Spelling suggestions: "subject:"činnost"" "subject:"činnosti""
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Metody regulace pýru plazivého \kur{Elytrigia repens} (L.) Desv. na orné půdě / The methods of regulation the Elytrigia repens (L.) Desv. on arable landKOCEK, Václav January 2012 (has links)
Weed infestation of the arable land by persistent weeds is serious problem today. Very dangerous species occuring in all crops, not just only on the arable land, is "Elytrigia repens". It's spread is connected with decrease the level of tillage and with reduction of agrotechnical measures. The target of my thesis is to broadening of knowledges and to suggest other possible solutions of regulation of the occurrence of "Elytrigia repens". SO we did an herbicidal attempt at "Triticum aestivum", which was focused on chemical regulation of this weed. There were used three herbicidal products in different variants. Using of herbicidal products reduces the occurrence of weed species.
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Podnikový majetek a investiční činnost podniku / Corporate assets and investment business activitiesHAVLOVÁ, Eva January 2012 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis was to assess the property structure in the selected company, focusing on amenities, the level and effectiveness of the tangible assets as a basis for evaluating investment activity and its impact on the overall management of the company.
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Účinnost technologie ČOV České Budějovice pro eliminaci farmak / Efficiency of the technology of WWTP České Budějovice for the elimination of pharmaceuticalsBARTOŇ, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The main aim of this study was to investigate the efficiency of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in České Budějovice for the elimination of selected pharmaceuticals (carbamazepine, diclofenac, atenolol, metoprolol, sotalol, bisoprolol, valsartan, verapamil and tramadol) over a long time period (March 2011 - February 2012). Time-proportional 24 hours pooled samples of wastewater from influent and effluent of the WWTP were used to assess the efficiency of WWTP. The concentrations of target compounds were determined by using in line SPE/LC-MS/MS analysis. The average annual concentrations in the effluent of WTP were in the range of 0,019 microgram/l (verapamil) to 1,00 microgram/l (atenolol). Average annual efficiencies of pharmaceutical elimination in WWTP based on pooled samples were found in the case of carbamazepine (-22 %), tramadol (-15 %), sotalol (-1 %), diclofenac (15 %), metoprolol (16 %), verapamil (43 %), bisoprolol (48 %) and valsartan (85 %). The statistical analysis of daily results in the winter and in the summer period showed significantly higher efficiency of the WWTP in the summer for 5 target compounds (diclofenac, atenolol, valsartan, sotalol and bisoprolol). Removal efficiency for the rest of pharmaceuticals did not show significant differences. Elevated temperature and longer irradiation period in summer can positively affect biodegradation or increased photolysis respectively.
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Sezónní vývoj koncentrací antibiotik v odpadní vodě ČOV České Budějovice / Seasonal evolution of antibiotic concentrations in the wastewater of STP České BudějoviceJANOŠÍK, David January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to monitor seasonal concentration changes of 7 antibiotics norfloxacin, levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, erythromycin, trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole in wastewater influent and (cleaned) water effluent in the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) České Budějovice. Time-proportional 24 hours pooled samples of wastewater were collected every month from March 2011 to February 2012 in the influent and effluent pof the STP. The concentrations of target compounds were determined by using in line SPE/LC-MS/MS analysis. The highest average concentration in the influent was detected in case of norfloxacin (0.563 microgram/l) and ciprofloxacin (0.406 microgram/l). The highest average concentration in the effluent was detected in the case of trimethoprim (0.255 microgram/l) and erythromycin (0.117 microgram/l). Higher concentration of antibiotics was measured in the colder periods of the year. It was connected with increased use of antibiotics and with less cleaning efficiency of the STP in this season. The highest removal efficiency was determined for norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin, the lowest for erythromycin. The influence of the season on the removal efficiency of antibiotics was found esp. for azithromycin,trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole.
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Příčina selhávání politiky rozvoje venkova: případ vybraných nástrojů druhé osy PRV.PRAŽAN, Jaroslav January 2014 (has links)
This study was focused on reasons for ineffectiveness of agri-environmental measure, which is the policy in which the state compensates farmers for losses caused when participating at production of public goods. The work selected as a subject of the study agri-environmental contract and its characteristics and other institutions, of which maturity influence the effects of that policy. The main goal was to identify these characteristics of contract and assess their balance in relation to the purpose and subject of the contract and long term benefit of both sides of the contract. Attitudes on the maturity of the contract characteristics have been collected between farmers and state administrators in survey (as sites of the contract) on national level and also in four regional case studies. It was revealed that most of the contract characteristics were not mature enough to serve to long term benefit for both sides of the contract, which decreases potential effectiveness of the agri-environmental policy. These are for example: information availability, trust between sides of the contract, tendencies to strategic behaviour, power distribution in the contract, sharing risks in the contract, adequacy of compensation level. Control and penalty system was regarded as rather adequate. Not mature institutions and characteristics of the contract increase transaction costs of both sides of the contract and decrease willingness to renew the contracts in future. The results of the research are for the state administration a good base for improvement of the contract in order to increase effectiveness of the agri-environmental policy in question.
