Spelling suggestions: "subject:"činnost"" "subject:"činnosti""
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Návrh a experimentální ověření portfólia učebních pomůcek v účetnictví / Creation and experimental verification of portfolio teaching aids in accountingBromová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of teaching aids in the educational process. The attention in the first part of the work is paid to the analysis of the teaching aids functions and to the significance degree of their position in teaching. The work makes us acquainted with all the theoretical knowledge every teacher should know even prior to the creation and inclusion of relevant teaching aid within a lesson. In addition to the theory diploma thesis also provides a basic insight into the current modern concept of these didactic means. Furthermore, this area is analysed here from the point of view of experimental verification of the in teaching. This research shows how big or small the level of importance this resource has throughout the educational process and what other results there were achieved after an intensive spooling of teaching aids to lessons of accountancy. A detailed analysis pointing out all the changes and the tendencies that reign in the course of the implementation of the experiment and also after its termination. In conclusion, there is also advice and recommendations, compiled on the basis of the evaluation results that have been achieved in the framework of the pedagogical experiment.
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Efektivnost a účinnost prostředků vynaložených ze strukturálních fondů EU na opatření v ochraně vod ČR / Efficiency and effectiveness of european structural funds in water protection in the Czech RepublicHájková, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of structural funds of the European Union in water protection in the Czech Republic. The main goal of the research is whether public resources are used cost-effectively and whether they are not being wasted. The theoretical basis of the subsidy's issue as a tool of public policy, are discussed in the first part of the thesis. As a consequence the effectiveness and efficiency of subsidies as a main tool of European Regional Policy are also discussed. General conclusions are demonstrated on specific statistical water protection data of the Czech Republic in the second part of this thesis. Several patterns which show problems decreasing efficiency and effectiveness of expended resources were used in the research. Analysis showed that investments into water protection are necessary and needed from social point of view, but the way the subsidies are provided is controversial. Finally, the thesis attempts to discuss alternative tools which could gain the same results with lower costs.
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Vliv nastavení regulátoru servopohonu na energetickou náročnost / Influence of servodrive controller settings on energy consumptionKura, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this work is to investigate the energy consumption of the servo drive at different control settings. First, the theoretical part describes the servo drive as a mechatronic system with subsequent disassembly in terms of losses and efficiency, where all the losses that occur in the servo drives are defined. Subsequently, the theoretical part concludes with a chapter on controllers, thanks to which it is possible to control servo drives and describes their influence on the resulting control. In the practical part, a model of a DC motor with a linear axis and regulation was first created in the Simulink program. Subsequently, the Matlab program defined motion with linear acceleration and motion using S-curves, which controlled the model. Then the model was measured at different settings of the controllers and the resulting waveforms together with the energy values were compared with each other. In the second half of the practical part of this work, a real servo drive was then measured with a subsequent comparison with the created model. In this comparison, the resulting waveforms and energy values were also compared. The result of this work is then to determine the effect of changes on the resulting control, which are made in the controller settings. The functional models can then be used to determine how the various servo drives will behave under the given control conditions.
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Rozhlasové zpravodajství: specifika auditivního šíření informací / Radio newscast: specific features of auditive dissemination of informationPunčochář, Jan January 2008 (has links)
The theses entitled "Radio newscast: specific features of auditive dissemination of information" deals with the influence of the lucidity of the radio newscast language on the volume of verbal sound information absorbed by the listener. Applying the method of psychological experiment it is examined whether the listeners can remember texts written according to the principles of radio writing better than texts in the factual style of the news of the Czech Press Agency. The issue addressed is set in the context of the current research in the field of media studies. The paper also offers a survey of experiments used for radio audience research. The thesis also includes a brief history of the radio newscast in the Czech lands focused, above all, on the sources of information used and the language applied.
