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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vnímaná akademická účinnost žáků středních škol / Academic self-efficacy of high school students

Draberová, Jana January 2018 (has links)
Title: Academic self-efficacy of high school students Author: Mgr. et Mgr. Jana Draberová Supervisor: Doc. PhDr. Ilona Gillernová, CSc. Department: Department of Psychology Abstract: This dissertation thesis deals with the concept of academic self-efficacy. The aim of this study was to develop a research tool for assessing high school students` academic self-efficacy, which is not yet available in the Czech environment. The theoretical part is based on a more general level of self-efficacy and further focuses on the specific characteristics of academic self- efficacy and ways of measuring it. The empirical part deals with the development of the questionnaire, with verification of its psychometric characteristics and finding out the relationship with other variables. The research sample consists of 1717 high school students from all regions of the Czech Republic. The research included secondary vocational schools and grammar schools. Students filled in the questionnaire for Czech language and for mathematics. The final research tool is highly reliable and also its validity has been verified. Furthermore, the statistically significant relationship between measured academic self-efficacy and other variables such as school grade, the type of school, gender, specific learning and behavioral disorders or the...

Motivace jako nástroj řízení výkonnosti / Motivation as a tool of performance management

Šimeček, Vladimír January 2016 (has links)
The thesis Motivation as a tool for performance management deals with the basic concepts associated with the characteristics of motivation and motivation theories. A good authorities manager have to be able motivate subordinace colleagues to create their willingness and interest to match corporate goals and mision of the organisation. This topis observe the theory of motivation that investigate the motives leading to a particular decision or activity. Theory of motivation is divided into three groups - instrumentality theory, theory focused on content and theory focused on process. The theoretical part is focused on the analysis of literature and expert sources dealing with human resource management, process management, employee performance, performance of organization, theory of motivation and effectiveness of motivational factors. Theoretical part of the thesis is related to empirical part, which is the Clayton Alderfer methodological procedure of motivation in company Česká spořitelna, a.s. The suggestions and recommendations for the future progress of the company are in conclusion of the diploma thesis.

Motivace jako nástoj řízení výkonnosti / Motivation as a tool of performance management

Drsková, Miloslava January 2016 (has links)
Offered diploma thesis based on motivation of employees´s issues. The attention is dedicated especially to human resources and to human resource management, measurement of organizational performance and incentive program. There are some theories of motivation and process of incentive program described. The most famous motivation concepts are defined in the diploma thesis. The practic part is created by research. The research is applied on production workers in selected department. The motivation is investigated help by questionnaire survey. The questionnaire is compiled according to Alderfer´s theory. Results are presentated help by graphs. Due to results of questionnaire surfy are suggested some provisions, which have objective to increase the motivation of emploees and performance of employees.

Motivace jako nástoj řízení výkonnosti / Motivation as a tool of performance management

Marková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of employee motivation as a performance management tool. The work consists of theoretical and analytical part. The aim of this work is to elaborate knowledge of literary sources and analyse an actual motivation process in a selected company and subsequent processing of proposals for changes to achieve higher employee performance and thus the entire organization. The aim of the theoretical part is processing of theoretical approaches to solve motivation process with developing the performance of employees and organizations. The first part includes findings from selected literary sources and comparison of authors of scientific publications to deal with this issue. The analytical part first characterizes the company Typos, printing plants Ltd. and evaluates a motivational program of the organization. The important part is processing a questionnaire, which will be used to obtain necessary information which will be further analysed. The final results will be evaluated from preceding processed results and changes which could be beneficial to increase motivation and employees work performance will be subsequently recommended.

Motivace jako nástoj řízení výkonnosti / Motivation as a tool of performance management

Stillerová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis on Motivation as a tool of performance management deal with the issue of motivating employees espicialy in company Vimbau s.r.o. reside in Prague 4 Libuš. The work is divided into two parts, part theoretical and practical. Theoretical part deal with summary od theoretical findings of chosen issue stated in available literature and online sources. Trehe are explaned basic ideas related on motivation of employees performance. Practical part is focused on analysis of actual conditions of motivation proces in chosen company, next on formulation of suitable changes to improve the motivation program and better employees performance. The basic data have been founded out with the exploration done with quesstionare survery. The mission of the guesstionare was to indentify problems conected with motivation in company for the best proposal changes of motivation program. The results od guesstionare survery are clearly grafic expressed in tables and graphs with comments.

