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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parâmetros genéticos para tempo em corridas de diferentes distâncias em cavalos de raça puro-sangue inglês /

Abrahão, André Rodrigues, 1976 January 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Marcílio Dias Silveira da Mota / Resumo: Clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo. / Abstract: Click electronic access below. / Mestre

Inovação e indústria da moda: um modelo de inovação em estilos e tendências. / Innovation and fashion industry: an innovation model in style and trends.

Castro, Adriana Bertoldi Carretto de 15 February 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como intuito propor um modelo de inovação para a indústria da moda feminina. O modelo visa compreender o comportamento de estilos e tendências determinados e difundidos pelas empresas. A construção deste modelo é justificada pela contribuição que um estudo sobre inovação pode proporcionar à indústria da moda, a qual enfrenta baixos padrões de competitividade no mercado externo e interno. Além disso, embora existam muitos artigos sobre o assunto, poucos foram os modelos de inovação para a indústria da moda encontrados por esta pesquisa. Uma avaliação destes modelos indicou que existe espaço para a proposta de um modelo que aborde o comportamento de estilos e tendências ao longo do tempo. A estrutura de composição do modelo é sustentada por três pilares conceituais: teoria econômica neoschumpeteriana, modelos de inovação e modelos de inovação para a indústria da moda. A característica central do modelo é avaliar se existem estilos que permanecem em moda de maneira contínua ou descontínua. Como existe similaridade conceitual entre os estilos, no que se refere à identidade de gênero (androginia e feminilidade), foi efetuada uma aglutinação de alguns estilos dentro desta denominação. Nem todos os estilos se encaixaram nesta classificação. Então, estes estilos foram denominados como neutros. Como a pesquisa tem abordagem fenomenológica, qualitativa e longitudinal, foi adotada a metodologia hipotética dedutiva para a construção do modelo. Para verificação da validade das hipóteses foi usada uma análise exploratória dos dados por meio de estatística descritiva e decomposição da estrutura de variabilidade através de uma análise de componentes principais (PCA). Ambas as análises forneceram evidências a respeito das hipóteses em questão, as quais também foram testadas através de um teste binomial e de uma análise de variância multivariada por meio de permutações. Os resultados comprovaram que existem estilos que permanecem em moda de maneira contínua e que existem períodos de polarização das aglutinações de estilo. / This work aims at proposing an innovation model for the women\'s fashion industry, which intends to understand the behavior of styles and trends spread by companies. The justification for building this model lies in the contribution an innovation study can offer to the fashion industry, which faces low competitiveness patterns in the external as well as internal market. In addition, although there are lots of papers related to this topic, there were only few innovation models found by this research. An evaluation of these models indicated that there is room for a model proposal that addresses style and trends over time. The model composition structure is supported by three conceptual pillars: neo-schumpeterian economic theory, innovation models and innovation models for the fashion industry. The central feature of the model is to evaluate whether there are fashion styles that remain in fashion in a continuous or discontinuous manner. As there is conceptual similarity between the styles, related to gender identity (androgyny and femininity), an agglutination of some styles was performed within this description. No all styles fit into this classification, then, these styles were called neutral. As this research is based on a phenomenological, qualitative and longitudinal approach, the methodology adopted was hypothetical deductive. In order to verify the hypotheses, an exploratory data analysis was developed, by means of descriptive statistic and decomposition of variability structure through a principal component analysis (PCA). Both analyses provided evidence about the considered hypotheses, which were tested using a binomial test and a multivariate variance analysis by means of permutations. The results showed there are fashion styles that remain continuously fashionable and there are polarizations periods of style agglutinations.

Psicodinamismos da tendência antissocial: um estudo transgeracional / Psychodynamisms of antisocial trend: a transgenerational study

