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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rodiče předškolních dětí a očkování I. / Parents of the Pre-School Children and Vaccination I.

Miklasová, Monika January 2014 (has links)
Parents of preschool children and vaccination I. Author: Monika Miklasová Supervisor of thesis PharmDr. Helena Marešová Department of social and clinic pharmacy, Charles University in Prague, faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové. Introduction:In the Czech Republic is vaccination of children one of the most argue topic. Children`s vaccination is very important, because they are endangering the most of health and life. Periodically vaccination lead to reach high collective immunity. High vaccination is requirement. Objective: Purpose of my thesis was find out, what are actual parent`s opinions on faith, effectivity and safety of vaccination system, which depend on parent`s age and education - in this case help me questionnaires gave out in kindergartens of the Zlín region. I investigate parents knowledge about this issue, side effects and number of children, which are vaccinaciton with optionally vaccines. Methodology: In research was used method of questionnaires. Data were collected from october 2012 to april 2013. Questionnaires were distributed in kindergarten of Zlín region to parents, which have preschool children. Received questionnaires were processed method of frequency analysis. They were divided by age, education, software evaluated Microsoft Office Excel. Results were recorded as...

Rodiče předškolních dětí a očkování II. / Parents of the Pre-School Children and Vaccination II.

Klozová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
Student: Michaela Klozová Tutor: PharmDr. Helena Marešová Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic Background: This thesis deals with the attitude of Czech parents of preschool children for vaccination. From this perspective, the issue of vaccination was not in the Czech Republic yet rated. The work provides an overview of basic knowledge about vaccination. Aim: The main objective of the study was to assess the attitudes of parents to vaccinate their children, to map their knowledge and experience with vaccination and their views on the legitimacy, efficacy and safety of vaccination in the Czech Republic. The operational objective was to determine what changes would be welcomed in this system. Finally, I was interested in whether parents let children vaccinated beyond the compulsory vaccination. Methods: A targeted survey of parents of preschool children, regardless of age and education. For data acquisition method was used questionnaires. The processing of the results was used a computer program Microsoft Office Excel 2007. The data were subjected to frequency analysis and confidence interval was calculated. The survey was conducted from September 2012 to November 2013 questionnaire was completed by 182 parents...

Rodiče předškolních dětí a očkování III. / Parents of the Pre-School Children and Vaccination III.

Formánková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy Author: Petra Formánková Supervisor: PharmDr. Helena Marešová Title: Parents of the Pre-School Children and Vaccination III. Key words: vaccination, adverse effects, non-compulsory vaccines, immunization calendar Introduction: Vaccination has always been controversial and highly debated issue. There are its supporters, but also strict opponents. However, vaccination is still the most effective and most economical form of fight against various diseases. Vaccination annually saves several million lives. Aim: The main aim of my thesis is to evaluate the results obtained from the questionnaires and determine whether respondents' age or higher education have an impact on the belief in the legitimacy, safety and efficacy of vaccination. Then I watched the risk of adverse effects on the child's sex and the most frequent type of adverse reactions, which occurred after vaccination. The aim was also to determine whether children were vaccinated by non-compulsory vaccines, further as their parents knew about vaccination and what changes in vaccination they desired for their children. Methodology: The research was conducted by questionnaire survey. Questionnaires were distributed to parents of...

Energetické právo a ochrana životního prostředí / Energy law and protection of the environment

Vohnoutová, Alena January 2011 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to create a comprehensive overview of energy law with special focus on its influence on the environment. It especially deals with individual renewable energy sources and their support, construction of facilities utilizing these sources and their impact on the environment. Last but not least, in each chapter I draw attention to recent or expected amendments to relevant legislation. In the first chapter I divide sources of energy into the fossil, nuclear and renewable ones. Besides presenting the basic characteristics of such sources, I also deal with the time period in which the humankind will run out of their supplies, as well as with detrimental effects that their mining and processing have on the environment. Based on the classification included in the Act on the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources, I continue with classifying the renewable energy sources to wind power, energy of water and solar radiation, geothermal energy, biomass and biogas. I consider their benefits, but also their harmful effects on the environment. Each subchapter also contains a part that deals with the potential of such resources in the Czech Republic. Since Czech energy law is influenced by both international and European laws, I dedicate the next chapter to them. On the level of international...

