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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of student negotiation in improving the speaking ability of Turkish university EFL students : an action research study

Uztosun, Mehmet Sercan January 2013 (has links)
Teaching speaking is an area of language education which is frequently neglected in English classes in Turkey. This dissertation reports on an action research study designed to address this problem. The study involved data collection through interviews, questionnaires, and observations, as a way of eliciting students’ views as a means to improve speaking classes and to outline the impact of student negotiation on students’ classroom participation and performance. The research, conducted in the ELT Department at a university in Turkey, comprised three different stages. In the first reconnaissance phase, initial data were collected to understand the classroom context. This informed the second stage, comprising eight weekly-based interventions that involved planning, action, observation and reflection, in which students were given a voice and classroom activities were designed accordingly. In the third stage, the final data were collected to understand the effectiveness of student negotiation. According to the findings, students wanted more opportunities to practise spoken language in class. Student negotiation allowed for the design of classes according to students’ needs and wants, with students becoming more motivated to engage in classroom activities. This led to the development of more positive attitudes towards speaking classes, and more positive perceptions of their speaking ability were reported at the end of the term, together with increased classroom participation, greater willingness to communicate, higher self-esteem, and lower levels of anxiety. The findings also suggested that student negotiation is likely to impact on students’ and teachers’ professional development. The study has a number of implications for both the teaching of speaking and for research: it demonstrates the significance of student engagement in classroom activities, made possible through designing activities which take into account students’ views and perceptions. Student negotiation and attention to students’ needs and wants would appear to promote a high level of student participation, increased motivation and more positive attitudes towards speaking classes. Further research studies, and specifically, more action research, should be conducted in Turkey to generate practical implications to improve classroom practice.

Entre tension et engagement : la réception de la télé-réalité au sein d'un public de jeunes Québécoises

Sironi, Camilla January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Models for customer-supplier negotiation in a collaborative supply chain / Modèles de négociation client-fournisseur dans une chaîne logistique collaborative

Ming, Yue 13 December 2011 (has links)
Au sein de chaînes logistiques, les conflits pouvant exister entre d‟une part l‟autonomie et la coopération, et d‟autre part entre des objectifs locaux et globaux, définissent un contexte très complexe auquel les membres d‟une même chaîne doivent faire face, surtout lorsque les entreprises sont impliquées dans des chaînes d‟approvisionnement multiples ou des réseaux. Par ailleurs, ces problèmes sont de nature à provoquer une dégradation de la performance de la chaîne logistique, notamment dans un contexte de fabrication aussi complexe que celui du secteur aéronautique. De ce fait, organiser et bien gérer les relations inter-partenaires devient un facteur important de performance dans une chaîne logistique. Dans ce contexte, ce travail vise à proposer des modèles de négociation client/fournisseur en vue d‟aider à la formalisation de contraintes cachées, dans l‟optique de partager les risques entre partenaires et de faciliter de la sorte la synchronisation entre besoins locaux et impératifs globaux. Afin de rendre notre proposition réaliste, nous avons tout d‟abord détaillé des processus de négociation puis testé leur faisabilité pratique, d‟une part par des exemples d‟évaluation des coûts engagés et d‟autre part en les positionnant par rapport aux situations de coopération dans lesquelles ces processus de négociation peuvent exister. / In supply chains, the conflicts between autonomy and cooperation, local interest and global objective are important problems that supply chain members are currently facing, especially when enterprises are involved in multiple supply chains or networks. Furthermore, the growing complexity of supply networks has extended the risks of poor supply chain performance, particularly for complex manufacturing, such as aeronautic industry. Thereby, building and managing a good relationship between partners is an essential factor for supply chain performance. In this context, we suggest a negotiation process, helping supply chain member to publish hidden constraints, synchronize internal and external interests, and share risks with other supply chain members, finally improving the performance of cooperation. In order to make our suggestion realistic, we have firstly specified the detailed processes and then tested their practical feasibility, on one hand through the assessment of extra costs and on the other hand by matching them with identified cooperation situations, in which such negotiation process may exist.

