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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metal-Organic Frameworks as Heterogenous Photocatalysts for the Production of Solar Fuels

Cabrero Antonino, María 09 November 2021 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral se ha basado en el estudio del uso de MOFs como fotocatalizadores para la producción de combustibles solares. Específicamente, los fotocatalizadores basados en MOF se han utilizado para la reacción de descomposición del agua y la reducción de CO2 en ausencia de agentes de sacrificio o disolventes orgánicos. MIL-125(Ti)-NH2 se puede utilizar como fotocatalizador para la reacción de descomposición del agua en presencia de UV-Vis o irradiación natural de la luz solar. La actividad de este material se puede potenciar mediante el uso de Pt y NPs de RuOx como co-catalizadores. Además, la actividad fotocatalítica de MIL 125(Ti)-NH2 se puede mejorar mediante un tratamiento de plasma de oxígeno que introduce defectos estructurales dando lugar a un material optimizado para catalizar la reacción de descomposición del agua. La presente tesis ha mostrado por primera vez la posibilidad de utilizar MOFs como fotocatalizadores para la metanación de CO2. En particular, un Zn-MOF y un Ti-MOF, MOF(Zn)-1 y MIP 208 respectivamente, se pueden utilizar como fotocatalizadores para promover la metanación de CO2 en condiciones de reacción suaves. Además, la actividad fotocatalítica de estos MOFs se incrementa en presencia de pequeñas NPs de Cu2O y, especialmente, por NPs de RuOx en la estructura de estos materiales. Es de destacar que el material compuesto por NPs de RuOx soportadas en MIL-125(Ti)-NH2 puede considerarse un fotocatalizador de referencia para la metanación de CO2 mediada por energía solar y en flujo continuo. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral s'ha basat en l'estudi de l'ús de MOFs com a fotocatalitzadors per a la producció de combustibles solars. Específicament, els fotocatalitzadors basats en MOF s'han utilitzat per a la reacció de descomposició de l'aigua i la reducció de CO¿ en absència d'agents de sacrifici o dissolvents orgànics. MIL-125(Ti)-NH2 es pot utilitzar com fotocatalitzador per a la reacció de descomposició de l'aigua sota UV-Vis o irradiació natural de la llum solar i la seua activitat pot ser augmentada mitjançant l'ús de Pt i NPs de RuOx com co catalitzadors. A més, l'activitat fotocatalítica de MIL-125(Ti)-NH2 es pot millorar mitjançant un tractament de plasma d'oxigen que introdueix defectes estructurals resultant en un material optimitzat per a la reacció de descomposició de l'aigua. La present tesi ha mostrat per primera vegada la possibilitat d'utilitzar MOFs com fotocatalizador per a la metanació de CO¿. En particular, un Zn-MOF y un Ti MOF, MOF(Zn)-1 y MIP-208 respectivament, es poden utilitzar com fotocatalitzadors per a promoure la metanació de CO¿ en condicions de reacció suaus. A més, l'activitat fotocatalítica d'aquests MOFs pot ser realçada per la presència de xicotetes NPs de Cu2O i, especialment, per les NPs de RuOx en l'estructura d'aquestos materials. És de destacar que el material composat per NPs de RuOx suportades en MIL-125(Ti)-NH2 es pot considerar un fotocatalitzador de referència per a la metanació de CO2 amb energia solar i en flux continu. / [EN] The present doctoral thesis studied the use of MOFs as photocatalysts to produce solar fuels. MOF-based photocatalysts were used for overall water splitting and CO2 reduction in the absence of sacrificial agents or organic solvents. MIL 125(Ti)-NH2 can be used as photocatalyst for overall water splitting under both UV-Vis or natural sunlight irradiation. The activity of this material can be enhanced using Pt and RuOx NPs as co-catalysts. Also, the photocatalytic activity of pristine MIL 125(Ti)-NH2 can be enhanced by oxygen-plasma treatment, which introduces structural defects and produces an optimized material for overall water splitting. This thesis has shown for the first time the possibility of using MOFs as photocatalysts for CO2 methanation. More specifically, a Zn and Ti MOF materials, MOF(Zn)-1 and MIP-208 respectively, can be used as photocatalysts to promote CO2 methanation under mild reaction conditions. The photocatalytic activity of these MOFs can be enhanced in the presence of small Cu2O NPs, and, especially, RuOx NPs in their structure. RuOx NPs supported on MIL-125(Ti)-NH2 can be envisioned as a benchmark photocatalyst for solar-driven CO2 methanation in continuous-flow operations. / Cabrero Antonino, M. (2021). Metal-Organic Frameworks as Heterogenous Photocatalysts for the Production of Solar Fuels [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/176660