Ana Paula Medeiros 28 November 2014 (has links)
A literatura psicológica é unânime em afirmar que o ambiente é um importante propulsor do desenvolvimento infantil. Assim, ao considerar a importância do meio, é preciso entender que a família exerce uma importante influência na criança, podendo auxiliar ou dificultar seu processo evolutivo. A partir de uma perspectiva transgeracional, é possível identificar a forma como ocorrem a transmissão psíquica e o processo estruturante da organização familiar, correspondente à herança familiar em nível inconsciente, que transfere aspectos intrapsíquicos e intersubjetivos. A tendência antissocial pode levar a um importante rompimento das expectativas que a sociedade e a família têm para com a criança, sendo que os sintomas que a caracterizam compreendem a presença de brigas, agressividade, oposição, mentiras, fugas, desobediência, entre outros. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho visou compreender os psicodinamismos familiares envolvidos no surgimento e na manutenção da tendência antissocial em uma criança do sexo feminino de cinco anos de idade, a partir da perspectiva da teoria da Transmissão Psíquica Transgeracional. Foi realizado um estudo de caso com a participação de uma família, cuja criança apresenta sintomas de tendência antissocial. Participaram desta pesquisa: a criança, seus pais, sua avó materna e sua avó paterna. A avaliação realizada compreendeu a utilização da Bateria Hammer para todos os participantes; Teste de Apercepção Temática Infantil e Teste das Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven para a criança; entrevista psicológica semiestruturada e Questionário de Capacidades e Dificuldades (SDQ-Por) para a mãe; e Teste de Apercepção Temática para todos os adultos. Os materiais foram analisados a partir de uma perspectiva clínica psicanalítica, além das cotações propostas pelos manuais dos instrumentos. A partir dos dados obtidos, nota-se que os sintomas da criança estão intimamente relacionados às angústias, sofrimentos e incertezas dos membros de sua família. As duas avós apresentam uma história que as aproxima e contribui para a compreensão familiar, sendo que ambas expressam uma dependência em relação ao outro, de forma que buscam relações que possam auxiliá-las a satisfazer suas necessidades. As avós e a mãe da criança sofreram privações emocionais ao longo da vida, relacionadas à ausência de figuras importantes, à separação prematura de seus pais e ao holding deficitário, sem encontrarem alguém para suprir-lhes as carências afetivas. A criança recebe a angústia dessas mulheres e seu desejo de mudança, por ela expressos através de sua impulsividade e agitação. Já o pai demonstra sentimento de inutilidade e futilidade frente ao mundo, o que o faz se distanciar da família e dos cuidados da filha. Como seus pais evidenciam a ausência de figuras de identificação para o exercício das funções parentais, a criança recebe conteúdos não elaborados, ligados a perdas, busca por holding, depressão e sensação de ser exigida além do que pode oferecer. Os contornos do Self infantil são pouco definidos¸ e a menina não se sente protegida por uma imposição segura de limites. Os sintomas da criança parecem ser uma maneira que ela encontrou para elaborar os conteúdos que lhe foram transmitidos, buscar ajuda e receber holding. Faz-se necessária uma intervenção nessa família, para que o tratamento da criança seja efetivo. Outras pesquisas devem ser realizadas, a fim de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a temática. / The psychological literature is unanimous in stating that the environment plays a very important whole in children\'s development process. In so being, the family may help or hinder their healthy growth. From an intergenerational perspective, it is possible to identify how the psychic transmission and the structuring process of the family organization (corresponding to the family inheritance on an unconscious level) occur as to the transfer of intrapsychic and intersubjective aspects. The antisocial trend can cause a major disruption of the expectations that society and the family have for the child, and the symptoms that characterize such trend encompass the presence of quarrels, aggression, opposition, lies, escaping from reality, and disobedience, among others. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the family psychodynamics involved in the onset and maintenance of antisocial trend in a female child of five years old, from the perspective of the Psychic Transgenerational Transmission theory. A case study including the participation of her family was conducted. So, the child, her parents, her maternal grandmother and her paternal grandmother were included. The evaluation encompassed the use of Hammer Battery (with all the participants); Children Apperception Test and Raven\'s Coloured Progressive Matrices Test (with the child); psychological interview and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ-Per) (with the mother); and Thematic Apperception Test with all adults. The data were analyzed from a psychoanalytic clinical perspective, together with the conjectures proposed by manual instruments. It can be noted that the child\'s symptoms are closely related to the anguish, suffering and uncertainty of the members of her family. Both grandmothers have similar life histories, expressing a dependency on others, that contributes to the understanding of their families. Both wish to get involved in relationships that could help them to meet their needs. The child\'s grandmothers and mother have suffered emotional deceptions throughout life, which are related to the absence of important figures, due to premature separation of their parents and consequent deficit of holding, and did not find other person to meet their affective needs. The child receives the distresses of these women and their wishes of changes in their lives, expressing such feelings through her impulsiveness and restlessness. Her father demonstrates a feeling of uselessness and futility as to the world, leading him to an emotional distance from his family and his daughter\'s care. So, the chill\'s parents reveal major losses that led to the absence of figures of identification in exercising their parental responsibilities. The child receives contents not well elaborated, related to loss, search for holding, depression and feeling of being required, but with no conditions to answer accordingly. The contours of the child\'s Self are poorly defined and the girl does not feel protected by secure imposing limits. The child\'s symptoms seem to be a way she found to elaborate contends and seek for help and holding. An intervention should be carried out with this family to help the child\'s treatment. Further researches should be conducted to deepen the knowledge on the subject.

