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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A negociação cultural: um novo paradigma para a mediação e a apropriação da cultura escrita / Cultural negotiation: a new paradigm for mediation and appropriation of written culture

Amanda Leal de Oliveira 23 May 2014 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo contribuir para a definição e desenvolvimento do conceito de \"negociação cultural\", compreendido como categoria teórico-metodológica orientadora de processos de mediação voltados à apropriação da cultura escrita. Foram estudados três dispositivos culturais cujas ações estão relacionadas à mediação da escrita em contextos diversos: o Centro Educacional e Cultural Kaffehuset Friele, localizado na zona rural de Minas Gerais; a Estação do Conhecimento Einstein-Paraisópolis, em Paraisópolis, segunda maior favela da cidade de São Paulo, e a Biblioteca Pública Louise Michel, localizada em um bairro da periferia de Paris/França, com forte concentração de imigrantes. Foi utilizada metodologia colaborativa, processo de construção científica baseado na interlocução entre saberes e fazeres científicos e \"da ação\", adotando-se, porém, perspectiva que não reduz ou sobrepõe uns aos outros. Os resultados mostram que, reconhecendo e incorporando a seus conceitos e processos os conflitos provocados pelas divergências e/ou assimetrias existentes entre os diferentes sujeitos, grupos, segmentos, categorias, matrizes socioculturais (leitores/não-leitores, tradição oral/cultura escrita), os dispositivos estudados, diferentemente de outros do mesmo teor, mais que instâncias de controle e/ou de difusão, são instâncias de negociação cultural, envolvendo sujeitos, textos e contextos em processos ativos, complexos e afirmativos de apropriação de informação e cultura, incluída aí - mas não exclusivamente - a cultura escrita. O conceito de negociação cultural aponta, portanto, para perspectivas novas, tanto em relação à apropriação da cultura escrita, como da cultura em geral. Dá mostras, ao mesmo tempo, de poder contribuir para a redefinição indispensável de práticas e conceitos de mediação cultural e seus paradigmas. / This thesis aims to contribute to the definition and development of the concept \"cultural negotiation\", understood as a theoretical-methodological category guiding the mediation processes used to suit the written culture. Three cultural devices were studied and their actions are related to the writing mediation in three different contexts: Kaffehuset Friele Educational and Cultural Center, located in Minas Gerais rural area; Einstein Knowledge Station, in Paraisópolis, the second largest slum located in Sao Paulo City, and Louise MIchel Public Library, located in greater Paris/France, which has a large amount of immigrants. Collaborative methodology has been used, in other words, a scientific construction process based on the dialogue between scientific knowledge and \"action\", adopting, however, a perspective that does not reduce or overlap one another. The results indicate that by acknowledging and incorporating their concepts and processes, the conflicts caused by divergences and/or asymmetries between the different individuals, groups, segments, categories, sociocultural matrix (readers/non-readers, oral tradition/written culture), the studied devices, unlike others of the same content are, rather than instances of control and/or dissemination, they are instances of cultural negotiation involving subjects, texts and contexts in active, assertive and complex processes of information and cultural appropriation, including - but not exclusively - written culture. The concept of cultural negotiation, therefore, points out to new perspectives concerning written culture, as well as cultural appropriation as a whole. Simultaneously, it indicates to be able to contribute to redefine essential practices and concepts of cultural mediation and its paradigms.

Uma heurística ganha-ganha para formação de coalizões em sistemas multiagentes. / A win-win heuristic to coalition formation in multiagent systems.

