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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza využití matoliny pro separaci semen a energetické účely

Ludín, David January 2016 (has links)
Empirical measurements took place in years 2013 until 2015 at grape marc samples from viniculture subjects in the wine-growing area Morava. The results of this paper are divided into two main parts grapevine seed separation from grape marc and grape marc usage for energy purposes. Efficiency evaluation of the separation process was implemented primarily empirically in laboratory conditions by means of a net with defined-sized loops. Subsequently, the efficiency was confirmed on a prototype of a vibrating sifting device. From obtained results follows, in dependence on the cultivar the separation efficiency varies between 58,35 until 94,12 %, while seed yield is 6,00 until 49,71 %. An interesting area of grape seed usage is bioenergetics. Therefore there was implemented a wide range of calorimetrical measurements of combustion heat and caloric power of grape marc in its original state, grape marc after seed separation (assumption of oil pressing usage), and seeds in themselves. The results indicate the heating power varies between 18,61 until 21,14 MJ/kg. The highest heating power values were stated by seeds and grape marc in its original state. It could be presumed, the main reason is rather high oil component in grapevine seeds. Moreover, the measurement set was supplemented by results focused on grape marc usage for pellet production. As the input materials different proportions of dried grape marc combined with wine shoots and hay were used. From the measured values follows, that the highest heating power (19,22 MJ/kg) was obtained from pellets composited from 60 % grape marc, 20 % wine shoots, and 20 % hay. Their apparent density is 630,9 kg.m-3. The produced pellets correspond with the norm CSN EN 15210 2 from the point of view of mechanical ruggedness. The results of this paper were as well extended by a set of model calculation of operating expenses when producing pellets in defined conditions, which vary between CZK 3,59 until 3,92 per 1 kilogram.

Indikace spalovacích tlaků zážehových motorů

Linhart, Roman January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the indication of combustion pressures of ignition engines. Introduction is devoted to thermodynamics of combustion engines and their diagrams. The following section describes the methods for measuring the combustion pressures of a spark ignition engine. This chapter describes three basic methods of measurement, the most described of which are piezoelectric sensors. The next part is devoted to the design of the measuring chain and to the description of the material used, which was used for the measurement on the engine under test. The main goal of the thesis was to evaluate the results obtained by measuring at the engine testing center of Mendel Uni-versity in Brno. The data were tabulated and graphically evaluated and subsequently described. At the end of the thesis everything is evaluated and the results summarized.

Srovnání účinnosti malých balených ČOV a kořenových ČOV / The comparison of two waste water treatment systems - constructed wetlands and mechanical.

Dudíková, Kristýna January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is focused to the comparison of two wastewater treatment systems - constructed wetlands and mechanical-biological wastewater treatment plant. The main goal of the theses is to compare two types of wastewater treatment systems and to evaluate hypothesis that constructed wetlands are cheaper and more efficient than mechanical-biological wastewater treatment plant. To be able to compare two various wastewater treatment systems 18 (9 constructed wetlands and 9 mechanical-biological plants, three size groups of both types of plants) wastewater treatment plant were chosen and compared. The treatment effectiveness, investment and operating costs, advantages and disadvantages of both the systems were compared. The information about all individual systems was obtained from the local municipalities, operators and partially from the Ministry of Environment of CR. Obtained data involved treatment technology, amount of annual treated water, building data and capital and operating costs. In some waste water treatment plant (WWTP) the water samples were taken and the analyses of chosen parameters (not measured in WWTP) were done. Once in 2010 year the samples of water, sediments and sludges were taken and the analyses of heavy metals was done. For assessment of operational problems in constructed...

Sociální aspekty ukládání alternativních trestů / Social aspect of alternative punishment

Truxová, Adéla January 2012 (has links)
The final thesis deals with the issues of alternative punishments, the development of penal policy during the last twenty years, the identification of social factors related to inflicting alternative punishments, and with findings regarding different views on the effectiveness of alternative sanctions as one of the main tools of our sanctions policy. The theoretical part of the thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter provides a historical excursion in the punishment issues; the second chapter presents the basic theoretical concepts which form a base for current punishments. The following chapters deal with the criminal policy development in the Czech Republic taking the existing legal regulations into consideration, with the current forms of alternative punishments used in the Czech republic, with defining the term 'social aspect' and 'efficiency', as well as with assessing the positive and the negative aspects of using such punishments. The practical part of the thesis is dedicated to interpreting and evaluating the data gathered by interviewing different professionals working in this field.

