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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Картина мира в зеркале существительных со значением лица в современном русском языке (по данным толкового словаря русского языка начала XXI века. Актуальная лексика) / „Šiuolaikinės rusų kalbos asmenis įvardijantys daiktavardžiai kaip pasaulėvaizdžio atspindis (pagal „XXI amžiaus aiškinamąjį rusų kalbos žodyną. Aktuali leksika“) / “Nouns identifying persons as a reflection of the worldview in modern Russian” (pursuant to the Russian glossary of the 21th Century. Currently important vocabulary”)

Kravcova, Liudimila 29 October 2013 (has links)
Цель диссертационного исследования - реконструкция фрагмента картины мира и выявление изменений в ней на основе лексикографически зафиксированных количественных и качественных данных, имеющих место в классе существительных со значением лица в отдельных тематических группах на рубеже XX и XXI веков. В I главе реферируется научная литература, подробно описывается методология, методы исследования, а также дается характеристика основных понятий, используемых в качестве научного аппарата исследования. Во II главе анализируются существительные, называющие лица по принадлежности к миру религии. III глава посвящена анализу спектра политической жизни в гипертексте словаря. В IV главе анализируется экономическая лексика. / Disertacinio darbo tikslas – rekonstruoti pasaulėvaizdžio fragmentą ir atskleisti jame įvykusius pokyčius, remiantis leksikografiškai užfiksuotais kokybiniais bei kiekybiniais duomenimis apie asmenį įvardijančius daiktavardžius atskirose teminėse grupėse XX ir XXI amžių sandūroje. Pirmojoje dalyje pristatomi teoriniai tyrimo pagrindai, išsamiai aptariama metodologija bei tyrimo metodai, taip pat apibūdinamos pagrindinės sąvokos, kurios pasitelktos kaip mokslinis tyrimo aparatas. Antroje darbo dalyje nagrinėjami religinius asmenis žymintys daiktavardžiai, kulto tarnautojų įvardijimai ir anapusiniam pasauliui priklausančių arba su juo susijusių asmenų pavadinimai. Trečioje disertacijos dalyje analizuojamas šiuolaikinio politinio gyvenimo spektras žodyno hipertekste. Ketvirtojoje dalyje analizuojama ekonominė leksika ir rusų kalbos vartotojų pasaulėvaizdis. / The objective of the PhD Thesis is to reconstruct a fragment of the worldview and to reveal the changes related thereto based on qualitative and quantitative data on nouns identifying a person in individual thematic groups at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries recorded lexicographically. Part One describes the theoretical basis of the research, provides a detailed overview of the methodology and the research methods, and defines the key concepts that are used as a scientific research tool. Part Two analyses nouns used to denominate religion-related persons, the titles of the cult servants and the names of persons who belong to the other world or are related thereto. Part Three of the Thesis analyses the spectrum of the modern political world in the hypertext of the vocabulary. Part Four analyses economic lexic and the worldview.

„Šiuolaikinės rusų kalbos asmenis įvardijantys daiktavardžiai kaip pasaulėvaizdžio atspindis (pagal „XXI amžiaus aiškinamąjį rusų kalbos žodyną. Aktuali leksika“) / Defence of PhD Thesis: “Nouns identifying persons as a reflection of the worldview in modern Russian” (pursuant to the Russian glossary of the 21th Century. Currently important vocabulary”) / Картина мира в зеркале существительных со значением лица в современном русском языке (по данным толкового словаря русского языка начала XXI века. Актуальная лексика)