Motivace jako nástoj řízení výkonnosti / Motivation as a tool of performance management

Voráčková, Eva January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of employee motivation, which serves as a convenient tool to manage their job performance. The theoretical part focuses on the characteristics of basic concepts related to the topic. Are defined terms which relate to human resources and their planning and subsequent management, work performance and its objectives, management and evaluation. This section also deals with motivation, sources, types, processes and various theories, motivational types of people and incentive programs. The theoretical part also describes the relationship between work performance and motivation. In the practical part is introduced by ABC Ltd., its origin, history and focus, are defined by their principles, provided employee benefits, benefits and other programs designed for company employees. The most important chapters of this section are those that concentrate on research conducted satisfaction and motivation of its employees, its subsequent analysis, assessment of the current situation and possible proposals for changes in the company's incentive system, along with their benefits. The research was conducted using the method of questionnaire survey, a structured questionnaire.

Motivace jako nástoj řízení výkonnosti / Motivation as a tool of performance management

Janáček, Petr January 2017 (has links)
Motivation as a tool for performance management is the topic of this thesis. At the beginning of the thesis is discussed theoretical part. This section covers the basic idea of motivation and its impact on human resources management and thus staff. On the basis of professional materials studied are set out the main motivational theories that affect the behavior and performance of employees. Following by a survey contained in the practical part. The questionnaire was developed based on motivation theories and their mentioned factors influencing the performance of employees. The questionnaire addressed communication, relationships, motivation and work process. Included are basic elements of the motives and demotivation, covering aspects of employee satisfaction on various factors at work. Survey results should thus serve as a way to improve the incentive system of the organization and provision of the draft resolution. Thus, the proposed solutions should ideally lead to more efficient performance of the work in the organization.

Potenciál krmných směsí a obilovin jako nástroj pro udržení dobré produkce tržního kapra ve vztahu ke kvalitě vody. / The potential of compound feed and cereals as a tool for keeping the production of carp at a good level in relation to the water quality.

MELKA, Václav January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to test the production effectiveness of cereals and compound feed and at the same time, find out what influence they have on the water quality when applied in the semi-intensity carp farming. The feeding test was taking place in the period of 112 days in 10 experimental storage ponds. The feed which was tested, was cereals, extruded feed from the Aller Aqua company with 24% share of protein, pelleted feed glycid type feed with the 12,5% share of protein (KP) and pellet feed glycid type compound feed with 12,5% share of protein and reduced share of phosphorus (KPminus). A tested carp population of the same density was left without any additional feeding, to be fed only on the natural nutrition. Every one of these separated carp populations were fed three times a week in the morning and on the same spot of the fish tank. The testing was taking place twice.The measuring of the parametres of the water (temperature, oxygen, pH) took place once a fortnight, taking samples of the water once a month. At the end of the experiment, the level of phosphorus and the observed production parametres were evaluated.The highest production effectiveness was reached in the carps that were fed with cereals (FCR - Food Convertion Ration 2,41 - 0,46, SGR - Specific Growth Rate 0,54 - 0,07 %.d-1). The lowest production effectiveness was achieved with the pelleted feed KPminus (FCR - 3,72 - 0,30, SGR - 0,39 - 0,02 %.d-1). The highest retention of phosphorus (88%) in the fish biomass was reached with cereals. The lowest retention of phosphorus (60%) was reached in the carps fed with the pelleted feed KP. Feeding carps with tested feeds did not have any significant influence on the water quality. From both the economic and the environmental point of view, the best feed for carp pond farming is cereals.

Účinnost využití vody rostlinami hodnocená pomocí diskriminace izotopu 13C / Water use efficiency of plants measured by carbon 13 isotope discrimination

ZÁLESKÝ, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
Carbon isotope discrimination (?13C) may be an appropriate measure for determination of the water use efficiency (WUE) of plants. This work confirms the negative correlation of ?13C and WUE in selected genotypes of barley and wheat. It also deals with the suitability of using the observed relationship in breeding of drought resistant crops.

Souvislost edukačního stylu učitele s vnímanou akademickou účinností žáků ZŠ / Relations of teaching styles with children's academic self-efficacy

Komárek, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
6 Title: The relationship between teachers' educational styles and the perceived academic efficacy of primary school students Author: PhDr. Mgr. Tomáš Komárek Department: Department of Psychology Supervisor: PhDr. Simona Horáková Hoskovcová, Ph.D. Abstract: The presented doctoral thesis examines the issue of perceived academic efficacy in relation to teachers' educational styles in the transitional period between the first and second half of primary school (equivalent to transition from primary school to secondary school). The main research aim was to test the hypothesis that teachers' educational styles influence the perceived academic efficacy of students using quantitative statistical methods. The second aim was to compare regular schools with schools using the teaching programme 'Step by Step' in both main variables and to determine the extent to which these schools differ. The research sample was comprised of fifth-grade students from both types of schools (N = 896). The data was obtained using three questionnaires: the questionnaire 'Interaction of the teacher and students' examines the teacher's educational style; questionnaires 'Myself as a learner scale' and 'Children self-efficacy scale' focus on measuring the students' perceived academic efficacy. The results confirmed a statistically significant...

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