Spelling suggestions: "subject:"“3trong"" "subject:"“8trong""
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Étude de dynamiques de photoionisation résonante à l'aide d'impulsions attosecondes / Application of attosecond pulses to resonant photoionization dynamicsBarreau, Lou 18 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à la photo-ionisation de systèmes atomiques et moléculaires en phase gazeuse à l’aide d’harmoniques d’ordre élevé, un rayonnement cohérent dans le domaine de l’extrême ultraviolet (10-100 eV) sous la forme de trains d’impulsions attosecondes (1 as = 10-18 s). Dans un premier temps, les dynamiques électroniques au cours de l’auto-ionisation de gaz rares sont étudiées par interférométrie électronique. L’auto-ionisation résulte de l’interférence entre un chemin d’ionisation direct et un chemin résonant pour lequel l’atome reste transitoirement piégé dans un état excité.L’amplitude de la transition associée à ces processus est accessible via des expériences de photo-ionisation dans le domaine spectral (sur synchrotron par exemple), mais ce n’est pas le cas de la phase qui est pourtant essentielle à la compréhension de la dynamique électronique.Nous avons développé plusieurs méthodes interférométriques afin de mesurer la phase spectrale associée aux transitions électroniques vers des résonances de Fano dans les gaz rares.A partir des informations dans le domaine spectral, nous avons reconstruit pour la première fois la dynamique d'auto-ionisation ultra-rapide dans le domaine temporel et observé les interférences électroniques donnant lieu au profil de raie asymétrique. Dans un second temps, la photo-ionisation de molécules de NO est étudiée dans le référentiel moléculaire et utilisée comme un polarimètre afin de caractériser complètement l’état de polarisation du rayonnement harmonique, et en particulier de distinguer la partie du rayonnement polarisée circulairement d’une éventuelle partie dépolarisée. Nous présentons les résultats des mesures de polarimétrie moléculaire dans le cas de la génération d’harmoniques par un champ à deux couleurs polarisées circulairement en sens opposé. Ces études, complétées par des simulations numériques, permettent de proposer des conditions optimales de génération de rayonnement harmonique polarisé circulairement et contribuent à ouvrir la voie vers des études de dichroïsme circulaire ultrarapide dans la matière. / In this work, photoionzation of atomic and molecular species in the gas phase is investigated with high-harmonic radiation. In a first part, electronic dynamics in the autoionization process of rare gases in studied with electron interferometry. This method gives access to the spectral phase of the transition to the autoionizing state, and allows there construction of the entire autoionization dynamics. The ultrafast electronic dynamics, as well as the build-up of the celebrated asymmetric Fano profile, are observed experimentally for the first time. In a second part, photoionization of NO molecules in the molecular frame is used as a polarimeter to completeley characterize the polarization state of high-harmonics. In particular, this method can address the challenging disentanglement of the circular and unpolarized components of the light. The experimental results, completed by numerical simulations, allow defining optimal generation conditions of fully circularly-polarized harmonics for advanced studies of ultrafast dichroisms in matte
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京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第22756号 / 工博第4755号 / 新制||工||1744(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 細田 尚, 教授 戸田 圭一, 准教授 音田 慎一郎 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Quantum oscillations and charge-neutral fermions in Kondo insulator YbB₁₂ / 近藤絶縁体YbB₁₂における量子振動と電荷中性フェルミオンSato, Yuki 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第22986号 / 理博第4663号 / 新制||理||1669(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科物理学・宇宙物理学専攻 / (主査)教授 松田 祐司, 教授 石田 憲二, 准教授 笠原 裕一 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Kvantový popis superzářivosti emitorů s plazmonicky zprostředkovanou interakcí / Quantum description of superradiance of emitters with plasmon-mediated interactionOlivíková, Gabriela January 2017 (has links)
Superradiance is an enhanced decay of an excited system of emitters resulting from their mutual coupling. This thesis is focused on superradiance of the emitters coupled via their interaction with a plasmonic nanoparticle. So-called plasmon-mediated superradiance results in even stronger enhancement of the decay rate as the nanoparticle serves as an additional decay chanel. We have developed a quantum model of the system of emitters coupled to a plasmonic nanoparticle, which allows us to differentiate between a pure dephasing and decay processes. We show that the pure dephasing can destroy the cooperative effect leading to superradiance. Furthermore, we have studied how the direct mutual coupling between emitters affects time evolution of the system in dependence on its configuration, and we show conditions when a decay of the system is dramatically decreased by direct coupling.