Frank Araujo de Abreu Cara 04 April 2013 (has links)
Sistemas multiagentes muitas vezes apresentam características que os aproximam de sociedades de agentes e, como as humanas, possuem normas e organizações com o objetivo de coordenar as interações entre os seus membros. Coalizão é um tipo de estrutura organizacional temporária, montada com objetivos específicos. A teoria dos jogos estuda formalmente o fenômeno coalizional, se detendo em demonstrações de propriedades e características dessa estrutura. A área de sistemas multiagentes, por outro lado, tem mostrado significativo interesse nas estruturas coalizionais como forma de organizar a cooperação entre os agentes, dedicando-se ao desenvolvimento de algoritmos para formação de coalizões. Esse trabalho apresenta um algoritmo de formação de coalizões para compartilhamento de recursos, denominado heurística ganha-ganha. Definimos um modelo que utiliza a abstração de recursos para representar tanto a posse de habilidades e objetos, quanto para representar os objetivos dos agentes. Um jogo de votação k-ponderado é utilizado para implementar o processo decisório de quais coalizões são válidas e o algoritmo testa iterativamente cada vizinhança de um agente na busca de associações vantajosas. Demonstramos que o algoritmo incrementa monotonicamente o bem-estar da sociedade e converge para uma estrutura coalizional. Também mostramos empiricamente que a heurística é eficiente para compartilhamento de recursos em situações de abundância de recursos, montando coalizões em poucas iterações e com uma quantidade grande de agentes. / Multiagent systems frequently show characteristics that come closer to agent societies and, like the humans ones, have norms and organizations in order to coordinate the interactions of its members. Coalition is a type of temporary organizational structure, assembled with specific goals. Game theory formally studies the coalitional phenomenon focusing in the demonstrations of properties and characteristics of this structure. The area of multiagent systems, on the other hand, has devoted significant interest in coalition structures as a way to organize cooperation between its members, and has been dedicated to the development of algorithms for coalition formation. This dissertation presents an algorithm to coalition formation named win-win heuristic. We define a model which uses the abstraction of resources to represent either, the possession of abilities and objects, or to represent the agents target. A k-weight voting game is used to implement the decision process of what coalitions are worth and an iteratively algorithm tests each agent neighborhood in the pursue of better associations. We demonstrate that the algorithm monotonically increases the society welfare and converges to a coalitional structure. We also show empirically that the heuristic is efficient for resource sharing in situations of availability of resources, building coalitions with few iterations and a large amount of agents.

"O perfil de um gerente de projetos, as qualidades gerenciais em projetos de tecnologia" / THE PROFILE OF A MANAGER OF PROJECTS. THE MANAGERIALS QUALITIES IN TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS.

Devanildo Damião da Silva 20 March 2003 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidas pesquisas com o objetivo de apresentar as qualidades gerenciais em projetos de tecnologia. Inicialmente foram feitas pesquisas exploratórias para identificar quais as qualidades que compõem o repertório de um gerente de projetos. Os requisitos foram analisados qualitativamente por um prisma enfocando a gerência de projetos e desdobrados em temas para confecção do nstrumento de pesquisa com questões indiretas aplicados aos atuais gerentes de projetos de uma instituição de pesquisas - IPEN. A análise das respostas permitiu destacar quais são as qualidades que têm maior aceitabilidade pelos gerentes e quais as qualidades que necessitam ser realçadas em programas futuros de treinamento e desenvolvimento gerencial. / Researchs with the objective to show the managerials qualities in technologies projects were established in this work. Initially, exploratory research were made to identifiy which are the qualities that compose the repertoire of a manager of projects. The requirements were analyzed qualitatively focusing the management of projects and they were unfolded in subjects for confection of questionnaires with applied indirect questions to the current controlling of projects of an institution of research - IPEN. The analysis of the responses allowed to detach which are the qualities that have greater acceptability by the managers, and which of them need to be enhanced in future programs of training and managerial development.

Cultura Organizacional e Gest?o De Conflito: Uma Proposta de Gest?o Com Base em um Estudo de Casos M?ltiplos. / Organizational Culture and Conflict Management: A Proposal of Management On the basis of a Study of Multiple Cases.