Kravcova, Liudimila 29 October 2013 (has links)
Disertacinio darbo tikslas – rekonstruoti pasaulėvaizdžio fragmentą ir atskleisti jame įvykusius pokyčius, remiantis leksikografiškai užfiksuotais kokybiniais bei kiekybiniais duomenimis apie asmenį įvardijančius daiktavardžius atskirose teminėse grupėse XX ir XXI amžių sandūroje. Pirmojoje dalyje pristatomi teoriniai tyrimo pagrindai, išsamiai aptariama metodologija bei tyrimo metodai, taip pat apibūdinamos pagrindinės sąvokos, kurios pasitelktos kaip mokslinis tyrimo aparatas. Antroje darbo dalyje nagrinėjami religinius asmenis žymintys daiktavardžiai, kulto tarnautojų įvardijimai ir anapusiniam pasauliui priklausančių arba su juo susijusių asmenų pavadinimai. Trečioje disertacijos dalyje analizuojamas šiuolaikinio politinio gyvenimo spektras žodyno hipertekste. Ketvirtojoje dalyje analizuojama ekonominė leksika ir rusų kalbos vartotojų pasaulėvaizdis. / The objective of the PhD Thesis is to reconstruct a fragment of the worldview and to reveal the changes related thereto based on qualitative and quantitative data on nouns identifying a person in individual thematic groups at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries recorded lexicographically. Part One describes the theoretical basis of the research, provides a detailed overview of the methodology and the research methods, and defines the key concepts that are used as a scientific research tool. Part Two analyses nouns used to denominate religion-related persons, the titles of the cult servants and the names of persons who belong to the other world or are related thereto. Part Three of the Thesis analyses the spectrum of the modern political world in the hypertext of the vocabulary. Part Four analyses economic lexic and the worldview. / Цель диссертационного исследования - реконструкция фрагмента картины мира и выявление изменений в ней на основе лексикографически зафиксированных количественных и качественных данных, имеющих место в классе существительных со значением лица в отдельных тематических группах на рубеже XX и XXI веков. В I главе реферируется научная литература, подробно описывается методология, методы исследования, а также дается характеристика основных понятий, используемых в качестве научного аппарата исследования. Во II главе анализируются существительные, называющие лица по принадлежности к миру религии. III глава посвящена анализу спектра политической жизни в гипертексте словаря. В IV главе анализируется экономическая лексика.

Identifying vertices in graphs and digraphs

Skaggs, Robert Duane 28 February 2007 (has links)
The closed neighbourhood of a vertex in a graph is the vertex together with the set of adjacent vertices. A di®erentiating-dominating set, or identifying code, is a collection of vertices whose intersection with the closed neighbour- hoods of each vertex is distinct and nonempty. A di®erentiating-dominating set in a graph serves to uniquely identify all the vertices in the graph. Chapter 1 begins with the necessary de¯nitions and background results and provides motivation for the following chapters. Chapter 1 includes a summary of the lower identi¯cation parameters, °L and °d. Chapter 2 de- ¯nes co-distinguishable graphs and determines bounds on the number of edges in graphs which are distinguishable and co-distinguishable while Chap- ter 3 describes the maximum number of vertices needed in order to identify vertices in a graph, and includes some Nordhaus-Gaddum type results for the sum and product of the di®erentiating-domination number of a graph and its complement. Chapter 4 explores criticality, in which any minor modi¯cation in the edge or vertex set of a graph causes the di®erentiating-domination number to change. Chapter 5 extends the identi¯cation parameters to allow for orientations of the graphs in question and considers the question of when adding orientation helps reduce the value of the identi¯cation parameter. We conclude with a survey of complexity results in Chapter 6 and a collection of interesting new research directions in Chapter 7. / Mathematical Sciences / PhD (Mathematics)