Metal-Organic Hybrid Materials with Catalytic and Photocatalytic Applications

Melillo, Arianna 26 April 2022 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral ha centrado la atención en la síntesis de nuevos materiales MOFs obtenidos por intercambio post-sintético de MOFs descritos anteriormente o por heterounión de MOFs estables que tienen estructura UiO66. Estos materiales se han aplicado como fotocatalizadores para la prometedora reacción de división completa del agua que pretende obtener H2 y O2 en forma estequiométrica a partir de agua en ausencia de agentes sacrificantes o nanopartículas metálicas. El nuevo material UiO66 (Zr/Ce/Ti) mostró resultados sorprendentes para la reacción general de división del agua en ambas condiciones de luz UV-Visible e irradiación solar. También se obtuvieron resultados interesantes en el caso del nucleo-corteza UiO66(Zr)-NH225@UiO66(Ce) que, en presencia de agua, cuando se irradió con luz ultravioleta y con luz solar, permitió obtener 550 𝝁 mol*g- 1 de H2 y 350 𝝁 mol*g-1 de H2 en 24 h respectivamente, en las mismas condiciones de trabajo definidas para UiO66(Zr/Ce/Ti). En este trabajo de tesis se presentó por primera vez la posibilidad de reducir 4-NP a través de una metodología tándem que involucra primero la producción de H2 a partir de agua en presencia de metanol, como agente de sacrificio, y UiO66(Zr)-NH2, como fotocatalizador, y la posterior reducción de 4-NP a 4-AP. Por otro lado, se ha demostrado que los materiales defectuosos con estructura de UiO66 pueden reducir selectivamente los dobles enlaces polarizados X=Y en presencia de gas H2. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral ha centrat l'atenció en la síntesi de nous materials MOFs obtinguts per intercanvi post-sintètic de MOFs descrits anteriorment o per heterounió de MOFs estables que tenen estructura UiO66. Estos materials s'han aplicat com fotocatalitzadors per a la prometedora reacció de divisió completa de l'aigua que pretén obtindre H2 i O2 en forma estequiomètrica a partir d'aigua en absència d'agents sacrificants o nanopartícules metàl·liques. El nou material UiO66 (Zr/Ce/Ti) va mostrar resultats sorprenents per a la reacció general de divisió de l'aigua en ambdós condicions de llum UV-Visible i irradiació solar. També es van obtindre resultats interessants en el cas del core-shell UiO66 (Zr) - NH225@UiO66 (Ce) que, en presència d'aigua, quan es va irradiar amb llum ultravioleta i amb llum solar, va permetre obtindre 550 𝝁 mol*g-1 de H2 i 350 𝝁 mol*g-1 de H2 en 24 h respectivament, en les mateixes condicions de treball definides per a UiO66 (Zr/Ce/Ti). En este treball de tesi es va presentar per primera vegada la possibilitat de reduir 4-nitrofenol a través d'una metodologia tàndem que involucra primer la producció de H2 a partir d'aigua en presència de metanol, com a agent de sacrifici, i UiO66 (Zr) -NH2, com fotocatalizador, i la posterior reducció de 4-NP a 4-AP. D'altra banda, s'ha demostrat que els materials defectuosos amb estructura d'UiO66 poden reduir selectivament els dobles enllaços polaritzats X=Y en presència de gas H2. / [EN] The present doctoral thesis has focused the attention on the synthesis of new MOFs materials obtained either by post-synthetic interchange of previously described MOFs or by heterojunction of stable MOFs having UiO66 structure. These materials have been applied as photocatalysts for the promising Overall Water Splitting reaction which claims to obtain H2 and O2 stoichiometrically starting from water in the absence of sacrificial agents or deposited metals nanoparticles. The new material UiO66 (Zr/Ce/Ti) showed surprising results in both UV- Visible light and sunlight irradiation conditions. Interesting results were also obtained in the case of the core-shell named UiO66(Zr)-NH225@UiO66(Ce) which, in the presence of water, when irradiated with both ultraviolet and solar light, allowed to obtain 550 𝝁 mol*g-1 of H2 and 350 𝝁 mol*g-1 of H2 in 24 h respectively, in the same working conditions defined for UiO66 (Zr/Ce/Ti). In this thesis was presented, for the first time, the possibility of reducing 4NP through a tandem methodology which, first, involves the production of H2 from water in the presence of methanol as a sacrificial agent and UiO66(Zr)-NH2 as a photo-catalyst, and subsequent the 4 NP reduction to 4 AP. On the other hand, it has been shown that defective materials with UiO66 structure can selectively reduce polarized X=Y double bonds in the presence of H2 gas. / Melillo, A. (2022). Metal-Organic Hybrid Materials with Catalytic and Photocatalytic Applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182744