Caldas, Marco Aurelio 16 December 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:19:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2005- Marco Aurelio Caldas.pdf: 411154 bytes, checksum: 080d18ec6a10b89024da7a9bd064b454 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-12-16 / The present work inside approaches the subject of the conflict of the organizations. The human relations beings inside of the companies elapse of a series of personal and structural variable that influence in the organization, in turn may to modify the effective organizational culture, provoking changes in its initial structure. The people who integrate the organization withhold a greater or minor capacity before the this type of change. For consequence some companies react more positively than others ahead of an uncertain scene. This capacity of adaptation, as well as the consequent growth of the organization comes to be in function of the organizational learning that promotes the understanding of new realities and the adoption of new behaviors. However, the relation among people can occur of a conflictive standard, that accents the difference of positions, opinions between itself. Of this shock a possible learning results, that comes to provide a development in the organization. In this aspect the subject of the present research, the management of the conflict inhabits. The objective that if considers is to investigate the phenomenon of the interpersonal conflict in the process, according to factors of the organizational culture, compared them it the raised empirical data concerning the considered subject, for intermediary of a study of multiple cases. The employed methodology follows the considered one for Yin (2004), as study of case and Fleury (1996), as inquiry of the organizational culture, analyzing its history, the socialization of new members, the communication process, and the work process. The changeable proposals in the survey of the interviews look for to discover concerning the understanding of the people how much to the existence of conflicts, behavior in the resolution of the conflict, the standard of reaction before the changes, the consequences of a conflict, the intensity of a conflict and its benefit, the possibility of the learning existence after a conflict, that techniques if use in the resolution of the conflict. For such study four organizations, being two of the private initiative and two state ones had been investigated. To the end of the analysis of the data, one evidences that each organization possess its proper method of conflict resolution, that if relates to the organizational culture of each institution. To the end one in accordance with presents a proposal of management of conflict, based the theoretical referential and the carried through research of field. The conclusion of the work looks for to still contemplate, suggestions for future research, as well as suggestions to the companies, in the moving one to the management of the conflict. / O presente trabalho aborda o assunto do conflito dentro das organiza??es. As rela??es humanas dentro das empresas decorrem de uma s?rie de vari?veis pessoais e estruturais que influem na organiza??o, por sua vez podem vir a alterar a cultura organizacional vigente, provocando mudan?as em sua estrutura inicial. As pessoas que integram a organiza??o det?m uma maior ou menor capacidade ante a esse tipo de mudan?a. Por conseq??ncia algumas empresas reagem mais positivamente que outras diante de um cen?rio incerto. Essa capacidade de adapta??o, bem como o conseq?ente crescimento da organiza??o vem a ser em fun??o da aprendizagem organizacional que promove a compreens?o de novas realidades e a ado??o de novos comportamentos. Entretanto, a rela??o entre as pessoas pode advir de um padr?o conflituoso, que acentua a diferen?a de posturas, opini?es entre si. Desse embate resulta um poss?vel aprendizado, que vem a proporcionar um desenvolvimento na organiza??o. Nesse aspecto reside o assunto da presente pesquisa, a gest?o do conflito. O objetivo que se prop?e ? investigar o fen?meno do conflito interpessoal, segundo fatores da cultura organizacional, comparando-os aos dados emp?ricos levantados acerca do tema proposto, por interm?dio de um estudo de casos m?ltiplos. A metodologia empregada segue o proposto por Yin (2004), como estudo de caso e Fleury (1996), como investiga??o da cultura organizacional, analisando-se sua hist?ria, a socializa??o de novos membros, o processo de comunica??o, o processo de trabalho. As vari?veis propostas no levantamento das entrevistas procuram descobrir acerca da compreens?o das pessoas quanto ? exist?ncia de conflitos, conduta na resolu??o do conflito, o padr?o de rea??o ante as mudan?as, as conseq??ncias de um conflito, a intensidade de um conflito e seu benef?cio, a possibilidade da exist?ncia de aprendizagem ap?s um conflito, que t?cnicas se empregam na resolu??o do conflito. Para tal estudo investigaram-se quatro organiza??es, sendo duas da iniciativa privada e duas estatais. Ao final da an?lise dos dados, constata-se que cada organiza??o possui seu m?todo pr?prio de resolu??o de conflito, que se relaciona ? cultura organizacional de cada institui??o. Ao final apresenta-se uma proposta de gest?o de conflito, fundamentada de acordo com o referencial te?rico e a pesquisa de campo realizada. A conclus?o do trabalho procura contemplar ainda, sugest?es para futuras pesquisas, bem como sugest?es ?s empresas, no tocante ? gest?o do conflito.