Problèmes d'identification dans les graphes / Identification problems in graphs

Parreau, Aline 05 July 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions des problèmes d'identification des sommets dans les graphes. Identifier les sommets d'un graphe consiste à attribuer à chaque sommet un objet qui rend le sommet unique par rapport aux autres. Nous nous intéressons particulièrement aux codes identifiants : sous-ensembles de sommets d'un graphe, dominants, tels que le voisinage fermé de chaque sommet du graphe a une intersection unique avec l'ensemble. Les sommets du code identifiant peuvent être considérés comme des capteurs et chaque sommet du graphe comme un lieu possible pour une défaillance. Nous caractérisons tout d'abord l'ensemble des graphes pour lesquels tous les sommets sauf un sont nécessaires dans tout code identifiant. Le problème consistant à trouver un code identifiant optimal, c'est-`a-dire de taille minimale, étant NP-difficile, nous l'étudions sur quatre classes restreintes de graphes. Suivant les cas, nous pouvons résoudre complètement le problème (pour les graphes de Sierpinski), améliorer les bornes générales (pour les graphes d'intervalles, les graphes adjoints, la grille du roi) ou montrer que le problème reste difficile même restreint (pour les graphes adjoints). Nous considérons ensuite des variations autour des codes identifiants permettant plus de flexibilité pour les capteurs. Nous étudions par exemple des capteurs du plan capables de détecter des défaillances `a un rayon connu avec une erreur tolérée. Nous donnons des constructions de tels codes et bornons leur taille pour des valeurs de rayons et d'erreurs fixés ou asymptotiques. Nous introduisons enfin la notion de coloration identifiante d'un graphe, permettant d'identifier les sommets d'un graphe avec les couleurs présentes dans son voisinage. Nous comparons cette coloration avec la coloration propre des graphes et donnons des bornes sur le nombre de couleurs nécessaires pour identifier un graphe, pour plusieurs classes de graphes. / In this thesis, we study problems on vertices identification of graphs. To identify the vertices of a graph consists in giving to each vertex of the graph an object that makes it unique. We are specially interested in the problem of identifying codes : dominating sets of vertices for which the closed neighborhood of each vertex has a unique intersection with the set. The vertices of the identifying code can be seen as sensors and each vertex of the graph as the location of a potential fault. We first classify all finite graphs for which all but one of the vertices are needed in any identifying code. Finding an optimal identifying code, i.e, an identifying code of minimum size, is a $NP$-hard problem. Therefore, we study this problem in some restricted classes of graphes. Depending on the class considered, we are able to solve this problem (for Sierpi`nski graphs), to give better bounds on the size of an identifying code than the general one (for interval graphs, line graphs and the king grid) or to prove that the problem remains NP-hard even in the restricted class (for line graphs). Then, we consider some variations of identifing codes that give flexibility to the sensors. For example, we study codes sensors able to detect faults within a radius around a fixed value. We give constructions of such codes and bounds on their size for general and asymptotic values of the radius and the tolerance on it. Finally, we introduce identifying colourings of graphs; verex-colouring of graph such that each vertex is identified by the set of colours in its closed neighbourhood. We compare this colouring of graphs with proper vertex-coloring and give bounds on the number of colours required to identify a graph, for several class of graphs.

O processo escolar no município de Tunápolis, SC, 1954-1974 : escola pública com características de escola comunitária?

