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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attitudes of Texas Secondary School Curriculum Administrators Toward Education for Leisure

Rapp, David M. 05 1900 (has links)
This investigation seeks to determine the administrator's attitudes toward education for leisure taught through the education process as it prepares the youth of today for the use of their leisure time. A 26-question questionnaire was mailed to 100 administrators, Descriptive data was requested to aid the Chi-square analysis at the .05 level performed on each question, A 74-percent return was received. The administrators expressed a favorable attitude toward education for leisure. The present degree held by the administrators did have a significant relationship to their expressed attitudes. It is recommended that classes specifically related to education for leisure be included in the school curriculum.

The Relationship of Personality to the Selection of a Required Physical Education Activity by College Women

Pulliam, Janet M. 12 1900 (has links)
This investigation was designed to determine whether or not a significant relationship existed between personality and the selection of a required physical education activity and whether or not personality traits exhibited by freshman women were related to specific type activities. Sources of data were 107 freshman women enrolled in activity classes at North Texas State University, 1974-75. The Cattell 16 Personality Factor Inventory, Form A and an information sheet were the instruments utilized in the study. An analysis of variance was calculated to ascertain whether or not differences existed among the four groups in personality scores. This study concluded that no significant relationship appeared to exist between personality and the selection of specific physical activities.

Analýza projektů předložených v prioritní ose 1 Počáteční vzdělávání OP VK ve Středočeském kraji / The Analysis of projects application applied within Operational Program Education for Competitiveness in the Central Bohemian Region in the first priority axis - Initial education

Březková, Ilona January 2010 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the analysis of project application that may be financed from the European Social Fund for Operational Program Education for Competitiveness in the Central Bohemian Region. Education and educational institutions in the Czech Republic are addressed, but the paper is primarily focused on the problems in the European Policy of Economic and Social Cohesion in Europe Union. In the theoretic part the Operational Program Education for Competitiveness is also described. The main attention is on the first priority axis; initial education. The practical part concentrates on the education in Central Bohemia Region in comparison with its social, economic and demographic situation. The projects which were registered in Operational Program Education for Competitiveness in Central Bohemia Region are analyses in the first priority axis - Initial education in the period of 2007 - 2009

Identidades docentes: reflexões sobre disposições, saberes e formação continuada / Faculty identities: reflections on arrangements, acquired knowledge and continuous training

Nunweiler, Kety Cristina 10 June 2019 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender como se constituem as identidades de docentes de educação básica que atuam nos anos finais do ensino fundamental e estão inseridos em processos de formação continuada in loco. Para realizá-lo partimos da premissa de que as identidades docentes vão se constituindo ao longo de uma trajetória e são marcadas por disposições individuais e saberes decorrentes de experiências socializadoras que ocorrem em diferentes contextos. Ressaltamos, ainda, que essas constituições identitárias não escapam à dualidade entre uma imagem que o indivíduo constrói de si e aquela atribuída pelo grupo/instituição. Esta pesquisa adota uma perspectiva sociológica e utiliza como dispositivo metodológico a composição de retratos sociológicos. A pesquisa teve como sujeitos cinco professores convidados a colaborarem, sendo que todos atuam na rede municipal de ensino de São Paulo e iniciaram o exercício na profissão há mais de cinco anos. Teoricamente, dialogamos com os estudos de Claude Dubar, Bernard Lahire, Carlos Marcelo, Maurice Tardif, Clermont Gauthier, Selma Garrido Pimenta, Francisco Imbérnon, entre outros. Os resultados revelam que na trajetória social os sujeitos constituíram disposições que contribuem para o exercício profissional e também para o desenvolvimento dos saberes docentes. Todavia, observamos que o contexto de formação continuada in loco potencializa a constituição desses saberes, na medida em que a interação favorece a objetivação dos saberes da experiência, podendo ainda ser um contexto que colabora para a constituição de disposições coletivas. Concluímos que as identidades docentes desses professores são marcadas principalmente pelas disposições relacionadas a aprendizagem e pelos saberes da experiência / The purpose of this study was to understand the identity construction process of basic education teachers who work in the final years of elementary school and who also participate in on-site continued education programs. With this purpose in mind, we base our rational on the premise that teachers\' identities are built throughout a trajectory and are marked by individual traits and knowledge that result from socializing experiences that come about in different contexts. We also emphasize that these identities are not free from the duality that exists between the individuals self image and the image attributed to him/her by the group / institution. This research adopts a sociological perspective and uses the composition of sociological portraits as a methodological device. Our research subjects were five teachers, all of whom work in the municipal education network of São Paulo and who have been in their profession for more than 5 years. Theoretically, we dialogue with the studies of Claude Dubar, Bernard Lahire, Carlos Marcelo, Maurice Tardif, Clermont Gauthier, Selma Garrido Pimenta, and Francisco Imbérnon, among others. The results reveal that in the subjects\' social trajectory, different factors contributed to their profession and the development of their knowledge on teaching. However, we observe that on-site continued training enhances this knowledge, insofar as interaction favors the objectification of knowledge garnered from experience, and can also be a context that contributes to constituting collective dispositions. We conclude that the teacher identities of these professionals are marked mainly by factors related to learning and the lessons garnered from experience

