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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kotel na spalování čistého dřeva 60t/h / Steam boiler burning wood 60t/h

Umýsa, Radovan January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals constructional and calculation design of the steam boiler 60t/h of clean burning wood. For the parameters of the stoichiometric calculations are carried out and enthalpy calculations of combustion and air. The collected data is then made It a diagram of air and flue gas. The following are the calculations with the heat balance calculations of losses and determination of the boiler thermal efficiency of the boiler. It is made of the combustion chamber design and its thermal calculation. After determining the main dimensions of the combustion chamber moves continue the calculation of boiler heating surfaces. At the end of the calculations are controlling the overall energy balance. Boiler output parameters as temperature, pressure and quantity of the steam.

Vliv velikosti náboje na hltnost a účinnost vírové turbiny / The influence of the hub on discharge and efficiency of the swirl turbine

Husák, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The aim is to determine by numerical modeling the influence of the hub on discharge and efficiency of the swirl turbine. The first part summarizes the theoretical knowledge about water turbines. In the main part is done hydraulic design of turbine, create model in Inventor, export geometry in Gambit and build mesh. Then it is described the solution methodology in Fluent, evaluation of computed data and their presentation in the form of tables and graphs

Implementace normy ČSN EN 16001:2010 v provozu / Implementing EN 16001:2010 in operation

Hamáčková, Martina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on energy management and implementation of ISO 16001:2010. The first two chapters describe DEZA a.s., its operations and activities. The third chapter explains the requirements of ISO 16001:2010 and in the fourth chapter, the process of implementation of these requirements in operation is described.The last chapter describes the requirements of ISO 50001:2012 and compares them with the requirements of ISO 16001:2010.

Parní kotel na spalování dřeva 40t/h / Steam boiler for wood burning 40t/h

Mach, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this Diploma Thesis is the construction design of the steam-boiler for the combustion of biomass – wood pellets. For the specified parameters have been defined stoichiometric calculations and calculations enthalpy burnt gas. In sequence, there is designed and solved the configuraion of the steam-boiler, so that the result design and the number of the heat-delivery surfaces can be determined, in dependence on the required inlet parametres of the air and outlet parametresof the water vapour. These parametres mean the amount, the temparature and the pressure. The aim of the thesis is to make a design of the steam.boiler burning biomass according to the set parametres. This very ecological fuel can really substitute the fossil fuel and friendly respect the environment.

Parní kotel na dřevní štěpku 88t/h / steam boiler for woody biomass 88t/h

Lučko, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the work is to design a plain wood combustion boiler of 88 t/h output. Fuelling component analysis has been added to the basic boiler parameters. For given fuel is prepared stechiometric calculations. After making the heat balance of boiler is determined the thermal efficiency. For given output of steam parametrs (temparature, pressure, volume) are designed individual convective surfaces and dimensons of the boiler. It is also made drawings.

Krbová vložka pro vytápění / Fireplace for heating

Vítek, Zdeněk January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with combustion of wood in small fireplace, fireplace inlay specifically. This thesis is divided into four main parts. First chapters follow up stoves and their construction. The second parts describes the calculation and design of the stove. The third part focuses on the manufacturing of fireplace. At the end there is a description of experimental measurements produced a prototype, the determination of emmisions and efficiency.

Systém pro měření tepelné účinnosti solárních absorbérů / System for measuring of thermal efficiency of solar absorbers

Řiháček, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the measurement system for determining the thermal efficiency of the newly developed types of solar absorbers. Measuring equipment allows simultaneous indoor or outdoor thermal efficiency detection of up to four samples absorbers. Emphasis is placed on the flow and heat transfer medium temperature changes. For this purpose is used Biotech FCH-m-POM-LC and LM35DZ sensors. Sensor signal is transferred to a PC using the measuring module NI USB-6221. Here it is further processed by proposed evaluation program. The software is implemented in LabVIEW integrated development environment. In a final part are performed a verification measurements to assess system performance and evaluate the thermal efficiency of various types of solar absorbers. This path is also demonstrated high efficiency applications absorbent layer coating color RABSORB 5.

Výpočtový systém pro vyhodnocení výrobních ukazatelů spaloven komunálních odpadů / Computational tool for processing of production data from waste-to-energy systems

Machát, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This thesis contains evaluation of crucial operational indicators of a waste-to-energy plant. Above all, it is lower heating value of municipal solid waste and boiler efficiency. An approach for evaluation improvement by mathematical methods is proposed. The approach is implemented in a computational tool developed in Microsoft Excel. The approach is tested and subsequently used for operational data from a real waste-to-energy plant.

Návrh kotle na spalování slámy, 10t/h,320°C / Steam boiler for straw 10t/h, 320°C

Truhlář, Marek January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is design a grate steam boiler for burning straw with an output of 10 tons of steam per hour. The produceds team has parameters 320 °C, 3,2 MPa. For a given fuel (fytomass) is calculated stoichiometric calculation. The following is the calculation of the heat balance of the boiler including the determinativ of thermal efficiency. The fuel used, the required parameters of steam and feed water temperature are designed individual convective surfaces and dimensions of the boiler. The boiler design includes drawings.

Parní kotel na spalování tříděného odpadu 40t/h / Steam boiler for waste burning 40t/h

Fejfuša, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with a project of steam boiler to combustion of refused-derived fuel. With respect of required fuel and output parameters of the steam was worked out stoichiometry, energy loss and boiler efficiency, heat flows was allocate to individual heat exchange surfaces. The heat exchange surfaces was calculate and project in detail.

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