Spies, Isabel 05 August 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho, inserido na Linha de Pesquisa História e Filosofia da Educação, teve como temática o estudo histórico e o desenvolvimento do processo escolar de descendentes de imigrantes alemães, estabelecidos na Vila Tunas, posteriormente Tunápolis, localizado no oeste catarinense, no início da década de cinquenta. Trata-se de migrantes alemães, provenientes do Rio Grande do Sul e regiões próximas de Tunápolis, que se estabeleceram nessa localidade, apoiados pela Sociedade União Popular ou Volksverein, liderada por padres jesuítas. Procura analisar as relações e contribuições dos poderes públicos, da Igreja e da comunidade, na efetivação da escolarização deste núcleo rural. Com auxílio da História Cultural, a metodologia utilizada centrou-se nas fontes documentais, relatórios anuais, termos de visita de inspetores escolares, fotografias e diário de um pároco; e nas fontes orais, obtidas com doze entrevistas, realizadas com ex-professores e ex-alunos, moradores e lideranças comunitárias, que fizeram parte do período escolar de 1954-1974, ocasião em que funcionou essencialmente o ensino de 1ª a 4ª série em Tunápolis. O texto é organizado em três capítulos, o primeiro é dedicado à análise do processo imigratório e migratório no Brasil, a instalação e organização comunitária em Tunápolis, e o início do seu processo escolar. Ao tratar da temática relacionada à escola, em uma comunidade étnica, foi indispensável a discussão a respeito da Lei da Nacionalização do Ensino. No segundo capítulo, enfatizo o desenvolvimento do processo escolar em Tunápolis, investigando as relações sociais, políticas, econômicas, e os agentes (governo, Igreja, líderes comunitários, professores e alunos) que fizeram parte das questões educacionais na comunidade, e sua íntima relação com o modelo escolar étnico-comunitário. Por fim, priorizo a discussão a respeito das culturas e práticas escolares e sociais adotadas, os projetos e discursos defendidos diante de suas peculiaridades e intencionalidades do contexto e do momento histórico. Os resultados apontam que o diálogo entre os agentes envolvidos foi fundamental para propulsionar o funcionamento da escola de Tunas. Também as práticas sociais desenvolvidas pela comunidade em benefício da escola, os mutirões e as festividades, auxiliaram no desenvolvimento de pertencimento étnico à migração alemã, e um forte sentimento comunitário de identificação com o local e entre os seus habitantes. A Escola Municipal Vila Tunas foi assumida pela municipalidade, porém os indícios demonstraram que inúmeras semelhanças com as escolas étnico-comunitárias, muito valorizadas pelos imigrantes alemães, por cultivarem as tradições, os ideais, os costumes, os valores do seu povo, foram ali desenvolvidas. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-30T13:56:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Isabel Spies.pdf: 2051667 bytes, checksum: b92acf6abe1920bcd00472e250eced01 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-30T13:56:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Isabel Spies.pdf: 2051667 bytes, checksum: b92acf6abe1920bcd00472e250eced01 (MD5) / This study, inserted in the Historical Research and Philosophy of the Education Line, had as subject matter the historical study and the development of the educational process in German descendants established in Tunas Village, after turned into Tunápolis, in the western part of Santa Catarina, in the beginning of the 50s. We are talking about German migrants that came from Rio Grande do Sul and areas close to Tunápolis. These people settled in that place supported by Sociedade União Popular or Volksverein, led by Jesuit priests. This paper searches to analyze the relations and contributions of the government, the church and the community in creating the school system in this rural area. Through the Cultural History, the methodology was focused in documental sources, annual reports, reports of visits from the educational inspectors, photos and the diary of a priest, and in the oral sources, gotten with twelve interviews, done with ex teachers and ex students, residents and community leaders, who participated in the school year from 1954 to 1974, when, essentially, the elementary school worked in Tunápolis. The article is organized in three chapters. The first is dedicated to analyze the immigration and migratory process in Brazil, the community installation and organization in Tunápolis and the beginning of its educational process. When treating the subject related to the school, in an ethnical community, it was impossible not to discuss about the Lei da Nacionalização do Ensino. In the second chapter, the development of the educational process in Tunápolis was researched, investigating the social, political and economical relations, and the agents (government, church, community leaders, teachers and students) that took part in the educational questions in the community and its close relation with the ethnical-community educational model. In the third chapter the discussion about the cultures and educational and social practices, the projects and speeches defended before its peculiarities and intentions of the context and the historical moment. The results show that the dialogue between the agents involved was essential to propel the work of the school in Tunas. The social practices developed by the community in benefit to the school, the collective efforts and the festivities helped in the development of the ethnical belonging to the German migration, and a strong community feeling of identification with the local and among its residents. The Escola Municipal Vila Tunas was accepted by the city hall, however the signs showed many similarities to the ethnical-community school, very valued by the German immigrants, because they cultivate the traditions, the ideas, the habits, the values of their people, were developed there.