Hur skapas en trend : En kreativ process eller en konsekvens av en ekonomisk strategisk drivkraft / How does a trend arises : A creativ process or an impact from a strategic economic momentum?

LINDA, WILEN, LINN, ALSÉN January 2011 (has links)
Syfte: Den textila klädmarknaden har under senare år expanderat ochidag har mode en helt annan betydelse än vad det tidigare haft.Trender kommer och går allt snabbare och det blir allt viktigareför konsumenten och därmed företagen att följa med i rådandetrender. Syftet för vår uppsats är att ta reda på hur en trendfaktiskt skapas idag och vilka faktorer som är med och påverkar.Metod: Vår uppsats är byggd på kvalitativa intervjuer med respondentersom verkar på den berörda marknaden. Uppsatsen bygger på etthermeneutiskt synsätt där vi valt att ta fram olika teorier somligger till grund för att svara på vår frågeställning. I vår studievalde vi att beröra ämnet från olika vinklar där både detpsykologiska och sociologiska fick spela en stor roll samt om detfinns ekonomiska drivkrafter bakom trenders uppkomst.Teori: Mode tillhandahåller extra adderat värde till kläder men vilketendast existerar i människans fantasi och freställning.Sociologer studerar mode ur en samhällssynvinkel, men medfokus på att mode påverkas av människor som agerar i grupper.3Psykologer däremot studerar mode utifrån enskilda individersinstinkter och behov. Om man använder det psykologiskaaspekterna som underlag till att studera mode kan man se modesom en del av personligheten inte som ett materiellt ting. Därförhar vi valt att närmare studera, Kimball Young, Sigmund Freudoch Abraham Maslow.Det sociologiska synsättet angriper ur en grupp- ochsamhällssynvinkel. För att förstå processen kring hur trenderskapas och betydelsen av dem kan det underlätta att utforskaden historiska utvecklingen av mode- och textilindustrin.Genom att identifiera de drivande krafterna förr och idag är detlättare att förstå trendernas roll idagEmpiri: I det här avsnittet presenteras vår empiri, uppdelat på varjerespondent och indelat efter fem huvudområden med. Varje delinleds också med en kort presentation av respondenterna, MaudKällqvist, Li Gadd Dackås, Jan Alsén samt Svenska moderådet,för att klargöra relevansen för dennes medverkan samt syntsättoch bakgrund.Slutdiskussion: Trender föds genom olika livsstilar, musik, kultur ochfolkgrupper och blir till trender per definition när aktörer inomtextilbranschen vill föra ut dessa influenser och inspiration tillden stora massan. Då modebranschen, liksom alla branscherstyrs av en ekonomisk bakomliggande drivkraft harkonsekvensen blivit en dynamisk, snabbt föränderlig ochombytlig miljö. Således kan man diskutera huruvida den kreativaprocess och det kreativa behov som en gång givit liv åtmodevärlden fått ge plats för kalkyler, försäljningssiffror ochbörsnoteringar. / Program: Textil produktutveckling med entreprenörs- och affärsinriktning

Psicodinamismos da tendência antissocial: um estudo transgeracional / Psychodynamisms of antisocial trend: a transgenerational study

