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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vyjmenovaná slova včera a dnes / Specified words past and present

Kuchařová, Iva January 2015 (has links)
SUMMARY: The focus of my thesis is spelling of y after ambiguous consonants, or specified words. This is one of the most challenging Czech grammar topics that are presently taught in elementary schools. My thesis maps over view of specified words and early didactics and compares those with current didactics methods as well as proposes innovation to current teaching practices. I outline my experience, show opportunities for work with mistakes and create election of didactic games. I track children's opinion on this subject as well as teacher's opinions of my teaching innovate on proposals. I also compare knowledge of school children based on grade levels and implementation of current curriculum. Finally, I provide an overview of current materials related to this topic that are currently available from a variety of publishers.

Analýza motivačních faktorů u jachtařů v lodní třídě Flying Dutchmen / Analysis of motivational factors for sailors in the ship class Flying Dutchmen

Pecháčková, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
Title : Analysis of motivational factors for sailors in the ship class Flying Dutchmen Introduction: This diploma thesis deals with posture problems of motivational factors for sailors in the ship class Flying Dutchmen. The aim of the work was to develop a preview of the motivational factors and at the end compare the identified facts in context with similar studies in other areas. The main experimental strategy we chose a qualitative approach. Methods: The research material was developed based on semistructured interview, narrative analysis, inquiry investigation and observation. Additionally quantitative approach was used, mainly in evaluating the inquiry investigation The processing of the results, we used statistical processing in Microsoft Excel. All the results were interpreted by means of comparison in Microsoft Office Word. Results: The results showed us that the principle factors of motivation are "Positive enjoyment ", "Cooperation" and "Beloging with natur". For most of our probands was the first motive to the beginnings of the yachting community boaters. Everyone devote most of their free time sailing, this means that sailing is important in their lives, we can described as their lifestyle is not for them mere sport or form of entertainment. Keywords: Sailing, Flying Dutchmen,...

A user centred approach to the modelling of contextualised experience adaptation in relation to video consumption

Mercer, Kevin January 2015 (has links)
This research focused on the development of a user centric framework for the interpretation of contextualised TV and video viewing experiences (UX). Methods to address content overload and provide better contextualisation when consuming video have been an area of academic discussion for almost 20 years (Burke, Felfernig, & Goker, 2011). However over the same period technical system design for video has actually moved away from attempts to model the nature of real viewing contexts. With now near ubiquitous access to video from a range of disparate devices the addition of contextualisation within video applications and devices represents an opportunity in terms of improving viewer UX. Three user studies were carried out to inform development of the framework and employed mixed method approaches. The first focused on understanding where video is watched and the contextual factors that defined those places as viewing situations. This study derived eight Archetype viewing situations and associated contextual cues. The second study measured viewing UX in context. Significant differences in subjective ratings for measured UX were found when viewing was compared within subjects across Viewing Archetype situations. A third study characterised viewing UX, identifying behavioural, environmental and technological factors which through observed frequency and duration were identified as indicative enablers and detractors in the creation of viewing UX. Concepts generated within the studies that related to viewing context identification and viewing UX classification through experiential factors were integrated into the framework. The framework provides a way through which to identify, describe and improve viewing UX across contexts. Additionally the framework was referenced to develop an exemplar system model for contextual adaptation in order to show its relevance to the generation of technical system design. Finally information for designers was created in the form of scenarios and suggestions for use in order to bring the framework to life as a resource for development teams.

L’atelier photographique, poïétiques et fictions / Photographic studio : poietic and fiction