Nanotechnologie im Kontext einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung: Vom Konzept zur curricularen Innovation für den Chemieunterricht / Nanotechnology in the Context of an Education for Sustainable Development: From Basic Concepts to Curricular Innovations for School Chemistry Education

Dege, Janina Elisabeth 10 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Perceptions of democracy education among preset and inset students and teacher educators at a college of education

Colgan, Desia 16 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 8908713V - M Ed project report - School of Education - Faculty of Humanities / This research report focuses on educators’ current attitudes, skills and knowledge in relation to democracy in South African education today. The research report also considers what needs to be done to make democracy a reality that informs education as opposed to simply adhering to policy and legislation that speaks of fine ideals but may well have limited impact on the lives of the majority of South Africa’s citizens. I contend that one of the main barriers between democratic theory and practice is ambiguity and the resulting uncertainty and insecurity. I believe that many South Africans, many world citizens in fact, struggle to articulate what democracy actually means. If this grey area is to be addressed and ambiguity defused then educators need to be clear about what it is they are trying to educate learners for. This can only be realised when educators have internalised ‘lived democracy’ and, as a result, feel both an ownership and commitment to democracy as a lived practice.

Educação matemática: equidade e legitimação / Mathematical education: equity and legitimation

Silva, Daniel Romão da 21 January 2019 (has links)
A presente tese aborda os desdobramentos para o ensino de matemática dos discursos sobre equidade presentes nos documentos oficiais produzidos pela UNESCO e por outras organizações multilaterais durante a década de 1990. A agenda internacional estabelecida por tais documentos assumiu o lema educação para todos como sua principal marca e se ajustou às políticas neoliberais de reestruturação da ordem mundial e ao contexto da globalização. De modo a analisar os referidos discursos, primeiramente foram discutidos os conceitos de igualdade e equidade, assim como sua utilização nos discursos educacionais, particularmente como herança da própria consolidação da escola pública burguesa nos séculos XVIII e XIX. Em seguida, com base no referencial teórico da Análise Crítica do Discurso, foram analisados os principais marcos oficiais da educação para todos, com destaque à Declaração Mundial de Educação para Todos (1990) e, no âmbito nacional, o Plano Decenal de Educação para Todos (1983) e os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (1997 e 1998). Finalmente, foram discutidos uma série de perspectivas teóricas em Educação Matemática que poderiam representar contrapontos ao discurso hegemônico no sentido de promover maior igualdade no acesso ao ensino de matemática. / The present thesis deals with the implications for the teaching of mathematics of the discourses on equity presented in official documents produced by UNESCO and other multilateral organizations during the 1990s. The international agenda established by such documents has assumed the theme of \"education for all\" as its main element and conformed to the neoliberal policies of restructuring the world order and the context of globalization. In order to analyze these discourses, the concepts of equality and equity were first discussed, as well as their use in educational discourses, particularly as inheritance of the very consolidation of the bourgeois public school in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Then, based on the theoretical framework of Critical Discourse Analysis, the main official milestones of education for all were analyzed, with emphasis on the World Declaration of Education for All (1990) and, at the national level, the Ten Year Plan of Education for All (1983) and the National Curricular Parameters (1997 and 1998). Finally, a series of theoretical perspectives in Mathematics Education were discussed that could represent counterpoints to the hegemonic discourse in order to promote greater equality in the access to mathematics education.