Právní úprava energetické účinnosti v Evropské unii / The Legislation Governing Energy Efficiency in the European Union

Štípa, Martin January 2018 (has links)
THE TITLE OF THE DIPLOMA THESIS AND ABSTRACT TITLE: The Legislation Governing Energy Efficiency in the European Union ABSTRACT: The European Union's energy policy has undergone a major transformation over the last few years. The interest in ensuring sustainability, self-sufficiency, competitiveness and secure energy supplies leads to deeper energy integration among Member States. High energy efficiency is an ideal tool for achieving these particular objectives because its basic principle is to provide more services while using the same or even less energy. As a result, a variety of conceptual instruments and relevant legislation have been revised over the last few years, which was accompanied by a conflict of interest between various stakeholders and the adoption of less than ideal compromise solutions. This diploma thesis aims to evaluate the current legislation on energy efficiency in the European Union, including its development. The thesis is divided into three parts, the first of which represents the initial theoretical basis that aims to define the basic concepts and indicators of energy efficiency. The second part deals with the strong link between environmental protection and energy efficiency while emphasizing the importance of fundamental environmental principles that are reflected in the...

Effectiveness of Sales Promotion Tools in the FMCG Sector / Efektivita nástrojů podpory prodeje v sektoru FMCG

Müllerová, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
The overall goal of this thesis is to draw relevant conclusions about the nature, impact and characteristics of sales promotions within the category of ready-to-eat cereals, based on thorough analysis of their effects. It is studied, whether sales promotions are beneficial or not for the long-term sales and how the shopper behaviour is influenced by the sales promotion activities. The effects of sales promotion on the overall consumption in the category are analyzed and other factors influencing the consumption are observed.

Sledování účinnosti vybraného reklamního média / Monitoring of selected communication way and its efficiency

HONSOVÁ, Eva January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is The Monitoring of Efficiency of a Chosen Advertising Medium. The subject of the practical part of this thesis is monitoring of efficiency of a chosen advertising medium, which is used for presentation and communication by restaurant Olivier in Ceske Budejovice. For the monitoring was chosen a new advertising medium - internet.The output of this diploma thesis is an objective evaluation of the efficiency of the used advertising medium and improvement suggestions for its further usage by the restaurant.

Optimalizace regulace plevelů v košťálové zelenině / Optimizing of weed control in Brassica vegetables

Ondra, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Small plot field experiment carried out in 2015 on Demonstration and experimental field of Czech University of Life Science in Prague. Objective of the experiment was get new knowledge of efficiency and selectivity of selected herbicides in kohlrabi. Main objective of the experiment was described of influence of irrigation and use of adjuvant on efficiency and selectivity of herbicides. The kohlrabi was growed from transplant. Herbicides were applicated five days after transplanting. Herbicides were applicated in few variant: separately, with adjuvant, two level of irrigation (basic irrigation 15 mm / intensive irrigation 65 mm). During growing season rained 70 mm. Efficiency and selectivity of herbicides was assessed by estimation method using a percentage scale from 0 to 100 %. Efficiency of herbicides was assessed on weeds: Thlaspi arvense, Chenopodium album and Solanum nigrum. Next objectives were: yield of above ground biomass and market tubers, weight of roots, contain of vitamin C, glucosinolates and herbicide residues in tuber. Efficiency of herbicide Stomp 400 SC was significantly higher than efficacy of Butisan 400 SC on Thlaspi arvense and Chenopodium album. Intensive irrigation caused higher efficiency. On the other side tank mix of herbicides and combination herbicides with adjuvant caused insignificantly higher efficiency. Butisan 400 SC had the highest effectivity on Solanum nigrum compared to efficacy of herbicide, Stomp 400, but efficiency efficacy of herbicide Stomp 400 SC was sufficient. Stomp 400 SC demaged kohlrabi more than Butisan 400 SC, especially on plots with intensive irrigation. Herbicide Stomp 400 SC had negative influence on roots. On plots treated by herbicide Stomp 400 SC was showed lower weight of roots about 56 % compared to hand-weeding plots. Kohlrabi on plots treated Stomp 400 SC with intensive irrigation produced not market weight of tuber (less than 200 g/plant) in harvest time. From these reason, the harvest time must have been put off one week. Residues of metazachlor (Butisan 400 SC) were not detected in tuber. Residue of pendimethalin (Stomp 400 SC) was found on every plots treated by herbicide Stomp 400 SC. Found concentration of pendimethalin was not higher than maximal residue limit (0,05 mg/kg). The highest concentration of vitamin C and glucosinolates was found in tuber damaged by tank mix combination of Butisan 400 SC + Stomp 400 SC. On the other side the lowest concentration of vitamin C and glucosinolates was found in tuber from hand weeding plots, but differences among treatments were not significantly.

