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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"A Strangely Organic Vision": Postmodernism, Environmental Justice, and the New Urbanist Novel

Platt, Daniel 14 January 2015 (has links)
My dissertation examines critical engagements with the "new urbanist" movement in late 20th and early 21st century U.S. novels, including Karen Tei Yamashita's Tropic of Orange, Helena María Viramontes's Their Dogs Came with Them, and Colson Whitehead's Zone One. I argue that these novels reflect new urbanism's valorization of neighborhoods that are walkable, green, and diverse, even as they critique the movement's inattention to environmental injustice and the long history of urban rights movements. Moreover, I argue that contemporary fiction's engagement with new urbanism has driven formal and stylistic innovation in the novel. The "new urbanist novel," I argue, blends elements of the postmodern literary mode, such as metafiction and narrative fragmentation, with elements that are arguably anti-postmodern, such as representations of stable collective identity and utopian visions of organic urban community.

Water-smart Urban Design: Conserving Potential in Swimming Pools

Antonelli, Eleni 23 February 2016 (has links)
Dry weather dominates several U.S. states, and some of them experience even long-term droughts. Yet, more than 10.6 million swimming pools exist in the U.S., and over 43,000 of them are in greater Los Angeles. Since roughly 100% of their water evaporates on a yearly basis, pool water evaporation accounts for a significant amount of water being wasted every day. Several studies have been conducted to create a proper equation for the evaporation rate on a pool surface, based on the wind speed, water temperature, and relative humidity. This thesis will address a research gap that was found in exploring the way the surroundings of the pool can affect its evaporation rate. In particular, this study examines the relation of the urban design to the evaporation rate of outdoor swimming pools by studying the way the housing type of a neighborhood affects the wind speed over the neighborhood’s pool surfaces.

A sustainable urban design approach to adaptive reuse projects in Cape Town

Jäger, Heidi January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Interior Design))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2017. / This research is about the spaces between places in urban settings, also referred to as "Interiorscapes", a term coined by Paul Cooper (2003). These spaces are often overlooked by developers and urban planners in their vision of the bigger scheme yet they function as extensions of the habitable spaces in buildings and contribute to the overall structure and understanding of a place. If disregarded these spaces can potentially become neglected and derelict inadvertently sanctioning opportunities for crime. In Cape Town, the proposed developments at the Two Rivers Urban Park in partnership with the Western Cape Government and the City of Cape Town, offer an opportunity to explore the inclusion of Interiorscapes in adaptive reuse projects aimed at creating sustainable commercial urban spaces in Cape Town. This interpretive qualitative research was conducted by exploring proposals made for two of the districts within the Two Rivers Urban Park area; (1) Oude Molen Ecovillage, currently a mixed-use sustainable neighborhood, and (2) the River Club where planning is currently underway to develop a commercialised recreational hub and tourist attraction. These sites were identified as study areas as they offer the potential for the implementation of Interiorscapes in adaptive reuse projects. Using a Grounded Theory approach, data was collected by interviewing the stakeholders, reviewing the proposals drawn up for these developments and through observations made when visiting the sites. Using the principles of New Urbanism, data has been analysed and the findings are presented as a narrative. The findings of this research indicate that ultimately the inclusion of Interiorscapes and all they represent is tied up in politics and economic processes monopolised by developers. The construct of Interiorscapes becomes a metaphor for the wellconsidered, well planned, user centered, ‘bottom-up’ design solutions which in the current context may present as a challenging problem which has no apparent solution. Recommendations are made for sustainable design alternatives to the current building and planning practices in Cape Town for adaptive reuse projects through the introduction of Interiorscapes.

Cidade e processos educativos: CIEPs e PEU Bairro-Escola no caminho das Cidades Educadoras / Cities and educational processes CIEPS ans USP bairro escola along the path of cities educators