Negociação interdisciplinar: possibilidades para construção coletiva

Silva, Adalzira Regina de Andrade 02 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:30:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Adalzira Regina de Andrade Silva.pdf: 1035704 bytes, checksum: 2348863a5a4e5909eca173f7cd289e3a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-02 / This study aims to seek possibilities for the collective construction by using interdisciplinary negotiation to inspire a curriculum which values new knowledge with innovative ideas and discoveries, which encourages its renewal built throughout many generations, which respects individual and collective competences, and which recognizes each person's value (FAZENDA, 1998, 1999, 2000). The issues that guide this research are: How can interdisciplinary negotiation contribute to the collective construction in educational environments? Can interdisciplinary negotiation set free those who humbly donate their talent, and consequently their knowledge, as well as give them a feeling of belonging? How can education professionals use negotiation as a means of encouraging team members to contribute with their talents towards a collective goal? Supported by the contributions of Ivani Fazenda, Edgar Morin, Paulo Freire, and Michael Apple, I present my experiences and considerations about interdisciplinary negotiation and its collective construction possibilities, considering that collective constructions begin with an individual that acquired knowledge throughout his or her life. (Freire, 1996). The methodological approach of this research is based on a qualitative view, using life history (Pineau, 2006), and literature, history and documents research with theoretical references that support my review of negotiation as we know, applying interdisciplinarity to it. By trying to find a negotiation that encourages dialogue and relationship as part of the collective construction, we present some possibilities: inter-negotiation and intra-negotiation in an interdisciplinary approach that, in a spiral, suggests a negotiation that uses attributes such as authorship, recognition, know to know, wait, inclusion, dynamis in situations involving preparation, openness, listening, presentation, awareness, flexibilization and recording of activities / Este estudo tem por objetivo buscar possibilidades para a construção coletiva utilizando-se da negociação interdisciplinar como inspiração para um currículo que valorize o novo conhecimento com ideias e descobertas inovadoras, que incentive sua renovação construída ao longo de tantas gerações, que respeite as competências individuais e coletivas e que reconheça o valor de cada sujeito. (Fazenda, 1998, 1999, 2000). Os problemas que norteiam esta investigação são: Como a negociação interdisciplinar pode contribuir para a construção coletiva em espaços educacionais? A negociação interdisciplinar possibilita libertar e trazer o sentimento de pertencimento ao sujeito que doa seu talento com humildade e consequentemente seu conhecimento?Como o profissional de educação pode utilizar a negociação como instrumento de estímulo às pessoas que compõem um grupo a contribuir com seu talento na composição de um objetivo coletivo? À luz de contribuições como Ivani Fazenda, Edgar Morin, Paulo Freire e Michael Apple, relato minhas experiências e reflexões onde abordo a negociação interdisciplinar e suas possibilidades para construção coletiva, sendo que o coletivo se inicia em um sujeito que possui conhecimento adquirido durante seu percurso e também, uma história de vida (Freire, 1996). O percurso metodológico desta pesquisa funda-se em um olhar qualitativo, recorrendo à história de vida (Pineau, 2006), e pesquisa bibliográfica, histórica e documental com referenciais teóricos que subsidiam a análise crítica na revisão da literatura sobre a negociação que conhecemos, aplicando a esta, a interdisciplinaridade. Na tentativa de encontrar a negociação que estimule o diálogo e o relacionamento presente para a construção coletiva, expomos algumas possibilidades: internegociação e intranegociação em uma abordagem interdisciplinar que em espiral sugere a negociação que se utiliza de atributos como autoria, reconhecimento, saber-saber, espera, inclusão e dynamis em situações que envolva preparação, abertura, escuta, apresentação, conscientização, flexibilização e registro das atividades

Visão sistêmica e negociação: o caso da pecuária de corte / Systemic vision and negotiation: the case of the beef cattle