Transition-metal-based composite and hybrid nanomaterials for catalytic applications

Zhang, Rui 12 June 2018 (has links)
In der Entwicklung von Technologien für die nachhaltige Erzeugung, Speicherung und Umwandlung von Energie werden Hochleistungskatalysatoren benötigt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene Übergangsmetall-basierte Katalysatoren, namentlich TiO2/Kohlenstoff-Komposite, anorganisch-organische Hybridsysteme auf Basis von NiFe Phosphonaten sowie Ni Phosphide, synthetisiert, charakterisiert und hinsichtlich ihrer photo- und elektrokatalytischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Grenzflächeneigenschaften der TiO2/C-Komposite signifikant durch die Gestaltung des Heizvorgangs während der Synthese beeinflusst werden. Insbesondere der Einsatz von Mikrowellenstrahlung vermag die Synthese von Kohlenstoff-basierten Materialien positiv zu beeinflussen. Schnelles Erwärmen führt zu stärkeren Wechselwirkungen zwischen Nanopartikeln und Kohlenstoff, einheitlicheren Beschichtungen und kleineren Partikeln mit schmaleren Partikelgrößenverteilungen, wodurch die photokatalytische Aktivität verbessert wird. Schichtartige, hybride NiFe-Phenylphosphonat-Materialien werden ausgehend in Benzylalkohol dargestellt und ihre Aktivität in der OER im basischen Milieu untersucht. Die Hybridpartikel werden in-situ in NiFe-Hydroxid Nanoschichten umgewandelt. Röntgenspektroskopische Untersuchungen deuten auf eine induzierte, teilweise verzerrte Koordinationsumgebung der Metallzentren im Katalysator hin. Die Kombination der synergistischen Effekte zwischen Ni und Fe mit den strukturellen Eigenschaften des Hybridmaterials ermöglicht einen effizienten Katalysator. Weiterhin werden Nickel-Phosphide durch die thermische Behandlung der Phenyl- oder Methylphosphonate des Nickels, welche Schichtstrukturen aufweisen, in H2(5%)/Ar-Atmosphäre synthetisiert. Ni12P5, Ni12P5-Ni2P und Ni2P Nanopartikel, die mit einer dünnen Schicht aus Kohlenstoffmaterial beschichtet sind, werden erhalten. Ni12P5-Ni2P und Ni2P Nanopartikel katalysieren die Wasserstoffentwicklungsreaktion (HER) im Sauren effektiv. / High-performance catalysts play a key role in the development of technologies for sustainable production, storage, and conversion of energy. In this thesis, transition-metal-based catalysts, including TiO2/carbon composites, hybrid organic-inorganic NiFe phosphonates, and Ni phosphides are synthesized, characterized, and investigated in photocatalytic or electrocatalytic reactions. TiO2 is frequently combined with carbon materials, such as reduced graphene oxide (rGO), to produce composites with improved properties. TiO2 is more efficiently stabilized at the surface of rGO than amorphous carbon. Rapid heating of the reaction mixture results in a stronger coupling between the nanoparticles and carbon, more uniform coatings, and smaller particles with narrower size distributions. The more efficient attachment of the oxide leads to better photocatalytic performance. Layered hybrid NiFe-phenylphosphonate compounds are synthesized in benzyl alcohol, and their oxygen evolution reaction (OER) performance in alkaline medium is investigated. The hybrid particles transformed in situ into NiFe hydroxide nanosheets. X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements suggest the metal sites in the active catalyst inherited partly the distorted coordination. The combination of the synergistic effect between Ni and Fe with the structural properties of the hybrid results in an efficient catalyst that generates a current density of 10 mA cm-2 at an overpotential of 240 mV. Moreover, nickel phosphides are synthesized through thermal treatment under H2(5%)/Ar of layered nickel phenyl- or methylphosphonates that act as single-source precursors. Ni12P5, Ni12P5-Ni2P and Ni2P nanoparticles coated with a thin shell of carbonaceous material are produced. Ni12P5-Ni2P and Ni2P NPs efficiently catalyze the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in acidic medium. Co2P and CoP NPs are also synthesized following this method.