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Řídicí obvody s vysokou účinností pro LED / High efficiency control circuits for LEDsHavlík, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to design two different switching power supply circuits with integrated circuits suitable for controlling of LED. The theoretical part describes the principles of two main switching converters topologies – buck and boost. Furthermore, a universal H-bridge structure of switching supply is described. This is compared with the typical switching supply design. Based on specified requirements, two circuits are designed with selected IO which are suitable for using in the automotive industry. Their function and typical schema are described. In the practical part is realized design with both selected IC, choosing components and layout PCB. Set of tests are carried out with manufactured samples. Based on measured results are performed optimalization of samples, which are tested also. In the end of this thesis both samples are compared in terms of function, efficiency and EMC.
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Návrh regulovatelného ohřevu spřádací hlavy a dohřevu vláken s řízeným prouděním vzduchu pro zařízení k odstředivému spřádání nanovláken / Design of controllable heating of the spinning head and reheating of fibers with controlled air flow for devices for centrifugal spinning of nanofibersJanošík, Lukáš January 2021 (has links)
This Master thesis deals with the design and implementation of the spinning head heating for the fibers manufacturing. The first part of this thesis compares the problems of spinning head heating by means of radiant heat and electromagnetic induction. The next part of the thesis deals with the design and implementation of the selected induction heating of the spinning head together with its partial peripherals. The thesis continues with the design of a controlled air flow through the chambre and design of reheating fibers. In the following part of the thesis, functionality tests and partial measurements are performed on the device. At the end, the measurement results are evaluated and compared.
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Účinnost turbíny jako funkce otáček / Turbine efficiency as a function of speedWoffová, Helena January 2021 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is condensing steam turbine with the required power of 50MWe and set input and output parameters. The turbine is designed as a two-body turbine. There is also designed balance scheme with reheating, regeneration and air condenser. Subsequently, the thermodynamic calculation for three variations of high pressure part with different speeds is demonstrated. The result is evaluated in terms of calculated efficiency and also in an economic point of view. The output is a selection of the variation with the best parameters. Then the basic dimensioning calculations, the design of the leveling piston and the sealing system follows for this variation. A simplified section of this part is drawn. Finally, the balance scheme is adjusted based on the data and calculated for limited performance as well.
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Model akumulace velkých objemů energie / Model of Bulk Energy AccumulationRadil, Lukáš January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this pursuit is to introduce the reader about the questions of the accumulation of the electric energy and to outline possibilities of its design and what instruments is possible to get it. The other purpose is to inscribe possibilities of today´s attachment of dispersive sources to the net from the sight of the ERU, eventually from the sight of the UCTE. This persuit describes the posibility of the accumulation of adequate dimensions from renewable resources, the modern trends in this area and the prediction of future progress. The two most proper types of the energy accumulation are chosen by the following process with regarding to the optimal resolution of the given questions. The general balance will be ana-lysed by the comparison of their basic parameters. The other point of this pursuit is to try to realize a small model of the accumulation through the hydrogen´s cycle, it comes to that we can develop the efficiency and influence by the help of the electrolyzer and the metalhydride reservoir is realized energy of accumulation . In the conclusion of this pursuit is the appreciation of the whole project with the view of partly economical and especially with the view of the prospective usage into the electric grid
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Zlepšení energetických parametrů asynchronních strojů malého výkonu / Improvement Power Parameter of Small Induction MotorsKuda, Roman January 2011 (has links)
This master´s thesis treats of all asynchronous motor. The project is about type and distribution motors, about differences between three-phase and single-phase machines and efficiency. In one of the chapters describes a particular type of engine with all the parametersfrom the manufacturer. This engine is completely analyzed and it is measured in detail. Then the project deals with the division, the calculation of losses and subsequent possibilities to increase the efficiency of induction motor. In the last chapter is calculation of single-phase motors, based on the engine produced.
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Návrh stereo audio koncového zesilovače spínané třídy / Design of switching stereo audio power amplifierKonečný, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This text analyzes characteristics of audio power amplifiers in class D. The emphasis is placed on more detailed analysis of modulators, drivers, connection topology of power transistors. In the next section of text are analyzed available integrated circuits of power amplifiers in class D which are manufactured by world producers. The last part describes design of all parts of amplifier in class D with discrete components and also of power supplies. According to the plans, the individual parts are made. All parts are tested by measurements and results are evaluated.
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