Medeiros, Ana Paula 28 November 2014 (has links)
A literatura psicológica é unânime em afirmar que o ambiente é um importante propulsor do desenvolvimento infantil. Assim, ao considerar a importância do meio, é preciso entender que a família exerce uma importante influência na criança, podendo auxiliar ou dificultar seu processo evolutivo. A partir de uma perspectiva transgeracional, é possível identificar a forma como ocorrem a transmissão psíquica e o processo estruturante da organização familiar, correspondente à herança familiar em nível inconsciente, que transfere aspectos intrapsíquicos e intersubjetivos. A tendência antissocial pode levar a um importante rompimento das expectativas que a sociedade e a família têm para com a criança, sendo que os sintomas que a caracterizam compreendem a presença de brigas, agressividade, oposição, mentiras, fugas, desobediência, entre outros. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho visou compreender os psicodinamismos familiares envolvidos no surgimento e na manutenção da tendência antissocial em uma criança do sexo feminino de cinco anos de idade, a partir da perspectiva da teoria da Transmissão Psíquica Transgeracional. Foi realizado um estudo de caso com a participação de uma família, cuja criança apresenta sintomas de tendência antissocial. Participaram desta pesquisa: a criança, seus pais, sua avó materna e sua avó paterna. A avaliação realizada compreendeu a utilização da Bateria Hammer para todos os participantes; Teste de Apercepção Temática Infantil e Teste das Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven para a criança; entrevista psicológica semiestruturada e Questionário de Capacidades e Dificuldades (SDQ-Por) para a mãe; e Teste de Apercepção Temática para todos os adultos. Os materiais foram analisados a partir de uma perspectiva clínica psicanalítica, além das cotações propostas pelos manuais dos instrumentos. A partir dos dados obtidos, nota-se que os sintomas da criança estão intimamente relacionados às angústias, sofrimentos e incertezas dos membros de sua família. As duas avós apresentam uma história que as aproxima e contribui para a compreensão familiar, sendo que ambas expressam uma dependência em relação ao outro, de forma que buscam relações que possam auxiliá-las a satisfazer suas necessidades. As avós e a mãe da criança sofreram privações emocionais ao longo da vida, relacionadas à ausência de figuras importantes, à separação prematura de seus pais e ao holding deficitário, sem encontrarem alguém para suprir-lhes as carências afetivas. A criança recebe a angústia dessas mulheres e seu desejo de mudança, por ela expressos através de sua impulsividade e agitação. Já o pai demonstra sentimento de inutilidade e futilidade frente ao mundo, o que o faz se distanciar da família e dos cuidados da filha. Como seus pais evidenciam a ausência de figuras de identificação para o exercício das funções parentais, a criança recebe conteúdos não elaborados, ligados a perdas, busca por holding, depressão e sensação de ser exigida além do que pode oferecer. Os contornos do Self infantil são pouco definidos¸ e a menina não se sente protegida por uma imposição segura de limites. Os sintomas da criança parecem ser uma maneira que ela encontrou para elaborar os conteúdos que lhe foram transmitidos, buscar ajuda e receber holding. Faz-se necessária uma intervenção nessa família, para que o tratamento da criança seja efetivo. Outras pesquisas devem ser realizadas, a fim de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a temática. / The psychological literature is unanimous in stating that the environment plays a very important whole in children\'s development process. In so being, the family may help or hinder their healthy growth. From an intergenerational perspective, it is possible to identify how the psychic transmission and the structuring process of the family organization (corresponding to the family inheritance on an unconscious level) occur as to the transfer of intrapsychic and intersubjective aspects. The antisocial trend can cause a major disruption of the expectations that society and the family have for the child, and the symptoms that characterize such trend encompass the presence of quarrels, aggression, opposition, lies, escaping from reality, and disobedience, among others. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the family psychodynamics involved in the onset and maintenance of antisocial trend in a female child of five years old, from the perspective of the Psychic Transgenerational Transmission theory. A case study including the participation of her family was conducted. So, the child, her parents, her maternal grandmother and her paternal grandmother were included. The evaluation encompassed the use of Hammer Battery (with all the participants); Children Apperception Test and Raven\'s Coloured Progressive Matrices Test (with the child); psychological interview and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ-Per) (with the mother); and Thematic Apperception Test with all adults. The data were analyzed from a psychoanalytic clinical perspective, together with the conjectures proposed by manual instruments. It can be noted that the child\'s symptoms are closely related to the anguish, suffering and uncertainty of the members of her family. Both grandmothers have similar life histories, expressing a dependency on others, that contributes to the understanding of their families. Both wish to get involved in relationships that could help them to meet their needs. The child\'s grandmothers and mother have suffered emotional deceptions throughout life, which are related to the absence of important figures, due to premature separation of their parents and consequent deficit of holding, and did not find other person to meet their affective needs. The child receives the distresses of these women and their wishes of changes in their lives, expressing such feelings through her impulsiveness and restlessness. Her father demonstrates a feeling of uselessness and futility as to the world, leading him to an emotional distance from his family and his daughter\'s care. So, the chill\'s parents reveal major losses that led to the absence of figures of identification in exercising their parental responsibilities. The child receives contents not well elaborated, related to loss, search for holding, depression and feeling of being required, but with no conditions to answer accordingly. The contours of the child\'s Self are poorly defined and the girl does not feel protected by secure imposing limits. The child\'s symptoms seem to be a way she found to elaborate contends and seek for help and holding. An intervention should be carried out with this family to help the child\'s treatment. Further researches should be conducted to deepen the knowledge on the subject.