Henry, Céline 28 November 2011 (has links)
La création photographique fonde et se fonde sur des conditions et des conduites d’émergence et de développement, que l’image ne saisit pas toujours, ou dont elle choisit de se dessaisir. Notre travail propose d’explorer les modalités et les enjeux du dévoilement des instances poïétiques dans l’image photographique. Par le biais d’une mise en tension des termes propres à l’atelier et au laboratoire photographique, nous situons ces deux espaces d’actions au coeur d’un territoire plastique ouvert aux interactions et aux circulations des éléments en jeu dans les divers processus et procédures suivis ou tracés. Notre pratique plastique engage le procédé photographique vers des dispositifs archaïques et vers de nouvelles fonctionnalités qui privilégient les voies de l’élaboration plastique, de l’expérience et de la réflexivité. Les motifs réflexifs mettent en question les fictions en construction et en éclairent en même temps les fondations ou les fondements. Le processus ne tend plus vers la restitution d’un résultat visé, mais vers des visions singulières qui retracent les expériences menées et vécues dans le laboratoire-atelier. Les ressorts poïétiques de la dissémination, de la sédimentation et de la fiction participent d’un chantier d’instauration plastique et photographique qu’ils donnent à voir et qu’ils redéfinissent sans cesse. / Creative photography implies and is based on conditions and emerging and developing behaviours, that the image does not always seize or chooses to impart. Our work aims to explore the modalities and goals of poietic disclosure inside the image. Through the opposition of terms specific to the studio and photographic laboratory, we set both spaces at the heart of an artistic territory, open to interactions and flows of the elements involved in the various processes and procedures followed or traced. Our fin art practice engages the photographic process to archaic devices and new functionalities that focus on developing artistic work, experience, and reflexivity. The reflexive patterns disturb fictions in construction, and point to their foundation. The process does not tend anymore towards the restoration of a preexistent outcome, but rather to singularities reflecting the experiments made or experienced in the photographic studio. Poietic methods of dissemination, sedimentation and fiction are part of en establishing fine art and photographic site, they present and remodel.

"Phantasia" et conscience d’image chez Husserl. La théorie phénoménologique de l’imagination à l’épreuve de l’expérience théâtrale / Husserl's Theory of Imagination and the Theater Experience

Mocan, Raluca 07 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour point de départ l’évolution de la conception husserlienne de l’imagination, ouvrant la voie à une phénoménologie du monde de la fiction théâtrale. En 1918, Husserl décrit l’expérience du spectateur au théâtre comme quasi expérience : regardant le jeu des acteurs, le spectateur fait l’expérience de quelque chose sans être dans l’attitude d’expérience, dans une « imagination perceptive ». Sur scène, l’acteur ne représente pas à la manière d’un portrait: sujet agissant et masque, il est une présence vivante, impossible à distinguer du personnage qu’il incarne. L’expérience du spectateur et celle de l’acteur sont interdépendantes. Cette dualité de points de vue m’a conduit à mener une double enquête : j’ai tâché d’éclairer l’une par l’autre la théorie husserlienne de l’imagination et l’expérience théâtrale dont témoignent les formateurs d’acteurs et les professionnels de la scène. La première partie de la thèse reconstitue la généalogie de la quasi expérience de phantasia chez Husserl, en fusionnant deux thématiques disjointes au départ: 1) l’imagination comme phantasia et conscience d’image et 2) l’expérience perceptive comme synthèse continue d’actes. Prenant appui sur l’acquis de ces analyses, la seconde partie apporte des compléments psychologiques et historiques concernant l’évolution de la formation de l’acteur, du Paradoxe du comédien du XVIIIe siècle jusqu’à nos jours. « Ouvriers de l’imagination » selon l’expression de Sartre, les acteurs agissent en leur nom propre et en même temps pour leurs personnages. Le jeu dramatique fait exister la fiction théâtrale pour le spectateur, impliquant chez l’acteur une double conscience et une continuité spécifique d’attention. J’ai proposé un traitement phénoménologique de l’intrication entre les deux plans, imaginaire et réel, fictif et effectif. L’enquête menée dans la thèse a ainsi abouti à une caractérisation phénoménologique de la représentation théâtrale : résultat de la mise en cohérence des événements vraisemblables, le monde représenté sur scène est pourvu d’une existence propre. Le jeu théâtral a la force d’ouvrir aux acteurs et aux spectateurs les possibilités imaginaires d’autres mondes, dont ils déploient les possibilités de sens / Pas de résumé anglais

Témoigner du trauma par l'écriture : le texte-témoin comme moyen de se réapproprier son histoire ? / To testify the trauma by the writing process : written testimony as a mean to reappropiate the history ?