Problemas de cÃdigo de identificaÃÃo em grades / Identifying code problems in grides

Rennan Ferreira Dantas 16 July 2014 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O problema do cÃdigo de identificaÃÃo foi introduzido em 1998 por Karpovsky com a finalidade de ajudar no diagnÃstico de falhas em sistemas computacionais com multiprocessadores Desde entÃo o estudo sobre esses cÃdigos e suas variantes tem sido desenvolvido Antoine Lobstein mantÃm uma bibliografia com mais de 200 artigos sobre o assunto A ideia do problema consiste em identificar qualquer vÃrtice do grafo utilizando apenas o seu conjunto de identificaÃÃo que sÃo os vÃrtices de sua vizinhanÃa fechada que estÃo no cÃdigo de identificaÃÃo Muitos estudos recentes se concentraram em grafos infinitos e com isso o objetivo à obter cÃdigos de identificaÃÃo nesses grafos infinitos com a menor densidade possÃvel Em 2005 Ben-Haim e Litsyn provaram que a densidade de um cÃdigo de identificaÃÃo Ãtimo da grade retangular infinita à 7/20. Nessa dissertaÃÃo fazemos um estudo bibliogrÃfico apresentando vÃrios resultados existentes e fornecemos uma prova alternativa para a densidade 7/20 de cÃdigos Ãtimos em grades retangulares infinitas usando o mÃtodo da descarga / The identifying code problem was introduced in 1998 by Karpovsky as a way to help fault diagnosis in multiprocessor computer systems Since then the study of this problem and its variants has been developed Antoine Lobstein maintains a bibliography with more than 200 articles on this subject The idea of the problem is to identify any vertex of the graph using just its identifying set which are the vertices of its closed neighborhood in the identifying code Many recent papers have investigated infinite graphs and then the main objective is to obtain identifying codes in these infinite graphs with the smallest possible density In 2005 Ben-Haim and Litsyn proved that the density of an optimum identifying code in the infinite rectangular grid is 7/20 In this dissertation we present a bibliographical study showing several existing results and we provide an alternative proof to the density 7/20 for optimum identifying codes in infinite rectangular grids using the discharging method

O processo escolar no município de Tunápolis, SC, 1954-1974 : escola pública com características de escola comunitária?