Développement de nanoparticules de ruthénium comme modèles de catalyseurs pour le craquage de l'eau : approches expérimentale et théorique / Development of ruthenium nanoparticles as catalyst models for the splitting of water : combination of experimental and theoretical chemistry approaches

Gonzalez Gomez, Roberto 11 April 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit en amont de la problématique de production d'hydrogène (H2) à partir de l'eau. Les réactions impliquées (oxydation de l'eau, WOR et réaction d'évolution de l'hydrogène, HER) requièrent des catalyseurs tels que des nanoparticules (NPs) métalliques. Cette catalyse peut être photoactivée en associant un photosensibilisateur (PS) aux NPs conduisant à des hybrides PS-NPs. Un tel assemblage peut se faire via des groupements acides carboxyliques. Ce travail de doctorat repose sur la combinaison d'outils expérimentaux et théoriques en vue de développer de nouveaux nanocatalyseurs au ruthénium. Notre contribution a consisté à définir une cartographie précise de la surface de Ru NPs stabilisées par des acides carboxyliques avec des chaînes alkyles de longueur différente comme systèmes modèles de catalyseurs PS-NPs pour la photoproduction d'H2 à partir d'H2O. Parmi les principaux objectifs était visée une meilleure compréhension des relations structure/propriétés à l'échelle nanométrique afin d'expliquer les propriétés de surface des NPs et leur viabilité catalytique. Les RuNPs ont été synthétisées par voie organométallique à partir du complexe [Ru(COD)(COT)] comme source de Ru et des acides carboxyliques (éthanoïque, pentanoïque et octanoïque) comme stabilisants. Cette méthode permet la formation de NPs bien contrôlées, fournissant ainsi des systèmes de choix pour des études comparatives fines. Des populations homogènes de RuNPs de taille 1.1 à 1.7 nm ont été obtenues. L'état de surface des NPs a été sondé par différentes techniques analytiques (IR, RMN et WAXS). L'optimisation du ratio [ligand) / [Ru] a permis de disposer de NPs de tailles similaires, et donc de systèmes comparables quel que soit l'acide carboxylique utilisé. Des calculs DFT ont été effectués en parallèle sur un modèle de NP Ru55, dont certains ont alimenté un modèle thermodynamique permettant de s'approcher des conditions expérimentales de température, de pression et de concentration. Une analyse systématique des propriétés des liaisons, des charges atomiques et des états électroniques (DOS, COHP, MPA) a été réalisée. Les calculs des modes de vibration des modèles à base de Ru55 et des déplacements chimiques RMN de clusters [Ru6] ont corroboré et facilité les attributions spectroscopiques expérimentales. Les données spectroscopiques et des études mécanistiques DFT ont montré que les acides carboxyliques interagissent sur la surface métallique sous forme carboxylate. En bon accord, les titrages expérimentaux et théoriques ont montré l'efficacité de l'approche suivie pour cerner l'influence du ligand et de la longueur de la chaîne alkyle sur les propriétés de RuNPs. L'énergie libre de Gibbs de l'adsorption d'hydrogène, un paramètre de référence pour déterminer la viabilité de matériaux pour la catalyse HER, a été calculée par DFT sur des modèles Ru55. Le meilleur nanocatalyseur doit présenter à la fois une surface métallique moyennement encombrée et un ligand avec une longueur de chaîne alkyle intermédiaire, indiquant ainsi comme système le plus prometteur les RuNPs stabilisées par l'acide pentanoïque. Des études d'échange de ligands à la surface de RuNPs stabilisées par l'acide octanoïque ont été réalisées afin de modéliser l'ancrage du PS par un groupe acide carboxylique et complétées par des études théoriques. Les résultats obtenus ont démontré la potentialité de cette approche. Une originalité de ce travail réside dans la combinaison d'études expérimentales et théoriques menées de front pour mieux comprendre la relation structure/propriétés de RuNPs stabilisées par des acides carboxyliques et leur viabilité catalytique pour la production d'H2 à partir d'H2O. Les données obtenues et des résultats catalytiques préliminaires devraient permettre de concevoir des nanocatalyseurs efficaces. Si l'intérêt d'une telle approche a été démontré sur des RuNPs modèles pour le craquage de l'eau, ce travail ouvre d'autres perspectives en nanocatalyse. / This PhD thesis is an upstream study regarding the production of hydrogen (H2) via the water splitting process. The reactions involved (water oxidation, WOR and hydrogen evolution reactions, HER) require efficient catalysts and nanoparticles (NPs) can act so. Such catalysis can be photoactivated by combining photosensitizers (PS) with the NPs leading to hybrid PS-NPs systems, and effective assembling is able via carboxylic acid groups. This work relies on a combination of experimental and theoretical tools to develop novel ruthenium-based nanocatalysts for the water splitting process. Our contribution aimed at achieving a precise mapping of the surface of ruthenium nanoparticles (RuNPs) stabilized by carboxylic acids with an alkyl chain of different length as model systems for the design of PS-NPs catalysts for H2 photoproduction from water. One of the main aims of this PhD was to bring a better understanding of structure/properties relationship at the nanoscale to explain the surface properties of RuNPs stabilized by carboxylic acids and their catalytic viability. RuNPs were synthesized by the organometallic approach using the [Ru(COD)(COT)] complex as metal source and ethanoic, pentanoic and octanoic acids as stabilizers. This synthesis method allows the formation of well-controlled metal NPs, thus providing nanosystems of choice for fine comparative studies. TEM characterization revealed the formation of homogeneous populations of RuNPs in a size range of 1.1 - 1.7 nm. The surface state of the NPs was probed by complementary analytical techniques like IR, NMR and WAXS, leading to a precise mapping of their surface. Optimization studies of the ligand/[Ru] ratio to get NPs with a similar size allowed to have comparable nanosystems whatever the carboxylic acid used as stabilizer and thus to determine the influence of the alkyl chain length. DFT calculations were performed in parallel according to a thermodynamic model fed with DFT energies. Also, a systematic analysis of the bond properties and of the electronic states (Density of States, Crystal Orbital Hamilton Population, atomic charges) was carried out using a Ru55 NP model. DFT calculations of the vibrational features of model RuNPs and of the chemical shifts of model Ru clusters also allowed to secure the spectroscopic experimental assignations. Spectroscopic data and DFT mechanistic studies evidenced that the carboxylic acids lie on the metal surface as carboxylates, together with hydrogen atoms. The results of experimental and theoretical titrations are in good agreement, thus showing the approach followed to be an efficient step to build a model in order to understand the ligand influence on RuNPs properties. Hydrogen adsorption Gibbs free energy, which is a reference parameter to determine the viability of materials for HER catalysis, has been calculated for optimized RuNP structures. The best nanocatalyst revealed to have both, intermediate crowded metal surface and intermediate alkyl chain length for the capping ligand, indicating the RuNPs stabilized by pentanoic acid as the most promising catalyst. Experiments on ligand exchange at the surface of octanoic acid-stabilized RuNPs were also performed in order to model the PS anchoring onto RuNPs through carboxylic acid groups completed by theoretical studies. Results obtained demonstrated the potentiality of this approach. The originality of this work lies with the combination of experimental and theoretical studies in parallel to achieve a better understanding of structure/properties relationship of RuNPs stabilized by carboxylic acids and their catalytic viability for the water-splitting process. Preliminary catalytic results are encouraging, and the data obtained should now allow to design appropriate nanocatalysts. Finally, the interest of this combined approach has been demonstrated through the study of RuNPs for water splitting, but this work opens new opportunities of research in nanocatalysis.

