias was accurately estimated using the mean dive and surface interval durations. A global analysis of cetacean density estimates compiled from multiple line-transect surveys incorporated covariates describing availability bias, and other sources of variability, to facilitate the detection of underlying temporal trends. Decadal global trends in cetacean density were detected for four species, while significant yearly ocean-scale trends were detected for six families. Exploratory analysis of data compiled from line-transect surveys found some evidence that trends in the density of minke whales and sperm whales in the northeast Atlantic varied between areas with and without seismic survey effort. However, there were insufficient data to clearly identify chronic exposure to anthropogenic sound from seismic surveys as a driver of population change. Analysis of strandings data from the UK and Ireland identified some evidence that harbour porpoise and sperm whale stranding rates were related to seismic survey effort and wind farm construction, but the results were not conclusive. Large-scale cetacean surveys provide valuable information on the density and spatial and temporal distribution of cetaceans that is vital for monitoring populations, but these surveys cannot replace dedicated studies of the population-level effects of sound on cetaceans.


Harrison, Irving 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1999 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / Recent years have seen a sharp rise in the size of satellite constellations. The monitoring and analysis tools in use today, however, were developed for smaller constellations and are ill-equipped to handle the increased volume of telemetry data. A new technology that can accommodate vast quantities of data is 3-D visualization. Data is abstracted to show the degree to which it deviates from normal, allowing an analyst to absorb the status of thousands of parameters in a single glance. Trend alarms notify the user of dangerous trends before data exceeds normal limits. Used appropriately, 3-D visualization can extend the life of a satellite by ten to twenty percent.

Some Geometric Constraints on Ring-Width Trend

Phipps, Richard L. January 2005 (has links)
Simulations of tree rings from trees of undisturbed forest sites are used to describe natural, long-term width trends. Ring-width trends of canopy-sized white oak are simulated from regressions of BAI (ring area) data of real trees. Examples are given of a tree from a typical re-growth forest in Illinois and of a more slowly growing tree from an old-growth forest in Kentucky. The long-term width trend was simulated as being toward constant ring width regardless of growth rate of the tree. Conditions by which either increasing or decreasing ring-width trends could be simulated from the same linear BAI trend are examined. I conclude that curvilinear width trends, either increasing or decreasing, represent width adjustments to changes in growth rate (BAI trend) after which the width trend stabilizes to a near-constant value. Interpretation of ring-width trends of trees from undisturbed stands may be useful in assessing stand disturbance history.

Determinants of pubertal development in an urban South African cohort

Jones, Laura Louise January 2008 (has links)
Age at the initiation of puberty and at menarche are key maturational indicators. They reflect health both within and between populations; in that a declining average age is associated with improving health, nutrition, and socio-economic conditions. Knowledge of the timing of pubertal development and menarche is important as earlier development within a population, in particular, has been linked with an increased risk of negative sequelae including overweight and obesity, development of risk factors for non-communicable diseases such as hypertension and insulin resistance, and engagement in risk behaviours such as early sexual debut and substance abuse. The main aims of this study were to investigate the timing of, and the early life factors (such as body composition and growth velocities) associated with pubertal development and age at menarche in Black and White urban South African adolescents. Mixed-longitudinal data (n = 401) from the Birth to Twenty (Bt20) birth-cohort study, initiated in 1990 and set in SowetoJohannesburg, South Africa were used. Median age at the initation of puberty and at menarche was derived by fitting logistic curves to cumulative frequency plots. Logistic regression models were constructed to examine the early life predictors of the timing of puberty and menarche. Data were also collected from adolescents and Bt20 staff (n = 72) using focus groups to explore views on the pubertal development questionnaire used in the Bt20 study. Median age at the initiation of genitalia development was 10.4 years (95% Cl = 8.4, 12.4) for Black boys and 9.8 years (95% Cl = 9.4, 10.2) for White boys. Median age for the initiation of pubic hair development for Black males was 10.8 years (95% Cl = 9.6, 12.0) compared to White males, which was 10.2 years (95% Cl = 8.4, 12.0). Median age at the initiation of breast development in Black females was 10.1 years (95% Cl = 9.3, 10.9) compared to White females which was 10.2 years (95% Cl = 8.2, 12.2). Median age for the initiation of pubic hair was 10.3 years (95% Cl = 9.3, 11.3) and 10.5 years (95% Cl = 8.7, 12.3) for Black and White girls, respectively. Results from logistic regression showed that a greater weight and height velocity in late childhood significantly increased the odds of achieving early breasU genitalia development. Furthermore, a low socio-economic status (SES) index at 9/10 years significantly reduced the odds of achieving early breasUgenitalia development. A greater weight, height, body mass index (BM I), and growth rate during infancy and childhood significantly increased the odds of achieving early pubic hair development. Median age at menarche for Black females was 12.4 years (95% Cl = 12.2, 12.6) and 12.5 . years (95% Cl = 11.7,13.3) for White females. Average menarcheal age for Black girls has declined by 0.56 years per decade and 0.32 years for White girls in South Africa, when comparing the current study findings with those from previous studies. Results from logistic regression showed that being taller, fatter and heavier in late childhood significantly increased the odds of achieving earlier menarche. The focus groups provided a range of opinions relating to the Bt20 pubertal development questionnaire and procedure. The majority of views were positive and included the ease of understanding and completion of the tool. Negative views revolved around the language used and privacy issues. These qualitative results provided a unique insight into the way in which pubertal development data are assessed and how these methods can potentially be improved to enhance the reliability and accuracy of pubertal development data collection. The results from this study provide the most recent estimates of age at the. initiation of puberty and age at menarche for urban Black and White South African adolescents. This is particularly important given the social, nutritional, and economic transition currently occurring in this country as these key maturity indicators reflect population health. This study has also added to our knowledge of the factors that are associated with pubertal development, showing that proximate rather than distal factors are the most sensitive indicators in this urban transitioning environment. In addition, the results from the focus groups provided a unique insight into how pubertal development data are assessed and how these methods could be improved. The negative health outcomes which have been associated with earlier pubertal development and age at menarche are major public health concerns, particularly in the South African context given the HIV/AIDS epidemic and rising levels of obesity. This study highlights the need for renewed research and resources for intervention strategies and policy programmes which target appropriate sex and obesity education in urban South African children.

