Spelling suggestions: "subject:"škola"" "subject:"školy""
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Komparace zájmu o sportovní aktivity mezi studenty středních škol v Praze a v Karlovarském kraji. / Comparison of interest in sports activities between high school students in Prague and in Karlovy Vary region.Mechlová, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
1 Abstract Title: Comparison of interest in sports activities between high school students in Prague and in Karlovy Vary region Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to find and compare the interest in sport between two groups - high school students in Prague and Karlovy Vary region. Furthermore, the aim is also to find out the reason why students do sport or why students have even no interest in sport. Another objective is to find and compare the way how students in both regions spend their leisure time. Lastly, sports conditions were verified in both regions. Methods: Interest in sports activities has been investigated by using a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was specially created for this research. Results: Research has shown that the level of sport activity is higher by students from Karlovy Vary region than by students from Prague. Although the conditions for sports activities are worse in Karlovy Vary region than in Prague, students do sport more often and doing sport is more popular in comparison with other leisure time activities. Keywords: sports activities, high school students, leisure time, motivation, Karlovy Vary, Prague
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Učitel na cestách v první třetině 20. století / Teacher on the move in the fisrt third of the 20th centuryJurčíčková, Romana January 2016 (has links)
Thesis deals with secondary school teachers traveling abroad in the first third of the 20th century. The main theme of the particular path of teachers, which includes a selection of the country you wish to visit, motives, during the journey, and ultimately outcomes, or if the use of knowledge acquired in the classroom. Teachers focus on natural sciences, humanities and vocational subjects influenced the selection of the target country and its further learning, so teachers are divided according to the following criteria into three groups. On the basis of articles and reports that teachers had left on the road, the focus inter alia on the following themes: everyday life, local residents and Czech countrymen. Teachers also noticed foreign schools and compared them with schools Czech. To a lesser extent, the work deals with the possibilities of traveling in general at this time, the development of transport and tourism, which contributed to increased people's interest in exploring foreign countries.
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Mateřské školy v Táboře v letech 1948 - 2010 / Nursery schools in Tabor in the years 1948 - 2010Bonaventurová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Subject of the thesis named Nursery Schools in the Town of Tabor between 1948 - 2010 is to describe the historical development of nursery schools in Tabor. The main goal of the thesis is to research development of Tabor's nursery schools. The thesis is divided into ten chapters. These concerns with the history and characteristic of the town Tabor, preschool institutions and its development in Bohemia, school system in Tabor, nursery schools in Tabor till 1945 and after 1945, history of four oldest nursery schools in Tabor, criteria of public holidays and children's healthcare in four oldest nursery schools in Tabor and comparison on base of chronicles. The thesis is a historical study and analysis ensuing from primary sources. There is used a historical method and primary documents and comparative methods in the thesis. The issue is research of the nursery school development in Tabor between 1948 and 2010.
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Marketing školy ve vybraném subjektu / Marketing of school on target institutionDvořáková, Ivana Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Provést analýzu interního a externího prostředí. V primárním výzkumu se zaměřit na marketingové řízení škol. Navrhnout vzdělávací modul pro zvýšení úrovně implementace marketingu v prostředí škol. Zpracovat případovou studii vhodnou pro trénink vybrané oblasti marketingového řízení školy a pro výuku formou e- learningu. Diplomová práce je součástí projektu CZ.04.1.03/ - Rozvoj profesních kompetencí pedagogických pracovníků.
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PR aktivity ekonomických fakult vysokých škol vůči výchovným poradcům středních školMráka, Michal January 2014 (has links)
Mráka, M. PR activities of economic faculties of universities towards school counsellor in secondary schools. Diploma thesis. Mendel University in Brno, 2014. This thesis is focused on exploring communication of colleges to secondary school counsellors. The work contains the results of the current state of the communication and the results of the quantitative survey conducted among educational consultants. The aim was to find a significant association. On the basis of these results were made generally applicable recommendation for college.