Heterojunctions of Zinc Selenide and Zinc Sulfide on Titanium Oxide Nano Particles and Their Photocatalyses

Shih, Tsung-Hsiang 22 December 2006 (has links)
High quality ammonium oxofluorotitanate discoid crystal is successfully grown on glass with an aqueous solution of ammonium hexafluorotitanate and boric acid at the molar ratio of 0.6. The concentration of hydrofluoric acid is less on the glass substrate surface and enhances the ammonium oxofluorotitanate nucleation growth. The growth rate is much higher than that grown on dioctadecyldimethylammonium. From the examinations of X-ray diffraction and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, the crystal shows high crystalline quality and uniformity. Each titanium oxide octahedral is linked with fluorine and nitrogen atoms. Therefore, ammonium oxofluorotitanate has high potential to be thermally decomposed into high crystalline fluorine and nitrogen co-doped titanium oxide. A simple process for the preparation of nanocrystalline anatase phase titanium oxide converted from ammonium oxofluorotitanate by thermal treatment was developed. The nanocrystalline anatase phase titanium oxide shows a large bandgap reduction due to the co-doping of high concentrations of fluorine and nitrogen. Due to the excellent nanocrystalline quality and the co-doping of higher concentrations of fluorine and nitrogen at the thermal treatment temperature of 800 OC, it is 1.3 times the photocatalytic activities of P-25 due to the visble region usage of Hg lamp light source. The 11.2 times the visible photocatalytic activities of P-25 using blue light-emitting diode as the light source is obtained from thermal treatment temperature of 600 OC. There is one to one correspondence between carrier lifetime and photocatalytic activity. As a result, a highly reactive and visible-light-driven photocatalysis is achieved. The heterostructure of zinc selenide/titanium oxide and zinc sulfide/titanium oxide were prepared by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition on the above-prepared titanium oxide. The energy bandgap of zinc sulfide is much larger than that of titanium oxide and can act as a window for titanium oxide. It would not hinder titanium oxide absorption and preserve the role of fluorine and nitrogen co-doping. The energy bandgap of zinc selenide is near the maximum intensity of solar spectrum and acts as a sensitizer of titanium oxide. The lifetime of electron and hole pairs of heterostructure are about 240 and 207 nsec, which are longer than 65 nsec of titanium oxide prepared at 800 oC thermal treatment. Their photocatalytic activities are further improved to 2.0 and 1.5 times higher than that of commercial P-25. The photocatalysis of titanium oxide is very sensitive to the surface states. Titanium oxide surface defects can act as trapping sites for photo-induced holes and facilitate the separation of photo-induced carriers. Zinc selenide and zinc sulfide can passivate the surface well. It may say that titanium oxide surface defects removal has a negative impact. The density, height, diameter, PL wavelength and intensity of zinc selenide self-assembled quantum dots grown on zinc sulfide/gallium arsenide with the zinc sulfide thickness from 15 to 160 nm are studied. For a fixed 30 sec zinc selenide self-assembled quantum dots growth, it cannot be formed with the zinc sulfide thickness below 15 nm due to the close lattice match between zinc sulfide and gallium arsenide. The zinc sulfide/gallium arsenide is fully lattice relaxed with the zinc sulfide thickness higher than 130 nm examined by X-ray diffraction. The higher quality and density of zinc selenide self-assembled quantum dots can be obtained on zinc sulfide/gallium arsenide with the zinc sulfide thickness far beyond its critical thickness. The maximum zinc selenide self-assembled quantum dots density of 4.9 x 109 cm-2 with the strongest photoluminescence intensity is obtained at the zinc sulfide/gallium arsenide thickness of 130 nm. Clusters are formed on the surface of zinc selenide/gallium arsenide. The selenium segregation is the main mechanism for the formation of clusters. The dislocations will enhance the selenium segregation. Higher zinc selenide cluster corresponds to higher density of dislocations. The non-spherical cluster is formed from the mergence of the two clusters. High quality zinc oxide rods and zinc hydroxide slices are successfully grown on gallium arsenide with the aqueous solution of zinc nitrate and hexamethylenetetramine. The growth can be controlled by the appropriate nitric acid concentration incorporation in the solution. After thermal annealing, the zinc oxide slices transformed from zinc hydroxide slices can contribute much higher photocatalytic activity to 1.2 times to P-25.