Rejas-Martin, Mari Carmen 09 June 2011 (has links)
En référence au développement croissant ces dernières décennies des témoignages écrits autour des expériences traumatiques comme le génocide arménien, la Shoah, le Cambodge, l‟Indochine, l‟Algérie, le Rwanda, l‟ex-Yougoslavie, les dictatures européennes, d‟Amérique latine, les Goulags, force est de constater que nombre de ces témoins expriment cependant l‟impossibilité de communiquer de telles réalités qui ont été invivables. Dès lors, comment comprendre que malgré cette « incapacité » d‟écrire l‟expérience telle qu‟elle a été vécue, des textes foisonnent à tel point que l‟on parle d‟un « nouveau genre littéraire » ? Or, s‟il est vrai que les témoignages se sont multipliés depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale, nous verrons qu‟écrire l‟expérience traumatique existe depuis bien longtemps. L‟hypothèse centrale est la suivante : le témoignage de l‟expérience traumatique est une réappropriation d‟une histoire par/pour ceux qui l‟ont vécue. Le témoignage est une révélation aux autres, un acte d‟exhumation, une libération. Mais le problème ne s‟arrête pas là, les autres générations se verront elles aussi confrontées à la question d‟élucider leurs histoires, à témoigner. Une problématique fondamentale accompagne l‟ensemble de la recherche, celle de donner du sens au non-sens. / When looking at the increasing number of written testimonies about traumatic experiences in the past decades, such as the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust, Cambodia, Indochina, Algeria, Rwanda, ex-Yugoslavia, and in European and Latin American dictatorships, the Gulags, we cannot but stress that most of these accounts express the virtual impossibility of communicating unbearable realities. Consequently, how is it that in spite of this apparent « inability » to write about one‟s experience, so many texts have been produced and that while these experiences are qualified as inexpressible and unspeakable, the emergence of a « new literary genre » has been identified? The central assumption is as follows: The testimony of the traumatic experiment is a reappropriation of a history for those which lived it, and makes it possible to emerge from this same history. But the question will also arise for those which did not live the experiment directly. Fundamental problems accompany the unit by research, that to give sense to the nonsense.


Davidsson, Jacklin January 2016 (has links)
Background: The meeting between the patient and nurses is the foundation of health care. It is important to get an understanding of the patient's experience of care in the emergency department from his perspective, to reduce dissatisfaction and suffering and promote good health for patients.     Aim: The purpose is to get a comprehensive picture of adult patients' experiences of communication and participation in the emergency department.     Method: A literature review with thematic content analysis using deductive approach, based on 14 qualitative articles.     Results: According to the patients affected their experience of communication and participation in the emergency department how they will be attending nurse and visibility they get in their care situation. There were four themes based on the result, which is "to get individualized information creates knowledge," A mutual dialogue builds trust and security "," To not understand the medical aspects causing concern "and" Being able to control their health situation provides a greater understanding of health situation ". / Bakgrund: Mötet mellan patient och sjuksköterska utgör grunden i hälso- och sjukvården. Det är av stor vikt att få en förståelse för patientens upplevelse av omvårdnaden på akutmottagningen ur dennes perspektiv för att minska missnöje och lidande och främja en god hälsa hos patienter.   Syfte: Syftet är att få en översiktlig bild av vuxna patienters upplevelse av kommunikation och delaktighet på akutmottagningen.   Metod: En litteraturstudie med tematisk innehållsanalys och deduktiv ansats, baserad på 14 kvalitativa artiklar.   Resultat: Enligt patienter påverkas deras upplevelse av kommunikation och delaktighet på akutmottagning av hur de blir behandlande av sjuksköterskan samt den insyn de får i sin vårdsituation. Det uppkom fyra teman utifrån resultatet, vilka är “Att få individualiserad information skapar kunskap, “En ömsesidig dialog skapar tillit och trygghet”, “Att inte förstå de medicinska aspekterna skapar oro” och “Att kunna kontrollera sin vårdsituation ger ökad förståelse för vårdsituationen”.   Slutsats: Resultatet av litteraturstudien visar att kommunikation och delaktighet på akutmottagningen påverkas av patientens upplevda trygghet och kontroll över sin vårdsituation samt av förtroenden för sjuksköterskan. Patientens rädsla och oro under sin vårdtid kan minska när informationen är mer individanpassad eftersom denne känner sig mer delaktig och känner större kontroll över sin vårdsituation. Det är därför viktigt att sjuksköterskan lyssnar till patientens behov och bjuder in denne till en god och ömsesidig dialog. Det är lika viktigt för sjuksköterskan att förstå vikten av att involvera patienten i alla aspekter som rör patientens vårdsituation samt att kunna identifiera varje patientens behov av god omvårdnad.