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Využití interaktivní tabule ve výuce českého jazyka na 1. stupni základních škol / The Use of the Interactive Whiteboard in Czech Language at Basic SchoolŠMÍDOVÁ, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the advantages and disadvantages of using interactive whiteboards in the Czech language lessons in the first grade of primary schools. The thesis contains a theoretical part that includes the first three chapters and a practical part that composed of two chapters. In the first charter of the theoretical part is presented the historical development of interactive whiteboards and its gradual implementation into teaching process. The second chapter provides an overview of the requirements that every teacher should take into account when using interactive whiteboards. In the next part are presented most frequently mentioned advantages and disadvantages, both from the perspectives of teachers and students. The main data sources of educational materials are described in the third charter that also contains the specification of different exercises. The practical part of the work is based on the own research that was realized through a questionnaire among 50 teachers. The subject of the fourth chapter is a detailed description of the various questions and also the presentation of the results. Fifth charter focuses on analyzing of the results and there are also introduced the recommendations which, in the author's opinion, should lead to more effective way of teaching with interactive whiteboard.
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Faktory ovlivňující oblíbenost/neoblíbenost přírodopisu v jednotlivých ročnících na 2. stupni ZŠBOLEK, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This thesis "Factors Influencing Likes/Dislikes of Natural History in Particular Years of Primary School" is mostly about an attitude analysis of pupils on a secondary level of primary schools to taught lesson Natural History. The main goal is to identify particular factors influencing these attitudes. This research is realised through a five-degree questionnaire of Likert's type which includes 26 items in many dimensions. The research sample covers 393 respondents from 6 schools. The results of this work are divided into 2 parts. First part of work identifies popularity of lesson Natural History in relation to other taught lessons and afterwards the work points out particular factors which influence popularity of this lesson. Second part of this work is about evaluation of particular items of questionnaire.
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Srovnání procenta tělesného tuku u studentů učitelství prvního stupně ZŠ s šetřením z roku 2005 pomocí bioelektrické impedance horních končetin / Comparison body fat at student's elementary school teaching with survey from the 2005 year by the help of bioelectrical impedance of upper extremitiesKOUBOVÁ, Martina January 2012 (has links)
Obesity is nowadays one of the very topics discussed as a highly serious health problem. This thesis is concerned with the percentage of body fat have student teachers for 1st Primary Schools Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia in Czech Budejovice and the results are compared with the survey in 2005. Research underwent 114 students, of which 8 were men and 106 women. Measurements were carried out in the months of May to October of 2011. For measuring device was used OMRON BF 300, which uses the method of bioelectrical impedance of the upper limbs. The results show that, compared with research in 2005 there was a slight increase in percent body fat in women and men.
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Hodnocení ředitelů škol zřizovateli / Assessment of headmasters by school foundersVodrážková, Eva January 2015 (has links)
My diploma thesis is focused on the evaluation of headmasters by their school founders. It deals mainly with identifying the ways of evaluation, defining evaluation criteria and the overall approach to the assessment of the quality of headmasters' work. The aim is to create for a school founder an overview of the most commonly used forms of evaluation of headmasters. My work seeks to identify and compare different approaches to evaluation of headmasters by different school founders in the Prague region. My goal is to map and compare which criteria are considered to be crucial in evaluation of headmasters. Firstly, I would like to determine whether school founders have determined criteria for assessment of headmasters; secondly whether these criteria are familiar to headmasters, or whether they are possibly published. Next, I would like to present the schedule in which evaluation of headmasters is carried out and which forms of assessment are considered as motivational. The theoretical part of the work is focused on defining and describing basic concepts which are directly related to the issue regarding evaluation of headmasters. This part of the work is dedicated to theoretical pieces of knowledge concerning methods and possibilities of evaluation, its types, forms and tools. Furthermore, it...
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Rozhodování veřejných vysokých škol podle ukazatelů kvality / Deciding public universities according to the quality indicatorsLudvík, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the system of funding public universities in the Czech Republic. At first, the basic characteristics of university education are presented and the connection between university education, externalities, human capital and economic growth is outlined. Then we proceed to define the system of funding public universities and the development of individual indicators in this process. Briefly, following the university education, also the demographic development is mentioned. The last part of the thesis analyzes the impact of introducing the qualitative criteria into public universities and the expert interviews are used to determine how these changes affect the actual public universities.
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