Ανάπτυξη καινοτόμων καταλυτών και αντιδραστήρων για την φωτοκαταλυτική διάσπαση του νερού προς παραγωγή υδρογόνου με χρήση ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας

Πατσούρα, Αλεξία 27 January 2009 (has links)
Η φωτοκαταλυτική διάσπαση του νερού προς παραγωγή υδρογόνου με χρήση φωτοκαταλύτη διοξειδίου του τιτανίου (TiO2) μελετήθηκε με χρήση τεχνητής ηλιακής ή ορατής ακτινοβολίας Βρέθηκε ότι ο αρχικός ρυθμός της αντίδρασης αυξάνεται σημαντικά με την προσθήκη μικρών ποσοτήτων Pt στην επιφάνεια του ημιαγωγού. Στον καταλύτη αυτό, μελετήθηκε η επίδραση του pH καθώς και της θερμοκρασίας του αιωρήματος στην φωτοκαταλυτική παραγωγή υδρογόνου. Τα αποτελέσματα των πειραμάτων έδειξαν ότι τόσο η αύξηση του pH όσο και η αύξηση της θερμοκρασίας έως τους 800C οδηγούν σε ενίσχυση του ρυθμού παραγωγής. Ο ρυθμός μπορεί να αυξηθεί περαιτέρω και να διατηρηθεί σε υψηλά επίπεδα για μεγάλους χρόνους ακτινοβόλησης, αν στο υδατικό αιώρημα προστεθεί ποσότητα «δότη ηλεκτρονίων» σε κατάλληλη συγκέντρωση. Πρόκειται για οργανικές ενώσεις (χρωστικές, αλκοόλες, σάκχαρα κ.α.) που απαντώνται σε απόβλητα χημικών βιομηχανιών, οι οποίες δρουν σαν «θυσιαζόμενες» ενώσεις. Ο ρόλος τους είναι η γρήγορη απομάκρυνση των φωτοπαραγόμενων οπών (ριζών υδροξυλίου) ή/και του φωτοπαραγόμενου οξυγόνου, κατά έναν μη αντιστρεπτό τρόπο, εμποδίζοντας έτσι την επανασύνδεση ηλεκτρονίου-οπής ή/και την αντίστροφη αντίδραση Ο2-Η2 Όταν επιτυγχάνεται πλήρης οξείδωση της οργανικής ένωσης (και των ενδιαμέσων της αντίδρασης) σε διοξείδιο του άνθρακα, το οξυγόνο δεν μπορεί πλέον να απομακρυνθεί από την επιφάνεια του φωτοκαταλύτη, με αποτέλεσμα ο ρυθμός παραγωγής Η2 να μειώνεται στα επίπεδα του ρυθμού μόνιμης κατάστασης, που επιτυγχάνεται απουσία «θυσιαζόμενης» ένωσης από το διάλυμα. Οι συνολικά παραγόμενες ποσότητες Η2 και CO2 είναι ευθέως ανάλογες με την ποσότητα του δότη ηλεκτρονίων που αρχικά προτίθεται στο διάλυμα. Επομένως, η παραγωγή υδρογόνου από την φωτοκαταλυτική διάσπαση του νερού με χρήση «θυσιαζόμενων» ενώσεων αποτελεί μια πολλά υποσχόμενη διεργασία καθώς, παράλληλα με τη δυνατότητα παραγωγής υδρογόνου μέσω της ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας, μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για την ταυτόχρονη αποικοδόμηση οργανικών ρύπων που απαντώνται σε υγρά βιομηχανικά απόβλητα. / The production of hydrogen from aqueous TiO2 suspensions illuminated with UV/vis or visible light has been examined It has been found that deposition of Pt (0.5 wt.%) on the semiconductor surface results in an increase of the H2 production rate, which goes through a maximum with time of irradiation and then drops to steady-state values comparable to those obtained over bare TiO2. Both, maximum and steady-state rates obtained over Pt/TiO2 suspensions were found to increase with increasing solution pH and temperature. Addition of small quantities of electron donors (such as dyes, alcohols and sugars) in solution results in significantly enhanced rates of H2 production. Results are explained by considering that organic compounds act as sacrificial agents, which become progressively oxidized toward CO2 by consuming photogenerated holes and/or oxygen. This results in decreased rates of electron-hole recombination and oxygen-hydrogen back reaction and, concomitantly, in increased H2-production rates. The rate of photoinduced hydrogen production depends strongly on the concentration of the sacrificial agent employed and to a lesser extent on solution pH and temperature. When complete mineralization of the sacrificial agent is achieved, photogenerated oxygen can no longer be removed from the photocatalyst surface and the H2-production rate drops to steady-state values, comparable to those obtained in the absence of the organic compound in solution. The amounts of carbon dioxide and “additional” hydrogen produced depend on the nature of the organic additive and are directly proportional to its initial concentration in solution. Quantification of results shows that the overall process may be described as “photoinduced reforming of organic compounds at room temperature”. It is concluded that mineralization of organic pollutants, which are common waste products of biomass processing industries, can be achieved with simultaneous production of H2 fuel. The process may provide an efficient and cost effective method for cleaning up waste streams.