Eye tracking scanpath trend analysis on Web pages

Eraslan, Sukru January 2016 (has links)
Web pages are typically comprised of different kinds of visual elements such as menus, headers and footers. To improve user experience, eye tracking has been widely used to investigate how users interact with such elements. In particular, eye movement sequences, called scanpaths, have been analysed to understand the path that people follow in terms of these elements. However, individual scanpaths are typically complicated and they are related to specific users, and therefore any processing done with those scanpaths will be specific to individuals and will not be representative of multiple users. Therefore, those scanpaths should be clustered to provide a general direction followed by users. This direction will allow researchers to better understand user interactions with web pages, and then improve the design of the pages accordingly. Existing research tends to provide a very short scanpath which is not representative for understanding user behaviours. This thesis introduces a new algorithm for clustering scanpaths, called Scanpath Trend Analysis (STA). In contrast to existing research, in STA, if a particular element is not shared by all users but it gets at least the same attention as the fully shared elements, it is included in the resulting scanpath. Thus, this algorithm provides a richer understanding of how users interact with web pages. The STA algorithm was evaluated with a series of eye tracking studies where the web pages used were automatically segmented into their visual elements by using different approaches. The results show that the outputs of the STA algorithm are significantly more similar to the inputted scanpaths in comparison with the outputs of other existing work, and this is not limited to a particular segmentation approach. The effects of the number of users were also investigated on the STA algorithm as the number of users required for scanpath analysis has not been studied in depth in the literature. The results show the possibility to reach the same results with a smaller group of users. The research presented in this thesis should be of value to eye tracking researchers, to whom the STA algorithm has been made available to analyse scanpaths, and to behaviour analysis researchers, who can use the algorithm to understand user behaviours on web pages, and then design, develop and present the pages accordingly.

A Case Study of Identity Theft

Allison, Stuart F. H 07 April 2003 (has links)
This thesis is an investigation of identity theft, although not a new crime it has recently attracted public concern. This concern has led to both federal and state governments to establish new laws to provide increased protection. Government agencies and the media have warned the public that an individual's social security number and other personal information are the tools that unscrupulous criminals can use to gain access to an identity. Once your identity is assumed criminals can use that new identity to obtain goods and services freely available in this world of instant credit lines. The purpose of this study is to examine the magnitude and characteristics of identity theft. The objective is to determine if government official's claims and the media's portrayal of the substantial rise in identity theft incidents are supported empirically. The data for this study comes from police records located in one southern-metropolitan city; from this two separate data sets were drawn. A case study methodology was selected for this project. The results indicate that the identity theft trend is different than the trends for other theft related offenses -- credit card fraud, check fraud, robbery and motor vehicle theft. The data suggest that identity theft is increasing more rapidly than the other theft orientated offenses. However, future research should be conducted to help determine if the trend found in this study is a more a reflection of criminal behavior then of changes in reporting. Additionally, the available literature on identity theft suggested that attaining an arrest for identity theft is especially difficult. The empirical evidence found in this study is mixed on this point. Finally, the demographic characteristics of identity thieves in the area of study do not conform to other economically motivated offenders. African American female offenders make up a significantly large proportion of offenders. Determining the cause of these patterns would at this point be premature, but the existence of patterns warrants further research. In conclusion, this study finds support for the expressed belief by media, private organizations, and government officials that there is greater reporting and recoding of identity theft.