Nature-connectedness and motivation for pro-envrionmental behaviour : A study among higher education students

Hogenboom, Thalassa January 2019 (has links)
World-wide concerns about human impact on the environment have led to the in 2015 formalizedParis Agreement and the global Sustainable Development Goals. All generations are needed toachieve these targets. Thus, young people need to receive appropriate, sustainability-focusededucation. Even though higher education institutions respond to this demand, students still lackmotivation for sustainable actions. To increase knowledge about this issue, I investigatedmotivation for pro-environmental behaviour in combination with nature-connectedness - a factorthat has not yet been linked with it. In a sample of 208 students, I analysed the correlationsbetween the connectedness to nature scale (CNS) and the motivation toward the environmentscale (MTES). I found correlations, meaning that students who were strongly connected tonature, tend to be more motivated to engage in pro-environmental behaviour as well. However,this does not imply a causal relationship. I also found that students in programs with a main focuson environmental topics scored higher on the CNS and (most categories of) the MTES than otherstudents, and females scored higher than males. Most of the overall mean scores were alignedwith previous research. However, there is still space for improvement and more research needs tobe done. Thus, I recommend future research to use the CNS and MTES in student populations.Moreover, I advise higher education to provide each student with Education for SustainableDevelopment (ESD). It could be beneficial to focus on critical thinking and active, experientiallearning in ESD, possibly with the usage of outdoor education.

"Violência nas escolas: visão de professores do ensino fundamental sobre esta questão" / "VIOLENCE IN THE SCHOOLS: Vision of Teachers of the Fundamental Teaching On this Subject."