Modification de nanotubes de TiO2 pour la production d’hydrogène par photodissociation de l’eau sous lumière solaire / Modification of TiO2 nanotubes for hydrogen production by water-splitting under solar light

Gross, Pierre-Alexandre 21 November 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse traite de la production d’hydrogène par le procédé de photoélectrocatalyse en utilisant une photoanode à base de nanotubes de TiO2 verticalement alignés. L’utilisation du TiO2 étant limité pour des applications solaires en raison de son large gap, il est nécessaire de le modifier. Deux approches sont proposées pour modifier les nanotubes de TiO2 et leur permettre d’absorber la lumière visible. La première est une modification chimique du TiO2 par co-dopage cationique-anionique (Ta-N) ou (Nb-N). Les cations sont insérés durant la croissance des nanotubes grâce à une approche inédite, et l’azote est inséré durant le traitement thermique. Ceci a pour effet la formation d’orbitales hybrides qui entraîne une réduction du gap et une activité sous lumière visible, tout en permettant une stabilité de la structure. La seconde approche consiste à déposer des nanoparticules d’Ag sur la surface des nanotubes de TiO2. Grâce au contrôle de la morphologie des nanoparticules d’Ag, leur résonnance plasmonique permet de stimuler l’absorption du TiO2 et ainsi d’augmenter son rendement à la fois sous lumière UV et sous lumière visible. / This work is about the production of hydrogen by photoelectrocatalysis using a vertically aligned TiO2 nanotubes based photoanode. Utilization of TiO2 for solar applications is limited due to its large band gap, it has to be modified. Two approaches are proposed for the modification of the TiO2 nanotubes to make them absorb visible light. The first one is the chemical modification of the TiO2 by (Ta-N) or (Nb-N) cationic-anionic co-doping. Cations are inserted during the growth of the nanotubes by a novel approach, and nitrogen is inserted during heat treatment. This leads to the formation of hybrid orbitals resulting in a band gap reduction and of activity under visible light. The second approach consists of the deposition of Ag nanoparticles on the surface of the TiO2 nanotubes. Thanks to the control of the morphology of the Ag nanoparticles, their plasmonic resonance can enhance the absorption of TiO2 and thus increase its activity both under UV and visible light.