Letícia de Lima Viana 07 December 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta pesquisa parte da Carta das Cidades Educadoras para avaliar como o espaço urbano das periferias pode também ser usado como espaço para a educação e construção crítica dos alunos para não se configurar, no imaginário construído, apenas como espaços de exclusão e violência. O estudo aborda duas iniciativas no estado do Rio de Janeiro como paradigma: uma, anterior ao conceito de? Cidades Educadoras?, os Centros Integrados de Educação Pública, e outra, posterior e atual, o PEU Bairro-Escola de Nova Iguaçu. Os CIEPs foram utilizados como paradigma arquitetônico, principalmente por terem sido espaços diretamente pensados para o Programa Político Pedagógico da época e também por terem, ao longo de todos esses anos após sua criação, passado por sérias modificações em seu estado físico e em seu PPP, o que possibilitou uma reavaliação de sua posição como equipamento educacional e cultural. O PEU Bairro-Escola, e seus respectivos projetos, em aplicação no município de Nova Iguaçu, revelam uma iniciativa pública de reestruturação e requalificação urbanística de periferia, avaliando a relação ensino-aprendizagem dos discentes, dentro e fora dos edifícios escolares, procurando elencar os principais novos territórios onde estão acontecendo as ações educativas nas periferias.

Dispersão urbana e apropriação do relevo na macrometrópole de São Paulo / Urban dispersion and relief appropriation in the large metropolitan concentration of São Paulo

José Guilherme Schutzer 11 December 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta um retrato da dispersão urbana que ocorre na região da Macrometrópole de São Paulo sobre a ótica da apropriação do relevo. Quais são os compartimentos de relevo que estão sendo ocupados pelas peças urbanas que se dispersam sobre a área anteriormente utilizada pelos usos relativos ao mundo rural, e em que medida essas peças urbanas residenciais, industriais ou mistas, diferem da morfologia de suas congêneres da cidade compacta, e as consequências ambientais decorrentes dessa forma de apropriação. A partir de uma proposta metodológica de abordagem estratégica do relevo na escala regional, e tendo como base categorias de análise da geomorfologia, este trabalho identifica no processo de dispersão, além de uma tendência de ocupação indiscriminada, e sem critérios ambientalmente claros, de todos os tipos de compartimento de relevo, inclusive daqueles que se pode considerar como compartimentos ambientais estruturantes da paisagem regional para a regulação dos processos naturais e de sua ocorrência não conflituosa com os usos urbanos. Essa ocupação dispersa, que impacta esses compartimentos ambientais estruturantes, é realizada tanto pelas camadas de alta e de baixa renda, como também pelos usos industriais e de comércio atacadista, embora esses grupos apresentem predominância em vetores de dispersão diferentes. / This research presents a portrait of the urban sprawl that occurs in the large metropolitan area of São Paulo, in view of the allocation of relief. Which relief sectors are occupied by urban works that disperse over the region formerly used by the rural area, and to what extent these residential, industrial or mixed urban works differ from the morphology of its equivalents in a compact city, and the environmental consequences resulting from this form of allocation. From a methodological proposal for a strategic approach to relief on a regional scale, and based on analytical categories of geomorphology, this paper identifies the dispersion process and a trend of indiscriminate occupation, without clear environmental criteria, of all types of relief sectors, including those that can be considered as environmental zones of regional landscape designated for the regulation of natural processes and their occurrence without conflict with urban uses. This dispersed occupation, which impacts these environmental zones is performed by both levels of high and low income, but also by industrial uses and wholesale trade, although these groups predominate in different dispersal vectors.

São Paulo cidade / memória e projeto / São Paulo city / memory and project

José Paulo de Bem 23 November 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho resulta da procura de relações entre arquitetura e cidade a partir da experiência de realizar projetos na cidade de São Paulo. Nesta organização desta experiência monta-se um panorama da evolução das linhas mais gerais da estruturação urbana em construção na intenção de criar sentidos para probabilidades de evolução destas linhas mais gerais onde essas intervenções pontuais como estudos, se apresentam como partes. / This work is the result of the search of relationships between architecture and the city from the experience of accomplish urban design projects in São Paulo city. To organize this experience a panorama of the evolution of the most general guidelines of the urban structure construction is made in order to create meanings for its future evolution probabilities, where the punctual interventions, as studies, are presented as parts.