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The Role of Strength: Navigating Perinatal Loss Among Black WomenHill, Ashley N 01 January 2019 (has links)
In the U.S., Black mothers experience fetal and infant mortality at alarming rates when compared to White and Latina mothers (Gregory, Drake, & Martin, 2018). The intent of this study was to examine perinatal loss among Black American women and to expand understanding of how the Strong Black Woman (SBW) ideology influences bereavement. Data were gathered from (N=109) Black American bereaved mothers. It was predicted that endorsement of differing aspects of the SBW would moderate the relationship between perinatal grief and psychosocial outcomes (i.e., depression and post-traumatic growth). Regression analyses, alongside a bootstrapping procedure via PROCESS (Hayes, 2017), were used to evaluate the moderation models. Results yielded a model of perinatal bereavement among Black American mothers. In particular, reliance on spirituality moderated the relationship between perinatal grief and depression, while the obligation to manifest strength moderated the relation between perinatal grief and posttraumatic growth (PTG). Neither moderated moderation model was significant. The model provided significant implications for clinical practice and intervention.
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U v metastabilních systémech: struktura, magnetismus a supravodivost / U in metastable systems: structure, magnetism, superconductivityButurlim, Volodymyr January 2021 (has links)
Title: U in metastable systems: structure, magnetism, and superconductivity Author: Volodymyr Buturlim Department / Institute: Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: Doc. RNDr. Ladislav Havela, CSc., Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, The Czech Republic Abstract: This thesis presents studies of U-Nb and U-Ti alloys and hydrides synthesized via different technological paths. Investigation of the microstructure of the alloys with different concentrations of Ti (Nb) allowed to find the optimum setting for stabilization of the metastable bcc U allotrope. Ultra-fast cooling accompanied by alloying leads to retention of materials with high degree of atomic disorder apparent from the studies of their transport properties. The alloys exhibit a weakly paramagnetic ground state and low-temperature superconductivity, the critical temperature of which has only moderate variations with Ti (Nb) concentrations and which has very high upper critical fields. Interaction with hydrogen allows to stabilize two distinctive forms of hydride: β-UH3 and UTi2Hx. β-UH3 alloyed by Ti (Nb) orders ferromagnetically with transition temperatures exceeding 170 K, weakly influenced...
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The Dynamically Assisted Schwinger Process:: Primary and Secondary EffectsOtto, Andreas 08 January 2018 (has links)
The dynamical Schwinger effect refers to the creation of electron-positron pairs by a time dependent, spatially homogeneous electric field. It probes the fundamentals of quantum electrodynamics and is sought to be verified with upcoming high-intensity laser installations. In the dynamically assisted Schwinger effect, the pair yield is increased by orders of magnitude through the combination of fields of different field strength and frequency scales. In this thesis we, investigate both processes in the framework of a quantum kinetic equation. We are especially interested in what amplification factors can be achieved by the assisting field and whether intermediately large mode occupation numbers have a physical significance and could serve as a verification of the Schwinger effect. For the latter goal, we couple our system to a quantized radiation field that serves as a secondary (photon) probe and study its spectrum, as the afterglow of the dynamical Schwinger effect. / Als dynamischen Schwingereffekt bezeichnet man die Erzeugung von Elektron-Positron-Paaren durch ein zeitabhängiges, räumlich homogenes elektrisches Feld. Er dient zur Untersuchung der Grundlagen der Quantenelektrodynamik und es wird versucht, ihn an zukünftigen Hochintensitäts-Laseranlagen zu verifizieren. Bei dem dynamisch assistierten Schwingereffekt wird die Paarausbeute durch eine Kombination von Feldern mit unterschiedlichen Feldstärken- und Frequenzskalen um mehrere Größenordnungen erhöht. In dieser Dissertation untersuchen wir beide Prozesse im Rahmen einer quantenkinetischen Gleichung. Wir interessieren uns besonders dafür, welche Verstärkungsfaktoren durch das assistierende Feld erreicht werden können und ob intermediär große Modenbesetzungszahlen physikalische Signifikanz haben und als Verifizierung des Schwingereffekts dienen können. Für zweiteres Ziel koppeln wir unser System an ein quantisiertes Strahlungsfeld, das als sekundäres (Photonen-) Signal dient, und untersuchen dessen Spektrum, das Nachglühen des dynamischen Schwingereffekts.