Fotokatalytický rozklad vody oxidovými polovodiči modifikovanými grafenem/grafenoxidem / Photocatalytic water splitting by oxide semiconductors modified with graphen/graphenoxide

Marek, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the topic of alternative production of hydrogen as the energy carrier of the future. The primary focus is on the production of hydrogen based on photocatalytical water splitting in the presence of semiconductor materials (especially modified and unmodified TiO2). The aim of the thesis is a synthesis of nanostructured oxide, graphene/graphene oxide particles and its composites, and a study of its structures and photocatalytical properties regarding photolysis of water. Products of the syntheses are described from the point of view of phase composition, surface area and photocatalytical activity. The main output of the thesis is a discussion of the influence of alkaline complex forming reagents on the hydrothermal low-temperature synthesis of biphasic TiO2, and a study of the influence of graphene/graphene oxide modification on photocatalytical activity of biphasic TiO2.


NATHALLI MEORLLUW MELLO 29 September 2022 (has links)
[pt] Os ciclos termoquímicos de decomposição de água relacionados ao enxofre são uma importante classe de processos químicos considerados para a produção de hidrogênio. Recentemente, a decomposição térmica do sulfato de magnésio e sulfato de amônio tem sido relatada como uma potencial operação unitária em um desses ciclos. Portanto, algum interesse tem sido observado no uso de catalisadores para diminuir a energia de ativação de sulfatos que se decompõem em altas temperaturas, como o magnésio e a adição de um agente modificador para facilitar a separação dos produtos no caso de sulfatos que se decompõem em baixas temperaturas como amônio. Neste contexto, a presente tese relata os resultados da modelagem termodinâmica e cinética associada a este sistema de reação na presença de Pd suportado sobre gama-Al(2)O(3). Para o sistema Mg a presença de tais espécies é responsável por deslocar a temperatura de decomposição para valores mais baixos em pelo menos 100 graus C. Observou-se que o teor de magnésio ainda está orientado para a formação de MgO. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o catalisador Pd/Al(2)O(3) pode ser uma boa alternativa na redução da temperatura de decomposição térmica, pois sua presença foi responsável por diminuir a energia de ativação do processo de 368,2 para 258,8 kJ.mol(-1). Para o sistema NH4 pode-se observar que ocorre em quatro etapas e a formação de sulfato de alumínio, sendo a última espécie portadora de sulfato, proporciona a separação do óxido de enxofre liberando-o em uma etapa diferente dos demais produtos gasosos. A presença de paládio pode atuar como redutor da energia de ativação desta etapa, deslocando a temperatura de decomposição para valores inferiores em pelo menos 90 graus C e a reduzindo os valores de energia de ativação entre 12 – 30 por cento abaixo do encontrado na literatura oriundos de modelos gráficos. / [en] The sulfur related thermochemical water-splitting cycles are an important class of chemical processes considered for hydrogen production. Recently, the magnesium and the ammonium sulfate thermal decomposition have been reported as a potential unit operation in one of these cycles. Therefore, some interest has been observed in the use of catalysts to lower the activation energy for sulfates that decompose in high temperatures, as such magnesium and the addition of a modifying agent to facilitate separation of the products in the case of sulfates that decompose into low temperatures as ammonium. In this context, the present thesis reports the thermodynamics and kinetics modeling results associated with this reactions systems in the presence of a Pd supported over gamma-Al(2)O(3). For Mg system the presence of such species is responsible for shifting the decomposition temperature to lower values in at least 100 degrees C. It was observed that the magnesium content is still oriented towards MgO formation. The obtained results indicate that the Pd/Al(2)O(3) catalyst could be a good alternative in reducing the thermal decomposition temperature as its presence was responsible for diminishing the process activation energy from 368.2 to 258.8 kJ.mol(-1). For NH(4) system it can be observed four steps for reactions and formation of aluminum sulfate, as the last sulfate bearing species, provided the separation of the sulfur oxide releasing it in a different step from the other gaseous products. The presence of palladium can act as an activation energy reducer, shifting the decomposition temperature to lower values in at least 90 degrees C and decreasing the activation energy by 12 – 30 percent than that found in the literature.


Gabriel S Bury (18403716) 20 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Insights from research into the natural photosynthetic processes are applied to inform the rational design of inorganic catalysts. The study of these synthetic systems – artificial photosynthesis – will lead towards the development of a device able to absorb light, convert and store the energy in the form of chemical bonds. The water-splitting reaction, a bottleneck of the photosynthetic process, is a key barrier to overcome in this endeavor. Thus, the focused study of water-oxidation catalysts able to facilitate this difficult reaction is performed, in order to develop a green-energy solution in the form of an artificial photosynthesis system.</p>

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