Pereira, Maria Auxiliadora 24 November 2003 (has links)
No presente estudo, investigamos a questão da violência que vem permeando, de forma significativa, as relações no espaço escolar. Especificamente, objetivamos levantar qual a visão que os docentes têm sobre o fenômeno, bem como, as formas como este ocorre e as estratégias que são utilizadas para sua superação. Metodologicamente, optamos pela abordagem qualitativa, sendo esta uma pesquisa descritiva-exploratória, de cunho humanista. Para o levantamento de dados, utilizamos a entrevista individual norteada por um roteiro semi-estruturado. Pesquisamos vinte professores de ambos os sexos, sendo a maioria constituída de mulheres com mais de 40 anos, de quatro escolas da rede pública de ensino de um município paraense. Organizamos os dados em quadros e o conteúdo foi analisado por categorização, possibilitando melhor compreensão e interpretação das falas expressas pelos professores pesquisados. Pudemos constatar que os professores percebem a violência como um fenômeno em expansão, reforçado, principalmente, pelas desigualdades sociais, pela influência da mídia e pela desestruturação familiar, contribuindo para muitas conseqüências no cotidiano escolar. As formas explícitas foram as mais evidenciadas, principalmente, através das brincadeiras, palavras, dos empurrões, provocações, brigas e outros. Percebem a violência implícita nas relações interpessoais aluno/aluno, aluno/professor, funcionário/aluno e nas condições de trabalho. As estratégias tomadas frente a violência objetivam impor limites e facilitar a convivência , situando o diálogo e a resolução dos conflitos em sala de aula, como as formas mais indicadas para o seu alcance, além disso, consideram importante a atuação conjunta com os pais, com a comunidade e demais componentes da escola. Sentimentos de preocupação, medo, revolta, insegurança, foram reconhecidos como decorrentes do convívio com a violência. Parece poder depreender-se que um dos maiores problemas das escolas é a falta de humanização nas relações entre seus elementos constitutivos e a falta de projeto político-pedagógico. Reage-se muito à ofensa com ofensa, à agressão com agressão, à indiferença com indiferença, e isto parece constituir o paradigma do comportamento na escola. Isto sugere, a necessidade de reverter-se à situação fazendo da escola um espaço de superação da violência. / In the present study, we investigate the question of the violence that comes getting into, of significant form, the relation in the pertaining school space. Specifically, we objectify to investigate which the vision that the professors have on the phenomenon, as well as, the forms as this occurs and the strategies that are used for its overcoming. Methodologically, we opt to the qualitative boarding, being this a descriptive-exploratory research, of matrix humanist. For the data-collecting, we use the individual interview guided by a half-structuralized script. We search twenty professors of both, female and male sex, being the consisting majority of women with 40 years, four schools of the public net of education of paraense city. We organize the data in pictures and the content was analyzed by categorization, having made possible better understanding and interpretation of you say express to them for the searched teachers. We could evidence that the teachers perceive the violence as a phenomenon in expansion, strengthened, mainly, for the social inaqualities, the influence of the media and for the family misstructuration, contributing for many consequences in the daily pertaining to school. The explicit forms had been evidenced, mainly, through the tricks, words, of the pushes, provocations, fights and others. Student/student, student/teacher, employee/student and in the work conditions perceive the implicit violence in the interpersonal relations. The strategies was taken front the violence objectify to impose limits and to facilitate to live togheter, pointing the dialogue and the resolution of the conflicts in classroom, as the indicated forms more for its reach, moreover, consider important the joint performance with the parents, the community and excessively components of the school. Feelings of concern, fear, revolt, unreliability, had been recognized as decurrent of the conviviality with the violence. It seems to be able to infer itself that one of the biggest problems of the schools is the lack of humanization in the relations between its constituent elements, the lack of politician-pedagogical project. It is reacted very to the offense with offense, to the aggression with aggression, the indifference with indifference, and this seems to constitute the paradigm of the behavior in the society and school. This is sugger the need to change to the situation making of the school a space to supperation of the violence.

A percepção da academia e profissionais sobre a relação entre a formação e as práticas de gestão do Desenvolvimento Sustentável no Brasil / Professionals vs Academy: the perception about the relationship between education for sustainable development in bachelor degree in business management courses and the sustainable development management practices in Brazilian organizations