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Právní regulace platebního styku / Legal regulation of paymentsHovorková, Nikola January 2020 (has links)
1 Abstract Legal regulation of payments The thesis deals with the topic of legal regulation of the payment transactions, which is an indispensable part of the economic life of each of us today. The right setting of the operation of the payment system ensures and directly influences the efficiency of economic exchange, whether at the national or international level, in cash or non-cash forms. Not only because of the importance of economic exchange, the thesis pays the main attention to the regulation of funds, i.e. of banknotes and coins, scriptural money as well as electronic money. The thesis aims to introduce the legal regulation of funds and the related use of modern electronic payment instruments, such as payment cards, internet banking, mobile banking and electronic wallets. In order to achieve the defined objective, the thesis discusses the amendment to Act No. 370/2017 Coll., On Payments, and the PSD2 Directive in the context of other legal regulations and financial market rules. The thesis is divided into four chapters that present the issues in question and whose subsequent outputs are summarized in the conclusion. The first chapter acquaints the reader with the definition of the payments, its historical development in the Czech Republic and its typology according to the basic distinguishing...
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Strong Authentication Protocol using PIV Card with Mobile DevicesKunning, Mao January 2013 (has links)
Nowadays weak single-factor authentication mechanisms like passwords or passphrases are commonly used. Static passwords are easy to use, just remember them in mind. However it has many security weaknesses and even strong passwords are not strong enough. For example, strong secrets are difficult to remember, and people tend to share authentication credentials across systems, which reduce the overall security tremendously. Thus, for security sensitive environment we need strong multi-factors authentication. Smart card based certificate strong authentication solution can be used as a replacement for standard password-based schemes. And also a large existing base of deployed smart cards used to provide authentication in other areas can be reused to reduce costs significantly. This master thesis presents a study of how to implement certificate-based strong authentication on mobile devices using PIV smart card. It proposes a strong authentication protocol based on FIPS 201 Personal Identity verification standard, and FIPS 196 entity strong authentication protocol scheme, and describes the implementation of a mobile security application developed on iOS system using a smart card reader. Our solution can provide high level of security services for mobile applications, and can easily protect their confidentiality, integrity and authenticity.
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Security for Mobile Payment TransactionDesta, Girmay January 2012 (has links)
The advancement of ICT in a variety of sectors helped in improving the time consuming and rigid service into fast and flexible service that is closer to the reach of individuals. For instance, mobile applications have evolved in different sectors such as healthcare patient support, geographic mapping and positioning, banking, e-commerce payment services and others. This study focuses on one of the most sensitive applications, which is mobile payment. Mobile payment system being one of the widely expanding mobile services, it has security concerns that prevented its wide acceptance. Some of the main security services given prior attention in mobile payment are issues of privacy, authentication and confidentiality. The research concentrates on the strong authentication of a mobile client to its server, securing the credit card* information and use of mobile card reader while making payments that enable customers to protect privacy of financial credentials. The strong authentication mechanism mainly follows the NIST standard publications namely, FIPS PUB 201 and FIPS 196; which are standards on Entity Authentication using public key cryptography and PKI credential storage Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card respectively. The proposed secure Credit Card Information (CCI) storage is in a secure element in order to prevent tampering of stored data. The secure element options are microSD, UICC, Smartcard (together with digital certificate and service ticket). During making payments, the payment information encrypted using a shared key is securely sent to payment server. A demo mobile application as proof of concept was implemented in a simulated lab (KTH SecLab), which has all the necessary infrastructure setup (servers, card reader) for testing the proposed solution. The paper was able to proof the concept of secure payment by enhancing the authentication, confidentiality and privacy of payment information. However, the demo for Strong Authentication did not completely succeed as expected due to unexpected bugs in the early version of card reader SDK.
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