Revisorers förhandlingsstrategier : En kvantitativ studie av hur klientens karismatiska ledarskap påverkar revisorns val av förhandlingsstrategi

Bergström, Erika January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Studien syftar till att undersöka hur valet av revisorns initiala förhandlingsstrategi påverkas av det karismatiska ledarskapet utövat av klientens CFO. Studiens forskningsfrågor berör även vilka förhandlingsstrategier som är det mest sannolika att revisorn väljer att tillämpa när klientens CFO upplevs som karismatisk. Metod: Studien baseras på positivistiskt synsätt där jag genom en deduktiv ansats har prövat resultatet från en kvantitativ undersökning mot teorier inom området. Studien har en tvärsnittsdesign. Datainsamlingen gjordes genom en webbaserad enkätundersökning som skickades ut till revisorer verksamma i Sverige. Resultat & slutsats: Studien bekräftar att begreppet karismatisk ledare är relevant i sammanhanget då det visar att respondenterna upplever starka och svaga ledare i sin dagliga förhandlingsgärning i termer av karismatiska ledare. Vidare kunde studien identifiera ett samband mellan en av förhandlingsstrategierna och karismatiskt ledarskap. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien bidrar till redovisningslitteraturen genom att gestalta förhandlingen mellan revisorer och klienter som ett socialt fenomen där möjligheten att inflyta över motparten är central. Vidare är studien ensam om att undersöka karismatiskt ledarskap som påverkansfaktor på revisorns val av förhandlingsstrategi. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Studiens begränsningar utgörs av den låga svarsfrekvensen och svårigheten att iscensätta effekterna av ett karismatiskt ledarskap. Vidare studier bör anta en mer experimentell karaktär för att ytterligare kunna förklara den potentiella effekten som det karismatiska ledarskapet kan ha på revisorers val av förhandlingsstrategi samt en studie av hur klientens val av förhandlingsstrategi påverkar revisorns val av förhandlingsstrategi. / Aim: The study aims at investigating how the choice of the auditor's initial negotiation strategy is influenced by the charismatic leadership exercised by the client's CFO. The research questions also concern which negotiation strategies are most likely that the auditor chooses to apply when the client's CFO is perceived as charismatic. Method: The study is based on positivistic and deductive approach, through which I have tested the result of a quantitative survey with theories in the field. The study has a cross sectional design. The data collection was done through a web-based survey that was sent to auditors operating in Sweden. Result & Conclusions: The study confirms that the term charismatic leader is relevant in this context as it shows that respondents experience strong and weak leaders in their daily negotiation action in terms of charismatic leaders. Furthermore, the study could identify a link between one of the negotiation strategies and charismatic leadership. Suggestions for future research: The study contributes to the accounting literature by stating the relationship between auditors and their clients, and more specifically the negotiation between auditors and clients as a social phenomenon. Furthermore, the study is alone in applying the charismatic leadership as an impact factor on the auditor's choice of negotiation strategy. Contribution of the thesis: The limitations of the study consist of the low response rate and the difficulty in staging the effects of charismatic leadership. Further studies should adopt a more experimental character to further explain the potential impact that charismatic leadership may have on the auditors' choice of negotiation strategy as well as a study of how the client's choice of negotiation strategy influences the auditor's choice of negotiation strategy.

Designing the proper function, form and scope of the experimental use mechanism under patent law

Wapner, Jonathan Guy January 2014 (has links)
How should the experimental use mechanism be designed in order to maintain the proper balance between the rights of patent holders and the rights retained by the public? The work explores various approaches towards the experimental use exemption in influential regions, such as US UK Germany Japan as well as in international treaties. In each of these systems some degree of vulnerability is found. Either exemption is too narrow or too broad and lacking a dynamic dimension. Therefore, the work sets out to design a dynamic and multi-step experimental use mechanism. The work proposes to view the experimental use mechanism as a right provided to the public and in turn as a duty imposed on the patent holder to suggest path/s of exploration with regard to the patented invention. This approach significantly strengthens the experimental use mechanism as it becomes part of the bundle of requirements that an inventor needs to comply with in order to obtain a patent grant. The scope of the experimental use mechanism will be determined by a three step process. In the first stage the positions and interests of the inventor, invention and researcher will be taken into account in order to determine the incentives needed to cause inventors to stay within the patent system and at the same time prevent researches from migrating to other regions. In the second stage the scope of the experimental use mechanism will be impacted by the determination whether either party adopted anticompetitive behavior. The final step will inquire whether the invention or the research is geared at improving public health. In these instances there will be a tendency to increase the scope of the experimental use mechanism due to the internationally recognized right to health and its global importance. The work incorporates concepts from different legal fields such as competition law and health policy as well as from other disciplines including economics and psychology The three step process has the potential of designing a dynamic and robust experimental use mechanism which may prove to be useful in other patent settings such as the holdup problem or blocking patents. Incorporating a flexible experimental use mechanism may diminish the attempts of patent holders to act opportunistically and curtail the rights of the public. Thus, the work contributes to the current state of the experimental use debate and towards achieving the proper balance between the rights of the patent holder and the rights of the public.