Vliv rozdílné tvorby krmných směsí na výsledky v chovu drůbeže / Influence of different ways of creating compound feed for results of poultry

Kociánová, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
The intention of this thesis, processed form of the project was to evaluate the effect of the different system for creating recipes compound feed for poultry performance, feed efficiency and economy of production of animal products for specific breeders. The work is based on a detailed review of the literature processed, directly related to the study of topics such as fundamentals to determine the methodological approach and meet specified targets and confirm or refute hypotheses. A follow-up evaluation of inputs and their own project. It is based on a detailed analysis of three-year results from three farms in the Czech Republic, which supplies feed mixtures, according to their wishes, both conventional and addressable - tailored, enterprise PRIMAGRA, a.s. Criteria under consideration were in different years: efficiency index fattening broiler chickens, achieved weight, feed conversion, deaths, the price of feed mixture. In the final part of the study summarizes gained knowledge, which can be summed up as follows: performance of individual buildings surveyed farms had fluctuating character. Slaughter weight had a positive development in only one of these three companies, by the remaining two happened its total reduction. For enterprises A and B using conventional feed were among the batches for all investigated criteria measured different values. In contrast, in the company C utilizing feed addressable were examined by criteria, the results of individual batches more balanced. Percentage mortality in the period in agricultural enterprises decreased. Furthermore, the hypotheses examined claims made to that effect. H1 hypothesis was confirmed. It can say that for farmers the use of direct mixture effective in the long run and brings him more stable and more profitable than the use of conventional feed mixture. H2 hypothesis was not confirmed or denied. The reason for this ambiguous conclusion was that there are many other factors that determine whether use of the nutrient mixtures poorer farmers will or will not bring the same effect as a mixture richer in nutrients. H3 hypothesis was not confirmed, because in a situation where they are available cheap synthetic amino acids not necessary to the formulas represented many components, as in the early days of development of the feed industry.

Vliv rozdílných úprav vybraných komponentů na proces výroby krmných směsí a jejich nutriční účinnost / Effect adjustments of selected components for the production of compound feed and their nutritional efficiency

Maloušková, Monika January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis assesses influence of treatment of feed components on feed compounds and related animal production. It is primarily focused on different degrees of disintegrating of particular feed components and comparison of various grinding machines. It also describes essential nutrients contained in feed and their function in organism, common types of engines used in compounded feed production. The goal of the diploma thesis' project is to evaluate an effect of various disintegrate of components in hammer and cylindric grinding machine. Another goal of diploma thesis' project is to approve or disapprove four hypotheses. H01 "All components used in compounded feed production can be ground by observed types of grinding machines". H02 "Economic demands of grinding is equal for all observed grinding machines". H03 "Uniformity of ground particles is the same for all observed grinding machines". H04 Quality of grinding does not affect nutritional value of compounded feed for observed grinding machines and observed animals. It was chosen 5 grinding machines for the purpose of research which are commonly used in agricultural companies and feed manufacturers. Data was collected from operators of grinding machines or feed manufacturer's experts. The thesis discuss some abroad researches for comparison of results. The results discover that most effective are cylindric grinding machines, but they are inappropriate for some feed components. Good results have also hammer grinding machines with upper load. All observed grinding machines except roller produced material with low uniformity. Hypotheses H01, H02 and H03 were disapproved by the research. Hypothesis H04 was neither approved nor disapproved.

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