Spies, Isabel 05 August 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho, inserido na Linha de Pesquisa História e Filosofia da Educação, teve como temática o estudo histórico e o desenvolvimento do processo escolar de descendentes de imigrantes alemães, estabelecidos na Vila Tunas, posteriormente Tunápolis, localizado no oeste catarinense, no início da década de cinquenta. Trata-se de migrantes alemães, provenientes do Rio Grande do Sul e regiões próximas de Tunápolis, que se estabeleceram nessa localidade, apoiados pela Sociedade União Popular ou Volksverein, liderada por padres jesuítas. Procura analisar as relações e contribuições dos poderes públicos, da Igreja e da comunidade, na efetivação da escolarização deste núcleo rural. Com auxílio da História Cultural, a metodologia utilizada centrou-se nas fontes documentais, relatórios anuais, termos de visita de inspetores escolares, fotografias e diário de um pároco; e nas fontes orais, obtidas com doze entrevistas, realizadas com ex-professores e ex-alunos, moradores e lideranças comunitárias, que fizeram parte do período escolar de 1954-1974, ocasião em que funcionou essencialmente o ensino de 1ª a 4ª série em Tunápolis. O texto é organizado em três capítulos, o primeiro é dedicado à análise do processo imigratório e migratório no Brasil, a instalação e organização comunitária em Tunápolis, e o início do seu processo escolar. Ao tratar da temática relacionada à escola, em uma comunidade étnica, foi indispensável a discussão a respeito da Lei da Nacionalização do Ensino. No segundo capítulo, enfatizo o desenvolvimento do processo escolar em Tunápolis, investigando as relações sociais, políticas, econômicas, e os agentes (governo, Igreja, líderes comunitários, professores e alunos) que fizeram parte das questões educacionais na comunidade, e sua íntima relação com o modelo escolar étnico-comunitário. Por fim, priorizo a discussão a respeito das culturas e práticas escolares e sociais adotadas, os projetos e discursos defendidos diante de suas peculiaridades e intencionalidades do contexto e do momento histórico. Os resultados apontam que o diálogo entre os agentes envolvidos foi fundamental para propulsionar o funcionamento da escola de Tunas. Também as práticas sociais desenvolvidas pela comunidade em benefício da escola, os mutirões e as festividades, auxiliaram no desenvolvimento de pertencimento étnico à migração alemã, e um forte sentimento comunitário de identificação com o local e entre os seus habitantes. A Escola Municipal Vila Tunas foi assumida pela municipalidade, porém os indícios demonstraram que inúmeras semelhanças com as escolas étnico-comunitárias, muito valorizadas pelos imigrantes alemães, por cultivarem as tradições, os ideais, os costumes, os valores do seu povo, foram ali desenvolvidas. / This study, inserted in the Historical Research and Philosophy of the Education Line, had as subject matter the historical study and the development of the educational process in German descendants established in Tunas Village, after turned into Tunápolis, in the western part of Santa Catarina, in the beginning of the 50s. We are talking about German migrants that came from Rio Grande do Sul and areas close to Tunápolis. These people settled in that place supported by Sociedade União Popular or Volksverein, led by Jesuit priests. This paper searches to analyze the relations and contributions of the government, the church and the community in creating the school system in this rural area. Through the Cultural History, the methodology was focused in documental sources, annual reports, reports of visits from the educational inspectors, photos and the diary of a priest, and in the oral sources, gotten with twelve interviews, done with ex teachers and ex students, residents and community leaders, who participated in the school year from 1954 to 1974, when, essentially, the elementary school worked in Tunápolis. The article is organized in three chapters. The first is dedicated to analyze the immigration and migratory process in Brazil, the community installation and organization in Tunápolis and the beginning of its educational process. When treating the subject related to the school, in an ethnical community, it was impossible not to discuss about the Lei da Nacionalização do Ensino. In the second chapter, the development of the educational process in Tunápolis was researched, investigating the social, political and economical relations, and the agents (government, church, community leaders, teachers and students) that took part in the educational questions in the community and its close relation with the ethnical-community educational model. In the third chapter the discussion about the cultures and educational and social practices, the projects and speeches defended before its peculiarities and intentions of the context and the historical moment. The results show that the dialogue between the agents involved was essential to propel the work of the school in Tunas. The social practices developed by the community in benefit to the school, the collective efforts and the festivities helped in the development of the ethnical belonging to the German migration, and a strong community feeling of identification with the local and among its residents. The Escola Municipal Vila Tunas was accepted by the city hall, however the signs showed many similarities to the ethnical-community school, very valued by the German immigrants, because they cultivate the traditions, the ideas, the habits, the values of their people, were developed there.

Aspects combinatoires et algorithmiques des codes identifiants dans les graphes / Combinatorial and algorithmic aspects of identifying codes in graphs

