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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Housing estate companies’ considerations when organizing property management: Perspectives on profitability and customer satisfaction

Thoft, Jacob, Reeder, Hannah January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka avväganden bostadsbolagen gör angåendelönsamhet och kundnöjdhet vid inhouse respektive outsourcad bostadsförvaltning.Frågeställningen är ”Hur förhåller sig bostadsbolagen till kundnöjdhet och lönsamhet utifrånorganiseringen av fastighetsförvaltningen?”. Studien undersöker genom semistruktureradeintervjuer med representanter från bostadsbolagen uppfattningar och beslutstagande kringorganisering av fastighetsförvaltningen.Studien visar att vid organisering av fastighetsförvaltning så har lönsamhet inverkan ur fleraolika aspekter. Det är huvudsakligen fem faktorer som inverkar på om förvaltningenorganiseras inhouse eller outsourcat. Det är (1) storleken på bolagets fastighetsbestånd, (2)beståndets geografiska placering, (3) kontroll över verksamheten, (4) flexibilitet och (5)kompetens.Studien kan däremot inte visa att organiseringen av fastighetsförvaltning har betydelse förkundnöjdhet. Studien visar att god servicekvalitet kan uppnås i både inhouse eller genomoutsourcad fastighetsförvaltning. Däremot finns det skillnader i hur goda kundrelationeruppnås mellan de olika organisationstyperna. Bostadsbolag med inhouse förvaltning resoneraratt service till hyresgästen genomförs bäst med egen personal, något som sker då företaget harkontroll över informationsflöden om kunden och när frontpersonalen har ett stort egetbeslutsmandat. Bostadsbolag med kombination av inhouse och outsourcing säkerställer högkundnöjdhet då felanmälningsprocessen bedrivs i egen regi. Således anser bostadsbolagen attde får större kontroll över kundrelationer och informationsflöden. Avslutningsvis resonerar debostadsbolag med outsourcad förvaltning att hög servicekvalitet kan uppnås närbostadsbolaget strävar efter nära samarbete och förtroende till sin serviceleverantör. / The purpose of this paper is to examine on what considerations housing estate companiesmake regarding profitability and customer satisfaction when organizing their propertymanagement either inhouse or outsourced. The question of the thesis is ”How do housingestate companies consider the impact on customer satisfaction and profitability whenorganizing property management?”. The study examines perceptions and decision makingregarding organization of property management through semi-structured interviews withrepresentatives from housing estate companies.The study shows that when organizing property management profitability affects in severaldifferent aspects. There are mainly five factors that affects whether the property managementis organized inhouse or outsourced. It’s (1) the size of the company’s real estate stock, (2) thelocation of the real estate stock, (3) control of operations, (4) flexibility and (5) competence.The study, however, can not show that the organization of property management hassignificance on customer satisfaction. Furthermore high service quality can be achieved bothinhouse or through outsourced property management. However there are differences in howgood customer relationships are achieved between the different types of organizations.Housing companies with inhouse property management argue that the service is best carriedout by their own employees, then the company has control over information about thecustomer and front staff have better decision-making mandate. Housing companies withcombination of inhouse and outsourcing ensure high customer satisfaction as the servicereporting is conducted inhouse. Thus, housing companies consider that they gain greatercontrol over customer relationships and information flows. In conclusion, housing companieswith outsourced management argue that high quality of service can be achieved when thehousing company strives for close collaboration and trust to its service supplier.