Camargo, Silvia Helena Carvalho Ramos Valladão de 11 June 2007 (has links)
Esta tese investiga como ocorre o processo de negociação entre os pequenos pecuaristas de gado de corte e seus principais fornecedores de insumos agropecuários, tendo a negociação e suas variáveis (poder, tempo, informação e ética) como arcabouço teórico. Embora as negociações ocorram de maneira semelhante entre esses atores, o processo de negociação se faz necessário, quando se avaliam o preço, o prazo para pagamento aos fornecedores, o local de entrega dos insumos ou dos animais, a quantidade comprada e a qualidade do que se adquire para a produção da carne bovina e seus derivados. Esta tese tem por objetivo analisar o processo de negociação entre os pequenos pecuaristas (negociadores) e seus fornecedores de insumos e propor recomendações visando a maior efetividade do processo. Como conseqüência, um referencial teórico pode reunir a importância do Sistema Agroindustrial da Carne Bovina, Negociação e suas variáveis (tempo, poder, informação e ética), a Visão Sistêmica e o Agribusiness, e as Estratégias de redução de Custos utilizadas pelos pecuaristas. O desafio desta tese de Doutorado foi contribuir com o avanço teórico da cadeia produtiva da pecuária de corte, das negociações na pequena empresa da pecuária e contribuir para que o atual Secretário do Planejamento de São José do Rio Preto desenvolva políticas públicas capazes de fortalecer a atividade da pecuária daquela cidade. Concluindo, é apresentado um estudo empírico abrangendo cinqüenta pequenos pecuaristas de corte, que foram entrevistados em suas propriedades com o auxílio de um questionário estruturado com perguntas abertas e fechadas, envolvendo as negociações entre pequenos pecuaristas e seus fornecedores de insumos. O objetivo foi avaliar as formas de negociação, as variáveis envolvidas e as alternativas de compras que restam para que esses produtores obtenham melhores resultados na atividade exercida. / This thesis describes how the negotiation process occurs between small beef cattle producers and their main suppliers of inputs, having the negotiation and its variables as its theoretical foundation. Although negotiation occurs in a similar manner between these players, the process of negotiation becomes necessary when price deadlines for supplier payments, delivery location of inputs or animals, amount purchased and quality of the purchased goods are evaluated for the production of beef and beef products. This thesis aims to analyze the negotiation process between small beef cattle producers and their input suppliers, and to provide recommendations aiming to a more effective process. As a consequence, a referential theory can bring together the importance of the Beef Cattle Production System, Negotiation and its variables (time, power, information and ethics), Systemic Vision for Agribusiness and cost-reduction strategies used by the beef producers. The challenge for this Doctoral thesis was to contribute for the theoretical advance of the beef cattle supply chain, the negotiation process in the small beef cattle companies and to serve as a basis for the current City Planning Superintendent of São José do Rio Preto to develop public policies that are able to strengthen the cattle-raising activity in the city. At the end, an empirical study on fifty small beef cattle producers, at their own properties, is presented, based on a questionnaire structured with discursive and alternativebased questions. These questions encompass the negotiation between the producers and their input suppliers. The goal was to assess the forms of negotiation, the variables involved and the remaining alternatives of purchase for the producers to attain better results on their activities.


ANELISE FREITAS PEREIRA GONDAR 28 February 2012 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa sobre sistemas federais em vários países do mundo tem provado permanente relevância diante das dinâmicas envolvendo a natureza dos Estados nacionais tanto na Europa quanto na América Latina. Nesse contexto, o trabalho discute mecanismos cooperativos presentes nas dinâmicas políticas da Alemanha e do Brasil a partir dos anos de 1990, objetivando especialmente comparar os princípios constitucionais que orientam os dois modelos federalistas, o federalismo fiscal adotado nos dois países, e a composição e o papel da Câmara Alta em ambos os processos políticos federativos. Através de estudos de caso relativos aos principais conflitos federativos ocorridos nos dois países selecionados no período estudado, são identificadas tendências recentes, tensões e negociações políticas que marcam o escopo e os limites do federalismo cooperativo que predomina na Alemanha e no Brasil. Os resultados encontrados apontam para a persistência da necessidade de mecanismos cooperativos para realização do projeto federativo em ambos os países estudados, embora existam questionamentos crescentes sobre o federalismo fiscal definido no início da década de 1990, especialmente na Alemanha, o que termina estimulando conflitos entre a União e os estados, e destes entre si, e exigindo permanente disposição para negociação política. / [en] The research on federal systems in many countries has proven to have permanent relevance, specially recently, in face of the dynamics related to the nature of nation-states in Europe as well as in Latin America. Within this context, this work discusses cooperative mechanisms in the framework of the political dynamics in Germany and Brazil from the nineties onwards. The purpose is to compare constitutional principles guiding both federative models, the fiscal federalism adopted in both countries and the composition and role of the upper chamber in both cases. Recent tendencies, tensions and political negotiations set the scope and the limits of the predominating cooperative federalism in Germany and Brazil and shall be analyzed through case studies that present the main federative conflicts. The main results point to the need of cooperative mechanisms for the fulfillment of the federative project in both countries, even though major issues about the fiscal federalism persist since the beginning of the nineties, especially in Germany. This tends to stimulate conflicts between the federal government and the states, and among subnational units, demanding a permanent willingness for political negotiations.