Ungdomsbrottslighetens utveckling i Sverige och England : En komparativ studie

Iatan, Adina January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att studera ungdomsbrottslighetens utveckling i Sverige och i England1, utifrån den totala registrerade brottsligheten från slutet av 1980-talet fram till år 2010. Dessutom har det även studerats för den registrerade kategoribrottsligheten mellan åren 2002 och 2013. Vidare har jag även eftersträvat till att föra en diskussion kring hur teorin om rutinaktiviteter kan förklara denna utveckling. Ungdomsbrottsligheten som begrepp har definierats utifrån två ord: dels ungdom och dels brottslighet. I denna studie har åldersintervallet begränsats till 15-20 år. Vidare har definitionen av ett brott utgått från den legalistiska definitionen, där ett brott fastställs som ett brott utifrån de rådande lagarna i respektive land. Tidigare forskning på området har beskrivit ungdomsbrottslighetens utveckling i efterkrigstiden, där den ökade i hela Västeuropa från början på 1950-talet, till att den minskade mot slutet av 1970 och början på 1980-talet. Stöldbrottslighet är den dominerande brottskategorin bland ungdomar, sedan följer våldshandlingar och sist skadegörelsebrott. Metoden som har använts i denna studie var av komparativ art, där man eftersträvat att jämföra Sverige och England med varandra vad gäller ungdomsbrottslighetens utveckling. Metoden har vidare utgått från den mest olika ansatsen, som förespråkar jämförelser mellan länder som anses vara olika varandra olika vad gäller kultur, struktur och historia. Den mest olika ansatsen innebär vidare att man strävar efter en teoriprövning, dock har det i denna studie förts en diskussion kring rutinaktivitetsteorin för att se hur den kan tänkas förklara ungdomsbrottslighetens utveckling. Rutinaktivitetsteorin består av tre olika komponenter som tillsammans möjliggör att ett brott kan begås, a) motiverad gärningsman, b) lämpligt brottsobjekt/offer och c) avsaknad av kapabla väktare. Denna förklaringsmodell har använts flitigt för att förklara den ständigt ökande stöldbrottsligheten i efterkrigstiden, som sammanföll med ett ökat välstånd i både Sverige och England. Resultatet från denna studie visar att ungdomsbrottslighetens utveckling har minskat från slutet av 1980-talet fram till år 2010 i båda länderna som studerats. Även den kategoribaserade brottsutvecklingen (stöld, våld respektive skadegörelsebrott) har i denna studie visats ha samma minskande tendens. Rutinaktivitetsteorins förklaring av ungdomsbrottslighetens utveckling, har analyserats utifrån de brottspreventiva situationella åtgärder, som har vidtagits och som har haft en direkt påverkan på åtminstone två av komponenterna som teorin grundats på.

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