”Billigast är inte alltid bäst, vi kommer aldrig att vara billigast men strävar efter att vara bäst” : En studie om kundlojalitet / "Cheapest is not always the best, we will never be cheapest but strive to be the best" : A study of customer loyalty

Apelkvist, Niklas, Ismail, Brin January 2019 (has links)
I Sverige har banksektorn en avgörande inverkan i vårt vardagliga liv, då vi alla i stort sett är kopplade till en bank. Detta har bidragit till att banker har utsätts för ökad konkurrens, vilket sätter stor press på bankerna att sticka ut från övriga konkurrenter och erbjuda tjänster som gör kunden nöjd samt lojal mot sin bank. Idag har bankerna lagt ner stora resurser för att uppfylla en god kundnöjdhet och kundlojalitet. Kundlojalitet är resultatet av flera faktorer som bl.a. kundnöjdhet, förtroende och lojalitetsprogram som också presenteras i uppsatsen. Uppsatsen ska ge läsaren en överblick av hur banker i Borås arbetar för att skapa en god kundlojalitet. Uppsatsen har begränsats till tre banker i Borås, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB), Swedbank och Nordea. Syftet är att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur bankerna arbetar för att hålla en god kundlojalitet. Genom en kvalitativ metod har det undersökts hur bankerna arbetar med kundlojalitet och dess viktiga faktorer nöjdhet, förtroende och verktyget lojalitetsprogram. Uppsatsen genomfördes med hjälp av intervjufrågor som grundar sig på tidigare forskning inom kundlojalitet, kundnöjdhet, förtroende och lojalitetsprogram. Respondenter från SEB, Swedbank och Nordea fick svara på frågor angående dessa fyra faktorer och hur de arbetarmed att skapa en god kundlojalitet utifrån deras perspektiv. Vårt resultat visar att de tre bankerna Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB), Swedbank och Nordea i Borås känner till vikten av att ha en god kundlojalitet för att inte förlora sina kunder. / In Sweden, the banking sector has a determining impact on our everyday life, since we are allgenerally connected to a bank. This has contributed to the fact that banks have been exposedto increased competition, which puts pressure on banks to stand out from other competitorsand offer services that make the customer satisfied and loyal to their bank. Today, the bankshave brought a lot of resources to meet good customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.Customer loyalty is the result of several factors such as: customer satisfaction, trust andloyalty programs who is also presented in the essay.The essay will give the reader an overview of how banks in Borås works to create goodcustomer loyalty. The essay was limited to three banks in Borås, the Scandinavian IndividualBank (SEB), Swedbank and Nordea. The purpose of the essay is to create a deeperunderstanding of how banks work to maintain good customer loyalty.Through a qualitative method, this essay has investigated how banks works with customerloyalty and its key factors satisfaction, trust and the tool loyalty program.The essay consisted of questions based on previous research in customer loyalty, customersatisfaction, trust and loyalty programs. Representatives from the Scandinavian IndividualBank (SEB), Swedbank and Nordea answered questions regarding these four factors and howthey work to create good customer loyalty from their point of view.The results show that the three banks Scandinavian Individual Bank (SEB), Swedbank andNordea in Borås are aware of the importance of having a good customer loyalty in order tonot lose their customers.

Analýza spokojenosti zákazníků a návrhy opatření na zvýšení její úrovně / Analysis of Customer Satisfaction and Suggested Measures for its Improvement

Červenková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis focuses on the analysis of customer satisfaction for a travel agency KM Travel and recommendations for its improvement. The theoretical part deals with basic concepts, such as marketing research, customer, customer satisfaction and quality of service. In the practical part is an analysis of KM Travel and analyze the information obtained from questionnaires. Based on the evaluation are suggested measures and recommendations to increase customer satisfaction.


Němcová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this (dissertation) thesis is to create a modern e-commerce/ e-business model that takes in account the needs of clients and includes their demands into e-commerce/ e-business strategic management of the company. By using the MATLAB software is created the model which represents an e-commerce/ e-business economic model. In this case tries the company - with the help of feedback - to bring its output to the client as much as possible. The solution of these problems is an application on the model where dynamic interactions of clent´s strategies and newly created e-commerce / e-business strategies are investigated.

Hur kan Lean service management användas för att förbättra kundnöjdhet och effektivisera produktion- och uppföljningsskedet av byggprocessen? / How can Lean service management be used to improve customer satisfaction and streamline the production and follow-up chain of the construction process?

