Spelling suggestions: "subject:"činnost"" "subject:"činnosti""
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Hydraulické řešení širokopásmového oběžného kola čerpadla / Hydraulic solution of the wide - range runner of the impellerSmíšek, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to design the pump impeller. The classical design of the impeller is made for one operating point, in which pump is assumed to operate most of the time. The aim of this diploma thesis is to design a pump, whose pump cover and pump drive discs are designed for each other operating point and then compare the results of both design methods.
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Posouzení účinnosti pokročilých oxidačních procesů prostřednictvím testů ekotoxicity / Assessment of the effectiveness of advanced oxidation processes via ecotoxicity testsProcházková, Petra January 2019 (has links)
Recently, an increasing problem in wastewater treatment is the insufficient removal of organic pollutants. These substances can be toxic to the environment already in a small amount, either acutely or chronically. The goal is therefore to develop of technologies that ensure their effective removal. One possibility is to use advanced oxidation processes. Advanced oxidation processes work on the principle of non-selective oxidation mediated by OH radicals. Several methods such as O3/H2O2 (Peroxone), UV/H2O2 or Fenton´s reaction can be used to generate them. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effectiveness of the used advanced oxidation processes in wastewater treatment via ekotoxicity tests. Wastewater samples treated with advanced oxidation processes on the pilot unit showed low values of acute toxicity for selected test organisms (D. magna, T. platyurus, S. alba, L. minor). For the sample of waste water that was treated with the UV/H2O2 on AOP laboratory unit, there was an increase in acute toxicity on the testing organism D. magna and L. minor. The similar effect was observer in the tests with the D. magna with the model samples treated with the same method, while the tests on the L. minor showed a reduction in toxicity.
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Elektrický pohon modelu výtahu s EC motorem / Electric drive of lift model with EC motorKutrucz, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes a simulator of home elevator driven by an EC engine (external combustion engine). The introductory chapter of the thesis deals with the history of elevators. It also contains the description of EC engines, the description of the construction of the simulator and of the mechanical, electrical, and software adjustments carried out as based on the thesis. The main part of the work concentrates on the description of the changes of the drive algorithms, the production of the 3D simulator and the animation in the background of 3D Solid Works. Moreover, it also deals with the experimental performance measurement based on the loading of the stimulator drive.
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Mikrovlnné výkonové zesilovače s vysokou účinností - laboratorní úloha / High Efficiency Microwave Power Amplifiers - Laboratory ExperimentGajzler, Jakub January 2008 (has links)
This Diploma thesis deals with methods that increase efficiency of transistor amplifiers. In the first part of the thesis we describe theoretical background of the constructions of power amplifiers. At first we deal with the classical method that is concerned with a change of position of the static operating point. Secondly we cover the multi harmonic manipulation method (MHM). This method is concerned with a proper loading of particular harmonic components and consequential shaping of voltage runs and currents on the collector. In the second part of the work we have constructed the substitutes of particular accesses. Constructed classes are AB, F and FMHM. Basic S parameters and output signal spectrum were measured. We can see from the calculated efficiencies AB = 11%, F = 16% a Fmhm = 18%, big increase of efficiency F and FMHM only by changing output network.
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Elektrolyzér pro výrobu vodíku / Electrolyzer for hydrogen productionKunovjánek, Miroslav January 2008 (has links)
The work is concerned with a production of hydrogen and oxygen through by the help of electrolytic process in a device called electrolyzer. The basis of the work is assurance of the best efficiency of this process by testing a variety of materials and surfaces of electrodes, and testing different types of alkalic electrolytes.
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Měření kvantové účinnosti optoelektronických prvků a návrh laboratorního měřícího systému / Quantum efficiency measurement of optoelectronic components and development of experimental equipmentLipr, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of quantum efficiency measurement of optoelectronic devices. The physical nature of silicon solar cells is explained here. In addition, the quantum efficiency as a concept is introduced. There is also discussed the influence of a solar cell semiconductor structure on the quantum efficiency itself. Furthermore, the thesis is focused on the design of an experimental set-up for automated measurement and data acquisition. The final realization of the step motor control unit is described in detail. It includes local and/or remote operations, design and development motivation. The next chapter is dedicated to analysis of the Matlab source code for remote operation, data acquisition and presentation. The final part of the thesis gives attention to experiments with real structures, not only the solar cells. The obtained results of analyzed measurements are presented at the conclusion.
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Energetické hodnocení a aplikace rekuperačního výměníku ve vzduchotechnice / Energy evaluation and application of heat recovery exchanger in airconditioningŠafář, Robert January 2015 (has links)
Master thesis deals with heat recovery in ventilation systems. Thes is an experimental measurement of the plate heat exchanger for a period of one year. Thes is Compaq es the efficiency of the heat exchanger manufacturer with achal field measurements. The first part describes the theoretical heat recovery systems, thein advantages and disadvantages, the basic formula for calculating efficiency. In the second part I come to the experimental measurements of the plate heat exchanger. There sult of this thesis is to Compaq the efficacy, showing behavior exchanger seasons and energy evaluation.
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Krbová vložka pro vytápění / Fireplace inlayŠkaroupka, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to experimentally measure the Golem 1.1 fireplace insert for heating with and without a deflector in the Steko s.r.o. company’s test room. Following this measurement, the emissions of CO, CO2, oxygen content in the flue gases and the temperature in the flue duct are listed here and the efficiency is calculated for different modes of primary air sucked in the insert and for different numbers of fuel pieces.
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Parní turbina / Steam turbineVališ, Petr January 2010 (has links)
Goal of this dissertation is design of rotary reduction for entered input parameters that it is connected in parallel with reducing station. Further I´m looking into thermodynamic calculation of stage and chosen parts of turbine, making of project design of connection of rotary reduction to steam circulation. Dissertation is concluded by designed cross-section of turbine.
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Mechanismus jednoválcového vznětového motoru s prodlouženou expanzí / Mechanism of a one-cylinder diesel engine with elongated expansionFilipi, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with mechanism of combustion motor that enables greater expansion ratio then compression ratio. The main advantage of motor mechanism is verified in thesis, which is greater thermal efficiency then compared to conventional diesel motor. Additionally, there are investigation of kinematic variables, force of gas pressure and inertia forces, which operates in different bindings mechanism. The last part deals witch strength of selected parts of the proposed mechanism.
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