Urbanização em Goiás no século XVIII / Urbanization in the eighteenth century Goiás

Deusa Maria Rodrigues Boaventura 21 November 2007 (has links)
A urbanização da Capitania de Goiás esteve na dependência direta da política centralizadora de ocupação colonial portuguesa do século XVIII, particularmente no que se refere à expansão e legitimação do território além do meridiano de Tordesilhas e ao descobrimento de importantes pontos mineratórios localizados na região central do Brasil. A consolidação dessa política e, conseqüentemente, da ocupação de Goiás, coube ao colonizador que, colocando-se a serviço da averiguação de míticos imaginários, utilizou os recursos de uma cartografia em crescente desenvolvimento desde o século XVI e que lhe permitiram comutar imprecisas informações e relatos em cálculos exatos e ter uma real visualização do novo espaço. Com essas ações, formaram-se na Capitania mais de cinqüenta núcleos urbanos, segundo uma tradicional concepção do urbanismo português, que previa a realização de levantamentos topográficos e o uso de mapas feitos por sertanistas, engenheiros militares e governadores que, juntos, se responsabilizaram pela organização e desenho do território. Outras formas estratégicas de ocupação territorial também foram adotadas por Portugal, tais como a criação da prelazia e de paróquias, a abertura de caminhos, a adoção do sistema sesmarial, a fundação da capital e o incentivo às atividades mineratórias e agropastoris. Para a efetiva posse do território goiano, a Coroa lusa implantou também normas indigenistas e incentivou a construção de aldeamentos desde a primeira metade do século XVIII, os quais, embora sem a perfeição de traçado alcançada no período pombalino, foram concebidos a partir de praças centrais, retangulares ou quadradas, inscritas em malhas previstas, cujas características garantiram a continuidade de uma tradição portuguesa de desenho urbano erudito e regular, que se baseava em princípios matemáticos e geométricos. / The urbanization of the Captainship of Goiás founds its explanations in a group of factors that are related to the Portuguese centralizing politics of colonial occupation in the 18th century, particularly those that are referred to the expansion and legitimating of the territory beyond the Tordesilhas meridian, and to the discovering of important mining spots localized in the central region of Brazil. The consolidation of the politics and, consequently, of the occupation of Goiás, was carried by the colonizer, which, with the access to a cartography that had been developed since the 16th century, set to the purpose of the checking imaginary myths, transforming inaccurate information and reports into exact calculation and a real visualization of the new space. With these actions it was created on the Captainship more than fifty urban clusters, following a traditional conception of the Portuguese urbanism, with topographic studies and maps made by peasants, military engineers and governors which together were responsible to the organization and the mapping of the territory. Another strategic ways of territorial occupation were also implemented by Portugal, such as: the creation of the prelature, of the parishes, the opening of colonial ways, the adoption of the sesmarial system, the foundation of the capital and the stimulation of the mining and agricultural activities. Due to the possession effectiveness of the territory, the Portuguese crown also implemented Indian regulations and stimulated the construction of villages since the first half of the 18th century, which, even though, without the perfect drawing reached on the Pombalin period, were conceived with rectangular or squared central squares, inscribed into predicted streets, which it characteristics guaranteed the continuity of a Portuguese tradition of erudite and regular urban drawing that was based on mathematical and geometrical principles.

Formas políticas e urbanismo grego: a arquitetura monumental como representação do poder entre os séculos VI e IV a.C. / Political forms and Greek urbanism: the monumental architecture as a representation of power between 6th and 4th centuries BC

Gláucia Gajardoni de Lemos 11 February 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa pretende examinar a consolidação de formas urbanísticas e arquitetônicas como representação do espaço político na Grécia antiga. O objetivo central é o de analisar em que medida o poder político - ou seu formato - interfere no disciplinamento do espaço, especialmente no que se refere à incorporação da ideologia tirânica nas grandes obras monumentais do Ocidente grego. Assim, os dados reunidos acerca da monumentalização do espaço primordialmente de Atenas, na Península Balcânica, e de Siracusa, na Sicília, entre os séculos VI e IV a.C., nos servirão para delimitar um quadro comparativo entre as diferentes formas de organização política e social e o planejamento urbano dessas poleis, de modo a elucidar a chamada paisagem do poder. Em tempo, dados de outras poleis como as de Metaponto, Camarina, Himera, Tasos e Cirene serão incorporados ao conjunto estudado de sorte a dar maior densidade às conclusões esperadas. Para tanto, far-se-á uso de referências metodológicas pertencentes à Arqueologia da Paisagem e critérios inspirados na linha de pesquisa desenvolvida por Amos Rapoport que lida com a questão da especialização do espaço como marca de \"complexificação\" das sociedades. / This research aims to examining the consolidation of urban and architectural forms as a representation of Greek political space. The central goal is analyze how political power - or its format - interferes in the disciplining of space, especially with regard to the incorporation of tyrannical ideology in large monumental buildings of the Greek West. Thus, the data gathered about the monumentalization primarily of two Greek cities (Athens and Syracuse), between 6th and 4th centuries BC, serve to delimit a comparative analyse between different forms of political organization and social and urban planning, in order to elucidate the landscape of power. In time, data from other poleis as Metaponto, Kamarina, Himera, Tasos and Cyrene will be incorporated to give more density to the expected conclusions. For that, use will be made of the methodology pertaining to the Landscape Archaeology and criteria inspired by the line of research developed by Amos Rapoport dealing with the issue of specialization of space as a feature of complex societies.