Andersson, André, Strandell, Elias January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to contribute to an increased understanding of the application of Lean service management in the production and monitoring phase of the construction process within real estate companies. The research questions investigate how Lean service management can improve customer satisfaction and efficiency, what obstacles can arise during implementation, and how Lean can develop in the future. Real estate companies must offer high-quality services while streamlining their operations to increase profitability as the industry has become increasingly service-focused. This study uses a qualitative, deductive method with a comparative research design to analyze how Lean service management is applied in real estate companies. Collected data consists of a literature review and semi-structured interviews with three respondents from different companies. The results show that Lean service management can streamline the production and monitoring phase of the construction process by identifying and eliminating waste of resources. The study emphasizes the importance of measuring improvements and using digital tools to create a holistic project approach. Implementing Lean requires management commitment, Lean training, and the involvement of the entire organization. With proper application, Lean service management can create win-win situations where the company, its employees, and the customer benefit. Future development of Lean service management in the production and monitoring phase of the construction process may include increased digitization and the use of AI models to streamline more processes. The study also concludes that a more efficient construction process is necessary to meet future environmental requirements and create sustainable solutions.

Kundbaserad fastighetsförvaltning – Kundnöjdhetens påverkan på fastighetsförvaltning / Customer based management – Customer satisfaction´s effect on real estate management

Ronström, Tobias, Källqvist, Joakim January 2020 (has links)
Fastighetsförvaltning var tidigare ett tekniskt område där arbetet utgick från fastigheterna.Detta är något som inte det närmsta passar in på dagens fastighetsförvaltning, som utgår från flera intressenter och parametrar. Förvaltningen utgörs idag av flera tjänster som fungerar som ett helhetserbjudande för hyresgästerna. Hyresgästerna kan därför idag räknas som konsumenter till funktioner och tjänster kopplade till fastigheten. Detta har inneburit att fastighetsförvaltning i allt större utsträckning utgår ifrån kundens behov och förväntningaroch att möta dessa är en förutsättning för att lyckas. Dessa funktioner och tjänster som fastighetsbolagen erbjuder för sina hyresgäster består av aktiviteter som utförs i förhoppning om att kunna öka kundnöjdheten. Det görs genom att ett mervärde skapas då förvaltningen möter hyresgästens behov och överträffar deras förväntningar. Det råder däremot en osäkerhet vilka aktiviteter som utförs i syfte att höja kundnöjdheten, vilket denna studie syftar till att undersöka. Utifrån detta har en kvalitativ metod valts bestående av litteraturstudier och empirisk tmaterial insamlat från årsredovisningar. Resultaten visar att aktiviteter som kundservice, kundkommunikation, kundundersökningar och arbete mot att skapa engagerade medarbetare kopplas direkt till kundnöjdhet och genomförs av alla bolagen. Vidare visar resultaten att kundnöjdhetsarbetet skiljer sig något mellan bostadsbolag och kommersiella bolag, där vissa aktiviteter anses viktigare än andra. Studien bidrar genom detta till att kartlägga vilka aktiviteter som ses som kundnöjdhetsarbete av olika typer av fastighetsbolagen.Avslutningsvis så anser vi att det skulle varit intressant att vidareutveckla studien genom att kolla på ett mer varierat urval av fastighetsbolag för att hitta större skillnader i deras kundnöjdhetsarbete. / Property Management was previously a technical area where the work was based around the properties. This is something that is not very accurate for today´s property management,which consists of interests of several stakeholders. Today the management consists of several services that serve as a comprehensive offer for the tenants. The tenants can therefore be observed as consumers for functions and services linked to the property. This has led to that property management is increasingly based on the customer's needs and expectations and to fulfill those is a prerequisite for success. These services that the real estate companies offer to their tenants consist of activities that are carried out in the hope of being able to increase customer satisfaction. This is done by creating value when the management meets the tenant's needs and exceeds their expectations.On the other hand, there is an uncertainty to which activities are carried out with the aim of increasing customer satisfaction, this is therefore the aim of the study. Based on this a qualitative method has been chosen consisting of literature studies and empirical material collected from annual reports. The results show that activities such as customer service, customer communication, customer surveys and a work towards creating engaged employees are directly linked to customer satisfaction and are carried out by al lcompanies. Furthermore the results show that customer satisfaction work differs somewhat between housing companies and commercial real estate companies, where some activities are considered more important than others by the different companies. The study helps to identify which activities are seen as customer satisfaction work of different real estate companies.Finally, we believe it would have been interesting to further develop the study by looking at amore varied selection of real estate companies to find greater differences in their customer satisfaction work.