Cartwright, Dorothea 01 December 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to examine and explore negotiating strategies for parents with children with disabilities. The research showed there were insufficient materials for teaching negotiating strategies to parents to assist them in obtaining critical or basic services for their special needs children. Many families lack financial resources, have English-language barriers, and have educational challenges when facing school administrators that possess these vital resources. These circumstances mean that parents may feel intimidated and disempowered when meeting with school officials. By providing a simple and easy-to-use guide of Negotiating Strategies, parents can be empowered and encouraged to use their skills for negotiation, conflict management, power, networking and mediation during an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting. The guide will increase awareness and understanding for parents when participating with school administrators, allowing them to capitalize on their rights for seeking appropriate and needed services for their children with disabilities.

An Exploration of Identity Negotiation in Adult English Learners’ Communities of Practice

Rolander, Kathleen D 01 January 2018 (has links)
This study utilizes Lave and Wenger’s (1991) communities of practice (COP) model to explore how ELLs navigate their positions within and between their many language learning communities. Drawing on Norton’s (1995, 2013) work on ELLs’ identity negotiation and Wenger’s 1998 work on the reinforcing impacts of identities between multiple COPs, this study explores what adults consider to be their COPs, how they perceive themselves within and between them, and how past, current, and imagined or possible COPs impact each other. A constructivist, multiple case study design was used to focus on participants’ perceptions of their identity negotiation processes through their own narratives across three interviews and weekly audio-recorded self-reports. Eight adult ELLs participated in the study, and their narratives revealed the temporal and situational nature of their connections to past, present, and future identities as English learners, as professionals, and as members of their communities. They experienced persistent explicit and subtle barriers to participation in their COPs with native English speakers, including a range of linguistic gatekeeping strategies. The study revealed several themes of COP membership, in particular an identification with a larger, less concrete, immigrant group that lead the participants to focus their narratives and English-learning efforts on their ability to advocate for themselves and for other immigrants in the United States. Recommendations from the ELLs and the researcher are presented for a more holistic approach to adult ELL instruction that incorporates more of the multiple facets of ELLs’ learning trajectories in the target-language context.

Negociace a hybridizace: Konstrukce přistěhovalecké identity v románech Zadie Smith White Teeth a Swing Time / Negotiation and Hybridization:Constructing Immigrant Identities in Zadie Smith`s White Teeth and Swing Time

Araslanova, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Present research addresses the topic of construction immigrant identities in two novels, White Teeth and Swing Time by contemporary British author Zadie Smith. The main focus of the work is to look closely at the examples of the characters in the aforementioned two novels who are first and second generation immigrants and see how they negotiate and create their identity formations. The most valuable theoretical framework for the present research proves to be the hybrid identity theory created by Homi Bhabha. Thus, the first theoretical part of the thesis attempts to explain the theoretical framework in order to apply the notion to the literary examples from the novels that are addressed in the following two chapters of the thesis. The following analysis of the literary characters revealed that the identity formations are primarily constructed through negotiation and hybridization as the immigrant identities tend to be hybrids of the cultures of their ancestors. Additionally, the penultimate chapter addresses the ideas of cross-national cosmopolitanism that are mentioned in the second novel which seem to be the possible and desired outcome of the processes of hybridization, while also exploring the limits of the theory.

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