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Psychopatologie schizofrenie s časným začátkem a její terapie se zaměřením na atypická neuroleptika / Psychopathology of early-onset schizophrenia and its therapy with focus on atypical neurolepticsKoblic Zedková, Iveta January 2016 (has links)
OBJECTIVES: The aim of our study was to assess clinical presentation of early-onset schizophrenia spectrum disoders (EO-SSD), the time to first improvement and efficacy associated with selected atypical (AAPs) and typical (TAPs) antipsychotics, as well as two main side effects - weight gain and treatment-emergent extrapyramidal symptoms (EPSs) during the treatment in patients with EO-SSD. METHODS: This was a systematic chart review of all patients receiving routine clinical care in our department, with selected AAPs (risperidone, olanzapine, ziprasidone, quetiapine and clozapine) and TAPs (haloperidol, perphenazine and sulpiride), for schizophrenic psychoses, between 1997 and 2007. During this period, our review identified 173 patients (85 males, 88 females; mean age 15.8±1.6 years); their treatment included 297 treatment trials. Data on premorbid adjustment, prodromal symptoms and psychopathology at admission, as well as comorbidity were evaluated based on the patients' medical records. The time to first improvement could be estimated in 258 treatment trials; of these, 195 (76%) comprised AAPs and 63 (24%) TAPs. The time to first improvement was assessed in agreement with the methodology established for retrospective studies as the number of treatment days prior to the first record of improvement...
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Srovnání účinnosti dotací poskytnutých v rámci Operačního programu Zemědělství a Horizontálního plánu rozvoje venkova / Comparision of effectivity of subsidies granted by Operational Programme-Rural Development and Multifunctional Agriculture and the Horizontal Rural Development PlanHORKÁ, Šárka January 2007 (has links)
The aim of my work is obtaining many pieces of information for the detailed analysis of Operational Programme of Agricultural and Horizontal Rural Development Plan and proposing solutions to improve the regime of the dividing the grants. The following comparison of the effectivity both programmes shows and compares shortcomings. The proposals on the improvement of the regime dividing the grants arise from the negatives of the implementation both programmes. I have set together 11 criteria that come out of the programme analysis.
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Distribution and density of pelagic 0+ fish in canyon-shaped reservoirs and effectiveness of their sampling by fry trawls. / Distribution and density of pelagic 0+ fish in canyon-shaped reservoirs and effectiveness of their sampling by fry trawls.JŮZA, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
Patterns in 0+ fish distribution along longitudinal and depth profiles were studied in five canyon-shaped reservoirs in the Czech Republic. In two canyon-shaped and one shallow well-mixed reservoirs the efficiency of fry trawls was investigated during late summer for juveniles and in one canyon-shaped reservoir the efficiency of ichthyoplankton trawls was investigated during spring for larvae and early juveniles.
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Metoda pro simulaci energetické náročnosti výrobních strojů v etapě vývoje / Method for Energy Efficience Simulation of Machine Tools in Design StageTůma, Jiří Unknown Date (has links)
Ph.D. thesis is focused on the design of the method for simulation of energy demands of machine tool in operation at the stage of its development. Proposed method is developer on the basis of literature search in science and in industry. The method itself is composed of five related steps, that must be realised in the proper order in order to create a relevant energy profile of a machine tool. The output from the method are simulated data providing a course of comsumed energy and required power which are time dependent. Output data are obtained on the basis of the drive system simulation of machine tool through G-code, that is interpreted for simulation by the compiler into the matrix. It contains data necessary for controlling of machine tool, such as the required end points of the tool and required feed rates, to which is assigned a time value. G-code is partially time parametrized. It is then followed by full time parametrization through a of mathematical model of drive mechanisms and due the synergy of software for drive mechanisms control (Matlab Simulink) and software for physical simulation (MSC Adams) is processed into output data. As an input parameter figures also coefficient used as multiplier of the normal force of driving mechanisms, which is a function of feed rate. This loss function is obtained experimantally. In the context of Ph.D. thesis were conducted two experiments, used to verify the developed method. For each experiment is proceeded according to estabilished method and it is included a comparsion of simulation and measured data for various operating modes. The proposed method, described in the Ph.D. thesis, allows designers to summarize the energy demand of the proposed machine before its production. When correctly interpreted, the results of the method can serve as a basis for improving the energy profile and thereby increasing the energy efficiency of the machine tool.
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Interakce učitelka MŠ-dítě při řešení problémových situací / Kindergarden teacher and child interaction in problem solving situationsMertinová, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with manners of interaction of teachers with children in kindergartens and focuses mainly on solving problematic situations. We are examining question on how to strengthen resilience of children and what ways of interactions with teachers contribute to this process. To find recommendations for interactions with preschool children, we are looking at needs and characteristics of preschool children and comparing various models of resilience in the theoretical part of the work. The theories of Bandura and Seligman form a basis for our approach, but we also contrast them with other sources. At the same time, we are looking at results of international studies describing nature of interactions in their preschool institutions. In the empirical part, we look at the question, which interactions teacher-child occur with highest frequency when solving a problematic situation and if these interactions from teacher to child can be considered as supportive for strengthening resilience of the child. Our research is based on the analysis of 242 events recorded in preschool institutions in Prague. We compare our results with German study of König (2006), from which we have adapted part of the coding scheme. Keywords: resilience, self-efficacy, mediated learning experience, children (preschool...
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