Foucaud, Florent 10 December 2012 (has links)
Un code identifiant est un ensemble de sommets d'un graphe tel que, d'une part, chaque sommet hors du code a un voisin dans le code (propriété de domination) et, d'autre part, tous les sommets ont un voisinage distinct à l'intérieur du code (propriété de séparation). Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à des aspects combinatoires et algorithmiques relatifs aux codes identifiants.Pour la partie combinatoire, nous étudions tout d'abord des questions extrémales en donnant une caractérisation complète des graphes non-orientés finis ayant comme taille minimum de code identifiant leur ordre moins un. Nous caractérisons également les graphes dirigés finis, les graphes non-orientés infinis et les graphes orientés infinis ayant pour seul code identifiant leur ensemble de sommets. Ces résultats répondent à des questions ouvertes précédemment étudiées dans la littérature.Puis, nous étudions la relation entre la taille minimum d'un code identifiant et le degré maximum d'un graphe, en particulier en donnant divers majorants pour ce paramètre en fonction de l'ordre et du degré maximum. Ces majorants sont obtenus via deux techniques. L'une est basée sur la construction d'ensembles indépendants satisfaisant certaines propriétés, et l'autre utilise la combinaison de deux outils de la méthode probabiliste : le lemme local de Lovasz et une borne de Chernoff. Nous donnons également des constructions de familles de graphes en relation avec ce type de majorants, et nous conjecturons que ces constructions sont optimales à une constante additive près.Nous présentons également de nouveaux minorants et majorants pour la cardinalité minimum d'un code identifiant dans des classes de graphes particulières. Nous étudions les graphes de maille au moins 5 et de degré minimum donné en montrant que la combinaison de ces deux paramètres influe fortement sur la taille minimum d'un code identifiant. Nous appliquons ensuite ces résultats aux graphes réguliers aléatoires. Puis, nous donnons des minorants pour la taille d'un code identifiant des graphes d'intervalles et des graphes d'intervalles unitaires. Enfin, nous donnons divers minorants et majorants pour cette quantité lorsque l'on se restreint aux graphes adjoints. Cette dernière question est abordée via la notion nouvelle de codes arête-identifiants.Pour la partie algorithmique, il est connu que le problème de décision associés à la notion de code identifiant est NP-complet même pour des classes de graphes restreintes. Nous étendons ces résultats à d'autres classes de graphes telles que celles des graphes split, des co-bipartis, des adjoints ou d'intervalles. Pour cela nous proposons des réductions polynomiales depuis divers problèmes algorithmiques classiques. Ces résultats montrent que dans beaucoup de classes de graphes, le problème des codes identifiants est algorithmiquement plus difficile que des problèms liés (tel que le problème des ensembles dominants).Par ailleurs, nous complétons les connaissances relatives à l'approximabilité du problème d'optimisation associé aux codes identifiants. Nous étendons le résultat connu de NP-difficulté pour l'approximation de ce problème avec un facteur sous-logarithmique (en fonction de la taille du graphe instance) aux graphes bipartis, split et co-bipartis, respectivement. Nous étendons également le résultat connu d'APX-complétude pour les graphes de degré maximum donné à une sous-classe des graphes split, aux graphes bipartis de degré maximum 4 et aux graphes adjoints. Enfin, nous montrons l'existence d'un algorithme de type PTAS pour les graphes d'intervalles unitaires. / An identifying code is a set of vertices of a graph such that, on the one hand, each vertex out of the code has a neighbour in the code (domination property), and, on the other hand, all vertices have a distinct neighbourhood within the code (separation property). In this thesis, we investigate combinatorial and algorithmic aspects of identifying codes.For the combinatorial part, we first study extremal questions by giving a complete characterization of all finite undirected graphs having their order minus one as minimum size of an identifying code. We also characterize finite directed graphs, infinite undirected graphs and infinite oriented graphs having their whole vertex set as unique identifying code. These results answer open questions that were previously studied in the literature.We then study the relationship between the minimum size of an identifying code and the maximum degree of a graph. In particular, we give several upper bounds for this parameter as a function of the order and the maximum degree. These bounds are obtained using two techniques. The first one consists in the construction of independent sets satisfying certain properties, and the second one is the combination of two tools from the probabilistic method: the Lovasz local lemma and a Chernoff bound. We also provide constructions of graph families related to this type of upper bounds, and we conjecture that they are optimal up to an additive constant.We also present new lower and upper bounds for the minimum cardinality of an identifying code in specific graph classes. We study graphs of girth at least 5 and of given minimum degree by showing that the combination of these two parameters has a strong influence on the minimum size of an identifying code. We apply these results to random regular graphs. Then, we give lower bounds on the size of a minimum identifying code of interval and unit interval graphs. Finally, we prove several lower and upper bounds for this parameter when considering line graphs. The latter question is tackled using the new notion of an edge-identifying code.For the algorithmic part, it is known that the decision problem associated to the notion of an identifying code is NP-complete, even for restricted graph classes. We extend the known results to other classes such as split graphs, co-bipartite graphs, line graphs or interval graphs. To this end, we propose polynomial-time reductions from several classical hard algorithmic problems. These results show that in many graph classes, the identifying code problem is computationally more difficult than related problems (such as the dominating set problem).Furthermore, we extend the knowledge of the approximability of the optimization problem associated to identifying codes. We extend the known result of NP-hardness of approximating this problem within a sub-logarithmic factor (as a function of the instance graph) to bipartite, split and co-bipartite graphs, respectively. We also extendthe known result of its APX-hardness for graphs of given maximum degree to a subclass of split graphs, bipartite graphs of maximum degree 4 and line graphs. Finally, we show the existence of a PTAS algorithm for unit interval graphs.