LOOPHOLE : How sports cars will find a way to survive the autonomous future.

Striedieck, Robert January 2017 (has links)
What will happen to sport cars once our society and infrastructure allow for a fully autonomous transport systems? My concern for the ”survival of the sports car” clearly originates from an emotional viewpoint rather than a reasonable argument. We know about the benefits that come along with autonomy but that doesn’t make the fear of loosing the emotional side of driving unfounded. My aim was to create a scenario that allows both reason and emotion to coexist and furthermore to benefit from each other rather than to create a conflict. The result is a PORSCHE for 2040 that shows an exciting concept for steering fully autonomous cars of the future. It combines the benefits of autonomy with the emotions of sports cars.

Barns upplevelse av att leva med diabetes mellitus typ 1 : En litteraturstudie

Blom, Evelina, Berggren, Isabelle January 2017 (has links)
Diabetes mellitus typ 1 är en autoimmun sjukdom, vilket innebär att immunsystemet ser betacellerna i bukspottskörteln som främmande och angriper dem. Cellerna kan då inte producera insulin längre, vilket är ett livsviktigt hormon för kroppen. I Sverige insjuknar cirka två barn varje dag i diabetes mellitus typ 1. Sjukdomen påverkar barnets vardag och kommer alltid vara en styrande del genom livet. Många barn oroar sig över hypoglykemi samt andra komplikationer som är relaterade till sjukdomen. Syftet med studien är att beskriva upplevelser av hur vardagen påverkats hos barn som är diagnostiserade med diabetes mellitus typ 1. Metoden är en sammanställning av empirisk data och baseras utifrån Axelssons (2012) modell. Studien innehåller 11 artiklar som består av både kvalitativa och kvantitativa ansatser. Examensarbetet fokuserar på barn i åldern 6-14 år och artiklarna i studien belyser upplevelsen av att leva med diabetes mellitus typ 1. Resultatet visade att barnen upplevde känslor av utanförskap och att de kände sig annorlunda jämfört med sina vänner. Familjen hade en betydelsefull roll för barnen och sjukdomen påverkade även omgivningen. Resultatet presenteras utifrån fyra huvudkategorier och tio subkategorier. I diskussionen belyser vi känslan av att vara barn och leva med en kronisk sjukdom, familjens betydelse samt att förlika sig med sjukdomen. En grundläggande aspekt som framkommer i diskussionen är även vikten av adekvat och individanpassad information efter barnets utvecklingsnivå.

Living-learning communities: the role they play in first year retention efforts in higher education

Plattner, Allyson Karene January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Counseling and Student Development / Doris Wright Carroll / Living-learning communities in higher education play a critical role in the success of our student population. Having the option of living-learning communities on campus is a sought after option for students and parents of students beginning college. For student retention efforts, it is important that our student affairs professionals understand the impact that living-learning communities have on the first-year student population. It is additionally important that professionals understand the different types of living-learning communities and determine which is best to implement on their campus. This report takes a deeper look into living-learning communities across the country and the impacts on living-learning communities have on campus. Taking into consideration the diversity of varying living-learning communities, three specific types were examined and their success was determined based on a national study called The National Study of Living-Learning Programs (2007). This report communicates the depth and necessity of living-learning communities in higher education for students, parents, and student affairs professionals.

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