Régulation de trafic urbain multimodal : une modélisation multi-agents / Cooperative system for multimodal traffic regulation : a multiagent model

Gaciarz, Matthis 05 December 2016 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs décennies, la congestion urbaine est de plus en plus répandue et dégrade la qualité de vie des habitants des villes. Plusieurs méthodes sont utilisées pour diminuer la congestion urbaine, notamment la régulation du trafic et la valorisation des transports en commun. Depuis les années 1990 l'utilisation d‘outils issus de l'intelligence artificielle, et en particulier des méthodes distribuées et les systèmes multi-agents, a permis de concevoir de nouvelles méthodes de régulation du trafic. Parallèlement, l'amélioration des capacités de communication des véhicules et des conducteurs et l'arrivée de voitures autonomes permettent d'envisager de nouvelles approches en matière de régulation. Le travail de recherche proposé dans le cadre de cette thèse est structuré en deux volets. Nous proposons d'abord une méthode de régulation du trafic à une intersection s'appuyant sur la négociation automatique. Notre méthode se fonde sur un système d'argumentation décrivant l'état du trafic et les préférences de chacun, appuyé par des méthodes de raisonnement pour les véhicules et les infrastructures. Dans le deuxième volet de cette thèse, nous proposons une méthode de coordination des bus avec le reste du trafic. Celle-ci permet à un bus de se coordonner de manière anticipative avec les prochaines intersections qu'il prévoit de traverser, afin de mettre en place une politique commune de régulation qui permet au bus d'atteindre son prochain arrêt en subissant le minimum de congestions potentielles / Since several decades, urban congestion is more and more widespread and deteriorate the quality of life of citizens who live in cities. Several methods are used to reduce urban congestion, notably traffic regulation and promotion of public transportation. Since the 1990's, the usage of tools from artificial intelligence, particularly distributed systems and multi-agent systems, allowed to design new methods for traffic regulation. Indeed, these methods ease to take into account the complexity of traffic-related problems with distribution. Moreover, the improvement of the communication abilities of the vehicles and the coming of autonomous vehicles allow to consider new approaches for regulation.The research work presented in this work is twofold. First we propose a method for traffic regulation at an intersection based on automatic negotiation. Our method is based on an argumentation system describing the state of the traffic and the preferences of each vehicle, relying on reasonning methods for vehicles and infrastructures. In the second part of this thesis, we propose a coordination method for buses for the rest of the traffic. This method allows a bus to coordinate in an anticipatory way with the next intersections on its trajectory, in order to define a common regulation policy allowing the bus to reach its next stop without suffering from potential congestions