Miranda, Raíssa Alvares de Matos 18 April 2018 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é elucidar a relação da percepção dos docentes e profissionais sobre as competências para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável Corporativo (DSC), comparando o que é ensinado nos cursos de administração ao que é necessário na prática, em relação às competências para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (DS), em organizações no Brasil. Levando em consideração o conceito de DSC e o Triple Bottom Line (TBL), existem competências específicas para a gestão deste DS: competências organizacionais (ligadas ao DSC, por meio de estratégias para alcançar o conceito de TBL de DS); competências distintivas (que abrangem as competências em cada uma das dimensões do TBL) e competências foco (que abordam as dimensões em conjunto) e ainda ter a formação em competências individuais (abrangidas normalmente nos cursos de administração de forma geral), para conseguir conjuntamente com as competências desenvolvidas pela organização melhor gerir os objetivos do DS. Para tanto é necessário a Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (EDS) inserida em conteúdos dos cursos de administração, e que tem como objetivo o enfoque em se construir uma sociedade que se desenvolva de maneira sustentável, preparando profissionais que conheçam gestão para atuarem em organizações de diferentes maneiras em busca do desenvolvimento sem prejudicar o ambiente para que ele se mantenha para gerações futuras. Assim, para se alcançar o objetivo proposto, esta pesquisa foi efetuada uma pesquisa de levantamento por amostragem (amostra por conveniência) com profissionais do DS nas organizações brasileiras; e com coordenadores de curso e docentes, ainda houve a pesquisa documental por meio de uma análise de conteúdo dos Projetos Pedagógicos de Curso (PPC), planos de ensino, grades curriculares e ementas de cursos de administração com notas quatro e cinco no Exame Nacional de Desempenho dos Estudantes (ENADE) e/ou signatários do Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME); a terceira etapa se constituiu da comparação dos dados obtidos nestas duas etapas anteriores e finalmente a etapa quatro que relacionou todas as etapas para responder o objetivo geral do trabalho. Dentre os principais resultados obtidos têm-se que há concordância entre os docentes e profissionais no que tange ao conceito de DS, ambos percebem o TBL como principal; no entanto quando comparados com os conteúdos encontrados nos documentos analisados a maioria destes não possuem a abordagem TBL, mas tendem a ter mais assuntos relacionados à dimensão ambiental, que acaba por coincidir com a maior área de atuação dos profissionais que responderam a esta pesquisa; sobre a abordagem dada ao DS, todos concordam que o mesmo deve estar diretamente ligado às estratégias das organizações. Apesar destas concordâncias, o que ocorre nas organizações ainda está distante da visão dos acadêmicos. O outro resultado importante deste trabalho é que os profissionais e acadêmicos concordam que o administrador precisa saber trabalhar de forma interdisciplinar, unindo questões financeiras, ambientais e sociais; ter pensamento sistêmico; conhecer o modelo do TBL e ter resiliência, dentre as competências do profissional. Já em relação às competências distintivas, ambos concordam que as mais importantes estão relacionadas à dimensão social; e sobre as competências foco, ambos concordam que as mais importantes estão relacionadas a abordar o TBL de forma completa e sempre voltado ao benefício de todos os stakeholders. Baseando-se nestes resultados foram propostos modelos de melhoria do EDS para os cursos de administração. / The objective of this research is to elucidate the relationship between academia´s and professionals\' perceptions of the competencies for Corporate Sustainable Development (CSD), comparing what is taught in management courses to what is needed in practice in Brazilian organizations. Regarding the concept of CSD and the Triple Bottom Line (TBL), there are specific competences for the Sustainable Development (SD) management: organizational competences (linked to the CSD, through strategies to achieve the SD concept of TBL); distinctive competences (covering competences in each of the TBL dimensions) and focus competences (which address the dimensions together) and still have the individual competences (usually discussed in management courses) to better manage the CSD together with the competences developed by the organizations. Hence it is necessary the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) inserted in the contents of the management courses, and that aims to focus on building a society that develops in a sustainable way, preparing professionals who know management to work in organizations in different ways in order to develop without harming the environment so that it remains for future generations. Thus, to achieve the proposed objective, this research was developed in four stages: the first with the professionals who work with the SD in organizations, through a sampling survey (convenience sampling). The second with the academy, including the course coordinators and faculty in a survey research and a documentary research through a content analysis of the pedagogical documentation from management courses with grades four and five in the National Student Performance Examination (ENADE) and/or signatories of Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME). The third stage was the comparison of the data obtained in these two previous steps. The fourth step aimed to answer the core objective of the research. Among the main results, there is an agreement between the faculty and professionals concerning the concept of SD, both perceived the TBL as most important concept. However, when compared to the contents found in the documents analyzed most of these do not have the TBL approach, but the environmental dimension, which corresponded to the area of activity of the most professionals who answered this research. On the approach given to the SD, everyone agrees that the same should be directly linked to the strategies of the organizations. Despite these consensus, what happens in organizations is still far from the vision of the faculty. The other important result is that the professionals and faculty agree that the manager needs to know how to work interdisciplinary, uniting financial, environmental and social issues; to think in a systemic way; to understand the TBL and to be resilient, among the professional competences. About the distinctive competences, both agree that the most important ones are related to the social dimension. And on the focus competences both agree that the most important ones are related to addressing the TBL in a complete means and always focused to the benefit of all stakeholders. Based on these results, it was proposed models to improve the ESD for the management courses.

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