L'Est parisien : genèse d'une reconquête (1919-1975) / Eastern Paris : Genesis of a Reconquest (1919-1975)

Rossi, Pauline 30 June 2015 (has links)
Établi en 1983, le Plan Programme de l'Est parisien a souvent été considéré comme le point de départ d'une reconquête architecturale et urbaine de cette partie de la capitale. Depuis la fin du XIXᵉ et jusqu'aux années 1970, l'Est parisien a été perçu comme le pendant industriel et populaire de l'Ouest parisien, souffrant pour le prestige de la capitale d'un retard esthétique et fonctionnel. Cependant, depuis la renaissance de l'urbanisme parisien en 1919 et jusqu'au milieu des années 1970, lorsqu'aménageurs et promeneurs redécouvrirent les charmes de ces quartiers, l'Est parisien a été l'objet d'une politique urbaine de reconquête et fut partiellement reconstruit dans une tentative restée vaine d'homogénéisation et de modernisation. Considérant que l'ampleur des démolitions a depuis été analysée et mise en avant, nos travaux tendent à comprendre les enjeux et à réévaluer les réalisations induites par cette politique. / Most historians described the master plan established in 1983, in Paris, as the first attempt to reshape the Eastern part of the town. From the turn of the 19th century to the 1970's, the districts east of the city were considered as the realm of industry, of workers and cheap housing. These districts did not match the overall prestige of the French capital and their development was miserably lagging behind the rest of the city : public spaces as well as buildings and urban planning could not bear comparison with the luxury of the Western districts, not to mention the city centre. However, between 1919, when urban planning received a new impetus, and 1975, when the developers and the public understood the real value of the underestimated neighbourhoods, the districts east of the city were occasionally rebuilt. During this process, one often stressed the destruction resulting from a modernization process effort. It is time to reassess the full consequences of the last century.

Framework for Self Sustaining Eco-Village

Holtgard, Eric 24 March 2009 (has links)
Why are modern American cities fundamentally dependant on outsourced resources and dirty power? Why can't modern cities support themselves and their inhabitants without relying on resources from half way across the world? Even within the city itself, community neighborhoods are disconnected and bisected by massive expanses of life endangering highways. Why can't we wake up and open our eyes to the urban reality we are creating for future generations. Future cities must look past immediate gain and focus on long term sustainability rather than compiling L.E.E.D. points or making a selfish profit. Sustainable Infrastructure is the first step towards freeing the city from its dependant clutches on foreign resources. Transportation of people, power, water, and communications must be steadfast and sustainable if the community is to be the same. Infrastructure as stated here, however is not limited to roads and power plants but consists of ecological functions, communal functions, and individual building supply systems as well. Self sustaining eco-villages are a feasible alternative to uncontrolled sprawl because they cap growth, nurture community, and deal with utilities and waste responsibly. Power, water, waste, and food must be generated responsibly and sustained as much as possible by the community itself and give back to the system what it can to further future growth responsibly. The public right of way of the I-4 corridor will be utilized for housing a self sustaining transport system for people and utilities that can reconnect cities and help supply their individual systems while taking advantage of cities strengths and weaknesses through possible utility sharing. The I-4 corridor runs East-West across the state of Florida and connects both coastlines through Tampa, Orlando, and Daytona. Orlampa lies in the near center of Tampa and Orlando and has solar, agricultural, and ground water harvesting potentials that make it the ideal site for new self sustaining communities and a central station providing responsible access for the proposed U.S.F. polytechnic campus. These self sustaining eco-villages will sprout off the high speed rail line without interrupting direct major city transport. A variety of themed sub cities connected via sustainable transit that are capped at responsible horizontal sprawl and grown vertically will be possible while allowing for ecological corridors and public park spaces between and linking developments.

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