La notion de mandataire ad hoc / The notion of ad hoc representative

Goncalves Schwartz, Marie 05 December 2013 (has links)
Le mandat ad hoc est le nom donné à une technique ancienne, utilisée à différentes fins, pour conférer une mission particulière à une personne désignée par l'autorité judiciaire. Le terme "ad hoc", une locution latine, signifie "pour cela" et "en remplacement de". Cette expression s'applique : "à toute personne ou à tout organe à qui est assigné une mission précise et momentanée et qui reçoit des pouvoirs limités à cette fin". On retrouve ainsi dans différentes branches du droit des "mandataires" aux noms divers mais qui pourtant entrent dans la définition du mandat ad hoc : mandataire successoral, administrateur ad hoc, etc.... Une distinction entre ces différentes notions et celle de mandataire ad hoc, au sens du Livre 6 du Code de commerce, s'est alors imposée dans la présente étude puisqu'il n'existe pas un statut commun du mandataire ad hoc. Le mandat ad hoc du Livre VI du Code de commerce est issu de la pratique prétorienne du tribunal de commerce de Paris qui avait considéré qu'il entrait dans la mission du président du tribunal de commerce de faciliter la recherche d'une solution lorsqu'une entreprise éprouve des difficultés graves, d'ordre juridique, économique ou financier. Il se rapproche du mandataire ad hoc en matière de copropriété en pré-difficulté dans sa mission de négociation. Il a néanmoins été possible de dégager deux rôles essentiels des mandataires ad hoc, à savoir, un rôle de représentation et un rôle de négociation. Les réformes en cours en matière d'entreprises et de copropriétés en difficulté visent à mettre en place un véritable statut du mandataire ad hoc. Dans toutes les branches du droit, le mandataire ad hoc n'a pas de statut juridique mais simplement un embryon de statut. Cette notion de mandataire ad hoc, son succès mais également ses failles sont à mettre en exergues. La nécessité d'harmoniser les règles existantes afin de créer un statut homogène en vue de renforcer la sécurité juridique s'avère nécessaire. / The ad hoc mandate is the name given to an ancient procedure, used for different purposes, to confer a particular mission to a person designated by the judicial authority. The term "ad hoc" is a Latin expression which means "for this" and "replacement for". This term applies to "any person or a body who/which is assigned a specific and temporary mission and receives limited powers to do so"."Representatives" going by different names can therefore be found in various branches of the Law but nonetheless fall within the definition of ad hoc mandate: personal representative, ad hoc administrator, etc. A distinction between these concepts and the one of the ad hoc representative as defined in Book 6 of the Commercial Code had then to be made in the present study since there is no common status applying to ad hoc representatives. The ad hoc mandate as defined in Book VI of the Commercial Code is the result of the Praetorian practice of the Commercial Court of Paris which considered that facilitating the search for a solution when a company was experiencing serious legal, economic or financial difficulties was a mission of the President of the Commercial Court. It is similar to the role of an ad hoc representative dealing as a negotiator with pre-difficulties in condominium matters. However, it was possible to identify two essential roles of ad hoc representatives, namely the representation role and the negotiation role. Ongoing reforms concerning businesses and condominiums in difficulty aim to establish a real status for the ad hoc representative. In all branches of the Law, the ad hoc representative has no legal status per se but merely an embryo of a status. The notion of ad hoc representative, its success as well as its shortcomings has to be highlighted. It has now become a necessity to harmonize the existing rules in order to create a uniformed status so as to reinforce the judicial security.


FREDERICO DE ARRUDA FALCAO 07 May 2007 (has links)
[pt] Na tentativa de sobreviver e prosperar num mercado supercompetitivo e num ambiente caracterizado por mudanças e incertezas como o atual, as organizações precisam ser capazes de mudar a si próprias. O mercado e o ambiente estão mudando numa velocidade cada vez maior exigindo que as organizações sejam ágeis em suas mudanças. No processo de implementação da mudança há uma série de negociações que vão definindo o rumo do que tinha sido previamente planejado. Dessa forma, se a organização não possui funcionários com competência em negociação a mudança pode demorar a ocorrer e não sair conforme o planejado. Esse trabalho aborda o modo como os profissionais atualmente estão negociando em seu ambiente de trabalho e se propôs a identificar as estratégias e táticas de negociação mais utilizadas pelos profissionais nos diferentes contextos de seu cotidiano. Trata-se de um tema que, embora seja objeto de interesse significativo na literatura internacional de gestão, não tem sido tão significativamente abordado nas pesquisas no Brasil. A pesquisa envolveu entrevistas com 13 profissionais com funções diferentes e de mercados variados. Os resultados mostraram que, entre os profissionais investigados há estratégias e táticas variadas de ação nas negociações, em função dos diferentes contextos. Foi possível, no entanto, identificar um conjunto de aspectos percebidos pelos indivíduos como importantes para o sucesso da negociação, envolvendo desde a preparação até a resolução de situações em que ocorrem impasses ou a necessidade de abandonar o processo. / [en] In order to survive and prosper in a very competitive market and in an environment characterized by changes and uncertainty like nowadays, the organizations need to be able change itself. The market and the environment are changing faster demanding the organizations to be more agile in their changes. In the process to implement the change there are a lot of negotiations that define the course of what had been planed before. So if the organization doesn t have employees with negotiation skills, the change might take longer to happen and it might not come as planed. This work s theme is about the way the professional are negotiating nowadays in their work and has the main goal of identifying negotiation strategies and tactics that the professionals use the most in the different contexts. Although the interest for this theme is very significant in the international management literature it have not been significantly broached in researches in Brazil. The research involved interviews with 13 professionals with different jobs and working in different markets. The results show that depending on the context there is a variety of strategies and tactics among the professionals investigated. It was possible to identify a group of aspects perceived by the individuals as important for the success of the negotiation, going through the preparation phase until situations when there is an impasse or when the person has to leave the process.