Ověření funkčnosti domovních ČOV se zasakováním v regionu Tišnovska

Krábková, Žaneta January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with verifying the functionality of domestic wastewater treatment plants soaking in the Tišnov region. The theoretical section describes methods of waste water within the houses, their distribution, utilization characteristics. There is also described the technology selected domestic wastewater treatment plants method of operation. There are mentioned legislative provisions relating to wastewater treatment plants discharging to do their groundwater. The work includes hydro-geological description of the site, in which monitored Domestic wastewater treatment plant is located. Within the practical part was to validate the effectiveness of wastewater treatment. Samples of wastewater were regularly for six months removed from individual domestic wastewater treatment plants BAT and analyzed in the laboratory of the Institute of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Engineering Faculty of Agronomy, Mendel University in Brno. Measured parameters determining the quality of wastewater were compared with relevant legislation, the values guaranteed by the manufacturer of the individual household wastewater. Results of the analyzes of waste waters were evaluated interpreted. On the basis of their recommendations was established.

Vyhodnocení účinnosti čistírny odpadních vod v Lipníku nad Bečvou

Masařová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
The thesis "Evaluation of the effectiveness of the wastewater treatment plant in Lipník nad Bečvou" compares the effectiveness of wastewater treatment before and after the plant reconstruction. This work is comprised of the theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part applies overview of the water law legislation, sewerage, types of wastewater and concrete methods of wastewater treatment. The practical part is focused on wastewater treatment in the city. Included is the transport of wastewater, description of treatment technology before and after plant reconstruction. Follows the graphical results of wastewater treatment plant load, analytic wastewater checks and effectiveness of the WTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant) in years 2005 and 2015. The results show that the original wastewater treatment technology was, according to compliance with the emission standards, insufficient. For this reason, complete WTP reconstruction followed. From the current WTP results, it is evident that the hydraulic load is at 50 % average, but it is overloaded with the substance. Despite this fact, WTP maintains its high effectiveness in pollution elimination. The levels of pollution on the WTP output do not exceed the values of the emission standards and limits.

Hodnocení účinnosti čistírny odpadních vod v obci Bílovice nad Svitavou

Štěpánková, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis The Evaluation of the effectiveness of the the wastewater treatment plant in Bílovice nad Svitavou compares effectivity of wastewater treatment technology before reconstruction and after it. Literature search is focused on waste water. In this chapter are also described drainage buildings their concept and meaning. Very important part of the thesis is overview of water legislation and sewage contamination indicators and sludge index. Results part of the thesis contains description of Bílovice nad Svitavou municipality. Next chapter is description of the wastewater treatment plant before and after the reconstruction. In this chapter you can find information about sludge index. The most important chapter is an evaluation of results which contains graphical explanation of the level of dirty water. The original wastewater treatment plant was quite advanced but the reconstruction was necessary due to increasing population. The capacity was increased up from 1 250 to 7 750 equivalent residents. Current technology is designed to comply with actual needs of the city and microregion and it is prepared for its future enlargement. The wastewater treatment plant fulfill requirements for minimal concentration levels of pollution in waste water on the outflow to the recipient and does not exceed emission standarts.

Programy shovívavosti a soukromoprávní vymáhání kartelového práva / Leniency programmes and private enforcement of cartel law

Kocí, Miloš January 2021 (has links)
Leniency programmes and private enforcement of cartel law The available data suggests that there is an indisputable correlation between the declining attractivity of the leniency programme of the European Commission on the one hand, and the recent boom of private enforcement of cartel law on the other. It seems that in the past few years companies have become demotivated to submit leniency applications, which leads to a lower level of cartel detection and ultimately results in the weakening of both the public and private pillars of cartel law enforcement. This thesis focuses on areas that have not yet been sufficiently clarified by legislation and case-law and that are - when it comes to follow-on proceedings dealing with damages claims, held before national courts - associated with substantial risks for potential leniency applicants: (i) establishing of jurisdiction of national courts in the proceedings on claims for damages caused by anticompetitive conduct, (ii) protection of confidential information within the framework of hybrid settlements with the European Commission and in the proceedings before national courts, (iii) interpretation and application of presumptions of the existence and amount of harm caused by anticompetitive conduct and (iv) determination of the amount of harm caused by...

Termodynamická metoda stanovení účinnosti vodního stroje. / Thermodynamic method for assessing hydraulic machine efficiency

Mizera, Ladislav January 2011 (has links)
The master´s thesis contained basic information about the method of thermodynamic efficiency of hydraulic machines. The first part briefly mentioned our opinion on the most widely used method for determining the efficiency of hydraulic machines. Another section of thesis is characterization and measurement procedure using the thermodynamic method. Another section describes measurements of water plants and laboratory measurements, which took place in the past. The final part describes the results of laboratory measurements, which took place in the lab of VUT FSI Brno, and evaluating and comparing the results.

Matematické modelování odlehčovacích komor na stokových sítích / Mathematical modelling of CSO chambers

Studnička, Tomáš Unknown Date (has links)
The thesis is concerned with the use of 3D mathematical modelling for flow simulation and separation efficiency in a single side weir CSO chambers. Analysis of the effect of turbulence model and computational grid on simulation results has been carried out in order to maximize the efficiency of numerical simulations. The goal of the thesis is to examine the effect of scum board position on separation efficiency of a single side weir CSO chamber.

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