Konsumenters upplevda servicekvalité på svenska nöjesparker : Medförde pandemin nöjdare kunder? / Consumers perceived service quality at amusement parks in Sweden : Did the pandemic result in more satisfied customers?

Burman, Patrik, Gauffin, Theres January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Konsumenters upplevda servicekvalité på svenska nöjesparker – Medförde pandemin nöjdare kunder? Nivå: Examensarbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Patrik Burman och Theres Gauffin Handledare: Peter Ek Datum: 2023 – juni Syfte: År 2020 stängde alla nöjesparker i Sverige för att minska risken för smittspridning av COVID-19. Studiens syfte är att analysera och jämföra den upplevda servicekvalitén vid införande av restriktioner för att minska smittspridningen av COVID-19 på nöjesparker i Sverige. Är besökare mer eller mindre nöjda efter pandemin jämfört med före? Metod: Studien genomfördes som en kvantitativ deduktiv studie. Det empiriska materialet utgjordes av recensioner av Sveriges två största nöjesparker publicerade på Tripadvisor.com åren 2019, 2021 och 2022. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Statistiska analyser utfördes för att generalisera resultaten till besökare på nöjesparker i Sverige. Resultat och slutsats: Den upplevda servicekvalitén på svenska nöjesparker var lägre efter pandemin jämfört med före, vilket resulterade i lägre kundnöjdhet. Bidragande orsaker var upplevelse av långa köer och trängsel vilket resulterade i lägre upplevt värde. Detta trots att nöjesparkerna begränsade det totala antalet besökare. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studiens bidrag är inom forskningsfältet för servicekvalité och kundnöjdhet. Studien bekräftar innehållsanalys av recensioner publicerade online som metod för att mäta upplevd servicekvalité. Studien visar vilka teman av servicekvalité som är viktiga för besökare på nöjesparker och hur bedömningen av dessa teman förändrats efter pandemin. Studien visar också på att upplevt värde förmedlar relationen mellan kundnöjdhet och servicekvalité. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Framtida studier kan undersöka om besökarnas upplevelse av väntetid och trängsel har förändrats efter pandemin. Metoden för denna studie skulle kunna kombineras med andra metoder för att stärka metodens validitet. / Title: Consumers perceived service quality at amusement parks in Sweden – Did the pandemic result in more satisfied customers? Level: Student thesis, final assignment for bachelor’s degree in business administration. Author: Patrik Burman and Theres Gauffin Supervisor: Peter Ek Date: 2023 - June Aim: Year 2020 the amusement parks in Sweden closed down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this thesis is to analyse and compare perceived service quality when restrictions are introduced in order to minimize the spread of COVID-19 at amusement parks in Sweden. Are visitors more or less satisfied after the pandemic compared with before? Method: The thesis is conducted as a quantitative deductive study. The empirical data was collected from reviews on the two largest amusement parks in Sweden published on Tripadvisor.com the years 2019, 2021 and 2022. The data was analysed using content analysis. Statistical analysis was performed in order to generalize the results to visitors at amusement parks in Sweden. Results and conclusions: The perceived service quality at amusement parks in Sweden was lower after the pandemic compared with before, which resulted in lower customer satisfaction. Contributing factors was the perception of long lines and crowding which resulted in less perceived value despite the restriction of the number of visitors. Contribution of the thesis: The contribution of the thesis is within the research field of service quality and customer satisfaction. The thesis confirms that content analysis of reviews published online is a suitable method for measuring perceived service quality. The thesis shows which themes of service quality are important to visitors at amusement parks and how their evaluation of these themes has changed after the pandemic. The thesis also shows that perceived value mediates the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality. Suggestions for future research: Future research can investigate if visitors’ perception of lines and crowding has changed after the pandemic. The method of this thesis can be combined with other methods in order to amplify the validity.