Varumärkesetablering : med en trend som hävstång

Larsson, Pontus, Svensson, Erik January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of our thesis is to study and analyze the components and features a brand should have to provide a solid foundation for brand building. Furthermore, we show how brands can make use of trends in a brand establishment.</p><p>This paper is written from a qualitative approach. Through both structured and semi structured interviews, we obtained valuable information from our respondents. Our frame of reference and empirical foundation are linked together through an abductive approach which has resulted in our analysis and conclusions.</p><p>A trend brings with a set of emotional characteristics, which companies can’t influence but must adapt to. This means that brands can take advantage of the force created by a trend in the form of a lever, if the companies adapt their businesses into what the trend represents. This leads to a decreased distance between the brand and the customer, due to that the emotional characteristics conveyed by the brand are already held by the customer. The company does not need to teach the customer about the emotional values carried by the brand, and we then see a trend as a carrier of information that conveys knowledge to the customers.</p><p>The critical moment in establishing a brand during a trend, is that the launch of the brand takes place at the right time. It can be devastating for companies investing a lot of time and money to adapt their brand to a trend if the establishment takes place too late. This might result in a high competition where companies can experience difficulties in taking market shares.</p>

Evaluation of texture features for analysis of ovarian follicular development

Bian, Na 02 December 2005
Ovarian follicles in women are fluid-filled structures in the ovary that contain oocytes (eggs). A dominant follicle is physiologically selected and ovulates during the menstrual cycle. We examined the echotexture in ultrasonographic images of the follicle wall of dominant ovulatory follicles in women during natural menstrual cycles and dominant anovulatory follicles which developed in women using oral contraceptives (OC). Texture features of follicle wall regions of both ovulatory and anovulatory dominant follicles were evaluated over a period of seven days before ovulation (natural cycles) or peak estradiol concentrations (OC cycles). Differences in echotexture between the two classes of follicles were found for two co-occurrence matrix derived texture features and two edge-frequency based texture features. Co-occurrence energy and homogeneity were significantly lower for ovulatory follicles while edge density and edge contrast were higher for ovulatory follicles. In the each feature space, the two classes of follicle were adequately separable.</p><p>This thesis employed several statistical approaches to analyses of texture features, such as plotting method and the Mann-Kendall method. A distinct change of feature trend was detected 3 or 4 days before the day of ovulation for ovulatory follicles in the two co-occurrence matrix derived texture features and two edge-frequency-based texture features. Anovulatory follicles, exhibited the biggest variation of the feature value 3 or 4 days before the day on which dominant follicles developed to maximum size. This discovery is believed to correspond to the ovarian follicles responding to system hormonal changes leading to presumptive ovulation.</p>

Mergers &amp; Acquisitions : a trendy fad or sustainable value creation?

Bischoff, Anna Lena, Sällström, Linn, Alexander Danylow, Jesco January 2011 (has links)
Today, companies need to constantly expand their business to stay ahead of the severe competition. As competition grows more intense, it makes sense to join forces or simply acquire the rival to provide the most diverse service and to reach even the last customer. But is it really only about the need for efficiency to merge and acquire competitors? Are managers and investors right about their hope, that every new acquisition or merger offers more control over the market? Or are they themselves pushed into these promising expec- tations? This research focuses on how social behavior influences value creation in mergers and acquisitions. Throughout history, waves have been observed that reflect the excessive hype for perennial need of growth. Growth by acquisitions and mergers is seen as key element to create value by investors and managers. However, reality looks different. This research focuses on a two step approach by first describing underlying social catalysts that amplify the trend towards value creation in mergers and acquisitions. Secondly, to verify the inves- tigation of social behavior, the results are matched to a financial approach to detect wheth- er the transaction price justifies the current value and possible synergies or whether value is destroyed. A case study was conducted of Boss Media AB, a software company situated in the online gaming industry, which experienced several mergers and acquisitions since their founda- tions and was eventually acquired itself. The company provided an interview and further information on their involvement with mergers and acquisitions. The research showed that mergers and acquisitions continue to increase in number and value, leading to the amplitude of each wave being higher than the previous one. This also means that more value is destroyed. It is illustrated that managers being determined to have bet on the right horse, are often more influenced by social behavior and trends than they think they are. Blinded by the overestimation of their own abilities, and prosperous short- term profits, managers overvalue their investment choices. Hence, the research implies that managers destroy shareholder value even though they initially intended to create it.

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