Trânsito de identidades e estratégias de negociação familiar: deslocamentos populacionais entre a Bolívia e o Brasil / Traffi of identity and trading strategies familiar: displacement between Bolivia and Brazil

Paes, Vanessa Generoso 29 November 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa a questão dos deslocamentos emigratórios latinos americanos a partir das histórias orais de vida de uma família de bolivianos residente na cidade de São Paulo e de sua rede social afetiva. Além disso, estabelece um diálogo com as entrevistas dos pesquisadores bolivianos por meio da história oral temática confeccionada para este trabalho. Ao utilizar dois gêneros de historia oral, temos como perspectiva que esta dissertação contribua para os estudos migratórios contemporâneos. A temática central dessa pesquisa é verificar com se dá o processo de negociação de identidades entre a primeira e segunda geração da família boliviana escolhida para tal estudo, assim como entender o processo de mediação das identidades dos emigrantes com a sociedade brasileira. As identidades e as trajetórias de vida são concebidas como heterogêneas, em processo, em trânsito, articuladas por zonas de contato e trocas culturais. As memórias dos colaboradores revelaram campos de disputas, manifestam a diversidade e as ambiguidades das lembranças e esquecimentos. Deste modo, percebemos que as lembranças dos narradores são reelaboradas e passam por reapropriações culturais nos processos de deslocamentos continental e transfronteiriços no cenário latino americano. / This dissertation examines the question of Latin American emigration movements through life history interviews from a single family of Bolivian residents living in São Paulo and its affective social network. In addition, thematic oral history interviews with Bolivian intellectuals are analyzed. As a result of its use of two kinds of oral history interviewing methodologies, this dissertation contributes to contemporary migration studies. The central themes of this research are the negotiation of identities between the first and second generations of the family chosen for this study, and the mediation of the identities of Bolivian immigrants within Brazilian society. The identities and life trajectories of the narrators are perceived as heterogeneous, in process, in transit, and articulated by zones of contact and cultural exchanges. Recorded narrations reveal fields of conflict, and show diversity, ambiguity, and silences. Thus, we find that narrators memories are re-elaborated and go through a process of cultural appropriation as they cross borders and are dislocated within the Latin American continent.

Uma heurística ganha-ganha para formação de coalizões em sistemas multiagentes. / A win-win heuristic to coalition formation in multiagent systems.

Cara, Frank Araujo de Abreu 04 April 2013 (has links)
Sistemas multiagentes muitas vezes apresentam características que os aproximam de sociedades de agentes e, como as humanas, possuem normas e organizações com o objetivo de coordenar as interações entre os seus membros. Coalizão é um tipo de estrutura organizacional temporária, montada com objetivos específicos. A teoria dos jogos estuda formalmente o fenômeno coalizional, se detendo em demonstrações de propriedades e características dessa estrutura. A área de sistemas multiagentes, por outro lado, tem mostrado significativo interesse nas estruturas coalizionais como forma de organizar a cooperação entre os agentes, dedicando-se ao desenvolvimento de algoritmos para formação de coalizões. Esse trabalho apresenta um algoritmo de formação de coalizões para compartilhamento de recursos, denominado heurística ganha-ganha. Definimos um modelo que utiliza a abstração de recursos para representar tanto a posse de habilidades e objetos, quanto para representar os objetivos dos agentes. Um jogo de votação k-ponderado é utilizado para implementar o processo decisório de quais coalizões são válidas e o algoritmo testa iterativamente cada vizinhança de um agente na busca de associações vantajosas. Demonstramos que o algoritmo incrementa monotonicamente o bem-estar da sociedade e converge para uma estrutura coalizional. Também mostramos empiricamente que a heurística é eficiente para compartilhamento de recursos em situações de abundância de recursos, montando coalizões em poucas iterações e com uma quantidade grande de agentes. / Multiagent systems frequently show characteristics that come closer to agent societies and, like the humans ones, have norms and organizations in order to coordinate the interactions of its members. Coalition is a type of temporary organizational structure, assembled with specific goals. Game theory formally studies the coalitional phenomenon focusing in the demonstrations of properties and characteristics of this structure. The area of multiagent systems, on the other hand, has devoted significant interest in coalition structures as a way to organize cooperation between its members, and has been dedicated to the development of algorithms for coalition formation. This dissertation presents an algorithm to coalition formation named win-win heuristic. We define a model which uses the abstraction of resources to represent either, the possession of abilities and objects, or to represent the agents target. A k-weight voting game is used to implement the decision process of what coalitions are worth and an iteratively algorithm tests each agent neighborhood in the pursue of better associations. We demonstrate that the algorithm monotonically increases the society welfare and converges to a coalitional structure. We also show empirically that the heuristic is efficient for resource sharing in situations of availability of resources, building coalitions with few iterations and a large amount of agents.

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