The anti-glycation potential of rice / 米の抗糖化能力 / コメ ノ コウトウカ ノウリョク

Ursula Pasandee Pabasara Wickramasinghe 22 March 2022 (has links)
The study shows that rice water has a strong inhibitory efficacy against various AGEs and the bran layer of rice is mainly responsible for its anti-glycation activity. There are many unknown bioactive compounds in bran with anti-glycation potential. Thus, stable bioactive compounds responsible for anti-glycation of rice bran are yet to be identified. The clinical data suggests that DBR or SARFR when compared with polished rice, contributes to health promotion, including skin condition, by reducing the indigestibility of brown rice and ensuring nutrition, which facilitates continuous intake. / 博士(理学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Science / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Våld mot kvinnor i nära relation – faktorer som kan påverka sjuksköterskors identifiering av våldsutsatta kvinnor : en litteraturöversikt / Violence against women in intimate relationship – Factors that can influence the nurses identification of abused women : a literature review

Andersson, Cecilia, Möller, Åsa January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund Våld i nära relation är ett globalt hälsoproblem och leder till många och allvarliga konsekvenser för kvinnan. Sjuksköterskan ska arbeta för att främja hälsa och mänskliga rättigheter samt lindra lidande och har därför en viktig roll i arbetet mot våld i nära relation. Syfte Syftet var att belysa faktorer som kan påverka sjuksköterskors möjlighet att identifiera kvinnor som är utsatta för våld i nära relation. Metod En litteraturöversikt baserad på 13 vetenskapliga artiklar av både kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats. Artiklarna söktes fram genom databassökning och manuell sökning i CINAHL och PubMed. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Resultat I resultatet framkom underlättande och hindrande faktorer som påverkade identifieringen av våldsutsatta kvinnor. Underlättande faktorer för identifiering av våld i nära relation var erfarenhet, kunskap, synliga tecken på våld, tillgång till screeningsverktyg och god kommunikation. Hindrande faktorer var begränsad erfarenhet begränsad kunskap, arbetsmiljö, organisation, emotionell distansering, personliga värderingar och attityder. Slutsats Sjuksköterskan behöver få ökad kunskap både i grundutbildningen och fortlöpande kompetensutveckling om våld i nära relation. Hälso-och sjukvården behöver tydliga riktlinjer samt rätt screeningverktyg för att sjuksköterskan ska kunna identifiera och vårda våldsutsatta kvinnor. Sjuksköterskan behöver hålla ett professionellt förhållningssätt till kvinnor utsatta för våld i nära relation och ignorera egna personliga fördomar. / Background Violence in intimate relationships is a global health problem and leads to many and serious consequences for women. The nurse must work to promote health and human rights and relieve suffering and therefore has an important role in the work against violence in close relationships. Aim The purpose was to highlight factors that can affect the nurses ability to identify women who are exposed to violence in close relationships. Method A literature review based on 13 scientific articles of both quantitative and qualitative approach. The articles were retrieved by database search and manual search in CINAHL and PubMed. The results were analyzed using content analysis. Results The results revealed facilitating and hindering factors that influenced the identification of abused women. Facilitating factors for identifying intimate partner violence were experience, knowledge, visible signs of violence, access to screening tools and good communication. Obstructing factors were limited experience, limited knowledge, work environment, organization, emotional distancing, personal values and attitudes. Conclusions The nurse needs to gain increased knowledge both in basic education and ongoing competence development about violence in intimate relationships. The health care system needs clear guidelines and the right screening tools for the nurse to be able to identify and care for women exposed to violence. The nurse needs to maintain a professional approach to women exposed to violence in a close relationship and ignore their own personal prejudices.

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