Do estate-level characteristics generate unsafety? : Examining neighborhood and estate characteristics influence on perceived residential safety in Gothenburg / Do estate-level characteristics generate unsafety? : Examining neighborhood and estate characteristics influence on perceived residential safety in Gothenburg

Frisk Garcia, Madeleine January 2023 (has links)
Do estate and neighborhood characteristics influence perceptions of safety? Using data from a survey of residents living in municipal housing in Gothenburg, this paper argues that the spatial and social characteristics of a neighborhood vastly outpace the role of its socioeconomic and demographic composition, when it comes to accounting for the perceived safety of its residents. The dataset consists of survey data on residents’ perception of safety from 2013-2014 and 2016-2021 in Gothenburg linked with sociodemographic data at an estate level. This allows us to examine the effects of neighborhood and estate characteristics on perceived safety. We compare two different indices of safety and conceptualize safety as residential safety, which is then analyzed using statistical models. The study employs a combined estate and year fixed effect model with estate clustering and robust standard errors to strengthen the causal identification between the relationships and the robustness of the results. The study finds strong support for neighborhoods’ social and spatial characteristics such as contact with neighbors and the level of streetlights to influence individuals’ perception of safety. Weaker support is also established for the safety level to be affected by the socioeconomic composition in the area and the estate. These findings indicate that the social cohesion in a neighborhood and the spatial organization are important factors in increasing residential safety.

Spotlight on the factors impacting customer satisfaction in offline shopping : A quantitative study

Burch, Isabel, Lu, Bofei, Ren, Yihui January 2023 (has links)
Background: Customers find great psychological satisfaction and pleasure when shopping. Customer satisfaction is crucial for a business's success, and increasing it will strengthenfinancial performance and competitiveness. Offline shopping still dominates the customersindustry, although customers are increasingly choosing online shopping as a result offast-growing technological developments in society. However, physical experiences shouldnot be left behind due to customer’s satisfaction from the instant gratification they desire. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explain how customer perceived value, customerexpectations, and touch experience have an impact on customer satisfaction in an offlineshopping context. Methodology: This research is conducted through a deductive and quantitative approach,which has an explanatory aim. Three hypotheses have been deducted from theoreticalconcepts found from previous research. The data collection method was collected through aninternet-based, self-completion questionnaire, to see if the hypotheses were supported or not.A total of 105 respondents participated in the study. Findings: The findings indicate that customer perceived value H1, which explains a positiveimpact on customer satisfaction in the context of offline shopping, cannot be supported due tostatistical insignificance. Customer expectation, as presented through H2, and touchexperience, as presented through H3, were found to have a statistically significant andpositive impact on customer satisfaction. The conceptual model was revised in this studybased on the new findings, retaining the acceptable assumptions as the new model. Conclusion: In offline shopping, the positive impact of customer expectation on customersatisfaction is the most obvious, followed by the touch experience. Customer perceived valuehas no positive impact on customer satisfaction, and the reason for this situation may be thatthe perceived value of customers differs among different consumption levels.

Assessment of the Measurement Properties of the NHCAHPS Family Survey: A Rasch Scaling Approach

O'Connor, Matthew S. 21 August 2013 (has links)
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